Law & Ethics CH 3 & 4

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A license or permit is subject to renewal periods. How many years is a renewal period?


Courses in team management, leadership development and practice administration are considered to be primarily of benefit to the licensee and shall be limited to a maximum percentage of licensees total required units for each license or permit renewal period. What is the total percentage allowable?


A licensee permit holder completing a course in basic life support may count the course for up to three continuing education units of mandatory education


Any course provider offering infection control in California dental practice act courses may issue continuing education certifications to participants of these courses


If I licentiate holds more than one license or permit, the license or permit that requires the smallest number of continuing education units for renewal shall equal the licentiate's full renewal requirements


The board may prescribe mandatory coursework within the general areas of patient care, health and safety, and law and ethics. What three courses are required fir a licensee to renew biennially?

Infection Control, Dental Practice Act, Basic Life Support

You are registered dental assistant who has decided to leave the practice of dentistry. Since you do not know how long you will be away from the profession you have decided to request that The board place your license in "inactive" status. You are still required to renew the license each biennial renewal period. How many units of continued education do you have to complete each renewal period during your "inactive" status

No continue education is required

If a practitioner should lose a license to revocation, the board will take what public action?

Place the revocation in the board record and show the license as being cancelled

A person who holds a Registered Dental Assistant License shall provide evidence of having successfully completed board-approval courses in what two subjects at the time of licensure?

Radiation safety and coronal polishing

If a Dentist or Dental Assistant is convicted of a crime substantially related to the qualifications functions, or duties of a dentist or dental assistant, the board may take what action(s)?

Revoke, suspend, reprimanded or place on probation

A registered dental assistant or registered dental assistant in extended functions who holds a permit as an orthodontic assistant or a dental sedation assistant should not be required to complete additional continuing education requirements beyond that which is required for licensure renewal in order to renew either permit


Any dentist who removes his place of practice shall register each change made by him within one month after said change


Tape recorded courses, home study materials, video courses, and computer courses are considered correspondence courses and will be excepted for credit up but not exceeding half of the licensees total required units


Any licentiate (licensee or permit holder) may have his or her license revoked or suspended or be reprimanded or be placed on probation by the Dental Board for what reason(s)?

Unprofessional conduct Incompetence Gross negligence

The board may discipline a licentiate by placing him or her on probation with additional terms and conditions but may not require him or her to obtain additional training or pass an examination, or both


The board may, as a term of probation, require community service in cases involving violations relating to quality of care


The board shall may reinstate a license to a practitioner who has failed to pay the cost he or she was ordered to pay


The board has the authority to discipline a licentiate for what reason(s)?

repeated acts of negligence in his or her proffesion

Any proceeding initiated by the board against a licensee for the violation of any provision of the regulations shall be filed within three years after the board discovers the act or within seven years after the alleged act


The board has the authority to hold proceeding to consider action against a licentiate whose conviction of a misdemeanor or felony that is deemed substantially relayed to the qualifications, functions, or duties of a dentist or dental assistant


The board may discipline or licentiate by placing him or her on probation with additional terms and conditions such as restricting or limiting the extent, scope or type of practice of the licentiate.


When the board disciplines a licensee by placing him or her on probation, the board may require the licensee to pay the monetary costs associated with monitoring the licensee's probation


How many units of continuing education must a Dentist (DDS) obtain during a two year time period?

50 units

If the board determines that the public health and safety would be served by requiring all holders of licenses or permits to continue their education after receiving a license or permit, it may require, as a condition to the renewal, that they inform themselves of the developments in the practice in dentistry since the original issuance of their license or permit. To do so, a licensee or permit holder must obtain continuing education that is consistent with the Board's regulations. How many units of continuing education must a Register Dental Assistant (RDA) obtain during a two-year time period?

25 Units

A provider shall furnish a written certification of course completion (CE verification slip) to each licensee certifying that the licensee has met the attendance requirements of the course. If the board shorts audit a licensee copies of the verification slips must be provided to the board upon request. A registered dental assistant will need to show proof of having completed at least how many units of continuing education during the renewal period he or she is being audited for?

25 units

A licensee shall retain, for a period of ________ renewal periods , The certificate of course completion issue to him or her at the time he or she attended a continuing education course and shall forward such certification to the board only upon request by the board for audit purposes


How many units must a Register Dental Hygienist in Alternative Practice (RDHAP) obtain during a two year time period?

35 units

Licenses expire at 12 midnight on the legal birth date of the licentiate at the second year of a two-year term if not renewed. An expired license may be renewed at any time within how many years after its expiration, by application to the board

5 years

What is the maximum number of continuing education units a provider may issue in one day


Your license as a registered dental assistant has been inactive status for the past seven years and you are now looking to return to the dental profession and perform the duties of a RDA. You decide to petition the board to reinstate your license for inactive status to active. You're biannual renewal fees have been paid regularly and you are scheduled to complete renewal of your CPR(Basic life support). What else must you do in order to be granted an active license again?

Complete 25 units of continuing education which shall include all the mandatory education courses that are currently required

The board may audit a licensee continuing education records at any time to ensure that the continuing education requirements are met. Any licensee who furnishes false or misleading information to the Board regarding his or her continuing education units may be subject to..

Disciplinary action

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