Lecture Quiz Questions

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If a plant cell (ΨΨS = -3.0 MPa) reaches equilibrium in this solution (ΨΨS = -1.0 MPa) what will be the ΨΨP exerted by the cell wall (pushing outward)?


A compound microscope as an ocular lens of 10X. If you selected an objective lens with a magnification of 25X, what would be the total magnification?


Which of the following is a true statement about phloem transport?

ATP is required at the source end.

Which of the following is a difference between pollination and dispersal? One transports diploid cells, the other haploid. In one, the destination is the flower, in the other, it is a new home. All of these answers are differences. One occurs before fertilization, the other after.

All of these answers are differences.

Fruits can be specialized for dispersal by:

All of these choices are correct.

I am heterotrophic and feed by phagocytosis. I can move by extending my cytoplasm, because I don't have a cell wall. I am closely related to both fungi and animals. I am often single-celled, but can have multiple nuclear divisions without cytoplasmic division.


I am autotrophic and store my energy as starch. My chloroplasts are surrounded by 2 membranes and contain chlorophyll a and b. I reproduce by alternation of generations and my sporophyte is the dominant generation. I use pollen to transport sperm and seeds to disperse. I sometimes use animals to facilitate fertilization by luring them in with flowers and a nectar reward.


Which of the following statements is true regarding CO2 capture and the Calvin cycle in C4 plants? Select all that apply. CO2 capture occurs at night, and the Calvin cycle takes place in the day. CO2 capture and the Calvin cycle both occur in the same cell. CO2 capture and the Calvin cycle both occur during the day (in sunlight). CO2 is captured in mesophyll cells, and the Calvin cycle occurs in bundle-sheath cells.

CO2 capture and the Calvin cycle both occur during the day (in sunlight). CO2 is captured in mesophyll cells, and the Calvin cycle occurs in bundle-sheath cells.

Which of the following statements about chytrids and basidiomycetes is INCORRECT?

Chytrids have a well-developed mycelium, whereas basidiomycetes have a well-developed fruiting body.

Which of these best describes the difference between early and more recently evolved land plants?

Early land plants have photosynthetic gametophytes.

In the process of creating golden rice, what is transferred to, and expressed in, host rice cells?

Genes encoding beta-carotene-synthesizing enzymes

ΨΨS in a plant cell is -3.0 MPa. If this plant cell is placed in a solution with a ΨΨS of -1.0 MPa, which direction will water move? Out of the cell Into the cell Water will not move

INto the cell

Jennifer Aniston is floating on the left water column in a U-tube as shown. What could you do to make her float higher? Decrease solute concentration to the left Increase solute concentration to the left Increase solute concentration to the right

Increase solute concentration to the left

Chloroplasts have an outer and an inner membrane that separate the stroma and thylakoid membrane from the cytoplasm. What is believed to be the origin of the outer membrane of the chloroplast?

It is the remnant of the ancient host cell's plasma membrane following endocytosis of the cyanobacterium.

Which of the following statements MOST accurately describes the anatomy of a multicellular fungus?

Numerous hyphae make up a mycelium.

What is the main difference between the two hypotheses for the origin of the eukaryotic cell?

One hypothesizes that engulfment of a proteobacterium occurred after formation of the nuclear envelope by infolding rather than before.

Which will flow into the root along its electrochemical gradient?

Potassium (K+)

Which of these best describes what happens in the seed plant sexual life cycle?

Spores go through mitosis to create gametophytes.

Applying fungicides to plants may result in a phosphorus deficiency. What is the most likely explanation for this observation?

The fungicide destroys mycorrhizal symbionts.

Why is it significant that pollen contains a multicellular male gametophyte instead of just male gametes?

The non-gamete cells of the male gametophyte control the growth and development of the pollen tube.

If the two guard cells of a stoma increase their concentration of potassium (K+) ions, what will happen to the corresponding pore?

The pore will open, allowing CO2 to diffuse into the leaf.

Which of the following statements is FALSE? Endosperm is the product of fertilization. Both endosperm and the embryo have the same parents. The seed coat and the embryo are genetically identical.

The seed coat and the embryo are genetically identical.

If cyanobacteria never evolved during Earth's history, how would their absence affect the composition of Earth's atmosphere?

There would be less oxygen in the atmosphere.

A plant cell is placed in a hypertonic solution. What will happen?

Water will move out of the cell.

Which of the following is the best description of algae?

a photosynthetic protist

Which of the following is the most likely to act as a source during the growing season? A flower producing nectar for pollinators an actively photosynthesizing stem A stem acting as a starch storage organ a root

an actively photosynthesizing stem

Are fungi more closely related to animals or to plants?


Imagine that scientists discovered a new planet with evidence of microscopic life. The planet has an oxygen-poor atmosphere, and a remarkably hot and acidic surface. Life on this planet would most likely resemble which of the following organisms present on Earth? Select all that apply. bacteria protists fungi archaeons


To carry a microscope, you should carry it by the:

arm; base

Which of the following is NOT a function of the fruit?

attracting pollinators?

I am autotrophic and store my energy as starch. My chloroplasts are surrounded by 2 membranes and contain chlorophyll a and b. I reproduce by alternation of generations, and my gametophytes is the dominant generation. My diploid state is achieved by gametes swimming to each other. I use capillary action to transport water.


