Marketing Chapter 13

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Attention, interest, desire, action -use framework to see if we are doing all of it

What are the three (or 6) basic promotion objectives? Why have they changed over time?

-Informing, persuading, reminding informing (awareness, interest)= brand new product, this may be all you need ex) Pampers ads showed from a baby's perspective= generate attention -persuading (evaluation, trial)= why are browny paper towels best? heavy duty spills -reminding (decision, confirmation)= customer has already had positive experience, so call every 3 weeks to keep them thinking of ur product

adoption curve

1.innovators= first ones to use product -market intro phase 2.early adopters= leaders. influence others peoples. Influential leaders -market growth 3.early majority= look for credible sources to adopt -market growth 4. late majority= more cautious (may or may not use products). parents -maket maturity 5. non-adopters. old people. believe old way is better -sales decline

Why is a common frame of reference important to effective communication? Give an example of when not having a common frame of message can lead to consumer misunderstanding.

A common frame of reference is important to make sure the message you are trying to ENCODE is the same message that is DECODED by your target audience. ex) Pepsi commercial. Thought the audience would love a black-lives-matter theme, but they ended up making light of a subject that is very serious to their target market. FAIL *the meanings of words and symbols may doffer depending on the attitudes and experiences of two groups ENCODING= source deciding what it wants to say and translating it into words or symbols that will gibe THE SAME MESSAGE to the receiver DECODING= the receiver translating the message ex) 2 pictures, one of a man holding his stomache and the second he is drinking Samaran. But in the middle east people read right to left!! Uh oh

Why is measurement of IMC tactics important?

Advantage of personal selling is that the source (the seller) can get immediate feedback from the receiver -easier to judge how the message is being received & can be changed if necessary ex) include telephone numbers and website addresses as ways of building direct-response feedback

Give an example of a promotion that fits the brand image and experience. Give an example of one that does not.

Good example: Nike. Women running at night. Aligns with goals and experience and increases sale bc people like to be apart of the brand and support what it supports Bad example: Pepsi.

What does IMC involve? Why bother with IMC? Who are the different audiences for communication integration?

Integrated marketing communications= the effective blending of all the firm's promotion efforts -this is the intentional coordination of every communication from a firm to a target customer to convey a consistent & complete message ex) GEICO= all add up to same message -IMC makes sure that, when different firms are handling different parts of the promotion effort, everything is consistent. ex) different firms in the channel may have different objectives. So a marketing manager oversees all the objectives and fits them together


Message you are trying to convey (source=pepsi) *sending signal -through a channel Decoding= how consumer percieves *receiving signal

What constitutes noise? How does it affect promotion messages?

Noise is any distraction that reduces the effectiveness of the communication process ex) conversations and snack-getting during TV ads -affects promotion messages by neccesiating each second of the message to be perfectly in line with overall message bc never know what noise may interfere

What is the purpose of sales promotion vs. advertising? How does sales promotion differ from advertising? What key advantage does sales promotion have over advertising?

Promotion involves telling target customers that the right PRODUCT is available at the right PLACE at the right PRICE. Promotion must be fine-tuned for a specific target market, and reinforce the strategy's differentiation and positioning as well as fit the other variables of the marketing mix. -Advertising is just about getting the word out and appealing to potential customers, not so much about the product, place, and price. It is any PAID form of non-personal presentation of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor. - Sales promotion refer to promotion activities that stimulate interest, trial, or purchase by final customers or others in the channel. *can usually be implemented quickly and get results sooner (most designed to produce immediate results) -can be aimed at consumers, intermediaries. or firm's own employees ex) contests/ coupons aimed at consumers, trade shows for wholesalers/ retailers, sales contests/meetings aimed at own sales force **in total firms spend LESS money on advertising than personal selling or sales promotion

Be able to identify and provide an example of a push vs. a pull strategy. Explain why would you use them together.

Pushing= using normal promotion efforts (personal selling, advertising, and sales promotion) to help sell the whole marketing mix to possible channel members *PUSHING a product through a channel -emphasizes the importance of securing wholehearted cooperation of channel members to promote the product to final user -manufacturer giving retailer incentive to stock in a great position ex) sales promotions targeted at intermediaries usually focus on short-term arrangements that will improve intermediary's profits=> soft-drink bottler offers convenience store free base of beer for every two cases it buys to increase profit margins -pulling= getting customers to ask intermediaries for the product=> most producers focus a significant amount of promotion on customers at the end of the channel to help stimulate demand and PULL the product through the channel of distribution -coupon for very specific product that brings customer to store asking for it *pulling and pushing often used together to increase final buying. ex)producer may bypass intermediaries and do the pulling itself. samples at store so retailers are forced to carry. but better to warn them so they can be ready if promotion succeeds. who handles varies depending on the mix of pushing and pulling and whether customers are final consumers or business users *They push to create customer DEMAND through constantly developing new products and offering these products in stores; and pull customers towards these products through ADVERTISING and PROMOTION deals... The amount spent on each type of strategy will depend on factors such as budget, the type of product, the target audience and competition

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