Machine Learning

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If a Decision Tree is underfitting the training set, is it a good idea to try scaling the input features?

Decision Trees don't care whether or not the training data is scaled or centered; that's one of the nice things about them. So if a Decision Tree underfits the training set, scaling the input features will just be a waste of time.

Elastic Net Regression

Elastic Net is a middle ground between Ridge Regression and Lasso Regression. The regularization term is a simple mix of both Ridge and Lasso's regularization terms, and you can control the mix ratio r. When r = 0, Elastic Net is equivalent to Ridge Regression, and when r = 1, it is equivalent to Lasso Regression

If a Decision Tree is overfitting the training set, is it a good idea to try decreasing max_depth?

If a Decision Tree is overfitting the training set, it may be a good idea to decrease max_depth, since this will constrain the model, regularizing it.

Sklearn Nonproliferation of classes

Datasets are represented as NumPy arraysor SciPy sparse matrices, instead of homemade classes. Hyperparameters are just regular Python strings or numbers.

Suppose the features in your training set have very different scales. Which algorithms might suffer from this, and how? What can you do about it?

If the features in your training set have very different scales, the cost function will have the shape of an elongated bowl, so the Gradient Descent algorithms will take a long time to converge. To solve this you should scale the data before training the model. Note that the Normal Equation or SVD approach will work just fine without scaling. Moreover, regularized models may converge to a suboptimal solution if the features are not scaled: since regularization penalizes large weights, features with smaller values will tend to be ignored compared to features with larger values.

Feature Scaling: Min-Max Scaling

Min-max scaling (many people call this normalization) is the simplest: values are shifted and rescaled so that they end up ranging from 0 to 1. We do this by subtracting the min value and dividing by the max minus the min. Scikit-Learn provides a transformer called MinMaxScaler for this. It has a feature_range hyperparameter that lets you change the range if, for some reason, you don't want 0-1.

What type of Machine Learning algorithm would you use to allow a robot to walk in various unknown terrains?

Reinforcement Learning is likely to perform best if we want a robot to learn to walk in various unknown terrains, since this is typically the type of problem that Reinforcement Learning tackles. It might be possible to express the problem as a supervised or semisupervised learning problem, but it would be less natural.

Why is it important to scale the inputs when using SVMs?

SVMs try to fit the largest possible "street" between the classes (see the first answer), so if the training set is not scaled, the SVM will tend to neglect small features (see Figure 5-2).

Logistic Regression

a Logistic Regression model computes a weighted sum of the input features (plus a bias term), but instead of outputting the result directly like the Linear Regression model does, it outputs the logistic. The logistic—noted σ(·)—is a sigmoid function (i.e., S-shaped) that outputs a number between 0 and 1. Once the Logistic Regression model has estimated the probability that an instance x belongs to the positive class, it can make its prediction ŷ easily. Just like the other linear models, Logistic Regression models can be regularized using ℓ1 or ℓ2 penalties. Scikit-Learn actually adds an ℓ2 penalty by default. The hyperparameter controlling the regularization strength of a Scikit-Learn LogisticRegression model is not alpha (as in other linear models), but its inverse: C. The higher the value of C, the less the model is regularized.

Ridge Regression

(also called Tikhonov regularization) is a regularized version of Linear Regression: a regularization term added to the cost function. This forces the learning algorithm to not only fit the data but also keep the model weights as small as possible. Note that the regularization term should only be added to the cost function during training. Once the model is trained, you want to use the unregularized performance measure to evaluate the model's performance. It is important to scale the data (e.g., using a StandardScaler) before performing Ridge Regression, as it is sensitive to the scale of the input features. This is true of most regularized models.

Frame the ML Problem and Look at the Big Picture

-Define the objective in business terms. -How will your solution be used? -What are the current solutions/workarounds (if any)? -How should you frame this problem (supervised/unsupervised, online/offline, etc.)? -How should performance be measured? -Is the performance measure aligned with the business objective? -What would be the minimum performance needed to reach the business objective? -What are comparable problems? Can you reuse experience or tools? -Is human expertise available? -How would you solve the problem manually? -List the assumptions you (or others) have made so far. -Verify assumptions if possible.

