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What toxins cause interruptions in homestasis?

Alkaloids (w/ the glycine receptor) Poly Acetylenic alcohols (GABA receptor antagonists) Sesquiterpenes (GABA receptor antagonist)

Where are nicotinic ACh receptors found?

All autonomic ganglia All neuromuscular junctions Some CNS pathways ALL MUSCULAR JUNCTIONS INVOLVE NICOTINIC ACH CHOLIGENERIC RECEPTORS!


Anabolic plant -Rubiaceae -Increases maximal voluntary contraction strength in upper and lower body muscles -Caffeine consumption has led to improved times in races -Increases wakefulness, ↑urination, ↑ acid secretion, ↑ lipolysis, ↓glucose uptake. -Increased generation of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) -Enhanced fatty acid metabolism (weight loss) -It is a modified purine


Anabolic plant -polyhydroxylated steroid hormones in plants -In low amounts in plant tissues -Akt-dependent anabolic activity. -Increase IGF-1 which indicates muscle gain

Tribulus terrestris (puncture vine)

Anabolic plant -promoted in improve anabolic and athletica gain but studies found that it doesn't really increase testosterone or strength and therefore it's a lie.

Polyacetylenic alcohols includes what family?

Apiaceae 1. Cicuta virosa (cowbane/water hemlock) -hollow roots -toxin: cicutoxin. 2. Oenanthe crocata (hemlock water dropwort) -toxin: oenanthotoxin. -GABA functions the same as glycine does. -Most poisonous indigenous plant in Britain -Oenanthe curry → mistaken for parsnip → cause vomiting, nausea, sweating, and seizures. -Causes risus sardonicus which means forced smile -could originate from homer's odyssey from a greek phrase meaning scornful laughter.

Anabolic plants and there families

Avena Sativa (OATS, Poaceae family) Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis ( Malvaceae family) Momordica charantia (BITTER GOURD, Cucurbitaceae family) Above three plants were barely studied and were alleged to be beneficial Tribulus terrestris (puncture vine) Brassinosteroids Caffeine

Phenology logging

Herbarium specimen come with dates and geographical locations which can be used to track the phenology of the flowering times of plants. -has shown changes in flowering time in response to climate change.

History of herbaria

Hortus siccus - the dry garden -plants have been pressed for many years. -early herbaria were pressed in books. -medicinal gardens were called "physic gardens". -the books were made from such garden plants.

Muscarinic ACh receptors

Produce parasympathetic nerve effects in the heart, smooth muscle and glands. They are g-protein coupled receptors.

All that alkaloids can do to the brain?

Interruptions to homeostasis Confuse and convulse Overactivity to Overdrive

How do nicotinic Ach receptors work?

They are ligand-gated ion channels. Therefore when a ligand (Ach) binds to it, it opens allowing Na+ to go inside the cell and K+ to exit the cell. This causes depolarization which leads to excitation.

Plants that lead to alterations in dopamine, noradrenaline, and serotonin levels.

This leads to hallucinations and more -Iboga (tabernanthe iboga) Apocynaceae -toxin: ibogaine (indole alkaloid) -Peyote cactus (Lophophora williamsii) - Cactaceae -toxin: mescaline -Ayahuasca (Banisteriopsis cappi) - Malpighiaceae -toxin: harmine -Ayahuasca and chacruna are mixed together to make ayahuasca drink. -Chacruna has the compound trimethyltryptamine that causes hallucinations when mixed with harmine. -Sweet potato (Ipomoea tricolor) - Convolvulaceae -Toxin: ergometrine that is converted to LSD.

determining trophic status of fungi

Tricholoma is a hard group to study. Difficult to discern it's trophic status

What is the Florida Plant Atlas

Where USF's voucher plants are being digitized -SE USA digitized

Overactivity to overdrive alkaloids include

norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin. norep + sero = depression dopa + sero = treats psychosis.

