MCB 2000: Chapter 8 Learn Smart

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A nitrogen-containing molecule found in DNA and RNA that provides the bases for the genetic code is a nitrogenous __________________


Which type of RNA composes ribosomal subunits? -tRNA -rRNA -mRNA


Which is true regarding adenine and guanine? -Both are purines -Adenine is a pyrimidine and guanine is a purine -Both are pyrimidines -Adenine is a purine and guanine is a pyrimidine

Both are purines

One possible anticodon for the tRNA carrying the codon GUU is: -GUU -CTT -CAA -CUU -GUA


Please variation occurs when streptococcus pneumonia produce a ____________


A _______ is a discrete cellular structure composed of a neatly packaged DNA molecule


The letter A indicates the structure called the ___________


The structure indicated by the letter A is called the ___________


The first challenge in gene ____________, or recombinant DNA technology, is locating and isolating a target gene


________ is the process of producing a genetically identical population of cells or genes in recombinant DNA technology


Which of the following are true for repressible operons? -Usually turned off unless substrate is present -Example is the lac operon -Code for catabolic enzymes -Code for anabolic enzymes -Usually turned on unless product is in excess

Code for anabolic enzymes Usually turned on unless product is in excess

A(n) _________ is the specific sequence of 3 mRNA nucleotides that encodes a particular amino acid.


Photoactivation to repair DNA damage requires -DNA photolyase -Ultraviolet light -Helicase -DNA polymerase -Visible light

DNA photolyase Visible light

What enzyme builds the new DNA strands in PCR? -Helicase -DNA polymerase -RNA polymerase -Ligase

DNA polymerase

Which enzyme is indicated by the letter A in the image ? -Reverse transcriptase (DNA replication diagram) -Gyrase -DNA polymerase

DNA polymerase

Which two enzymes are responsible for proofreading newly replicated DNA? -DNA polymerase III -Topoisomerase -Primase -Ligase -DNA polymerase I

DNA polymerase III DNA polymerase I

RNA polymerase converts __________ into the various types of ________________


What involves the separating of the two strands of target DNA? -Denaturation -Engineering -Priming -Sequencing


______ is the pentose sugar in DNA


What are the three components of DNA nucleotide?

Deoxyribose sugar Nitrogenous base Phosphate

What two components of the nucleotide are bound to form the backbone of a DNA strand?

Deoxyribose sugar Phosphate

The importance of a _______ ________ gene on a plasmid vectors is to allow identification and isolation of the recombinant cloning hosts

Drug resistance

Transcription and translation are simultaneous in -Fungi -E. Coli

E. Coli

What is true regarding DNA semiconservative replication? -One DNA helix will be entirely new and one will be the original DNA helix used as a template -One new DNA helix will be made from the nucleotides of an old worn DNA helix -Each new DNA helix contains one parent strand and one newly synthesized strand

Each new DNA helix contains one parent strand and one newly synthesized strand

Viral genomes are composed of: -Both DNA and RNA -RNA only -DNA only -Either DNA or RNA

Either DNA or RNA

During which stage of chromosome replication does the DNA polymerase move at the rate of 750 bases per second? -Elongation -Initiation -Termination


Proteins that remove incorrect bases in DNA and replace them with correct ones are termed _____________ repair enzymes


In eukaryotic genes, introns are interspersed between coding regions called ________, that will be translated into protein.


True or False: Bacterial conjugation is sexual reproduction


True or False: Mutations are always harmful to cells


A(n)______________ mutation results from an insertion or deletion of nucleotides, leading to a shift of the triplet sequence from the point of mutation downstream.


____________ mutations nearly always result in a nonfunctional protein because every amino acid after the mutation is different that what was specified in the original code


____________ _____________ provides a DNA fingerprint to compare genetic similarities between individuals

Gel Electrophoresis

______ _______ is a laboratory technique for separating DNA fragments according to length by employing electricity to force the DNA through a gel-like matrix

Gel electrophoresis

A(n)________ is a sequence of DNA nucleotides that codes for a group of related proteins. A) Triplet B) Chromosome C) Protein D) Codon E) Genome F) Gene


What strategies are used to isolate a target gene for use in recombinant DNA technology? -Gene probing for desired sequences -Synthesis of cDNA -Sanger method DNA sequencing -Amplification by PCR -Digestion with endonucleases

Gene probing for desired sequences Synthesis of cDNA Amplification by PCR Digestion with endonucleases

What is commonly shared between bacteria through the process of conjugation? -Genes for virulence factors -Bacteriophage DNA -Resistance plasmids -Genes for polymerase enzymes

Genes for virulence factors Resistance plasmids

The science of heredity is: -Reproduction -Biology -Genetics


Which term represents all of the genetic information within a cell? -Gene -Chromosome -Genome


Which term represents all of the genetic information within a cell? A) Gene B) Chromosome C) Genome


The ______ is the genetic makeup of an organism that is ultimately responsible for an organism's expressed characteristics.


