med terms chapter 17
mentalis muscle
the chin muscle
flexor pollicis longus muscle
the long muscle of the thumb that bends
abductor pollicis longus muscle
the long muscle of the thumb that leads away
levator anti muscle
the muscle of the anus that raises
abductor hallucis muscle
the muscle of the big toe that leads away
adductor hallucis muscle
the muscle of the big toe that leads toward
tensor tympani muscle
the muscle of the eardrum that tenses or contracts
extensor digiti minimi muscle
the muscle of the smallest finger that extends
opponens digiti minimi muscle
the muscle of the smallest finger/toe that
abductor digiti minimi muscle
the muscle of the smallest finger/toe that leads away
abductor digiti minimi pedis muscle
the muscle of the smallest toe that leads away
opponens pollicis muscle
the muscle of the thumb that
adductor pollicis muscle
the muscle of the thumb that leads toward
dilator naris muscle
the nostril muscle that widens
flexor hallucis brevis muscle
the short muscle of the big toe that bends
extensor hallucis brevis muscle
the short muscle of the big toe that extends
extensor pollicis brevis muscle
the short muscle of the big toe that extends
flexor digiti minimi brevis manus muscle
the short muscle of the smallest finger of the hand that bends
flexor digiti minimi brevis pedis muscle
the short muscle of the smallest toe of the foot that bends
flexor pollicis brevis muscle
the short muscle of the thumb that bends
abductor pollicis brevis muscle
the short muscle of the thumb that leads away
adductor brevis muscle
the short muscle that leads away
triceps surae muscle
the three-headed muscle of the calf of the leg
triceps brachii muscle
the three-headed muscle of the upper arm
levator palpebrae superioris muscle
the upper muscle of the eyelid that raises
levator labii superioris muscle
the upper muscle of the lip that raises