Maternal-Health Ch. 5: Health promotion for the developing child

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Which response would the nurse provide to parents who are concerned that their toddler only plays alongside other children and rarely interacts with them?

"Children do generally begin to play in groups as toddlers. Let's discuss this a bit more." p. 73

Which functional area is screened by the Denver Developmental Screening Test II (DDST-II)? [SATA]

-language -fine motor -gross motor -personal social p. 72

Which trait characterizes learning patterns? [SATA]

-orderly -sequential -progressive -predictable p. 62

Which statement by the nurse explains the use of the Denver Developmental Screening Test II (DDST-II) to a parent?

"It helps identify your child's developmental age and how he or she compares with others of same chronologic age." p. 72

Which statement by a parent during a 24 hour dietary recall for his or her 2 year old child would demonstrate the need for further instruction related to nutritional needs?

"My child has at least 2 cups a day of whole milk." p. 78-79

Which stage of psychosexual development according to Freud would the nurse assign to a child who is learning to control bodily functions?

Anal stage p. 67-69

Which statement explains proximodistal growth and development?

Growth and development progress from the center outward p. 63-64

During a prenatal education class, which vaccine would the nurse discuss as generally administered shortly after birth?

Hepatitis B p. 75

When comparing active immunity to passive immunity, which effect would the nurse distinguish as passive immunity?

Provides relatively short protection p. 75

Which information concerning sensitivity as a criterion for a standardized developmental screening tool is accurate?

Quantifies its ability to accurately identify individuals with a developmental problem p. 72

Which action would the nurse take based on the finding that a child's growth has changed by more than two growth channels since the last well-child visit?

Referring the child for more in-depth assessment to evaluate for an abnormal growth pattern p. 72

Which term would the nurse use to characterize refusal by a 4-year-old to dress himself or herself and use the potty independently after the recent addition of a new sibling?

Regression p. 69-70

Which response would the nurse provide to parents who are concerned about reducing the risk for meningitis for their infant?

"The Haemophilus influenzae type B (Hib) vaccine is given during infancy to protect against meningitis." p. 75

Which response would the nurse provide to a parent concerned about his or her child receiving an attenuated vaccine?

"The virulence has been diminished so it won't cause a full-blown clinical illness." p. 75

Which response would the nurse provide to a parent concerned about his/her preschooler masturbating?

"This is frequent at this age; children are curious about their genitalia." p. 69

Which finding would the nurse identify as a potential cause for concern when reviewing the growth chart findings for a 3 year old child and comparing it to the previous 2 year old well-child assessment?

BMI percentile p. 71

Which activity would the nurse encourage parents to implement to help support their child's emotional development through play?

Responding positively when the child tries to initiate play with them p. 74

Which data noted in a toddler's EHR would potentially contraindicate administration of the diptheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis (DTaP) vaccine to the child by the nurse?

previous anaphylaxis to DTaP vaccine p. 77

Which dietary nutrient plays a role in homeostasis for the body because of its work with other elements in the blood to maintain fluid balance?

protein p. 78

Which stage of Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development would the nurse assign a child based on noting that the child who was accidentally slapped by his/her infant sibling retaliates by slapping the infant back?

Stage 2: Premorality or Preconventional Morality p. 70

Which information would the nurse document in the EHR regarding vaccine administration? [SATA]

-type of vaccine -expiration date -parental consent -administration site -date of administration -lot number and manufacturer p. 77

Which muscle would the nurse use to administer a vaccine to a 9 month old child?

Anterolateral thigh p. 76-77

Which statement by the nurse would provide one rational for why several vaccines are often given at one visit?

"Giving several vaccines at one time requires fewer visits and increases adherence." p. 76-77

Which question would the nurse ask the parent of a child before vaccine administration to reduce risk for anaphylaxis?

"Has your child ever had any type of reaction to a vaccine?" p. 77

Which question would the nurse include during an interview with the parent of a child to assess the child's psychosocial development?

"How does your child usually solve problems?" p. 72

Which statement by a parent during a well-child assessment for his/her toddler demonstrates the need for further education?

