MG 302 Final

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in Herzberg's two-factor theory, ------ are things such as challenging work assignments, accomplishment and personal recognition, and autonomy that can create job satisfaction.


A company that treats its employees fairly and gives them a voice in decision making is likely to enjoy high ------ in its workforce.

organizational commitment

which one would you as a manager use if you wanted your employees to have heartfelt commitment to their work over the long term? Make sure employees know they can be replaced easily. Design jobs so that employees get a sense of accomplishment from doing them. Give employees bonuses when they meet their goals Suspend employees without pay when they violate work rules.

Design jobs so that employees get a sense of accomplishment from doing them.

You love your new manager, who is always expressing enthusiasm and appreciation for the work of his subordinates. -------- means that everyone in your department feels better because of this manager.

Emotional contagion

------ has four components, including ------, which is the ability to connect to others, build positive relationships, respond to the emotions of others, and influence others.

Emotional intelligence, relationship management

Blanchard recommends which of the following for getting employees pumped up about their work? Check all that apply.

Going to work for a company that gives to good causes Having a clear set of operating values Having work that serves a higher purpose

A CEO is considering whether to invest in developing leadership capabilities in its managers. To make this determination, which of the following should he take into account?

How leaders behave has a major impact on employee performance.

People who have a strong internal locus of control do well:

In jobs that link rewards to work outcomes

A company recently conducted an employee survey and found that many employees report a "lack of trust" in their managers. How can the company's managers improve trust?:

Make sure employees have the training, tools, and information they need to perform well.

Pfizer works with the World Health Organization to monitor the number of cases of blinding trachoma in 19 countries.

Measure Performance

Modern psychologists such as Robert McCrae and Paul Costa classify people based on "the Big Five" personality traits. Which of the following traits are included in this group? Check all that apply.

Openness to experience Emotional stability Conscientiousness

If senior managers set budget targets for all the organization's units so the unit managers will have to work within those limits, which of the following approaches are they using?

Top-down budgeting

Which of the following statements concerning the relationship between leader characteristics and leader performance are true? Check all that apply.

Traits can be more or less strongly linked to performance, depending on the leader's situation. Few leaders have all of the traits commonly associated with leadership Early research found that there is only a weak relationship between leader performance and leader characteristics.

In order to use organizational control to help the company meet its strategic objectives, managers make decisions about:

Which standards and measures to use

Managers who have a high need for ------ want to accomplish tasks and are often effective in entrepreneurial ventures.


The student who is always eager to learn is high on this dimension, whereas the person who is content with fewer challenges in life is probably low.

growth need strength

Alondra has captured everything in her mind, and now she is trying to decide her next actions. Which of the following activities will help her to do this? Check all that apply.

Alondra should look at her list and simply complete everything that takes less than two minutes of her time. Alondra should ask herself if she's the best person to complete the tasks on her lists. If not, she should hand the tasks over to someone else.

What do servant leaders and Level 5 executives have in common?

Both types of leaders have humility as a core personal characteristic.

At the Franklin Steel Products Plant in Franklin, Kentucky, employees from the Dana Corporation's Perfect Circle Products unit manufacture as many as 3,500 different part numbers, primarily for automakers Ford, General Motors, and DaimlerChrysler, as well as thousands of after-market products. Despite the high-volume, high-mix environment, Dana Franklin has maintained a 99% on-time delivery rate to customers since 2001. The philosophy here is that with each unit produced, with each hour, with each day and each week, the plant gets just a little bit better.

Continuous improvement

In reviewing research on power, you discover that there are three other common sources of power in organizations. Which of the following are included in that list? Check all that apply.

Personal effort Information

Which of the following items would be included in Arches & Arbors's liabilities?

Employee payroll obligations Mortgage on existing store property

If the purpose of meeting with an employee is to motivate that individual, which of the following would be appropriate topics? Check all that apply.

How the employee's job could include more variety and be more meaningful What rewards the employee values The progress the employee is making toward achieving important goals

At a set time during the workweek, 6 to 12 members meet, identify problems, and try to find solutions. These members are free to collect data and take surveys. Many companies train people in team building and problem solving.

Quality circle

Monica recently got a promotion to a management role with greater scope and responsibility. She wants to be as effective as possible in her new job. Which of the following could help her improve her ability to manage her new subordinates?

Reflecting on the effects of her past actions to evaluate how they affected herself and others

LinkedIn established an open-ended vacation policy to empower employees to choose how much time to take off from work. If LinkedIn wanted to take other actions to empower its workforce, which of the following should it consider? Check all that apply. Correct Reward employees based on organizational performance. Correct Provide employees with information about company financial performance. Correct Make sure employees have the training necessary to maximize their capability.

