marine bio final

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Approximately, how much of the seafood consumed in the US is imported from other countries?


What is the difference between a scientific hypothesis and an interesting speculation?

Scientific hypotheses have to be testable and falsifiable, interesting speculations do not

Which of the following organisms can potentially benefit from ocean acidification?


Which of the following animals has the most concentrated urine?

Bluefin tuna

Which of the following species will have the greatest environmental impact if raised in captivity?

Bluefin tuna

Living in a rapidly-changing world, which of the following organisms have better chances to adapt and survive?

Broadcast-spawning sardines

Fucoxanthin is a photosynthetic pigments found in...

Brown algae

How does the following parameter vary when transitioning from a hydrothermal vent ecosystem to an abyssal plain? Oxygen availability


What is an advantage to mass spawning in corals?

Increases chance of egg fertilization

Which of the following factors has the LEAST effect on the vertical distribution of intertidal organisms within the intertidal zone?


Vision is dependent upon the presence of _____.


Given the map below, predict the wind pattern (where the wind is blowing from) in points A and B for upwelling

Point A: SW; Point B: NE

True or false: External auditory canal in dolphins is about six times less sensitive to sound than the lower jaw


At which of the following temperatures do the molecules of water move more vigorously?

50.3 degrees c

In ecology, a trophic level is the position that an organism occupies in a food chain -- what it eats, and what eats it. It is generally agreed that the energy transferred from one trophic level to the next is ______ on average.


Even in the clearest tropical waters, almost all the red light is absorbed in the upper ______ .

11 meters

The photic zone, or euphotic zone, is the uppermost layer of water that is exposed to intense sunlight. Generally, it extends form the water surface to about...

200 m

Thermohaline circulation is best described as:

A deep and slow circulation (on the order of a thousand years for one cycle), A worldwide system of rising and sinking water masses due to density changes caused by changes in temperature and salinity

Which of the following is classified as symbiosis?

A parasitic worm infection in bluefin tuna

If two organisms reproduce sexually, then their offspring will exhibit a genetic makeup that is...

A unique combination of traits

Sea water is ____.

A weak base

Photosynthesizers can maximize their ability to harvest solar energy by using chlorophyll in addition to other pigments because:

Accessory pigments can absorb wavelengths other than those absorbed by chlorophyll-a thereby expanding the range of light energy harnessed

The sea ice and snow keeps the poles cold and covered. The ability of snow and ice to reflect the Sun's energy is called the:

Albedo effect

Increased nutrient levels in areas with coral reefs can result in major shifts in the community structure. What shift in composition typically occurs?

Algae becomes dominant over the coral

How do corals reproduce?

Asexually and sexually

In a given ecosystem, which of the following represents the correct ordering of trophic levels:

Autotrophs -> Herbivores -> Carnivores

Which of the following describes the process of photosynthesis?

Carbon dioxide and water are used to produce glucose

Which of the following is an important supply of food to inhabitants of the deep-sea floor?

Chitinous exoskeletons shed by planktonic crustaceans

What photosynthetic pigment is found in all macroalgae?

Chlorophyll a

What is an essential structure associated with countercurrent flow within fish gills?

Close proximity of circulating blood to water flow

What regional factors can exacerbate acidification caused by global CO2 emissions?

Coastal upwellings

At what specific depth does the rate of photosynthesis equal the rate of respiration?

Compensation depth

What drives tectonic plate movement?

Convection currents

Kelp forests are often found in:

Cool, relatively shallow waters close to the shore

The way light hits organisms in the open ocean impacts how easily both predators and prey can see each other. Having darker dorsal pigmentation and lighter ventral pigmentation is called what?


A phytoplankton cell can stay alive below its compensation depth as long as it does not exceeds its...

Critical depth

How does the following parameter vary when increasing sediment grain size in an intertidal community? Water retention


How does the following parameter vary when transitioning from a hydrothermal vent ecosystem to an abyssal plain? Primary productivity


Fish species from which of the following environment would you expect to have low amount of cone cells?

Deep sea

Cavefish (i.e., fish adapted to live in caves) have evolved an integrated suite of behavioral, morphological, and physical adaptation to cope with environmental stresses. These include:

Degeneration of eyes, reduction in pigmentation, and enhancement of mechanosensory abilities

In relation to ice cap, which property of water is this polar bear relying on? (polar bear is on a floating chunk of ice)


Which factors influence the sinking rates of organisms?

Density of the organism and viscosity of the water

The loss of which of the following organisms is involved in coral bleaching:


_______ are _________. They hatch at sea and then they migrate into lakes and streams, where they grow to maturity.

Eels; catadromous

An small earthquake sets off a tremor that creates waves moving across the Pacific ocean. Which scenario best describes how the wave moves?

