LS 23L Final

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The traditional Sanger Method, or Dideoxy Method, of DNA sequencing differs from DNA sequencing methods and visualization techniques most often used today in which of the following ways?Choose one answer. a. The Sanger Method employs the use of an electropherogram, which allows visualization of the DNA sequence using four different fluorescent color tags for the different nucleotides, while current methods use radioactive labeling of DNA for visualization on electrophoresis. b. The Sanger method uses radiolabeling of DNA for visualization on electrophoresis with reactions using different dNTPs, while modern methods use fluroescent color tags to visualize the sequence in an electropherogram. c. Sanger method amplifies the DNA using PCR and then uses restriction enzymes to digest the DNA and visualize fragments on a gel, while modern methods use fluorescent color tags to label and visualize the different DNA fragments. d. The Sanger method elucidates the DNA sequence by analyzing the amino acid composition of the proteins coded by DNA, while modern methods of DNA sequencing uses four different reactions with different dNTPS to radioactively label the sequences. e. The Sanger method uses radiolabeling of DNA for visualization on electrophoresis, while current methods use comparisons of the DNA sequence with known amino acid sequences.

. The Sanger method uses radiolabeling of DNA for visualization on electrophoresis with reactions using different dNTPs, while modern methods use fluroescent color tags to visualize the sequence in an electropherogram

Which anatomical term describes the position of the ear pinnae relative to the nose in both rats and humans?

. lateral

The four-lobed organ found in the thoracic cavity is most likely the:

. right lung

Which of the following statements concerning compound microscopes is FALSE?

. the specimen must be dead in order to observed

While pipetting for an experiment, your P20 shows the values 1, 2, 8 from top too bottom respectively. How much did you pipette?

12.8 microliters

What do the numbers 1, 4, 6 in succession going down the volume indicator convert to if using the P20?

14.6 microliters

A protein composed of four subunits with all different sizes is added to a buffer with NO reducing agent and then analyzed with SDS-PAGE. "How many bands should appear if two of these subunits are connected by disulfide bonds?"


Using gel filtration, the total size of a protein is determined to be 100kD. When the SDS-PAGE technique is applied to the protein, one band of size 40kD and one band of size 30kD appear in the gel. Based on these results, how many total subunits could this protein possess?


Which of the following is INCORRECT? a. Difference in pore size allows one to resolve smaller fragments on agarose gels than on acrylamide gels. b. Polypeptides were visualized via fluorescence of the FITC tag, while DNA fragments were visualized using ethidium bromide. c. DNA has a uniform charge to mass ratio while polypeptides must be treated with SDS to confer a uniform ratio. d. DNA fragments can be resolved in both agarose gels and polyacrylamide gels. e. In our labs, polypeptides were resolved in a polyacrylamide gel while DNA fragments were resolved in an agarose gel.


Which of the following is TRUE regarding DNA sequencing and amplification:Choose one answer. a. Taq polymerase is resistant to denaturation caused by heat. b. Mitochondrial DNA is amplified using the Chelex technique. c. Chelex prevents DNA degradation by binding Ca 2+. d. PCR is an in vivo DNA synthesis reaction repeated many times. e. Mitochondrial DNA can trace paternal lineage.


Which of the following mutations would most likely remain in the genome of a species for generations after it occurs without being selected against?

A 3 base pair change in the control region of mitochondrial DNA d-loop.

Which of the following statements is not true about Thin Layer Chromatography

A TLC plate placed in a solvent reservoir allows movement up the plate through capillary action where pigments absorbed weakly move slowly, those absorbed strongly move faster.

Polymorphic sites are defined as regions in a DNA segment that are not conserved between individuals. Which of the following primers would be the best for succesfully beginning polymerization at a unique site?

A long strand along a region with no polymorphisms.

Which of the following is not true regarding the p-value?

A p-value less than 0.05 means you should accept your null hypothesis.

Which of the following statements is true about ONPG used in the biochemical assay lab? a. two of these b. ONPG has a similar structure to lactose. c. all of these d. ONPG is a compound that is naturally present in all bacterial cells. e. B-galactosidase cleaves ONPG to produce o-nitrophenol, which is a yellow compound that can be used as an indicator of b-galactosidase activity

A. two of these

What is the chemical energy made in the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis?


All of the following describes characteristics of chlorophyll EXCEPT:

Absorbs light of all wavelength

What are the importance of accessory pigments and chlorophyll a in producing chemical energy?

Accessory pigments are excited by absorbing photons and then pass the excitation to other molecules until eventually it reaches chlorophyll a, which then converts the light energy to chemical energy.

Which of the following is a characteristic of SDS-PAGE but not Agarose

Acrylamide in SDS-PAGE is a neurotoxin while agarose is not harmful at all

Which of the following is NOT TRUE regarding the lac operon?

Active beta-galactosidase breaks down lactose into glucose and glycine.

All of the following are true descriptions of agents involved in gel electrophoresis except:

Agar is a stain which binds to proteins so that they may be visualized.

In one step of PCR the temperature is lowered to about 50-60 ?C, what is the point of this?

Allows the annealing of the primers

The mass of a protein as determined by gel filtration is 270kDa. SDS-PAGE analysis of this protein could produceChoose one answer. a. three bands -- 540 kDa, 270 kDa, and 135 kDa b. two bands -- 100 kDa and 35 kDa c. two bands -- 540 kDa and 135 kDa d. one band -- 570 kDa e. two bands -- 200 kDa and 135 kDa


What is the major difference between a slide containing lung tissue and a slide containing adipose tissue?Choose one answer. a. the lungs are white, and the adipose tissue cells appear yellow under the microscope. b. the lungs are more dense than adipose tissue in order to withstand respiration c. lung tissue contains large air sacs, whilel adipose tissue is very dense d. the lungs contain larger nuclei to support the functions of the cells e. lung tissue contains cilia to help the air travel through the lungs,while adipose tissue does not


Why is Mitochondrial DNA only used to trace maternal lineage?

Because the sperm did not contribute its mitochondria upon fertilization.

In the DNA extraction procedure, chelex was added to the sample of your cheek cells. What was the reason for its addition and what mechanism was used to disrupt the cell walls of your cheek cells? a. Chelex has a very high affinity for DNA and hence helps in DNA extraction. b. Chelex binds to DNase the enzyme that degrades DNA causing a conformational change making DNase inactive. The sample was vortexed in order to disrupt the cell membrane. c. Chelex binds to Magnesium, a cofactor needed for DNase, an enzyme that degrades DNA. The sample was heated to disrupt the cell membrane. d. Chelex is a powerful detergent and was used to disrupt the cell membrane. e. Chelex binds to RNA and proteins leaving behind DNA for extraction. The Sample was vortexed to disrupt the cell membrane.


Which of the following statements is considered incorrect? a. The enzyme beta-galactosidase catalyzes the hydrolysis of lactose into galactose and glucose. b. If all the enzymes that a cell will possibly need are produced all the time, then a cell will waste a lot of energy. c. Lactose is the only energy source that bacteria can utilize. d. When lactose is present, it binds to the repressor region of the lac operon, thereby causing a conformational change of the repressor and making it fall off from the operator region. e. The transcription of beta-galactosidase is regulated by the presence or absence of lactose in the environment.


In the overall process of photosynthesis

Carbon atoms derived from CO2 are linked together to form six-carbon carbohydrate glucose.

Which of the following can separate particles based on density?Choose one answer.


An electron microscope is different from a compound microscope in all of the ways listed below except:Choose one answer. a. An electron microscope cannot be used to look at living cells. b. An electron microscope has a higher magnification. c. An electron microscope uses beams of electrons to visualize an image. d. An electron microscope is more appropriate for analyzing living prokaryotic cells. e. The two types of microscopes are exactly the same, just one is less expensive.


Which of the following is not true regarding the BLAST searches?Choose one answer. a. The "E-value" indicates the probability of a random match between the two sequences in comparison b. BLAST searches its database to compare its library of sequences to the sequence the researcher has entered c. BLAST can search both protein and DNA sequence databases d. The higher the E-value, the more likely your sequence and the sequence in the database are a true match e. The "score" indicates the degree of homology between your sequence and the sequence in the database


In lab, which of the following were displayed as an electropherogram?

DNA sequence in four color data from an automatic sequencer.

The first step in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is

Denaturation of double stranded DNA

In the Sanger method of DNA sequencing, DNA synthesis stops when a ________ is encountered.

Dideoxyribose base

What is the purpose of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate when used in the SDS-PAGE technique?

Disrupt the non-covalent interactions between subunits of proteins

Which of the following is incorrect regarding Electrophoresis? a. Electrophoresis confirms the presence of purified DNA visually and confirms the DNA purity. b. Gel Electrophoresis can determine whether the amplified DNA is the correct size or composed primarily of primer-dimer. c. The polyacrylamide gel is used in the DNA analysis lab. d. When the unknown DNA is compared with markers of known molecular weights and quantity, the relative intensity of unknown DNA to the marker DNA can be estimated.

Electrophoresis confirms the presence of purified DNA visually and confirms the DNA purity.

True or False:1. In SDS-PAGE, the anode is negatively charged.2. In order to view the subunits that have migrated through the gel, a fluorescent tag called fluorescein isocyanate.3. Sodium dodecyl sulfate adds negative charge to protein subunits.

F, F, T

Why were fish used in the Metabolism experiment?

Fish have a variable body temperature and metabolic rate that are influenced by the surroundings.

Making a flow chart before performing the experiment will help you do all these except __________ (find the one answer that is false).

Give you the results that you are looking for

Which of the following is NOT true about the lac operon?Choose one answer.

Glucose binds to the repressor, causing a conformational change

Which of these is false regarding measuring metabolism in goldfish?

Goldfish are ideal for manipulating metabolic rates because their body temperature remains relatively constant despite environmental changes.

A high 260nm/280nm spectrophotometer absorption ratio indicates which of the following?

Good nucleic acid purity.

Why would a scientist choose to use polyacrylamide instead of agarose for gel electrophoresis?

He wants to separate DNA with very small size differences.

Which Gene encodes for the Lac Repressor that binds on the Lac Operon Operator.

I gene

A new breed of mutant mice was engineered at UCLA that were more active and had a lower heart rate than the wild type. These mice however, had a bad sense of balance and were sterile. Upon dissection, what could be true? I. The mice have a larger heart, due to increased cardiovascular activity. II. The mice contained only one optic nerve, disabling the mice from depth perception. III. The female mice reproductive system was normal, but male mice had smaller than normal and discolored testes.

I, II and III

In petri dish A, E. coli cells are grown in the presence of glucose as the only carbon source. In petri dish B, E. coli cells are grown in the presence of lactose as the only carbon source. Which of the petri dishes would have production of Beta-galactosidase? Which of the dishes would have an inactivated Lac repressor?

