Meiosis and Mitosis- bio
If liver cells of an animal have 24 chromosomes, the sperm cells would have how many chromosomes?
How many ova can be produced by 20 primary oocytes?
How many tetrads in metaphase I of meiosis in humans?
Who many spermatids are produced by 20 secondary spermocytes?
During which phase(s) does homologous chromosomes synapse and crossing over occurs?
Meiosis I
During which phase(s) does the events cause the majority of genetic recombinations?
Meiosis I
Tetrads of chromosomes are aligned at the center of the cell; independent assortment soon follows
During which phase(s) does a cell divide to form two cells that are genetically identical?
During which phase(s) does the process become preceded by a coping (replication) of DNA?
Mitosis and Meiosis I
During which phase(s) do centromeres uncouple and chromatids separate from each other?
Mitosis and Meiosis II
Which of the following is true of a species that has a chromosome number of 2n=16?
a gamete from this species has 8 chromosomes
The gamete that contains genes contributed only by the mother is
an egg
Which of the following is responsible for the formation of mitotic spindle?
The attachment point of microtubules to chromosomes
The X shaped figures seen during prophase I of meiosis are
The nucleoprotein material of the chromosome is
The exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes
crossing over
When an area of a chromatid is exchanged with the matching area on a chromatid of its homologous chromosome, it's called ______
crossing over
Meiosis is a form of
Mitosis is a form of
Cells containing two alleys for each trait are described as
Most adult eukaryotic cells are
After telophase I of meiosis, what is the chromosomal make up of each daughter cell?
diploid; chromosomes composed of two chromatids
Crossing over results in a
genetic recombination
In a given organism, how do cells at the completion of meiosis compare with cells that are just about to begin meiosis?
half the number of chromosomes and one fourth the amount of DNA
A cell that contains one member of each chromosome pair
The stage between mitosis in eukaryotic cells
The type of cell division that produces gametes
Crossing over occurs during which phase of meiosis
prophase I
Synapsis of homologous pairs occurs; crossing over may occur
prophase I
When does a synaptonemal complex form?
prophase I of meiosis
The second meiotic division is called
The cell that gives rise directly to a sperm is a
Which of the following events occurs during prophase I of meiosis?
synapsis and crossing over
Which of the following is FALSE in comparing prophase I of meiosis and prophase of mitosis?
tetrads form in both
The maximum number of polar bodies created during oogenesis is
How many chromosomes are there in metaphase II of meiosis in human beings?
twenty- three