Lifespan exam 3 powerpoint notes

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conflict in adolescence because of sophisticated reasoning of adolescents leads them to view parental rules in more complex ways; example

"do it because i told you to do it" doesn't cut it

a typical 6 year old conversation

-Yonnie: My dad drives a FedEx truck -max: my sister's name is Molly -Yonnie: He gets up really early in the morning -Max: She wet her bed last night.

symptoms of ADHD

-inattentive, distractible -hyperactive/impulsive

Selman's stages of friendship: stage 3 description

-respect friends' needs for dependency and autonomy -"good friends support you. But you also need to know when to give them space"

obese means a BMI at or above


stages of sexual maturation

adrenarche, gonadarche

piaget believed that adolescents fully settle into formal operations at about 15 but...

only 40-60% of college students and adults achieve formal operations

diagnostic criteria (from DSM-V) for bulimia

recurrent episodes of binge eating characterized by: Eating an abnormally large amount of food in an inappropriately short period of time A sense of lack of control over eating during the episode -recurrent inappropriate compensatory behavior to prevent weight gain -the binge eating and inappropriate compensatory behaivors both occur at least once a week for 3 months -self-evlauation is is unduly influenced by body shape and weight -contributors for both disorders

what are the individual influences on children

sex, age, health


sexual identity and sexual orientation term similar to "bisexual" but more inclusive or transgender people

mensturation is the primary sign of __________

sexual maturity

production of sperm is the principle sign of ______ in boys

sexual maturity

in middle childhood _____ and _____ ____ of short-term memory (working memory) improves

speed; storage capacity

puberty in boys: age 13

spemarche occurs

community Olweus Bullying prevention program components

spread anti-bullying messages and principles in community

ethnic groups differ in how much experience they have taking _______

standardized tests

deductive reasoning

starts with a general premise about a class and applies it to particular members of the class

white matter increases...

steadily with age

Sterberg's Theory of Successful intelligence

the ability to achieve success in life in terms of one's personal standards, within one's sociocultural context -one's ability to achieve success depends on one's capitalzing on one's strengths and compensating for one's weaknesses -triarchic theory-successful intelligence -intelligence defined in part by out cultural context

fluid intelligence

the ability to form concepts, reason abstractly, and apply material to new situations. Raw processing speed, mental quickness, abstrat reasoning. Used to solve problems we have never seen before

class inclusion

the ability to undertand the relationship between a whole and its parts

passive voice example

the dog was walked by its owner

principle of identity

the liquid is the same even with different shape

seriation example

time, length, color

Selman's stages of friendship: stage 2 name and age

two-way fair weather cooperation; ages 6-12


umbrella term that incorporates differences in gender identity, wehere assigned biological sex doesn't match a person's felt identity

transitive inferences

understanding the relationship between 2 objects by knowing the relationship of each to a third object

amidst the COVID 19 pandemic claims for intentional self-harm

up 3345

need for calcium in puberty

without adequate calcium, bones may not develop fully, risk later in life for osteoporosis

In the US new STIs total nearly ______ in direct medical costs

$16 billion

treatment for depressed teens

-60%- no treatment -2% medication only -17.9% combination -20% health professional only

children and youth at highest risk of being bullied

-LGBT and transgender students -students who are overwieght -students who are immigrants and/or have minority religious status -students with disabilities, health impairments

an 11 year old conversation

-Mia: I don't know what to get claire for her birthday -Josh: I'm getting her earrings -Mia: She already has a lot of jewelry -Josh: I don;t think she has that much

Common intelligence tests

-Stanford-Binet V: the current (2003) version of Binet's test -the Wechsler Intelligence scale for children, 4th edition -Kaufman Assessment Battery for children, 2nd edition

adolescence as a social construction

-adolescence isn't a clearly defined physical or biological category -how it is defined and described has changed over time; differs across culture and socioeconomic setting

psychosocial factors for bulimia

-adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), negative self-esteem, mood or anxiety disorders -over concern about one's body and weight (boys: muscles), dieting -internalizing the thin body image that is often thought to be ideal in Western cultures

prevention and intervention of antisocial behavior

-an effective "cure" is simply getting older -early childhood intervention programs reduce deliquency rates -intervention focused on troubled teens and preventing gang recruitment

triarchic theory-successful intelligence is achieved through a balance of:

-analytical intelligence -creative intelligence -practical intelligence

types of depressants adolescents use

-anesthetics -analgesics -over the counter pain relievers -opiods -hypnotics: alcohol

early puberty in girls increases risk of

-anxiety, depression, eating disorders, attempted suicide -risky behaivor: smoking, drinking, substance abuse, antisocial behavior, early pregnancy -being bullied, sexually harassed by peers

Selman's stages of friendship: stage 0 description

-based on material on physical attributes -"he's my friend because he has power rangers" -"she's my friend because she has brown hair like me"

academic self-efficacy beliefs

-belief that one can master schoolwork and regulate one's own learning -those with high self-efficacy are more likely to succeed in school than those with low self-efficacy

environmental factors on the timing of puberty

-better nutrition -increased body fat in girls -exposure to toxins (endocrine-disrupting chemicals, cigarette smoke) -emposure to electronic devices

dating relationships in adolescence

-by high school, ⅔ of US teens have had a romantic relationship in previous 1 ½ years -romantic relationships become more common throughout adolescence and change with age -racial and ethnic differences in the age ad frequency of dating

types of stimulants adolescents use

-caffine -nicotine

what's different about the brain of a child with ADHD?