Regardless of lactose levels, the lac operon remains in the "off" position is what nutrient(s) is present? -Glucose -Amino Acids -Fatty acids -Protein


________ is most often used in the laboratory to separate strand of DNA


____________ is most often used in the laboratory to separate strand of DNA


______ breaks the hydrogen bonds holding the two strands of DNA together, resulting in two separate strands. -DNA polymerase -Helicase -Restriction endonuclease -Primase


Select the enzymes that function in DNA replication -RNA polymerase -Helicase -Ligase -Reverse transcriptase -DNA polymerase

Helicase, Ligase, DNA polymerase

A F+ cell has a separate fertility plasmid, whereas a(n)____________ cell has the F factor incorporated into its _____________


Which type of bond is the arrow pointing to? -Ionic -Covalent -Hydrogen


A sequence of DNA in eukaryotic gene that does not code for protein is called a(n) -Promoter -Exon -Intron -Mutation


The advantage of cDNA in genetic engineering is the synthesis of eykaryotic genes without ______________


Taq polymerase is used in PCR because A) It can copy DNA from many species B) It is inexpensive and readily available C) It is stable at high temperatures

It is stable at high temperatures

Okazaki fragment are created during discontinuous synthesis of the ______________DNA strand


The arrows are pointing to the ___________ strand created by discontinuous replication (DNA replication diagram)


The newly forming DNA strand that is discontinuously replicated in segments (Okazaki fragments) is called the _____________ strand


In the gel see here, the band marked with an arrow would be relatively _______________fragment -Large -Small (Section 8.6 gel electrophoresis diagram)


Which strand is replicated continuously without segments during DNA replication? -Lagging -Leading


What enzyme seals the sticky ends of DNA pieces after splicing? -Endonuclease -DNA polymerase -Ligase -Helicase


Which is true regarding bacterial chromosomes? -Located in the nucleoid region of the cytoplasm -Enclosed in a membrane-bound organelle

Located in the nucleoid region of the cytoplasm

Which of the following describe the origin of replication? -Located on the ribosome -Located on the chromosome -AT-rich -GC-rich

Located on the chromosome AT rich

Which of the following are the three major types of RNA? -Messenger -Deoxyribose -Ribosomal -Polymerase -Transfer

Messenger Ribosomal Transfer

What amino acid sequence is encoded by the DNA template sequence 3'-TACCGCGCTCTACCG-5' (Look up the genetic code figure in your textbook) -Proline- Tryptophan-Arginine-Glutamic Acid- Methionine -Methionine-Alanine-Arginine-Aspartic Acid-Glycine -Tyrosine-Arginine-Alanine-Leucine-Proline -Methionine-Arginine-Alanine-Aspartic Acid-Proline

Methionine-Alanine-Arginine-Aspartic Acid-Glycine

A ____________ is an agent that induces changes in DNA


Which term refers to an organism that has a mutation? -Mutagen -Mutant -Wild type


A(n) _______ is a permanent inheritable alteration in the DNA sequence of a cell.


The red arrow is pointing to which part of this nucleotide? -Phosphate group -Pentose sugar -Nitrogenous base

Nitrogenous base

Chromosome are located in the __________ of protozoal and fungal cells.


In replication of DNA, the lagging strand is replicated in a discontinuous manner forming ____________ fragments


A(n) __________ in bacteria consists of a regulatory gene, a control region, and structural genes.


