MGMT 310-52

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Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

The agency whose job it is to enforce anti-discrimination and other employment laws is called the _____.

Globalization is the trend of the world economy becoming a more _______ system.


What is true about modern business attitudes toward corporate social responsibility (CSR)?

Companies increasingly feel it is the right thing to pursue.

What tends to increase as a person develops self-awareness?

Job satisfaction Leadership effectiveness Creativity

Formal group

is a group assigned by organizations or its managers to accomplish specific goals.


is the act of sharing information and coordinating efforts to achieve a collective outcome

directive decision making

low tolerance for ambiguity action oriented, focus on facts

In a ______ culture, shared meanings are often derived from written and spoken words.


reactive change

making changes in response to problems or opportunities as they arise

Bagley's decision tree is specifically designed for use when ______.

making ethical choices

Peter Drucker is credited with providing the first modern handbook on the subject of ______.


Career readiness

represents the extent to which you possess the knowledge, skills, and attributes desired by employers

A ______ goal is one that is specific, measurable, attainable, results-oriented, and has target dates.


What are two factors that contribute to resistance to change?

Change agent characteristics Employee characteristics

Which legislation gave rise to the establishment of the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Commission?

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Which management perspectives typically consider an organization to be a closed system?

Classical management viewpoint Management science perspective

What are the branches of quantitative management?

Evidence-based management Operations management


Expresses the extent to which an organization prefers flexibility and discretion versus stability and control

Which two of the following are concerns that a manager should consider when an employee is promoted?

Fairness Nondiscrimination

What are two types of outputs according to the systems viewpoint?

Finished products Employee satisfaction

Today, it is more common for companies to hire executives who ask probing questions and look for those beneath them to think for themselves.


A consensus is reached when all members are able to express their opinions ______.

and reach agreement to support the final decision

Organizations using a matrix structure

contain two command structures, in which some people report to two bosses

What is a top recommendation for improving cross-cultural competency?

Learn a foreign language.

Which assumption about the U.S. workforce is true?

Millennials earn less today than 25-34-year-olds did in 1989.

Ethical leadership encourages which of the following?

Worker motivation Job satisfaction

situational approach

believe that effective leadership behavior depends on the situation at hand

What is the focus of PRME?

Business education

What does the BCG matrix evaluate?

Business growth rates Market share

Place the following obligations of a corporation (as identified by Carroll) in order, starting with the highest-level responsibility at the top of the list and placing the most fundamental obligation at the bottom of the list.

1- being a good global cooperate citizen 2- being ethical in its practices 3- obeying the law 4- making a profit

steps of the rational model of decision making

1. identify the problem or opportunity 2. think up alternative solutions 3. evaluate alternatives and select a solution 4. implement and evaluate the solution chosen

Management by Objectives (MBO)

1. jointly set objectives 2. develop an action plan 3. periodically review performance 4. give performance appraisal and rewards

Research shows that performance declines by about ______% after an individual receives feedback.

13 percent

According to Mintzberg's findings, it was typical for managers to work ____ hours per week at a minimum.


The GLOBE project studies _____ cultural dimensions.


What percentage of global city dwellers live with the problem of air pollution?


What percentage of the Generation Z population believes that businesses should address the problems of society and the environment?


What percentage of the world's economic activity is created by small businesses?


Type A behavior pattern

A behavior pattern marked by a sense of time urgency, impatience, excessive competitiveness, hostility, and anger; considered a risk factor in coronary heart disease.

________ is the group of 21 Pacific Rim countries whose purpose is to improve economic and political ties, and to reduce tariffs and other trade barriers across the region.


What are characteristics of entrepreneurs that big businesses tend to lack?

Ability to respond quickly

conceptual skills

Ability to think analytically, to visualize an organization as a whole and understand hoe the parts work together. - important for top managers


After purchasing a small company in China, Linda's US-based company trained all of its employees on Chinese business customs so they would be able to communicate properly with their new coworkers in China. Linda's company was responding to the results of ______.

What is a characteristic of a successful work team?

All team members share a commitment to a clearly defined purpose.

According to a 1970s study, work groups that experience too little conflict also tend to experience which of the following?