-challenges in how brain releases and reloads neurotransmitters (dopamine & noradrenaline) -delay in development of prefrontal cortex (affecting executive function)

Friendships in middle childhood

-children choose friends who are like them -gender differences in friendships -long-lasting vs brief friendships -benefits from good friendships -risks of friendships

early puberty in boys increases

-competitive advantage in sports -increased risk for substance use, conduct and behavioral disorders

late puberty in boys increases

-competitive disadvantage in sports, leadership and dating -poorer social and coping skills -increased feelings of inadequacy -increased likelihood of being bullied

family atmosphere

-control to coregulation -poverty -maternal employment

piaget initally believed his stages were universal across all cultures, but...

-culture matters -less likely to use formal operations if have little formal education, live in isolated societies with little technology

risk factors for obesity in adolescence

-decreased physical activity (less and less with age0 -fast foods (more prevalent in poor families) -sedentary activities

challenges of blended families for children:

-disruption of routine and established family relationships -role ambiguity -adjustment for most is relatively smooth; easier for younger children -living in a single parent family

do's and don'ts of divorce

-do explain reasons for the divorce to children -do reassure them of your love and coninued involement -don't compete for the child, criticize the ex.. -don't ask children to mediate disputes -don't ask them to choose sides, expect them to be the adult...

Selman's stages of friendship: stage 1 description

-does what the child wants the friend to do -"she's not my friend because she wouldn't play dolls with me"

outcomes of obesity in adolescence

-dramatic increases in hypertension, diabetes, cardiac disease -social risks (rejection, bullying) -have an 80% chance of becoming obese adults

immune-like responses to male fetuses in the womb on sexual orientation

-each older biological brother increases chances of homosexuality in younger brother by 33% -male babies with lower birth weight are more likely to later identify as gay

comprehensive sexual education programs

-encourage abstinence but discuss pregnancy prevention and contraception -decrease in frequency of activity and # partners, increase contraceptive use -have contributed to reductions in teen pregnancy

children and youth who bully others are more likely than their peers to:

-exhibit antisocial or deliquent behaviors (fighting, stealing, vandalism) -dislike school and drop out of school -drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes -carry a weapon -think about and attempt suicide

What puts adolescents at risk for depression?

-female -anxiety -stressful life events -chronic illnesses -parent-child conflict -abuse or neglect -alcohol and drug use -having a parent with a history of depression

Erikson's Psychosocial theory

-focused on mastery of information in school, making a place in social worlds -success-> feelings of mastery and competence (industry) -difficulties-> failure and inadequacy (inferiority)

Erikson's Psychosocial Theory

-focused on what is unique, distinctive about oneself -success-> identity shows fidelity to loved ones, friends, values, belief, religion -difficulties-> role confusion -adolescence- identity vs role confusion

nature of friendships in early adolescence

-friend groups often change -intimacy with same-sex friends increases -peer influence pearks (12-13 years) -more likely to behave recklessly with peers present (even if not pressuring); biological influences

a child with a learning disability:

-has difficulty mastering an academic subject -is of normal intelligence -must not struggle due to some other condition (e.g. poor instruction, sensory deficits)

cultural biases in IQ tests may yield:

-higher scores for economically advantaged european americans -lower scores for economically disadvantaged children from other ethic groups

benefits from good friendships in middle childhood

-higher self-esteem -less likely to be lonely or depressed -act more pro-socially -cope better with stresses

Marcia's Identity statuses

-identity-status interviews: status based on presence or absence of crisis and commitment -crisis= process of exploring/grappling with what to believe or who to be -commitment = personal investment in beliefs or occupation -Had a crisis with commitment present: achievement -had a crisis with commitment absent: moratorium -did not have a crisis with commitment present: foreclosure -did not have a crisis with commitment absent: diffusion

prenatal environmental influences on sexual orientation

-immune-like responses to male fetuses in the womb -prenatal hormone exposure

negative short and long-term effects of divorce on children:

-internalizing and externalizing problems; initiate sexual activity ealier -more likely to experience negative marriage attitudes, marital problems, and to divorce -less life satisfaction; more depression as adults

Selman's stages of friendship: stage 2 description

-involves give-and-take but serves self-interests -"we both like to play video games"

late puberty in girls increases risk of

-lack of evidence of internalizing or externalizing problems

bullying others is related to:

