Mass Media Test#2

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was first published in 1923. its brief presentation of the weeks news in review was immediately popular, and it was making a profit within the year of its birth


what percentage of all U.S. advertising expenditures is given to magazines

a consumer

when you read Vogue, Sports Illustrated, or Wired, you're reading

Motion Picture Production Code

the MPPDA established a set of guidelines for what was and was not acceptable in movied called the

Audit Burea Company

The ____ was established in 1914 to provide reliability to a booming magazine industry playing loose with self-announced circulation figures

50 million

Approximatley how many daily newspapers are sold each day in the United States

Pennsylvania Gazette

Benjamin Franklin demonstrated that financial independence, based on advertising sales and other nonofficial economic support, would lead to editorial independence for his newspaper, the;


Edison's first films were projected but run through a peep show device called


Englishmen Nathanial Butter, Thomas Archer, and Nicholas Bourne published the first true forerunners of our daily newspaper in the 1640s, using the same title for consecutive editions. They called their news

The North Star

Frederick Douglass's_____, founded in 1847 was the masthead slogan "Right is of no Sex" Truth is of no color...., was the first influential African-American newspaper before the Civil War

suburban daily

Long Islands Newsday is the 11th largest paper in the country with a circulation of nearly 377,500. It is classified as a _____newspaper

George Melies

Narrative was first introduced to film by


Newspaper horoscopes, chess and bridge columns, editorial cartoons, and comics are all material provided by


Newspapers have traditionally kept their advertising and editiorial functions seperate. This is often referred to as

online editions of existing magazines and online-only magazines

Online magazines are categorized in two ways,as;

fallen; declined

Overall, levels of newspaper circulation have____for many years, and the amoung of time people spend reading the newspaper has___.


Studios financing their own films with their own money

Alien and Sedition Acts

The 1798 law made the illegal writing, publishing, or printings of any false, scandalous, and malicious writing about the president, Congress, or the federal government

W.E.B. DuBois

The Crisis, first published in 1910 as the voice of National Association for the Advacement of Colored People, was founded and edited by noted African-American intellectual

the spread of the railroad

The Postal Act of 1879 increased literacy and reduced cover prices, and ___ fueled the booming interest in mass circulation magzazines after the Civil War.

vertical integration

The control of a films' production, distribution, and exhibition by a movie studio is called


The year 1956 marked the beginnings of the death of mass circulation magazines. The first to cease publication was


Today, there are approximatley____magazines in operation in the U.S.


When newspaper circulation figures include readers who did not originally buy the papers they read, they are said to include

Double features; B movies

____and _____ were two economic innovations that helped the movie industry survive the Depression

Fatty Arbuckle

adding to scandals that surrounded Hollywood in the 1920s was the arrest of actor _____for a murder in San Fransico

Acta Diurna

among the earliest newspapers were daily reports of the actions of the Roman Senate called...


are ads that appear in magazines that take on the appearance of genuine editorial content

consumer magazines

are magazines sold by subscription and at newstands, bookstores, and other retail outlets

Industrial, company, and sponsored magazines

are produced by companies specifically for their own employees, cutomers and stockholders

Split runs

are special versions of a given issue of a magazine, in which editorial content and ads vary according to some specific demographic or regional grouping

Trade, professional, and business magazines

carry stories, features, and ads aimed at people in specific professions and are distributed either by the professional organizations or by media companies like Whittle Communications and Time Warner

Hannibal Goodwin

celluloid roll film was developed in 1887

Nearly all

how many American consumer magazines maintain Web sites

Peter Zenger

in 1734, New York Weekly Journal publisher was jailed for criticizing that colony's royal governor. The charge was seditious libel, but when a jury freed him, it symbolized the colonial newspapers' independence from the crown

Wire Service

in 1849, six large New York papers, including the Sun, Herald, and Tribune, decided to pool efforts and share expenses in collecting news from foreign ships docking at the city's harbor. In doing so they established the first;