Apathy Lack of creativity Indecision missed deadlines

High-performance work system (HPWS)

Approach to strategic HRM deploys bundles of internally consistent HR practices in order to improve employee ability, motivation, and opportunities across the entire organization


Arranging tasks, human resources, and other resources to accomplish the necessary work

When dealing with someone from a different culture whose behavior seems odd or insulting, what is the best way to respond?

Ask questions of someone familiar with the context.

A performance appraisal contains which two of the following types of information?

Assessment of performance Performance feedback

observable artifacts in an organization

Awards Decorations Rituals

Sacrificing individual recognition, putting the needs of others first, and focusing on the greater good are all aspects of which action you can employ to become a better team member?

Committing to a team

According to Schein, which organizational feature unifies employees or members and gives everyone an understanding of the organization's reason for being?

Common purpose


Employee Retirement Income Security Act

In which ways do interpersonal skills help leaders in being effective?

Influencing others Working with diverse groups of people


Information about the reaction of the environment to the outputs that affect the inputs

Which are actions to take to increase a focus on the greater good?

Fulfill promises. Reduce carbon footprint. Expand knowledge of social inequality.

Which groups are parts of the task environment?

Government regulators Local communities Strategic allies Distributors customers competitors suppliers employees organization financial instruction special interest groups

Operations management does which of the following?

Governs managers' decisions about how to increase productivity and efficiency Assists managers with decisions regarding how to achieve the highest quality goods and services Plays an important role in managing the supply chain


Having to do with morals, values, right and wrong

Which leadership models are situational approaches?

House's path-goal model Fiedler's contingency model

third stage of the rational model of decision making

Is it ethical? Is it feasible? Is it ultimately effective?

What is the intended benefit of the forced ranking approach to performance appraisal?

It encourages managers to reward top performers and discipline poor performers.

How does self-motivation fit into the career readiness model?

It is an attitude.

Climate of mistrust

Mistrust encourages secrecy, which causes deeper mistrust, putting even well-conceived changes at risk of failure.

Which models are characteristic nonrational models of decision making?

Models that describe how managers actually make decisions

Wages or salary

Monetary payments to employees in exchange for doing their jobs


Monitoring performance against goals and taking corrective action as needed

Which factors commonly cause employees to resist change?

Peer pressure Fear of the unknown Loss of status or job security

Which are elements of the "triple bottom line"?

People Planet Profit

The purpose of management by objectives (MBO) is to ______ subordinates.


According to one study, which three of the following represent the largest gaps in career readiness employers see in college students applying for employment?

Professionalism/work ethic Oral/written communication Leadership

What are the three major elements of Hackman and Oldham's job characteristics model?

Psychological states Core job characteristics Work outcomes

Which are advantages of ensuring you have good potential fit with an organization before accepting a position?

Reduced intention to quit Reduced work stress Positive work attitude

What is the human brain wired to do after receiving negative feedback?

Reject the feedback Explain the feedback away

To be effective, a person employing influence tactics should

Rely on the core. Be authentic. Be subtle.

Which are good approaches for managers seeking to implement CSV?

Seek a good fit Maximize impact Prioritize opportunities

Maslow's hierarchy of human needs proposes that people are motivated by which needs?

Self-actualization Safety Physiological Love Esteem

Which model of decision making acknowledges that uncertainty and risk make it difficult for managers to make optimal decisions?

The nonrational model


The people, money, information, equipment, and materials required to produce an organization's goods or services

Identify the principal organizations designed to facilitate international trade.

World Trade Organization World Bank International Monetary Fund

True or false: According to the leader-member exchange model (LMX), a leader has different relationships with different subordinates.

True Reason: The model assumes that each manager-subordinate relationship is unique.

Team processes

are team members' interdependent acts that transform inputs to outcomes through activities directed toward organizing taskwork to achieve collective goals.

A learned predisposition toward a given object is called a(n) _____.


Ignoring or suppressing a conflict is known as using a(n) ______ style.


People's values and attitudes affect their workplace _____, which includes their actions and judgments.


