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The Simpsons Movie premiered simultaneously in _____ countries and in ______ languages. Its summer 2007 opening weekend box office in the United States was $72 million.


Different countries spend different amounts of money in support of noncommercial media. For example, annual government funding for noncommercial media in the United States amounts to _____ per person. In Canada it is $22.48; in Slovenia, $51.57; in the United Kingdom, $80.36; in Denmark, $101.00; and in Finland, $101.01.


The first U.S. presidential press secretary was ____

Amos Kendall

The normative theory that calls for the subjugation of media for the purpose of serving the government is the _____________ concept.


In 1981 in _____________, the Supreme Court determined that television cameras in the courtroom were not inherently damaging to fairness, and different states have since adopted different standards on the issue.

Chandler Vs Florida

Advertising in the United States was a small business until the mid-1800s, when industrialization and _____________ combined to alter the social and cultural landscape, bringing about advertising's expansion.

Civil War

Great Britain does not have a First Amendment similar to that of the United States, allowing the government to practice prior restraint by making an officially issued notice called a


The normative theory in which government and media work in partnership to ensure that media assist in the planned beneficial development of the country is the _____________ concept.


Around the 1920s, public relations pioneer _____________ began stressing two-way communication—that is, public relations practitioners talking to people, and in return listening to them when they talked back.

Edward Bernays

A clandestine broadcast operation that operates outside the region into which it transmits is

Exogenous Station

Many countries maintain broadcasting services, called _____________, that are designed to counter the propaganda of rival nations and disseminate information about themselves.

External Services

President Woodrow Wilson appointed _____________ to head the Committee on Public Information to build public support for U.S. participation in World War I.

George Creel

Marshall McLuhan's famous theory that new communication technologies would permit people to become increasingly involved in each other's lives is known as the

Global Village

Potentially libelous or slanderous expression is protected by the First Amendment if it meets the test of all EXCEPT which of the following?


In Great Britain the BBC is funded by _____________ based on the number of receivers people have in their homes.

License Fees

In 1980 UNESCO issued its report, the _____________, on the question of maintaining national and cultural sovereignty in the face of the rapid globalization of mass media.

MacBride Report

The FCC chairman most closely associated with the deregulation of broadcasting is _____________, an appointee of the Reagan administration.

Mark Fowler

The legal definition of obscenity was established by which important Supreme Court decision?

Miller v. State of California

Illegally operated radio stations broadcasting to English audiences from offshore or foreign facilities during the 1960s were called

Pirate Stations

The basis for the test of _____________ is the idea that the press cannot be deterred from covering legislative, court, or other public activities for fear that the comments of a speaker or witness will open it to claims of libel or slander.


Limits on advertising and other public service requirements imposed on Britain's commercial broadcasters in exchange for the right to broadcast constitute broadcasters'

Public Service remit

The normative theory characterized by media attempting to end government monopoly over information, facilitate the organization of opposition to the incumbent powers, destroy the legitimacy of a standing government, and bring down a standing government is the _____________ concept.


In 1957 in _____________, the Supreme Court determined that sex and obscenity were not synonymous, a significant advance for freedom of expression. It did, however, legally affirm for the first time that obscenity was unprotected expression.

Roth v. United States

Shortwave radio waves reflect off the ionosphere, a behavior called


shortwave radio waves reflect off the ionosphere, producing

Sky Waves

In international broadcasting, an operation established by one country to substitute for another's own domestic service is called

Surrogate Service

The first publicity company, _____________, was established in 1906 to help the railroad industry challenge legislation it opposed.

The Publicity Bureau

Advertising copywriter _____________ recognized in 1841 that there were merchants who needed to reach consumers other than their local newspaper readership. He contacted several Philadelphia newspapers and agreed to broker the sale of space between them and interested advertisers, thus inventing the advertising agency.

Volney B. Palmer

The _____________ concept, is based on the realities that there is no completely free (libertarian) media system on Earth and that even in the most commercially driven systems, there exists not only the expectation of public service and responsibility, but also significant communication-related activities of government to ensure that media professionals meet those responsibilities.


The first corporate public relations department was established in 1889 by

Westinghouse electric

When a media outlet distributes content with knowledge of its falsity or a reckless disregard for the truth, it has acted with

actual malice

Among the regulatory requirements that disappeared during the broadcast deregulation movement of the Reagan administration is _____________, which required broadcasters to determine actively and affirmatively the nature of their audiences' interest, convenience, and necessity.


With the rapid industrialization and improved transportation of the 1880s, more product producers were chasing the growing purchasing power of more consumers. As a result, they were forced to differentiate their products, resulting in the development of


The study of different countries' mass media systems is called

comparative analysis

Identifying and granting ownership of a given piece of expression, _____________ is designed to protect the creator's financial interest in that expression.


British law only recently permitted product placement in television shows, but still forbids it

in childrens programming

According to the FCC, language or material that depicts sexual or excretory activities in a way that is offensive to contemporary community standards is


The false and malicious publication of material that damages a person's reputation (typically applied to print media) is


The power of the government to prevent the publication or broadcast of expression is called

prior restraint

______________refers toautomated, data-driven buying of online advertising.

programmatic buying

An event staged specifically to attract public attention is a


____________ refers to sophisticated, interactive Web advertising, usually employing sound and video.

rich media

Legislation that expressly protects reporters' rights to maintain sources' confidentiality in court is called a

shield laws

In the fifteenth century, European tradespeople promoted themselves with attractive, artful business cards called


Common fifteenth-century European pinup want ads for all sorts of products and services were called


The guarantee to a fair trial is secured in the _____________ Amendment to the Constitution.


Oral or spoken defamation of a person's character (typically applied to broadcasting) is


The American broadcasting service established during World War II and the Cold War to deliver Department of Defense internal information, and radio and television programming services to overseas Department of Defense personnel and their families is

the Armed Forces Radio and Television Service

Among the regulatory requirements that disappeared during the broadcast deregulation movement of the Reagan administration is _____________, which required broadcasters to cover issues of public importance and to be fair in that coverage.

the Fairness Doctrine

The Chinese media system is based on that of

the former soviet union

Which group calls for an industry to adopt a position of full and total disclosure of information?


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