Management Leadership Test 2 (CH: 6-10)
CH. 7 Discuss the racial, gender and cultural problems that have been discovered during the use of Multi Rater Feedback instruments.
-Cultural-some countries believe that peers and subordinates should not give feed back -Race- blacks give higher ratings to other blacks, whites give same level of ratings to both black and white bosses and peers, white bosses give higher ratings to whites who report to them Gender- females receive higher ratings on most skills, males perceived as having higher advancement potential
CH. 10 In groups, size matters. How do the following affect group effectiveness as related to size: Additive task, process losses, social loafing, and Social facilitation.
-additive task- groups output involves the combination of individual outputs -process losses-inefficiencies created by more and more people working together -social loafing-reduced effort by people wen they are not individually accountable -social facilitation- people increasing their level of work due to the presence of others
math the community leadership competency with its definition -social capital -mobilization -framing
-power of relationships shared between individuals -strategic, planned purposeful activity to achieve clearly defined outcomes -helping a group or community recognize and define its opportunities and issues
CH. 6 Identify and explain the three parts of the triarchic theory of intelligence.
1) Analytical- general problem solving ability, quick learners, make accurate assumptions and deductions 2) Practical- relies on knowledge and experience, domain specific, knowing how things get done and how to do them 3) Creative- ability to produce work that is both novel and useful, creative related to analytical but not perfectly correlated
CH. 7 Identify, define or explain the five leadership types identified by the leadership grid.
1) Country Club Management- minimum concern for production, maximum concern for people, satisfying relationships, comfortable work tempo 2) Impoverished Management- minimum concern for people, minimum effort required to maintain position, not really leadership 3) Middle of the Road Management- do job but avoid making waves, maintain status quo, balance necessity of getting out work with maintaining morale of work force at minimum 4) Authority Compliance Management- maximum concern for production, minimum concern for people, efficiency most important 5) Team Management- goal directed teams, relationships based on trust and respect
CH. 9 Explain the three main parts of Expectancy Theory and give an example showing how it can be used to motivate people.
1) expectancy- perceived probability that exerting a given amount of effort will lead to a certain level of performance (ex: effort) 2) instrumentality- strength of belief that performing at a particular level is instrumental in attaining an outcome (ex: performance) 3) valence- attractiveness or importance of potential outcome (ex: attractiveness)
CH. 10 Describe what occurs during the five phases of group development.
1) forming- small talk and polite conversation, little trust 2) storming- intragroup conflict, alliances formed, competition for control 3) norming- group norms formed, values agreed upon, leader emerges 4) performing- group focus on performing the task, members assume interdependent roles 5) adjourning- group formally dissolved, members move on to other things
CH. 7 Describe/explain framing, social capital and mobilization.
1) framing- recognize and define a group or community's opportunities or issues 2) Social Capital- develop and maintain social relationships that allow people to work together 3) Mobilization- engaging a critical mass to take action or achieve a specific outcome
CH. 6 Identify and briefly explain the parts Five Factor of the OCEAN Personality Model.
1) openness experiences- imaginative, creatives, willing to consider new ideas 2) Conscientiousness- focused on few goals, achievement oriented, responsible, dependable 3) Extroversion- comfortable with relationships, sociability, talkative 4) Agreeableness- good natured, forgiving, understanding, trusting 5) Neuroticism- secure, calm, enthusiastic
CH. 9 Name and explain the four types of followers identified by Potter and Rosenbach in their model.
1) politician- more concerned with getting along with the boss than getting things done 2) subordinate- follow orders and rules, stay out of trouble, stay with organization 3) contributor- hard workers, good at job, don't seek leaders perspective, work best when left alone 4) partner- understand leaders perspective, identify issues and work out solutions, hold leaders accountable
CH. 9 Name and explain the four types of followers identified by Curphy in his model.
1) slackers- don't exert much effort at work, not their job to solve problems, do just enough to stay out of trouble 2) criticizers- strong critical thinkers, change is doomed, crave recognition, disengaged from work 3) brown nosers- strong work ethic, not critical thinkers, follow orders, always flattering the boss 4) self starters- passionate about the team, put forth great effort, raise issues and find solutions, offer opinions and feed back
CH. 10 Identify the ten principles of leading virtual teams
1. be proactive 2. focus on relationships before tasks 3. seek clarity and focus early 4. create sense of order and predictability 5. be a cook headed problem solver 6. develop shared operating agreements 7. give team members personal attention 8. respect challenges of the virtual environment 9. recognize the limits of available technologies 10. stay people focused
place in the correct sequence of events according to systems view of communication
1. intention 2. expression 3. reception 4. interpretation 5. feedback 6. new intentions
which of the following statements about 360 degree feedback systems are true
360 degrees feedback should be build around an organizations competency model and should be used for development not evaluation
CH. 8 Briefly describe the components of credibility
Expertise- building this involves increasing one's knowledge and skills in the areas of technical competence, organizational knowledge, and industry knowledge Trust- clarifying and communicating your values, and building relationships with others
The performing stage of group development is characterized by leader emergence, establishment of work rules and behavior and development of cohesiveness. this statement is
False. the statement describes the norming stage
CH. 6 Explain the effects of traits on leader behavior under familiar/structured and unfamiliar /ambiguous situations.
