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What types of rituals/ceremonies did the Mayans perform?

Human sacrifice

What types of rituals or/ceremonies did the Incas perform?

Human sacrifice (specifically children).

What was the Polynesian written language?


What type of religion did the Incas have?


What type of religion did the Mayans have?


Who ran the Inca religion?


Who ran the Mayan religion?


The Aztec civilization rivaled _________ in its sophistication. Aqueducts, pyramids, _____________ and _____________ stood as tribute to the gods.

Romans, Chinampas, Temples

Instead of getting married, what happened to the princess?

She was killed (by the Aztecs), they slashed her and took her heart.

Where were the Incas located?

South America, Andes Mts.

Maya and Aztec based their calendar on the _________.


In 1519, Cortes sailed from Cuba to Mexico with 11 boats and 500 men. What did the Mexicans call the boats?



Necessary navigation instrument for European sailors.

Polynesia is part of __________________.


The Aztecs were chased to a swampy island called Lake ______________. That large valley is now the site of modern-day ___________________ __________.

Texcoco, Mexico City

If a tribe resisted, they were slaughtered. Cortes ended up marrying a chieftain's daughter who became his __________________ & ______________________ and adviser.

daughters name: Mamaniche -interpreter and translator between him and the Aztecs.

Ritual Cosmology

give offerings to the gods in return for good weather, good trips, and good crops.

What type of rituals/ceremonies did the Aztecs perform?

human sacrifice.

How far did the aqueducts run?


Montezuma II invited Cortes to the Great Palace. What happened a week after the Spanish were in Tenochtitlan?

-Spaniards kidnapped Montezuma II. -Spaniards took over.

What were the names of the Aztec god(s)?

-Tezcatlipoca-->"smoking mirror". -Quetzalcoatl-->"The Feathered Serpent".

What made the Hokule'a special?

-double hulled (helped maintain balance). -triangular sails. -hull carved from whole logs. -sails weaved from flax or pandanus.

Where did the Inca empire expand to?

-extended more than 2,500 miles and included present-day Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, and Argentina-----huge territory covered deserts, mountains, and rain forests.

Aztec Government

-family=1st rule -calpulli=2nd ruling line -city state=diff. ruler -Emperor=primary ruler (Theocracy, Monarchy like)

Polynesians were:

-great navigators. -had a deep understanding of the sky.


-greatly impacted by the Andes Mts. -mummified their leaders. -terrace-farming. -first to grow potatoes. -quipu.

Two main beliefs of the Incas:

-human sacrifice. -the greatest gift that you could give to the gods was a child.

How did the Aztec leader Acampapichtl (1376 CE) engineer a solution to the swampy land?

-Anchor buildings into ground using pyrons (wood). -Pyrons were surrounded by lava rock to keep them stable.

Since the Polynesian master navigators lacked mechanical instruments to guide their voyages what did they use to guide them?

-Astronomy. -Winds and waves. -Accumulated knowledge and experience of voyage.

Describe some characteristics of the golden age of the Aztecs.

-Authozoit--> opened up transport routes -Good/fucist fighters -Did a lot of ritual sacrifices -art -architecture -engineering


-Connects city over the water. -2 lines of stakes outlined them, had bridges that would open and close. -Provided a new way to get fresh water.

Accomplishments of the Inca:

-Had no writing, but created record system called quipo (knots tied to colored rope). -built suspension bridges. -built 10,000 miles of roads -excellent goldsmiths -1st civilization to harvest potatoes. -freeze-drying. -terrace-farming.

What were the names of the Inca god(s)?

-Inti--> Sun goddess. -Viracocha-->creator of humankind.

In 1520, after interrupting a sacred sacrifice, Cortes and his group planned to leave. What does "Noche Triste" mean and represent?

-The Sad Night. -Over 400 Spaniards along w/ their Indian Allies were killed by the Aztecs when they tried to invade on the causeways.

What were the Inca Social Classes?

-The emperor and his immediate family, nobles, commoners.

Mayan government

-Theocracy=god-like -power in family only -woman could rule as well ("sub"), until a man is the right age

Mayan Achievements

-accurate calendars (first in the West) -complex understanding of astronomy -advanced number system -concept of zero -pyramid -remarkable straight roads -aqueducts -writing system (Maya script) -knew how to produce rubber


-artificial island built in the lake -provided new land to farm on


-came before the Aztecs. -urbanized: (cities) -interested in astronomy. -city-states. -chiefdoms. -concept of zero. -created first accurate calendar in the West. -human sacrifice.


