Manifest Destiny

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each side wants to insure that the other side did not want to outnumber them, while concept of manifest destiny requires they continue to expand westward

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 1848

ends the Mexican-American War, This treaty ended the Mexican-American war. Mexico agreed to give up all its northern lands to the United States. These lands included California, Utah, Nevada, and parts of New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, and Wyoming. The United States payed Mexico $15 million.

doc B

franklin pierce**1838** tried to unite country with aggressive program foreign expansion "young america" annex hawaii, purchase cuba, expand american influence to honduras and nicaragua & aquire new territory from mexico. talks about slavery how it can be abolished either by consent of the south or by revolution. overturning the constitution or by civil war probably result in extermination of colored population of the country

doc I

fugitive slave law of **1850** outrage of the north converting them to free soiler doctrine that slavery should be barred from western territories. 15,000 blacks immigrate to canada, the carribean, and africa after this law

doc G

gerrit smith **1845**prefers party that goes with slave antislavery. amazed by liberty party. cannot vote for slaveholders. clay opposed anneation of texas but remains slavery defender.


good qualities of something or someone


iowa becomes state

sectional tension

john brown, dred scott, tx independence, mex ameri war, lecompton, election of 1860, FSA, comp 1850

Impact of the new fugitive slave law (concession of compromise of 1850)

"Bloodhound Bill" Greatly opposed in the North. Fleeing slaves couldn't testify, denied a jury trial. Federal commissioner who handled the case would receive $500 if the slave was freed and $10 if they weren't. Like a bribe. Northerners who helped slaves could be fined $1000 or jail sentences. Massachusetts made it a penal offense for any state official to enforce the new federal ruling. Other northern states passed "personal liberty laws" to deny local jails to federal officials and hindered enforcement. The South grew to dislike it because the northerners still wouldn't follow it, which was the South's main gain from the Compromise of 1850. This made the Northerners made - fuel the anti-south feel. Its will to fight for the Union.

Split of the Whigh Party (conscience and cotton whigs)

"Conscience Whigs" or Antislavery Whigs of the North accepted Winfield Scott as their nominee but hated his endorsement of the Fugitive Slave Law. Eventually formed the Republican Party. "Finality Men" Southern Whigs liked Scott's loyalty to the Compromise of 1850 but hated him. Voted for Webster. The "Cotton Whigs" eventually formed the Democratic Party.

William Henry Harrison

(1841), was an American military leader, politician, the ninth President of the United States, and the first President to die in office. His death created a brief Constitutional crisis, but ultimately resolved many questions about presidential succession left unanswered by the Constitution until passage of the 25th Amendment. Led US forces in the Battle of Tippecanoe.

james k. polk

(1845-1849) The Mexican War starts in 1846. The Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo ends the war in 1848. Wanted to settle Oregon boundary dispute with Great Britain. Wanted to aquire California and to incorperate Texas into union, while reducing the tarriff and re-establish an independent treasury system. Democratic, pro-expansion, pro-slavery president responsible for the Mexican war and bringing California, Oregon and officially Texas into the US, also wanted a lower tariff and the restoration of an independent treasury

Zachary taylor

(1849-1850), Whig president who was a Southern slave holder, and war hero (Mexican-American War). Won the 1848 election. Surprisingly did not address the issue of slavery at all on his platform. He died during his term and his Vice President was Millard Fillmore. General who fought in the Mexican war and won many battles including his most famous win at Buena Vista, was also the General ordered by Polk to march to the Rio Grande (provoked Mexican attack), a Whig elected as president in 1848, privately encouraged California to apply for statehood as a free-state . U.S. territorial extent in 18501850 - President Taylor threatens to veto Compromise of 1850 even if it means Civil War.

panic of 1837

(MVB) , When Jackson was president, many state banks received government money that had been withdrawn from the Bank of the U.S. These banks issued paper money and financed wild speculation, especially in federal lands. Jackson issued the Specie Circular to force the payment for federal lands with gold or silver. Many state banks collapsed as a result. A panic ensued (1837). Bank of the U.S. failed, cotton prices fell, businesses went bankrupt, and there was widespread unemployment and distress.

