Literally all the notes you'll need for Summit Denali
God Powers
A chrome extension that you use to edit any webpage.
Alt Tabbing
A combination on the keyboard that switches to a hidden tab, best used when trying to play games in class.
The Middle Fountain
A water fountain that you should never drink from. Ever.
A website where you can download youtube videos that are usually blocked and watch them.
An excuse to go off-task
Alt Tabbing + Pin Tabbing
An off-task strategy where you have a tab that you can reveal by alt tabbing and then within that tab you have an on-task site while your gaming site is a pin tab.
An unblocking website that uses proxies and has it's own arcade, movies, and other entertainment.
Tyrone's Unblocked Games
Search Tyrone's and this is the first result (keyword: games is banned so don't search that). This website has a ton of video games that aren't blocked.
Content Assesment
Tests that you take in SDL; these determine you passing SDL.
Mr. Gilbo
The old dean of Summit Denali. He is revered by all of his students he had last year.
Mentor Group
The people who you stick with for the rest of your time at summit; kind of like home room.
Titanium Network
The website that provides; blocked.
Pin Tabbing
When you left click a tab and select pin tab it will become smaller. Usually smaller than the teacher eye can detect.