Magic Mushrooms - Prelim 2

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Coccidioidomycosis is endemic to ...

US southwest and Mexico

button mushrooms contain the compound ____


ergot contains harmful ...

alkaloid mycotoxins

truffles are under the phylum


what type of fruiting bodies does Claviceps make?

ascospores - sexual fruiting bodies

what was the biggest killer of soldiers?

bacteria pneumonia

beer is the ___ most popular beverage


What did Mullis do?

Invented the Polymerase Chain Reaction, a way to "photocopy" DNA.

Exserohilumis an opportunist meaning ...

It can't get in on its own, and needs a depressed immune system

truffle cultivation helped build our understanding of _____

Ecosystem Services

generating the divine within


Mycoprotein from a mold:

Fusarium venenatum

yeast are carried by ____

social wasps, fruit flies, and other bugs

Fungal fruiting bodies that grow underground


Coccidioidomycosis make lots of spores in soil and once inhaled can cause disease

Valley Fever

Secondary Decomposers eat


tempeh is made by fermenting ___

cooked soybeans and Rhizopusoligosporus

we originally made insulin from

cow and pig pancreas

most US corn is food for___


Truffle ancestors were

cup fungi

Amanita phalloides are also called

death caps

Different mushrooms are poisonous in different ways - they contain_____

different toxins

psychedelics can cause ____ pupils, _____ in heart beat & blood pressure

dilated, mild increase

Laurel Wilt

disease carried by beetles that killed redbay trees

What is ergot?

disease of wheat and rye

morels come out during which season?


which animal is immune to amatoxins


how does ergot disease work?

It infects the developing seeds of its host

How does Cyclosporine work?

Suppresses the immune system

Aspergillus niger

mold - FPC

Heart Rot

rots the inside of the tree

Impacts of fungal disease each year

1 billion human infections 1.7 million deaths

Why are we seeing more deaths from fungal diseases?

1. aging population 2. virsuses 3. drug resistance

How to manage fungal diseases?

1. antifungal drugs 2. boost immune system 3. reduce exposure to pathogens

how to control ergot?

1. breed resistant varieties of wheat and ergot 2. kill sclerotia in the soil

what happens if you eat ergot?

1. ganggrene (vasoconstriction) 2. abortion 3. psychedelic distortion of time and space 4. affects CNS

To be a pathogen a fungus must (4)

1. get into us 2. grow at our body temperature 3. fight or evade our immune system 4. eat some part of us

what is a microdose?

1/10th of a normal dose

what percentage of people are allergic to penicillin


using anaerobic respiration - From one glucose, you can charge up...

2 ATPs

how much protein is in dried yeast?

40-50% protein

who gets infected by Coccidioidomycosis?

60% do not get sick and the rest have flu-like symptoms 0.5% develop the disseminated fatal form that spread to the lungs and attack organs

_____% of plants on earth form _____ relationships with ____

90, symbiotic, fungi

popular super market mushrooms are from the same species ____


Two major classes of antifungal drugs

Amphotericin B ("amphoterrible") Azole drugs (itraconazole and others)

what is bicycle day?

Anniversary of Hoffman's first trip

Many good edible mushrooms _____ be cultivated


Removing ____ from Coccidioides can make the fungus less virulent


________ are made almost like beer, but add an extra step—using enzymes to break down cellulose into sugars

Cellulosic biofuels

Personally tried over 600 American mushroom species between 1881 and 1900.

Charles McIlvaine

what causes ergot disease?

Claviceps purpurea (Ascomycota)

The most virulent of human fungal diseases (used for human warfare)


half of the mushrooms produced in the US come from

Kennett Square, PA

Ergot is a natural source of ...


ergot produce


psychedelic chemical found in ergot sclerotia


we all have at least one fungi inside of us... give an example


the process of inducing seeds to germinate


It binds to GABA receptors in the brain, leading to psychedelic and sedative effects


Do all penicillium make penicillin?

No, some make penicillin and others make mycotoxins

These are the little asci of yeast.

Phylum Ascomycota (sexual reproduction)

_____ binds to the same receptors in the brain as serotonin


all most all mushrooms belong belong in the genus


the active component of shrooms


Amatoxins block _______ , a key enzyme in our cells

RNA polymerase II

an example of a fungal source of rennet

Rhizomucor miehei

Brewer's and Baker's yeast contain which fungus?:

Saccharomyces cerevisiae

the must abundant fungus in the world?

Saccharomyces cerevisiae

LSD is classified as a:

Schedule I Drug - illegal to possess

_______ can help you identify mushrooms

Spore prints

Another name for ergotism?

St. Anthony's Fire

Why can't we cultivate mushrooms?

They need to grow with trees

Tree diseases often come from somewhere else?


Coccidioidomycosis is a ...

