Lecture 3 (umbrella activities & process patterns)
UA #4: Technical reviews
Work products are assessed in an attempt to find and remove bugs before the product is allowed to move to the next stage of development.
Phase patterns
Define the order of framework activities that occur with the process
Stage patterns
Defines a problem with a framework activity
Task patterns
Defines a problem with a software engineering action
UA #3: Software quality assurance
Defining and conducting activities that are required to keep the software quality level at a high standard.
Process Pattern
Describes a process-related problem, identifies the problem's environment, and suggests solutions
UA #8: Work product preparation and production
Encompasses the activities required to create work products such as models, documents, forms, and lists
UA #5: Measurement
Process, project, and product measures are defined and collected. These measures help the development team deliver software that meets the customer's needs.
UA #7: Reusability management
Sets the criteria for work product reuse and sets mechanisms to achieve reusable components.
UA #2: Risk management
Assessing possible risks that could cause failures in the project and the development process.
UA #1: Software project tracking and control
Assessing progress and taking necessary action to stay on schedule.
Consistent method for describing problem solutions within the context of the software process
Process Pattern Types
Stage, Task, Phase
UA #6: Software configuration management
There is usually changes made to the project throughout its development. This umbrella activity manages the effects of those changes on the development process as a whole.
Task Set
defines the actual work to be done to accomplish the objectives of a software engineering action