In petri dish B, Beta-galactosidase is synthesized and the Lac repressor is inactivated.

following statements describe PCR (Polymerize Chain Reaction). Choose one that is true

In the case of PCR, the synthesis of new DNA strands is not the same as DNA sequencing reaction where the new strands are terminated prematurely .

Under normal environmental conditions, how would a graph of oxygen consumption vs. time in goldfish appear in a closed system?

Increases in a linear function

All are true of a compound light microscope except which of the following

It focuses on light that reflects off the surface of the specimen

All are true of a compound light microscope except which of the following:

It focuses on light that reflects off the surface of the specimen.

What is the role of ethidium bromide?

It intercalates between the base pairs

For SDS page, the ladder had multiple subunits because

It is used to identify the size of different subunits.

What does the spleen do?

It removes worn-out blood cells and bacteria from the blood and plays a role in immunity

X.. marksthespot is a rare bacteria which contains a lac operon similar to E. coli. After using ONPG to assay the B-gal activity in X. marksthespot grown in a lactose environment, you notice that there is minimal B-gal present. What could be the explanation?

Lactose cannot easily enter the cell because the lactose permease coding region of the lac operon has a missense mutation

The enzyme beta-galactosidase breaks down ______ into simpler sugars ________ and ________ .

Lactose, glucose, galactose.

In the photosynthesis lab, you observed the following to be true of light and dark grown barley:

Light grown barley contained all of the following pigments: xanthophylls, carotene, chlorophyll a and b.

Using skills obtained from the Histology lab, please identify the mammalian tissue sample with the following characteristics: branching of thin, pink strands, clear globular spaces, and at high magnification, there are red dots dispersed within the branches. (Hint: this is one of the tissues used in the lab.)


Which of the following descriptions regarding temperature and the type of organisms is incorrect?

Metabolic rate of a frog decreases as its surrounding temperature decreases from room temperature

What characteristic(s) distinguishes mitochondrial DNA fromnuclear DNA

Mitochondrial DNA is inherited strictly from the mother.

Which of the following is not true regarding Bioinformatics and Migration Analysis

Numt refers to nuclear DNA on the mitochondrial genome

Which of the following is not true regarding Bioinformatics and Migration Analysis:Choose one answer.

Numt refers to nuclear DNA on the mitochondrial genome.

You use ONPG to assay b-galactosidase activity in two E. coli cultures. OD420 values indicate similar concentrations of b-galactosidase in both cultures. You do not measure OD600. You can conclude that

ONPG was cleaved at approximately the same rate in both cultures.

In the photosynthesis lab, we used both Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) and followed up with spectrophotometry to analyze the pigments TLC missed. What were TLC's limitations?

Only pigments that could dissolve in the solvent were separated, and thus polar pigments were not seen.

There are several ways to measure the metabolic rate of an organism. All of these are reasons to use oxygen as a way to measure metabolic rate EXCEPT:

Oxygen consumption decreases the blood flow in the fish that has an effect on the metabolic rate.

What pipette would you use to measure 0.5 ml?


The following description is for PCR. Choose one that is not correct.

PCR is an in vivo DNA synthesis reaction.

During the dissection of the rat in lab, which part of the brain was observed?


Which of the following is NOT an important guideline to consider when designing primers?Choose one answer.

Presence of G or C at the 5' end.

Which one of the following statement should not be in the set of rules for primer design?

Primers should contain long runs (four or more of the same base in a row).

Which of the following components is NOT necessary for a typical PCR reaction to initiate/proceed?

Protein kinase

What region of the DNA was used to help construct the phylogenetic trees?

RNA polymerase II (RPB1) gene

In the absence of lactose, what would occur if there was a mutation in the operator of the lac operon that did not allow the lac repressor to bind?

RNA polymerase would bind to the promoter, and would also transcribe B-galactosidase.

Which human evolutionary theory is supported by analysis of maternal inheritance through analyzing mitochondrial DNA?

Recent African origin theory

Which of the following organs is not located in the thoracic cavity?


Which of the following statements regarding SDS (sodium dodecyl sulfate) is false

SDS breaks disulfide linkages between subunits of a protein.

Which of the following is not true of metabolism?

Smaller animals generally have slower relative metabolic rates than larger animals.

Which statement of the following is true of SDS Page Electrophoresis?

Smaller proteins subunits migrate further because they have a smaller mass.

In the photosynthesis lab, we used a mixed solvent system of methanol and phosphate buffer for suspending the plant pigments because:

Some plant pigments are hydrophobic whereas others are hydrophilic, so by using a mixed system of a non-polar and a polar solvent, we are able to extract all types of pigments successfully for an accurate and complete spectrophotometer reading.

In humans, the thoracic cavity is __________ to the abdominal cavity.


The human heart is _______ to the stomach.


All of the following are factors that determine the distance pigments travel in the TLC (thin layer chromatography) EXCEPT:Choose one answer.


If you dissected a Rat which died prematurely and had suffered from chronic use of alcohol, which organ would you be most likely to investigate first to determine the most likely cause of the rat's death?

The Liver, because alcohol causes cirrhosis of the liver when consumed in excess, and as the major organ used for detoxification of ingested substances, would lose its detoxifying properties as a result of liver failure

John wants to measure the activity of B-galactosidase using the same protocol followed by LS3 students. He performs the experiment correctly but instead of ONPG he mistakenly adds galactose to the cells after the chloroform step. How will his spectrophotometry results compare to those obtained with ONPG?

The OD420 be lower because it measures the presence of products from the breakdown of ONPG.

Which structure and function relationship does not make sense?

The adipose tissue is spacious to allow efficient movement of fat tissue

Which of the following is NOT TRUE regarding BLAST?

The best match has the highest "Score"; AND the highest "E-value"

Which of the following is not true regarding the BLAST searches?

The higher the E-value, the more likely your sequence and the sequence in the database are a true match

The lac operon is devised to activate the transcription of the enzyme beta-galactosidase when needed. What conditions begin this process?

The lac repressor is deactivated through allosteric change in the presence of lactose allowing for transcription of the Z Gene to beta-galactosidase.

in the phylogenetic tree lab, what does the age for the most-recent-common-ancestor show?

The moment when two lineages diverged

How were the proteins in the SDS-PAGE lab visualized?

The polypeptides were covalently bound to a fluorescent tag that made them visible under UV light.

Before sequencing DNA, which of the following lab procedures is usually not performed?

The qualitative measure of DNA concentration would be found through DNA amplification

What is a molecular clock?

The rate of change of mutation of a particular gene.

What is one main, relevant problem in primer design for the PCR procedure?

The sequence has mismatched nucleotides at the 3' end because the replication cannot extend from this mismatch.

A class is studying b-galactosidase activity in a bacterial culture. After a student adds ONPG to their sample, the student adds two drops of chloroform, mixes the samples, and allows the samples to sit before transferring the supernatant to a cuvette for a enzymatic assay reading using a spectrophotometry. To the student's surprise, their enzymatic assay reading was significantly lower than the rest of the class's. What is the best explanation for this?

The student added ONPG to the bacterial cells before lysing the cells. This does not allow the b-galactosidase to come into contact with ONPG, which may have also been damaged by its direct exposure to chloroform.

Which of the following is NOT true of the kidneys?

They are connected to the urethra

In the photosynthesis lab, what was Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) used for

To separate photosynthetic pigments

Which tissue can best fit this description: "ciliated epithelium borders, open spaces"?

Tracheal Tissue.

Which directional term is incorrect?

Ventral is toward floor.

The very long whiskers on the face of the rat are calledChoose one answer.


Which of these regarding the t-test is true?

When you have a p-value of less than 0.05, you can conclude the null hypothesis can be rejected.

Caretonoids are mainly _______ in color and absorb ________ light?

Yellow and orange and red ; Violet and blue

A scientist got a p-value of 0.039 when testing his data. Assuming there was a small difference between the means in the two groups of his hypothesis, will these results give a significant difference?

Yes, because the p-value is less than 0.05

Suppose I used SDS-PAGE to analyze a protein with two different sized subunits that were connected by a disulfide bond and tagged with a fluorescent marker. In my first trial, I mixed SDS with the protein, but I forgot to add a reducing agent. In the second trial, I mixed both SDS and a reducing agent with the protein. Would I see a difference on the gel between the two trials?

Yes, the first trial will result in one band and the second trial will result in two bands.

Why is it necessary to hold the TLC plate from the edges? a. a and b only b. The silica is corrosive to skin tissue. c. If the silica is touched or scraped, it could make cracks in the plate and interrupt solvent and pigment movement. d. a and c only e. When developing the TLC plate in the tank, oils and dirt from fingerprints will impair your results.

a and b only

When the nucleic acid absorption ratio of 260nm/280nm is less than _____ than it indicates that your nucleic acid is ______?Choose one answer. a. 1.8 and impure b. 2.8 and stable c. 1.8 and stable d. 1.8 and pure e. 2.8 and unstable

a. 1.8 and impure

Which of the following describes instructions for proper use of a pipetter?Choose one answer. a. A clean tip should be used each time a different liquid is drawn up. b. One should aspirate the liquid with her forefinger and discharge the liquid with her thumb c. One can have bubbles in the tip of the P1000 pipetter but not in the P20 or the P200 pipetters, as their volumes are smaller d. Place the pipetter as far down into the container of the liquid as possible to ensure that enough liquid can be drawn up e. One should draw up 90 microliters of liquid with the P1000 pipet

a. A clean tip should be used each time a different liquid is drawn up.

Which of the following can separate particles based on density?Choose one answer. a. Centrifugation b. SDS gel electrophoresis c. Ion exchange chromatography d. UV light e. Affinity chromatography

a. Centrifugation

If a man with mutated mitochondria marries a woman with normal mitochondria, what is the likelihood that their first child will have mutated mitochondria at the exact location?Choose one answer. a. Close to 0% because the child will only inherit the mother';s mitochondria. b. 50% because the child will receive either the father's or the mother's mitochondria based on pure chance. c. 100% because the child will only inherit the father's mitochondria d. 50% because the child will inherit half of his/her mitochondria from the mother, and half from the father.

a. Close to 0% because the child will only inherit the mother';s mitochondria.

Why should we blank the spectrophotometer with methanol first before use? Choose one answer. a. Eliminate any background distortions because the sample is dissolved in methanol. b. Focus the beam of light which will stream across the inner compartment of the spectrophotometer. c. It serves to test the spectrophotometer to see if it still functions correctly d. Clean the internal compartment of the spectrophotometer.

a. Eliminate any background distortions because the sample is dissolved in methanol.

Ethidium bromide is to DNA asChoose one answer. a. FITC is to polypeptide. b. primers to control regions. c. ONPG is to lacZ gene. d. Taq polymerase is to DNA. e. restriction site is to plasmid.

a. FITC is to polypeptide.