Managers can reduce mistrust and resistance to change by ______.

being open and honest about changes

A document that outlines a proposed firm's goals, its strategy for achieving those goals, and the standards for measuring success is known as a _______.

business plan

Emotional intelligence reflects the ability to

carry out accurate reasoning about emotions use emotions and emotional knowledge to enhance thought monitor your and others' feelings and to use this information to guide your thinking and actions

In terms of SMART goals, an "attainable" goal is ______.

challenging but achievable

The ability to operate in different cultures is the definition of _____.

cross-cultural awareness

A person or an organization that helps another organization sell its goods and services to customers is called a(n) ______.


The strategy of moving into new lines of business is called ______.


Analytical Decision Making

high tolerance for ambiguity careful decision makers who like lots of information and alternative choices

In a ______ culture, people rely heavily on situational cues for meaning when communicating with others.


What is the primary cause of failure for strategic initiatives?

improper execution

Studies have shown that a conflict-free work group tends to be a(n) ______ work group.


media richness

indicates how well a particular medium conveys information and promotes learning. T

The scientific approach to management emerged in the early 20th century when companies wished to increase worker productivity to counteract _____.

labor shortages


leader behavior that is concerned with group members' needs and desires and directed at creating mutual respect or trust.



Physiological or psychological deficiencies that arouse behavior are called ______.



new solution to and existing problem is valuable enough that consumers are willing to pay for it

Innovations must be ______.


Symbols in organizational culture represent ______.

objects or actions that convey an organization's most important values to others


or administrative changes, that managers can make to reduce stressors and improve employee well-being.

Identify what constitute the combination of traits, which result from the interaction of genes and environment.


The stable behavioral and psychological characteristics responsible for a person's identity are known as _____.


The document that details how a company's goals are to be met is called a(n) ______.


team composition

reflects the collection of jobs, personalities, values, knowledge, experience, and skills of team members.

value orientation

reflects the extent to which a person focuses on either task and technical concerns or people and social concerns when making decisions

Heuristics are strategies that ______ the process of making decisions.


Meeting the needs of the present through economic development without compromising the needs of future generations to meet their own needs is called ______.


Shared value and ___ development consider environmental and social effects of business as well as profit.


framing bias

the tendency of decision makers to be influenced by the way a situation or problem is presented to them.

Administrative management is concerned with managing:

the total organization.


the type of conflict defined by the fact that it hinders the organization's performance or threatens its interests

According to the systems viewpoint, the part of a system that involves turning raw materials and knowledge into a new and different product or service is called _____.

transformational processes

Flat organizations generally have few levels with ______ spans of control, with one manager overseeing many employees.



Concentrating on solving problems and completing tasks

What does the abbreviation CSV stand for in business management?

Creating shared value


National Labor Relations Board

What is a core feature of all work teams?

Shared purpose

What Managers Do: The Four Principal Functions

planning, organizing, leading, controlling

True or false: The classic advice given by Dale Carnegie for public speaking is to say what you have to say only once.

False His advice was to tell your audience what you are going to say, say it, and then tell them what you said.

True or false: Pay for performance allows different salaried employees to get different pay raises and other rewards.

False Reason: Not every salaried employee will make the same salary for doing the same job.

True or false: House's revised path-goal theory has been tested enough to verify its overall conclusions.

False Reason: There have not been enough direct tests of House's revised theory.

Identify the disadvantages brought about by the digital age.

False information Security breaches Cyberloafing

Which factors are likely to cause resistance to change?

Fears about job security The potential for loss of status

What does corporate social responsibility mean?

Firms must consider the social costs of doing business.

What is the modern way of designing jobs?

Fitting jobs to people

traditional way of designing job

Fitting people to jobs


Focuses on collecting performance information after a task or project is complete


Focuses on collecting performance information in real time

How does access to social media tend to increase an organization's productivity?

Greater job satisfaction Better collaboration among employees Higher performance

What theories of motivation would be characterized as content perspectives?

Herzberg's two-factor theory McClelland's acquired needs theory Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory Deci and Ryan's self-determination theory.

Base pay

Basic compensation that an employee receives, usually as a wage or salary


Motivating, directing, and influencing others to achieve organizational goals

performance management

The continuous cycle of improving job performance through defining performance, monitoring and evaluating performance, reviewing performance, and providing consequences


The development of team roles arises from the ______ of the team, the organization, and the team members themselves.

