Leadership Quizzes
In the context of understanding follower potential, which of the following is used to evaluate the performance and potential of followers?
9 box matrix
Identify a true statement about providing constructive feedback
An issue related to impressions and evaluative feedback concerns the distinction between job related feedback and more discretionary feedback
Which statement about empowerment and the operant approach is most likely true?
By changing a particular situation, leaders can enhance followers motivation, performance, and satisfaction
In the context of factors affecting motivation at work, which of the following statements is true of empowerment ?
Delegating leadership and decision making down to the lowest level possible is a component of empowerment
Which of the following statements about goals is most likely false?
Easily attainable goals result in higher levels of effort and perfomance
Which of the following statements is true of coercive power?
It has the possibility to be used by followers to influence their leaders behavior
Identity a true statement about socialized power
It often involves an empowering, rather than an autocratic style of management and leadership
Identify a true statement about socialized power
It often involves an empowering, rather than an autocratic, style of management and leadership.
In the context of job satisfaction, which of the following best defines the term employee engagement?
It pertains to followers attitudes about the organization and their work activities
Which of the following statements is true of informal coaching?
It takes place whenever a leader helps followers to change their behaviors
Which of the following is a conventional distinction between managers and leaders?
Managers maintain while leaders develop
Which of the following fundamental archetypes of leadership is most likely to take risks and action in crisis?
The Warrior-Knight achetype
Leadership development is enhanced when an experience involves three processes, which are
action, observation, reflection
Which of the following would most likely result in consistently higher effort and performance?
assigning goals that are both specific and difficult
Performance is best described as
behaviors directed toward an organizations mission
A police officer giving a speeding ticket to a driver is most likely using his or her
coercive power
The ability to control others through the fear of punishment or the loss of valued outcomes is known as
coercive power
Influence is best described as the
degree of actual change in a target person's values.
In the context of organizational justice, which of the following is concerned with followers perceptions of whether the level of reward or punishment is commensurate with an individual's performance infraction?
distributive justice
Which of the following involves a willingness to confront your own views and an invitation to others to do so too?
double loop learning
Which of the following is a possible solution for groupthink?
establishing an independent subgroup to make reccomendations
___ power is a function of the amount of knowledge one possesses relative to the rest of the members of a group
In the context of job satisfaction surveys, ___ assess the degree to which employees are satisfied with different aspects of work, such as pay, benefits, promotion policies, working hours and conditions, and the like
facet satisfaction items
Which of the following assesses the overall degree to which employees are satisfied with their organization and their job?
global satisfaction item
Which of the following is the most powerful determinant of task behavior according to Locke and Latham?
Which term refers to interactions among team members, such as how they communicate with each other, express feelings toward each other, and deal with conflict with each other?
group dynamics
Craig, a high school student, wakes up early on a Sunday morning and makes his mother's favorite chocolate cake and butterscotch cookies. He wants to seek permission for a week-long trekking trip and is sure that the cake and cookies will get his mother in a good mood. This scenario most likely exemplifies
Which of the following reflects the degree to which people are given information about different reward procedures and are treated with dignity and respect?
interactional justice
In the context of group roles, which of the following occurs when someone receives inconsistent signals from several others about expected behaviors?
intersender role conflict
According to leadership researchers, leadership
is an interpersonal relation in which others comply because they want to.
Sean, a market manager at Pebble Deco Inc., asks his subordinate, Natalie, to work on a high-priority marketing campaign for the next quarter. She is hesitant to take up the assignment but is unable to refuse because of Sean's position and authority. In this scenario, Sean is most likely using
legitimizing tactics
Legitimizing tactics most likely occur when agents
make requests based on their position or authority
Legitimizing tactics most likely occur when agents
make requests based on their position or authority.
A personal relationship in which a more experienced mentor (usually someone two to four levels higher in an organization) acts as a guide, role model, and sponsor of a less experienced protege is known as
In the context of nature of groups, __ are the informal rules groups adopt to regulate and regularize group members behaviors
In the context of group cohesion, which of the following occurs when illegal actions are taken by overly zealous and loyal subordinates who believe that what they are doing will please their leaders?
Functional, interdependent roles that are focused on the performance of group tasks are characteristic of which stage of group development?
Which of the following is an intrinsic reward?
personal growth
The inefficiencies created by more and more people working together are called
process losses
A leader who has developed close interpersonal relationships with followers generally uses his or her __ power to influence them.
Molly, a member of a product development team, is most likely experiencing _____ if she wonders, "Just what am I supposed to be doing?"
role ambiguity
Kyra, a 16-year-old high school girl, is skeptical about her first day at a new school. She believes that nobody will talk to her and that her new teachers will be rude to her. She enters the class in a negative mood and speaks rudely to everyone. Eventually, she sees that her beliefs about the new school and teachers come true. Which of the following is most likely exemplified in this scenario?
self fulfilling prophecy
In the context of group size, which of the following defines subgroups of individuals who often share the same goals, values, and expectations?
social facilitation
In the context of understanding follower potential, which of the following is the process most organizations use to make leadership potential and readiness decisions about followers?
succession planning
According to Herzberg's two-factor theory, which of the following is a hygiene factor?
In the context of team and organizational effectiveness, which of the following refers to people systematically overestimating their own performance in areas where they lack competence and readily dismissing any information to the contrary?
the Dunning-Kruger effect
The tendency to overestimate the dispositional causes of behavior and underestimate the environmental causes when others fail is called
the fundamental attribution error
Most early research on leadership was based on the assumption that leadership is a general personal trait expressed independently of the situation in which the leadership is manifested. This view is commonly known as
the heroic theory
___ occurs when peoples expectations or predictions play a casual role in bringing about events they predict
the self fulfilling prophecy
Leadership is most with words like