Uppers, Downers, and all Arounders (Biomedical Pharmacology EX 2)

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28. Alcohol is categorized as which of the following?

• Depressant • Drug

40. Which of the following would slow the rate of alcohol absorption?

• Diluting the alcohol drink with water or ice or altering every other drink with soda or water

39. Which of the following would speed up the absorption rate of alcohol?

• Drinking on an empty stomach

51. Which of the following statements are characteristic of the phenylalkylamine psychedelics peyote (mescaline) and MDMA (ecstasy)?

• They take several hours to reach their peak. • They have stimulant properties similar to amphetamine.

58. Candy flipping refers to

• using LSD and ecstasy together.

52. The mental effects of LSD, psilocybin mushrooms, and other indole psychedelics result from

• interactions between the brain's serotonin receptors • subsequent the down regulation of serotonin receptors.

23. On average, the body can metabolize and eliminate 1 ounce of pure alcohol (the equivalent of about 1.5 standard drinks) in what time frame?

• is eliminated from the body every three hours.

59. PCP is particularly dangerous because of it has which of the following effects?

• it causes disassociation, rage and anger.

50. Which of the following statements are true about the effects of ketamine and PCP (angel dust)?

• mentally dissociate users. • effects last 1-6 hours. • bad trips are common.

15. Which of the following factors contribute to the misuse, abuse, or overdose of sedative-hypnotic drugs?

• Selective tolerance to some effects but not to toxic effects; misperception that prescription medications are safer than street drug; ignorance of the addictive/ synergistic effects of sedative- hypnotics.

32. When large amounts of alcohol are consumed more rapidly than the body can process and metabolize it, which of the following may occur?

• Severe alcohol poisoning occurs causing depression of the central nervous system(CNS) leading to unconsciousness, respiratory and cardiac failure, then coma and death.

54. The effect an all arounder has on the user depends on which of the following factors?

• the user's mindset • the physical settings • the amount or dose taken

41. Every state defines the legal limit for driving while intoxicated (whether or not the driver can function) as a blood alcohol concentration of

• .08

44. Approximately how long do the effects of LSD last?

• 6-8 hours.

25. The effects of alcohol ______ negative emotions such as loneliness, depression, and anger.

• Deepens

17. Which of the following statements are true about the way opioids affect the brain's neurochemistry?

• Opioids act like endorphins. • Opioids can block substance P. (Pages 4.2, 4.13)

55. Ketamine is most similar to which drug?


19. Hyperalgesia is a temporary increase in the sensitivity to ____________ that is experienced during the long-term use of opiates/opioids used to treat pain.

• Pain hypersensitivity

18. Which of the following alkaloids are found in the sap of the poppy seedpod?

• Parpaver, • somniferum

5. Of the following semi-synthetic/synthetic opiate drugs, which is not a correct match with the trade pharmaceutical name listed after it?

• Suboxone is a combination of buprenorphine and naloxone. Pages 4.30

29. Which of the following physical factors affect the rate at which an individual's liver can metabolize alcohol?

• The variation in people's reactions to alcohol is due in part to hereditary factors that affect the metabolic efficiency of ADH and ALDH • Race and ethnicity • gender

6. The synergistic effect of drugs refers to

• Two drugs can have a synergistic effect if they increase each other's effectiveness when taken together. • The combination of two or more depressant drugs, which magnifies their effect on the CNS. Pages 4.25, 4.44.

46. Misperceiving a rope as a threatening snake is an example of

• an illusion (mistaken perceptions of real stimuli)

26. High-dose alcohol affects the central nervous system by ______ its function. At higher blood alcohol levels, this leads to ______ heart rate and breathing.

• decreased, decreased

53. Which of the following designations characterizes all arounders

• hallucinogens • perception stabilizers.

45. Which chemicals are most responsible for the psychedelic effects of magic mushrooms?

• psilocin and psilocybin

Q4. The variation in people's reactions to alcohol is due in part to hereditary factors that affect how efficiently the body metabolizes alcohol. State whether this true or false AND briefly explain your answer.