Which of the following represents a key process for CSV?"

The discovery of new products, markets, and opportunities that can aid a firm in creating shared value


The extent to which a person is dependable, reliable, and responsible

Openness to experience

The extent to which a person is imaginative, curious, and broad-minded


The extent to which a person is outgoing, sociable, and assertive

Emotional stability

The extent to which a person is relaxed, secure, and unworried

accurate description of decision making

The process of identifying and choosing alternative courses of action


The process of interpreting and understanding one's environment is called


The products, services, profits, losses, employee satisfaction or discontent, and the like that are produced by the organization

Which model of decision making explains how managers should use logic to determine the optimal means of furthering the organization's best interests?

The rational model

Decoding barrier

The recipient is unable to understand the message.

What does business growth rate refer to, as used in the BCG matrix?

The speed of industry growth

What is achieved by integration of innovation activities into business strategies?

Management is encouraged to dedicate resources to innovation. Employees feel committed to innovation in the organization.

What is the first step in management by objectives?

Managers and employees jointly set objectives for the employee.

Which of the following is a purpose of organizational development?

Managing conflict

The theory of motivation that asserts that people are motivated by physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization needs is ______ theory.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs

What is at the center of the CSV approach to solving social problems?

Maximizing profits

The theory of motivation that asserts that achievement, affiliation, and power are the major motives determining people's behavior in the workplace is called ______.

McClelland's acquired needs theory

Identify the two theorists who contributed the most to the human relations movement.

McGregor Maslow

What makes a self-managed team unique?

Members of the team are given administrative oversight for their task area.

Which statements accurately describe the way gender influences communication?

Men are less likely to admit when they feel uncertain. Women emphasize sharing over reporting.

How do men and women differ when making requests?

Men tend to direct; women tend to ask.

Which group is projected to make up almost 60% of the workforce by 2029?

Millennials and Gen Zers

How did CEO dismissals related to ethical concerns change between 2008 and 2018?

More CEOs were fired for misconduct.

outcomes associated with various types of organizational culture

More positive organizational outcomes in market cultures Higher market share in clan and market cultures Higher customer satisfaction in clan and market cultures

Which statement is accurate regarding predicted trends in the United States during the next few decades?

More women will continue to be hired for top leadership jobs.

The psychological processes that arouse and direct goal-directed behavior are collectively called ______.


Which statements about motivation are true?

Multiple contextual and personal factors create motivation. Motivation can only be inferred from a person's behavior.

Which conditions support teamwork?

Mutual accountability among team members Work that is considered meaningful

Which primary skills do companies seek in top managers?

The ability to motivate and engage others The ability to communicate A high level of energy Work experience outside of US


The extent to which a person is trusting, cooperative, and good-natured

What is organizational commitment?

The extent to which an employee identifies with an organization and is committed to its goals

What are key inhibitors to implementing TQM successfully?

The failure to provide evidence supporting previous improvement activities The inability to develop a culture of quality

Receiver barrier

The message is unable to be received.

What should a human resources manager focus on when determining an organization's long-term staffing needs?

The organization's vision and strategic plan


The process of getting oriented and acquainted


The tendency to attribute to an individual the characteristics you believe are typical of the group to which that individual belongs is known as

Expand your perspective by asking different questions

Try thinking about things such as "What surprised me about that situation?" or "What data might I be ignoring?"

What are three types of learning opportunities?

Tuition reimbursement Studying co-workers Learning and development

What are considered parts of the ecosystem that surrounds a business?

Value chain Local cluster Community

Decision-making styles vary along which two dimensions?

Value orientation Tolerance for ambiguity

Focus on being optimistic

View work or career changes as challenges to be overcome

Identify the types of structures categorized as organizational designs with open boundaries.

Virtual Hollow Modular

Which issues are addressed by the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

Water scarcity Threats to the natural world Gender inequality


Weakening a behavior by ignoring it or making sure it is not reinforced


Weakening a behavior by presenting something negative or withholding something positive

The vision statement should answer which of these questions?

What do we want to become?

What four disciplines are included in the behavioral science approach to management?

What four disciplines are included in the behavioral science approach to management?


What is the relatively stable trait that is grounded in the belief that something greater than the self exists?