Reward employees based on organizational performance. Provide employees with information about company financial performance. Make sure employees have the training necessary to maximize their capability.

Companies based outside the United States that are thinking about entering the U.S. market will need to comply with this country's laws. Publicly owned foreign companies that seek to be traded on U.S. stock exchanges need to be particularly concerned with laws concerning corporate governance. Managers of such companies should consider the effect that which of the following will have on their operations?

Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) www

If you were hired as a manager at Recology CleanScapes, which of the following would be parts of your job?

Share financial measures such as revenues, expenses, and profits with your employees Help employees think like owners, taking responsibility for the financial success of the company

Pfizer increases production of Zithromax® after finding that the number of cases of blinding trachoma is increasing in parts of Africa.

Take Corrective Action

When discussing influence tactics with your managers, you should tell them that:

The best managers use a variety of influence tactics

Bob Hanson emphasizes that sending MBSC employees to seminars on a regular basis is highly motivating. It's possible that for some employees, having to attend seminars is a burden. However, for an employee like Marco, who was excited when he found out he could major in strength and conditioning in college, having the opportunity to further their professional development is a major source of satisfaction and it motivates him to work hard for MBSC. Professional development is described in different ways by different theories of motivation. If Bob and Mike were analyzing how they motivate their employees in terms of two-factor theory, which of the following would be true?

The recognition and autonomy offered by attending seminars would result in satisfaction, but employees might also be dissatisfied if pay were poor or their ideas were not valued.

Which of the following statements describe people who are high on Machiavellianism? Check all that apply.

They are pragmatic. They are capable of lying to achieve their goals. They know how to acquire and use power.

If a manager uses positive reinforcers, such as money and gift certificates, to shape the behavior of his or her employees, what can the manager then expect? Check all that apply.

To satisfy the employees' lower-level needs To see a temporary increase in the rewarded behaviors

Use your understanding of McClelland's acquired needs theory to determine whether each of the following examples describes a person with a high need for achievement, affiliation, or power. Neva, a college student, has to get the highest grade in the class; otherwise, she isn't satisfied with her work.


When managers want to measure how well its salespeople and website are persuading people to buy products, they would calculate an ------ , in this case purchases divided by customer contacts.

activity ratio

Every Thursday at 1:30 pm, Celine's cell phone sounds an alert, reminding Celine that she has a weekly appointment with her yoga trainer. Celine is using ----- to remind herself of her appointments.

an organized system

In order for the deal to go through, you need to compare the owner's------and liabilities by looking at his ------ . But because you also want to see the company's ----- , or net income, for a one-year period, you also ask to see his-----..

assets, balance sheets, bottom line, income statement

Your cousins differ in their ------ . John thinks that grandparents should have the most say in the family and parents should obey them and children should obey their parents; Johanna thinks that everyone in the family should have equal say in decisions and respect each other's different choices.


Carleton University in Canada reviewed the websites of 24 universities and visited four leading universities to learn how to improve its housing allocation services. Reductions in vacancy rates led to a $400,000 gross revenue increase.


To know whether the company can meet payroll at the end of the week, managers look at the -------, which documents daily or weekly cash inflow and outflow.

cash budget

Because he or she communicates powerfully, a ----- can inspire people to take action, even if it will require personal sacrifice and even if the goal is not necessarily beneficial to the group.

charismatic leader

Jacob is an accounting clerk whose favorite phrase is "Whatever the boss wants." Jacob will do whatever his boss requests, without thinking about problems that may arise. Around the office, Jacob is known as the ultimate yes-man.


By facilitating positive relationships with employees and helping employees develop good relationships with each other, a manager promotes -----


If a company seeks to improve ----- , you would advise its manager to make sure people understand the value of their work.

customer loyalty

By building employees' commitment to the organization, providing intrinsic as well as extrinsic rewards, and allowing all employees to monitor product quality, managers are using

decentralized control

Managers believe employees will work hard when they feel commitment to the organization.

decentralized control

The structure of the organization is flat, and authority comes from expertise as much as formal position.

decentralized control

The ----- leadership style involves giving employees responsibility for making decisions and implementing them. This style tends to work best with subordinates who have high ability and high ----.

delegating, willingness

Select the type of influence principle that best describes each of the following examples. On reality shows such as Survivor and The Apprentice, people win by making agreements with other contestants who support their goals.

develop allies

According to Fiedler's contingency theory of leadership, leader behaviors are ---- to change, and ---- leaders perform best in intermediately favorable situations.

difficult, people-oriented

Elaine Hatfield, a therapist, reported feeling anxious during a therapy session. It was only later that she realized that her feelings mirrored the feelings of her client who was afraid that Elaine would ask her about her drug use.

emotional contagion

Which of the following factors is likely to have a positive impact on the success of a TQM program?

employees work at tasks that require high skills TQM motivates employees and enriches jobs TQM is used to improve the problem-solving skills of all employees

Organizations increase ---- by sharing information with employees at all levels and giving them the authority to make decisions.