A high 260nm/280nm spectrophotometer absorption ratio indicates which of the following?Choose one answer. a. Good nucleic acid purity. b. The size of the protein. c. The size of the DNa. d. Good protein purity. 100 e. How many subunits the protein contains.

a. Good nucleic acid purity.

Which of the following is false? a. In PCR, RNA polymerase is used to make copies of the region between the primers. b. Mitochondrial DNA sequence can be used to probe our maternal lineage. c. In PCR amplification, changes in temperature are used for DNA denaturation and hybridization to primers. d. The D-loop region is a good choice because it is a control region and can thus accumulate more mutations without affecting function. e. A good primer will hybridize to highly conserved areas of this region.

a. In PCR, RNA polymerase is used to make copies of the region between the primers.

Complete the following statement with the best possible answer. Accessory pigments:Choose one answer. a. Increase photosynthetic efficiency by absorbing energy of wavelengths not absorbed by chlorophyll, then passing this energy to chlorophyll. b. Decrease photosynthetic efficiency by blocking chlorophyll's absorption of wavelengths. c. Increase photosynthetic efficiency by absorbing only green light. d. Have no effect on photosynthetic efficiency. e. Increases photosynthetic efficiency by absorbing the same save wavelengths as chlorophyll.

a. Increase photosynthetic efficiency by absorbing energy of wavelengths not absorbed by chlorophyll, then passing this energy to chlorophyll.

What is the limitation of using spectrophotometry alone to check the DNA quality at the end of the plasmid purification procedure if you skip running a gel?Choose one answer. a. It does not tell you if the DNA is degraded into smaller fragments b. It does not tell you the quantity of DNA c. It does not tell you the purity of DNA d. It mixes protein reading with DNA reading, making it difficult to isolate the protein quantity

a. It does not tell you if the DNA is degraded into smaller fragments

What would be a reason you would use an agarose gel as opposed to a polyacrylamide gel when running electrophoresis?Choose one answer. a. It is easy to make since it is nontoxic prior to polymerization and does not need to be made in airtight conditions b. You wish to add SDS to your sample to coat it with a negative charge c. The samples you are running are close in size and need high resolution d. You are separating proteins, not DNA e. You wish to run the gel horizontally, not vertically

a. It is easy to make since it is nontoxic prior to polymerization and does not need to be made in airtight conditions

What is the function of the uteri in the rat?Choose one answer. a. It is the site of growth and development of eggs b. It is the site where fertilization occurs c. It is the site for development of fetus d. It is the site of egg production e. It is the site for development of the egg-yolk

a. It is the site of growth and development of eggs

The following description is for PCR. Choose one that is not correct.Choose one answer. a. PCR is an in vivo DNA synthesis reaction. b. For the first step of PCR, DNA parental strands are denatured at 94?C. c. PCR is used to make more copies of DNA for sequencing. d. The Taq polymerase is used because it is resistant to denaturation. e. PCR is Polymerase Chain Reaction

a. PCR is an in vivo DNA synthesis reaction. v

Which of the following represent the same orientation in humans?Choose onne answer. a. Posterior and Dorsal b. Dorsal and Superior c. Dorsal and Ventral d. Medial and Lateral e. Posterior and Anterior

a. Posterior and Dorsal

Which type of trendline is used to construct a standard curve from the distances traveled by the standard bands of a known marker in an SDS-PAGE experiment?Choose one answer. a. Power. b. Logarithmic. c. Exponential.

a. Power.

Which of the following statements regarding primers is true (as learned in the context of this class)?

a. Primer specificity is increased by making the 3'; (C terminmus) end in a G or C, since G and C bind more tightly than A or T.

In the rat lab, the cecum connects which of the following two organs?Choose one answer. a. Small intestine and large intestine b. Heart and lungs c. None of the above d. Kidneys and bladder e. Testis and prostate gland

a. Small intestine and large intestine

SDS-PAGE was performed on a sample treated with a reducing agent, and the resulting gel contains one band. Upon comparing this band to the ladder values, you determine that the band has a molecular weight of 200 kD. Which of the following is NOT possible?Choose one answer. a. The protein is composed of four subunits, each with a molecular weight of 50 kD. b. The protein is composed of four subunits, each with a molecular weight of 200 kD. c. The protein has a total molecular weight of 800 kD. d. The protein is composed of two subunits, each with a molecular weight of 200 kD. e. The protein has a total molecular weight of 200 kD.

a. The protein is composed of four subunits, each with a molecular weight of 50 kD.

What makes goldfish a good model organism for the metabolism lab?Choose one answer. a. Two of these b. Their body temperature varies with the environment temperature change. c. They are homeothermic. d. All of these e. Their metabolism is easy to manipulat

a. Two of these

Which of the following is a false statement?Choose one answer. a. Two sets of data have the same statistical variation if they have identical means. b. A null hypothesis can be rejected when the determined p-value is less than 0.05. c. A t-test value can be used to determine a p-value when the degrees of freedom are known. d. The difference between 2 sets of data can be determined as statistically significant or insignificant if the t-test value and p-value are known. e. In a hypothetical distribution curve, the mean, median, and mode can be the same value.

a. Two sets of data have the same statistical variation if they have identical means.

Which of the following is not an accessory pigment

a. chlorophyll a

In the female rat, the anus is ________ to the vaginal orifice Choose one answer. a. dorsal b. central c. posterior d. ventral e. anterior

a. dorsal

Assuming you have a polar stationary phase and a nonpolar mobile phase, a compound with which of the following sets of characteristics will have the largest Rf value?Choose one answer. a. nonpolar, easily dissolved in the solvent, small size b. nonpolar, easily dissolved in the solvent, large size c. polar, easily dissolved in the solvent, large size d. polar, not easily dissolved in the solvent, small size e. nonpolar, not easily dissolved in the solvent, large size

a. nonpolar, easily dissolved in the solvent, small size

Which is not a function of the liver?Choose one answer. a. produce immune-competent T lymphocytes b. detoxification of metabolic waste products c. storage and release of energy, in the form of glycogen d. synthesis and secretion of bile into the intestines to aid digestion e. destruction of spent red blood cells and reclamation on their constituents.

a. produce immune-competent T lymphocytes

In isolating the DNA sample needed for PCR, the primary function of Chelex is to Choose one answer. a. recruit Mg2+ that would otherwise serve as an essential cofactor of DNases b. bind to Ca2+ to prevent its re-uptake by DNases c. absorb Mg2+ to facilitate the separation of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA present in the solution d. degrade the cofactors needed by DNases, thereby preventing DNA degradation e. denature the double-stranded DNA to ensure proper annealing of the forward and reverse primers

a. recruit Mg2+ that would otherwise serve as an essential cofactor of DNases

Which of the following best characterizes thymus tissue?Choose one answer. a. the presence of many nucleated cells (single) that are densely packed b. striated/fibrous in appearance, and the presence of multi-nucleated cells c. the presence of many non-nucleated cells d. the presence of Haversian canals e. presence of "air sacs" with nuclei bordering the periphery

a. the presence of many nucleated cells (single) that are densely packed

The heart on a rat is located __________ to the stomach


The cecum in your rat is homologous to what in the human body?


All of the following information is needed to calculate the substitution rate for two species exceptChoose one answer. a. age of the most-recent-common-ancestor (MRCA) b. "score" from BLAST c. number of identities d. alignment length e. total number of substitutions

b. "score" from BLAST

A student is quickly pipetting 129ul water and observes many bubbles in the tip. You as the second student demonstrate the correct order of steps:1. In order to prevent bubbles, slowly let go off your thumb and Release the pushbutton to aspirate. 2. Choose the correct pipette p200 and the correct tip to aspirate the correct amount of 129ul. 3. Push the pushbutton to the first stop before inserting the tip into the solution, and then put the tip in the solution tube.4. Dial the volume on the adjustment ring by first over dial the volume, and return to the correct amount of 129ul.5. Push the pushbutton to the first stop, raise the tip above the liquid, and press it harder to the second step to discard 129ul.6. Press the ejector to discard the tip.Choose one answer. a. 6, 5, 4, 2, 3, 1 b. 2, 4, 3, 1, 5, 6 c. 1, 4, 2, 5, 3, 6 d. 2, 1, 5, 3, 4, 6 e. 2, 5, 4, 3, 1, 6

b. 2, 4, 3, 1, 5, 6

You have run gel electrophoresis, and upon visualizing your results, you see that your ladder has four bands. You know that the ladder has bands at 150 kD, 200 kD, 275 kD and 350 kD. Further, you notice that your sample has run until it is as far as the third ladder band from the well. Order the ladder bands from least to furthest travelled and determine the size of your sample.Choose one answer. a. 350 kD, 275 kD, 200 kD, 150 kD; sample is 275 kD. b. 350 kD, 275 kD, 200 kD, 150 kD; sample is 200 kD. c. 150 kD, 200 kD, 275 kD, 350 kD; sample is 275 kD. d. 150 kD, 200 kD, 275 kD, 350 kD; sample is 200 kD.

b. 350 kD, 275 kD, 200 kD, 150 kD; sample is 200 kD.

What is the distinction between anabolism and catabolism?Choose one answer .a. Catabolism includes the processes by which an organism's oxygen consumption is regulated, while anabolism includes the processes by which an organism's temperature is regulated. b. Anabolism is the synthesis of chemical building blocks, while catabolism is the breakdown of molecules synthesized. c. Anabolism is a term used to describe metabolic activity in eurkaryotes, while catabolism is the term used to describe metabolic activity in prokaryotes. d. Catabolism is the synthesis of chemical building blocks, while anabolism is the breakdown of molecules synthesized.

b. Anabolism is the synthesis of chemical building blocks, while catabolism is the breakdown of molecules synthesized.

Why would an E. Coli culture produce more Beta Galactosidase, in an environment where there is lactose as opposed to an environment where there is lactose and glucose? What specific gene in an E. coli's genome is transcribed in both environments?Choose one answer. a. Because cAMP binds to the repressor it changes conformation and no longer blocks the operator, enabling RNA Polymerase to transcribe the lac Z gene into mRNA which is translated into Beta Galactosidase.. The A gene istranscribed in both cases. b. Because cAMP binds to the CAP protein which can then bind to the CBS (cap binding site) to enhance the RNA Polymerase catalyzed transcription of lac Z gene into mRNA which is translated into beta-Galactosidase. The I gene is transcribed in both cases. c. Because cAMP binds to glucose, which then binds to lactose and releases lactose from the repressor, the repressor is able to bind to the operator and block RNA Polymerase from translating the lac Z gene. The Y gene is transcribed in both cases. d. Because cAMP binds to the repressor it changes conformation and no longer blocks the operator, enabling RNA Polymerase to translate the lac Z gene into mRNA which is transcribed into Beta Galactosidase.. The A gene is transcribed in both cases. e. Because cAMP binds to the CAP protein which can then bind to the CBS to enhance the RNA Polymerase catalyzed translat

b. Because cAMP binds to the CAP protein which can then bind to the CBS (cap binding site) to enhance the RNA Polymerase catalyzed transcription of lac Z gene into mRNA which is translated into beta-Galactosidase. The I gene is transcribed in both cases.

