Market Research: Chapter 8
Interval Measure questions
1-10, strongly agree - strongly disagree, slow pickup - fast pickup
Four "Dont's" of Question Wording
1. Do not "lead" the respondent to a particular answer A leading question gives a strong cue or expectation as what answer to provide. 2. Do not use "loaded" wording or phrasing A loaded question has buried in its wording elements a sneaky presupposition, or it might make reference to universal beliefs or rules of behavior. 3. Do not use a "double-barreled" question A double-barreled question is really two different questions posed in one question. 4. Do not use words that overstate the case An overstated question places undue emphasis on some aspect of the topic (e.g., Do you always eat breakfast? (Yes/No))
Logical sequence of Survey Questions
1. Screens 2. Warm-ups 3. Transitions (statements and questions) 4. Complicated and difficult-to-answer questions 5. Classification and demographic questions
Four "Dos" of Question Wording
1. The question should be focused on a single issue or topic. 2. The question should be brief. 3. The question should be grammatically simple. 4. The question should be crystal clear.
Key Functions of A Questionnaire
1. Translates the research objectives into specific questions asked of respondents 2. Standardizes those questions and the response categories so every participant responds to identical stimuli 3. Serves as an enduring record of the research 4. Depending on the data collection mode used, such as online, a questionnaire can speed up the process of data analysis 5. Contains the information on which reliability and validity assessments may be made
Pretesting The Questionnaire
A pretest is a dry run of a questionnaire to find and repair difficulties that respondents encounter while taking the survey
What is a Questionnaire?
A questionnaire is the vehicle used to present the questions the researcher desires respondents to answer.
Semantic Differential
A semantic differential scale contains a series of bipolar adjectives for the various properties of the object under study, and respondents indicate their impressions of each property by indicating locations along its continuum. It is a good way to measure a brand, company, or store image. Sometimes the Semantic Differential Scale is referred to as an attitudinal study. Semantic differential questions simply ask where the respondent's position is on a scale between two bipolar adjectives, such as "Happy-Sad," "Fair-Unfair."
Lifestyle Inventory
A special application of the Likert scale question form called the lifestyle inventory takes into account the values and personality traits of people as reflected in their unique activities, interests, and opinions (AIOs) toward their work, leisure time, and purchases. It measures a person's activities, interests, and opinions with a Likert scale.
What is an example of a double-barreled question?
An example would be: "do you think that students should have more classes about history and culture?" This question asks about two different issues: "do you think that students should have more classes about history" and "do you think that students should have more classes about culture?
Likert Scale
An interval scale commonly used by marketing researchers is the Likert scale, in which respondents are asked to indicate their degree of agreement or disagreement on a symmetric agree-disagree scale for each of a series of statements. The Likert scale format measures intensity of agreement or disagreement.
Coding The Questionnaire
Codes are numbers associated with question responses to facilitate data entry and analysis. The codes for an "all that apply" question are set up as though each possible response was answered with "yes" or "no.
Computer-Assisted Questionnaire Design
Computer-assisted questionnaire design refers to software that allows users to use computer technology to develop and disseminate questionnaires and to retrieve and analyze data gathered by the questionnaire. Use of computer-assisted questionnaire design is easy, fast, friendly, and flexible. They have question types, question libraries, real-time data capture, and downloadable datasets.
Skip and Display Logic
Computer-assisted surveys can use logic to display questions. Skip logic lets the questionnaire designer direct the online survey to ask questions based on previous answers. Display logic is similar to skip logic. The survey displays or asks questions that are appropriate based on the respondent's prior answers.
Introduction: Incentives
Incentives are offers to do something for the respondent to increase the probability that the respondent will participate in the survey. Other forms of incentives address respondent anxieties concerning privacy. Two methods tend to reduce anxieties and, therefore, increase participation. 1. The first is ensuring anonymity. 2. The second method is confidentiality. Anonymity means the respondent is not known and, therefore, may not be identified, while confidentiality means the respondent's identity is not to be divulged to a client or any other third party
Scale Measures (types)
Interval scales - are used to measure unobservable constructs. Ratio scales - have a true zero point.
What is the interval scale for Frequency of use
Labeled (Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Often, Quite often, Very often) or number of times per relevant time period (e.g., month) Example: How often do you buy takeout Chinese dinners?
What is the interval scale for Lifestyle or opinion
Likert (Strongly disagree-Strongly agree with 5 scale points) using a series of lifestyle statements Example: Indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. 1. I have a busy schedule. 2. I work a great deal.