doc D

**1838*** john a. letter, purports abolition of slavery within district of columbia, all territiories in the unites states, no new state, against annexation of texas, imploring mercy for indian tribes, against gag rule

doc E

**1839**john forsyth secretary of state pin of supreme court of u.s. cannot get rid of slave trade even if unnatural and unjust, cannot be pronounced illegal bc each nation has made it so by its own acts or law, vessels belong to a nation and cannot prohibit trade. one state cannot execute laws of another. gov of the u.s. consider negroes as property and u.s. cannot proceed against them criminally because they have not violated any laws. principles of international law existing treaties between spain and the u.s. gov needs to pursue<pro slavery>


supported the existence of slavery in the proposed state and protected rights of slaveholders. It was rejected by Kansas, making Kansas an eventual free state., The pro-slavery constitution suggested for Kansas' admission to the union supporting the existence of slavery in the proposed state and protected rights of slaveholders. It was rejected by Kansas, making Kansas an eventual free state.

doc H

zachary t. **1847** wilmot proviso( prohibit slavery from any territory aquired from mexico) will shake body of center and hope for compromise between slavery and antislavery.

panic of 1837


compromise 1850

1) Calif is free state, ending balance of free and slave states 2) territorial governements organized in NM and Utah, letting local gov. decide slavery 3) Texas NM border decided (denying Tex) the disputed area. Fed gov gave 10 mil+ 3) slave trade (not slavery) abolished in DC 4) New fugitive Slave Act, 5 fine for setting a fug. free, paid $10 to catch a fug., This compromise signed by Millard Fillmore deals with disputed territory, and the controversy of whether California should join. The results were that California joined as a free state, and what was left of the Mexican Cession land became New Mexico and Utah, and did not restrict slavery. The compromise benefited the North more than the South.


1830s - Oregon Trail which comes into use by settlers migrating to the Pacific Northwest 1830 - Indian Removal Act 1831 - Nat Turner's revolt 1831 - The Liberator begins publication in 18 1832 - Worcester v. State of Georgia the Supreme Court rules in favor of Cherokees; President Jackson ignores the ruling 1832 - Tariff of 1832 1832 - Ordinance of Nullification passed by South Carolina 1832 - Department of Indian Affairs established 1832: Andrew Jackson reelected president; Martin Van Buren elected vice president 1832 - Jackson vetos the charter renewal of the Second Bank of the United States, bringing to a head the Bank War and ultimately leading to the Panic of 1837 1832 - John C. Calhoun resigns as vice president 1833 - The Force Bill expands presidential powers 1834 - Slavery debates at Lane Theological Seminary are one of the first major public discussions of the topic 1835 - Texas War for Independence begins 1835 - Second Seminole War begins in Florida as members of the Seminole tribe resist relocation 1836 - Battle of the Alamo; Battle of San Jacinto 1836 - Creek War of 1836 1836 - Samuel Colt invents the revolver 1836 - Original "gag rule" imposed when U.S. House of Representatives bars discussion of antislavery petitions 1836 - Arkansas becomes a state 1836 - U.S. presidential election, Martin Van Buren elected president, 1837 - Martin Van Buren inaugurated 1837 - U.S. recognizes the Republic of Texas 1837 - Michigan becomes a state 1837 - Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge reverses Dartmouth College v. Woodward: property rights can be overridden by public need 1838 - Forced removal of the Cherokee Nation from the southeastern U.S. leads to over 4,000 deaths in the Trail of Tears 1838 - Aroostook War U.S. territorial extent in 18401840 - United States presidential election, 1840

nullification crisis

1832-33 was over the tariff policy of the Fed. Gov't, during Jackson's presidency which prompted South Carolina to threaten the use of NULLIFICATION, possible secession and Andrew Jackson's determination to end with military force.

Webster-Ashburton Treaty

1842 between the US and the Brits, settled boundry disputes in the North West, fixed most borders between US and Canada, talked about slavery and excredition

Mexican American war

1846 - 1848 -half a million sq miles taken. inexonerable movement of american pioneers into far west. >1847 california under am control< President Polk declared war on Mexico over the dispute of land in Texas. At the end, American ended up with 55% of Mexico's land., (1846-1848) The war between the United States and Mexico in which the United States acquired one half of the Mexican territory. Ended with Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago

Wilmot Proviso

1846 proposal that outlawed slavery in any territory gained from the War with Mexico

Clayton-Bulwer Treaty

1850 - Treaty between U.S. and Great Britain agreeing that neither country would try to obtain exclusive rights to a canal across the Isthmus of Panama. Abrogated by the U.S. in 1881.