If the lac repressor of E. coli is mutated so that it never binds to the operator. Which of the following would be true?Choose one answer. a. Glucose digesting enzymes are never produced b. Beta galactosidase is always produced c. The result depends on the concentration of glucose d. The result depends on the concentration of lactose e. Beta galactosidase is never produced

b. Beta galactosidase is always produced

What pigments are missing from the dark-grown barley compared to the light-grown barley when doing thin-layer chromatography? Why?Choose one answer. a. The carotenoids are missing because carotenoids absorb both red and blue light to give green plants their color but dark-grown barley are no longer green as the light-grown barley are. b. Chlorophyll a and b are missing because the dark-grown barley do not produce pigments they do not need. c. The only pigments that remained the same are the phycobilins that result in the same yellow dots on the thin-layer chromatography for both the dark-grown and light-grown barley while everything else is different. d. Chlorophyll a and b are actually constantly produced in the dark-grown barley but are not expressed when doing thin-layer chromatography because they are grown in the dark. e. Chlorophyll a is only missing because it is a waste of energy for the dark-grown barley to produce chlorophyll a if it is not needed.

b. Chlorophyll a and b are missing because the dark-grown barley do not produce pigments they do not need.

All of the following factors influence the separation of pigments on the TLC plate except?Choose one answer. a. Adsorption to the stationary phase. b. Color of the mobile phase. c. Pigment size. d. Polarity of the solvent. e. Solubility strength.

b. Color of the mobile phase.

Which one of the following statements is false?Choose one answer. a. Acrylamide gel is only safe after polymerization. b. FITC denatures proteins and creates a uniformly negative charge in the polypeptide. c. Polyacrylamide gel has the best resolution d. Ethidium bromide is used to visualize the DNa.

b. FITC denatures proteins and creates a uniformly negative charge in the polypeptide.

Why don't we use Y-linked genes to trace the genetic line?Choose one answer. a. mtDNA are easier to work with b. Females do not have Y-linked genes c. The ancestors did not have Y-linked DNA d. Y-linked genes are too short and not enough for sequencing e. There might be a lot mutation in these genes

b. Females do not have Y-linked genes

An assay of which of the following solutions will theoretically have the highest amount of b-galactosidase enzyme activity?Choose one answer. a. Luria Broth, glucose and lactose, at 70 mins of incubation b. Luria Broth and lactose, at 70 mins of incubation c. Luria Broth & glucose, at 20mins of incubation d. Luria Broth, glucose and lactose, at 20 mins of incubation e. Luria Broth and lactose, at 20 mins of incubation

b. Luria Broth and lactose, at 70 mins of incubation

SDS-PAGE disrupts ________, while _________ breaks disulfide linkages in subunits of proteins.Choose one answer. a. Noncovalent bonds; electrophoresis. b. Noncovalent bonds; beta-2-mercaptoethanol. c. Noncovalent bonds; polyacrylamide. d. Covalent bonds; beta-2-mercaptoethanol. e. Ionic bonds; electrophoresis.

b. Noncovalent bonds; beta-2-mercaptoethanol.

Which of the following is true about sequencing primers?Choose one answer. a. A sequencing primer is synonymous with the forward primer. b. None of these c. A sequencing primer is synonymous with the reverse primer. d. A sequencing primer can only extend in the 3' to 5' direction. e. A sequencing primer is required for PCR amplification.

b. None of these

What is the difference between SDS's function and reducing agent's function in SDS-PAGE?Choose one answer. a. They both act in the same way and there is no difference between them b. SDS breaks the non covalent bonds and reducing agent breaks the disulfide bonds c. SDS causes the protein subunit to migrate in the gel but reducing agent just breaks the bonds between subunits d. SDS breaks disulfide bonds and reducing agent breaks the non covalent bonds e. There is no reducing agent used in the SDS-PAGE and only SDS is used

b. SDS breaks the non covalent bonds and reducing agent breaks the disulfide bonds

The diaphragm Choose one answer. a. Only found in males b. Separates two body cavities c. Only found in females d. Lies at the base of the female productive organs e. Is a protective layer around the heart

b. Separates two body cavities

For Thin Layer Chromatography, given a highly non-polar compound spotted on a silica gel plate with a highly polar mobile phase, which of the following best describes the retention factor (Rf) value?Choose one answer. a. You would not be able to determine the Rf pattern from the given information above. b. Small Rf, because the non-polar compound has a greater affinity to the nonpolar silica gel than the travelling mobile phase. c. Large Rf, because the non-polar compound, being highly soluble in the polar mobile solvent, is carried up the plate without interference from the plate's surface. ]d. Small Rf, because the non-polar compound binds more tightly to the polar solvent.

b. Small Rf, because the non-polar compound has a greater affinity to the nonpolar silica gel than the travelling mobile phase.

The following are true except:Choose one answer. a. Rf values are specific for each pigment under certain solvents and stationary phase being used. b. TLC physically separates pigments due to the sample c. When calibrating the spectrophotometer in the Photosynthesis lab, methanol and water blanks were used. d. Rf value is the ratio of the distance the pigment moved relative to the distance the solvent front moved on the plate. e. Spectrophotometer measures the absorbency of your sample

b. TLC physically separates pigments due to the sample

Which of the following statements about BLAST is NOT true?Choose one answer. a. The "Score"; of each match indicates the quality of the match, the higher the Score the better the match. b. The E value indicates the similarity between your sequence and the sequences in the database, the higher the E value the better the match. c. One can conduct BLAST searches for both protein and nucleotide sequence homology. d. Bioinformatics is a discipline that combines biology and information technology. e. The longer the query sequence, the less likely that a match from a BLAST search is random.

b. The E value indicates the similarity between your sequence and the sequences in the database, the higher the E value the better the match.

When looking at the slides during the Histology Lab you saw that:Choose one answer. a. The slide which featured bone had many open cavities to ensure that when bones come under stress they do no shatter. b. The cells featured in the blood slide were small individual cells (not interconnected. which allows for them to pass one by one through capillaries. c. The slide that had skeletal muscle was stained purple because there is a lot of DNA in muscle. d. The lung slide was very densely packed to allow a lot of storage of air within cells. e. The tracheal epithelium slide had interconnected cells, forming a barrier so that air would diffuse through the cells.

b. The cells featured in the blood slide were small individual cells (not interconnected. which allows for them to pass one by one through capillaries.

Which of the following methods is NOT a way to separate proteins based predominantly on their size?Choose one answer. a. Centrifugation. b. Thin layer chromatography. c. Electrophoresis. d. Gel filtration. e. SDS-PAGE.

b. Thin layer chromatography.

A slide using a hematoxylin stain is observed. Which of the following tissue samples will show the highest concentration of dark purple nuclei when observed under a compound microscope?Choose one answer. a. Skeletal muscle. b. Thymus. c. Blood.

b. Thymus.

What type of mutation would lead to an inaccurate estimation of divergence time between two lineages?Choose one answer.a. a silent mutation b. a back mutation c. a missense mutation d. a nonsense mutation e. an insertion

b. a back mutation

Which of the following statements are true? Choose one answer. a. Xanthophylls and carotenes are types of carotenoids and when excited, convert light energy into chemical energy. b. all of these false c. the only factors that affect the rate at which pigments travel up the silica plate are polarity and solubility. d. The height of an absorbance peak is proportional to the concentration of the solvent because the more solvated the pigments are, the easier it is for the pigments to absorb certain wavelengths of light

b. all of these false

In thin layer chromatography (TLC), the retention factor (Rf value) is calculated by taking the _________________ and dividing that by the________________. In spectrophotometry, the ___________ is proportional to the concentration of the sample.Choose one answer. a. length of the plate, distance traveled by the pigment, wavelength. b. distance traveled by the pigment, distance traveled by the solvent, absorption. c. distance traveled by the pigment, length of the plate, absorption.

b. distance traveled by the pigment, distance traveled by the solvent, absorption.

In the male reproductive system, the structure where the sperm complete their maturation and are stored is called the ___________. The duct that transports sperm to the ejaculatory duct is called __________.Choose one answer. a. epididymis; seminal vesicles b. epididymis; vas deferens c. prostate gland; vas deferens d. testes; vas deferens e. testes; seminal vesicles

b. epididymis; vas deferens

What is the order in which food travels down your digestive system?Choose one answer. a. esophagus, stomach, colon, duodenum, jejunum, ileum b. esophagus, stomach, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, colon c. trachea, stomach, duodenum, colon, jejunum, ileum d. trachea, stomach, colon, duodenum, jejunum, ileum

b. esophagus, stomach, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, colon

The order of the rat digestive system is as follows:Choose one answer.a. stomach-caecum-small intestine-esophogus b. esophogus-stomach-small intestine-caecum c. stomach-small intestine-esophogus-caecum d. esophogus-small intestine-stomach-caecum e. esophogus-caecum-stomach-small intestine

b. esophogus-stomach-small intestine-caecum

If a pigment absorbs at wavelengths of approximately 420nm and 670nm what color is it most likely to appear to our eyes?Choose one answer. a. brown b. green c. yellow and violet d. red and blue e. cyan

b. green

All of the following are characteristics of gel electrophoresis except:Choose one answer. a. whether the DNA amplified is the correct size b. has small pores that allow detection of smaller molecules c. gel is made from polysaccharide extracted from seaweed d. qualitative overview of the DNA purity e. confirms the presence of purified DNA visually

b. has small pores that allow detection of smaller molecules

In the "Pigments of Photosynthesis" lab, the two techniques used were thin layer chromatography (TLC) and spectrophotometry. TLC in this lab was used to examine mostly ________ pigments in ________ solvent, and spectrophotometry in this lab was used to examine pigments in _______________ solvent.Choose one answer. a. nonpolar, nonpolar, polar b. nonpolar, nonpolar, polar c. polar, polar, nonpolar d. polar, polar, polar and nonpolar e. nonpolar, polar, nonpolar

b. nonpolar, nonpolar, polar

In general, arteries carry ___________ blood away from the heart to the body, with the exception of the __________, which carries ____________ blood to the ____________. Choose one answer. a. oxygenated, pulmonary artery, deoxygenated, brain b. oxygenated, pulmonary artery, dexoygenated, lungs c. deoxygenated, left common axillary artery, oxygenated, lungs d. deoxygenated, carotid artery, oxygenated, brain e. oxygenated, carotid artery, deoxygenated, brain

b. oxygenated, pulmonary artery, dexoygenated, lungs

It has been a long day in the lab and you have just finished preparing 1000 uL of 8 different known proteins in separate tubes. You put them in the freezer for the next day. Over night, evil members of a rival lab break in and remove all the labels of the proteins. The next day, you come back to do some work and realize you have been sabotaged. But, you have a trick up your sleeve-you know how to identify each protein. What do you do?Choose one answer. a. sacrifice 10uL of each sample and run it through PFGE with B-mercaptoethanol to find the appropriate migration of protein subunits. b. sacrifice 10uL of each sample with SDS-PAGE and B-mercaptoethanol to find the appropriate migration of the protein subunits. c. sacrifice 10ul of each sample and run it through agarose gel electrophoresis with B-mercaptoethanol to find the appropriate migration of protein subunits

b. sacrifice 10uL of each sample with SDS-PAGE and B-mercaptoethanol to find the appropriate migration of the protein subunits.