Individuals in management who make long-term decisions about the overall direction of the organization and establish the objectives, policies, and strategies are called _______ managers.


The use of government regulations to limit the import of goods and services is called _____.

trade protectionism

One method of changing organizational culture is to provide structured ______ as an in-depth introduction to organizational values.


True or false: Multiple organizational development interventions have been found to work better than single interventions.


Research shows that a positive relationship exists between organizational commitment and

turnover. performance. job satisfaction.

examples of economic forces within a company's general environment?

unemployment interest rates trade balance

What are the stages of the Lewin model for change?

unfreezing changing refreezing

Common purpose, one of the four common elements of organizations proposed by Schein, ______.

unifies members and helps everyone understand the organization's reason for being

When managers use financial performance as the best definition of an ethical choice, they are taking a(n) ______ approach to organizational decisions.


Which should be included in a firm's business model?

- A description of the industry the firm is entering - How the firm will market to customers - The firm's expected revenues and expenses

What conclusions can we draw from trait theory?

- A global mindset is an increasingly valued task-oriented trait. - The implications of leadership traits cannot be ignored. - The positive and "dark triad" traits suggest the qualities you should cultivate and avoid. - Organizations may want to consider personality and trait assessments in their selection and evaluation processes.

Which of these events are credited with setting up the conditions by which the global economy - goods, people, and money moving freely throughout the world - could flourish?

- Asian countries opening their economies to foreign investors - The worldwide trend of governments deregulating their economies - The fall of the Berlin Wall

What are the benefits of understanding context?

- It enhances your ability to fit comfortably into a particular context. - It gives you insights that let you correctly interpret the "what" and "why" of someone's behavior. - It enables you to more effectively communicate with and influence others.

Which of the following statements about a nation's culture are correct?

- It is made up of many nuances. - It operates in large part outside of individual awareness. - It unconsciously teaches us how to walk, talk, behave, and relate to other people.

What are issues with the classical viewpoint?

- It views humans as cogs in a machine. - It fails to account for the importance of human needs. - It is overly mechanistic.

What are actions your book suggests that individuals can take to become more ethical consumers?

- don't buy knockoff items - provide your own bags at the grocery store - don't purchase items that aren't ethically made or sourced - purchase fair trade items

Millennials in the workforce:

- expect more from the organizations they work for - want work/life balance - expect more from the organizations they do business with - are concerned about a corporation's ethics, motives, and methods

steps in the strategic-management process

1. Establish the mission and the vision 2. Assess the current reality 3. Formulate the grand strategy 4. Implement the strategy 5. Maintain strategic control

Planning/ control cycle steps

1. make the plan 2. carry out the plan 3. control the direction by comparing results with the plan 4. control the direction by correcting deviations and/ or improving future plans

innovation system

A set of interdependent processes, practices, and structures that dictate how a company seeks out problems and solutions, synthesizes ideas into a business concept and product design, and chooses projects for funding

competitive forces used in Porter's model for industry analysis?

Bargaining power of suppliers Bargaining power of buyers Threat of substitute products or services Rivalry among competitors Threats of new entrants

Which of the following are increased by employee openness to change?

Continuous learning Job satisfaction

What two things are credited with creating the "global village?"

Convenient air travel Electronic media

Which Porter's competitive strategies are appropriate when addressing a narrow market?

Cost-focus Focused-differentiation

What are Porter's four competitive strategies?

Cost-leadership Differentiation Focused-differentiation Cost-focus

Organizational design is concerned with which activities?

Creating structures of accountability and responsibility Creating a structural design that will help an organization execute its strategies

What are primary concerns of shared value and sustainable development?

Environmental effects Social impacts Global equilibrium


Equal Employment Opportunity

the four steps of the control process in their typical order

Establish standards measure performance compare performance to standards take corrective action, if necessary


Establishing goals and determining how to achieve them


Focuses on preventing future problems

What are maquiladoras?

Foreign-owned manufacturing plants that operate in Mexico in exchange for employing Mexican citizens

Which of the following are not legal as the basis for hiring and promotion decisions?

Gender Religion Skin color

Three process prospective on motivation

Goal-setting theory Expectancy theory Equity theory

Which theory proposes that work satisfaction originates from motivating factors, and dissatisfaction originates from hygiene factors?

