Linux Quiz 1: Linux Questions
Are the file names case sensitive?
Can you include metacharacters in file names?
ls -l
Displays all directories alphabetically using a long listing format
File names can be up to ____ characters
Matches an uppercase letter
Matches any character in the set
Matches any letter (upper or lower case) and single digit
Matches any lowercase letter
Matches any single character
Matches any single digit
Matches anything with characters except file names that start with .
Returns all directories
ls *
Returns all directory names and all files in those directories (EXCEPT files that start with .)
ls *.*
Returns all directory names and all files in those directories that have a . in the middle
ls .*
Returns all directory names and all files in those directories that start with a . and all files that start with a .
ls a*z
Returns all directory names and all files in those directories that start with an "a" and end with a "z"
ls [abA-Z]*
Returns all directory names and all files in those directories that start with an "a", "b", uppercase letter, and then have at least one character after
locate *.htm?
Returns all files that have at least one character, then .htm and an additional character
man [system command]
Returns the manual for that command
administer the /etc/groupfile
all files have ____ directory trees
user ID (UID) and group ID (GID)
all users have unique _______
allow hosts
allows you to run multiple commands at one time
change directory
change permissions
change user password expiry information
groups (user id)
check group membership of user
check information of a user
free -g
check memory size in GB
check memory size in KB
free -m
check memory size in MB
route -n
check route information
check who is currently logged on
check who is currently logged on with additional information
ping (IP address)
checking the connection of that host
contains all commands, libraries, documentation, and other files that don't change during normal operation (ex. netscape)
/ (Root)
contains basic operating system and maintenance tools. content can start up system and perform emergency maintenance and repairs
contains files that change during normal operation: spool directories, log files, temporary files, and formatted manual pages
contains images and data about currently executing processes on the system do not actually exist. you are accessing information stored in memory used to access information about the system
contains user files (settings, customization, data, mail, caches, etc.) contents should be preserved on operating system upgrade
create a new group
create new user or update default new user info
delete a group
delete a user account and related files
rm -r (directory)
delete the directory and all subdirectories
chmod o-r (filename)
deny file read access to everyone but yourself
deny hosts
device files devices appear as files so hardware is abstracted and easy to write to them or read from them
display current path
display tasks info
ls -i (filename)
display the file ID
ls -inum (filename)
display the file ID (longer word)
(system command) --help
display the manual for a command (not man)
ls -a
do not ignore entries start with .
ls -al
do not ignore entries starting with . and use a long listing format
executables (binaries) needed during boot-up might be used by normal users
executables (system binaries) not intended for use by general users users may still use them but directory is not on their PATH
files recovered during file system repair
chmod ugo+rx (directory name)
grant directory read permissions so everyone may read it
chmod 660 (filename)
grant file modify permissions to everyone in group
chmod ugo+r (filename)
grant file read permissions so everyone may read it
tar zxvf [file name].tgz
gzip a file
home directory of the system administrator
if you want to edit your information, which file do you edit in your home directory
list history of command
makes a directory
modify a group
modify a user account
mount points for removable media (flash drive), portions of other systems (MS windows), network shares, and anything else mounted on file system
mount (what) (where)
mounts a file system
mv (file name) (new location path)
move a file or directory
optional large applications kde under RedHat 5.2
(system command) > (file name)
output result of a command to a file
pages through text one screen full at a time
parent directory
rm -rf
remove a file or directory without confirmation of removal
removes a file or directory
removes empty directories
mv (file name) (new file name)
renames a file
shared libraries for programs that reside on root file system and kernel modules
ip addr show
show IP address and network configuration
show network configuration (code looks like a path)
ls --help |more
show the help manual for ls page by page
shows host name of the system
system-wide configuration files for your operating system accounts and passwords, network addresses and names, system start-up settings
temporary files may clean up automatically
text editor for file (n)
text editor for file (v)
bzip2 -d [file name].bz2
un-bzip2 a file
gunzip [file name].gz
un-g(un)zip a file
gzip -d [file name].gz
un-gzip a file
tar xvf [file name].tar
un-tar a file
tar zxvf [file name].tar.gz
un-tar a file (with a z)
used by bootstrap loader (LILO or GRUB) and contains linux kernel (compressed, file vmlinuz) but not always
view content of a file (c)
view content of a file (m)
ls -l [filename]
view permissions
/ (root)
what directory should you not tamper with?
where are the system settings
where do users save files to?