The mass of a protein as determined by gel filtration is 270kDa. SDS-PAGE analysis of this protein could produceChoose one answer. a. two bands -- 200 kDa and 135 kDa b. two bands -- 100 kDa and 35 kDa c. one band -- 570 kDa d. three bands -- 540 kDa, 270 kDa, and 135 kDa e. two bands -- 540 kDa and 135 kDa

b. two bands -- 100 kDa and 35 kDa

Suppose you want to test if people who drink 5 cups of coffee per day are more alert than those who do not drink coffee. What would be your null hypothesis?

bPeople who drink 5 cups of coffee are not more alert than those who do not drink coffee.

Which of the following is NOT TRUE regarding the lac operon?Choose one answer. a. Gene O is the lac repressor binding site. b. As glucose concentrations increase, lactose concentrations decrease. c. Active beta-galactosidase breaks down lactose into glucose and glycine. d. Lactose binds to the repressor protein, causing an allosteric change. e. Gene I encodes for the lac repressor.

c. Active beta-galactosidase breaks down lactose into glucose and glycine.

Which of the following lies in the thoracic cavity?Choose one answer. a. Esophagus b. Heart c. All of these d. Trachea e. Lungs

c. All of these

Which pigment can convert energy directly to chemical energy?Choose one answer. a. Phycoerythrin b. Phycobilins c. Chlorophyll a d. Carotenoids e. Xanthophylls

c. Chlorophyll a

In the rat dissection lab, we saw that the ______ is ________ and the ________ is _________ if one is looking at the ventral side of the rat Choose one answer. a. Rectum ; ventral, colon ; posterior b. Colon ; posterior, rectum ; anterior c. Colon ; anterior, rectum ; posterior d. Rectum ; dorsal, colon ; ventral e. Colon ; anterior , rectum ; dorsal

c. Colon ; anterior, rectum ; posterior

Which of the following is INCORRECT?Choose one answer. a. DNA has a uniform charge:mass ratio while polypeptides must be treated with SDS to confer a uniform ratio. b. Polypeptides were resolved on an acrylamide gel while DNA fragments were resolved on an agarose gel. c. Differences in pore size allow one to get higher resolution in terms of separating fragments on agarose gels than on polyacrylamide gels. d. Polypeptides were visualized via fluorescence of the FITC tag while DNA fragments were visualized using ethidium bromide.

c. Differences in pore size allow one to get higher resolution in terms of separating fragments on agarose gels than on polyacrylamide gels.

Why is it easier to use poikilothermic goldfish in the "Metabolism in Goldfish" lab, instead of homeothermic humans?Choose one answer. a. Goldfish tend to be smaller than humans, thus it is easier to manipulate their metabolic rates b. The metabolic rate of a human is much faster, making it difficult to determine c. Goldfish's metabolic rates have a direct relationship with environmental temperature making their metabolic rates easier to manipulate d. It is too expensive to test the metabolic rates of homeothermic organisms e. It is easier to detect dissolved oxygen than atmospheric oxygen

c. Goldfish's metabolic rates have a direct relationship with environmental temperature making their metabolic rates easier to manipulate

In the Agarose Gel Electrophoresis and Molecular Clocks lab, two students are attempting to make a phylogentic tree. Student 1 proposes to make the tree based on differences in aligned homologous protein sequences between the two animals. Student 2 proposed to make the tree based on aligned nucleotide sequences of those proteins instead. Which student is correct and why?Choose one answer. a. Both of the students are wrong, in order to create a correct phylogenetic tree which most accurately represents the relationships between organisms, mRNA sequences should be looked at since there is so much post transcriptional changes that occur in organisms which lead to differences in species. b. Since differences in protein structure is the reason for all phenotypic differences between organisms, a correct phylogenetic tree should be based off of difference is protein. Student 1 is correct. c. Homologous protein sequences will have less changes as compared to the nucleotide sequence, due to the presence of the wobble at the third base pair in the codon, therefore nucleotide sequence will be better able to indicate where the nucleotide changes started to occur and species began to have changes. Therefore Student 2 is correct. d. Because DNA is more stable than proteins it will be have less changes as compared to proteins and therefore it should be used to make a correct phylogenetic tree. So student 2 is correct. e. Since every organism has the same set of proteins, it is much better to compare the evolutionary lineage based on protein sequence changes; whereas every organism has a different genome and to make comparisions based off of genomes is not the most valid method of creating phylogenetic trees. Thus student 1 is correct.

c. Homologous protein sequences will have less changes as compared to the nucleotide sequence, due to the presence of the wobble at the third base pair in the codon, therefore nucleotide sequence will be better able to indicate where the nucleotide changes started to occur and species began to have changes. Therefore Student 2 is correct.

DNA is __________________ in order to run gel electrophoresis.Choose one answer . a. Circular and needs to be treated with SDS b. Chromosomal and needs to be treated with SDS c. Linear and doesn't need to be treated with SDS d. Linear and needs to be treated with SDS e. Circular and doesn't needs to be treated with SDS

c. Linear and doesn't need to be treated with SDS

What does Chelex binds to?Choose one answer. a. Ca 2+ b. Li 2+ c. Mg 2+ d. K + e. Na +

c. Mg 2+

What are differences between mitochondrial and nuclear DNA?Choose one answer. a. Only two of these are correct. b. One is double-stranded, one is single-stranded. c. One is linear, one is circular. d. One uses uracil, one uses thiamine. e. All of these are correct.

c. One is linear, one is circular.

Suppose you want to test if people who drink 5 cups of coffee per day are more alert than those who do not drink coffee. What would be your null hypothesis? Choose one answer. a. People who do not drink coffee are more alert than those who drink 5 cups of coffee. b. People who drink 5 cups of coffee are more alert than those who do not drink coffee. c. People who drink 5 cups of coffee are not more alert than those who do not drink coffee. d. People who drink 5 cups of coffee are not more alert than people who drink less than 5 cups of coffee. e. People who drink less than 5 cups of coffee are more alert than those who drink 5 cups of coffee.

c. People who drink 5 cups of coffee are not more alert than those who do not drink coffee.

The importance of having three groups collaborate on the same variable during the Fish Metabolism lab is:Choose one answer. a. The three groups collaborated so that if two of the groups made significant errors, the third group would have done the experiment wrong. b. The groups collaborated because it was easier to keep track of when calculating the p-value c. The purpose of three groups collaborating was to have a larger sample size so that the p-value was more accurate. d. We collaborated in three groups because there were not enough fish each group to do the experiment separately. e. The three groups collaborated because that way the lab staff did not have to prepare six different variables to test.

c. The purpose of three groups collaborating was to have a larger sample size so that the p-value was more accurate.

Why do we have to clean the glassware thoroughly to eliminate as much water as possible?Choose one answer. a. Water impurities will dilute pigment sample. b. We don c. Water will interact with methanol that will decrease its efficacy to solvating the pigments. d. Water will increase pigment absorption. e. Water will decrease the Rf values of the pigments.

c. Water will interact with methanol that will decrease its efficacy to solvating the pigments.

After you determined the haplotype of your mitochondrial DNA based on its sequence, you searched for the haplotype's informationChoose one answer. a. You used MitoMap (not annotated) database to compare with your sequence. b. You used mtDB (not annotated) database to compare with your sequence. c. You used the NCBI (not annotated) database to compare with your sequence. d. You did not get any PCR product during amplification because Taq denatured your DNA. e. You did not get any DNA product (you know this because your SDS-PAGE showed no bands)

c. You used the NCBI (not annotated) database to compare with your sequence.

All of the algae samples contained Choose one answer. a. chlorophyll b b. phycocyanin c. chlorophyll a d. phycoerythrin e. xanthophylls

c. chlorophyll a

Leaves change colors in the fall because Choose one answer. a. accessory pigments become very strong, masking the color or chlorophyll b. no nutrients from water can reach them, so they slowly die c. chlorophyll decays, unmasking the colors of the accessory pigments d. it is a byproduct of photosynthesis during that part of the year e. they accumulate sugar, causing a chemical imbalance

c. chlorophyll decays, unmasking the colors of the accessory pigments

A standard curve is constructed using Choose one answer. a. fragments of known size and unknown migration distances. b. fragments of unknown size and unknown migration distances. c. fragments of known size and known migration distances. d. fragments of known size and known migration distances written in a book. e. fragments of unknown size and known migration distances.

c. fragments of known size and known migration distances.

Accessory pigments a. reflect undesirable wavelengths of light. b. cannot be experimentally separated from one another c. increase the total amount of the visible light spectrum available for photosynthesis. d. are identical among all photosynthesizers. e. have absorption spectra identical to that of chlorophyll.

c. increase the total amount of the visible light spectrum available for photosynthesis.

Which of the following animals have the highest metabolic rate?Choose one answer. a. elephant b. cat c. mice d. horse e . squirrel

c. mice

Why does DNA move through the agarose gel?Choose one answer. a. the positively charged DNA moves towards the negative electrode b. SDS linearized the DNA creating a uniform negative charge causing the DNA to move towards the positive electrode c. the negatively charged DNA moves towards the positive electrode d. the loading dye added to the DNA moves towards the positive electrode e. the ethidium bromide has a positive charge that pulls the DNA towards the negative electron

c. the negatively charged DNA moves towards the positive electrode

There are two methods for estimating the size of proteins: gel filtration and SDS-PAGE. A student determined a protein weighed 1200 kD via gel filtration, but the weight of the protein determined by SDS-PAGE indicated a weight of 300 kD. Why was there a discrepancy between the two weights for the protein?Choose one answer. a. the student must have accidentally switched proteins when carrying out the two experiments; there is only one weight if he experimented on one protein structure b. the student added four times as much (a higher concentration of proteins when he did gel filtration, hence a greater indicated weight for the protein c. the protein the student was studying consisted of four identical subunits of 300 kD d. the student forgot to add a reducing agent in his gel filtration, so the subunits of the protein are still linked with disulfide bonds, yielding a higher weight

c. the protein the student was studying consisted of four identical subunits of 300 kD

Polypeptides with greater mass migrate more slowly through the gel matrix in SDS-PAGE becauseChoose one answer. a. they have a larger charge: mass ratio than smaller polypeptides, and consequently, they are repelled by the positive electrode. b. they have a smaller charge: mass ratio than smaller polypeptides, and consequently, are not as strongly attracted to the positive electrode. c. they have the same charge: mass ratio as smaller polypeptides, and consequently, their migration is hindered only by their larger size. d. they have bulkier shapes than the smaller polypeptides, and consequently, their migration is hindered by being trapped more easily in the pores. e. they have the same charge: mass ratio as smaller polypeptides, and consequently, their migration is retarded only by their 3-dimensional shape.

c. they have the same charge: mass ratio as smaller polypeptides, and consequently, their migration is hindered only by their larger size.