-later criminal and antisocial behavior -later sexual harassment perpetration among middle school students

behavior problems with adoption are more common when

-likelier if child was older at adoption -related to pre-adoption care quality

Gardner's 8 types of multiple intelligence

-linguistic -logical-mathematical -spatial -musical -bodily-kinesthetic -intrapersonal -interpersonal -naturalistic

nature of friendships in adolescence

-more reciprocal, equal, and stable -rely more on friends than parents for intimacy and support -increased intimacy of adolescent friendships reflects cognitive development (e.g. can consider others' views) and emotional maturity

effects of divorce on children:

-most show good adjustment, eventually -wide variability, depending on child's age, maturity, gender, temperament, adjustment before divorce; custody arrangement, parents relationship

children fare best with divorce when:

-neither parent experiences psychological problems -parents get along with each other -parents stay involved -parents parent effectively

Challenges to the Health and Well-being of adolescents

-nutrition and weight challenges -depression -drug use -accidents

individual Olweus Bullying prevention program components

-on-the-spot intervention when bullying occurs -meet with students involved; parents -individual intervention plans for involved students

children have greater IQ scores when:

-parents talk frequently to their children -provide cognitive challenging materials -expose children to stimulating experiences outside the home -interventions help children in poverty

motor vehicle crashed are higher for 16-19 year olds than any other age group because of

-peer influences on driving -alcohol -distracted driving -low use of seat belts

dating violence forms

-physical violence -emotional violence -sexual violence -stalking


-pituitary gland signals adrenal glands to secrete more androgens -over time, influences growth of pubic, underarm, and facial hair; faster body growth, oilier skin, and body odor

Physical maturation in adolescence

-puberty consists of 2 changes that mark the change from childhood to young adulthood: -dramatic increases in height, weight, and changes in body's fat and muscle content -changes in the reproductive organs that mark sexual maturity and in secondary seucal characteristics


-reading achievement is substancially lower than predicted by age or IQ -challenges with phonological awareness, breaking down words into constituent parts

recent evaluation of the OBPP findings

-reductions in self-reports of being bullied and bullying others for almost all grades; for boys and girls -2,000 students escaped being bullied; 2000 fewer bullied others -increases in empathy with bullied peers -decreases in willingness to join in bullying -increases in perceptions that teachers had addressed bullying -stronger effects, the longer the program was in place

diagnostic criteria (from DSM-V) for anorexia nervosa

-refusal to maintain body weight at or above minimally normal weight for age and height -intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat -disturbance in the way in which one's body weight or shape is experienced, undue influence of body weight or shape on self-evlaution, or denial of the seriousness of the current low body weight

risks of friendships in middle childhood

-reinforce each other's aggressiveness and risky behaviors

IQ test scores have been shown to predict:

-school grades, achievement test scores, and years of education -occupational success

behavioral alternatives for ADHD

-self-regulation -organizational skills -social skills

self concept

-sense of self; total picture of abilities and traits -take into account their own AND others' views -see different aspects of the self simultaneously -see themselves from a psychological perspective; abstract traits

treatment for eating disorders

-stabilize the weight (anorexia) -individual, group, family therapy -antidepressant drugs

criticisms of Kohlberg's model

-study of 72 boys in chicago -male and egocentric -not as consistent in non-western cultures -Carol Gillian noted gender bias in his work -proposed that moral reasoning of girls/women is guided by caring and maintaining welfare of others, while boys/men emphasize abstract principles of justice

identity in adolescence

-the nature of self-concept and self-esteem in adolescence -perspectives on identity formation -Erikson's Psychosocial Theory -Marcia's View of Identity -Ethnic and Racial Identity

school-wide Olweus Bullying prevention program components

-train team and all staff -administer te olweus bullying questionnaire -introduce school rules against bullying

causes of intellectual disability

-unknown (30-50%) -heredity (Tay-Sachs disease) -chromosomal abnormalities (down syndrome) -traumatic accidents -prenatal exposure to infection or alcohol -environmental expsure to lead or mercury

empathy for bullied students

-vast majority feel sorry for the bullied students -more girls feel sorry for the bullied students -more younger students feel sorry for the bullied students

role ambiguity for children in blended families

-what are my responsibilities? -How do I behave toward stepparents and stepsiblings? -with which parent do i spend thanksgiving

Reading stages: stage 0- age

0-1st grade

at a given point in time, ______ of young women and ____ of young men suffer from anorexia nervosa

0.3-0.4%; 0.1%

_______ adolescents reports emotional, physical, or sexual dating violence in the last year

1 in 4

in the US _______ people have an STi (68 million in 2018)

1 in 5

globally, _______ STIs are acquired each day; half by teens and young adults

1 million

____ of students are bullied through cyberbullying


intellectual disabilities affect ____ of US children; ____ of people worldwide

1%; 10%

bulimia prevalence


Olweus Bullying prevention program principles:

1. Adults must show warmth, positive interest, and involvement 2. Set firm limits for unacceptable behavior 3. Consistently use supportive, predictable consequences 4. Adults as positive role models

Kohlberg stages of moral development: pre conventional- description

1. Punishment and obedience orientation obeys to avoid punishment 2. Instrumental orientation: obey to receive rewards -'you can't steal if you'll go to jail"

how many head injuries per year among children in the US? hospitalizations?

