marketing cha16

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. _____ is the careful coordination of all promotional activities to produce a consistent, unified message that is customer focused.

a. Interpersonal and mass communications (IMC) approach

24. _____ consists of all marketing activities that stimulate consumer purchasing such as coupons, contests, free samples, and trade shows. a. Sales promotion b. Publicity c. Personal selling d. Advertising e. Sponsorship

a. Sales promotion

____ is the promotional mix element that evaluates public attitudes, identifies issues that may elicit public concern, and executes programs to gain public understanding and acceptance. a. Personal selling b. Advertising c. Mass communications d. Public relations e. Sales promotion

d. Public relations

A continuous media schedule allows advertising to run steadily throughout the advertising period.


A pull strategy is a marketing strategy that stimulates consumer demand to obtain product distribution.


Advergaming is the placing of advertising messages in Web-based or video games to advertise or promote a product.


Corporate blog are blogs that are sponsored by a company and maintained by one or more of the company's employees.


Customers are the receivers who decode the message.


Promotional strategy is a plan for the optimal use of the elements of the promotional mix.


Sponsorship is a public relations strategy in which a company spends money to support an issue, cause, or event that is consistent with corporate objectives.


The advertising campaign is a series of related advertisements that focus on a common theme, slogan, and set of advertising appeals and extend for a defined period of time


The media mix is the combination of media to be used and the volume of advertising that will be conducted among the various media vehicles.


14. _____ is any form of sponsor-identified, impersonal paid mass communication. a. Advertising b. Publicity c. Promotion d. Public relations e. Nonpaid communication

a. Advertising

32. A(n) _____ is a specific communication task that a campaign should accomplish for a specified target audience during a specified period of time. a. advertising objective b. marketing mix c. media schedule d. advertising life span e. promotional mix

a. advertising objective

4. The main function of a promotional strategy is to: a. convince the target customers that a firm's products offer competitive advantages over those of its competition b. find a niche in the marketplace for the firm and its products c. provide the firm with research information about the success of its marketing effort d. create efficient distribution channels e. guarantee control over the length of the stages of the product life cycle

a. convince the target customers that a firm's products offer competitive advantages over those of its competition

6. Communication to large audiences, usually through a medium such as television or a newspaper, is called _____ communication. a. mass b. feedback-proof c. referential d. interpersonal e. public

a. mass

2. Rosarita is responsible for developing a plan for the optimal use of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and public relations. Rosarita is developing a: a. promotional strategy b. set of promotion goals c. marketing mix d. communication mix e. selling plan

a. promotional strategy

A(n) _____ media schedule combines continuous scheduling throughout the year with a flighted schedule during the best sales periods. a. pulsing b. bursting c. unremitting d. rhythmic e. vibrating

a. pulsing

75. The goal of persuasive promotion is to: a. stimulate a purchase or other action b. increase brand awareness c. describe available services d. remind the consumers of where to buy the product e. maintain top-of-mind consumer awareness

a. stimulate a purchase or other action

18. The marketing function that evaluates public attitudes, identifies areas within the organization that are of public interest, and executes a program of action to gain public understanding is: a. public relations b. advertising c. implicit communications d. personal selling e. sales promotion

a. public relations

94. A medium's ability to reach a precisely defined market is its: a. audience selectivity b. market singularity c. geographic selectivity d. noise filtering ability e. life span

audience selectivity

1. _____ is any form of impersonal, sponsor-paid, one-way mass communication.

b. Advertising

83. AIDA stands for: a. Attitude-Interest-Demand-Activity b. Attention-Interest-Desire-Action c. Awareness-Intent-Demand-Action d. Avoidance-Interest-Desire-Acceptance e. Attitudes-In-Developing-Acquisitions

b. Attention-Interest-Desire-Action

. _____ advertising compares two or more specifically named or shown competing brands on one or more specific attributes. a. Contrasting b. Comparative c. Pioneering d. Superlative e. Differentiational

b. Comparative

. _____ is used by public relations specialists to handle the effects of unfavorable publicity. a. Media planning b. Crisis management c. Message power d. Damage control e. Communication narrowcasting

b. Crisis management

2. _____ advertising is designed to enhance a company's image rather than promote a particular product. a. Publicity b. Institutional c. Pioneering d. Selective e. Image

b. Institutional

A _____ is defined as a set of unique features of a company and its products perceived by the target market as significant and superior to the competition. a. comparative differentiation b. competitive advantage c. marketing mix d. special benefit e. promotional plan

b. competitive advantage

45. Encoding is the: a. creation of the original ideas and thoughts of a message b. conversion of the sender's ideas and thoughts into a message c. transmission of a message d. receipt and comprehension of a message e. deciphering and understanding of a message