Nonlinear SVM Classification

Although linear SVM classifiers are efficient and work surprisingly well in many cases, many datasets are not even close to being linearly separable. One approach to handling nonlinear datasets is to add more features, such as polynomial features. To implement this idea using Scikit-Learn, create a Pipeline containing a PolynomialFeatures transformer (discussed in "Polynomial Regression"), followed by a StandardScaler and a LinearSVC. when using SVMs you can apply an almost miraculous mathematical technique called the kernel trick. The kernel trick makes it possible to get the same result as if you had added many polynomial features, even with very high-degree polynomials, without actually having to add them. So there is no combinatorial explosion of the number of features because you don't actually add any features. This trick is implemented by the SVC class. Obviously, if your model is overfitting, you might want to reduce the polynomial degree. Conversely, if it is underfitting, you can try increasing it. The hyperparameter coef0 controls how much the model is influenced by high-degree polynomials versus low-degree polynomials. A common approach to finding the right hyperparameter values is to use grid search. It is often faster to first do a very coarse grid search, then a finer grid search around the best values found. Having a good sense of what each hyperparameter actually does can also help you search in the right part of the hyperparameter space. Another technique to tackle nonlinear problems is to add features computed using a similarity function, which measures how much each instance resembles a particular landmark. One way to implement is using the Gaussian RBF kernel. This is a bell-shaped function varying from 0 (very far away from the landmark) to 1 (at the landmark). Models are trained with different values of hyperparameters gamma (γ) and C. Increasing gamma makes the bell-shaped curve narrower. As a result, each instance's range of influence is smaller: the decision boundary ends up being more irregular, wiggling around individual instances. Conversely, a small gamma value makes the bell-shaped curve wider: instances have a larger range of influence, and the decision boundary ends up smoother. So γ acts like a regularization hyperparameter: if your model is overfitting, you should reduce it; if it is underfitting, you should increase it (similar to the C hyperparameter). Other kernels exist but are used much more rarely. With so many kernels to choose from, how can you decide which one to use? As a rule of thumb, you should always try the linear kernel first (remember that LinearSVC is much faster than SVC(kernel="linear")), especially if the training set is very large or if it has plenty of features. If the training set is not too large, you should also try the Gaussian RBF kernel; it works well in most cases. Then if you have spare time and computing power, you can experiment with a few other kernels, using cross-validation and grid search. You'd want to experiment like that especially if there are kernels specialized for your training set's data structure.

Sklearn Composition

Existing building blocks are reused as much as possible. For example, it is easy to create a Pipeline estimator from an arbitrary sequence of transformers followed by a final estimator, as we will see.

Lasso Regression

Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator Regression (usually simply called Lasso Regression) is another regularized version of Linear Regression: just like Ridge Regression, it adds a regularization term to the cost function, but it uses the ℓ1 norm of the weight vector instead of half the square of the ℓ2 norm. An important characteristic of Lasso Regression is that it tends to eliminate the weights of the least important features (i.e., set them to zero). In other words, Lasso Regression automatically performs feature selection and outputs a sparse model (i.e., with few nonzero feature weights).

If your training set contains 100,000 instances, will setting presort=True speed up training?

Presorting the training set speeds up training only if the dataset is smaller than a few thousand instances. If it contains 100,000 instances, setting presort=True will considerably slow down training.

SKLearn Transformer

Some estimators (such as an imputer) can also transform a dataset; these are called transformers. Once again, the API is simple: the transformation is performed by the transform() method with the dataset to transform as a parameter. It returns the transformed dataset. This transformation generally relies on the learned parameters, as is the case for an imputer. All transformers also have a convenience method called fit_transform() that is equivalent to calling fit() and then transform() (but sometimes fit_transform() is optimized and runs much faster).

If it takes one hour to train a Decision Tree on a training set containing 1 million instances, roughly how much time will it take to train another Decision Tree on a training set containing 10 million instances?

The computational complexity of training a Decision Tree is O(n × m log(m)). So if you multiply the training set size by 10, the training time will be multiplied by K = (n × 10m × log(10m)) / (n × m × log(m)) = 10 × log(10m) / log(m). If m = 106, then K ≈ 11.7, so you can expect the training time to be roughly 11.7 hours.

How would you define Machine Learning?

Machine Learning is about building systems that can learn from data. Learning means getting better at some task, given some performance measure.

What is the purpose of a validation set?

A validation set is used to compare models. It makes it possible to select the best model and tune the hyperparameters.

What type of learning algorithm relies on a similarity measure to make predictions?

An instance-based learning system learns the training data by heart; then, when given a new instance, it uses a similarity measure to find the most similar learned instances and uses them to make predictions.

The Bias/Variance Trade-off

Bias This part of the generalization error is due to wrong assumptions, such as assuming that the data is linear when it is actually quadratic. A high-bias model is most likely to underfit the training data. Variance This part is due to the model's excessive sensitivity to small variations in the training data. A model with many degrees of freedom (such as a high-degree polynomial model) is likely to have high variance and thus overfit the training data. Irreducible error This part is due to the noisiness of the data itself. The only way to reduce this part of the error is to clean up the data (e.g., fix the data sources, such as broken sensors, or detect and remove outliers). Increasing a model's complexity will typically increase its variance and reduce its bias. Conversely, reducing a model's complexity increases its bias and reduces its variance. This is why it is called a trade-off.

Can Gradient Descent get stuck in a local minimum when training a Logistic Regression model?

Gradient Descent cannot get stuck in a local minimum when training a Logistic Regression model because the cost function is convex.

What are the two most common supervised tasks?

The two most common supervised tasks are regression and classification.

