Leading Marines - Admin and Communication (Constitution, The Promotion System, Interact with Social Media)

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Administration & Communication

"Every Marine is a rifleman" is one of the enduring principles that form the foundation from which Marines derive their ethos. Consequently, every Marine, officer or enlisted, receives basic infantry training. In addition to these skills, every Marine should also learn about the United States Constitution which they pledge to support and defend. This course also provides information about the promotion system which will help Marines prepare for promotion through the rank of sergeant. Finally, this course provides the do's and don'ts of interacting with social media, giving Marines guidelines for posting content online. [Narration, Slide 4]

<This Term> Protects... Fellow Marines, Family, Country, Corps Hint: <Blank> Before <Blank>

"Service Before Self" [Constitution]

Form of Government

"The United States shall guarantee to every state in this Union a Republican Form of Government..." The Constitution guarantees a republican form of government. A republican form of government generally means that the people can choose representatives who will govern them, rather than having a monarch who inherited the right to rule. Our form of government can also be called a representative democracy since our government consists of people we elect, plus individuals appointed by the representatives we elect. [Constitution]

Corporal to Sergeant

12 months TIG 24 months TIS [The Promotion System]

Private to PFC

6 months TIG [The Promotion System]

Lance Corporal to Corporal

8 months TIG 12 months TIS [The Promotion System]

PFC to Lance Corporal

8 months TIG 9 months TIS [The Promotion System]

C, D

According to the lesson, what are the types of promotions? Select all that apply. A. Amended promotion B. Individual promotion C. Regular promotion D. Meritorious promotion [Q12/20]

Article V of the Constitution

Amendment Process (Two-Thirds House -> Majority Senate -> Three-Fourths States) [Constitution]

27 Total <Blanks> Have Been Added to the Constitution

Amendments [Constitution]

Unofficial Internet Posts

Any content about the Marine Corps or related to the Marine Corps that are posted on any Internet site by Marines in any personal capacity. [Interact with Social Media]

Proficiency and Conduct Marks

Assessing an individual's past performance, depending on rank. [The Promotion System]

Proficiency Mark 4.0 to 4.4

Average [The Promotion System]

Conduct Mark 3.0 to 3.9

Below Average [The Promotion System]

Proficiency Mark 3.0 to 3.9

Below Average [The Promotion System]

Individual's right in the country. Prevents federal government from abusing its power. Freedom of Speech, Right to Bear Arms, No Quartering of Soldiers in Private Homes, No Unwarranted Searches/Seizures, Rights of those Accused of Crimes, Right to Speedy Trial, Trial by Jury in Civilian Lawsuit, Protection Against Cruel/Unusual Punishment, Not Exclusive, Power to States and People

Bill of Rights [Constitution]

What is the Constitution?

By word count, the Constitution is the shortest written constitution in use today. It is over 4,500 words in length. The Constitution was signed on 17 September 1787 by thirty-nine delegates from twelve states. The Constitution is the: •Supreme law of the land •Rule book that governs our nation [Constitution]


Changes to the Constitution are called amendments. It was decided that the original Constitution should remain intact, and the amendments should be added to the end. This means that some language in the Constitution is no longer valid or has been modified by amendments. To date, there have been 27 amendments. [Constitution]

Act of one branch "double-checking" the other to ensure that there is a balance of power.

Checks and Balances [Constitution]

Conduct Mark 4.0 to 4.9

Excellent [The Promotion System]

Proficiency Mark 4.5 to 4.8

Excellent [The Promotion System]

Enforces Laws

Executive Branch [Constitution]

Makes Laws

Executive Branch [Constitution]

Article II of the Constitution

Executive Branch (Head of State and Commander in Chief) (for Articles) [Constitution]

A, C, D

For Reserve component Marines, which occasions require that proficiency and conduct marks be recorded? Select all that apply. A. Completion of TAD B. Annual C. To TAD D. Completion of annual training [Q11/20]

Preamble of the Constitution

Form a more perfect Union. Establish Justice. Insure domestic tranquility. Provide for the common defense. Promote the general welfare. Secure liberty for current and future generations. [Constitution]

What were the goals for writing the Constitution?