True pathogens


a chemical produced by some penicillium species

Honeydew contain what type of spores?

a fungal nectar containing ASEXUAL spores of the ergot fungus

in bread and beer, yeast ferments the sweetness into which two chemicals?

alcohol & CO2


an immunomodulating compound - increases stamina

what type of respiration do yeast use?


you should not use LSD if you are taking?

antidepressants that affect serotonin regulation


brings sugar down the tree (from leaves to roots)


brings water up the tree (from roots to leaves)

penicillin inhibits ...

cell wall formation in bacteria

Fungi contain...


Saccharomyces cerevisiae produce


What compound do fruit flies seek?


fruit flies prefer ____ over ____

ethanol over water

in temperate climates, which season is best for mushrooms?


Most tree disease kill the tree?


raw morels are safe to eat?

false - they are poisonous

microbial conversion of foods to alcohols and other products


Fungal meningitis symptoms

fever, stiff neck, vomiting

Butt Rot

fungus gets through the bark at weak points where the tree sits on the ground


fungus grows between bark and wood; they burst out forming cankers

Dutch Elm

fungus that grows on the vascular system of trees and causes wilt disease

during harvest, ergots get mixed with

good grains and some will fall off and sprout the next spring


grows as circular colonies on the outer, dead layers of your skin

____ are added to beer


toxin that causes brain lesions

ibotenic acid

Amanita muscaria have mind altering compounds? (2)

ibotenic acid muscimol

A. muscaria contains (2)

ibotenic acid and muscimol.

Drug Quality and Security Act

improves regulation and tracking of compounded drugs

beta 1-3 glucan is an important active ingredient found ..

in part of the fungus cell wall

good ergot control will ___ grain yield


what helps spread asexual fruiting bodies?


Fungus diseases of the superficial layers of skin eat...

keratin - a tough protein in our skin (can be spread from person to person)

Cyclosporine A is...

key drug used to suppress the rejection of transplanted organs

amatoxins cause death through

liver failure

Yeast is high in ______ - an essential amino acid not in grains


Psilocybe species produce

magical mushrooms

Sugar for beer comes from


______ often fruit in fairy rings on lawns

meadow mushrooms

LSD's actions come from its similarity to which neurotransmitter?


serotonin regulates which processes?

mood, perception, appetite, circadian clock

Coccidioidomycosis prefers to grow on __________ and not humans

mouse poop

ibotenic acid converts to _____ upon drying


Work on truffles led to the discovery of


Amanita muscaria is a ______________ fungus


wild mushrooms are ____ with trees


Fresh Amanita muscaria contains a _____ that causes brain lesions

neurotoxin(ibotenic acid)

____ is added to wine

nothing (not even water)

Exserohilum is an ...

opportunist in terms of human disease

A rise in mushroom picking leads to concerns about


where is insulin made?


Ways that trees get sick

parasite wilt disease canker rot disease butt rot root rot heart rot

blue cheese uses the fungus

penicillium roqueforti

In fruit flies, ethanol promotes what behavior?


Maria Sabina was a


truffels of spores dont ______ rather they travel through ___

shoot their spores, rodents

A single dose may lead to long term changes in


which animals can smell out truffels?

pigs and dogs

Wilt disease

plugs up xylem so that the tree does not get water

what crop saved many from the ergot disease (replaced wheat and rye?)


Exserohilum prefers to eat...

prefers to eat grass, but can grow in our spinal fluid

what does hops do?

preserves the beer and gives it a bitter taste

_____ works as a fast acting anti-depressant


brain interconnections dramatically increase and reorganize while using ____


has the lowest harm potential of drugs including alcohol, cannabis, and tobacco.


psychedelics can lead to a ___ phase where there loosening of boundaries


psychedelics can have a ______ effect that is known as a _____ phase

psychological, sensory

psychedelic drugs work by

reducing brain connectivity that controls perception and cognition

Primary Decomposers eat

sawdust, straw

How do parasites make a tree sick?

steal food from tree, but does not kill it

As seeds germinate, they convert their own starches into


good antifungal drugs...

target cellular processes that humans do not have


the fear of mushrooms


the love of mushrooms

Studies suggests that for trouffels most trouble comes from _____ and _____

trampling and habitat loss

Amanita muscaria and its chemicals are not regulated by law:


It is hard to kill fungal cells without hurting the patient


There is no reliable kitchen or field test for poisons in mushrooms


Valley Fever is not contagious


spores are carried in dust


Some other fungi are ...

true pathogens

Fungal fruiting bodies that grow underground


mushrooms deliver which type of taste?


fruiting bodies grow ____ for truffles


Rot Disease

use chemicals to rot the tree

Root Rot

use rhizomorphs to travel to the tree

what four ingredients does brewing require?

water, grain, hops, yeast

How do fungi get into trees?

weather water damage animals insects humans

we can get insulin from..


Kluveromyces lactis

yeast - FPC

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