Master Muscles
Adductor longus
Identify the muscle indicated by the arrow.
Adductor magnus
Identify the muscle indicated by the arrow.
Biceps brachii
Identify the muscle indicated by the arrow.
Biceps femoris
Identify the muscle indicated by the arrow.
Identify the muscle indicated by the arrow.
Identify the muscle indicated by the arrow.
Identify the muscle indicated by the arrow.
Extensor carpi radialis longus
Identify the muscle indicated by the arrow.
Extensor digitorum
Identify the muscle indicated by the arrow.
Flexor carpi radialis
Identify the muscle indicated by the arrow.
Flexor carpi ulnaris
Identify the muscle indicated by the arrow.
Identify the muscle indicated by the arrow.
Identify the muscle indicated by the arrow.
Identify the muscle indicated by the arrow.
Gluteus maximus
Identify the muscle indicated by the arrow.
Gluteus medius
Identify the muscle indicated by the arrow.
Identify the muscle indicated by the arrow.
Internal oblique
Identify the muscle indicated by the arrow.
Latissimus dorsi
Identify the muscle indicated by the arrow.
Identify the muscle indicated by the arrow.
Identify the muscle indicated by the arrow.
Orbicularis oculi
Identify the muscle indicated by the arrow.
Orbicularis oris
Identify the muscle indicated by the arrow.
Pectoralis major
Identify the muscle indicated by the arrow.
Identify the muscle indicated by the arrow.
Pronator teres
Identify the muscle indicated by the arrow.
Rectus abdominus
Identify the muscle indicated by the arrow.
Rectus femoris
Identify the muscle indicated by the arrow.
Identify the muscle indicated by the arrow.
Identify the muscle indicated by the arrow.
Identify the muscle indicated by the arrow.
Identify the muscle indicated by the arrow.
Identify the muscle indicated by the arrow.
Identify the muscle indicated by the arrow.
Tibialis anterior
Identify the muscle indicated by the arrow.
Identify the muscle indicated by the arrow.
Triceps brachii
Identify the muscle indicated by the arrow.
Vastus lateralis
Identify the muscle indicated by the arrow.
Vastus medialis
Identify the muscle indicated by the arrow.
Identify the muscle indicated by the arrow.
Adductor longus
Identify the muscle indicated by the highlighted area.
Adductor magnus
Identify the muscle indicated by the highlighted area.
Biceps brachii
Identify the muscle indicated by the highlighted area.
Biceps femoris
Identify the muscle indicated by the highlighted area.
Identify the muscle indicated by the highlighted area.
Identify the muscle indicated by the highlighted area.
Identify the muscle indicated by the highlighted area.
Extensor carpi radialis brevis
Identify the muscle indicated by the highlighted area.
Extensor carpi radialis longus
Identify the muscle indicated by the highlighted area.
Extensor carpi ulnaris
Identify the muscle indicated by the highlighted area.
Extensor digitorum
Identify the muscle indicated by the highlighted area.
Flexor carpi radialis
Identify the muscle indicated by the highlighted area.
Flexor carpi ulnaris
Identify the muscle indicated by the highlighted area.
Identify the muscle indicated by the highlighted area.
Gluteus maximus
Identify the muscle indicated by the highlighted area.
Gluteus medius
Identify the muscle indicated by the highlighted area.
Identify the muscle indicated by the highlighted area.
Latissimus dorsi
Identify the muscle indicated by the highlighted area.
Pectoralis major
Identify the muscle indicated by the highlighted area.
Pectoralis minor
Identify the muscle indicated by the highlighted area.
Pronator teres
Identify the muscle indicated by the highlighted area.
Rectus femoris
Identify the muscle indicated by the highlighted area.
Rhomboid major
Identify the muscle indicated by the highlighted area.
Rhomboid minor
Identify the muscle indicated by the highlighted area.
Identify the muscle indicated by the highlighted area.
Identify the muscle indicated by the highlighted area.
Identify the muscle indicated by the highlighted area.
Identify the muscle indicated by the highlighted area.
Tibialis anterior
Identify the muscle indicated by the highlighted area.
Identify the muscle indicated by the highlighted area.
Triceps brachii
Identify the muscle indicated by the highlighted area.
Vastus intermedius
Identify the muscle indicated by the highlighted area.
Vastus lateralis
Identify the muscle indicated by the highlighted area.
Vastus medialis
Identify the muscle indicated by the highlighted area.
Adductor longus
Identify the muscle indicated by the outlined area.
Biceps femoris
Identify the muscle indicated by the outlined area.
Identify the muscle indicated by the outlined area.
Identify the muscle indicated by the outlined area.
Rectus femoris
Identify the muscle indicated by the outlined area.
Identify the muscle indicated by the outlined area.
Identify the muscle indicated by the outlined area.
Identify the muscle indicated by the outlined area.
Identify the muscle indicated by the outlined area.
Tibialis anterior
Identify the muscle indicated by the outlined area.
Vastus lateralis
Identify the muscle indicated by the outlined area.
Vastus medialis
Identify the muscle indicated by the outlined area.
Identify the type of movement indicated by the arrow.
Identify the type of movement indicated by the arrow.
Identify the type of movement indicated by the arrow.
Identify the type of movement indicated by the arrow.
Identify the type of movement indicated by the arrow.
Identify the type of movement indicated by the arrow.
Identify the type of movement indicated by the arrow.
Identify the type of movement indicated by the arrow.
Identify the type of movement indicated by the arrow.
Plantar flexion
Identify the type of movement indicated by the arrow.
Identify the type of movement indicated by the arrow.
Identify the type of movement indicated by the arrow.
flexes elbow, shoulder, supinates forearm
action of biceps brachii
flexes elbow
action of brachialis
elevates mandible
action of masseter
extends knee and flexes hip
action of rectus femoris
extends hip and flexes knee
action of semimembranosus semitendinos, and biceps femoris
elevates mandible
action of temporalis
extends elbow and shoulder
action of triceps brachii
extends knee
action of vastus lateralis, medialis, and intermedius
proximal radius
insertion of biceps brachii
head of fibula and lateral condyle of tibia
insertion of biceps femoris
coronoid process of ulna
insertion of brachialis
ramus of mandible
insertion of masseter
tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament
insertion of rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, medialis, and intermedius
medial condyle of tibia
insertion of semimembranosus
proximal tibia, medial to tibial tuberosity
insertion of semitendinosus
insertion of temporalis
olecranon process
insertion of triceps brachii
coracoid process and glenoid cavity
origin of biceps brachii
ischium and distal anterior femur
origin of biceps femoris
anterior surface of distal humerus
origin of brachialis
zygomatic arch
origin of masseter
inferior, lateral ilium
origin of rectus femoris
origin of semitendinosus and semimembranosus
temporal bone
origin of temporalis
glenoid cavity, distal posterior humerus, and lateral border of scapula
origin of triceps brachii
proximal anterior femur
origin of vastus intermedius
anterior diaphysis of femur
origin of vastus lateralis and medialis