GOALS The goals for writing the Constitution are described in its short introduction—the Preamble. The goals of the Constitution are to improve the union of states that was established under the Articles of Confederation to: •Form a more perfect union. •Establish justice. •Insure domestic tranquility. •Provide for the common defense. •Promote the general welfare. •Secure liberty for current and future generations. [Constitution]

A, B, D

Guidelines for making unofficial post include which of the following? Select all that apply. A. You must make it clear that you are speaking for yourself when making a personal post. B. Never post any classified or sensitive information. C. You should tell stories that your audience has little interest in. D. Only discuss Marine Corps issues related to your expertise, experiences, and knowledge. [Q18/20]

4.9 to 5.0

If a senior evaluates a Marine as "outstanding" in proficiency, what marking range with the senior choose a mark from? 4.5 to 4.8 3.0 to 3.9 4.9 to 5.0 4.0 to 4.4 [Q8/20]

Interpret Laws

Judicial Branch [Constitution]

Article III of the Constitution

Judicial Branch (Supreme Court and Interior Courts) (for Articles) [Constitution]


Lays out the organization of the government and how the country will operate. [Constitution]

Article I of the Constitution

Legislative Branch (Senate and Congress) (for Articles) [Constitution]

Objectives of the Promotion System

Maintain needed strength in each grade and MOS. Ensure all eligible Marines receive an equitable opportunity to compete for promotion. Ensure that only the best and fully qualified Marines are promoted. [The Promotion System]

"Whole Marine Concept"

Mission Accomplishment Leadership Intellect and Wisdom Individual Character Physical Fitness Personal Appearance Including the Completion of: PMEs, MarineNet Courses, Institute Courses, Off-Duty Education [The Promotion System]

What is the Constitution?

Narrator: The U.S. Constitution is the shortest and oldest written constitution still in use today. The Constitution was signed on 17 September 1787 and later ratified by the states. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land. All laws and treaties that are created under its authority are, by their association, also the supreme law of the land. Moreover, the Constitution is the rule book that governs our relationship with each other, with our government, and between the various states of the Union. [Constitution]

Written Constitution

Narrator: Today, most countries are governed by core documents that give rise to the rest of their laws. This basic charter, or constitution, lays out the organization of the government and how the country will operate. For the United States of America, our first charter—the Articles of Confederation—was replaced by the Constitution which provides the basic premises on which the United States has functioned for more than two centuries. [Constitution]

Title 10, Section 502 of U.S. Code Acknowledgement of duty bound allegiance to the Constitution and swear that you will obey the orders of the President and the officers appointed over you.

Oath of Enlistment [Constitution]

Conduct Mark 4.9 to 5.0

Outstanding [The Promotion System]

Proficiency Mark 4.9 to 5.0

Outstanding [The Promotion System]

Characteristics of Social Media

Participation, Openness, Conversation, Community, Connectedness [Interact with Social Media]

Basic Structure of the Constitution

Preamble Seven articles Amendments [Constitution]

Article VII of the Constitution

Ratification (Requires 9 States) [Constitution]

Types of Promotions

Regular Promotion Meritorious Promotion [The Promotion System]

Form of Government

Republican; Representative Democracy [Constitution]

Composite Score

Rifle Score, PFT/CFT Score, Average Proficiency and Conduct Marks, TIS/TIG DOES NOT INCLUDE MARTIAL ARTS BELT [The Promotion System]

How often are proficiency and Conduct Marks recorded?

Semi-Annually [The Promotion System]

Supreme law of the land

Since the Constitution is the __________, all laws and treaties that are created under its authority are, by their association, considered the same. Nation's play book Federal record Rule book Supreme law of the land [Q1/20]

Basic Forms of Social Media

Social Networks, Blogs/Online Journals, Micro-Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, Forums, Content Communities [Interact with Social Media]

Article IV of the Constitution

States (Guaranteed Republican Government if laws are followed)

Article VI of the Constitution

Supremacy Clause (All laws and treaties under the Constitution are laws of the land.) [Constitution]

Guidelines to Social Media

The Marine Corps encourages Marines to explore and engage in Social Media at a level they feel comfortable. Use sound judgment and common sense abiding by Core Values and UCMJ. Use common sense when using Social Media unofficially. Fine line when engaging in Social Media with subordinates and seniors. [Interact with Social Media]

Administration and Communication

The course contains the following lessons: United States Constitution The Promotion System Interact with Social Media [Narration, Slide 5]

A, B, C

The guidelines for the political activities by armed forces members include which of the following? Select all that apply. A. You can express your political views on public issues or political candidates online but not as part of an organized communication campaign. B. When posting on social media, don't express or imply Marine Corps endorsement of your opinions, products, or causes other than those already officially endorsed by the Marine Corps. C. Don't click on links, start downloads, or open e-mail attachments unless the source can be trusted. D. Always turn on and use the global positioning system (GPS) function on personal digital devices. [Q4/20]