Explore the Data

-Create a copy of the data for exploration (sampling it down to a manageable size if necessary). -Create a Jupyter notebook to keep a record of your data exploration. -Study each attribute and its characteristics: *Name *Type (categorical, int/float, bounded/unbounded, text, structured, etc.) *% of missing values *Noisiness and type of noise (stochastic, outliers, rounding errors, etc.) *Usefulness for the task *Type of distribution (Gaussian, uniform, logarithmic, etc.) -For supervised learning tasks, identify the target attribute(s). -Visualize the data. -Study the correlations between attributes. -Study how you would solve the problem manually. -Identify the promising transformations you may want to apply. -Identify extra data that would be useful (go back to "Get the Data"). -Document what you have learned.

Shortlist Promising Models

-If the data is huge, you may want to sample smaller training sets so you can train many different models in a reasonable time (be aware that this penalizes complex models such as large neural nets or Random Forests). -Once again, try to automate these steps as much as possible. 1. Train many quick-and-dirty models from different categories (e.g., linear, naive Bayes, SVM, Random Forest, neural net, etc.) using standard parameters. 2. Measure and compare their performance. -For each model, use N-fold cross-validation and compute the mean and standard deviation of the performance measure on the N folds. 3. Analyze the most significant variables for each algorithm. 4. Analyze the types of errors the models make. -What data would a human have used to avoid these errors? 5. Perform a quick round of feature selection and engineering. 6. Perform one or two more quick iterations of the five previous steps. 7. Shortlist the top three to five most promising models, preferring models that make different types of errors.

Get the Data

-List the data you need and how much you need. -Find and document where you can get that data. -Check how much space it will take. -Check legal obligations, and get authorization if necessary. -Get access authorizations. -Create a workspace (with enough storage space). -Get the data. -Convert the data to a format you can easily manipulate (without changing the data itself). -Ensure sensitive information is deleted or protected (e.g., anonymized). -Check the size and type of data (time series, sample, geographical, etc.). -Sample a test set, put it aside, and never look at it (no data snooping!).

Prepare the Data

-Work on copies of the data (keep the original dataset intact). -Write functions for all data transformations you apply, for five reasons: --So you can easily prepare the data the next time you get a fresh dataset --So you can apply these transformations in future projects --To clean and prepare the test set --To clean and prepare new data instances once your solution is live --To make it easy to treat your preparation choices as hyperparameters 1. Data cleaning: -Fix or remove outliers (optional). -Fill in missing values (e.g., with zero, mean, median...) or drop their rows (or columns). 2. Feature selection (optional): -Drop the attributes that provide no useful information for the task. 3. Feature engineering, where appropriate: -Discretize continuous features. -Decompose features (e.g., categorical, date/time, etc.). -Add promising transformations of features (e.g., log(x), sqrt(x), x2, etc.). -Aggregate features into promising new features. 4. Feature scaling: -Standardize or normalize features.

Fine-Tune the ML System

-You will want to use as much data as possible for this step, especially as you move toward the end of fine-tuning. -As always, automate what you can. 1. Fine-tune the hyperparameters using cross-validation: -Treat your data transformation choices as hyperparameters, especially when you are not sure about them (e.g., if you're not sure whether to replace missing values with zeros or with the median value, or to just drop the rows). -Unless there are very few hyperparameter values to explore, prefer random search over grid search. If training is very long, you may prefer a Bayesian optimization approach (e.g., using Gaussian process priors, as described by Jasper Snoek et al.).1 2. Try Ensemble methods. Combining your best models will often produce better performance than running them individually. 3. Once you are confident about your final model, measure its performance on the test set to estimate the generalization error. -Don't tweak your model after measuring the generalization error: you would just start overfitting the test set.

Present Your Solution

1. Document what you have done. 2. Create a nice presentation. -Make sure you highlight the big picture first. 3. Explain why your solution achieves the business objective. 4. Don't forget to present interesting points you noticed along the way. -Describe what worked and what did not. -List your assumptions and your system's limitations. 5. Ensure your key findings are communicated through beautiful visualizations or easy-to-remember statements (e.g., "the median income is the number-one predictor of housing prices").

Machine Learning Project Checklist

1. Frame the problem and look at the big picture. 2. Get the data. 3. Explore the data to gain insights. 4. Prepare the data to better expose the underlying data patterns to Machine Learning algorithms. 5. Explore many different models and shortlist the best ones. 6. Fine-tune your models and combine them into a great solution. 7. Present your solution. 8. Launch, monitor, and maintain your system.

Launching an ML Model

1. Get your solution ready for production (plug into production data inputs, write unit tests, etc.). 2. Write monitoring code to check your system's live performance at regular intervals and trigger alerts when it drops. -Beware of slow degradation: models tend to "rot" as data evolves. -Measuring performance may require a human pipeline (e.g., via a crowdsourcing service). -Also monitor your inputs' quality (e.g., a malfunctioning sensor sending random values, or another team's output becoming stale). This is particularly important for online learning systems. 3. Retrain your models on a regular basis on fresh data (automate as much as possible).

What is a labeled training set?

A labeled training set is a training set that contains the desired solution (a.k.a. a label) for each instance.

What is the difference between a model parameter and a learning algorithm's hyperparameter?