Herzberg's two-factor theory

types of organizational design

Horizontal Traditional Open boundary

How does having a social media policy benefit a business?

It helps prevent employees from posting inappropriate online comments that damage the company's reputation.

Which of the following statements about self-affirmation are true?

It is a way of getting rid of negative thoughts. It is a positive statement that helps you focus on goals.

two means by which jobs are fitted to people

Job enlargement Job enrichment

Which actions can an individual take to become a more effective team member?

Lead by example Commit to the team

Which managerial roles were identified by Mintzberg as interpersonal roles?

Leader Figurehead Liaison


Leaders who focus on ______ leadership behaviors attempt to ensure that people, equipment, and other resources are used efficiently and effectively to accomplish the organization's mission.

Transactional Leadership

Leadership that focuses on clarifying employees' roles, explaining task requirements, and providing rewards or punishments based on performance is called

When interacting with others in a new cultural context, which of the following activities are likely to improve cross-cultural competency?

Listen Observe

What term is used to describe businesses, suppliers, and other organizations that are geographically close and share similar concerns?

Local clusters

components of the Trust Triangle

Logic Empathy Authenticity

What kind of strategic approach is most likely to be effective in gaining support for CSV?

Long-term approach

career readiness competencies

Networking Understanding a business

core self-evaluation

Self-efficacy, self-esteem, locus of control, and emotional stability

Successful implementation of major decisions requires which of the following?

Sensitivity to those affected by the decision Careful planning

Medium barrier

The channel of communication is blocked


The emergence of individual personalities, roles, and conflicts within the group

Which statements are true about small businesses?

They account for the majority of the world's economic activity. They are an important force in income generation.

Why is it important to manage employees as individuals who have different personalities and circumstances?

To influence the way employees behave

What organization adopted a set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals in 2016?

United Nations

What organization launched the PRME?

United Nations

Positive reinforcement

Using rewards or positive consequences to strengthen a particular behavior

What term is used to describe the combined processes a firm uses to add value to what it sells?

Value chain

Why do many executives prefer visioning to execution?

Visioning is more exciting than execution.

To avoid errors in writing, what precautions should be taken with every business communication?

Watch for auto-correct errors. Pay particular attention to the spelling of people's names and titles.

When does shared value creation happen?

When companies benefit both their shareholders and the broader society

Under which circumstances is spurring constructive conflict beneficial?

When facing high employee turnover When dealing with an apathetic work group When group members are resistant to change

sustainable advantage

When other companies cannot duplicate the value provided by a competitor

Job characteristics model

Which of the following focuses on five core job characteristics that affect the psychological states of an employee, which in turn affect work outcomes?

What does a social media policy for a business typically specify?

Who is allowed to participate in social media at work What consequences will be imposed on employees who fail to comply When employees are allowed to use social media

What are the two types of information that organization charts reveal about organizational structure?

Who reports to whom Who specializes in what work

Which are elements of corporate governance that are tied to ethics?

Work environment Accurate reporting Long-term plans

global mind-set

Your belief in your ability to influence people who are unlike you in a global context is called

Employee engagement

_____ is defined as an individual's involvement, satisfaction, and enthusiasm for work.

Self-fulfilling prophecy

_____ occurs when people's expectations of themselves lead them to behave in ways that make those expectations come true.


______ is a process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party.

Human resource

______ management refers to the activities related to planning for, attracting, developing and retaining an effective workforce.

product innovation

a change in the appearance or the performance of a product or a service or the creation of a new one


a learned predisposition toward a given object

A business plan is a document that outlines ______.

a proposed firm's goals, strategy for achieving them, and standards for measuring success

A group of nations within a geographical region that have agreed to remove trade barriers with one another is called _____.

a trading bloc

Behavior is defined as the combination of

actions judgements

A learning organization

actively creates, acquires, and transfers knowledge within itself is able to modify its behavior to reflect new knowledge

Rites and rituals

activities and ceremonies, planned and unplanned, that celebrate important occasions and accomplishments in the organization's life

Second stage of rational decision making

after you identify the problem or opportunity and diagnose its cause, you need to come with alternative solution.


believing in the superiority of one's own ethnic and cultural group, and having a corresponding disdain for all other groups

Overconfidence bias

bias occurs when people's positive feelings about their own decision-making ability is greater than their objective accuracy.