1.5 million; 300,000

_____ of adolescents have binge eating disorder; more common in adulthood


arrest in 2019 nearly ___ committed by <30


youth under gge 15 and females each accounted for about _____ of juvenile arrests in 2019


success rate for anorexia treatment

10% die; less than half who surcice make a complete recovery

oppositional defiant disorder begins before age...


____ of students were bullied by others


in 2019, _____ had experienced physical or sexual dating violence in the last year


depression increases from ages ____


identification of most youth as lesbian, gay, and bisexual takes place between ______


parent-child conflict highest at ____


____ of students are bullied by exclusion


____ increase among 10-14 year olds from 2007-2014


juvenile delinquency peaks at _____


half of all STIs in _____ year olds


_____ of all children in the US live in a blended family


motor vehicle crashed are higher for ______ year olds than any other age group


____ of students were directly involved in bullying


2014, _____ of the US population lived in households with multiple generations (up from ____ 5 years earlier)

19%; 17%

adolescence was not classified as a separate stage of life until the ____


________ babies are born to teen mothers annually


In the US pregnancy rates are at lowest points since ______ for 24 and younger; very steep decline for older teens


pregnancy in SC is among the highest in the country in ______


Reading stages: stage 1- age

1st-2nd grade

____ of youth bullied others and were bullied by others


_____ of children live with an adoptive parent


depression is highest among adolescents with ____ ethnicities


in middle childhood children grow ____ a year

2-3 inches

____ million US children and adolescents have an LGBT parent


arrest in 2019 about _____ by <40


_____ of children ages 6-11 are obese


On average, bullying prevention programs reduced bullying others by ____; reduced victimization by ____

20%; 16%

______ of high school students had used e-cigarettes in the past 30 days (down from _____ in 2019)

20%; 28%

Kohlberg stages of moral development: post conventional- age


______ of adolescent boys and ______ of girls have at least one same-sex sexual encounter

20-25%; 10%

what is the IQ scores of severe intellectual disability?


______ children are raised by same-sex parents


legalization of gay marriage took place in ______


IQ scores increased during the _____

20th century

______ of teens are obese


marijuana use by HS students in the past 30 days: _____


in 2020, _____ of high schoolers have used a tobacco produce in the previous 30 days


fathers: ______ less likely to graduate from HS


_____ of children live in a one-parent family; increased ____ since 1960

26%; 340%

in 2019 among high school students: -_____ drank some alcohol in the last 30 days -____ binge drank -____ drove after drinking -_____ rode with a driver who had been drinking

29%; 14%; 5%; 17%

Reading stages: stage 2- age

2nd-3rd grades

____ of youth bullied others


Kohlberg stages of moral development: conventional- description

3. Good-child orientation: conforms to rules to avoid disapproval -"if you steal, everyone will treat you like a criminal" 4. Law and order orientation: conforms to rules to maintain social order -"stealing may feel right in the moment, but you'll live to regret breaking the law"

____ of children (____ million) have diagnosed depression

3.2%; 1.9

success rate for bulimia treatment

30-50% success from cognitive behavioral therapy

what is the IQ scores of moderate intellectual disability?


lifetime use of marijuana by HS students (2-19): ______


in 2019, ______ of high school students had ever had sex (decreases over time)


boys diagnosed with ADHD outnumber girls _______


dyslexia is ____ of ____ children's learning disabilities

4 of 5

Kohlberg stages of moral development: pre conventional age


attention deficit hyperactivity disorder affects _____ of children in the US


____ million adolescents had a major depressive episode in 2020


_____ of girls aged 9-10 are trying to lose weight


______ of married couples divorce; divorce rate peaked in ______

40-50%; 1980

genes influence ______ of variation in antisocial behavior in a population


Reading stages: stage 3: age

4th-8th graders

_____ of middle school students had used e-cigarettes in the past 30 days (down from _____ in 2019)

5%; 11%

earning disabilities diagnosed in about _____ of U.S. school age children (______ million)

5%; 2.4

_____ of people have moderate intellectual disability


developmental dyscalculia (matematical disability) affects _____ of children


in middle childhood boys and girls gain ____ pounds a year


Kohlberg stages of moral development: post-conventional- description

5. Morality of contract, individual rights, and democratically accepted law -laws must develop over time to reflect social principles. "You can't let an outdated law prevent you from doing what's right" 6. Morality of individual principles and conscience -believes in and follows self-chosen universal ethical principles. "You'll blame yourself if your wife dies because you obeyed an imperfect law"

mothers: _____ earn a HS diploma, ____ GED (90% of peers)

50%; 30%

what is the IQ scores of mild intellectual disability?


rates of obesity have increased by _____ since the 1970s


median of _____ of homosexual approval around the world


in 2020, ______ of teens (13-17) were up-to-date on HPV vaccination; ____ had received first dose

59%; 75%

___ year olds have vocabularies of 8000-14000 words


____ of 6-11 year olds have had a concussion


piaget's middle childhood age


of teen pregnancies, ______ have their babies (2-3% adoption); ______ abort; _____ miscarriage or stillbirth

