Looking at movies midterm

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Genre list

Commonly recognized movie genres include the Western, horror, science fiction, musical, and gangster films. But this is far from a complete list the film industry Continues to make action movies, biographies, mellow dramas, thrillers, romances, romantic comedies, fantasy films, and many others that fall within some genre or subgenre category

Low angle shot

Communicates and I simply hidden fashion. Viewers shared experience of literally looking up at the powerful figures people on stages at podiums memorialized in statues or simply bigger or simply bigger than them. ''Look up to''


Complete units of plot action

Cinematic language

Composed not of words but of myriad integrated techniques and concepts connects us to the story while deliberately concealing the means by which does so


Do use of deep gradations and subtle variations of lights and darks within an image

Movie versus film versus cinema

* Frame rate *"shot" as basic unit. Shot->sequence->scene

Experimental films

1. Experimental films are not commercial they are made by single filmmakers for a very low budgets and with no expectation of financial gain. 2.Experimental films are personal to reflect the create a version of a single artist who typically conceive some frites directs shoot and edit the movie with minimal contributions by other filmmakers or technicians. Experimental film credits are short. 3.Experimental films do not conform to conventional expectations of Story and narrative cause-and-effect. 4. Experimental films exploit the possibilities of the cinema and by doing so often reveal tactile and mechanical quality of the motion pictures that conventional movie seek to up skewer most conventional narrative films are constructed to make audiences forget they're watching a movie where as many experimental films repeatedly reminded view were of the fact the embrace innovative techniques that call attention to question and even challenge their own artifice. 5.Experimental films critique culture and media from their position outside the mainstream they often comment on view were expectations of what movie should be 6.Experimental films invite individual interpretation like abstract expressionist paintings they resisted the kind of accessible and universal meaning found in conventional narrative and documentary films..

Film narrative depends on two essential elements

A character pursuing a goal


A key concept and film Siri literally to me in the process by which an agent structure or other formal element with a human or technological transfer something from one place to another.

Stream of consciousness

A literary style that gained prominence in the 1920s and the hands of such writers as Marcel Proust, Virginia Woolf, James Joyce, and Dorothy Richardson and that attempted to capture the unedited flow of experience through the mind.


A movie's theme is a unifying idea that the film expresses through its narrative for imagery. Not every genre is united by a single, clear-cut the Mattick idea what the western comes close.


A narrative is a story. Narrative is a type of movie. Narrative as a way of structuring fictional or fictionalized stories presented a narrative films. Narrative is a broader concept that both includes and goes beyond any of these applications. Can be defined in a broader conceptual context as any cinematic structure in which continent is selected and arranged in a cause and effect sequence of events occurring over time.


A series of shots unified by the theme or purpose


A windowless soundproofed professional shooting in varmint that is usually several stories high and can cover an acre or more of floor space will be the only the minimum parts of the rooms needed to accommodate the actors and the movement of the camera Is corner perhaps or three sides

Rising action

Act one the set up where the inciting incident happens. Act to conflict and obstacles where rising action and steaks happened. Act three is the resolution where the crisis goes to climax. Crisis belongs to act two.

fade out/fade in

Allows audiences to absorb movie meaning intuitively and instantly. Transition is meant to convey passage from time between scenes the last shot ever seen grows gradually darker it fades out into the screen is red and black for moment the first shot of the subsequent scene then fades in out of the darkness.


An interest in or concern for the abstract speculative or fantastic.


An interest in or concern for the actual or real a tendency to view or represent things as they really are.


And any plot events have a logical order as we've discussed as well as a logical hierarchy. Some of vents are more important than others and we in for their relative significance to the director selection and arrangement of details of action characters are setting. This hierarchy consist of the events that seem crucial to the plot and thus to the underlining story. And the events that play unless crucial or even subordinate role.


Another elemental system it's organized into a series of dialogue, music, ambience, and effects tracks.


Another essential building block for storytelling.

Point of View (POV)

At times the framing seems to present us with the point of you of a single character subjective POB at other times the framing implies a view that seems to be coming from no one in particular omniscient POV however sometimes the framing can be so varied that it creates a desirable and figuratively that requires viewers to reach their own conclusions about the moral issues at hand.