Energy is transferred out and away from the origin with little transport of water molecules

All fishes use the undulation of their bodies side to side to accomplish forward propulsion:


True or False: Nutrients from seawater are generally the key limiting resource in the rocky intertidal zone.


True or False: Rocky intertidal communities are characterized by very short and relatively simple trophic relationships.


True or false: Active fish have low gill surface area to volume ratio as compared to sedentary fishes:


True or false: Corals are only found in clear, temperate and shallow waters.


True or false: Whereas kelp forests constitute one of the most productive marine ecosystems in the world in terms of CO2 consumption/O2 production, they are often characterized by low diversity of epibenthic organisms.


Ocean acidification is likely to adversely affect those organisms that create calcium carbonate shells. Therefore, diatoms are at risk. True or False?

False, because diatom frustules are composed of silicon dioxide

Inland aquaculture account for the larger majority of _______ farming production, whereas marine aquaculture accounts for the majority of _______ farming production.

Finfish; mollusks

Most of deep-water scavenger organisms are:

Food generalists

The process of subduction does which of the following?

Form deep sea trenches

Which of the following is a genetic consideration in conservation aquaculture?

Founder effect, inbreeding, domestication

It is suggested that many large clam species that live in hydrothermal vents obtain their food

From symbiotic bacteria living in their gills

All these fishes are found in a mangrove except,


Oysters growing in water with relatively high concentration of CO2:

Grow slower and are deformed

In nature, different adaptive strategies have different trade-offs. Being big in the ocean helps organisms avoid predation but, when compared to smaller organisms, they tend to:

Grow slowly and sexually mature later

Blue whales are the largest animal in the world and require a lot of energy to survive. Think about how animals spend energy. Which of these life processes might be compromised when food is limiting

Growth, reproduction and maintenance

When CO2 enters seawater, it combines with water for form _________ but quickly _________ into HCO3- and _________, which ________ seawater pH

H2CO3; dissociates; H+; reduces

What is another name for the deepest part of the ocean?

Hadal zone

Which of the following is NOT an attribute of zooxanthellae

Have a whip-like appendage (i.e., flagella) that enables them to swim

Plankton is a general term that refers to organisms that

Have limited power of locomotion and generally drift with the current (i.e. cannot swim against the current)

Recent studies indicate that abyssal plains have ______ biodiversity but relatively ______biomass. _______, hydrothermal vents have ________ biodiversity, and _______biomass.

High; low; contrarily; low; high

This layer of the Earth is solid and made primarily made of Ni and Fe:

Inner core

Chlorophyll a is used as a measure of standing crop of phytoplankton because:

It is a direct measure of the photosynthetic activity in the total biomass

What is the primary food source for large whale species in the Antartic?


Euryhalinity is the capability of some organisms to tolerate wide range of salinities. In which of the following aquatic environments are we LEAST likely to find a euryhaline fish?


What are the limiting factors that most influence phytoplankton distribution?

Light and nutrients

Plate tectonics is the movement of Earth's rigid plates, also known as the


In general, which of the following is not a limiting factor for organisms in deep sea waters?

Low oxygen

Of the following sets of fish morphological features which on would correspond to the fastest and most efficient swimmer?

Lunate caudal fin - fusiform body - pointy snout

Laterally-compressed and deep-bodied fishes are:

Maneuvering specialists

A countercurrent flow system between a substance A and B:

Maximizes the exchange by having A and B flow in opposite directions

You are an elite marine biologist that is part of the 2015 Team Zissou Research expedition. You have been sleeping in your bunk but you arise to find a fish that has been caught and brought onto the main deck. It is small (<10 cm), weak and flabby, has large eyes, and has photophores on the bottom of its body. From which zone of the ocean was this fish probably caught?


Mangals are primarily found in:

Muddy shores in warm climates

Excess of which of the following nutrients may trigger an eutrophication event in marine environments?

Nitrate and phosphate

What is the effective depth of mixing of a wind-generated wave with a wavelength of 100 m?

No greater than 50 m

A new upwelling region has been recently described along the coast of Tanzania. Where is the wind blowing FROM?

North to south

What is FALSE about the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ)?

OMZ are generally located in the photic zone

In which of the following organisms males are no longer part of the reproductive process?

Obligate parthenogenetic rotifers

Where are hydrothermal vents primarily located?

On the axes of oceanic ridge or rise systems

Which of the following structures can be used to determine fish age?