A model has one or more model parameters that determine what it will predict given a new instance (e.g., the slope of a linear model). A learning algorithm tries to find optimal values for these parameters such that the model generalizes well to new instances. A hyperparameter is a parameter of the learning algorithm itself, not of the model (e.g., the amount of regularization to apply).

Is a node's Gini impurity generally lower or greater than its parent's? Is it generally lower/greater, or always lower/greater?

A node's Gini impurity is generally lower than its parent's. This is due to the CART training algorithm's cost function, which splits each node in a way that minimizes the weighted sum of its children's Gini impurities. However, it is possible for a node to have a higher Gini impurity than its parent, as long as this increase is more than compensated for by a decrease in the other child's impurity. For example, consider a node containing four instances of class A and one of class B. Its Gini impurity is 1 - (1/5)2 - (4/5)2 = 0.32. Now suppose the dataset is one-dimensional and the instances are lined up in the following order: A, B, A, A, A. You can verify that the algorithm will split this node after the second instance, producing one child node with instances A, B, and the other child node with instances A, A, A. The first child node's Gini impurity is 1 - (1/2)2 - (1/2)2 = 0.5, which is higher than its parent's. This is compensated for by the fact that the other node is pure, so its overall weighted Gini impurity is 2/5 × 0.5 + 3/5 × 0 = 0.2, which is lower than the parent's Gini impurity.

What is a test set, and why would you want to use it?

A test set is used to estimate the generalization error that a model will make on new instances, before the model is launched in production.

Early Stopping (For iterative learning algorithms)

A very different way to regularize iterative learning algorithms such as Gradient Descent is to stop training as soon as the validation error reaches a minimum. This is called early stopping. With early stopping you just stop training as soon as the validation error reaches the minimum. It is such a simple and efficient regularization technique that Geoffrey Hinton called it a "beautiful free lunch." Tip: With Stochastic and Mini-batch Gradient Descent, the curves are not so smooth, and it may be hard to know whether you have reached the minimum or not. One solution is to stop only after the validation error has been above the minimum for some time (when you are confident that the model will not do any better), then roll back the model parameters to the point where the validation error was at a minimum.

What is a support vector?

After training an SVM, a support vector is any instance located on the "street" (see the previous answer), including its border. The decision boundary is entirely determined by the support vectors. Any instance that is not a support vector (i.e., is off the street) has no influence whatsoever; you could remove them, add more instances, or move them around, and as long as they stay off the street they won't affect the decision boundary. Computing the predictions only involves the support vectors, not the whole training set.

SKLearn Inspection

All the estimator's hyperparameters are accessible directly via public instance variables (e.g., imputer.strategy), and all the estimator's learned parameters are accessible via public instance variables with an underscore suffix (e.g., imputer.statistics_).

Can an SVM classifier output a confidence score when it classifies an instance? What about a probability?

An SVM classifier can output the distance between the test instance and the decision boundary, and you can use this as a confidence score. However, this score cannot be directly converted into an estimation of the class probability. If you set probability=True when creating an SVM in Scikit-Learn, then after training it will calibrate the probabilities using Logistic Regression on the SVM's scores (trained by an additional five-fold cross-validation on the training data). This will add the predict_proba() and predict_log_proba() methods to the SVM.

What is an online learning system?

An online learning system can learn incrementally, as opposed to a batch learning system. This makes it capable of adapting rapidly to both changing data and autonomous systems, and of training on very large quantities of data.

SKLearn Estimator

Any object that can estimate some parameters based on a dataset is called an estimator (e.g., an imputer is an estimator). The estimation itself is performed by the fit() method, and it takes only a dataset as a parameter (or two for supervised learning algorithms; the second dataset contains the labels). Any other parameter needed to guide the estimation process is considered a hyperparameter (such as an imputer's strategy), and it must be set as an instance variable (generally via a constructor parameter).

Can you name four common unsupervised tasks?

Common unsupervised tasks include clustering, visualization, dimensionality reduction, and association rule learning.

Decision Tree Regression

Decision Trees are also capable of performing regression tasks. This tree looks very similar to the classification tree you built earlier. The main difference is that instead of predicting a class in each node, it predicts a value. For example, suppose you want to make a prediction for a new instance with x1 = 0.6. You traverse the tree starting at the root, and you eventually reach the leaf node that predicts value=0.111. This prediction is the average target value of the 110 training instances associated with this leaf node, and it results in a mean squared error equal to 0.015 over these 110 instances. If you set max_depth=3, you get the predictions represented on the right. Notice how the predicted value for each region is always the average target value of the instances in that region. The algorithm splits each region in a way that makes most training instances as close as possible to that predicted value. The CART algorithm works mostly the same way as earlier, except that instead of trying to split the training set in a way that minimizes impurity, it now tries to split the training set in a way that minimizes the MSE. Just like for classification tasks, Decision Trees are prone to overfitting when dealing with regression tasks. Setting min_samples_leaf parameter results in a much more reasonable model More generally, the main issue with Decision Trees is that they are very sensitive to small variations in the training data. Random Forests can limit this instability by averaging predictions over many trees.