61%; 24%; 16%

____ of students are bullied verbally


_____ of teens had poor diets in 2016


juvenile delinquency after falling ____ since 2006, the number of juvenile arrests reached a new low in 2019


arrest in 2019 _____ committed by youth <18


____ of children (___million) have diagnosed anxiety

7.1%; 4.4

____ of children aged 3-17 years (_____ million) have a diagnosed behavior problem

7.4%; 4.5

______ of american adults say homosexuality should be accepted by society


______ of teen pregnancies are unintended


______ of high school females are heterosexual


peak in gray matter in areas that control movement and muscle tone at ___ for girls and ___ for boys

7; 10

____ of students are bullied through rumors


______ of teens have received formal sexual education


research shows that most, ____, of adolescents have positive relations


_____ of people have mild intellectual disability


by age ______ children have a vocabulary of another 5000 words


about half of the girls aged _____ are dissatisfied with weight


______ of high school males are heterosexual


at the start of adolescence, the brain is _____ of adult size and weight


Lauren Steinberg came up with

Age of Opportunity

order of ethnicity IQ scores

Asian Americans > European Americans > Hispanic Americans > African Americans

most common eating disorder in the US

Binge eating disorder (BED)

self-efficacy question

Can I master this?

self esteem question

Do I like myself?

leading cause of cervical cancer in women is from _____; rates have dropped since _____ arrived

HPV; vaccine

conflict in adolescence because of different definitions of an rationales for appropriate and inappropriate conduct; example

How do each view multiple ear piercings?

The developing sense of self- 10 year old

I'm funny, kind. I'm pretty good at piano but not so good at math

The developing sense of self- preschooler:

I'm tall for my age and i can tun fast

there is _____ evidence that differences between racial, cultural or ethnic groups are hereditary


low of 7% homosexual approval in _______


negative effects with single parents appear to be driven by lower ____ and _____ in single parent families

SES; family instability

high of 94% homosexual approval in ______


self concept question

Who am I?

ethnic and racial identity

a feeling of belonging and learning the special customs and traditions of a minority group's culture and heritage

what influences academic achievement

a level of proficiency in scholastic work in general or in a specific skill, such as arithmetic or reading


a person who does not experience sexual attraction or has little interest in sexual activity

David Elkind's perspective on adolescent egocentrism

a state of self-absorption in which the world is viewed from one's own point of view

G Stanley Hall says adolescence is

a turbulent time of 'storm and stress' charged with conflict and mood swings

what is the leading cause of death in school aged children?

accidental injuries

antisocial behavior

actions that harm or lack consideration for the well-being of others; that violates the basic rights of another person

adaptive functioning

activities of daily life such as communication and independent living

marijuana use might have permanent effects on the developing brain when use begins in ________, especially with regular/heavy use



adolescents' struggle for autonomy (independence and a sense of control over their lives) and personal identity

_______ children's IQ cores are more similar to those of their _______ parents than those of their ______ parents

adopted; biological; adoptive

indirect effects of socioeconomic status on academic achievement

affect on family engagement, expectations of parents

Kohlberg stages of moral development: conventional- age

after 10

taking action to stop bullying -decreases in helping with _____


secular trend influences on the timing of puberty

age of attaining adult height and weight and sexual maturity has shifted down in US, Western Europe, Japan

in middle childhood, children choose friends who are like them in these ways:

age, sex, activity level, interests

instrumental aggression

aimed at achieving an objective (getting a toy from a friend); declines after preschool


an age of challenge and opportunity

crystallized intelligence

an individual's accumulated knowledge base and experience. What we know from education, experience, culture. Used when we try to solve problems we have seen before

concrete answer: are there more dogs or animals? (by 7 or 8)


juvenile delinquency

antisocial behavior by a juvenile (<18) that violates the law

spatial intelligence

architecture, city planning, pilots

bodily-kinesthetic intelligence

athletics, dancing, surgery

what are the macrosystem influences on children

attitudes and ideologies of the culture

Selman's stages of friendship: stage 3 name and age

autonomous interdependence; age 12+

degree of ________ depends upon family, culture (earlier in many Western vs Asian societies) and gender (may be earlier for boys)


______ can reverse 6 digits

beginning of adolescence

developmental changes individuation:

beginning of adolescence: parent-child relationship in asymmetrical; much less so by the end of adolescence

late onset of antisocial behavior

begins after puberty, temporary, commit minor offenses

early onset of antisocial behavior

begins by age 11 and continues; <5% of youth; accounts for most adolescent criminal activity

what is the IQ scores of profound intellectual disability?

below 20

what factors influence adolescents to engage in (or refrain from) antisocial behavior?

biological, environmental

menarche begins earlier in _______ and ____ girls

black; hispanic

a conductor is to an orchestra as a teacher is to what

book, school, class, eraser

_____ are more likely than ____ to have learning disabilities

boys; girls

______ are more likely to bully than girls

boys; girls

obesity is more common among _____, especially ...