-chinampa. -greatly dependent on human sacrifice.

Southern Cross

-constellation sign. -2 stars always point south (Gacrux=top, Acrux=bottom).

In 1502, the rule of Montezuma II started. How large was the empire at that point? How many people lived in the empire?

-covers at least 80,000 miles (both coasts, south to Guatemala). -25 million

Describe freeze-drying

-created by the Incas -remove water to dry/freeze -add water to bring it back to normal

How did the Incas use terrace farming?

-created different temperature zones (helped w/ different crops). -easier for watering -dug further into the ground

Cortes came back with a vengeance to wipe out Tenochtitlan. In May of 1521, he brought 600 Spaniards, _________________ cavalry, and ____________________ Indian allies to attack. After defeated by war, disease was the real killer of the native population. How many people died of disease? What was the population reduced by?

-including, 50,000 -20 million. -about 90%.

Inca Achievements

-largest empire in pre-Colombian America. -when building with stones they didn't need mortar. -road system. -had a relay system for transferring messages. -rope suspension bridges. -built Machu Picchu. -terrace farming. -freeze-drying.

When did the Inca empire begin and where was it located?

-mid 1400s -western coast of South America

Aztec Achievements

-one of the largest and most powerful empires in Mesoamerica. -highly skilled engineers. -Chinampas. -double aqueduct. -created a massive dike. -Tenochtitlan. -Number system. -Calendar with 2 cycles. -medicine. -poetry. -education to all children.

Inca religion

-polytheistic. -primary god was the goddess Inti, sun goddess.

How did the Hawaiians keep track of time?

-used a calendar based on the moon. -judged hour closely by the stars at night and by the sun by day.

When did the Aztec civilization exist?

1345 AD-1521 AD.

When did the Inca civilization exist?

1438 AD-1532 AD

Montezuma I expanded the borders of the empire. By 1449, it contained ___________________ people.

15 million

Mayan dates/existence

1800 BC—> 250 AD

How many times a day did the King bathe?



Capital of the Aztec society.

Who was the first European to visit Polynesia?

Captain James Cook

Mayan location

Central America

Where were the Aztecs located?

Central America.

What were the names of the Mayan gods?

Chaac—>rain and thunder

Tenochtitlan is modeled after a city 25 miles to the north called Teotihuacan. It means ___________ ____ ______ ________. The original founders believed the city was the birthplace of the sun and constructed this to honor it: ___________________ _____ _______ _______.

City of the gods, Pyramid of the sun

What was the Inca capital?

Cuzco (Southern Peru).

Aztec Social Classes

Emperor, Nobility and Priests, merchants, artisans, soldiers, farmers, fishermen, women, slaves.

The Polynesia surface area was greater than the size of __________.


Mayan Social Classes

King, Nobles, Priests, leading warrior merchants, skilled teachers, peasants (majority of the population)

Inca Government

King=Theocracy (Sun God)

Polynesian Commonalities:

Linguistic (language), heritage, navigation techniques, staple crops (regularly consumed crops), religious rituals, and cosmology.

What was the most famous city in the Inca Empire?

Machu Picchu.

What was the order of the three Mesoamerica groups from first to exist to last?

Mayans, Aztecs, Incas.


The art of navigation w/o instrumentation. It involves an intimate knowledge of the sky, the ocean, and the weather. (made their canoes into compasses).

True or False the Mayans were part of the Pre-Columbian time period



back bone of the Americas.

Aztec King Tenoch had a vision and saw an "eagle perched on a ___________" and declared this to be the site of their capital city Tenochtitlan.


With the help of Nezahualcylotl (leader of Texcoco tribe) the Aztecs wiped out the Tepanex. The leader of the Aztecs did what with the defeated king's heart?

cut out heart and squeezed the blood into Lake Texcoco.


modern replica of an ancient canoe (sail boat and canoe, combined).

What type of religion did the Aztecs have?


Women were more ______________ in Inca society.


Aztec sacrifices were important because without them they believed "the sun would refuse to ________ and the universe ________".


The Incas most likely never had a _______________________ issue.


What did the mainland Tepanex tribe control that the Aztecs very much needed and a war would start over?

(contollers of all of the valley) -they fought over the wtaer

Who ran the Aztec Religion?


Inca Empire

was one of the largest and wealthiest empires in the world.

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