Familiar/structured situations the effects of traits on behavior is less obvious in strong situations. Unfamiliar/ambiguous situations are the effects of traits on behavior is more pronounced in weak situations.
CH. 6 What are the implications of the Cognitive Resource Theory in regard to leader effectiveness and behavior? Discuss experience, stress and intelligence.
Implications are the best leaders are often smart and experienced. Leaders may be unaware of the degree to which they are causing stress in their followers. Greater experience but lower intelligence may account for higher performing groups in high stress conditions. High levels of experience account for usage of old solutions when creative solutions are better.
CH. 6 Explain the great man theory. Is it a valid way to select leaders?
It attempted to prove that leaders and followers are different. The research found out that leaders were not qualitatively different than followers. Yes it is a valid way.
CH. 9 Compare Maslow theories with Alderfer. How are they alike and how are they different?
Maslow's theory starts with physiological needs at the bottom followed by security need, belongingness needs, esteem needs, and self actualization needs at the top. Alderfer just has three with existence, relatedness, and then growth at the top
CH. 7 What do we learn about leadership behavior from the Ohio and Michigan state studies? Tell me what you know.
Ohio State- developed the Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire and identified two independent dimensions of behaviors which are consideration and initiating structure. Michigan- identified two dimensions contributing to effective group performance which are job centered and employee centered dimensions.
CH. 9 Compare the follower grid of Rosenbach and potter with Curphy's model.
Rosenbach and Potter concerned with relationship and performance. Curphy concerned with critical thinking and engagement
CH. 9 Explain Theory X and Theory Y.
Theory X- workers have little ambition, dislike work, want to avoid responsibility, and need to be closely controlled Theory Y- workers can exercise self direction, accept and seek out responsibility, and consider work to be natural activity
which of the following would be an example of non contingent reward
a monthly salary check
all of the following describe emotional intelligence except
a set of abilities that enable one to make accurate deductions assumptions and inferences with relatively unfamiliar information
individuals who appear to be socially clueless, insensitive, pessimistic, and grumpy may be low in ___; but, individuals high in ___ usually appear self confident
agreeableness; extraversion
according to triarchic theory of intelligence, ___ intelligence features accurate assumptions, deductions, and inferences with new info; whereas, ___ intelligence relies on knowledge and experience and is it is domain specific
analytical; practical
motivation is
anything that provides direction, intensity, and persistence to behavior
CH. 10 Identify the characteristic of Effective Teams.
clear mission, high performance standards, organized, emphasis on planning, effective communication, adequate resources
which leadership dimension is identified by the Ohio State Studies
consideration and initiating structure
research studies have identified authority compliance management, country club management, and team management as being effective. the most effective leadership style
depends on the criteria use to judge effectiveness
whats the most important step in conducting a meeting
determine if it is necessary
CH. 8 Identify the helpful tips for conducting productive meetings. According to Hogan and Morrison should a leader do to develop and encourage Creative followers
determine whether it is necessary, list objectives, stick to agenda, make it convenient, provide pertinent materials in advance, encourage participation, keep a record. set goals, offer rewards, provide appropriate resources, reduce time pressure but keep on track
according to the concept of force field analysis in order for change to be properly implemented
driving forces must be powerful than restraining forces
transformational leadership uses ___ as the fuel to drive followers heightened motivational levels
CH. 9 Explain Equity Theory and give an example showing how it can be used to motivate people.
employees perceive what they get from a job (outcomes) in relation to what they put into it (inputs)
what are the two components of credibility
expertise and trust
which of the following statements concerning affectivity from the leader's perspective is not accurate
followers with negative affectivity generally have lower levels of productivity
identify the three competencies needed to successfully drive community change
framing, building social capital and mobilization
having an inability or difficulty seeing fresh uses for things we are very familiar with describes the mental block psychologists refer to as
functional fixedness
which would most likely result in consistently higher effort and performance
goals that are both specific and difficult
leaders who have little faith in their followers ability to accomplish a goal are rarely disappointed. this refers to the ____; but the ___ occurs when leaders articulate high expectations for followers
golem effect; Pygmalion effect
sum of forces that attract members to a group provide resistance to leaving it and motivate them to be active in it is called
group cohesion
set of expected behaviors associate with a particular job or position is known as
group roles
one of the disadvantages of highly cohesive groups is finding that people in such groups often become more concerned with striving for unanimity than in objectively appraising different courses of action. this phenomenon is called
CH. 10 Describe the benefits and drawbacks of greater group cohesion.