• true, The variability of ADH and ALDH due to hereditary factors that account for variation in reactions.

Q1.Needing a dose of a drug just to feel "normal" is a sign of tolerance. State whether this true or false AND briefly explain your answer.

•True, when a heroin addicts stop uses their bodies can not produce enough dopamine which results in a diminished ability to feel "normal".

16. Which of the following statements concerning cross-tolerance of and cross-dependence on drugs are true?

#1. As tolerance to a depressant drug develops, the user also develops tolerance to other downers. #2. As tissue dependence on a depressant drug develops, the user also develops a dependence on other drugs in its same chemical family. #3. As tolerance to a drug develops, the user can also develop tolerance to other drugs he actually uses from different chemical families. #4. As tissue dependence on a drug develops, the user can also develop a dependence on other drugs in a different chemical family.

30. Which of the following is the correctly ordered progression for levels of alcohol use?

1. Abstention (nonuse) 2. Experimentation (use for curiosity with no subsequent seeking behavior) 3. Social/Recreational Use (sporadic infrequent use - no established pattern) 4. Habituation (established pattern of use with no major negative consequences) 5. Abuse (continued use despite negative consequences) 6. Addiction (compulsion to use, inability to stop use, major life dysfunction with continued use)

31. Which of the following drinking patterns increase the risk of becoming an alcoholic for a person under age 65?

All of the above • men may be at risk for alcohol-related problems if their alcohol consumption exceeds 14 standard drinks per week or 4 drinks per day, and women may be at risk if they have more than 7 standard drinks per week or 3 drinks per day.

36. Alcohol addiction is defined and characterized by which of the following?

Answer (c ) • compulsion to use, • inability to stop use, • major life dysfunction with continued use

57. Which of the following are visual indications that a person may be on MDMA (ecstasy)?

• dilated pupils and twitching eyelids

56. Prolonged use of MDMA (ecstasy) has what effect on sexual function?

• decreased orgasm in men and sexual arousal in women.

42. The hallucinogenic effects of salvia divinorum last for

• 30 minutes.

24. Binge drinking causes the most problems and is defined as

• 5 or more drinks for men at one sitting • 4 or more for women in one sitting

37. A key enzyme involved in the metabolism of alcohol is ______ and is located in the ______ and the ______.

• Alcohol dehydrogenase, stomach, liver

8. Which of the following statements is true?

• Most Heroin abusers began abusing prescription opioids

13. Withdrawal from opiates produces symptoms that are the opposite of the drug's effects. Considering this fact, which of the following symptoms would be expected from opiate withdrawal?

• bone, joint, and muscular pain, insomnia and anxiety, high blood pressure, rapid pulse, and tachycardia (page 4.29 (c ))

21. When a person who has been drinking can only partially recall the events that occurred after they began drinking, this is known as a

• brownout

34. According to Uppers, Downers, All Arounders and the American Society of Addiction Medicine, alcoholism is

1. a chronic disease 2. influenced by genetic factors and heredity 3. Influenced by environmental factors

33. Chronic heavy drinking can contribute to which of the following diseases?

Pages 5.15 to 5.18 (d) all of the above • Cancer of the stomach and esophagus • Malnutrition • Hypertension • Cardiac arrhythmias

43. How long after ingestion do the effects of LSD begin to appear?

• 15-60 minutes.

48. What is the usual current strength of LSD street samples?

• 20-80 ug

38. The life span of a chronic high-dose drinker is

• 9 to 22 years shorter than that of the general population

Q3. Name the enzymes involved in the metabolism of alcohol. State the one that differs based on gender.

• ADH and ALDH are the enzymes that are involved in the metabolism of alcohol. Women have less of the alcohol dehydrogenase enzymes

11. Which of the following factors have led to increases in drug experimentation, abuse, and addiction among U.S. military personnel who served in Iraq and Afghanistan?

• Boredom • Stress of war • Being combat ready • readily available

47. Which types of psychedelics exert most of their effects through serotonin receptors?

• Indole.

