Management SkillsMidterm Study Guide

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How to get a mentor

"Reflect, Reflect, Research, Reach Out" 1. REFLECT and know yourself and what you offer 2. REFLECT on who to reach out to 3. RESEARCH potential mentors 4. REACH OUT and connect with courage

Strategies for Ethical Decision Making

- Code of Ethics - Ethics Test - Ethical Audit - Decision Making Model - Ethics Training

Tips for Effective Networking

- Find the bar - Be yourself - Set reasonable expectations - Don't spread too thin - Be specific - Consider their network - Join in - Be engaged

Strategies for Self Disclosure

- face the fear - choose the right time, right place, context - use RECIPROCITY & MATCHING - be attentive to verbal and non verbal cues - tie self disclosure into work focus if possible and focus on how past informs the present - be prepared with authentic stories

Fast Friends Technique

- flashcard game - get people to self disclose and get people to see that they are similar on a deep level

Accomplishing smart goals

- goal setting is an ongoing process - make easy adjustments, reevaluate - goals should remain fluid

Importance of Networking

- learn about new job opportunities - one contact can lead to others and career ops - facilitate informational interviewing - locate providers of goods and services - find people to hire

Strategies for networking

- organize current network - expand network - nurture relationships - take charge of situation - ask for strategic info - be careful

Informational Interview

- talking to people about their careers to learn about what they do and help clarify your interests - career clarity " how did your interest in this career develop" "How did you prep for this career'

Fears in Self Disclosure

- uncertain how the info will be received and utilized - afraid of being judged harshly - previous negative experiences \- someone disclosing info to another - managers fear it could be seen as weakness

Strategies for Time Management

-Face the fear - Sort and categorize - Choose 3 things that must be done today - Prioritize tasks by level of importance - Calendar deadlines - Organize - Delegate - 80/20 rule - Avoid procrastination

Social Media Review as Johari Window

-social media review has us search and analyze our online presence and took into account the different areas of Johari - self analyzation of the image we put online

Strategies for Increasing EQ

1. Be candid 2. Ask for feedback 3. Self confidence 4. Don't Overreact 5. Take time to choose course of action 6. Accept and cope with change 7. Be motivated to achieve 8. Track progress 9. Consider others in decisions 10. Take time for people

Strong Interest Inventory Personalities

1. Enterprising 2. Artistic 3. Realistic 4. Conventional 5. Investigative 6. Social

2 Types of Stress

1. Eustress: positive, presents opportunity for personal growth/ satisfaction and pushes to higher performance 2. Distress: negative, results in rehabilitating effects

Personality "Big Five"

1. Extroversion 2. Agreeableness 3. Emotional Stability 4. Conscientiousness 5. Openness to Experience

5 Elements of Trust

1. INTEGRITY: honesty & sincerity 2. COMPETENCE: knowledge & ability 3. CONSISTENCY: do what you say you will 4. LOYALTY: faithfulness to friends and ideals 5. OPENNESS: welcomes new ideas and sharing ideas with others

How to enhance grit

1. Purpose 2. Practice 3. Hope 4. Time

Perception Filters

1. Stereotyping 2. Selective perception 3. Projection 4. Expectations 5. Interest

SMART Goals Action Steps

1. Visualize outcome 2. Strive for performance, not outcome 3. Develop a support network 4. Limit the number of goals 5. Allow for setbacks 6. Be honest with yourself 7. Reward small accomplishments 8. Don't lose sight of big picture 9. Consider Ethics

Improve my resume

1. eliminate skills and proficiencies 2. improve descriptions on experience section to be results oriented

Drivers of Engagement

1. relationships with coworkers 2. relationships with boss 3. meaningful work 4. autonomy and flexibility 5. pay/benefits

Mentoring Benefits for PROTEGE

Career: promotion, job opps, pay raises, job involvement, challenging assignments Personal: interpersonal growth, sponsorship and protection, counseling and listening, support and confirmation

Mentoring Benefits for MENTORS

Career: recognition as a developer of others, recognition as a leader, expanded network, career satisfaction, improved job performance, more money, and visibility and exposure Personal: rejuvenation, personal satisfaction, friendship, support and confirmation, excitement and inspiration

3 Outcomes of Networking

Exchange Future Help Connecting

Factors Affecting Perceptions

Internal: - needs, intelligence, past experiences and memories, emotions, values, attitudes, biases External: - environment, media, heredity, culture, peers societal norms, tech, affective events

Business Case for EQ

PepsiCo uses EQ as selection criteria for execs, AT&T AMEX - EQ in Leadership: - reduced depression, greater optimism, less impulsiveness - increased concern for mastering skills and tasks - improved adaptation/ change - increased influence on positive teaming - develop of transformational leadership


Personality "Big Five" - assess degree to which you are social or antisocial, outgoing or shy, assertive or passive, passive or inactive, and talkative or quiet

Openness to Experience

Personality "Big Five" - considers whether you are interested in broadening your horizons or limiting them, learning new things or sticking to what you know, meeting new people or sticking with old friends, and going to new or old places


Personality "Big Five" - measures degree to which you are friendly or reserved, cooperative or guarded, flexible or inflexible, trusting or cautious, good-natured or moody, softhearted or tough, and tolerant or judgement


Personality "Big Five" - represents degree to which you are dependable, can be counted on, follow through on commitments and keep promises

