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servant leader

a leader who has a strong desire to serve and work for the benefits of others

position power

amount of legitimate, reward, and coercive power that a leader has by virtue of his or her position in an organization

charismatic leader

an enthusiastic, self-confident transformational leader able to clearly communicate his vision of how good things could be. being excited and clearly communicating excitement to subordinates. openly sharing information with employees so that everyone is away of problems and the need for change


an individual who is able to exert influence over other people to help achieve group or organizational goals

intellectual stimulation

behavior a leader engages in to make followers be aware of problems and view these problems in new ways, consistent with the leader's vision


behavior indicating that a manager trusts, respects, and cares about subordinates

initiating structure

behavior that managers engage in to ensure that work gets done, subordinates perform their jobs acceptably, and the organization in efficient and effective

leadership substitute

characteristic of subordinate or of a situation or context that acts in place of the influence of a leader and makes leadership unnecessary

Fiedler's model

effective leadership is contingent on both the characteristics of the leader and of the situation. leader style is a manager's characteristic approach to leadership

supportive behavior

expressing concern for subordinates and looking out for their best interests

leader-member relations

extent to which followers like, trust, and are loyal to their leader

task structure

extent to which the work to be performed is clear-cut so that a leader's subordinates know what needs to be accomplished and how to go about doing i t

trait model

focused on identifying personal characteristics that cause effective leadership. many "traits" are the result skills and knowledge and effective leaders do not necessarily possess all of these traits

participative behavior

give subordinates a say in matters and decisions that affect them

behavior model

identifies the two basic types of behavior that many leaders engaged in to influence their subordinates. consideration, initiating structure

relationship-oriented style

leaders concerned with developing good relations with their subordinates and to be liked by them

task-oriented style

leaders whose primary concern is to ensure that subordinates perform at a high level so the job gets done

transactional leaders

leadership that motivates subordinates by rewarding them for high performance and reprimanding for low performance

developmental consideration

manager supports and encourages subordinates, giving them opportunities to enhance their skills and capabilities and to grow and excel on the job

referent power

power that comes from subordinates' and coworkers' respect, admiration, and loyalty. possessed by managers who are likable and whom subordinates wish to use as a role model

expert power

power that is based on special knowledge, skills, and expertise that the leader possesses. tends to be used in a guiding or coaching manner

achievement-oriented behavior

setting challenging goals, expecting that they be met, and believing in subordinates' capabilities

directive behaviors

setting goals, assigning tasks, showing subordinates how to complete tasks, and taking concrete steps to improve performance

reward power

the ability of a manager to give or withhold tangible and intangible rewards

coercive power

the ability of a manager to punish others. limited in effectiveness and application; can have negative side effects. ex: verbal reprimand, pay cuts, and dismissal

legitimate power

the authority that a manager has by virtue of his or her position in the firm


the process by which a person exerts influence over others and inspires, motivates and directs their activities to achieve group or organizational goals


the process of giving employees at all levels in the organization the authority to make decisions, be responsible for their outcomes,, improves quality, and cut costs

personal leadership style

the specific ways in which a manager chooses to influence others. Shapes the way the manager approaches the other principal tasks of management

contingency models

whether or nota manger is an effective leader is the result of the interplay between what the manager is like, what he does, and the situation in which leadership takes place

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