crittenden compromise

1860 - attempt to prevent Civil War by Senator Crittenden - offered a Constitutional amendment recognizing slavery in the territories south of the 36º30' line, noninterference by Congress with existing slavery, and compensation to the owners of fugitive slaves - defeated by Republicans

California Gold Rush begins 1849

49ers flood the state in search of fast wealth. Few have slaves, hence, when they petition for statehood, they oppose slavery. This angers southern states


A method used by the government to acquire and establish sovereignty over new territory. Sometimes force is used in annexation, but other times it is done through a legal system, such as a purchase. The United States annexed Texas in 1845 after a consent from Mexico.

second great awakening

A series of religious revivals starting in 1801, based on Methodism and Baptism. Stressed a religious philosophy of salvation through good deeds and tolerance for all Protestant sects. The revivals attracted women, Blacks, and Native Americans.

texas independence

American slave owners revolted against the Mexican government when they banned slavery. This created disputes over the land's ownership., After a few skirmishes with Mexican soldiers in 1835, Texas leaders met and organized a temporary government. Texas troops initially seized San Antonio, but lost it after the massacre of the outpost garrisoning the Alamo. In respone, Texas issued a Declaration of Independence. Santa Ana tried to swiftly put down the rebellion, but Texan soldiers surprised him and his troops on April 21, 1836. They crushed his forces and captured him in the Battle of San Jacinto, and forced him to sign a treaty granting Texan independence. U.S. lent no aid.

sectional crisis

An issue that divided the country to North and South., Nullification Crisis

Daniel Webster

Apologized for not having such a humble birthplace during the Era of Good Feelings One of the main people involved in the Compromise of 1850. "Immortal Trio" of Clay, Calhoun, and Webster. Master of political orations Webster and Henry Clay presented a bill for the renewal of the Bank of the US's charter, which caused the Bank War of 1832. Supported higher tariffs in the 1820's under Jackson's rule Became Secretary of State in 1841 under President Harrison's rule (until Harrison died of pneumonia after 4 weeks in office) Only member of cabinet not to resign under President Tyler's rule because he was in England negotiating. Negotiated with England when both Maine and England claimed territory in the north-east area. When Britain sent Lord Ashburton to negotiate and created the Ashburton-Webster Treaty. At 68 years old for the Compromise of 1850, Webster made the last great speech of his life, urged 'reasonable concessions to the South' and a new fugitive-slave law known as the Seventh of March Speech. The speech helped turn the North towards compromise with South. , - Leader of the Whig Party, originally pro-North, supported the Compromise of 1850


Baltimore and Ohio Railroad begins operation, Indian Removal Act, Andrew Jackson

dred scott

Born as a slave in Missouri • Lived with master in Illinois and Wisconsin area • Wanted to gain his freedom because of his work done in a free state • First trial there was not enough evidence • 1850- ruling in Missouri that Scott and his family should be free • Emerson appealed this case (wife of owner) and case went to Supreme Court • Ruling was that Dred Scott had no right to sue the federal court because he was not a citizen • Declared Missouri Compromise unconstitutional which backed Taney's ruling • Case became influential in election of 1860

john brown

Born in Kansas • Was a strong abolitionist • Led revolt and killed 5 people during Kansas Nebraska situation • Fled to Harper's Ferry where he tried to take control over the South • He tried to get fellow slaves to rise up and fight against slavery but the slaves were ignorant of the situation. Killed 7 innocent people. • He was later tried and hanged • He became a martyr in the eyes of the North but was hated by the South • North used this idea of Brown being a martyr to show the problems of slavery , 1856, abolitionist john brown attacked pro-slavery settlement along the Pottawatomie river with a few other people.

black hawk war

Chief Black Hawk of Sauk tribe, led rebellion against US; started in Illinois and spread to Wisconsin Territory; 200 Sauk and Fox ppl murdered; tribes removed to areas west of Mississippi

Republican Party, 1850s

Created in the early 1850's by anti-slavery activists Government should grant western lands for free to settlers Came out of the Midwest - first meeting took place in Ripon, Wisconsin 1856 Became a national party when John C. Fremont was nominated for president Abraham Lincoln became the first Republican president elected. Reestablished the two national party system with the Democrats and Republicans


Distinguished; prominent


Farm Security Administration (1937)- Relief, Recovery- Granted loans to small farmers and tenants for rehabilitation and purchase of small-sized farms; Congress slashed its appropriations during World War II when many poor farmers entered the armed forces or migrated to urban areas.

doc F

Gerrit smith **1840** organization of liberty party had antislavery votes. asking democratic and whig candidates for stand on slavery. each party proslavery or against and liberty party is a national party and cannot be an actual national party until agreement is reached with south and north.

election of 1860

Lincoln, the Republican candidate, won because the Democratic party was split over slavery. As a result, the South no longer felt like it has a voice in politics and a number of states seceded from the Union.