Emotional Stability

Personality "Big Five" -measures degree to which you are consistent in how you react to certain events, weigh options before acting, and look at the situation objectively

Responses to Stress

Physiological: physical problems develop Psychological: not always readily identifiable Organizational; adverse reaction people have to excessive pressures or other demands placed on them

Time Management Matrix

Quadrant 1: Important & Urgent (crisis and deadlines) Quadrant 2: Important but NOT Urgent (prep for events with longterm payoffs) Quadrant 3: NOTImportant but Urgent (distractions and interruptions) Quadrant 4: NOT Important & NOT Urgent (worry, trivial tasks, internet surf)

Strategies for Self Awareness

Recognize your strengths, weaknesses, biases, attitudes -self analysis - behavior - personality - self monitoring - attitudes - perception - attribution theory - others' perceptions "social mirror" - self disclosure - diverse experiences

Ethical Decision Making

Recognizing that an issue involves an ethical question, making an ethical judgement, deciding to do ethical thing, and actually acting ethically


Specific Measurable Actionable Realistic Time Bound

How Values Inform Goals

We work towards what we value and values guide behavior - instrumental values: "how's of goal setting, standards of behavior ex: love, honesty, courage - terminal values: "what's", end states or goals u want to achieve by the end of life ex: career goals - tangible values: things you see, feel, hold, ex: material things - intangible values: concepts you want to strive for ex: happiness

Goal Setting

a way of identifying your work/ life priorities and developing strategies for attaining personal and professional objectives

Self Monitoring

ability to regulate your thinking before speaking or acting usefulness: quickly assess needs of others in social or business situations and adapt behavior and interactions accordingly

Warm Connect

asking someone who you know to provide and introduction to someone you want to know


attributing ones own attitudes, characteristics, or shortcomings on others

Importance of Self Awareness to Managers

awareness = greater understanding of others - self aware managers are superior performers - relating/ empathizing managers are more trusted - being in tune with concern for others reduces conflict and makes the manager more open to feedback * working effectively with others increases managerial and organizational effectiveness* 85% disengagement worldwide 550 billion cost in just US

Emotional Intelligence

awareness of our emotional and rational responses and consists of 5 components: 1. Self Awareness 2. Self regulation 3. Motivation 4. Empathy 5. Social Skills


basing our activities and inputs on things that are likable or appealing to us


best place to search job descriptions


concepts or beliefs about desirable outcomes that transcend specific situations and guide your selection or evaluation of behaviors and events

Importance of Trust

essential in work environment: promotes cooperation and performance - individual impact: trust binds leaders and followers together, but demonstrating consistency, integrity and concern and sharing accurate info a leaders' behavior can promote trust - organizational impact: losing trust can lead to failure of institution, leaders proving they are trustworthy means confidence for their organizations

Johari Window

helps understand how well we know ourselves and how much of ourselves we let others know - goal: develop high quality relationships 1. Open Area: info we know and others know 2. Hidden Area: info we know but others dont know 3. Blind Area: info we dont know but others know 4. Unknown Area: info neither we nor others know

Selective perception

interpreting info for meaning and accuracy and discarding info thats threatening or not relevant


involved forming an option about how we would like an event to unfold, a situation to develop, or a person to act, think, or feel


making assumptions about an individual or a group based on generalized judgements rather than on facts

Self Disclosure

making the self known to others, letting others know what you think, feel, and want -revealing personal info to others that results in an enhanced and trusting personal or business relationship

Importance of Goal Setting

most successful business people are in tune with personal and professional goals and monitor their thoughts/ actions GIVES: - results orientation - purpose/ direction - motivation - productivity - cross-cultural adjustment


networking tool - connect with people you don't know or with people someone else knows - secondary and primary network


one of a network of helping relationships that provides career support, emotional support, serves as a role model


one's faith or belief in the integrity or reliability of another person or thing -CONFIDENCE

Cold Connect

reaching out to someone you and your network don't know

Types of mentors for college students

recommended: Traditional - older, experienced person mentors 1 on 1 usually within an organization Peer - mentor who is at the same level but has different set of skills/ experiences/ connections Step Ahead - mentor 1 or 2 steps ahead career wise- recent grad Inspirational - role model, ideal mentor and important person to learn from and emulate usu with no direct contact

Importance of Self Disclosure

sharing with others about ourselves or problems we re facing often brings an enormous sense of psychological relief - reduce stress or tension - improvements psychologically - clearer lines of communication - team productivity

Results Oriented Writing

statements of accomplishments to show you achieved results rather than just doing tasks - use numbers and specify to show results - important to be specific to show you did your job and more and to show you contributed positively


the building and nurturing of personal and professional relationships to create a system or chain of info, contact, and support when you create this you increase your social capital

Self Awareness

the capacity for introspection and the ability to reconcile oneself as an individual separate from the environment and other individuals - knowing your motivations, preferences, personality, values, goals


the tendency to sustain interest in and effort toward very long term goals through self control, even in face of adversity

Strong Interest Inventory

tool to make decisions about your career and education - understand aspects of your personality associated with your interests, job satisfaction, interests to shape your career direction BASED ON INTERESTS

Importance of Self Management

you can learn to be a better self manager by developing your self awareness through understanding and practicing EQ (emotional intelligence - effective self manager= better manager

Self Management

your effort to exert control over your decision making and behavior by assessing problems and developing specific goals and strategies to structure environment and address those problems

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