Glycine max (soy)

(Bone improvement) -Family: Fabaceae -Genistein (soy-derived isoflavone and "phytoestrogen") -Implicated in decreasing bone resorption (osteoporosis) -Studies are somewhat inconclusive (some show some influence, some show no influence)

mechanism of caffeine

(background information: Caffeine is an antagonist of adenosine receptors. Adenosine binds to said receptors and inhibits neurons (hyperpolarization). It is, therefore, a slow-acting inhibitor that usually promotes sleep. It inhibits lipolysis, has anti-inflammatory functions, cause bradycardia (slow heart rate), vasodilation (increase blood flow and oxygenation), and sleep) Caffeine, being an antagonist, does the exact opposite. Inhibits neuron inhibition, therefore, allows for excitation. It also inhibits phosphodiesterase (PDE). PDE is generally used by the body to break down cAMP. Therefore, caffeine inhibits it.

USF Herbarium

-300,000 specimens -250,000 plants -17,000 algae -2,000 bryophytes, fungi and lichens Our organizational method is the Florida Plant Atlas.

What is Herbarium

-A herbarium is a collection of preserved plant specimens and associated data used for scientific study. -Herbaria store plants (also fungi, algae, slime molds...) that are specially preserved, usually dried and mounted to sheets of archival paper. Essentially libraries for voucher specimens.

Coniine (conium)

-An antagonist of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors which causes muscular problems, convulsions, respiratory paralysis, and death -Very powerful muscle relaxant -Normally, nAChR is involved in muscle stimulation -Antagonizing the nAChR (nicotinic acetylcholine receptor), which leads to respiratory paralysis and eventually death -Socrates was given poison hemlock -Coturnism

Elaphocordyceps subsessilis

-Contains Cyclosporine -A potent ANTI INFLAMMATORY AGENT -Cyclosporine is an immunosuppressive drug that can prevent organ rejection after transplant in its oral form. -Useful for myasthenia (muscle weakness or drooping thanks to your own immune system (autoimmune antibodies) attacks your ACh receptors which inhibit depolarization/contraction.

Carica papaya (papaya)

-Contains chymopapain -It is a protease that is used to treat herniated disks (alternative to surgery) -it is the main molecule that is used in the process of chemonucleolysis -The chymopapain solution is injected on the herniated disk on the spine to enzymatically dissolve/digest the pulposus -Company no longer offers it for use

Urtica dioica (stinging nettle)

-Ingestion of leaves with low dose of diclofenac reduces pain/ stiffness and C- reactive protein (an indication of inflammation). -Structure: 4-shagaol and Piperine


-Paralyzing curare -Toxin: toxiferine (tubocurarine) -Some plants in this family have different toxins: strychnos nux vomica makes strychnine (spasms, convulsions, asphyxiation, antagonist of glycine receptors)


-Plant: Conium maculatum (poison hemlock) -Toxin: coniine (conium) MOST TOXIC ALKALOID IN A PLANT -Features: Compound umbels, purple spotted stems, mouse urine odor.


-Plant: Erythrina spp. -Toxin: erysodine -This is orally effective. Like the plant Erythrina herbacea -In Mexico, the seeds of this plant is used as rat poison, while fish poison is made from the bark and leaves


-Plant: Nicotiana spp. Toxin: Nicotine AND anabasine

Whats a voucher specimen?

-a representative sample of an expertly identified organism that is deposited and stored at a facility from which researchers may later obtain the specimen for examination and further study Can help aid in: -Geographic distribution of species -changes in biodiversity -a viable source for seeds of rare plants.

Herbaria DNA Samples

-huge repositories for well-preserved DNA -drying process slows the decay and fragmentation of DNA -allows for samples upto 80 years and older to be taken for DNA analyses.

How does tubocurarine work?

-neuromuscular blocking drug -long-duration, antagonist for Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor -Can't cross the mucous membrane therefore it is ONLY effective if given parenterally (via injection). -It competes with Ach and thus prevents the sodium channel to open, prevent depolarization, preventing an action potential, resulting in paralysis.