b. conversion of the sender's ideas and thoughts into a message

02. With a(n) _____ media schedule, the advertiser may schedule the ads heavily every other month to achieve a greater impact with an increased frequency and reach at those times. a. intermittent b. flighted c. periodic d. unremitting e. alternating

b. flighted

106. A(n) _____ designates the vehicles, specific publications or programs, and the insertion dates of advertising. a. advertising plan b. media schedule c. promotion strategy d. ad outline e. promotional profile

b. media schedule

New York Times on Shark Week and the Discovery Channel's street teams would be an example of: a. a sales promotion b. publicity c. advertising d. implicit communications e. a personal sales presentations ANS: B

b. publicity

28. _____ is a purchase situation in which two or more people communicate in an attempt to influence each other. a. Implicit communication b. Personal selling c. Mass communication d. Public relations e. Synergistic communication

b. Personal selling

54. _____ is the interpretation of the language and symbols sent by the source through a channel. a. Encoding b. Perceiving communication c. Decoding d. Channeling e. Semiotics

c. Decoding

92. _____ measures the number of different target consumers who are exposed to a commercial at least once. a. Noise level b. Frequency c. Reach d. Synchronization e. Cost per contact

c. Reach

The goal of _____ advertising is to influence demand for a specific brand of good or service. Such advertising is less informational and more emotional. The emphasis is on brand name, recall, and favorable attitude toward the brand. a. pioneering b. objective-specific c. competitive d. institutional e. comparative

c. competitive

7. The ads for Don Francisco's ground coffee simply state, "The highest quality coffee doesn't have to be expensive." This is an example of how a product communicates its _____ with promotion. a. marketing mix b. comparative differentiation c. competitive advantage d. researchable objective e. promotional theme

c. competitive advantage

30. The first step in the advertising campaign decision process is to: a. make media decisions b. evaluate the campaign c. determine campaign objectives d. develop advertising copy e. make creative decisions

c. determine campaign objectives

70. Informative promotion is generally used: a. when memory stimulus is needed b. when the brand name is well-known to consumers c. during the early stages of the product life cycle d. during an attempt to gain the immediate action of a consumer e. when advertising a simple, nontechnical, mature product

c. during the early stages of the product life cycle

59. The receiver's response to a message is _____ to the source. a. decoded b. noise c. feedback d. channeled e. static filled

c. feedback

1. Products such as surfboards, swimsuits, lawn mowers, allergy medication, and flower seeds are most likely to be advertised with a _____ media schedule. a. flighted b. pulsing c. seasonal d. continuous e. consecutive

c. seasonal

16. Which of the following statements about advertising is true? a. The total costs of advertising are typically low. b. The signs on the outsides of buses and taxis are not a form of advertising. c. The cost per contact in advertising is low. d. Innovative media are not used in advertising. e. Advertising is any form of communication in which the sponsor is identified.

c. The cost per contact in advertising is low.

13. According to its Web site, Old Navy, the retail chain, shows the spirit and optimism of its clothes through the use of its new "spokesdog" Paco, a shaggy, free-spirited canine. In terms of its one-way communication strategy, Old Navy will use Paco in _____ to reach a large number of people at one time. a. direct marketing b. public relations c. advertising d. implicit communications e. personal selling presentations

c. advertising

56. For communication to be effective: a. marketing managers should use both interpersonal and mass communications b. all steps of the communications process model must take place c. marketing managers must ensure a proper match between the message to be conveyed and the target market's attitudes and ideas d. advertising messages must be general enough to cover all ages, social classes, and education levels e. marketers should use televised instead of print communication

c. marketing managers must ensure a proper match between the message to be conveyed and the target market's attitudes and ideas

11. The promotional mix consists of: a. advertising, publicity, direct marketing, and personal selling b. public relations, direct marketing, personal selling, and publicity c. product, promotion, price, and place d. advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and public relations e. advertising, telemarketing, public relations, and sales promotions

d. advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and public relations

48. Campbell soup has been promoted with television commercials, radio spots, newspaper coupons, and magazine advertisements. In the communication process, these media served as _____ for transmitting the message. a. senders b. decoders c. encoders d. channels e. receivers

d. channels

33. Interpersonal communication is: a. nonpaid information such as publicity b. paid communication placed in personal media c. long-distance communication between a business and its target market d. direct face-to-face communication between two or more people e. noise-free communication

d. direct face-to-face communication between two or more people

39. The communication process itself consists of: a. message, media, and transmittal b. source, receiver, and channel c. sender, receiver, and message d. encoding, decoding, channel, sender, and receiver e. comprehension, noise, and feedback