boys; hispanic boys and African American girls


branch of psychology involved in the quantitative measurement of psychological variables

fine motor skills in middle childhood

by 11 can manipulate objects with adult-like skill; because of increased levels of myelin


can arrange objects in a series along one or more dimensions

principle of reversibility

can picture what happens if reverse

concrete operational period specific advances

categorization, inductive and deductive reasoning, conservation

Kohlberg's theory of moral development

changes in peoples' sense of justice and what is right and wrong, and in behavior related to moral issues

conflict in adolescence because of individualization because

children act on autonomy sooner than parents think thdy should

Reading stages: stage 4: description

children read and process information that reflects many points of view

concrete operational period advances

children use mental operations to solve concrete problems

peer acceptance effects on academic achievement

children who are disliked and bullied have poor academic performance

school climate influences on academic achievement

children's attachment/bonding to school matters

bacterial STIs

chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis

nature of friendships in late adolescence

cliques and crowds are less influential

gray matter

closely packed neurons in the cerebral cortex

when single families are stable (grow up with same parent as at birth), children fare as well on _____ and _____ outcomes

cognitive; health

culture may encourage problem-solving through ______ vs _______

collaboration; excelling as individuals

school engagement influences on academic achievement

communication with teachers, participating in school activities

Paige's middle childhood description

concrete operations

some adopted children are more prone to ______ and _______

conduct disorders; school adjustment problems


confidence in one's ability to complete a task or achieve a goal

piaget's middle childhood cognitive milestone


intrapersonal intelligence

counseling, spritual leadership

test scores a child's adaptation to a particular _______: this may not be the child's dominant ______

cultural context; culture

most parents intellectually understand that this shift is normal and healthy; _________ realities may be difficult


what accounts for ability to solve conservation problems?

decentering: can look at more than one aspect at once

In SC pregnancy there is a steady _____ from 1988 to 2005; and then from 2007 to today


steady ________ in abortion rate and birth rate; small hiccup in the mid-2000s


birth and abortion rates have _______ among teens (15-19) and birth rate is at its lowest point since data was first collected (1940)


death rates for adolescents _______ until 2013


rates of current and binge drinking among high school students have _______ in recent decades


from 2011 to 2020, current (past 20 day) cigarette smoking _____ among middle and high school students


aggression _____ (overall) and changes in middle childhood


generation gap

deep divide between parents and adolescents in attitudes, values, aspirations, and worldviews

internalizing problems with bullying

depression, anxiety, panic disorder, self-harm, suicidal thoughts and attempts

effects of dating violence:

depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts; more likely to use tobacco, drugs, and alcohol

why are there differences in ethnicity IQ scores

differences are impacted by socioeconomic status (SES) but IQ test score differences persist after accounting for SES differences

impaired reading comprehension

difficulty linking words in a sentence to create coherent meaning

phinney examined four ethnic identity statuses:

diffused, foreclosed, moratorium, achieved

multigenerational families have potential for conflict, especially if the layers of adults ______

discipline children differently

learning disability

disorders that interfere with specific aspects of learning and school achievement

preoperational answer: are there more dogs or animals?


youth mental health difficulties during the COVID 19 pandemic has likely _____


common learning disabilities

dyslexia, impaired reading comprehension, developmental dyscalculia (matematical disability)

intellectual functioning

e.g. learning, problems solving, judgemeng

Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences

each has a unique developmental history and is regulated by distinct brain regions; intelligence in one area doesn't predict high intelligence in others

gross motor skills in middle childhood

early adult-like skills; almost no differences between boys and girls

intellectual disability begins in ____

early development

children are 2-3x more likely to be bullied in _____ school than ____ school

elementary; high

children of homosexual parents are no more likely to have ______, _____, _____, or _____ problems than children living with heterosexual parents

emotional; social; academic; behavioral

phonic (code emphasis) approach to teaching reading:

emphasizes decoding of unfamiliar words

whole-language approach to teaching reading:

emphasizes visual retrieval and use of contextual cues

studies show differences in IQ scores among ______ groups


parents and teens tend to disagree on:

everyday matters (chores, schoolwork, curfews) and personal taste (music, clothes, friends)

peer influences on antisocial behavior

exposure to antisocial peers increases likelihood; prosocial peers decrease likelihood

neighborhood factors influences on antisocial behavior

exposure to community violence; collective efficacy (strength of social connections)

direct effects of socioeconomic status on academic achievement

exposure to toxins, unhealthy foods, stress, gray matter in frontal lobe

what are the microsystem influences on children

family, health services, church group, neighborhood play area, peers, school

naturalistic intelligence

farming, cooking, gardening

major depressive episode

feeling so sad or hopeless for 2+ weeks that they stopped doing normal activities

in 2019 _______ high school students were more likely to drink alcohol and binge drink than _______

female; males

neglected children

few nominations

what are the 2 forms of intelligence

fluid and crystalized

as parents see teen's arguments as reasonable and that they can be trusted with more _____, they encourage more independence and conflict _______

freedom; declines

what are the exosystem influences on children

friends of family, mass media, neighbors, legal services, social welfare services

in adolescence brain systems responsible for self-control, _______ are not fully specialized until adulthood

frontal cortex

children of homosexual parents are no more likely to be confused about ____


viral STIs

genital herpes, HPV, hepatitis B, HIV

depression is nearly 3x as common in ____


middle childhood is the only period in life when...