If you and a classmate work equally hard on a group project and receive the same grade, you are both likely to perceive ------ the situation.

equity in

When a manager uses relationships and formal authority to cause other people in the organization to change their behavior, the manager

exercising influence

Kumi, your coworker, has been working on his taxes for the last two months. If Kumi gets audited this year, he is likely to believe that it happened because of an ----- cause, such asthe tax program he used to prepare his ----- . Kumi's perception is being influenced by theself-serving bias Correct .

external, taxes

Managers at the chocolate factory were excited to roll out a new employee discount program, which offered 20% off all company products and 50% off gym memberships.

extrinsic reward

Match each person with his or her exhibited personality characteristic. Everyone in the office seems to gravitate toward Nolan. He's the one who is most likely to invite a new employee to have lunch, and he brings people together, forming effective teams.


Lelani really likes her new boss. During a meeting last month, the boss outlined specific goals for Lelani to meet, which excited Lelani. But now Lelani isn't sure how well she is doing in terms of meeting the goals, so she is not very motivated.


Vonda is frustrated with her manager, Glenda. Last week, when Vonda asked about Glenda's expectations, Glenda said, "Just do your best." But Vonda doesn't know exactly what to do, and as a result, she isn't very motivated.

goal specificity

The ------ is at work when your store manager thinks your job performance in all areas is poor because you aren't sure where all the products are shelved. But your customers give you great ratings and your cash register is always balanced.

halo effect

Carlynn gives her employees detailed rules to follow and reviews their work closely to make sure the rules were followed.

hierarchical control

The ------ suggests that people have physiological, safety, belongingness, esteem, and self-actualization desires that must be satisfied and that one set of desires must be met before people will be motivated by the next set.

hierarchy of needs theory

Match each person with his or her exhibited personality characteristic. Ileen's manager thinks that she is an ideal employee. Always willing to do anything asked of her, Ileen never holds a grudge or speaks ill of her coworkers.

high agreeableness

Bank of America's ------- provides information such as its interest expense, or the interest the bank paid depositors, and its interest income, or the interest it earned by investing deposits over a period of time. This document also states the bank's other revenues and expenses for the time period.

income statement

When a manager clearly communicates important goals to her employees and indicates that she will hold them accountable for meeting those goals, she is engaged in -----

initiating structure

Female leaders favor a consensual and collaborative process, and influence comes from the relationships they build rather than position power or formal authority. This is called ------

interactive leadership

Saketh loved teaching because he could tell right away when students "got it"—their faces would light up, and he'd know he had done his job well and helped them learn.

intrinsic reward

Carly knows that according to the ----- , if she administers positive reinforcement or avoidance learning, her employees will tend to continue doing their jobs in the same way they are doing them now, and if she uses punishments or extinction, they will likely not repeat it.

law of effect

Indicate whether each management activity is an example of management or leadership. Creating a culture that encourages innovation


When a work situation factor prevents a leader from displaying a task-oriented or people-oriented behavior, or both, that factor is a

leadership neutralizer

Employee satisfaction is a common----- performance measure.

learning and growing

A person with low growth-need strength will be --- likely to be motivated by increased feedback and autonomy.


Match each person with his or her exhibited personality characteristic. As a manager, Fernando is totally unpredictable. Just last week, he was yelling about your work performance, and today he is all smiles. You're starting to think that his mood has less to do with your work than it does with his overall personality.

low emotional stability

Indicate whether each management activity is an example of management or leadership. Ensuring that correct invoices go to customers


Sam believes in rewarding his employees for their hard work. He is acting as a ---- when he processes their merit raises promptly on their hire date anniversaries.


The level of ---- is key to a company's success, as measured by productivity and profitability, because it is employees' desire to pursue the organization's objectives.