Explicit meanings

Available on the surface of the movie


Being taken unawares, can be shocking and our emotional response to it is generally short-lived


Bringing order to the plot events is one of the most fundamental decisions the filmmakers make about relaying Story information through the plot. Most narrative film plots are structured in chronological order. But unlike Story order which is necessary flows chronologically plot order can be manipulated so that events are presented is not non-chronological sequence is that emphasize importance or meaning or that establish desired expectations and audiences

Character types

While most screenwriters strive to create individuated characters genre films are often populated by specific character types. Western protagonists personify the tension between order and chaos in the form of the free spirited but civilized cowboy or the gunslinger turned woman. Female characters also personified attention but only on one side or the other as schoolmarm a prostitute only rarely as a combination of both.


Who or what tells the story. The Neary tomorrow delivers the near ration that conveys the narrative.

Production designer

Works closely with the director as well as the director of photography and visualizing the movie that will appear on the screen. This person is both the artist and an executive responsible for the overall design concept for the look of the movie it's individual sets, locations, furnishings, props, and costumes and for supervising the heads of the many departments involved in creating outlook.

Art director

Each studio has an art department headed by this person

Diegetic elements

Elements that make up the diegesis


Even the actors who store in genre movies factor into how the genre is classified, analyze, and received by audiences. In the 1930s and 1940s actors worked under restrictive long term studio contacts. With the studios choosing their roles, actors were more likely to be typecast and identified with particular genre that suited their studio imposed Personna.


the appearance of truth (we believe in the movies reality wishing the film. Like when watching avatar)

flat characters

Exhibit you disking traits that do you not change significantly as the story progresses.

Depth of field

Filmmakers can manipulate how lenses and light interact to control what slice of the depth in front of the camera is in focus and which proportions of that space are out of focus. This can be used expressively or simply to emphasize the most significant action or subject any particular composition.


Found an act two. This is the narrative peak.


Happens when the protagonist faces the major obstacle.

Third person narrator

It provides information not accessible to a near writer who is also a participant in the story. Like the author of the story third person narrator knows all and can thus provide Objective context to any situation.

Science fiction

It seems logical to think of science fiction as being speculative fantasy about the potential wonders of technological advances. But most science-fiction films or not really science. Science fiction existed as a literary genre long before movies were invented. The genre begin in the earliest 19th century. Yeah genres focus is on humanities relationship with science and the technology It generates.


Joining together of the screenshots. Gives movies the power to choose what if you were seas and how that you were sees it at any given moment.


Juxtaposes Individual shots to create sequences arranges the sequences into scenes and from the scenes build a movie.


Length of time

Implicit meaning

Lies below the surface of the movie story and presentation, is closest to our every day sense of the word meaning. It is an association connection or interference that of you or makes on the bias of the explicit meanings.

The western

Like most of the major genres the western predates the invention of motion pictures. The exploration and settlement of the western United States has fascinated European Americans since the frontier is just a few hundred miles in land from the eastern coast.


Like science fiction the horror genre was born out of the cultural need to confront and vicariously conquer something frightening that we do not fully comprehend.

Restricted narration

Limits the information it provides the audience of the things known only to a single character.


Main character


Many genres feature certain elements of cinematic language that communicate town and atmosphere. For example horror films and take it vantage of lighting schemes that accentuate and deep in shadows.


Meaning it knows all and can tell us whatever it wants us to know. Omniscient has unrestricted access to all aspects of the narrative.


More drawn out experience one that we may seek out even when we know what happens in a movie

Video assist camera

Mounted and the viewing system of the film camera provides an instant visual feedback so they can give a scene and thus compare details with those of surrounding scenes before sending the film to the laboratory for processing.

Three fundamental principles of film form

Movies depend on light. Movies provide an illusion of movement Movies manipulate space and time in unique ways

Normal world

Movies first few minutes late out the rules of the universe that we will have it or at least witness for the next couple of hours. The set up in the first act has to tell us what kind of story were about to experience.

What is a narrative

Narrative is a story Narrative movies or fictional films as opposed to other movie mode's such as documentary or experimental At the broadest conceptual level narrative is a cinematic structure in which the filmmakers have selected and arrange the vents in a cause-and-effect sequence occurring over time When we think of it that way almost all movies even Documentaries and experimental films employ some level of narrative In fact narrative permeates More than just the world of movies it infuses our culture and our lives. Whether we are describing a sporting event, relating to dream, recalling a memory, or telling a joke we humans to order events so they will convening and engage the recipient. Because Story and storytelling are so ingrained in our every day lives including the movies we watch it's all too easy to take narrative for granted.

