Methods of Instruction for Students with Disabilities

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What's the defining question in a differentiated classroom? What happens with a teacher uses an array of instructional strategies?

"What's one more way I can think about this?" Tasks become more engaging for learners

What is one of the barriers in communicating with parents today?

Parents feel overwhelmed, misunderstood, and under supported Public is also becoming estranged from public institutions

What do NCLB and IDEA both mandate concerning their provisions in education?

Stress accountability for student learning and scientifically-based program of instruction

What does effective classroom management involve?

Structure and Relationships

10 things Para-educators wants teachers to know

1 Name background and interests 2 District policy regarding them 3 Consider them as team members 4 Explain classroom expectations 5 Define roles and responsibilities 6 Direct and supervise 7 Communicate and provide feedback 8 Recognize their experience and knowledge 9 Take Ownership for all students 10 Respect them

What is the 2 part process that grading can be viewed as?

1) Assign symbolic letters to serve as summary statement 2) Report student evaluations to students and parents

Approximately what percent do children with disabilities in special education represent of the total population of children between ages of 6 to 17?


What are some fundamental aspects of establishing clear expectations?

3-5 Positively stated, broad expectations Highest priority identified and/or routines expected to have student problem behavior Post behavioral expectations in classroom

4:1 Ratio

4 instances of positive reinforcement for a student's appropriate behavior for every 1 corrective feedback for a problem Time interval within 4:1 ratio is achieved differs for each student on the basis of their needs

What portion of students with disabilities have a Learning Disability?


Premack Priniciple

A common use of reinforcement in which a desired stimulus is made contingent on the appropriate use of a less desired stimulus becomes more predictable over time

Under IDEA how are students with disabilities classified? What are the federal government's 13 disability classifications outlined in IDEA?

A modified test that will determine impairment, disability, and handicap Autism, Deaf-Blindness, Deafness, Developmental Delays, Emotional Disturbance, Hearing Impaired, Intellectual Disability, Multiple Disabilities, Orthopedic Impairment, Specific Learning Disability, Speech or Language Impairment, Traumatic Brain Injury

2 Main Outcomes achieved by Effective Teams

Accomplish tasks (develop IEP) Able to foster and maintain effective relationships among members of the team

What are some core beliefs about curriculum and diverse student populations?

All students are required o make meaning of information and think at higher levels Students must learn basics Student construction of meaning and learning goals

Ground Rules in Team Meetings

Balance between completing work and keeping relationships positive and rewarding

3 Stages of Co-teaching Process

Beginning - guarded, careful communication Compromising - give and take communication Collaborative - open communication and interaction

Reflective Practitioner when communicating with parents

Being clear in your mind about: -Why you are teaching -What you are teaching How you think it is best to do that

How are implementing teaching patterns helpful? What are ten successful teaching patterns?

Benefit students who have multiple needs Know student, incorporate groups, teach high end, express learning, use informal assessments, teach multiple ways, basic reading strategies, work alone or with peers, use clear rubrics, cultivate diversity

What are some categories of student variance with contributors and implications for learning?

Biology Degree of privilege position for learning Position of learning Preferences

What is critical when communicating with parents to build effective partnership?

Building trust and rapport

What is important to remember when designing assessments?

Clear and unbiased questions Match assessments with goals, Keep criteria the same, Keep students' needs in mind

Positive Contacts with parents

Contacting parents not only when child is in trouble Tell about accomplishments Ask if they need any information Communicate 2-3x over school year

What are some factors leading to the over representation of African American students in special education?

Cultural bias in assessment

Grading considerations when co-teaching

Decide grading structure before semester starts, Be careful of combined grading, Share process, Be outside the box

Do's and Don'ts for Inclusive Co-teaching

Do: Work with co-teacher, share responsibility, consider all students Don't: have teaching only work with disabilities, segregate co-teacher, have co-teacher as helper

What are some beliefs held by teachers who have effectively differentiated classrooms?

Establish clarity, Responsible for learner success, Develop respect, Classroom Management, Flexible Classroom, Reflect of individual progress

Current special education law requires parent(s) to be involved in what areas of the education of their children with disabilities?

Every Aspect: - Planning, Implementation, IEP Goals, Related Service Needs, Placement Decisions

What does fairness really mean?

Everyone gets what they need with understanding that needs will vary from student to student and that these change over time across different situations

Different Roles on a Team

Facilitator - leads meetings, keeps members focused, encourages participation, suggest options for agreement Time Keeper - watches time, warns of designated time for each agenda Jargon Buster - put terminology into simpler form Recorder - writes meeting detail, takes notes, may use 2 note recorders Processor/Observer - pay attention to process and how members are collaborating, praises communication


Free Appropriate Public Education

The priority of curriculum goals for students with severe intellectual disabilities is best described by what word?


What would be the next step if a behavioral contract did not yield sufficient results?

Functional Behavior Assessment Develop positive behavior support plan

What condition must exist to categorize a student with "Other Health Impairment" under IDEA?