An operator, promoter, and regulator are components of which prokaryotic unit? -Operon -Protein -Structural gene


A _____________ is a sequence that is identical both forwards and backwards


Restriction enzymes recognize and clip at sequences called __________


The process of bacteria turning on or off a group of genes that changes its phenotype is called __________ __________

Phase variation

The expression of the genotype creates trains referred to as: A) The genome B) The phenotype C) Semiconservative replication


Phase variation is a type of ____________ variation


Transposons are linked to which of the following bacteria? -Phenotypic changes in colonies -Intermicrobial transfer of drug resistance -Production of endospores for survival -Production of virulence factors such as toxins -Replacement of damaged DNA

Phenotypic changes in colonies Intermicrobial transfer of drug resistance Replacement of damaged DNA

Which type of chemical bonds in DNA are broken by restriction endonucleases? -Disulfide -Hydrogen -Ionic -Hydrophobic -Phosphodiester


What are restriction fragments? -Enzymes used to cut DNA -Strands of DNA separated by heating -Pieces of DNA produced by endonucleases

Pieces of DNA produced by endonucleases

Donor and recipient bacterial cells are connected by the sex _______ during conjugation


In bacterial conjugation, a recipient cell having no F (fertility) ____________ DNA is considered F-.


A(n)_____________ mutation involves any substation of a single nucleotide that does not change the DNA reading frame


DNA __________ synthesizes DNA strands in the 5' to 3' direction


The _____ ______ ________ is a technique that makes numerous copies of DNA segments for testing

Polymerase chain reaction

What process is occurring in the figure shown here? -Recombinant DNA technology -Southern blot -Polymerase chain reaction -Sanger sequencing -DNA fingerprinting

Polymerase chain reaction

Laid down in replication as a template for DNA sequence

Primer RNA

__________ are short strands of a known sequence of DNA that serve as landmarks to indicate where DNA amplification will begin in PCR


_________ are formed from long chains of amino acids produced in translation.


In the central theme of molecular biology, DNA encodes _______ which encodes protein


In the central theme of molecular biology, DNA encodes ________ which encodes protein.


The spliceosome is comprised of

RNA and protein

How does RNA differ from DNA in bacteria and eukaryotes?

RNA is single stranded In RNA, uracil replaces thymine

_________ is the enzyme that transcribes DNA into RNA

RNA polymerase

Which si the main event of transcription initiation? -RNA polymerase binds the DNA promoter -mRNA attaches to the ribosome -Amino acids are joined by peptide bonds

RNA polymerase binds the DNA promoter

This figure represents which process? (picture on 8.1) -Replication -Translation -Transcription


A _______ _______ is an enzyme present naturally in cells that cleaves specific location on DNA

Restriction endonucleases

The pentose sugar in RNA is ___________, while in DNA the pentose sugar is _____________

Ribose; deoxyribose

rRNA composes _________ subunits together with protein


Which two types of horizontal gene transfer do NOT require direct contact between the donor and the recipient cells? -Transformation -Transduction -Conjugation

Transformation Transduction

_______ is the process of decoding the messenger RNA into a polypeptide.


"Jumping genes", or _____________, are gene sequences that can lead to changes in genotype within a cell or between cells


True or False: Recombinant human insulin from bacteria or yeast is a superior product to insulin purified from pig or cow pancreas because the immune system doesn't recognize it is as a foreign antigen.


True or False: The structure of DNA is essential for providing variety since the order of nucleotides is responsible for the unique qualities of each organism


The start codon AUG is associated with the tRNA anticodon ________ and the amino acid __________ -TAC; fMet -UAC; fMet -fMet; UAC

UAC; fMet

The nitrogenous base thymine is only found in DNA, while _________ is only found in RNA


Which nitrogenous base is unique to RNA molecules? -Uracil -Adenine -Guanine -Thymine


Which of the following are true for inducible operons? -Code for anabolic enzymes -Usually turned off unless substrate is present -Code for catabolic enzymes -Example is the lac operon -Usually turned on unless product is in excess

Usually turned off unless substrate is present Code for catabolic enzymes Example is the lac operon

A genetic element such as a plasmid or a bacteriophage that is used to introduce genetic material into a cloning host during recombinant DNA experiments is called a(n) _____________


The letter A indicates a strand of ___________


Which type of RNA is a copy of the DNA template corresponding to a protein-encoding gene? -rRNA -tRNA -mRNA


Which type of RNA is a copy of the DNA template corresponding to a protein-encoding gene? -tRNA -rRNA -mRNA


_________ is a copy of the DNA template corresponding to a protein-encoding gene


During ________, the DNA is duplicated prior to binary fission


Order the following events in the processing of eukaryotic transcripts. 1. The gene is transcribed to mRNA 2. A series of adenosines is added to the mRNA 3. The mRNA leaves the nucleus 4. A spliceosome excises introns from the mRNA 5. The mRNA is translated into protein

1, 2, 4, 3, 5

Put these general steps in order for the recombinant DNA procedure. 1. Remove and isolate a selected gene from a donor organism 2. Use vector to deliver selected gene into cloning host 3. Insert the gene of interest into a vector