Which of the following are classified as land plants, but not as vascular plants?


The reproductive parts of the plant include...

carpel and stamen

If the evolution of photosynthesis in eukaryotes parallels the endosymbiosis that created mitochondria, what organisms are most closely related to the chloroplasts? (Hint: Think about what we discussed earlier about the evolution of photosynthesis.)


The diversity of shapes found in eukaryotic cells is made possible by the:


Seeds are composed of:

diploid tissues of the ovule-bearing sporophyte. haploid tissues of the gametophyte. diploid tissues of the embryo.

I am autotrophic and store my energy as starch. My chloroplasts are surrounded by 2 membranes and contain chlorophyll a and b. I reproduce by alternation of generations and my sporophyte is the dominant generation. My gametes are contained within spores. I transport water with vascular tissue and have stomata.


I am heterotrophic and feed by absorption. I store my energy as glycogen. I undergo meiosis to produce spores. My dominant stage is haploid, but when hyphae of different mating types fuse I begin my diploid stage.


Which of the following statements is true regarding fungi? Select all that apply.

fungi are heterotrophs many fungi demonstrate both asexual and sexual life cycles fungi are decomposers

In angiosperms, a ________________ is contained in the anthers or ovaries, and the ____________ consists of the rest of the plant.

gametophyte; sporophyte

In seed plants, the embryo develops inside the seed, which allows for: (Select all that apply).

greater protection for the developing embryo. nutrient reserves for the developing embryo. the development of dormancy.

I am autotrophic and store my energy as starch. My chloroplasts are surrounded by 2 membranes and contain chlorophyll a and b. I can reproduce asexually and sexually, but do not have seeds or spores. I contribute to eutrophication.

green algae

Openings between ___________ create pores in the leaf epidermis that play a critical role in photosynthesis by providing openings for atmospheric CO2 to enter a leaf's interior.

guard cells

I am autotrophic and store my energy as starch. My chloroplasts are surrounded by 2 membranes and contain chlorophyll a and b. I reproduce by alternation of generations and my sporophyte is the dominant generation. I use pollen to transport sperm, and seeds to disperse. My name means 'naked seed'.


Which generation is dominant in fungi?


In order for water to evaporate from mesophyll cell surfaces, the water potential in the leaf would have to be ___________that in the air.

higher than

Water transport in xylem depends on:

hydrogen bonding between H2O molecules.

The filaments that (most) fungi produce to absorb nutrients are called:


A researcher synthesizes a new drug that specifically targets and degrades peptidoglycan. What type of infections could this drug treat?

infections caused by bacteria

What cellular division process produces gametes in plants?


Flowers provide rewards to their pollinators such as:


Which will be a stronger competitor for water?


_____________ results in the oxidation of NH3 to form NO3-, and _______________ results in the reduction of NO3- to form N2.

nitrification; dentrification

A predaceous pitcher plant is a photosynthetic autotroph. What is it gaining via heterotrophic absorption?


A sieve tube element does not contain which of the following?


When would the water potential in the air be the lowest?

on a sunny day in a desert

Fruits are mature ________ whereas seeds are _________.

ovaries; ovules

In Duluth, there are high clay soils. Which of the following is most likely to be problematic for plants?

oxygen availability

What type of group do the Protists represent?


Organisms belonging to the Bacteria branch of the tree of life can demonstrate which of the following processes? (Select all that apply.) photoheterotrophs chemoautotrophs photoautotrophs chemoheterotrophs

photoheterotrophs chemoautotrophs photoautotrophs chemoheterotrophs

Which of the following represents the correct order of events in fungal sexual reproduction starting from when hyphae of two different mating types grow together?

plasmogamy → heterokaryotic stage → karyogamy → zygote → meiosis → spore production and dispersal → haploid mycelium

In angiosperms, spores are:

produced by meiosis in both anthers and carpels.

I am autotrophic and store my energy as starch. My chloroplasts are surrounded by 2 membranes and contain only chlorophyll a. I do not have flagella on any of my cells. I have neither stomata nor vascular tissue.

red algae

Which of these hypotheses can you reject given these data? Hypothesis: most of the new mass came from the ...


In a hypotonic solution, which has a higher water potential?


In plants, _____ are defined as haploid (1n) cells that develop into gametophytes. Gametophytes, in turn, produce either haploid (1n) male or female _____ that can fuse to form diploid (2n) _____.

spores; gametes; zygotes

In plants, ______________ are defined as haploid (1n) cells that develop into gametophytes. Gametophytes, in turn, produce either haploid (1n) male or female _____________ that can fuse to form diploid (2n) ____________.

spores; gametes; zygotes

Pollen is produced by the:


A researcher discovers a mutant pea plant that is missing the Casparian strip. What process will be affected in this mutant?

the entrance of nutrients into the roots of the plant

In seed plants, the union of sperm and egg does not require:

the release of swimming sperm into the environment.

_________________ is a type of horizontal gene transfer during which genetic information is transferred from one bacterium to another by a virus.


In angiosperms, the gametophytes are very reduced. True or False.


A flower has small, dull green petals and is scentless with no nectar reward. It is most likely:

wind pollinated

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