In terms of expectancy theory, how could Mike and Bob motivate Marco to be a great personal trainer? One day, Marco says, "I'm working hard with my clients and I know what I'm doing. However, I'm not sure the workouts are making a difference in their lives, and that's what really makes me feel good about coming to work." In response, Mike and Bob should address performance to ------

outcome expectancy

Brendan is a manager in a chocolate factory. His team works on an assembly line; workers fill boxes that come at a fixed rate of speed. The workers can easily see whether the boxes are filled correctly. Brendan schedules a team meeting to celebrate packing the millionth box. Brendan's ----- leadership behavior is likely to be ----, because ---- has ---- this leadership behavior.

people-oriented, effective, automatic feedback, no effect on

Tashia, a new CEO, is introduced to her senior management team. Each member of the team has been with the company for at least 15 years. Within 5 minutes, Tashia uses everyone's name in conversation. Tashia's --- leadership behavior is likely to be ----, because ----- has ----- this leadership behavior.

people-oriented, effective, experience, no effect on

A person may have different moods from day to day, but his ---- is the consistent foundation determining his responses to the environment.


Which of the following occupations would be best suited for someone with an intuitive-feeling style? Check all that apply.

politics public relations

The client wanted all his transactions completed by 5:00 p.m., and Wanda got them done by 4:58! She was so relieved, --- emotion. If Wanda often feels this way at work, she will probably ---- effective.

positive, be more

Use your understanding of McClelland's acquired needs theory to determine whether each of the following examples describes a person with a high need for achievement, affiliation, or power. Donald Trump has to be in charge. When his assistant Carolyn started doing interviews and even writing a book about management, he fired her.


Emma is an industrial designer; she creates detailed drawings of machine parts prior to production. Her company has seen a lot of ups and downs in the last few years, and now Emma has resigned herself to do whatever it takes to get by. Sometimes she takes an active role on her team; on other occasions, she sits back and just does what her boss tells her to do.

pragmatic survivor

In the -------, people select, organize, and interpret information from the environment.

process of perception

When researchers study how people determine what behaviors will meet their needs, the researchers are working with ------ of motivation, and they are dealing with individuals as active decision makers.

process theories

If an employee comes in late to work, his or her manager may dock the employee's pay. This is a ------ designed to discourage this behavior.


In an interview with McKinsey & Company, Larry Fink, the CEO of BlackRock, an investment company, says that his clients constantly ask, "What do I do with my money?" But he points out that clients only come to businesses they trust, based on the messages given by company leaders. One of Fink's skills is delivering a message that creates a connection with clients, inspiring them to trust BlackRock with their money.

relationship management

The U.S. Department of Labor has a Business Operations Center and within it are different departments, such as the Office of Worker Safety and Health and the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, each with its own manager. These organizational units are --------.

responsibility centers

Select the type of influence principle that best describes each of the following examples. A manager presents a report to a CEO outlining projected sales for a new store location.

use rational persuasion

Select which type of power the manager is using in the following example. Silvia, a manager, came into your office last week to talk about increasing her budget. She regularly gives bonuses and small prizes when her employees meet their production goals.


At age 34 and with Sjogren's syndrome, tennis player Venus Williams still had ------, saying, "I'm persistent. I don't give up and I believe in myself no matter what the odds are and what you may experience."


An executive who prioritizes the organization's mission and the needs and goals of subordinates, rather than ego gratification and personal success, can be described as a -----.

servant leader

According to the ---- model, a leader can adopt one of four leadership styles based on a combination of relationship (concern for people) and task (concern for production) behaviors. The appropriate style depends on the readiness level of the followers. A follower's readiness is based on his or her ---- and ----- to do the work.

situational, ability, willingness

Whenever Ashley needs to meet with the programmer assigned to her department, Rajiv who was born in India, she is anxious because she believes all Indian men have sexist attitudes toward women. Ashley is -----Rajiv.


A baker who designs, bakes, and frosts her own cakes is high on this dimension, but the assembly line worker who installs door handles all day is low.

task identity

In this situation, it is appropriate to choose a -----leader, because the situation is ----. Leader-member relations are ---- , task structure is ----, and leader position power is ----

task-oriented, very favorable, good, structured, strong

Sirah runs a housecleaning service. She wants her employees to be highly efficient, cleaning a certain number of houses each day, and perform their work according to established checklists of tasks that have proven to satisfy clients. What is the more appropriate style of leadership, given Sirah's objectives for her housekeepers?


A potential problem with using the balanced scorecard is that managers may-------.

underestimate the time needed

When a manager uses ---- to increase motivation, the manager is seeking to change job characteristics, such as the skill involved and the meaningfulness of the work, in such a way that both employee satisfaction and productivity will improve.

work redesign

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