Decision Tree Classification

Decision Trees are versatile Machine Learning algorithms that can perform both classification and regression tasks, and even multioutput tasks. They are powerful algorithms, capable of fitting complex datasets. Decision Trees are also the fundamental components of Random Forests, which are among the most powerful Machine Learning algorithms available today. One of the many qualities of Decision Trees is that they require very little data preparation. In fact, they don't require feature scaling or centering at all. Suppose you find an iris flower and you want to classify it. You start at the root node (depth 0, at the top): this node asks whether the flower's petal length is smaller than 2.45 cm. If it is, then you move down to the root's left child node (depth 1, left). In this case, it is a leaf node (i.e., it does not have any child nodes), so it does not ask any questions: simply look at the predicted class for that node, and the Decision Tree predicts that your flower is an Iris setosa (class=setosa).Now suppose you find another flower, and this time the petal length is greater than 2.45 cm. You must move down to the root's right child node (depth 1, right), which is not a leaf node, so the node asks another question: is the petal width smaller than 1.75 cm? If it is, then your flower is most likely an Iris versicolor (depth 2, left). If not, it is likely an Iris virginica (depth 2, right). It's really that simple. A node's samples attribute counts how many training instances it applies to. For example, 100 training instances have a petal length greater than 2.45 cm (depth 1, right), and of those 100, 54 have a petal width smaller than 1.75 cm (depth 2, left). A node's value attribute tells you how many training instances of each class this node applies to: for example, the bottom-right node applies to 0 Iris setosa, 1 Iris versicolor, and 45 Iris virginica. Finally, a node's gini attribute measures its impurity: a node is "pure" (gini=0) if all training instances it applies to belong to the same class. For example, since the depth-1 left node applies only to Iris setosa training instances, it is pure and its gini score is 0. Scikit-Learn uses the CART algorithm, which produces only binary trees: nonleaf nodes always have two children (i.e., questions only have yes/no answers). However, other algorithms such as ID3 can produce Decision Trees with nodes that have more than two children. A Decision Tree can also estimate the probability that an instance belongs to a particular class k. First it traverses the tree to find the leaf node for this instance, and then it returns the ratio of training instances of class k in this node. For example, suppose you have found a flower whose petals are 5 cm long and 1.5 cm wide. The corresponding leaf node is the depth-2 left node, so the Decision Tree should output the following probabilities: 0% for Iris setosa (0/54), 90.7% for Iris versicolor (49/54), and 9.3% for Iris virginica (5/54). And if you ask it to predict the class, it should output Iris versicolor (class 1) because it has the highest probability. Scikit-Learn uses the Classification and Regression Tree (CART) algorithm to train Decision Trees (also called "growing" trees). The algorithm works by first splitting the training set into two subsets using a single feature k and a threshold tk (e.g., "petal length ≤ 2.45 cm"). How does it choose k and tk? It searches for the pair (k, tk) that produces the purest subsets (weighted by their size). Once the CART algorithm has successfully split the training set in two, it splits the subsets using the same logic, then the sub-subsets, and so on, recursively. It stops recursing once it reaches the maximum depth (defined by the max_depth hyperparameter), or if it cannot find a split that will reduce impurity. A few other hyperparameters (described in a moment) control additional stopping conditions (min_samples_split, min_samples_leaf, min_weight_fraction_leaf, and max_leaf_nodes). As you can see, the CART algorithm is a greedy algorithm: it greedily searches for an optimum split at the top level, then repeats the process at each subsequent level. It does not check whether or not the split will lead to the lowest possible impurity several levels down. A greedy algorithm often produces a solution that's reasonably good but not guaranteed to be optimal.Unfortunately, finding the optimal tree is known to be an NP-Complete problem: it requires O(exp(m)) time, making the problem intractable even for small training sets. This is why we must settle for a "reasonably good" solution. To avoid overfitting the training data, you need to restrict the Decision Tree's freedom during training. As you know by now, this is called regularization. The regularization hyperparameters depend on the algorithm used, but generally you can at least restrict the maximum depth of the Decision Tree. In Scikit-Learn, this is controlled by the max_depth hyperparameter (the default value is None, which means unlimited). Reducing max_depth will regularize the model and thus reduce the risk of overfitting.The DecisionTreeClassifier class has a few other parameters that similarly restrict the shape of the Decision Tree: min_samples_split (the minimum number of samples a node must have before it can be split), min_samples_leaf (the minimum number of samples a leaf node must have), min_weight_fraction_leaf (same as min_samples_leaf but expressed as a fraction of the total number of weighted instances), max_leaf_nodes (the maximum number of leaf nodes), and max_features (the maximum number of features that are evaluated for splitting at each node). Increasing min_* hyperparameters or reducing max_* hyperparameters will regularize the model.

Is it a good idea to stop Mini-batch Gradient Descent immediately when the validation error goes up?