Stores of data that are so large or complex that it is difficult to process them using traditional database management applications are known as ______.

big data

The process of ensuring that the strategic goals set at the top align with more specific short-term goals at lower organizational levels is known as ______ goals.



charity; a desire or effort to promote goodness

An organization's ethical _____ represents employees' perceptions about the extent to which the work environment supports ethical behavior.


The transfer of information and understanding from one person to another is known as


What should an individual consider learning about a company before going to a job interview?

company's core values and culture company mission and vision statements

performance appraisal

consists of assessing an employee's performance and providing him or her with appropriate feedback.

Today, it is stressed even more that companies go beyond just making a profit and take into consideration the environment and philanthropic initiatives. This is known as practicing ______.

corporate social responsibility

One assumption that is central to a systems approach to change is that change ______.

creates a ripple effect through an organization

The GLOBE project studies the _____ dimensions involved in organizational and leadership processes.


A _____ is a choice made from available alternatives.


Active listening is the process of:

decoding and interpreting verbal messages.

Organizational behavior (OB)

dedicated to better understanding and managing people at work.


defined as two or more freely interacting individuals who share collective norms and goals and have a common identity.


degree to which a test produces consistent scores

Strategic thinkers should have a knowledge base shaped like the letter "T," where the top of the "T" represents breadth of knowledge and the stem of the "T" represents ______.

depth of expertise

informal communication channels

develop outside the formal structure and do not follow the chain of command—they are more spontaneous, can skip management levels, and can cut across lines of authority.

Organizational development (OD) process

diagnosis intervention evaluation feedback

Businesses can increase productivity by encouraging managers and employees to use social media to ______.

enhance their individual performance

punctuated equilibrium

establish periods of stable functioning until an event causes a dramatic change in norms, roles, and/or objectives. The group then establishes and maintains new norms of functioning, returning to equilibrium

Fair Labor Standards Act

established a minimum wage for workers, set limits for child labor, and established overtime pay

A(n) _____ dilemma is a situation in which you have to decide whether to pursue a course of action that may benefit you or your organization but that is unethical or even illegal.


An organization's standards of right and wrong that influence employee behavior are referred to as _______.


Reinforcement theory

explain behavior change by suggesting that behavior with positive consequences tends to be repeated, whereas behavior with negative consequences tends not to be repeated.

Team performance improves when members demonstrate a high degree of ______.


______ embed preferred culture by describing organizational philosophy, mission, vision, and values.

formal statement

Nations are easily able to trade with one another when there aren't any political or economic obstructions hampering the process. This is known as _____.

free trade

Maslow and McGregor focused on the study of ______ as it relates to increasing worker productivity.

human relations

In the fourth stage of rational decision making, managers will ______.

implement and evaluate the chosen solution

Scientific management is the study of work methods to improve the productivity of _____.

individual workers

The leadership aspect of managerial leaders is to ______, while the management part is to ______.

influence facilitate

People who buy or sell stock illegally based on confidential company information are engaging in _____.

insider trading

A team that relies heavily on interpersonal interactions to complete tasks is said to have a high degree of ______ among team members.


The people inside of an organization who have an important stake in how it performs are the organization's _____ stakeholders.


Soft skills

interpersonal skills, people skills

Operations management focuses on _____.

managing the production and delivery of an organization's products or services more effectively

More positive organizational outcomes are associated with ______ cultures.


sense of belonging to and serving something that you believe is bigger than the self?


Short-term (tactical) goals are connected to long-term (strategic) goals in a hierarchy called the _______.

means-end chain

To be successful, an incentive compensation plan must be ______.


Pay for performance, basing pay on one's results, is also known as ______ pay.


People who feel greater job satisfaction are also likely to experience greater

motivation life satisfaction commitment to the organization

In business, a group of people who work together in an attempt to achieve some specific purpose is known as a(n) _____.


A box-and-lines illustration showing the formal lines of authority and the organization's work specializations is called a(n) ______ chart.