girls are taller than boys

prenatal hormone exposure on sexual orientation

girls exposed to high levels of androgrens-more likely to later identify as lesbian or bisexual

gender influence on academic achievement

girls receive higher grades in every subject, are less likely to repeat a grade, do better on reading and writing assessments

in middle childhood individual differences in height can be ____ (______ inches)

great; 6-7


groups of 2-12 people whose members have frequent social interactions; may be mixed-gender

parenting behaviors influences on antisocial behavior

harsh, inconsistent discipline increase likelihood; warmth and engagement reduces likelihood

achieved ethnic identity status

has given ERI much thought; understands and accepts it

foreclosed ethnic identity status

has strong feelings about ERI but not based on exploration

developmental dyscalculia (matematical disability)

have difficulty learning to count, add, or subtract

psychosomatic problems with bullying

headaches, stomach pain, sleeping problems, poor appetite

heavy marijuana use is associated with damage to _____, _____ and _____; declines in ________, ______, increased risk of ______ and ______

heart; brain; lungs; school performance; memory problems; depression; anxiety

Reading stages: stage 4: age

high school

a developing sense of ERI is associated with:

higher self-esteem, mental and physical health, better academic outcomes, less negative effects from racial and ethnic discrimination

classroom Olweus Bullying prevention program components

hold regular class meetings

gender expression

how someone presents themselves including physical appearance, clothing choice and behavior

most common STI

human papilloma virus (HPV)

genetics role in sexual orientation

identical twins are more likely to both be homosexual (heritability of about 34% for men and 18% for women)

______ IQ scores are more similar than those for ______

identical twins'; fraternal twins

conditional sentences example

if sarah will set the table, i will wash the dishes

peer relations in adolescence are more _______ than other life stages


amidst the COVID 19 pandemic claims for drug overdoses

increased 119%

in puberty hemoglobin is needed for...

increased muscle mass and menstruation

there have been recent _____ in death rates in adolescents


gray matter in middle childhood

increases until puberty and then declines, with pruning of unused connections; volument peaks at different times in different loves of the brain

how children fare in school depend on influences at multiple levels

individual, microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, microsystem, chronosystem

the recent increase in adolescents is due to increases in _____

injuries; (accidents, suicide, homicide)

being bullied is associated with later:

internalizing problems, psychosomatic problems, academic problems

nature of friendships in middle childhood

intimacy with same-sex friends begins to decline as intimacy with other sex peers grows

some children have challenges with decoding sentences based on...


some children have challenges with some phonemes, such as

j v th and zh

self esteem

judgement about self-worth

metamemory increases

knowledge of and thinking about memory; understanding processes that underlie memory


larger groups composed of individuals who share particular characteristics; may not interact with one another

linguistic intelligence

lawyers, speakers/hosts, writers

Reading stages: stage 0: description

learn pre-requisites for reading; letter identification, recognition of familiar words such as name or stop


less gray matter in areas that regulate empathy, moral reasoning

in adolescence brain systems sensitive to reward, _______ ,reach maturity

limbic system

culture fair IQ tests avoid cultural and language biases and focuses on ______ reasoning only


family rejection of sexual orientation is associated with...

low self-esteem, depression, substance abuse, suicidal thoughts, homelessness

academic problems with bullying

lower GPA, teacher and student reports of academic engagement, attendance

white matter

made of glial cells and myelinated axons

inductive reasoning

making observations about particular members of a class and then drawing conclusions about the class as a whole

rejected children

many negative nominations

popular children

many positive nominations

gender identity development among LGBT youth

many teens experiment with different sexual identities

the most widely used illicit drug in the US


types of hallucinogens adolescents use


in adolescence not ALL brain regions reach ______


hostile aggression

meant to hurt another person; increases in middle childhood; direct (physical or verbal) vs indirect (relational)

puberty in girls: age 12 1/2

menarche occurs (between ages 10 and 16.5)

there is increasing concern about ___ injuries in middle childhood


concerns with body image begin in...

middle childhood

most IQ test predict success in schools with ______ values


class size influences on academic achievement

mixed evidence, but smaller classes are probably better for younger students, those most at risk

Selman's stages of friendship: stage 0 name and age

mometary playmates; ages 3-7

Kohlberg's theory of moral development is the consequence of

moral reasoning, which depends on cognitive development

what is the general factor of intelligence?

most current tests regard intelligence as a single factor (g_ that is assumed to underlie performance

abstinence-only programs

most studies show no effects on abstinence, sexual behaviors, or sexual health

in middle childhood, bodies become more...

muscular and baby fat disappears

in adolescence _______ and _______ are nearly complete

myelination; synaptic pruning

influences on antisocial behavior and delinquency- _______ deficits in brain areas that regulate stress