Critical flicker fusion

Occurs when a single light flickers on and off with such speed that the individual pulses of light fuse together to give the illusion of continuous light.


One elemental system of film, compromises design elements such as lighting setting props costumes and make up with an individual shots

Cutting on action

One of the most common editing techniques designed to hide the instantaneous and potentially jarring a shift from one camera view point to another


Or number of times that a story elementary occurs in a plot is an important aspect of narrative form


Or props they are objects such as paintings bases flowers silver tea sets guns and fishing rods that help us understand the characters but showing us their preferences and such things.

Persuasive films

Originally called documentary films until the term evolve to refer to all non-fiction films. The founding purpose of persuasive documentaries was to address social injustice, but today any documentary concerned with presenting a particular perspective on social issues or with corporate and government all injustice of any kind would be considered persuasive.


Part of the process of visualizing and planning the design of a movie

Make up artist

Person responsible for the make up and hair styling effects


Refers to the Categorization Of narrative films by the stories they tell and the ways they tell them.

Stretch relationship

Screen direction is longer than plot duration

Real time

Screen duration correspond directly to plot duration

Summary relationship

Screen duration is shorter than plot duration

Instructional films

Seek to educate viewers about common interests, rather than persuading them to except particular ideas. Today at these movies are most likely to teach the viewer basic skills like cooking, yoga, or golf swings they're not generally considered worthy of study or analysis.


Seemingly unsympathetic protagonists chasing Leas than noble goals


Setting where a movies action is located and how that environment is portrayed is also a common Genre convention . Obviously westerns are typically Set in the American west but setting goes beyond geographical locations.

Formal analysis

That analytical approach primarily concerned with film form


The act of telling the story

Apparent motion

The appearance of motion

Dollies in

The camera moves slowly toward the subject


The closing sometimes known as wardrobe one by an actor in the movie

Gangster films

The gangster genre is deeply rooted in the concept of the American anyone, regardless of how humble his origins can succeed.


The inciting incident.


The little window you look through when taking a picture

Make up and hair styling

The make up used to enhance or alter positively or negatively and actors appearance falls into two general categories traditional materials and digital methods. Traditional materials cover the full range of facial and body cosmetics familiar to consumers often especially blended to comply with camera and lighting requirements.


The means by which a subject is expressed


The means by which the subject is expressed an experienced. Enables the artist shape or particular experience and interpretation of that content.Supplies the methods and techniques necessary to present it to the audience.

The musical

The musical tells it's Story using characters but express themselves with song and or dance the actor sing every line of dialogue and a few musicals.


The organization, distribution, balance, and general relationship of actors And objects within the space of each shot


The overall range and time and place of the movie story.

Cinematic time

The passage of time within a movie, as conveyed and manipulated by editing.

Script supervisor

The person who is in charge to make sure when I seen it designed awake never changes so at least an actor's hair won't be the source of a continua T blooper they want to kept meticulous log of each days of shooting now they have aVideo assist camera


The person, people, creature, or force responsible for obstructing Our protagonist

Point of View (POV)

The perspective from which a story is told (who is telling the story and from where?)

Generic transformation

The process by which a particular genre is adapted to meet the expectations of a changing society


The process by which the look of the settings, props, lighting, and doctors is determined.


The product of one on interrupted run of the camera


The screenwriter is responsible for coming up with the story, either from scratch or by adopting another stores, such as a novel, play, memoir, or new story. Screenwriters build the narrative structure and divide every character, action, line of dialogue, and setting.

On screen space

The space inside the frame


The subject of an artwork what the work is about.Provide something to express


The time and place in which the story occurs. It establishes the date, city, or country and provides the character social, educational, and cultural backgrounds and other identifying factors vital for understanding them such as what they wear, eat, and drink. Setting sometimes provides an implicit explanation for actions or trades if we might otherwise consider eccentrics because cultural norms vary from place to place and throat time.

Form is cinematic language

The tools and techniques that filmmakers used to convey meaning and mood to the viewer including lighting muse-en-scène cinematography performance editing and sound.