During the dissection it is best not to puncture the __________ because there will be a foul smell


A student finds a field with bright orange plants. An abundance of which pigment would you expect to find in these plants?Choose one answer.


which of the following is not red/pink in the rat


The reading of 400-450 nm on the spectrophotometer was most likely due to a presence off:

chlorophyll a and b

What is the function of the epididymis in the male reproductive system?

coiled tube in which sperm complete their maturation and are stored

If one wants to measure B-galactosidase activity under different conditions, it is important to take cell density into account primarily because: a. high cell density leads to a cloudly yellow color. Since thequantity of O-nitrophenol, a yellow compound, is used to determine B-galactosidase activity, this variable must be taken into account. b. It is not important to measure cell density when determining B-galactosidase activity. c. if cell density is too high, the environment because unhealthy and thus could affect B-galactosidase activity and production. d. if cell density were not measured, one would not know whether more enzyme is being produced because of upregulation, or because of there just being more cells. e. high cell density means more ONPG is being produced and hence more B-galactosidase activity.


If a student completes the lab correctly, but forgets to add chloroform to his cells in the LB + lactose solution, what results should he expect at the end of the lab? Choose one answer. a. B-gal will not be transcribed and the solution will be yellow. b. The Lac Operon will not function and there will be no reaction. c. B-gal will be transcribed and the solution will be yellow. d. B-gal will be transcribed and the solution will be colorless. e. B-gal will not be transcribed and the solution will be colorless.

d. B-gal will be transcribed and the solution will be colorless.

Why do we use SDS in separating proteins in gel electrophoresis?Choose one answer. a. Denatures the protein by breaking disulfide bonds and gives a overall negative charge b. Gives a overall positive charge and breaks non-covalent bonds c. Gives a overall positive charge and breaks disulfide bonds d. Gives a overall negative charge and breaks H bonds e. SDS gives a negative overall charge and break covalent bonds

d. Gives a overall negative charge and breaks H bonds

Which Gene encodes for the Lac Repressor that binds on the Lac Operon Operator.Choose one answer. a. B-gal gene b. Lac A gene c. Lac Z gene d. I gene e. Lac Y gene

d. I gene

In the B-galactosidase lab, which of the following environments would allow for cleavage of o-nitrophenyl-B-D-galactosidase (ONPG), in order to produce the strongest absorption at 420 nm in a spectrophotometer?Choose one answer. a. Luria Broth, for 70 minutes incubation. b. Luria Broth and lactose for 20 minutes incubation. c. Luria Broth, glucose, and lactose for 20 minutes incubation. d. Luria Broth and lactose for 70 minutes incubation. e. Luria Broth and glucose for 70 minutes incubation.

d. Luria Broth and lactose for 70 minutes incubation.

Which of the following is false regarding Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)?Choose one answer. a. Approximately one billion copies of the target sequence are synthesized. b. PCR requires a heat-resistant DNA polymerase like Taq polymerase. c. Three primers hybridize to the DNA sequence. d. PCR is performed in a test tube, or in vivo

d. PCR is performed in a test tube, or in vivo

Which one of the following was NOT one of the variables that we tested in the lab for goldfish?Choose one answer. a. Temperature b. Caffeine c. Lighting d. Polarity e. Nicotine

d. Polarity

Question25What kind of overview does Electrophoresis give of the DNA purity?Chhoose one answer. a. Both b. Analytical c. None d. Qualitative e. Quantitative

d. Qualitative

Which of the following is FALSE about any possible ingredients that can be used in the Sanger sequencing method?Choose one answer. a. The DNA template to be sequenced must be present. b. Only one primer is fine for the reaction. c. A radioactive label attached to the primer can be used in one of the detection systems. d. The four types of dideoxynucleotides are used as the building blocks of the new sequences which extend the newly synthesized strands.

d. The four types of dideoxynucleotides are used as the building blocks of the new sequences which extend the newly synthesized strands.

Which of the following statements is false regarding the rat dissection lab?Choose one answer. a. The kidneys are the only organs in the abdominal cavity that are not suspended in mesentery b. Hair and mammary glands are two features that allow us to label the rat as a mammal c. Rat vibrissae are essential to maintaining balance and are located at the anterior end of the rat to aid forward movement d. The left lung has more lobes than the right lung, a physical discrepancy resulting from a differing in amount of space on both sides of the thoracic cavity attributed to the heart not being perfectly bilaterally centered e. Because the rat is a mammal whose life is focused on reproduction, it is reasonable that the female rat would possess two complete uteri for frequently containing numerous offspring

d. The left lung has more lobes than the right lung, a physical discrepancy resulting from a differing in amount of space on both sides of the thoracic cavity attributed to the heart not being perfectly bilaterally centered

How were the proteins in the SDS-PAGE lab visualized?Choose one answer. a. The gel was stained with ethidium bromide and the proteins could be seen under a UV light. b. The gel was stained with coomassie blue and the proteins could be seen under a UV light. c. The proteins were stained with ethidium bromide and could be seen under a UV light. d. The proteins were linked to a fluorescent tag and could be seen under a UV light. e. The proteins were tagged with ONPG and could be detected with the spectrophotometer.

d. The proteins were linked to a fluorescent tag and could be seen under a UV light.

In the b-galactosidase lab, you used a spectrophotometer that had a fixed wavelength. What is the purpose of the spectrophotometer and why was the wavelength fixed at 425nm?Choose one answer. a. The spectrophotometer measures the amount of light of specific wavelengths absorbed by a solution. Since the color of the solution was yellow, it will absorb a wavelength in the complementary region which is blue. b. The spectrophotometer emits light into a solution at a specific wavelength and any wavelength can be used. c. The spectrophotometer emits light into a solution at a specific wavelength. The color of the solution was clear so a wavelength of 425nm was used. d. The spectrophotometer measures the amount of light of specific wavelengths absorbed by a solution. Since the color of the solution was yellow, it will absorb a wavelength in the complementary region which is violet. e. The spectrophotometer measures the amount of light of specific wavelengths absorbed by a solution. Since the color of the solution was green, it will absorb a wavelength in the complementary region which is red.

d. The spectrophotometer measures the amount of light of specific wavelengths absorbed by a solution. Since the color of the solution was yellow, it will absorb a wavelength in the complementary region which is violet.

The appearance of identical suites of photosynthetic pigments in different groups of photosynthesizers suggests what?Choose one answer. a. The antennae systems for these two suites are largely different. b. The plants of these photosynthesizers were all grown in the absence of light. c. The pigments would exhibit different absorption spectra. d. These groups are related evolutionarily. e. Methanol versus sea water was used in the preparation of the pigments.

d. These groups are related evolutionarily.

Which of the following is a major difference between a dissecting microscope and a compound microscope?Choose one answer. a. The compound microscope uses a beam of electrons to obtain an image b. Only one is a light microscope c. The dissecting microscope has 3 lenses d. They differ in the type of samples used

d. They differ in the type of samples used

The description of this slide represents which organ? Use your knowledge from the Histology Lab: "Closely packed purple nucleated cells Choose one answer. a. Adipose (fat) b. Tracheal Epithelium c. Skeletal Muscle d. Thymus e. Blood

d. Thymus

In the metabolism lab, why was it important that after securing the oxygen chamber you wait two to three minutes before collecting data?Choose one answer. a. To allow the probe to warm up. b. All of these c. To give the experimental variable time to take affect. d. To allow the fish to acclimate to the new environment.

d. To allow the fish to acclimate to the new environment.

Which organ in the rat body is the storage organ for ingested food, bacterial fermentation of cellulose, and absorbs water and minerals?Choose one answer. a. Pancreas b. Spleen c. Jejunum d. cecum e. Ileum

d. cecum

Of the following types of pigment, which one is able to convert light energy directly to chemical energy?Choose one answer. a. beta-carotene b. phycocyanin c. chlorophyll b d. chlorophyll a e. astaxanthin

d. chlorophyll a

Which of the following is not an accessory pigment?Choose one answer. a. None, all of the above are accessory pigments b. phycobillin c. carotenoid d. chlorophyll a e. chlorophyll b

d. chlorophyll a

In the metabolism lab, the oxygen concentration was measured in order to:.Choose one answer. a. see if the goldfish are still breathing b. correlate with the goldfish's body temperature c. determine if the goldfish are using metabolic pathways d. determine the metabolic rate of the goldfish e. track the energy produced by the goldfish

d. determine the metabolic rate of the goldfish

How can one detect DNA after running it through a gel?Choose one answer. a. introduce a dye, which can bind to the DNA and will appear as a band b. place the gel into a transilluminator to see the bands c. allow it to bind to a fluorescent tag, which will fluoresce under UV d. introduce ethidium bromide, which will fluoresce under UV e. measure the distance that each of the bands traveled

d. introduce ethidium bromide, which will fluoresce under UV

While dissecting the rat heart you saw that the ________ was thicker than its adjacent vesicle because it must be able to _________________________Choose one answer. a. left ventricle, pump blood to the brain b. left ventricle, pump blood back into the heart for filtration c. right ventricle, pump blood out to the rest of the body d. left ventricle, pump blood out to the rest of the body e. right ventricle, pump blood to the brain

d. left ventricle, pump blood out to the rest of the body

Which of the following is TRUE regarding analyzing protein sizes?Choose one answer. a. protein fragments move down a gel from the positive end to the negative end. b. smaller fragments are slower and do not travel as far as larger fragments c. gel filtration is a technique that relies on breaking disulfide bonds to form peptide fragments d. polyacrylamide refers to the gel matrix in which the proteins migrate.

d. polyacrylamide refers to the gel matrix in which the proteins migrate.