Margarete Mede says in adolescence

no conflict is necessary if culture provides a smooth transition

early childhood intervention programs reduce deliquency rates

offer daycare, education, family support, parent support networks, access to services

intervention focused on troubled teens and preventing gang recruitment

offer parenting skills, neighborhood social support

______ students and _____ are less likely than ______ students and _____ to report their victimization

older; boys; younger; girls

Selman's stages of friendship: stage 1 name and age

one-way assistance; ages 4-9

primary sex characteristics

organs directly related to reproduction; enlarge and mature in adolescence

piaget believed formal operations was the epitome of thinking, but...

others have proposed post-formal thinking

family and peer influencers on academic achievement

parenting practices, socioeconomic status, peer acceptance

sexual orientation

part of someone's identity that includes their sexual and emotional attraction to another person and the bheavior that results from this attraction (to whom are you attracted?)


patterning of environmental events and transitions over the life course; sociohistorical conditions

musical intelligence

performance, composition

Reading stages: stage 1: description

phonological recoding- sound out words by blending letters. Finish learning letters and sounds

self-concept includes:

physical appearance, peer relations, physical ability, and academic

gonadarche in girls

pituitary gland signals ovaries to release more estrogen, causing breasts to enlarge, genitals to mature, fat to accumulate, underarm and pubic hair

gonadarche in boys

pituitary gland signals testes to relese more testosterone causing genitals to mature, and muscle mass to increase, and body hair to develop

parents and teens tend to agree on:

politics, religion, social issues, health and safety, right and wrong

children of teen parents are at higher risk for

poor prenatal care; low birth weight and death; educational, psychosocial, and health problems; higher rates of teen pregnancy

family poverty influences on antisocial behavior

poverty, but especially continued poverty, increases risk

Kohlberg stages of moral development

pre conventional, conventional, post conventional

_______ can reverse digits


intellectual disability

problems with general metnal abilities that affect funtioning in 2 areas: -intellectual functioning -adaptive functioning

puberty in boys: age 9

puberty begins

puberty in girls: age 8

puberty begins

moratorium ethnic identity status

questions and thinks about ERI but remains confused

puberty in boys: age 17

reach full adult height

puberty in girls: age 15

reach full adult height

Reading stages: stage 2: description

read aloud with fluency but don't attach much meaning to words

Reading stages: stage 3: description

reading becomes a way to learn. Only understand single perspective

controversial children

receive many positive and negative nominations

average children

receive some positive and negative

peer relations in adolescence serve as...

reference group with whom teens can compare and evaluate opinions, abilities, physical changes

gender identity

refers to one's sense of self as male, female, or something else (how do you see yourself?)

acceptance of LGBT identity is more difficult for those who experience ______ and ______

rejection; low support from parents

3rd graders understand that some things are easier to ____ than others, better use of ____ strategies; some people have better _____

remember; memory; memories


romantic attraction, sexual attraction, or sexual behavior toward both males and females, or to more than one gender

school level influences on academic achievement

school climate, class size, alternative education models

parenting practices influences on academic achievement

school engagement, academic expectations

most students are more likely to be bullied at school, during.....

school hours

logical-mathematical intelligence

science, medicine

puberty in boys: age 12

secondary sex characteristics begin to appear

puberty in girls: age 10

secondary sex characteristics bein to appear, with breast development

_____ can predict school grades better than IQ

self disciple

influences on antisocial behavior and deliquency- low arousal levels may lead to ________


diffused ethnic identity status

shows little or no exploration or commitment

if they report bullying, most children will tell a _____, they are least likely to tell a _____ or other ______

sibling; teacher; adult


social context of language

most children with a single parent do well, but they may lag _____ and ______

socially; academically

non-injury deaths among adolescents have remained _______


medication for ADHD

stimulants improve neurotransmitters functioning

social factors on the timing of puberty

stress (single mother; poor relationships with fathers)

1st graders understand that people remember better if they ______, forget with ____, and things are easier to _____ than to _____

study more; time; relearn; learn

children scoring poorly on IQ tests may lack the skills required to:

succeed in that environment

diagnosis of ADHD

symptoms, multiple settings, causes impairment, long-lasting

interpersonal intelligence

teaching, politics

in puberty, lack of iron causes

teens are often listless and moody

outcomes for youth prevention and intervention

the VAST majority don't become adult criminals; those who began early are at higher risk for substance abuse, crime, poverty, self-inflicted harm, death

concrete operational period limits

thinking is limited to real situations (here and now)

genetics on the timing of puberty

timing of puberty in mother and father

amidst the COVId 19 pandemic claims for anxiety, depression, and adjustment disorders for teens

up 80-90%

Psychometric approaches

used to measure intelligence and personality

overall students are bullied in 4 ways:

verbal, exclusion, rumors, cyberbullying

most students are bullied much more ______ than ______

verbally; physically

secondary sex

visible signs of sexual maturation that don't involve the sex organs

the pendulum problem

what determines the speed at which a pendulum moves back and forth?

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