Eadweard Muybridge

in 1873, former California governor Leland Stanford employed which photographer to help him win his bet about running horses

Yellow Journalism

in 1883, Hungarian immigrant Joseph Pulitzer brought the Troubled New York Word. His readership was "the common man" and he succeeded in reaching readers with light, sensationalistic news coverage, extensive use of illustrations, and circulation-building stunts and promos. This brand of journalism became known as;


in 1908, Thomas Edison united the 10 companies that held all the necessary patents for film production into the Motion Picture Patents Company, which was often simply called the


in response to radio and magazines' challenge for advertising dollars, newspapers began consolidating into groups, known as _____. Hearst and Scripps among the most powerful, owning papers in different cities across the country

social movements like labor reform and abolition

in the early 1800s, U.S. magazines began to less resemble their British forefathers, in large part because of uniquely American


in the first decades of the 20th Century, Theodore Roosevelt coined the term_____to describe writers who agitated for change by targeting powerful polictical and industrial people and institutions.


magazines price advertising space in their pages according to their

blockbuster mentality

modern filmmaking characterized by reduced risk taking and formulaic movies is called

concept fils

movies that can be described in one line and are thus easy to promote and market are called.

Controlled Circulation

occurs when a magazine is provided at no cost to readers who meet a specific set of advertiser-attractive criteria. Free airline and hotel mags are examples

persistence of vision

people can see motion in rapidly moving pictures because of the physiological phenomenon known as

Joint Operating Agreements

permit failing paper to merge most aspects of its business with successful local competitor, as long as their editorial and reporting operations remain seperate


produced to look like a consumer magazine, a ___ is actually a mail-order catalog

pass-along readership

readers who neither subscribe to nor buy single copies of a magazine but who borrow or read one in a doctor's office or library


seventeeth-centruy one-page news sheets about events on the European continent, which were printed in English in Holland and imported into England by booksellers, were called;


single-sheet announcements or accounts of events imported from England and posted on walls in the American Colonies were called;

Paramount decision

the 1948 Supreme Court decision that outlawed vertical integration is called the

were short reproductions of reality shot in fixed frame

the early films of Edison and the Lumiere brothers


the feature services which do not gather and distribute news, instead they operate as clearinghouses for the work of columnists, essayists, cartoonists, and other creative individuals

Freedom's Journal

the first African-American newspaper was _____, published in 1827 by John B. Russwurum and the Reverend Samual Cornish

Lights of New York

the first all-sound movie, released in 1928

Edwin S. Porter

the first director to utlize editing, intercutting of scenes, and a mobile camera to tell a story was

The Great Train Robbery

the first film to utilize editing, intercutting of scenes, and moble camera to tell a story was

Thomas Edison

the first motion picture studio was built in new jersey by

Bill of Rights

the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constiution are called;

Agenda Setting

the idea that relative story placement is one factor in ____, newspapers ability to influence not only what we think, but what we think about.

merchandise tie-in

the linking of consumer products, such as toys and hamburgers, with popular movies is called

target audiences

the magazine industry typically categorizes consumer magazines in terms of their

major studios

the majority of movies that make it to U.S. theater screens are produced by

Black Maria

the name of the first motion picture studio

the Chicago Defender

the nationally distributed newspaper most responsible for encouraging the migration of southern black people to industrial centers of the North just after the turn of the 20th Centurey was

USA Today

the newest national daily newspaper in the U.S. is

The Wall Street Journal

the oldest national daily newspaper in the U.S. is


the press' guarantee of freedom, as well as all people's right to free speech, is set out in which amendment ot the U.S. Constitution

Joseph Nicephore Niepce

the process of photography was first invented around 1816 by


the process of recording images on polished metal plates covered with an emulsion of silver idoide is called


the total number of sold issues of a magazine

an industrial, professional, or business

the university magazine that you will recieve when you graduate is an example of

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