d. encoding, decoding, channel, sender, and receiver

34. The two major categories of communications are: a. verbal and nonverbal b. direct and indirect c. long term and short term d. mass and interpersonal e. informative and persuasive

d. mass and interpersonal

20. Public information about a company, good, or service appearing in the mass media as a news item is: a. personal selling b. advertising c. mass communications d. publicity e. sales promotion

d. publicity

40. The _____ is the originator of the message in the communication process. a. communicator b. encoder c. channeler d. sender e. receiver

d. sender

1. _____ is communications by marketers that inform, persuade, and remind potential buyers of a product in order to influence an opinion or elicit a response. a. Distributive communication b. Perceptual communication c. Statistically provable advertising d. Promotion e. Publicity

d. Promotion

_____ advertising is an arrangement under which a manufacturer pays a percentage of the advertising cost for an ad that a retailer places for the manufacturer's brand. a. Advocacy b. Comparative c. Institutional d. One-to-one e. Cooperative

e. Cooperative

44. _____ is the conversion of the sender's ideas and thoughts into a message. a. Development b. Envelopment c. Processing d. Decoding e. Encoding

e. Encoding

. _____ is a measure of the number of times an individual is exposed to a brand message. It is used to measure the intensity of a specific medium's coverage. a. Synchronization b. Reach c. Cost per contact d. Media scheduling e. Frequency

e. Frequency

50. _____ is anything that interferes with, distorts, or slows the transmission of information. a. Media communication b. Feedback c. Static d. Nonpaid communication e. Noise

e. Noise

9. _____ advertising is used to stimulate demand for a new product or product category and is heavily utilized during the introductory stage of the product life cycle. a. Comparative b. Innovative c. Focused d. Image e. Pioneering

e. Pioneering

8. _____ promotion is used to keep a familiar brand name in the public's mind and is prevalent during the maturity stage of the product life cycle. a. Influence b. Amusement c. Informative d. Persuasive e. Reminder

e. Reminder

52. Within the communication process for a car dealer's ad, which of the following would be an example of noise? a. competing ads b. news stories in the newspaper c. the physical surroundings in which the individual reading the ad is located d. the presence of other people while the ad is being read e. all of these

e. all of these

47. A channel in communication is: a. the only source of noise b. the same as in distribution c. usually an ad agency or public relations firm d. someone who places advertising into media e. any communication medium

e. any communication medium

10. Marketers use public relations to: a. earn public understanding and acceptance b. communicate with the community in which they operate c. educate the public about company goals d. introduce new products e. do all of these things

e. do all of these things

82. The AIDA concept: a. proves promotional effectiveness is an insignificant abstract term b. demonstrates that buyers go through nine stages on the way to making a decision c. is a model effectively showing that advertising can move people to the purchase stage d. is a model for reaching promotional objectives that outlines a sequential process for effective promotion e. is a budget plan based on the effectiveness of various promotional mixes in achieving certain objectives

e. is a budget plan based on the effectiveness of various promotional mixes in achieving certain objectives

23. Comparative advertising is: a. like a mirror because it compares all negative and positive features of both products b. like a shotgun in that it compares multiple features of two products c. like a rifle in that it only compares a single benefit or advantage d. only used by companies at the highest level of the pyramid of corporate responsibility e. is accurately described by none of these

e. is accurately described by none of these

ke advertising that establishes or maintains a company's identity, _____ advertising touts the benefits of a specific good or service. a. selective b. cooperative c. advocacy d. image e. product

e. product

12. The four major promotional tools (advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and public relations) are known collectively as the: a. communication model b. advertising campaign c. marketing mix d. publicity four e. promotional mix

e. promotional mix

. The use of aggressive personal selling and trade advertising by a manufacturer to convince a wholesaler or retailer to carry and sell its merchandise is known as a _____ strategy. a. strong-arm b. kinetic c. pull d. foot-in-the-door e. push

e. push

1. _____ is the process by which we exchange or share meanings through a common set of symbols. People also assign meanings to feelings, ideas, facts, and attitudes. a. Feedback b. Promotion c. Advertising d. Publicity e. Communication

e. Communication

21. Publicity: a. will never damage a company because it performs the information task of promotion b. is free communication c. is not persuasive with customers d. has to be purchased from the mass media e. has many internal costs to the company associated with it

e. has many internal costs to the company associated with it

68. What are the three basic tasks of promotion? a. informing, persuading, and convincing b. persuading, convincing, and reminding c. informing, convincing, and reminding d. informing, persuading, and reminding e. persuading, comparing, and reminding

informing, persuading, and reminding

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