lifespan 10

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Suicide is currently the ____ leading cause of death in America?


___ % of the adult population in America is providing care for someone who is dying or chronically ill and most of them are ___?


One criticism of pressing a patient to acceptance of a terminal diagnosis is that it may lead the patient to ___ ?

give up and forgo treatment

Before 2020 the number one cause of death in America was ___?

heart disease

This age begins to understand the finality of death, but may feel the person died because of something they did wrong?

late childhood

____ is attributed as one of the top killers and is often the cause behind many diseases which result in death?


The main concerns about physician-assisted dying include all of these except ___ ?

who will cover the cost

Overdoes deaths involving synthetic opioids increased by ___% from 2016 to 2017?


In this religion the deceased is cremated as soon as possible?


___ care involves a team of professionals and volunteers who provide terminally ill patients with medical, psychological, and spiritual support, along with support for their families?

hospice care

Negative outcomes associated with childhood grief include all but ___ ?

more likely to become a work alcoholic

___ is the process by which people adapt to a loss?


The four tasks of Mourning are: Acceptance, Adjusting to life without the deceased, Starting a new life, and ___ ?

working through the pain and grief

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline phone number is ____ ?


Intentionally causing death, usually through a lethal dose of medication, is referred to as ___ ?

active euthanasia

The rates of suicide have increased for ____ ?

all racial and ethnic groups

This type of adult child generally has the most difficulty dealing with the loss of a parent __ ?

an adult male. unmarried

Living wills ___ ?

are written or video statements

Most Americans would prefer to die ___, but in reality most die ___?

at home/ in a hospital

This stage of Kubler-Ross's stages of grief deals with what could have been done to turn the situation around?

bargaining stage

1. According to the Uniform Determination of Death Act death has occurred when ____ ?

cessation of all functions

Feelings of disbelief, a preoccupation with the dead loved one, distressful memories, feeling unable to move on with one's life, and a yearning for the deceased are all symptoms of ___ ?

complicated grief

2. Inability to swallow, pauses in breathing and knees, feet and/or hands becoming cold are changes that happen ____?

days to hours before death

Our world often comes across as _____ ?

death denying, grief-dismissing world

3. Noisy breathing due to relaxed throat muscles prior to death is often referred to as a ____ ?

death rattle

Suicides due to a decrease in economic and social well-being are referred to as ___ ?

deaths of despair

Archer believed that the greater grief felt by the mother for the loss of an older child was tied to ___?

declines in fertility

During this stage of grief, according to Kubler-Ross, the person is feeling the full weight of loss, crying and losing interest in the world?

depression stage

Grief over an ex-spouse, death to to AIDS, or a pet may not to socially recognized and is considered ___ grief?

disenfranchised grief

In 1900 ___ was the most common cause of death, today ___ is the most common cause?

infectious diseases/chronic diseases

These two religions have very similar burial practices, including washing the body, wrapping it in a shroud and burying as soon as possible?

judaism/ muslim

____ is considered "the most distressing and long-lasting of all griefs"?

loss of a child at any age

Outside Western nations, and even among certain racial and ethnic groups within the those nations, doctors and family members ___ ?

may conceal the full nature

One way that we lower death anxiety in early adulthood is to ___ ?

not think about or worry about death

Social death occurs when ___ ?

others begin to dehumanize

In this type of care we are focused on providing comfort and relief from physical and emotional pain to a patient?

palliative care

According to Lally one reason people withdraw from someone who is dying is ___ ?

protect themselves against

Bereavement counseling is ___ ?

provided to the family up to a year

The basic elements of hospice include caring for patient and family as a unit, pain and symptom management, coordination of medical services and ____?

providing social services

Even though infants don't understand death, they do ____ ?

react to the separation

Green burials attempt to ___ ?

reduce the impact

According to the Dual-Process model of Grieving, ___ centers on the grieving individual reestablishing roles and activities they had prior to the death of their loved one?

restoration orientation

The most common type of hospice care is ___ ?

routine hospice care at home

Feeling like a burden, feeling trapped or in unbearable pain, increased anger or rage and expressions of hopelessness are warning signs of ____ ?


Physician-assisted dying laws usually require ___ ?

the person to obtain two oral

When explaining death to a child it is important to ___ ?

use real words, such as died and death

This study did not support the Kubler-Ross's stages of death and dying ___ ?

yale bereavement study

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