highly cohesive groups interact and influence each other more than less cohesive groups. greater cohesiveness doesn't always lead to higher performance. highly cohesive groups may have lower turnover
job satisfaction is
how much one likes a specific kind of job
CH. 8 Identify the steps, in order, of a problem solving process.
identifying problems or opportunities for improvement, analyzing the causes, developing alternative solutions, selecting and implementing the best solution, assessing the impact of the solution
CH. 8 Describe/explain/draw the system view of communications.
intention (what do you want to accomplish?) to expression (what medium) to reception (was it seen?) to interpretation (was it understood?) to feedback (did you communicate what you intended?) to new intentions
receiving conflicting information from two or more people about their expectations for your work behavior reflects
intersender role conflict
a leader who has a lot of knowledge and experience in leading a pharmaceutical research team may fell like a duck out of water when asked t o lead a major fund raising effort for a charitable institution. this ex illustrates that practical intelligence
is domain specific
CH. 10 Why does group cohesiveness not always lead to increased performance?
it can lead to overbounding, groupthink, and ollieism. overbounding is tendency of cohesive groups to erect what amount to fences or boundaries between themselves. groupthink is cohesive groups become concerned with striving for unanimity. ollieism is when illegal actions are take by loyal subordinates who believe they are pleasing the leader
goal emphasis and work facilitation relate to which of the following leadership behavior dimensions
job centered
the ___ component of assertiveness skills concerns knowing where and when not to behave assertively
what are the key components that define empowerment
leaders delegate leadership and decision making down to the lowest level possible and equip followers with the resources, knowledge, and skills necessary to make good decisions
the great man theory attempted to prove that leaders and followers are fundamentally different. research however indicates that
leaders were not qualitatively different than followers
which set of leaders will perform best under stressful conditions
leaders with more experience
which is not a way to increase our assertiveness
learn to say yes
adequate organization performance is possible through balancing the necessity to get work out while maintaining morale of people at satisfactory level. in terms of the leadership grid, what leadership orientation does this signify
middle of the road management
CH. 9 Explain Herzberg's motivators and Hygiene factors. How can we use Herzberg's theories to motivate workers?
motivators- factors that increase job satisfaction and motivation hygiene factors- factors that eliminate job dissatisfaction but don't motivate have supervision, co-workers, recognition, and responsibility
___ are the informal rules that groups adopt to regulate and regularize group members behaviors
highly cohesive group with members who overstep their boundaries or even violate laws to please the leader illustrates
according to Herzberg the following incentives might be used to improve employee performance
opportunities for advancement and recognition for achievement
___ concerns those behaviors directed toward the organizations goals resulting from those behaviors; where as ___ involves making judgments about the adequacy of behavior with respect to certain criteria such as work group or organizational goals
performance; effectiveness
a person is experiencing ____ if he or she wonders, "just what am I supposed to be doing?"
role ambiguity
the phenomenon of reduced effort by people when they are not individually accountable for their work is referred to as ___; whereas, ___ refers to any time people increase their level of work due to the presence of others
social loafing; social facilitation
which statement is true concerning analytic intelligence
some research suggests that if the differences in analytic intelligence between leader and followers are too great, a leaders intelligence can become an impediment
CH. 8 Identify ways to increase your assertiveness that we discussed in class.
speak up for what we need, be persistent, learn to say no
best way to build relationships with followers is
spend time listening to what they have to say
which of the following is not one of the types of intelligence identified in the Triarchic Theory of Intelligence
strategic intelligence
work accomplishment is from committed people; interdependence through a common stake in the organizations purpose leads to relationships of trust and respect. in terms of the leadership grid, what leadership orientation does this signify
team management
although no one personality type is necessarily better than the others in terms of leadership effectiveness, the Myers-Briggs type indicator shows that most leaders are ISTJ, ESTJ, or ENTJ. this statement is
effects of traits on behavior is more often observed in ___ situations
unfamiliar or ambiguous
which is a possible solution for groupthink
use independent subgroups to make recommendations
all of the following are ways leaders can improve communication skills except
using constructive sarcasm