In relation to the wind, surface currents theoretically flow:

Perpendicular due to Ekman transport

As opposed to terrestrial systems, filter feeding is possible in marine systems because:

Potential food particles can remain suspended due to water's greater density and viscosity

What are cyanobacteria?


Mangrove forests are often found in areas that also have surrounding coral reef systems. Mangroves reduce the amount of nutrients entering coral reef systems and decrease sedimentation rates promoting clear water for reefs. What function do coral reefs provide for mangrove forests?

Reduce wave energy

What is the most diverse group of macroalgae?


Taking advantage of naturally occurring variations in organisms to pass desired and specific traits on to future generations is called

Selective breeding

What is a characteristic of the Polar Sea ecosystems?

Short food chains with many species

When comparing the offspring of sexually and asexually reproducing organisms, we would expect the genetic material (DNA) of the sexually reproducing organism to ...

Show more variation

Abyssal plains consist primarily of

Soft mud sediments

Which of the following is true about clupeoid fish?

Some clupeoid fish eat phytoplankton, about 1/3 of all commercial catch is clupeoid fish, Most of the clupeoid fish are processed for fish oil, fish meal, to feed livestock (poultry, pork), etc.

In temperate latitudes (e.g. Seattle), when is the strongest thermocline generally observed?


A pH of 7 is ____ than a pH of 8.

Ten times as acidic

What does provide the basis of life in vent communities?

The altered chemistry of the water

At the poles, a process takes place as sea ice forms that is associated with ocean circulation. This process is:

The expulsion of salt from the freezing water

Sea otters eat sea urchins that graze on giant kelp. Without sea otters, sea urchins can destroy kelp forests and consequently the wide diversity of animals that depend upon kelp habitat for survival. Kelp forests protect coastlines from storm surge and absorb vast amounts of harmful carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Which species is a keystone species?

The sea otter

Why might tide pools at the highest tide levels may be inhabited only by bacterial films?

The water in the pools can evaporate, making the pools hypersaline and anoxic

What is FALSE about daily, vertical migration?

They are always triggered by changes in light intensity - under constant light, all epipelagic organisms migrate to deeper waters right away

What is TRUE about marine homeotherms in Polar ecosystems?

They can survive to long fasting periods, and perform long migrations to lower-latitude waters

Some (but not all!!) corals are obligated symbionts. What does that mean?

They have lost their ability to capture plankton

Which of the following is not one of the main attribute of mangrove forests?

They influence the health of freshwater lakes

Which of the following swimming behaviors is the most efficient for a high sustained swimming speed?


As a result of the Coriolis Effect, a missile fired northward from the equator will seem to be deflected:

Toward the East

As a result of the Coriolis Effect, a missile fired southward from the equator will seem to be deflected:

Toward the East

True or False: Mutations increase the genetic diversity of organism that reproduce sexually and asexually


True or False: The Artic is frozen ocean surrounded by continents; the Antartic is a frozen continent surrounded by ocean.


True or False: Whereas marine flowering plants, like seagrasses, are vascular plants and have roots, stems and leaves, seaweeds are multi-cellular algae and have little or no vascular tissues.


True or false: Hydrothermal vent and cold seep communities have similar sets of dominant species: tube worms, clams, mussels and arthropods, although they range taxonomically.


True or false: exercising captive fish increases their ability to survive in the wild


Prior to 1972, why were there so many dolphins captured in purse seine nets?

Tuna are often assumed to be closely associated with dolphins

Inbreeding, simply defined as the mating of relatives, is considered a problem in many conservation programs because it increases the chances of receiving deleterious recessive alleles from a common ancestor. However, some programs may use inbreeding intentionally to:

Uniform traits from one generation to another

How do hydrothermal vent bacteria obtain energy?

Use oxygen to oxidize hydrogen sulfide, which is converted to sulfate ion

What type of drag significantly affects the locomotion of dolphins but does not affect deep-water fishes?

Wave drag

Ideally, in order to minimize the impact of aquaculture conservation on wild specimens:

We must confirm that cultured organisms are not altering the genetic structure of wild specimens

Which of the following strategies are used by epipelagic organisms to stay within an optimal zone?

Which of the following strategies are used by epipelagic organisms to stay within an optimal zone?

What is a scientific hypothesis?

Your best educated guess of what the answer to your question will be

Fill in the blanks with the best option below: I am a _______. I spend only part of my life freely in the water column and am referred to as a_______.

Zooplankton, Meroplankton

Which of the following systems buffers seawater pH

carbonic acid - carbonate - bicarbonate

Surface circulation in the ocean is primarily driven by _________________ and deep circulation is primarily driven by ________________.

wind; density

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