A, D

The purposes of proficiency and conduct marks include which of the following? Select all that apply. A. To determine composite scores for promotions B. To determine seniority ranking for Marines of the same grade C. To record completion of annual training D. To determine eligibility for reenlistment and certain special duty assignments [Q5/20]

Basic Goal of the Promotion System

To promote the best qualified Marines who are fully capable of assuming the responsibilities of the next higher paygrade. [The Promotion System]


True or False Only discuss Marine Corps issues related to your professional expertise, personal experiences, or person knowledge. [Interact with Social Media]


True or False You are allowed to express your political views on public issues or political candidates online, but not as part of an organized communication campaign. [Interact with Social Media]


True or False You are allowed to participate in interviews or discussions to advocate for or against a party, cause, or candidate. [Interact with Social Media]


True or False Your "friends" on Social Media will NOT affect your security clearance. [Interact with Social Media]


True or False. Marines are NOT allowed to solicit votes of any kind on Social Media. [Interact with Social Media]


True or False. The Marine Corps endorses unofficial posts made by Marines in any form of Social Media. [Interact with Social Media]

Conduct Mark 0 to 1.9

Unacceptable [The Promotion System]

Proficiency Mark 0 to 1.9

Unacceptable [The Promotion System]

Proficiency Mark 2.0 to 2.9

Unsatisfactory [The Promotion System]

Conduct Mark 2.0 to 2.9

Unsatisfactory [The Promotion System]

Preamble to the U.S. Constitution

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common Defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, to ordain and establish this Constitution of the United States of America. [Constitution]

Preamble, seven articles, and amendments

What are the basic components of the Constitution? Introduction, body, conclusion Executive, legislative, judicial Preamble, thirteen articles Preamble, seven articles, and amendments [Q3/20]

To acknowledge a duty bound allegiance to the Constitution

What is a primary purpose of the oath of enlistment? To never forget you are an American To pledge a commitment to the code of conduct To pledge an allegiance to the flag of the United States of America To acknowledge a duty bound allegiance to the Constitution [Q7/20]

B, C

What is the Constitution of the United States of America? Select all that apply. A. A declaration of our independence from England B. The rule book that governs our nation C. The supreme law of the land D. A document that lists the Articles of Confederation NOTE: The Constitution is the rule book that governs the nation and the supreme law of the land. [Constitution]

4.0 to 4.4

What marking range would Marines fall into if they are evaluated as "average" in conduct? 2.0 to 2.9 3.0 to 3.9 4.0 to 4.4 4.5 to 4.8 [Q20/20]

B, D

When using social media, which of the following are security measures that will help protect your computer? Select all that apply. A. Always follow the prescribed format so that key information will be available to the decision-makes. B. Install and maintain current anti-virus, anti-malware, and anti-spyware software on your computer. C. Become familiar with and use the most appropriate references--always use the latest version of references. D. Don't click on link, start downloads, or open e-mail attachments unless the source is trusted. [Q15/20]


Which form of government does the Constitution guarantee? Confederacy or a federal government with limited powers over the states Republican government or representative democracy Theocracy or government by a church-sponsored leader Aristocracy or government by privileged individuals [Q6/20]

B, C, D

Which is a basic form of social media? Select all that apply. A. Smart board B. Content community C. Social network D. Blog [Q10/20]

To maintain the needed strength in each grade and MOS

Which is one of the objectives of the Marine Corps promotion system? To promote based upon completion of training and education courses To ensure that all Marines receive accelerated promotions To promote to the next higher grade Marines who do not perform satisfactorily To maintain the needed strength in each grade and MOS [Q17/20]

A, B, D

Which of the following are guidelines for making unofficial posts on social media? Select all that apply. A. You must follow federal law, as well as Department of Defense, Department of Navy, and Marine Corps regulations and policies. B. Don't say or post anything that could be considered offensive or illegal. C. You should always be neutral, show enthusiasm, be confident, and engage your audience. D. You are responsible for the content you post on social media and other websites. [Q19/20]

A, D

Which of the following are security measures you should follow when using social media sites? Select all that apply. A. Never violate operations security by posting critical information on social media sites. B. Always turn on and use the global positioning (GPS) function on your personal digital devices. C. Always keep the area around computers free of food or beverages. D. Don't post personal identifiable information on social media. [Q14/20]


Which of the following is an occasion when proficiency and coduct marks are to be recorded for an active duty Marine? [Q2/20]

Average proficiency mark

Which of the reported data elements below are used to directly determine a Marine's composite score? Martial arts belt achievement Number of books read from the Marine Corps Professional Reading Program Combat water survival qualification or swim qualification Average proficiency mark [Q9/20]

OPSEC with Social Media

[Interact with Social Media]

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