When lactose is present which of the following occur together:Choose one answer. a. repressor is inactivated; transcription blocked b. None of the above c. repressor is activated transcription blocked d. repressor is inactivated; transcription occurs e. repressor is activated; transcription occurs

d. repressor is inactivated; transcription occurs

B-mercaptoethanol was used Choose one answer. a. to reduce Van Der Waals interactions in SDS-PAGE. b. to disrupt ionic bonds. c. to oxidize hydrogen bonds in the b-galactosidase assay. d. to reduce disulfide bonds in SDS-PAGE. e. to oxidize covalent bonds in SDS-PAGE.

d. to reduce disulfide bonds in SDS-PAGE.

What are the ingredients necessary for the Sanger Method of DNA sequencing?

dNTPs, DNA template, DNA polymerase, ddNTPs, primer

In the metabolism lab, the oxygen level in the chamber should__________ with time.Choose one answer


When the goldfish are inside the oxygen chamber, the oxygen level is expected to _________ over time because the chamber is a __________ system.

decrease, closed

In the beta-galactosidase assay, units of enzyme activity

described the amount of beta-galactosidase produced per E. coli cell per minute.

The purpose of performing the Student's t-test and finding the p-value is to

determine that the difference in means between two samples is statistically significant.

When selecting the proper microscope to view a sample, you should choose a/an ___________ microscope to look at a fresh lung tissue (whole organ) a/an __________ microscope to observe the patterns of cells on a slide, and a/an __________ microscope to study individual organelles within cells in great detail.

dissecting, compound, electron

In the presence of glucose, Beta-galactosidase

does not have to be produced because there is no need for it

The number of fish used in the metabolism experiment:

does not matter as long as the number remains consistent throughout the experiment and that they have enough oxygen available in the chamber for the entire time of the experiment.

The correct sequence of digestive organs from the anterior end to the posterior end of a rat is:

duodenum, large intestine, rectum

The bone tissue is usually NOT characterized by which one of these?Choose one answer. a. Blood vessels running through the tissue. b. White or yellow rather than pink or red appearance. c. Many concentric rings around canals. d. Tight layered organization. e. Absence of actual cells, consisting of only protein and minerals

e. Absence of actual cells, consisting of only protein and minerals

Which of the following is not true regarding Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)?Choose one answer. a. The presence of deoxyribonucleotides is required for DNA amplification to take place. b. PCR is an in vitro DNA synthesis reaction. c. Heating breaks the hydrogen bonds between the two strands of a DNA molecule. d. Primers anneal to DNA strands when DNA is cooled. e. An RNA primer is the start site for the synthesis of a complementary strand of DNA by Taq polymerase.

e. An RNA primer is the start site for the synthesis of a complementary strand of DNA by Taq polymerase

What is the purpose of the reducing agent in the gel loading buffer?Choose one answer. a. Disrupts noncovalent interactions. b. Prevents hydrogen bonding. c. Charges the protein. d. Stains the gel. e. Breaks disulfide linkages.

e. Breaks disulfide linkages.

Which of the below statements IS true about the process of PCR?Choose one answer.a. The reverse primer is extended in the 5' to 3' direction following the reference strand. b. The reverse primer is identical to the reference strand. c. During PCR, the primers will be extended from the 5' end. d. The forward primer binds to the reference strand. e. During PCR, the primers will be extended from the 3'.

e. During PCR, the primers will be extended from the 3'.

Which of the following should NOT be added to the B-galactosidase blank?Choose one answer. a. Z buffer. b. Na2CO3. c. ONPG. d. Chloroform. e. E. coli cells.

e. E. coli cells.

In the B-galactosidase assay, it is important to measure the density of E. coli cells becaus eChoose one answer. a. the transformation efficiency of E. coli cells is low. b. ONPG production by E. coli is a function of cell density. c. the lac operon is induced only in a small percentage of cells in a culture. d. we are measuring per cell cleavage of X-gal in relation to culture conditions and time. e. E. coli densities vary among cultures and with time, which will affect estimates of b-galactosidase production rates.

e. E. coli densities vary among cultures and with time, which will affect estimates of b-galactosidase production rates.

How does the method of gel filtration differ from that of SDS-Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE)?Choose one answer. a. Gel filtration breaks noncovalent linkages between protein subunits, while SDS-PAGE breaks both noncovalent linkages and disulfide bonds between subunits. b. Both gel filtration and SDS-PAGE break disulfide bonds between protein subunits, but SDS-PAGE also denatures proteins by breaking noncovalent linkages between subunits. c. Gel filtration keeps the protein in its native, intact form, while SDS-PAGE uses an electrical current to break disulfide bonds between protein subunits. d. Gel filtration breaks disulfide bonds so that proteins separate into individual subunits, while SDS-PAGE keeps disulfide bonds intact and allows visualization of the entire protein using electrophoresis. e. Gel filtration provides an estimate of the molecular weight of a protein in its native, intact form, while SDS-PAGE denatures proteins by disrupting noncovalent linkages between the subunits.

e. Gel filtration provides an estimate of the molecular weight of a protein in its native, intact form, while SDS-PAGE denatures proteins by disrupting noncovalent linkages between the subunits.

A new breed of mutant mice was engineered at UCLA that were more active and had a lower heart rate than the wild type. These mice however, had a bad sense of balance and were sterile. Upon dissection, what could be true?I. The mice have a larger heart, due to increased cardiovascular activity.II. The mice contained only one optic nerve, disabling the mice from depth perception.III. The female mice reproductive system was normal, but male mice had smaller than normal and discolored testes.Choose one answer. a. I and II b. I only c. III only d. II only e. I, II and III

e. I, II and III

Detoxification, which requires a large amount of energy, occurs in the ________. One will find a large collection of cells with mitochondria in this type of tissue to provide this energy.Choose one answer. a. Thymus Tissue. b. Lung Tissue. c. Blood Tissue. d. Tracheal Epithelium Tissue. e. Liver Tissue.

e. Liver Tissue.

Which of the following would be an appropriate null hypothesis to test the whether the newest cholesterol lowering drug, Cholesterol-B-Gone, is effective for men of age 35-50?Choose one answer. a. Men of age 35-50 who take Cholesterol-B-Gone every day for three months will see an increase in their cholesterol level. b. Men of age 35-50 who do not take Cholesterol-B-Gone once a day for three months will experience a decrease in their cholesterol levels. c. Men of age 35-50 who do not take Cholesterol-B-Gone once a day for three months will experience no change in their cholesterol levels. d. Men of age 35-50 who take Cholesterol-B-Gone once a day for three months will experience a decrease in their cholesterol levels. e. Men of age 35-50 who take Cholesterol-B-Gone every day for three months will experience no change in their cholesterol levels.

e. Men of age 35-50 who take Cholesterol-B-Gone every day for three months will experience no change in their cholesterol levels.

Proteins treated with SDS carry a similar _______ charge proportional to their length that allows them to be separated based on _______.Choose one answer. a. Positive, charge. b. Positive, bond strength. c. Negative, buoyancy. d. Negative, bond strength. e. Negative, mass.

e. Negative, mass.

Which of the following is not true regarding Bioinformatics and Migration Analysis:Choose one answer. a. Frederick Sanger developed the dideoxy method for DNA sequencing. b. People with the same haplotype have more similar mtDNA than those in the same haplogroup. c. Scientists have hypothesized that there is a mitochondrial eve from which all humans get their mitochondrial DNA. d. Scientists have hypothesized that humans migrated out of Africa approximately 100,000-150,000 years ago. e. Numt refers to nuclear DNA on the mitochondrial genome.

e. Numt refers to nuclear DNA on the mitochondrial genome.

There are several ways to measure the metabolic rate of an organism. All of these are reasons to use oxygen as a way to measure metabolic rate EXCEPT:Choose one answer. a. The change in environment is reflected in the amount of oxygen consumed by the fish. b. The closed system of the oxygen chamber allows the change in oxygen consumption to be measured. c. Oxygen is a component of in the respiration pathway and is therefore related to the metabolic rate. d. A sensor probe can easily detect the amount of oxygen in the water. e. Oxygen consumption decreases the blood flow in the fish that has an effect on the metabolic rate.

e. Oxygen consumption decreases the blood flow in the fish that has an effect on the metabolic rate.

When running the control experiment in the metabolism lab, one would expect to see a progressive decrease in the Oxygen concentration in the water since the fish are consuming it. However, sometimes small peaks were observed (an intermittent increase in Oxygen concentration). This can best be explained by the fact that:Choose one answer. a. Air crept into the Oxygen chamber and therefore resulted in peaks appearing on the graph. b. The Oxygen chamber is not always accurate and this can be interpreted as an error. c. Something excited the fish causing an increase in their metabolic rate and therefore an increase in their Oxygen consumption. d. Fish were not consuming as much Oxygen during that period of time. e. Oxygen is not evenly distributed within the water.

e. Oxygen is not evenly distributed within the water.

Which of these descriptions of PCR is not correct? a. PCR is simply an in vitro DNA synthesis reaction repeated many times. b. In the first step of PCR, DNA parental strands are denatured at 94 degrees C. c. PCR requires the sequencing primer to amplify the DNA. d. Taq polymerase is used because it is heat resistant to denaturation. e. PCR is used to amplify the region of DNA for sequencing.

e. PCR is used to amplify the region of DNA for sequencing.

In your rat lab you were asked to locate several structures. The relative positions of each structure are given. All of the following are true except:Choose one answer. a. Stomach is located dorsal to liver b. The urinary bladder is found anterior to the testis c. Testis are located at the posterior ventral portion of the animal d. The caecum is found in the ventral posterior position e. Spleen is found ventral to the stomach

e. Spleen is found ventral to the stomach

Which of the following statements are false?Choose one answer. a. DNA is easily isolated from cells by heating the solution containing the DNa. b. Taq Polymerase is often used in PCR because it has an unusually high melting temperature. c. Primers are single strands of DNA that bind to denatured genomic DNa. d. The control region of DNA is a non-coding region of the DNa. e. The Polypeptide Chain Reaction (PCR) allows for amplification of cells.

e. The Polypeptide Chain Reaction (PCR) allows for amplification of cells.

Before placing a sample in the spectrophotometer, it is important to use a blank cuvette first. What is the purpose of the blank?Choose one answer. a. A blank is needed to allow the spectrophotometer to warm up. b. The blank allows the measurement of the random wavelengths absorbed by air. c. The blank contains all of the pigments to make a reference absorption spectra. d. A blank clears the previous absorption spectrum so that a new specimen can be read. e. The blank cancels out the absorbed wavelengths of the solvent, leaving the absorption spectra of only the pigments.

e. The blank cancels out the absorbed wavelengths of the solvent, leaving the absorption spectra of only the pigments.

When purifying DNA on an agarose gel, a student does not add a detergent, such as SDS, to his sample. How will this affect the results?Choose one answer. a. The sample will not run on the gel because it contains secondary and tertiary structures. b. DNA cannot be purified on an agarose gel. c. The sample will not run on the gel because it is uncharged. d. The flourescent marker tagged to the sample will not show up under UV light. e. The gel will run successfully and can be viewed under UV light.

e. The gel will run successfully and can be viewed under UV light.