. -Strychnos nux vomica makes strychnine (Background Information: Glycine receptors are located in the neurons in the brain, and mostly the spinal cord. Glycine is an inhibitory neurotransmitter and an agonist of the glycine receptors. When glycine binds to such receptor, it allows Cl- ions into the neuron, which hyperpolarizes the neuron, making it more negative.) -Strychnine is an antagonist of glycine receptors. Bings to the Aplysia californica acetylcholine binding protein. Therefore, it prevents the inhibitory effects of glycine, allowing action potentials to be triggered via low levels of excitatory neurotransmitters. Causing spastic muscle contractions, convulsions, and asphyxiation which can lead to death.

action potential

1. Action potential depolarizes the presynaptic nerve terminal 2. Voltage-gated Ca2+ channels allow influx of calcium into the presynaptic terminal 3. Ca2+ evokes vesicle exocytosis of ACh out of the axon terminal and into the synapse. 4. ACh binds to AChR (receptors) on muscle fibre 5. Activation of AChR allows Na+ (cation) influx that depolarizes muscle fibre and causes an end plate potential (EPP) 6. Influx opens voltage-gated Na+ channels generating an action potential 7. AchE degrades ACh to terminate the signal


A paralyzing curare From the plant Chondrodendron tomentosum Makes the toxin tubocurarine, A climbing vine known to the European world since Spanish conquest of South America

osteoblasts vs osteoclasts

Blasts build bone, clasts crack down bone.

Sambucus williamsii

Bone Improvement -Family: Adoxaceae -Stems -Promotes the preservation of bone density

Dipsacus asper

Bone Improvement -Family: Caprifoliaceae (honeysuckle) -Roots used in TCM -Increase bone density, healing -Asperosaponin --Asperosaponin IV promotes osteogenic differentiation through PI3K/AKT pathway in osteoporosis model

Caffeine is found in

Coffea spp. (Rubiaceae, extracted from seeds) Camellia (Theaceae, extracted from leaves and twigs) Theobroma [chocolate and cocoa] (Malvaceae, extracted from seeds) IIex spp. (Yaupon, black drink, yerba mate, guayusa, Aquifoliaceae (Holly), Extracted from leaves and twigs) Paulinia (Puallinia cupana, Sapindaceae (soapberry), from seeds) Cola spp. (Malvaceae, seeds)


Fabaceae -Plant: Dermatophyllum (mescal beans) -Toxin: Cytisine (acting like nicotine)

Alkaloids that interrupt homeostasis include what family?

Loganiaceae and Gelsemiaceae (indole alkaloids) Loganiaceae: Strychnine Gelsemiaceae: Gelsemium sempervirens -Also known as carolina jessamine or yellow jasmine -Toxin: Gelsemine (related to strychnine) -children mistake it for honeysuckle but it is posionous. -poisonous to honey bees but beneficial to bumblebees. -glycine receptor AGONIST, so it acts like a glycine. causes muscle relaxation and sedation.

Confuse and convulse plants

Mandragora officinarum (mandrake) -in harry potter and used in witchcraft and occultism Atropa belladonna -beautiful lady -close to abbeys and monasteries -caused pie death in feb. confused blackberries with atropa fruits.

3 Paralyzing curares

Menispermaceae Loganiaceae Fabaceae

Alkaloids that confuse and convulse is from what family?

Solanaceae -Tropane alkaloids (antagonist of acetylcholine at muscarinic receptors) -Made by a number of plants including Atropa belladonna (deadly nightshade), Hyoscyamus niger (henbane), Mandragora officinarum (mandrake) and Datura stramonium (jimsonweed). During the Middle Ages, parts of these plants were used to make "brews," "ointments" or "witches' salves" for witchcraft, sorcery and other nefarious activities Atropine (+/- or racemic hyoscyamine) Hyoscine Hyoscyamine (-) → negative for light polarization

Piperidine Alkaloids

Solanaceae and Apiaceae

Carl linnaeaus did what 2 things?

The binomial nomenclature Was the first to use specialized cabinets for storing and organizing his sheets of plants. Basically took herbaria that was in books and created a new storage system.

Type specimens are a...

primary literature of a species

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