Manufacturing Final Exam

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innovate on future generations of advanced technology products

"When the U.S. loses manufacturing base in advanced technology products, we impact our ability to ____________________________________________________________________________________________"

top 10 skills to be relevant in Industry 4.0

1. complex problem solving 2. critical thinking 3. creativity 4. people management 5. coordinating with others 6. emotional intelligence 7. judgment and decision making 8. service orientation 9. negotiation 10. cognitive flexibility

high production

10,000 - +1,000,000 unit/yr production line layout single model production line (little or no specialization) mixed-model production line (customization by model change; batching/campaigning)

medium production

100 to 10,000 units/year job shop (process layout) cellular manufacturing -> cellular hybrid

Connection (sensor and networks) Cloud (computing and data on demand) Cyber (model and memory) Content/context (meaning and correlation) Community (sharing and collaboration) Customization (personalization and value)

6Cs in Big Analytics (for Industry 4.0)

operating unattended for longer than one work cycle (worker is not required except for periodic tending)

A fully automated production machine in a single station automated cell is capable of _________________________________________________________

automatic pallet transfer

APT stands for

the gradual shortening of the production cycle

According to Henry Ford, this was the key element that kept the price of Ford products low

a portion of the total work content

At each station __________________________________________ is performed on each unit


At steady state, one unit is produced every _____ time units

idle time

At the bottle neck station, there is no _______________

Components of Industry 4.0

Autonomous Robots Simulation Horizontal and Vertical system integration Industrial Internet of Things Cyber Security Additive Manufacturing Augmented Reality Big Data Analytics

3rd Industrial Revolution

Computer and automation

4th Industrial Revolution

Cyber Physical Systems

The "smart factory" concept.

Cyber-physical systems monitor physical processes, create a virtual copy of the physical world and make decentralized decisions. The Internet of Things consists of cyber-physical systems that communicate and cooperate with each other and with humans in real time

assembly work elements

Each product on a manual assembly line consists of multiple components joined together by various _________________________________

assume one worker per station line efficiency (no allowance for line down time, model change, etc.) repositioning losses (not accounted for) line balancing problem

Elements that make w* a theoretical number

negative zoning constraints

Elements that might interfere with each other Separate delicate adjustments from loud noises


Flow line mass production complication comes from the __________________________ of the workstations on the line

independent ; coordinated

For a single station manufacturing cell, operation is _________ of other stations. However, activities are __________ with the production system

the sum of the time to perform each task within the process (sum of all Teks)

For assembly, the total work content is equal to:

down ; greater (>)

For the number of machines per operator, we round ______ to the next integer because machine cost is ____ operator cost.

the least capacity

In a single routing line with no yield loss that is visited only once, the bottleneck station will be the station with ______________________________

no longer exist

In an Industry 4.0 scenario, the boundaries of individual factories will most likely ______________________

may not be

In lines with more complicated routings or yield loss, the bottleneck station ____________________ the slowest station

the cycle time less repositioning time

In rigid pacing, the allowed time is set to what?

Strong customization of products under the conditions of highly flexible (mass-) production Automation technology is improved by the introduction of methods of self-optimization, self-configuration, self-diagnosis, cognition and intelligent support of workers in their increasingly complex work

Industry 4.0 characteristics

Interoperability Information Technical assistance Decentralized decision-making

Industry 4.0 factory/system includes


It is highly likely that the world of production will become more and more _____________________ until everything is interlinked with everything else.

divide the total work equally

It is impossible to __________________________________ among all workstations on the line

minimize cycle time and maximize throughput

Little's Law says that by controlling WIP, we can _________________________________________________________________

a single product or a limited range of products

Manual assembly lines are organized to produce ___________________________________________________________________

New Advanced Manufacturing Landscape

Manufacturing stands on the threshold of a major transformation. More than making high-tech products. Rapid integration of process improvements. Product and process innovation - different sides of the same coin. Skilled workforce is required. Global Competition is the game.

Four components of manufacturing systems

Materials and Logistics Information and Data Humans Products and Processes

assembly requirement

Most consumer products have some ________________________


On an assembly line, each part moves ____________________ down the line, visiting each workstation

move along the line

On an assembly line, products are assembled as they _____________________________

balance with

On average, the worker's average task time must ________________ the cycle time of the line when using pacing with margin

Industry 4.0

Originated from a project in the high-tech strategy of the German government, which promotes the computerization of manufacturing Automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies (digitalization) The "smart factory" concept.

cycle time (operation)


Little's law

The fundamental relationship between WIP, cycle time, and throughput (WIP = Throughput x Cycle Time; parts = parts/hr x hr)


The integration of digital technologies into everyday life by the digitization of everything that can be digitized. The literal meaning gives an apparent idea of development and technology dependent world.