Due to their random nature, neither Stochastic Gradient Descent nor Mini-batch Gradient Descent is guaranteed to make progress at every single training iteration. So if you immediately stop training when the validation error goes up, you may stop much too early, before the optimum is reached. A better option is to save the model at regular intervals; then, when it has not improved for a long time (meaning it will probably never beat the record), you can revert to the best saved model.

SKLearn Predictor

Finally, some estimators, given a dataset, are capable of making predictions; they are called predictors. For example, the LinearRegression model in the previous chapter was a predictor: given a country's GDP per capita, it predicted life satisfaction. A predictor has a predict() method that takes a dataset of new instances and returns a dataset of corresponding predictions. It also has a score() method that measures the quality of the predictions, given a test set (and the corresponding labels, in the case of supervised learning algorithms).

If your model performs great on the training data but generalizes poorly to new instances, what is happening? Can you name three possible solutions?

If a model performs great on the training data but generalizes poorly to new instances, the model is likely overfitting the training data (or we got extremely lucky on the training data). Possible solutions to overfitting are getting more data, simplifying the model (selecting a simpler algorithm, reducing the number of parameters or features used, or regularizing the model), or reducing the noise in the training data.

Say you've trained an SVM classifier with an RBF kernel, but it seems to underfit the training set. Should you increase or decrease γ (gamma)? What about C?

If an SVM classifier trained with an RBF kernel underfits the training set, there might be too much regularization. To decrease it, you need to increase gamma or C (or both).

Suppose you are using Ridge Regression and you notice that the training error and the validation error are almost equal and fairly high. Would you say that the model suffers from high bias or high variance? Should you increase the regularization hyperparameter α or reduce it?

If both the training error and the validation error are almost equal and fairly high, the model is likely underfitting the training set, which means it has a high bias. You should try reducing the regularization hyperparameter α.

Do all Gradient Descent algorithms lead to the same model, provided you let them run long enough?

If the optimization problem is convex (such as Linear Regression or Logistic Regression), and assuming the learning rate is not too high, then all Gradient Descent algorithms will approach the global optimum and end up producing fairly similar models. However, unless you gradually reduce the learning rate, Stochastic GD and Mini-batch GD will never truly converge; instead, they will keep jumping back and forth around the global optimum. This means that even if you let them run for a very long time, these Gradient Descent algorithms will produce slightly different models.

Suppose you use Batch Gradient Descent and you plot the validation error at every epoch. If you notice that the validation error consistently goes up, what is likely going on? How can you fix this?

If the validation error consistently goes up after every epoch, then one possibility is that the learning rate is too high and the algorithm is diverging. If the training error also goes up, then this is clearly the problem and you should reduce the learning rate. However, if the training error is not going up, then your model is overfitting the training set and you should stop training.

Suppose you are using Polynomial Regression. You plot the learning curves and you notice that there is a large gap between the training error and the validation error. What is happening? What are three ways to solve this?

If the validation error is much higher than the training error, this is likely because your model is overfitting the training set. One way to try to fix this is to reduce the polynomial degree: a model with fewer degrees of freedom is less likely to overfit. Another thing you can try is to regularize the model—for example, by adding an ℓ2 penalty (Ridge) or an ℓ1 penalty (Lasso) to the cost function. This will also reduce the degrees of freedom of the model. Lastly, you can try to increase the size of the training set.

What type of algorithm would you use to segment your customers into multiple groups?

If you don't know how to define the groups, then you can use a clustering algorithm (unsupervised learning) to segment your customers into clusters of similar customers. However, if you know what groups you would like to have, then you can feed many examples of each group to a classification algorithm (supervised learning), and it will classify all your customers into these groups.

Which Linear Regression training algorithm can you use if you have a training set with millions of features?

If you have a training set with millions of features you can use Stochastic Gradient Descent or Mini-batch Gradient Descent, and perhaps Batch Gradient Descent if the training set fits in memory. But you cannot use the Normal Equation or the SVD approach because the computational complexity grows quickly (more than quadratically) with the number of features.

What can go wrong if you tune hyperparameters using the test set?

If you tune hyperparameters using the test set, you risk overfitting the test set, and the generalization error you measure will be optimistic (you may launch a model that performs worse than you expect).

Suppose you want to classify pictures as outdoor/indoor and daytime/nighttime. Should you implement two Logistic Regression classifiers or one Softmax Regression classifier?

If you want to classify pictures as outdoor/indoor and daytime/nighttime, since these are not exclusive classes (i.e., all four combinations are possible) you should train two Logistic Regression classifiers.

How to know what regression to use

It is almost always preferable to have at least a little bit of regularization, so generally you should avoid plain Linear Regression. Ridge is a good default, but if you suspect that only a few features are useful, you should prefer Lasso or Elastic Net because they tend to reduce the useless features' weights down to zero, as we have discussed. In general, Elastic Net is preferred over Lasso because Lasso may behave erratically when the number of features is greater than the number of training instances or when several features are strongly correlated.

Can you name four types of problems where Machine Learning shines?