What is the MOST likely reason for a 1000 kD protein to have just one band on its SDS Page gel pattern? The protein is made up of 2 subunits, 750 and 250 kD, respectively.Choose one answer. a. The larger subunit ran off the gel, leaving behind just the 250 kD band. b. The 2 subunits, having opposite charge, repelled each other off the gel. c. Both subunits traveled the same distance because the buffer was non-polar. d. The two subunits, associated via hydrogen bonds, created one band. e. The two subunits, connected by disulfide bonds, created one band.

e. The two subunits, connected by disulfide bonds, created one band.

As a statistician, you conducted an experiment and obtained a t-test value for the two experimental groups. At a confidence level of 5 percent, the corresponding statistical p-value of 0.067 would suggest that:Choose one answer. a. The two experimental groups are statistically identical. b. The inherent error of the experiment is calculated to be 6.7 percent. c. There is a 6.7 percent probability that you are making a mistake by failing to reject the null hypothesis. d. There is probably a statistically significant difference between the two groups of interest. e. There is a 6.7 percent probability that you are making a mistake in accepting the experimental hypothesis.

e. There is a 6.7 percent probability that you are making a mistake in accepting the experimental hypothesis.

You are designing an experiment to compare the average metabolic rate of right-handed people to the average metabolic rate of left-handed people. Which of the following would be an appropriate null hypothesis for your experiment?Choose one answer. a. On average, left-handed people have a comparably lower average metabolic rate than right-handed people. b. A comparison of the average metabolic rate of left-handed people to the average metabolic rate of right-handed people shows a significant difference. c. Average metabolic rate depends on whether an individual is right-handed or left-handed. d. Left-handed people have a higher average metabolic rate than right-handed people. e. There is no difference between the average metabolic rate of left-handed people and the average metabolic rate of right-handed people

e. There is no difference between the average metabolic rate of left-handed people and the average metabolic rate of right-handed people

The average amount of SDS associated with a protein is estimated to be about _____ amino acid residue(s) per molecule of SDS. Choose one. a. Five b. One c. Three d. Four e. Two

e. Two

You are assaying b-Galactosidase activity in a sample of E. Coli growing in LB with just lactose for 2 hours, but the spectrophotometer show that no significant amount of yellow o-nitrophenol was detected. Assume the spectrophotometer is also functioning properly, and the answer choices below depict the only error, which of the following errors is the best explanation?Choose one answer. a. You waited 10 more minutes before putting in the sodium bicarbonate. b. After adding ONPG, you allowed incubation to occur for twice the duration. c. You added twice the amount of ONPG. d. You incubated the E. Coli for 3 hours. e. You forgot to add chloroform.

e. You forgot to add chloroform.

The cecum in your rat is homologous to what in the human body?Choose one answer. a. pancreas b. liver c. spleen d. large intestine e. appendix

e. appendix

In the goldfish lab, the oxygen concentration was measured in order to: Choose one answer. a. determine if the fish was in an anabolic state. b. correlate with the metabolic rate of a homeotherm. c. determine if the fish was in a catabolic state. d. correlate with the goldfish's body temperature. e. correlate with the metabolic rate of the goldfish

e. correlate with the metabolic rate of the goldfish

What are the ingredients necessary for the Sanger Method of DNA sequencing?Choose one answer. a. dNTPs, DNA template, DNA polymerase, primer, RNA polymerase b. ddNTPs, DNA template, DNA polymerase, primer, RNA polymerase c. dNTPs, DNA template, DNA polymerase, ribosome, primer d. dNTPs, DNA template, DNA polymerase, ddNTPs, RNA polymerase e. dNTPs, DNA template, DNA polymerase, ddNTPs, primer

e. dNTPs, DNA template, DNA polymerase, ddNTPs, primer

What best describes the trachea?Choose one answer. a. has lots of empty spaces and networking branches b. has striations that run horizontally c. porous and full of interconnecting pathways d. void of anything distinctive, because it cannot be stained e. has layers of different cell types, with cilia on the innermost layer

e. has layers of different cell types, with cilia on the innermost layer

What event is MOST responsible for causing the conformational change in the lac repressor of E. Coli?Choose one answer. a. The increase in cell density over time causes their to be more lac operons than there are repressors b. enough time has passed since the end of mitosis and the cell is ready to begin transcription c. ONPG interferes with the lac repressor's ability to bind the operator d . the presence of glucose causes a conformational change in RNA polymerase which allows it to carry out transcription e. lactose allosterically binds to the lac repressor, causing a conformational change

e. lactose allosterically binds to the lac repressor, causing a conformational change

In the heart, the pulmonary circulation circulates blood through the ________________, while the systemic circulation circulates blood through the _______________. Veins deliver blood ________ the heart, and arteries deliver blood __________ the heart.Choose one answer. a. lungs, body, away from, to b. body, lungs, away from, to c. body, lungs, to, away from d. lungs, body, to, to e. lungs, body, to, away from

e. lungs, body, to, away from

Based on the knowledge you have gained from the rat dissection, what is the proper order of digestion through a rat's digestive system from initial to last organ in the process?Choose one answer. a. cecum, esophagus, small intestine, large intestine, colon, rectum b. cecum, stomach, colon, rectum c. duodenum, stomach, small intestine, rectum d. small intestine, large intestine, cecum, stomach, rectum e. stomach, duodenum, small intestine, large intestine, cecum, colon, rectum

e. stomach, duodenum, small intestine, large intestine, cecum, colon, rectum

What is the major difference between a slide containing lung tissue and a slide containing adipose tissue?Choose one answer. a. lung tissue contains cilia to help the air travel through the lungs,while adipose tissue does not b. the lungs are white, and the adipose tissue cells appear yellow under the microscope. c. lung tissue contains large air sacs, whilel adipose tissue is very dense d. the lungs contain larger nuclei to support the functions of the cells e. the lungs are more dense than adipose tissue in order to withstand respiration

e. the lungs are more dense than adipose tissue in order to withstand respiration

SDS-PAGE is used to determine Choose one answer. a. the size of a polypeptide in bases. b. the density of a polypeptide. c. the solublity of the polypeptide in polyacrylamide gel. d. the charge: mass ratio of a polypeptide. e. the mass of a polypeptide.

e. the mass of a polypeptide.

A p-value is _______________________, and when the p-value is _______, the null hypothesis is rejected.

e. the probability of making a mistake in accepting the experimental hypothesis, low

Which of the following is NOT true about the heart?Choose one answer. a. the pulmonary vein enters the left atrium b. the aorta exits the heart dorsally c. the two atria are on the anterior side of the heart d. the vena cavae enter the right atria e. the right ventricle is more muscular than the left

e. the right ventricle is more muscular than the left

Which is NOT a function of SDS (sodium dodecyl sulfate) in SDS-PAGE?Choose one answer. a. to disrupt weak intermolecular interactions. b. to produce a uniform charge: mass ratio among polypeptides c. to denature protein d. to eliminate the effect of shape on the determination of polypeptide size e. to allow visualization of the proteins under UV light

e. to allow visualization of the proteins under UV light

The spectrophotometer measures the intensity that a particular wavelength of light is _____ & extrapolates the ________ of a particular substance/pigment.Choose one answer. a. absorbed/transmittance b. absorbed/efficiency c. used/efficiency d. reflected/ absorption e. transmitted/absorbance

e. transmitted/absorbance

Mitochondrial DNA_____

gains variation through mutations

The ____ is the structure that releases bile, which is released into the ______ where the majority of that fat is emulsifiedChoose one answer.

gall bladder/small intestine

What elements within a haplogroup are found to be similar?


If the I gene in the Lac Operon is mutated and can not get transcribed, the B-galactosidase level of a bacteria in glucose (and no lactose) is ______________________.

high, because there is no Lac repressor blocking the RNA polymerase.

What is the special property of Taq polymerase that allows it to work in a PCR reaction?

it is heat resistant

Which organ is the most dorsal in a rat?


Which of the following tissue will appear the most vascularized (have the highest density of blood vessels)?

lung tissue

A sample of E. coli would exhibit maximum B-galactosidase activity in the presence of which combination of nutrients?

luria broth and lactose

Metabolic rate can not be measured by:

measuring percent NO

When using SDS-PAGE, proteins are separated on the basis of their ________________.

molecular weight

In the fish metabolism lab, after placing fish in the tank, we expect the slope of oxygen content graphed versus time to be

negative because the fish consume the oxygen

T-test helps the scientific studies to rely on comparison between two or more

population groups

The reducing agent, b-mercaptoethanol, in SDS-PAGE

reduces disulfide bonds which denatures the protein.

Thin layer chromatography is a technique for __________________ and distinguishes between compounds based on the characteristics of ____________________.

separating organic compounds; polarity, solubility, and size.

In SDS-PAGE, the movement of polypeptides through the gel will be affected by polypeptide


You are analyzing a tissue from a mammalian species. Some of the characteristics you notice are multinucleated cells, striations, and fairly compacted cells. Which of the following tissues best fits this analysis?

skeletal muscle

When proteins are separated with SDS-PAGE, the ______ subunits migrate the _______ from the ______ electrode to the ______ electrode on each side of the polyacrylamide gel.

smallest, fastest, negative, positive

The Spectrophotometer produces a plot of

the absorption spectrum

Loggerlite detects the amount of dissolved oxygen in the chamber. For each trial, the datapoints are plotted and a curve is generated. The greater the value of the slope,

the greater the rate of oxygen consumption

What is the major difference between a slide containing lung tissue and a slide containing adipose tissue?

the lungs are denser than adipose tissue in order to withstand respiration

In a biochemical assay, the transcription of b-galactosidase is monitored in bacterial cells. A substrate that functions like ONPG, however produces a purple color when cleaved, is added to the reaction mixture. Under a constant pH of 7, if b-galactosidase is transcribed in these cells,

the substrate will be cleaved as the mixture produces a purple color.

For the biochemical assay of B-Galactosidase Activity, why is the absorption at 600nm greater at 70 minutes compared to 20 minutes?

there are more cells

Goldfish are used in the metabolism lab because

they are poikilothermic organisms whose body temperature varies with the temperature of their surroundings, making their metabolic rate easier to manipulate.

In the goldfish lab, you divided the rate of oxygen consumption by the weight of the fish:

to ensure that the different size of the goldfish does not affect results

During the rat dissection lab, to properly examine inflation of the lungs, the air syringe had to be inserted in the:


During the rat dissection lab, to properly examine inflation of the lungs, the air syringe had to be inserted in the_____?


In the rat dissection lab, inflating the lungs required inserting an air-filled syringe into what tube-like structure connecting to the lungs?Choose one answer


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