MARK 3337 - Understanding the SPIN Role Play Project
Information about your Prospect: Reference Group
- Steven Jacobs, (will not be in the meeting), but will be apart of approving the product - he/she has been in the hospitality industry for 25 years - been with UH Hilton for 12 years - also a professor in hospitality - focused on staying on budget and consistently fill the news rooms after the costly renovation while teaching the best practice methods to the student
Important of introductions
- dress for success - be on time - unplug and engaged - be confident, curious, and communicate your value
what do people want to know?
- first and last name - personal experience - company value offering - purpose of why you are here - goals you hope to achieve with the call
About the UH Hilton
- first built in 1975 - the hotel underwent a $12.5 million renovation and reopened as a "new" hotel in April 2014 - is the only hospitality program in the world whose teaching facility is an internationally full -service hotel - Regents approved a $30.4 million revenue bond to expand the hotel to include a five-story, 70-room tower, that will increasing the number of guest to 150 - construction of the new tower began in July 2021, and is anticipated to be completed by Feb 2023
personal commercial
- introduce yourself - tell them your "unique attributes" - sell yourself as a professional, approachable, educated individual
what should my role play consist of?
- introduction, building rapport, and a 30-second commercial of your self, your role and company. - in addition, you need to include SPIN questions and ask for another meeting
First impressions
- people make judgement within the the first 30 seconds - make a good first impression
setting an agenda
- propose the agenda (include time, exceptions, objectives) - make sure prospect/customer understands the value of the agenda - obtain the prospect/customers input and acceptance of agenda moving forward
SPIN: Need Payoff
- questions that gain commitment to move the selling process - summarize the needs agreed upon by the client and ask for commitment for work together towards solution
buying motives
- rational - emotional - patronage - product
Information of about your Prospect: Jalen Matthew
- worked for UH Hilton since 2021 - worked for the Hilton Global Hospitality Company since 2006 - assisted in creating new protocols as a result of Covid-19 Pandemic - focused on cost while making sure they don't skimp on safety, hygiene and creating a great customer experience
Performing Prospect Research
1. Learn the company (company size, industry) 2. Do background check (the roles, LinkedIn) 3. Hypothesize pain points (how can you help?) 4. Be curious to know more (ask questions)
How will I be graded on the SPIN role play?
50 points total
SPIN: Implication
Implicating the need is essential for the prospect to see HOW your business service, product is the solution to their need
You will meet with...?
Jalen Matthews, the Hotel Director over Housekeeping and Cleaning at the UH Hilton
Where will the SPIN role plays be conducted
Microsoft Teams
The Competition
Proctor & Gamble Contact
you will be using the ____ selling technique
SPIN selling techinqiue
Is this a group project or individual project?
The Sales Project is broken down into four parts - Part 1 & Part 2 are individual - Part 2 & Part 3 are team project
Who is responsible for recording the SPIN role play?
what role am I playing in the SPIN role play
You will be an Territory Manager for ECOLAB (company) where you will be selling to the UH Campus Hilton Hotel
How will the SPIN role play be initiated?
Your buyer will initiate the call over Microsoft Teams. You will answer.
identified needs make it...?
easier to sell features and benefits of a product or service
SPIN: Situation
general data gathering questions designed to help discover basic information
SPIN: Problem
meant to help assess the needs or problems your client/prospect have
the SPIN selling method is a funnel that...?
narrows down identifying problems and valuing a solution
open and closed questions
open - many possible answers closed - short, simple answers
As a Territory Manager, you are responsible for...?
selling cleaning solutions to the hospitality sector
SPIN selling technique
situation, problem, implication, need payoff
You will record your role play and...?
watch it later to complete your self assessment
how can I research more about the product I am selling in the SPIN role play?