1, 3, 2

Order these organisms by the size of their genomes, form smallest to largest. 1. Fungi 2. Viruses 3. Humans 4. Bacteria

2, 4, 1, 3

Put the 3 basic steps of PCF in order 1. Priming 2. Extension 3. Denaturation

3, 1, 2

Order the following steps in excision repair 1. Enzymes remove the nitrogenous base on one strand 2. DNA polymerase I synthesizes new DNA as needed 3. Enzymes recognize a mismatch in the two DNA strands 4. Ligase seals the phosphate backbone of the DNA

3, 1, 2, 4

Place the following in order to indicate the naming process for restriction enzymes 1. The order discovered in the bacterium 2. First 2 letters of bacterial species 3. First letter of bacterial genus

3, 2, 1

What is the complementary DNA sequence to the DNA template 3' - ATACTAAAATTT-5'


What describes a plasmid? -A small linear piece of DNA with its own origin of replication -A small circular piece of self-replicating DNA that contains essential survival genes -A small circular piece of DNA that replicates its nonessential genes independently of the chromosome

A small circular piece of DNA that replicates its nonessential genes independently of the chromosome

Which of the following describe the origin of replication? -Located on the ribosome -AT-rich -GC-rich -Located on the chromosome

AT rich Located on the chromosome

The letter A indicates which components of translation? -mRNA nucelotides -Amino Acids -tRNAs

Amino acids

Besides the gene of interest, most vector plasmids also contain what feature? -Competence gene -Adherence gene -F factor -Radioactive labeling gene -Antibiotic resistance gene

Antibiotic resistance gene

In DNA, the two strands of the helix are arranged in a(n) _____________ arrangement


A __________ mutation occurs when a gene that has undergone mutation reverses back to its original sequence -Silent -Missense -Back -Nonesense


A phage is a virus that infects _____________ -Bacteria -Plants and animals -Other viruses -Human cells


Operons found in ____________ (organisms).


Recombinant human insulin is produced from -Bacteria -Yeast -Humans -Pigs

Bacteria Yeast

________ are effective cloning vectors because they can transfer donated DNA through transduction


Which of the following make good cloning vectors? -Bacteriophages -Fungal hyphae -Protozoans -Plasmids

Bacteriophages Plasmids

A bacterial cell described as ______________ can accept soluble DNA from the surrounding environment


DNA that is made from RNA is called ______________ DNA


What is the function of rRNA? -Brings amino acids to the ribosome -Composes ribosomal subunits

Composes ribosomal subunits

______________ in bacteria refers to horizontal gene exchange via pili.


Which of the following are methods of gene transfer in bacteria? -Conjunction -Transduction -Transcription -Transformation

Conjugation Transduction Transformation

What is used in the laboratory to renature DNA into its normal double stranded form? -Cooling -DNA polymerase -Water -Helicase -Heating


Transcription occurs in the _______ of bacteria and the _______ of yeast cells

Cytoplasm; nucleus

According to the rules of complementary base pairing; the nitrogenous base _______ forms hydrogen bonds with guanine.


Genomes of cells are composed of


Which is the main event of transcription termination? -RNA polymerase reaches a terminator region -A stop codon is reached -The peptide is released from the ribosome

RNA polymerase reaches a terminator region

During transcription elongation, RNA polymerase synthesizes a strand of __________ from template ______________


During transcription elongation, RNA polymerase synthesizes a strand of _____________ from template ________


During transcription, RNA polymerase synthesizes _____ from a(n) ______ template


The primary intent of ________ DNA technology is to combine the genetic material from two organisms


________ ________ technology, also known as genetic engineering, deliberately modifies the genetic structure of an organism to create novel products or organisms.

Recombinant DNA

What process is illustrated in the figure shown here? -Polymerase chain reaction -DNA fingerprinting -Recombinant DNA for gene cloning -Sanger sequencing

Recombinant DNA for gene cloning

________ refers to the horizontal transfer of genes between donor and recipient microogranisms, forming a new strain different from donor and recipient.