4. Why is it dangerous to combine an opioid with a downer like alcohol, barbiturates, or benzodiazepines?

• It increases the effects of both depressants which could lead to death • Combination use of downers results in additive and synergistic depressant effects. Pages 4.25, 4.38, 4.44

22. Which of the following statements is true about cirrhosis?

• It is caused by the toxic effects of alcohol, free radicals, and acetaldehyde • Serious progressive liver disease that scars the liver; often caused by heavy chronic alcohol abuse

12. Which of the following statements is true regarding the activation of the dopaminergic reward/control system?

• It releases a surge of pleasure that encourages repetition of behaviors intended primarily for survival. • It is largely responsible for drives to have sex, eat, and drink (water as well as alcohol). • It is activated by dopamine. Page 4.17 (c )

3. How long can withdrawal symptoms following detoxification and abstinence from long-acting opioids such as methadone persist?

• Long-acting opioids, like methadone, will delay withdrawal symptoms from 36 to 72 hours, reach peak intensity in 4-6 days, and persist for 14 days or more.

35. The following symptoms are indicative of what alcohol-related condition(s)? Symptoms: rapid pulse, sweating, increased body temperature, hand tremors, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and nausea or vomiting

• Moderate alcohol withdrawal • Hangover

7. Which of the following statements best describes the effects that depressants have on the body due to its effects on the central nervous system?

• They are a class of drug which slows down the brain functioning. They do this by depressing the central nervous system (CNS).

49. Which of the following most accurately describes the addiction profile for psychedelics such as psilocybin mushrooms, LSD, and peyote?

• They do not generally produce compulsive drug-seeking behavior and are not considered addictive.

2. Which of the following statements about opioids is true?

• Tolerance to opiates/opioids develops rapidly, with users being able to tolerate great amounts within just a few days. Page 4.19

Q2. Acute withdrawal from heroin is not as life-threatening as acute withdrawal from alcohol or sedative-hypnotics. State whether this true or false AND briefly explain your answer.

• True, heroin withdrawal is not as life-threatening, but it is uncomfortable( really bad flu simptmes), painful, and produces anxiety

27. Easy access to alcohol, a permissive societal view of drinking, unsafe living conditions, poor nutrition, and limited access to healthcare and drug recovery programs are examples of what factors associated with increased alcohol use?

• environmental factors

Q6. Psychedelics affect people pretty much the same like other drugs. State whether this true or false AND briefly explain your answer.

• false, effects are highly influenced by past use, "mind-sets", settings, and many other factors

9. Which of the following drugs is an opioid antagonist that may be used to prevent an opioid overdose?

• naloxone and naltrexone

1. Which of the following correctly lists the three major classes of depressants?

• opiates / opioids, sedative-hypnotics, and alcohol

14. In addition to alcohol and opioids, other depressant drugs include which of the following?

• over-the-counter and look-alike downers, including antihistamines, skeletal muscle relaxants, sedative-hypnotics, including benzodiazepines page 4.2 (c )

10. Treatment for addiction to opiates, including synthetics and semi-synthetics, is most successful when which of the following are included?

• physical detoxification, • psychological correction, • medication/replacement therapy, • participation in a recovery community (Pages 4.25, 4.30)

60. The effects experienced after the use of indole psychedelics are caused by disruptions in which of the following neurotransmitters?

• serotonin • dopamine • norepinephrine

61. Sustiva ® (efavirenz) is a prescription medication used to treat HIV/AIDS that is also diverted and smoked for its.

• smoking the drug causes lightheadedness, dizziness, vivid dreams, hallucinations, depersonalization, relaxation, and helps them forget/ignore their problems.

20. "Nociceptive" means pain cause by

• the detection of noxious or potentially harmful stimuli by the nociceptors around the body

Q5. Synesthesia is defined as the crossing of senses, such as when the visual input becomes sound. State whether this true or false AND briefly explain your answer.

• true, the sensory pathways are overloaded which can confuse a user to be thinking music is on a visual pathway.

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