the sum of the time to transfer work units between stations each cycle and the operation time at the bottleneck station (max operating time) ( Tr + Max(To) )

The operation cycle time is equal to:

cycle time

The upper limit of pacing with margin is greater than __________________

Information and Flow

This is the next biggest productivity improvement


To achieve adoption of MBE, it is necessary for Motivators _____ Barriers

both sides

To address position constraints, assembly workers are positioned on _________________ of the line

Advanced Manufacturing

Use of innovative technologies to create existing products and the creation of new products. (can include production activities that depend on information, automation, computation, software, sensing, and networking)

the cell has forced idle time

What happens if the manual service time is greater than the machine cycle time?

critical WIP

What is a more realistic goal than zero inventory?

to assign the individual work elements to workstations so that all workers have an equal amount of work to perform within cycle time and precedence constraints

What is the line balancing problem?


Who is responsible to maintain line operation at efficiencies close to 100%?

specialization of labor (minimized skilled labor; learning curve) interchangeable parts (components made to close tolerances) work flow principle (products are brought to workers) line pacing (workers must complete their tasks within the cycle time of the line)

Why are assembly lines so productive?

traditional productivity levers have been widely exhausted low cost countries allowed greater profitability time to market and customer responsiveness are today's key factors of competitiveness pressure on companies to boost productivity disruptive technologies of Industry 4.0 promise smart factories that are highly efficient and data integrated data is the core driver

Why is Industry 4.0 creating such interest?

There is only one worker working on several machines so each machine has a fractional part of a worker

Why is M < 1 for a machine cluster?

shortest time to implement requires least capital investment easiest to install and operate typically, the lowest unit cost for low production most flexible for product or part changeovers

Why is the single-station manned cell the most widely used production method, especially in job shop and batch production?

positive zoning constraints

Work elements should be grouped at same station (Example: spray painting elements)

manual transport mechanized transport

Work units are moved between stations by the workers without the aid of a powered conveyor using these two types of transport


____________________ work transport system provides rigid pacing


______________________ is consistently one of the most targeted sectors for cyber attack

assembly (or inspection)

_______________________ tasks are performed at each station on an assembly line

preassembling components/modules off-line

__________________________________ will reduce work content time on the final assembly line

Digital Manufacturing Design and Innovation Institute

a National Manufacturing Institute engaged in the digitalization of manufacturing; (Auburn member will help create roadmap and set of playbooks for Original Equipment Manufacturers and Small/Medium Manufacturers to guide the implementation of secure digitally-enabled supply chain practices and technologies)

machine cluster

a collection of 2 or more similar machines that are serviced by one worker; one machine one worker station machine is manually operated or semi-operated (operator control or partial machine control)

assembly workstation

a designated location along the work flow path at which one or more work elements are performed by one of more workers

its capability to operate unattended for extended periods of time

a key feature of a single-station automated cell

manual assembly line

a production line consisting of a sequence of workstations where assembly tasks are performed by human workers as the product moves along the line

Takt time

a way to determine the required pace for production

setup time and model change availability --> run time utilization worker efficiency defect rate --> good piece percentage

additional losses in real world capacity calculations

model based enterprise (MBE)

an integrated and collaborative environment, founded on 3D product definition shared across the enterprise, enabling rapid, seamless, and affordable deployment of products from concept to disposal (fabric in which digital thread is woven)

digital engineering

an integrated digital approach that uses authoritative sources of system data and models as a continuum across disciplines to support lifecycle activities from concept through disposal

line efficiency x repositioning losses x line balancing problem (ExErxEb)

assembly line labor efficiency

constant and additive

assumptions of Tek values

line is perfectly balanced all product made is sold more throughput is better no breakdowns and downtime one machine per workstation

assumptions of penny fab proof (penny example)


being transported between resources


being worked by a resource (example: heat treatment or handling a full pallet)

benchmark a process

best-case, worst-case, and practical worst-case performance allow us to:

manual simulation

calculation methods for line balancing

• Reliability and stability needed for critical machine-to-machine communication (M2M), including very short and stable latency times • Need to maintain the integrity of production processes • IT issues that cause expensive production outages • Threat of redundancy of corporate IT • General reluctance to change by stakeholders • Loss of jobs to automatic processes and IT-controlled processes • Low top management commitment • Unclear economic benefits/excessive investment • Lack of regulation, standard and forms of certifications • Insufficient qualification of employees, lack of adequate skill-sets

challenges in implementation of Industry 4.0

cyber physical systems

computation, control, and communication linked together through information

cyber physical systems information

computation, control, communication

limited flexibility (linkage) cost worker morale (tasks are repetitive and boring) ergonomics issue (repetitive motion injuries)