Remove introns in eukaryotes

Regulatory RNA

Remove introns in eukaryotes

Regulatory RNAs

Which of the following is NOT a type of posttranslational modification? -Addition of a cofactor -Joining with other proteins to form quarternary structure -Removal of the introns -Removal of the first amino acid

Removal of the introns

What events initiate translation? -The ribosome shifts to the next condon -Ribosome scans to find AUG on the mRNA transcript -tRNA is synthesized -Assembly of the ribosomal subunits

Ribosome scans to find AUG on the mRNA transcript Assembly of the ribosomal subunits

Determine gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes


What is the function of mRNA? -Serves as a transcript of a gene sequence of template DNA -Composes ribosomal subunits -Brings amino acids to the ribosome

Serves as a transcript of a gene sequence of template DNA

A _____________ mutation alters the DNA sequence of a gene, but does not change the amino acid sequence of the protein that is encoded by the gene.


Which type of transduction involves temperate phages that incorporate their genome into the bacterial host chromosome before carrying pieces to another host cell? -Specialized transduction -Generalized transduction

Specialized transduction

______ mutations occur when errors are made in DNA replication whereas ______ mutations are caused by exposure to radiation or chemical agents.

Spontaneous; Induced

Which is the main event of translation termination? -Stop codon is reached and the peptide is released from the ribosome -A terminator sequence is reached and mRNA is released from the DNA template -tRNA leaves the E site on the ribosome

Stop codon is reached and the peptide is released from the ribosome

_________ genes code for proteins


______________ genes code for proteins


What is the role of reverse transcriptase?

Synthesizes DNA from RNA

What is recombinant DNA technology? A) The deliberate modification of the genetic structure of an organism to create novel products or organisms B) The use of technology to create many copies C) The creation of DNA from RNA using reverse transcriptase D) The ability to visualize differences in DNA sequences between individuals

The deliberate modification of the genetic structure of an organism to create novel products or organisms

What is the role of the operator in an operon? -Codes for the regulatory molecule -The on/off switch -The site of RNA polymerase binding to start transcription

The on/off switch

What is a cloning host? -The organism that the gene of interest is isolated from for transfer to another organism -The organism that receives and replicates a foreign piece of DNA inserted during a genetic engineering experiment -A plasmid or phage that can transfer DNA between cells

The organism that receives and replicates a foreign piece of DNA inserted during a genetic engineering experiment

Which are events of translation elongation? -The ribosome shifts from one codon on the mRNA to the next -A tRNA delivers the next amino acid in the sequence -Amino acids are joined by peptide bonds -RNA polymerase adds RNA nucleotides to a growing mRNA strand -mRNA binds to the ribosome

The ribosome shifts from one codon on the mRNA to the next A tRNA delivers the next amino acid in the sequence Amino acids are joined by peptide bonds

What is the role of the promoter in an operon? -The site of RNA polymerase binding to start transcription -The on/off switch -Codes for the regulatory molecule

The site of RNA polymerase binding to start transcription

Why are plasmids effective vectors in recombinant DNA technology? -The are well characterized -They can carry extremely large pieces of donor DNA -They can be manipulated easily -They can be transferred through transduction -They can be transferred through transformation

They are well characterized They can be manipulated easily They can be transferred through transformation

Which nitrogenous base is found in DNA but not found in RNA? -Adenine -Guanine -Thymine -Cytosine -Uracil


If a cloning host receives the recombinant plasmid in recombinant DNA technology, what can it do? -Deliver the target genet o other organisms by transduction -Process the introns from the eukaryotic mRNA transcript -Survive digestion by restriction endonucleases -Transcribe and translate the foreign gene to make product

Transcribe and translate the foreign gene to make product

From DNA to RNA


Which of the following are differences between eukaryotic and bacterial protein synthesis? -The start codons are different -Transcription and translation are simultaneous in bacteria but not eukaryotes -The first amino acid is slightly different -The mRNA transcript has to be modified in bacteria before translation

Transcription and translation are simultaneous in bacteria but not eukaryotes The first amino acid is slightly different

Bacteriophage genes that have been transferred by ________ are linked to the production of toxins in some virulent strains of bacteria


Which method of genetic transfer involves bacteriophages? -Transposition -Conjugation -Transduction


The letter A is pointing to two molecules of _____________ RNA


Horizontal Gene Transfer

Transfer of DNA from a source other than the parent of organisms

Vertical Gene Transfer

Transfer of DNA from parent organisms during reproduction

A recombinant plasmid introduced to the cloning host by which process? -Conjugation -Transformation -Transduction


If a microbiologist wanted to insert a human gene into a bacterial cell, which type of horizontal gene transfer would be useful means of accomplishing this goal? -Conjugation -Transduction -Transformation


___________ involves the uptake of free DNA by competent bacterial cells


tRNA carries ___________ ____________ to the ribosome during protein synthesis

amino acids

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