The Dorr Rebellion

Old state government said Dorr (governor) and followers were rebels--rejected legitimacy of Dorr's constitution. Rebellion quickly failed, but the episode helped spur the old guard to draft a new constitution that greatly expanded suffrage., (1840s) Rhode Island would only let 1/2 of male citizens vote (property). Thomas Dorr came up with his own Rhode Island Constitution; the rebellion was put down but the message got through. Eventually the state changed its voting policy. 1842 - The Dorr Rebellion: A civil war in Rhode Island

Wilmot Provisio (David Wilmot)

Representative from Pennsylvania proposed an amendment in 1846 that banned slavery in all the territories that had been gained in the Mexican war, free-soilers supported it but it didn't pass in the Senate because the South didn't support it

California becomes a state 1850

September 9, 1850 - The United States acquired the territory that formed this state as a result of the Mexican War. The territory became a state as a result of the Compromise of 1850., Mexico had reluctantly ceded California and much of its northern territory to the U.S. in the 1848 Guadalupe-Hidalgo. When gold was discovered in Sutter's mill, California didn't have to wait as long for statehood over the other 60000 inhabitants that needed to wait longer.

james buchanan

The 15th President of the United States (1857-1861). He tried to maintain a balance between proslavery and antislavery factions, but his moderate views angered radicals in both North and South, and he was unable to forestall the secession of South Carolina on December 20, 1860. [Sent an army of 25,000 to force mormons to obey federal law. 1858 mormons accepted new governor and he issured a pardon) Elected president from Democratic Party in 1856 • Strongly under southern influence • President during a time when the country was breaking apart and slavery was the biggest issue. • Believed in the Lecompton Constitution and also had to deal with the Kansas crisis • Lecompton Constitution was a document that forced people in Kansas and Nebraska to either vote for against slavery being in the Constitution (either way slaver would still be put in place) • Didn't solve the country's problems, inaction.

millard filmore

The Free soil party's candidate for president 1848

Popular Sovereignty

The sovereign people of a territory under the general principles of the Constitution should themselves determine the status of slavery. Public liked it because it was with the tradition of self-determination Politicians liked it because it was a comfortable compromise. Defect: Might spread slavery


Wisconsin becomes a state

Ostend manifesto

a declaration (1854) issued from Ostend, Belgium, by the U.S. ministers to England, France, and Spain, stating that the U.S. would be justified in seizing Cuba if Spain did not sell it to the U.S. Cuba in the 1850s had a large population of black slaves. Greatly desired by the South. Spanish officials refused to sell. American ministers in Spain, England, and France were instructed to prepare confidential recommendations to acquire Cuba. They met at Ostend, Belgium and the three ministers drew up a secret dispatch known as the Ostend Manifesto. The document urged that the administration offer $120 million for Cuba. If Spain refused, the US would be "justified in wresting" the island from the Spanish. The secret quickly leaked and Northern Free-Soilers were angry. Pierce administration dropped the schemes. Because of slavery issue: North and South wanted to prevent the other from gaining land (power) so this prevented territorial expansion in the 1850s.


a quality or characteristic deserving blame or censure a fault, Mark against someone for a fault or offense

Amistad case

africans destined for slavery in cuba seized a ship and tried to sail it to africa but the US navy seized it and held the africans as pirates; court declared them free because of the international slave trade had been illegal (1839)

1841 - William Henry Harrison becomes President

argued for the sovereign independence of states and insisted that slavery is a matter for the states alone to consider. federal government shouldnt interfere with slavery bc its the federal consensus.

doc C

calhoun **1838**a resolution for survey of tennessee river w/ view to improvement. wants to unite slave holding states that can be effected by anything else that will change commercial affairs and politics of the union

doc A

deepening sectional crisis>moral force>political force>physical force. POPULAR petitioning pressures parliament to emancipate brit slaves in 1833. moral suasion could shame southerners ****1837**** john quincy adams the conception of petition of slaves would dismount all the slave holding philisophy of house. northerneers convinced that southern slave power threatened civil liberties. because of john adams the gag rule was suspended in 1844

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