Interval Scales Commonly Used in Marketing Research
Likert Scale • Semantic Differential Scale • Stapel Scale • Slider Scales • Text & Digital Data (the digital era)
Skip patterns
No, then skip to 5a
Types of measures
Nominal scales - label objects Ordinal scales - indicate only relative size differences between objects Scale Measures - those in which the distance between each level is known
Non-symmetric Interval Scales
Non-symmetric interval scale has mainly degrees of positive positions, would be more appropriate because most people do not think in degrees of negative importance.
Halo Effect
One concern with this type of scale is the halo effect, in which a general overall feeling about a brand or store could bias responses on its specific properties.
Online survey by Coach USA
Problems with "other" option
Question Flow
Question flow pertains to the sequencing of questions or blocks of questions, including any instructions, on the questionnaire.
Questionnaire Design Process
Questionnaire design is a systematic process in which the researcher contemplates various question formats, considers a number of factors characterizing the survey at hand, ultimately words the various questions carefully, and organizes the questionnaire's layout. The researcher should strive to minimize question bias (i.e., the ability of a question's wording or format to influence respondents' answers).
Developing Questions
Questionnaire development is the practice of selecting appropriate response formats and wording questions that are understandable, unambiguous, and unbiased. Marketing researchers take great care in developing research questions that measure: - Attitudes - Beliefs - Behaviors - Demographics
Questionnaire Organization
Questionnaire organization pertains to the sequence of statements and questions that make up a questionnaire. 1. Well-organized questionnaires could motivate respondents to be conscientious and complete. 2. Poorly organized questionnaires discourage and frustrate respondents and may even cause them to stop answering questions in the middle of the survey
Reliability and Validity of Measurement
Reliability: respondent responds in the same or a similar manner to an identical or nearly identical measure Validity: accuracy or exactness of the measurement
The introduction: Screening Questions
Screening questions are used to identify respondents who do and who do not meet qualifications necessary to take part in the research study.
What is the interval scale for Brand/store image
Semantic differential (with 5 or 7 scale points) using a set of bipolar adjectives Example: Refer to example on page 181.
Two Issues with Interval Scales Used in Marketing Research
Should the scale include a middle or neutral point? Should the scale be symmetric or non-symmetric?
How measurements work slide
Slide 5 - The object -> Properties -> Measurement Process -> Measurement Result
Interval Scales Used in Marketing Research
Symmetric: A symmetric interval scale is "balanced," as it has equal amounts of positive and negative positions, and typically it has "no opinion" or "neutral" separating the negative and positive sides. Non-symmetric: A non-symmetric interval scale has mainly degrees of positive positions, would be more appropriate because most people do not think in degrees of negative importance.
Stapel Scale
The Stapel scale relies on positive and negative numbers, typically ranging from -5 to +5. The scale may or may not have a neutral zero.
The Introduction of the Questionnaire
The introduction sets the stage; it is what a potential respondent reads or hears before he or she begins answering survey questions. What is the survey about? Who is doing the survey? With an undisguised survey, the sponsor is identified, but with a disguised survey, the sponsor's name is not divulged to respondents. The introduction should also indicate to respondents how they were selected.
Transitions, skip question, difficult-to-answer question, and classification questions
Transitions are statements or questions used to let the respondent know that changes in question topic or format are about to happen. Response to a skip question affects which question will be answered next. The more complicated and difficult-to-answer questions are placed deep in the questionnaire. Classification questions (typically demographics) are used to classify respondents
Warm-up questions
Warm-up questions are simple and easy-to-answer questions that are used to get the respondents' interest and to demonstrate the ease of responding to the research request.
Nominal Measure Questions
Woman vs. Man, Yes vs. No - can be translated into numbers
determining a description or amount of some property of an object that is of interest
Objective Properties
observable and tangible.
Properties (and types)
specific features or characteristics of an object that can be used to distinguish it from another object Objective and Subjective
What is an example of a loaded question?
the 2009 referendum on corporal punishment in New Zealand asked: "Should a smack as part of good parental correction be a criminal offence in New Zealand?" Murray Edridge, of Barnardos New Zealand, criticized the question as "loaded and ambiguous" and claimed "the question presupposes that smacking is a part of good parental correction"
Subjective properties
unobservable and intangible and must be translated onto a rating scale via scale development.