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Limit load factor for transport category airplanes

-1 to +2.5 Gs (flaps and slats up) +3.8Gs if the MTOW is less than 50,000 pounds


Design dive speed, the absolute fastest speed the airplane can fly without Mach buffet and divergent wing flutter. Vne is a little less than that for safety margin but turbines don't have that

Most telling turbine engine temperature

EGT or ITT depending on the engine


Turbulent air penetration speed

What may restrict the use of the wing-low crosswind landing method?

Wing-mounted engines

Factor of safety of airframes required by Part 25

1.5 Factor of safety for bridges and buildings is around 5 However, designing an aircraft airframe to be that strong would be expensive and make the aircraft prohibitively heavy. Aircraft designers must strike a balance between minimizing structural aircraft weight and ensuring adequate structural strength for expected airspeeds and load factors. Therefore, aircraft must be operated within well-defined airspeed, altitude, and load factor flight envelopes to avoid the possibility of exceeding the aircraft's structural strength.

Most aircraft are limited to a ___ tailwind for takeoff or landing


How is a hot start indicated?

EGT or ITT shoots past normal start-up values and heads toward redline

Pilot pairing restrictions

FAA- or company-mandated minimum-time-in-aircraft-type limitations, designed to prevent an inexperienced captain from being paired with a brand-new first officer. Currently, the FAA requires a captain or first officer to have at least 75 hours of line operating experience in those positions, in a given aircraft type. Many companies further restrict pilot pairings by not allowing captains and first officers to be paired together unless each has at least 100 hours in position on that type of aircraft. An obvious exception to this rule is pilot pairings on aircraft that are new to the company.

All turbine aircraft have maximum allowable ___ between wing tanks

Fuel imbalance May have different limits for takeoff and landing

Turbulent Air Penetration Speed

In addition to Va. offers maximum-value gust protection

Why might a tank be prohibited from running dry?

It has been found that keeping the electric fuel pumps covered with fuel prevents in-tank electrical fires or explo-sions. These aircraft will have a placarded restriction requiring a certain level of fuel be kept in the specific tank (e.g., a minimum fuel level of 1,000 pounds is required for any tank with electric fuel pumps).

Whenever any redline is exceeded in a turbine aircraft, even for a moment..,

Maintenance must be called in before any further operations

Maximum altitude for APU operations

Most auxiliary power units have maximum altitude operating limitations that are lower than the aircraft's maximum operating altitude. Some APU's feature additional altitude restrictions such as maximum altitude for APU start, maximum altitude for APU pneumatic use, or maximum altitude for APU electrical use.

Minimum landing fuel and emergency landing fuel

Most companies also publish aircraft-specific minimum landing fuel and emergency landing fuel levels that must be planned for touchdown. If manual calculations or your FMC indicate you'll be below those predetermined fuel levels upon landing at your destination, you must request diversion to an alternate airfield if available, notify AT of your minimum fuel status, or declare an emergency.

Should you add the wind gust to determine if the crosswind or tailwind is within limits?

Some aircraft include the gust, while others do not. For example, most aircraft with wing-mounted engines include the gust in the crosswind lim-itations, while some aircraft with tail-mounted engines do not. Wind gusts are typically not included in the tailwind limits of most aircraft as they have less effect on the aircraft during takeoff or landing. The only way to know for sure is to refer to your aircraft's AFM.

Role of the pilot flying

The primary job of the pilot flying, at all times, is to fly and maintain safe control of the aircraft. Any duties that may distract attention away from this responsibility are assigned to the pilot monitoring. The PF also calls for checklists at the appropriate times and double-checks their execution by the PM when called for (Figure 8.1).

Why are some aircraft certified with only a maximum demonstrated crosswind component and not a crosswind component limit?

The reason for this subtle difference is the inability of the FAA to control the weather during flight testing. When the day comes to perform crosswind certification flight testing, the winds might be less than the aircraft manufacturer and the FAA had hoped. In many cases, there just isn't an opportunity available prior to the final certification date to conduct additional flight testing at higher crosswinds.

Role of the pilot monitoring

The role of the pilot monitoring is to perform all other duties that must be accomplished. This includes reading and performing checklist items, operating radios, handling systems abnormalities, obtaining weather and flight information, calling out critical flight information such as altitudes and fixes, and assisting the PF in any other manner called for.

Why might a certain fuel tank be limited to use only above 10,000 feet?

These aircraft typically have climb performance that allows pitch angles of plus 20° during initial climb-outs with flaps extended. At these pitch angles, it is possible for any fuel tank pumps in the forward portion of the fuel tank to be exposed to air as the fuel load moves toward the aft part of the fuel tank. However, once above 10,000 feet MISL, in most cases the aircraft will have the flaps retracted and will be climbing at a pitch attitude of 10° or less.

Maximum operating limit speed

Vmo and Mmo

Vmo vs Mmo

Vuo is a structural limit designed to prevent airframe damage from excess dynamic pressure. Mo protects the aircraft from shock wave damage as the aircraft approaches the speed of sound.

Do turbine aircraft have a maneuvering speed (Va)?


Maximum demonstrated crosswind component limit

is the maximum crosswind limit for the airplane. If the maximum demonstrated crosswind component is considered by the manufacturer to be a maximum limiting value up to which it is safe to operate the aircraft, the demonstrated crosswind value will appear as a limiting value in the AFM. This means the aircraft may not be operated beyond this crosswind.

Maximum demonstrated crosswind component

is the maximum crosswind that was demonstrated during the aircraft's type-certification flight testing. If the maximum demonstrated crosswind component is not considered to be a limiting value (i.e., the manufacturer thinks the aircraft is safe at higher crosswinds), then the demonstrated value may be placed in the aircraft flight manual (AFM) as information only, not a limit. This means a pilot may legally take off and land at higher crosswinds than the maximum demonstrated crosswind component.

Minimum brake release fuel/minimum fuel for takeoff

on each flight plan, for pilots to reference prior to each departure. Minimum brake release fuel or minimum fuel for takeoff is the minimum amount of fuel you must carry onboard prior to advancing the thrust levers for takeoff.

Crew resource management

the effective use of all available resources to achieve safe and efficient flight, to include human resources, hardware, and information.

Maximum flap operation altitude

the maximum altitude that an aircraft may be flown with flaps extended, or while flaps are being extended or retracted. Flight above this altitude requires a clean wing; no flaps or slats may be extended.

Maximum operating altitude

the maximum altitude up to which flight operation is allowed, as limited by structural, powerplant, pres-surization, load limits, or equipment characteristics. Maximum operating altitude is also dictated by safe operating speed margins between stall speed and high-speed buffets as functions of altitude, angle of bank, and aircraft gross weight.

Factor of safety

the ratio of the maximum stress that a structural part or other piece of material can withstand to the maximum stress estimated for it in the use for which it is designed.

High-minimums captains

those who have not yet completed at least 100 flight hours as pilot in command in the type of aircraft they are assigned to fly. "High-mins captains," as the name implies, must conform to higher take-off and landing weather minimums than those with more experience in type.

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