cons of assembly lines

ergonomics skills training human in the loop

considerations of humans in manufacturing systems

digital manufacturing model based enterprise IIoT Industrie 4.0 Data Analytics

considerations of information and data in manufacturing systems

WIP final inventory material handling

considerations of materials and logistics in manufacturing systems

equipment processes automation materials

considerations of product and processes in manufacturing systems

model based definition (MBD)

created at the beginning of the product lifecycle then reused throughout the enterprise core of digital thread

maximum throughput x minimum cycle time (bottleneck rate x raw process time)

critical WIP is equal to

agility and responsiveness

describe a system and organization in which the flow of information and product are not constricted throughout the realization process requires advanced manufacturing concepts

old design-build cycle

design dictates materials and manufacturing selection mostly sequential few interactions limits design options

rigid pacing

each worker is allowed only a certain fixed time each cycle to complete the assigned task

position constraints

encountered in assembly of large products such as trucks and cars, making it difficult for one worker to perform tasks on both sides of the product

single model assembly line (SMAL)

every work unit is the same

machines that can predict failures and trigger maintenance processes autonomously

example of Industry 4.0

worker using hand tools or portable power tools at one location worker operating a standard machine tool (worker loads and unloads parts and operates machine) Worker operating semi-automatic machine (worker loads and unloads parts, starts semi-automatic work cycle)

examples of single-station manned cells

high or medium demand for product identical or similar products total work content can be divided into work elements it is technologically impossible or economically infeasible to automate the assembly operations

factors favoring the use of assembly lines

increasing power feed or speed

for asynchronous lines, _____________________________________________ will achieve a better line balance

• More than just replacing drawing type information exchange to include design intent and context. • Robust interoperability among disciplines and organizations. • Responsive and adaptive to the changing market place and technology. • Improved product life cycle time and costs. • A building block for accelerating the maturation of the full MBD schema and communications across silos.

future state of MBE Capability (what is needed)

batch model assembly line (BMAL)

hard product variety products must be made in batches

allow queues of work units between stations provide tolerance time to be longer than cycle time allow worker to move beyond station boundaries

how to achieve pacing with margin

largest candidate rule

in this algorithm, assign of work elements to stations based on amount of time each work element requires

kilbridge and wester method

in this algorithm, assign work elements to stations based on position in the precedence diagram; elements at front of diagram are assigned first

motivators of MBE

increased sales reduced costs improved customer satisfaction

barriers of MBE

lack of understanding misperception interoperability issues lack of time

zoning constraints

limitations on the grouping of work elements and/or their allocation to workstations

largest candidate rule killbridge and wester method ranked positional weights

line balancing algorithms

Tek is cycle time for each station precedent constraints

line balancing assumptions

new model major capacity changes

major line balancing efforts

new design-build cycle

manufacturing and materials differentiate product design non-sequential/integrated process creates interactions and opportunities innovation is found in the overlap of manufacturing, design, and materials

2nd Industrial Revolution

mass production, assembly line, electricity,

the bottleneck rate (rb)

maximum throughput is equal to

1st Industrial Revolution

mechanization, water power, steam power

single model batch model mixed model

methods of assembly line to cope with product variety

implement preventative maintenance well-trained emergency repair crews to quickly fix breakdowns when they occur avoid shortages of incoming parts to avoid forced downtime insist on highest quality components form suppliers to avoid downtime due to poor quality parts

methods to maintain line efficiencies close to 100%

hybrid assembly line

mixture of manual vs automated assembly process (15-85% automation)

single station manufacturing cells

most common manufacturing system in industry one worker tending one production machine can be processing or assembly operations

manual transport of work units is used work units can be removed from the conveyor to perform the task an asynchronous conveyor is used

no pacing occurs when:

no pacing

no time limit within which task must be completed each assembly worker works at his/her own pace

hard product variety

products differ substantially characterized by a low proportion of common parts among the products (in many cases, there are no common parts)

production volume (workflow; efficiency) specialization of labor (minimized skilled labor)

pros of assembly lines

increase efficiency minor debottlenecking activities

reasons for minor adjustments in line balancing

labor cost is reduced easiest and least expensive automated system to implement production rates are usually higher than manned cell first step in implementing an integrated multi-station automated system

reasons why fully automated production in a single-station automated cell is important

automated assembly line

robotic spot welding lines in automotive final assembly (100% difficult for now)

precedence diagram

sequence in which the operations must be performed (work elements = nodes; arrows show sequence by connecting nodes)

bottleneck station

sets the pace for the entire line

single model production batch production mixed-model production

single-station manufacturing cells can be designed for these three types of production

soft product variety

small differences between products

mixed model assembly line (MMAL)

soft product variety models can be assembled simultaneously without batching

job shop (process layout)

specialized/customized/complex product setup/changeover has a time impact batch or campaigning