Machine Learning is great for complex problems for which we have no algorithmic solution, to replace long lists of hand-tuned rules, to build systems that adapt to fluctuating environments, and finally to help humans learn (e.g., data mining).

What do model-based learning algorithms search for? What is the most common strategy they use to succeed? How do they make predictions?

Model-based learning algorithms search for an optimal value for the model parameters such that the model will generalize well to new instances. We usually train such systems by minimizing a cost function that measures how bad the system is at making predictions on the training data, plus a penalty for model complexity if the model is regularized. To make predictions, we feed the new instance's features into the model's prediction function, using the parameter values found by the learning algorithm.

What is out-of-core learning?

Out-of-core algorithms can handle vast quantities of data that cannot fit in a computer's main memory. An out-of-core learning algorithm chops the data into mini-batches and uses online learning techniques to learn from these mini-batches.

Sklearn Defaults

Scikit-Learn provides reasonable default values for most parameters, making it easy to quickly create a baseline working system.

Can you name four of the main challenges in Machine Learning?

Some of the main challenges in Machine Learning are the lack of data, poor data quality, nonrepresentative data, uninformative features, excessively simple models that underfit the training data, and excessively complex models that overfit the data.

Would you frame the problem of spam detection as a supervised learning problem or an unsupervised learning problem?

Spam detection is a typical supervised learning problem: the algorithm is fed many emails along with their labels (spam or not spam).

Which Gradient Descent algorithm (among those we discussed) will reach the vicinity of the optimal solution the fastest? Which will actually converge? How can you make the others converge as well?

Stochastic Gradient Descent has the fastest training iteration since it considers only one training instance at a time, so it is generally the first to reach the vicinity of the global optimum (or Mini-batch GD with a very small mini-batch size). However, only Batch Gradient Descent will actually converge, given enough training time. As mentioned, Stochastic GD and Mini-batch GD will bounce around the optimum, unless you gradually reduce the learning rate.

Softmax Regression (Multinomial Logistic Regression)

The Logistic Regression model can be generalized to support multiple classes directly, without having to train and combine multiple binary classifiers. The idea is simple: when given an instance x, the Softmax Regression model first computes a score sk(x) for each class k, then estimates the probability of each class by applying the softmax function (also called the normalized exponential) to the scores. Once you have computed the score of every class for the instance x, you can estimate the probability that the instance belongs to class k by running the scores through the softmax function (Equation 4-20). The function computes the exponential of every score, then normalizes them (dividing by the sum of all the exponentials). The scores are generally called logits or log-odds (although they are actually unnormalized log-odds). Just like the Logistic Regression classifier, the Softmax Regression classifier predicts the class with the highest estimated probability (which is simply the class with the highest score) The Softmax Regression classifier predicts only one class at a time (i.e., it is multiclass, not multioutput), so it should be used only with mutually exclusive classes, such as different types of plants. You cannot use it to recognize multiple people in one picture. Now that you know how the model estimates probabilities and makes predictions, let's take a look at training. The objective is to have a model that estimates a high probability for the target class (and consequently a low probability for the other classes). Minimizing the cost function , called the cross entropy, should lead to this objective because it penalizes the model when it estimates a low probability for a target class. Cross entropy is frequently used to measure how well a set of estimated class probabilities matches the target classes.

What is the approximate depth of a Decision Tree trained (without restrictions) on a training set with one million instances?

The depth of a well-balanced binary tree containing m leaves is equal to log2(m),2 rounded up. A binary Decision Tree (one that makes only binary decisions, as is the case with all trees in Scikit-Learn) will end up more or less well balanced at the end of training, with one leaf per training instance if it is trained without restrictions. Thus, if the training set contains one million instances, the Decision Tree will have a depth of log2(106) ≈ 20 (actually a bit more since the tree will generally not be perfectly well balanced).

What is the fundamental idea behind Support Vector Machines?

The fundamental idea behind Support Vector Machines is to fit the widest possible "street" between the classes. In other words, the goal is to have the largest possible margin between the decision boundary that separates the two classes and the training instances. When performing soft margin classification, the SVM searches for a compromise between perfectly separating the two classes and having the widest possible street (i.e., a few instances may end up on the street). Another key idea is to use kernels when training on nonlinear datasets.

What is the train-dev set, when do you need it, and how do you use it?

The train-dev set is used when there is a risk of mismatch between the training data and the data used in the validation and test datasets (which should always be as close as possible to the data used once the model is in production). The train-dev set is a part of the training set that's held out (the model is not trained on it). The model is trained on the rest of the training set, and evaluated on both the train-dev set and the validation set. If the model performs well on the training set but not on the train-dev set, then the model is likely overfitting the training set. If it performs well on both the training set and the train-dev set, but not on the validation set, then there is probably a significant data mismatch between the training data and the validation + test data, and you should try to improve the training data to make it look more like the validation + test data.

Should you use the primal or the dual form of the SVM problem to train a model on a training set with millions of instances and hundreds of features?

