Logic and critical thinking the 1st 2 hws

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Instructions: Determine whether or not the following passages contain arguments. It follows from the fact that she eats pork, chicken, beef, mutton, veal, venison, turkey, and fish that she must not be a vegetarian.


Instructions: Determine whether or not the following passages contain arguments. I got at least a 95 on all my exams in this course. The syllabus says that anything over a 92 is an A. So, I expect to get an A for the course.


Instructions: Determine whether the following arguments are best classified as being deductive or inductive. The exam's range of C scores is 70-79. I got a 98 on the exam. Therefore, I did not get a C on the exam


Is the following passage an argument or an explanation? The reason why Battlin' Jack has won eight fights in a row is not due to superior conditioning—he's still just as old and over the hill as he was before this streak began. Nor is it due to inferior opponents. The real cause is that the fights have been rigged. The mob controls the fights in this part of town.

Explanation It is taken as a given that Battlin' Jack has won eight fights in a row, and the passage tries to explain why this has happened

Is the following passage an argument or an explanation? The judge agreed with her, but charged too high a bond, so the auction went on

Explanation This passage is not attempting to prove that the auction went on, but gives an explanation of why the auction proceeded.

An argument must have at least two premises.


Instructions: Pick out the premises and conclusion for each of the following arguments. Argument 1 Hamburgers are loaded with saturated fat and sodium. Pizza is loaded with saturated fat and sodium. Too much saturated fat and sodium is harmful to your heart. Jim takes in too much saturated fat and sodium. It follows Jim is harming his heart. Hamburgers are loaded with saturated fat and sodium.


Instructions: Pick out the premises and conclusion for each of the following arguments. Argument 6 Building fuel-efficient cars helps reduce gasoline consumption. Dependency on foreign oil for gasoline production is a drain on the economy. Offshore oil drilling is dangerous. Oil spills through faulty drilling are hazardous to life; so are large tanker spills. Carbon emissions are hurting the environment. We need to start building more fuel-efficient cars. Large tanker spills are hazardous to life.


Instructions: Pick out the premises and conclusion for each of the following arguments. Argument 1 Hamburgers are loaded with saturated fat and sodium. Pizza is loaded with saturated fat and sodium. Too much saturated fat and sodium is harmful to your heart. Jim takes in too much saturated fat and sodium. It follows Jim is harming his heart. Pizza is loaded with saturated fat and sodium.


Aristotle's logic can be described as...


A deductive argument is one in which it is claimed that the conclusion follows probably from the premises.


A valid argument is automatically a sound argument.


An argument is any group of statements.


An argument must have at least two premises


An inductive argument is one in which it is claimed that the conclusion follows necessarily from the premises.


According to Aristotle's theory of the categories, how many categories are there?

ten: substance and the nine accidents

A single counterexample to a deductive argument is enough to show that an argument is invalid.


A statement is a sentence that is either true or false.


A strong inductive argument is an argument such that if the premises are assumed to be true, then the conclusion is probably true.


A valid deductive argument is one where, assuming the premises are true, it is impossible for the conclusion to be false.


A weak inductive argument is an argument such that if the premises are assumed to be true, then the conclusion is not probably true.


An invalid argument is automatically an unsound argument.


An invalid deductive argument is one where, assuming the premises are true, it is possible for the conclusion to be false.


Every statement is either true or false; these two possibilities are called truth values.


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