programmed cycle parts-storage system automatic transfer of work parts periodic attention of a worker built-in safeguards (interlock to protect operator and machine from damaging itself)

technical attributes required for unattended operation of automated cells designed for identical parts

digital manufacturing and design

the aggregation and application of digital data across the lifecycle of a manufactured product (enables faster and better decision making based on real-time information)

manufacturing cycle time

the average time elapsed from the release of a job at the beginning of the routing until it reaches an inventory point at the end of the routing (also called average cycle time, flow time, lead time, throughput time, and sojourn time ; denotes time spent as WIP)


the fraction of time not idle because of lack of parts (includes time spent on working on parts, downtime, and setup)

worst case law

the maximum cycle time and minimum throughput for a given WIP level (w)

production capacity

the maximum rate of output that a production facility is able to produce under a given set of assumed operating conditions

greater than or equal to

the maximum throughput is achieved when WIP is ____________ critical WIP

raw process time (To)

the minimum cycle time is equal to

less than or equal to

the minimum cycle time occurs when WIP is ____________ critical WIP

Practical Worst Case

the practical worst case cycle time and throughput for a given WIP level

work in process (WIP)

the product between the start and end points of a product routing

takt time

the rate at which a finished product needs to be completed in order to meet customer demand synchronize the rate of production with the rate of demand

bottleneck rate (rb)

the rate of the workstation having the highest long term utilization measured in part of jobs per unit time

precedent constraint

the sequence in which the elements can be performed is restricted

total work content

the sum of all work elements required to assemble one product unit on the line

raw process time (T0)

the time it takes a single job to traverse the empty line, so it does not have to wait behind other jobs (the sum of the average process times of each workstation in the line)


the upper limit for throughput in a production process in most cases, releasing work into the system at or above this limit causes the system to become very unstable

critical WIP (W0)

the work in process level for which a line (with given values of rb and To and no variability) achieves maximum throughput and minimum cycle time


theoretical minimum number of workers

theory of constraints

there is always going to be one thing that prevents the line from going faster

ranked positional weights

this algorithm combines the other two approaches by calculating an RPW for each element

DoD Digital Engineering Strategy

to securely and safely connect people, processes, data, and capabilities across an end-to-end digital enterprise

minimum rational work elements

total work content is composed of ______________________________________________

false (see term 115)

true or false: the bottleneck station is ALWAYS the slowest station


true or false: zero inventory is not a realistic goal

fully automated machine (M < 1)

type of automated cell

hand tools and portable powered tools (M = 1) manually operated machine (M = 1) semiautomated machine (M = 1) Machine cluster (M < 1)

types of manned cells

manned cell automated cell

types of single station manufacturing cells

make the unattended time (number of parts x cycle time): a fixed time interval that allows one worker to tend multiple machines time between scheduled tool changes one complete shift overnight ("lights-out operation")

typical objectives in defining the desired parts storage capacity

adhesive application sealant application arc welding spot welding electrical connections component insertion press fitting riveting snap fitting soldering stitching/stapling threaded fasteners

typical operations performed at manual assembly stations

cars dishwashers dryers furniture lamps luggage microwave ovens personal computers phones trucks

typical products made on assembly lines

incompatible with inherent human variability emotionally and physically stressful to worker quality issues (incomplete work units if task is not completed)

undesirable aspects of rigid pacing

parallel stations

use ______________________ to reduce time at bottleneck stations that have unusually long task times

methods analysis

used to analyze methods at bottleneck workstations

storage buffer between stations

used to permit continued operation of certain sections of the line when other sections break down


waiting for a resource (machine, person, transport, etc.)

waiting for a batch

waiting for other jobs to form a batch

waiting to match

waiting for parts in assembly

disruptive technologies

will enable digitization of the manufacturing sector

raw material inventory (RMI) finished goods inventory

work in process does not include ___________________________ and _________________________

pacing with margin

worker is allowed to complete the task within a specified time range, the upper limit of which is greater than the cycle time

best case law

yields the minimum cycle time and the maximum throughput for a given WIP level (w)

current state of digital capabilities

• A focus on geometric related information with little to no associativity. • Multiple CAD/CAM environments in the supply chain. • Lack of Interoperability among different systems. • Most operations are in different degrees of 'silo' effect. • Supply chain collaboration is typically manual. • There is a lack of in-depth model exchange validation capability. • Lack of a common lexicon for discussing issues.

future of manufacturing

• Digital link between design and fabrication • Connected machines, factories, and supply chains • Transparency and visibility into supplier factories • Data aggregation, analysis, and action across the product lifecycle • Leverage the power of data analytics and networks to do more with existing resources • Digital networks will coordinate decisions • More Software, More Computing Power, More Intelligence - Exponential Thinking

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