This question applies only to linear SVMs since kernelized SVMs can only use the dual form. The computational complexity of the primal form of the SVM problem is proportional to the number of training instances m, while the computational complexity of the dual form is proportional to a number between m2 and m3. So if there are millions of instances, you should definitely use the primal form, because the dual form will be much too slow.

How can you tell that your model is overfitting or underfitting the data?

Use cross-validation to get an estimate of a model's generalization performance. If a model performs well on the training data but generalizes poorly according to the cross-validation metrics, then your model is overfitting. If it performs poorly on both, then it is underfitting. This is one way to tell when a model is too simple or too complex. Another way to tell is to look at the learning curves: these are plots of the model's performance on the training set and the validation set as a function of the training set size (or the training iteration). To generate the plots, train the model several times on different sized subsets of the training set. If your model is underfitting the training data, adding more training examples will not help. You need to use a more complex model or come up with better features. One way to improve an overfitting model is to feed it more training data until the validation error reaches the training error.

Linear SVM Classification

You can think of an SVM classifier as fitting the widest possible street (represented by the parallel dashed lines) between the classes. This is called large margin classification. Notice that adding more training instances "off the street" will not affect the decision boundary at all: it is fully determined (or "supported") by the instances located on the edge of the street. These instances are called the support vectors SVMs are sensitive to the feature scales. Use feature scaling (e.g., using Scikit-Learn's StandardScaler). If we strictly impose that all instances must be off the street and on the right side, this is called hard margin classification. There are two main issues with hard margin classification. First, it only works if the data is linearly separable. Second, it is sensitive to outliers. To avoid these issues, use a more flexible model. The objective is to find a good balance between keeping the street as large as possible and limiting the margin violations (i.e., instances that end up in the middle of the street or even on the wrong side). This is called soft margin classification. When creating an SVM model using Scikit-Learn, we can specify a number of hyperparameters. C is one of those hyperparameters. If we set it to a low value, then we end up with more margin violations. Margin violations are bad. It's usually better to have few of them. However, sometimes more violations will probably generalize better. If your SVM model is overfitting, you can try regularizing it by reducing C. Unlike Logistic Regression classifiers, SVM classifiers do not output probabilities for each class. The LinearSVC class regularizes the bias term, so you should center the training set first by subtracting its mean. This is automatic if you scale the data using the StandardScaler. Also make sure you set the loss hyperparameter to "hinge", as it is not the default value. Finally, for better performance, you should set the dual hyperparameter to False, unless there are more features than training instances

Why would you want to use: a. Ridge Regression instead of plain Linear Regression (i.e., without any regularization)? b. Lasso instead of Ridge Regression? c. Elastic Net instead of Lasso?

a. A model with some regularization typically performs better than a model without any regularization, so you should generally prefer Ridge Regression over plain Linear Regression. b. Lasso Regression uses an ℓ1 penalty, which tends to push the weights down to exactly zero. This leads to sparse models, where all weights are zero except for the most important weights. This is a way to perform feature selection automatically, which is good if you suspect that only a few features actually matter. When you are not sure, you should prefer Ridge Regression. c. Elastic Net is generally preferred over Lasso since Lasso may behave erratically in some cases (when several features are strongly correlated or when there are more features than training instances). However, it does add an extra hyperparameter to tune. If you want Lasso without the erratic behavior, you can just use Elastic Net with an l1_ratio close to 1.

Feature Scaling: Standardization

first it subtracts the mean value (so standardized values always have a zero mean), and then it divides by the standard deviation so that the resulting distribution has unit variance. Unlike min-max scaling, standardization does not bound values to a specific range, which may be a problem for some algorithms (e.g., neural networks often expect an input value ranging from 0 to 1). However, standardization is much less affected by outliers. For example, suppose a district had a median income equal to 100 (by mistake). Min-max scaling would then crush all the other values from 0-15 down to 0-0.15, whereas standardization would not be much affected. Scikit-Learn provides a transformer called StandardScaler for standardization.

SVM Regression

he SVM algorithm is versatile: not only does it support linear and nonlinear classification, but it also supports linear and nonlinear regression. To use SVMs for regression instead of classification, the trick is to reverse the objective: instead of trying to fit the largest possible street between two classes while limiting margin violations, SVM Regression tries to fit as many instances as possible on the street while limiting margin violations (i.e., instances off the street). The width of the street is controlled by a hyperparameter, ϵ. Adding more training instances within the margin does not affect the model's predictions; thus, the model is said to be ϵ-insensitive. You can use Scikit-Learn's LinearSVR class to perform linear SVM Regression. To tackle nonlinear regression tasks, you can use a kernelized SVM model. To tackle nonlinear regression tasks, you can use a kernelized SVM model. Scikit-Learn's SVR class (which supports the kernel trick) is the regression equivalent of the SVC class, and the LinearSVR class is the regression equivalent of the LinearSVC class. The LinearSVR class scales linearly with the size of the training set (just like the LinearSVC class), while the SVR class gets much too slow when the training set grows large (just like the SVC class). SVMs can also be used for outlier detection.

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