"We have been making her sit on the potty several times a day. She gets upset, but calms quickly." p. 69

Which question would the nurse include during a well-child assessment, to support environmental health screening? [SATA]

-"Does anyone in the family smoke?" -"Do you have any indoor furry pets?" -"What is the source of your drinking water?" -"What are the occupations of everyone in the home?" -"Does your child watch television or use a computer/video games more than 2 hours a day?" p. 64-65

Which information would the nurse provide to the parents of a newborn infant concerning ages at which formalized development screenings will be done according to the American Association of Pediatrics (AAP)? [SATA]

-9 months -18 months -30 months p. 64

Which age frame would the nurse discuss as periods of rapid growth when speaking with parents during a prenatal education session? [SATA]

-Birth to 2 years -puberty to approximately 15 years p. 64

Which vaccine would the nurse safely administer to a child who is immunologically compromised secondary to cancer treatments? [SATA]

-Hep B -Hib -DTaP p. 77

Which data documented in the EHR best reflects the nutritional status of a 2.5 year old child? [SATA]

-Weight -body mass index -midarm circumference p. 71

Which food would the nurse encourage the parent to limit in his or her child's diet because the foods increase low-density lipoprotein levels? [SATA]

-cookies -crackers -fast food -vegetable oil p. 78

Which data obtained during assessment of nutritional status would the nurse use to identify past nutrition or chronic nutrition problems? [SATA]

-height -head circumference p. 79

Which parameter would the nurse include when responding to a parent's question concerning how growth of his/her child is monitored? [SATA]

-height -weight -head circumference p. 63

Which dietary recall information provided by a parent as representative of his/her 6 year old child's daily nutrient intake would demonstrate the need for further instruction?

-one juice drink per day with snack p. 79

Which type of play would the nurse indicate may be noted from infancy through toddlerhood? [SATA]

-parallel -solitary -onlooker -associative p. 73-74

Which food source of complex carbohydrates would the nurse include in a parent education session? [SATA]

-peas -beans -brown rice -sweet potatoes p. 78

Which component would the nurse include during a child's clinical examination to specifically assess for signs of nutritional deficiencies? [SATA]

-skin -hair -eyes -gums -teeth p. 79

Which information would the nurse indicate that a parent should include in a 7-day food diary for his or her child who is experiencing unexplained weight loss? [SATA]

-time the food was eaten -place where the food was eaten -everything consumed during the time frame -people present when the child consumed food p. 79

At which age would the nurse inform a parent that a second dose of the meningococcal conjugate vaccine would be recommended when the initial vaccine was administered at 11 years of age?

16 years p. 75

Which assessment approach would the nurse use most often to obtain data about a child's developmental age?

Observation p. 71

To which underimmunized child would the nurse administer one dose of the Tdap vaccine rather than the DTaP vaccine?

8 year old child p. 76

When comparing the concept of growth to the concept of development, which characteristic would the nurse distinguish as related to growth?

Can be measured easily and accurately p. 62

Which action would the nurse tell the parent to implement when he or she calls to report that his or her child has some swelling and redness at the site of a vaccine received a few hours earlier?

Applying cool compresses for the first 24 hours p. 77

Which action would the nurse take before administering a second dose of any vaccine to a child?

Assessing and recording whether any side effects or reactions occurred after the first dose of the vaccine p. 77

When comparing various nutrients as sources of energy for the body, which type of nutrient would the nurse prioritize as the most important to maintain a healthy body?

Carbohydrates p. 78

Which type of play may be useful for the nurse to encourage for a child who has an extreme fear of needles caused by multiple previous healthcare experiences?

Dramatic p. 73

Which leading cause of unintentional injury during early childhood would the nurse include in a parental education sessions focused on safety?

Drownings p. 80

Which behavior would be characterized as associative play when observing children during a developmental assessment?

Interacts with other children to build a structure with building blocks p. 73

Which administration schedule would the nurse use to administer the four-dose pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) to a child?

The first dose at 2 months of age followed by doses at 4 months, 6 months, and 12 to 15 months of age. p. 75

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