Are the disciple's antagonists or the protagonists?
Disciples and religious leaders
Besides Jesus, what are the two main characters in the book of Mark?
"The kingdom is realized not through conquest but through sacrifice."
How is the kingdom of God realized?
By introducing their opposition to Jesus in the wake of his conflicts with demons, the narrator places them alongside Satan's forces as opponents of God's rule
Jesus' battles with Satan/demons
Jesus' most common self-designation, the title is likely drawn from Daniel 7:13 and refers to Jesus' true humanity as well as his role as glorious redeemer."
Son of Man
The act of the driving or casting out of an evil spirit possessing a person. Jesus taught that his exorcisms revealed the presence and power of the kingdom of God."
The act of the driving or casting out of an evil spirit possessing a person. Jesus taught that his exorcisms revealed the presence and power of the kingdom of God.
Jesus' repeated victories over the demons reveals his sovereign authority to announce and establish the kingdom of God
What is the relationship between the demons and Jesus?
The purpose of these miracles is not to gain popularity but to demonstrate that he is acting and speaking with the authority of God
authority of Jesus
A key episode in the Synoptic Gospels (Mark 3:22-30, par.) in which Jesus is accused of casting out demons by Satan's power and responds by accusing his opponents of blaspheming the Holy Spirit
beelzebub controversy
"Son of God obediently suffers as the Servant of the Lord to pay the ransom price for sins"
central theme of Mark
suffering Messiah
characteristics of Jesus in the book of Mark
A key transitional passage in the Synoptic Gospels (Mark 8:27-31, par.), as Peter acknowledges that Jesus is the Messiah, and Jesus begins speaking about his upcoming death
confession of peter
The role of those who follow Jesus as their Lord
An early heresy which claimed that Jesus was not a real human being but only appeared to have a physical body
so much of Mark's story is concerned with the cross that the Gospel has been called a passion narrative with an extended introduction"
emphasis on Jesus's death
Mark translates Aramaic expressions for a Greek-speaking audience
evidence of the audience
Eusebius, writing in the fourth century AD, quotes a church leader named Papias as affirming that "Mark became the interpreter of Peter" and wrote his version of the gospel."
external evidence of the author
the narrator is fond of the Greek word euthys, an adverb often translated "immediately." It appears forty-two times, whereas in Matthew it appears five times, and in Luke, only once.
fast moving
the historical present also gives the narrative a vivid and realistic feel, like a newscaster giving an on-the-spot report."
historical present
He is a one-man army, fighting off demons and the whole regiment
how is Jesus the stronger man?
A "sandwiching" technique, similar to inclusio, where one episode is inserted ("intercalated") into the middle of another. The two episodes are generally related to a common theme.
Mark was with Paul during his imprisonment in Rome and served as his delegate in Asia Minor. He speaks Aramaic
internal evidence of the author
It is ironic that while Jesus is standing before the Sanhedrin faithfully confessing that he is the Messiah, Peter is outside in the courtyard denying that he knows him
in mark, Jesus does more than he teaches, showing that actions are better than words
jesus is what he does
The central theme of Jesus' preaching, referring especially to God's sovereign reign and authority, but also to the consummation of the reign in an end-times (eschatological) kingdom."
kingdom of God
either present or future and may be intentionally ambiguous.
kingdom of God present or future?
Your faith has made you well
meaning of the story?
God's end-times Savior sent to deliver his people. From a Hebrew term meaning "Anointed One" and translated into Greek as "Christ" (christos)"
A pattern in Mark whereby Jesus repeatedly silences those who recognize him to be the Messiah or the Son of God
messianic secret
The messianic secret is better understood as Jesus' attempt to define his messiah-ship on his own terms, which means in light of the cross.
messianic secret in Mark?
A designation given to miracles which demonstrate Jesus' authority over nature, such as turning water into wine, multiplying loaves and fishes, walking on the water, and calming a storm
nature miracles
Jesus' message to the disciples given on the Mount of Olives concerning the destruction of the temple and the end of the age
olivet discourse
An important parable of Jesus that allegorized his rejection by Israel's leaders
parable of the wicked
Jesus' prediction of his upcoming death."
passion prediction
AD 50s
possible date
"Mark sought to record for posterity the apostolic witness concerning Jesus" "Mark wrote to correct a false or inadequate view of Jesus being promoted by some in the church" "Mark makes a practical call to cross-bearing discipleship"
purpose of the gospel
If Luke used Mark as a source for his Gospel, and if he completed Acts while Paul was still in prison in Rome (around AD 60-62; see Acts 28:30 - 31), then Mark's Gospel would have been written prior to this imprisonment, in the mid to late 50s."
reason for the date
A reference to Jesus as the messianic figure who appears repeatedly in Isaiah 40 - 55 and especially in a suffering role
servant of the LORD
A title for the Messiah indicating a unique relationship with God the Father
son of God
"Mark's Gospel has a fast-moving narrative style"
style of writing?
Jesus portrays the religious leaders as tenant farmers over God's vineyard, who refuse to return to God the fruit of his vineyard
tenant farmers
"I have not come to be served, but to serve... and to give my life as a ransom for many."
theological purpose of jesus in the book of mark?
The mountaintop revelation of Jesus' true glory to three disciples: Peter, James, and John
A pattern or group of three; a common literary device in Mark's Gospel.
In three cycles of events, Jesus predicts his death and then teaches his disciples about servant leadership". Uses repetition to get his message across.
triads / groups of three
The traditional designation for Jesus' entrance into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, riding on a donkey and fulfilling the prophecy of Zechariah 9:9
triumphal entry
A story in the middle of a story
what is an intercalation story
The way means that Jesus leads by example and expects us to also take up our crosses and follow Him.
what is the meaning of 'the way'
It illuminates the story on the outside. In Mark 5, the daughter is dying and in the middle the woman with menstruation issues touches Jesus robe, meaning that her faith has made her well
what is the purpose of sandwich stories
roman christian
who is the audience
"Mark was the author of this Gospel and that he was dependent on the eyewitness accounts of Peter."
who is the author