It must adversely affect a child's educational activities and performance


Individualized Education Program -ages 3 - 21

What term is gradually replacing the term "Mental Retardation"?

Intellectual Disability

8 Components of Co-teaching relationship

Interpersonal Communication Physical Arrangement Familiarity with Curriculum Curriculum goals and modifications Instructional Planning Instructional Presentation Classroom Management Assessment

What makes an effective behavioral contract? What are some parameters under which it should be established?

It should enable you to reinforce at a more sufficient rate based on performance. More to do with reinforcement behaviors than negative consequences. Clear criterion for performance within a reasonable time interval for that given student

What does reflecting on individual progress with an eye toward curricular goals and personal growth mean?

Keeping track of students' growth and adjusting teaching accordingly


Least Restrictive Environment

What are the results of using backward design when planning courses, units and lessons? What three stages does it ask educators to consider?

More clearly defined goals, appropriate assessments, and purposeful teaching Stage 1: Identify desired results Stage 2: Determine acceptable evidence Stage 3: Plan learning experiences and instruction

Concerning rapport, what is important to think about beyond basic mechanics?

Most kids don't care what you know as a teacher until they know that you really care about them as people

For an assessment to be reliable, what does is require and what is required to allow valid inferences to be drawn from assessment results?

Multiple sources of evidence A test at the end of instruction

Nature vs. Nurture

Nature - genetics Nurture - environment Interactive effect between nature and nurture influences how each of us act or react

Is the notion of stages in collaboration a new idea? 6 Stages of consultation and readiness

No No relationship, Social relationship only, Limited work relationship, Informed relationship, Reciprocal work relationship

Formative Assessments

Ongoing assessments that show gradual progress guides teaching and learning

Members of the IEP team

Parents of the child General Education Teacher Special Education Teacher Representation from School District An individual who can interpret instructional implications of evaluations Other individuals who have knowledge or special expertise regarding child The child (when appropriate)

What are some reasons learners successfully benefit from teachers who are responsive to their particular needs?

Positive Student Energies Builds context for learning Builds bridges that connect learners & important content Academic growth Student Motivation

What should be the primary emphasis of effective classroom management? What is a more accurate way to describe classroom management?

Preventing student problem behavior in the first place Minimum 80% behavior management time

3 Primary Principles of Prevention in classroom management What is important to do first when establishing rapport?

Rapport, Clear Expectations, Reinforcement of Expected Behavior Acknowledge that you'll have favorites. Reach out to students who are difficult to reach


Response to Intervention - A multi-tier approach to early identification and support of students with learning and behavior needs

What does IDEA indicate concerning the discipline f a student with a disability?

School districts can discipline students with disabilities in the same manner as those w/o disabilities with a few exceptions The misconduct with must not be related to a function of the student's disability

Model for Collaborative Problem Solving

Share perspectives, Define issues, Identify Interests, Generate Options, Develop fair standard/objective criteria or deciding, Evaluate options and reach agreement, Comes naturally, All willing to accept

What condition must be present for a student to be identified as having intellectual disabilities?

Significant limitations in both intellectual functioning and adaptive behaviors as expressed in conceptual, social, and practical adaptive skills, with onset before age 18

What are some examples of common slow and fast triggers?

Slow: - Specific illness, poor diet, missed meal, tired, limited opportunity for choice, upsetting experience earlier in day Fast: - Escape or Avoidance: interruptions of routine, transitions, lack of predictability, non-preferred activity, difficulty of task, bored. - Getting Something: seeing someone get attention, access to favorite object or activity being denied, being unengaged, presence of preferred person

What is the most greatly populated disability category and one in which around one half of students in special education receive services?

Specific Learning Disability

What does research suggest concerning the attitudes and practice of teachers concerning differentiated instruction?

Teachers translate the idea

Continuum of Services

The range of services which must be available to the students of a school district so that they may be served in the LRE

Negative Reinforcement

The removal of an undesirable stimulus on the performance of a desired behavior in order to increase the likelihood of future recurrence of that same desired performance

How will your students react if they understand that you have a genuine interest in them as people?

They will become increasingly motivated to learn and perform in the classroom

What are some examples of follow up strategies to deepen student thinking?

Tiering, Small Group, Visual Organizers, Graphic Organizers, Personal Agendas

Flexible elements that can be used in the classroom to enhance learning

Time, Space, Teaching strategies, Learning strategies, Resources, Teacher partnerships


Underlying concern/need to be satisfied, motivation to seek solution

What is the key to understanding or decoding student behavior in the classroom?

Understanding our own actions and the nature of our behavior


W - Why is this worth learning? H - How do I hook learners? E - Equip and Explore students R - Rethink and Revise to encourage E - Evaluate understanding T - Tailor to the work O - Organize and sequence learning for max. engagement

What happens at the Collaborative Stage of the Co-teaching Process?

Whole group lesson, All students do group assignments, Teachers have fluid classroom positioning, Unplanned fluid movement

What do two teachers do in a co-taught classroom?

Work together to develop differentiated instruction, Share planning presentation and evaluation, Classroom management

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