The total world of the story the events, the characters, objects, settings, and sounds that form the world in which the story occurs

Story formulas

The way a movie Story a structured it's plot also helps viewers determine what genre it belongs to. Romantic comedy plots are structured around characters as they couple, break up, and we connect.

Animated films

They look different from other movies. But it's important to recognize that while Animation employees different mechanisms to create the multitude of still images that motion pictures require an omission is just a different form of moviemaking not necessarily a single type of genre.

nondiegetic elements

Things we see and hear on the screen that come from outside the world of the story, such as score music, titles and credits, and voiceover comments from a third person VoiceOver narrator


This consists of the specific actions and events that the filmmaker select and the order in which they arrange those events to effectively convey the narrative to the viewer

Factual films

Usually present people, places, or processes and straightforward Waze meant to entertain and instruct without unduly influencing audiences

Direct cinema

Well many documentaries include on screen or over the shoulder interviewers having conversations with subjects direct cinema documentaries eschew Interviewers and even limit the use of narrators. Instead of having voice over near ration to encourage the audiences in Diggnation about the crime scandal or corruption being exposed direct cinema involves placing small portable cameras and sound recording equipment and an important location for two days or weeks and recording events as they occur.


What moves on screen


What we see on screen

Eyeline match cut

When a sequence repeatedly cuts back and forth between these point of view shops are automatic identification with each of these alternating characters via the Camera can dramatically intensify our narrative experience.

Voiceover narration

Which is when we hear a characters in the picture without actually saying the character speak the words


Is structured and to ask that establish develop and resolve character conflicts.

Story duration

Is the amount of time that the implied story takes to occur

Plot duration

Is the elapsed time of those events within the story that the film explicitly represents

phi phenomenon

Is the illusion of movement created by events that succeed each other rapidly as went to adjacent lights flashed on and off alternately and we seem to see a single light shifting back-and-forth.


Is the length of time Three different durations Story duration, plot duration, screen duration

Screen duration

Is the movie is running time on screen


Is the story

Production designs department

* art developing the movies look include sketch artists, painters, and computer graphic specialists. * costume design and construction * hairstyling * make up * wardrobe maintaining the costumes and having them ready for each days shooting * location finding appropriate locations, contracting for their use and coordinating the transportation of cast and crew between the studio and the locations *Properties finding the right piece of furniture or object for movie either from the studios own resources or from specialized outside firms that supply properties * carpentry * construction and decoration * greenery Real or artificial greenery including grass trees shrubs and flowers * transportation supplying vehicles used in the firm * Visual effects digital post production effects *Special-effects mechanical effects and in Camera optical effects created during production

Story Consists of

1. All the narrative events that are explicitly presented on screen 2. All the events that are implicit or that we infer to have happened but are not explicitly presented.

familiar images

Defined by film theorist Stefan sharff as any image (audio or visual) that A director periodically for pizza and a movie with all without variations to help stabilize it's narrative.

Open frame

Designed to detect a world war characters my freely within an open recognizable environment

First person narrator

Is a character in the narrative who typically important information in the form of voice over narration

Closed frame

Is designed to imply that other forces such as fate social educational or economic background or a repressive government have Rob characters of their ability to move an act freely

Set decorator

In charge of all countless details that go into furnishing and decorating a set, supervisors a variety of specialists

Computer generated imagery

In elaborate process actors perform scenes in motion capture suit's that record millions of pieces of data that computer to use to render the motion for the characters on screen


In other words the deep we get to the Story to go to the risk to our protagonist.

Film Noir

In the early 1940s the outlook, tone and style of American Shannara films grew decidedly darker with the emergence of film noir the French term for a black film. A shift clearly denoted by its name.

Freeze frame

In which a still image is shown on the screen for a period of time

Round characters

Some characters are more complicated than others. In literature complex characters are known as round characters. They may possess numerous subtle depressed or even contradictory traits that can change significantly over the course of the story sometimes surprisingly so.

Offscreen space

Space outside of the frame

Direct address narration

Speaker breaks the fourth wall by directly speaking to the audience separating the two dimensional section on screen from the audience.

Propaganda films

Systematically disseminate deceptive or distorted information. When persuasive documentaries are produced by governments and Cara governments messages they overlap with this type of film.

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