A system of shared beliefs and values that needs to be aligned with the goal of producing efficient, quality work is called ______ culture.


Another way to describe ethnocentrism is as a narrow view in which people see things solely through their own perspective. This is called _____.


Countries grant most favored nation status as a way to ______.

promote strong and more stable ties between countries

Two-factor theory

proposed that work satisfaction and dissatisfaction arise from two different factors—work satisfaction from motivating factors and work dissatisfaction from hygiene factors.

Suppliers are people or organizations that

provide raw materials, services, equipment, labor, or energy to other organizations.

Balanced Scorecard

provides top managers a fast but comprehensive view of the organization via four indicators: (1) financial metrics, (2) customer metrics, (3) internal-business process metrics, and (4) metrics associated with innovation and learning.

Evidence-based management focuses on bringing _____ to the decision process.


The theory of motivation that asserts that people are driven to try to grow and attain fulfillment, with their behavior and well-being influenced by the three innate needs of competence, autonomy, and relatedness, is known as the ______ theory.


Approximately two-thirds of India's GDP is made up of ___.


In order to implement a particular organizational strategy, managers must determine the right kind of organizational:

structure culture

Path-goal leadership

successful leaders help followers by tying meaningful rewards to goal accomplishment, reducing barriers to achieving those goals, and providing subordinates with support

The job-specific knowledge you need to perform well in a specialized field, known as _______ skills, appear to be most important for first-line managers.

technical skills

Giving team members a voice

the freedom team members feel to express their constructive opinions, concerns, or ideas about work-related issues

The behavioral management viewpoint emphasized

the importance of understanding human behavior and motivating employees to achieve

human capital

the knowledge and skills that workers acquire through education, training, and experience


the mode of thinking that occurs when the desire for harmony in a decision-making group overrides a realistic appraisal of alternatives

Behavioral decision making style

the most people-oriented decision makers work well with others, enjoy social interactions where opinions are openly exchanged, prefer verbal to written information


the person for whom the message is intended

Scientific Management

the process of reducing the number of tasks a worker performs.

most favored nation

trading status describes a condition in which a country grants other countries favorable trading treatment such as the reduction of import duties

A company's ______ statement should provide a clear sense of the future and the actions needed to get there.


The mission statement answers the question

what is our reason for being


what is the problem?

Maslow's hierarchy of needs resulted from the study of ______.

what motivates people to perform


what should be do to fix it?

Without having a plan in place, managers may focus only on ______ instead of keeping a long-range view and anticipating new opportunities.

whatever is in front of them

Encoding barrier

A message is incorrectly expressed

Sender barrier

No message is sent.

Cross-cultural barriers to communication often result from which differences

Style Language

What are some of the basic skills needed by leaders?

Business skills Cognitive abilities Interpersonal skills Conceptual skills

Process perspectives

concerned with the thought processes by which people decide how to act—how employees choose behavior to meet their needs.

Victor Vroom's expectancy theory

deciding how much effort to exert in a specific task situation.


is the person wanting to share information

Michael Porter defined ______ as an attempt to achieve sustainable competitive advantage by preserving what is distinct about a company.

strategic positioning

emotional intelligence

The ability to monitor your own feelings and those of others and to use this information to guide your thinking and actions is referred to as _____.

What are good ways to bring your interest in sustainable development into a job search?

- Ask interviewers about the company's approach to social responsibility - Research the company's history of creating social value

Which actions are the most likely to achieve CSV?

- Choosing initiatives that are aligned with a firm's business - Making strategic decisions about social initiatives

Which of these are reasons for the increase in ethical violations among business leaders in the 21st century?

- Companies are expanding operations into developing countries where ethical risks may be higher and laws less protective. - Digital communications increase exposure to risk from both hackers and whistle-blowers.

Which of these statements represent ideas that Peter Drucker introduced in his book The Practice of Management?

- Employees should be treated as assets. - Without customers, businesses wouldn't exist. - A corporation can be thought of as a human community. - institutionalized management practices are preferable to a charismatic cult leader.

Which of the following are among the seven components of fostering innovation?

- Establishing the required structure and processes - Instituting the necessary human resource policies, practices, and procedures - Creating an innovation strategy - Getting commitment from top managers

Which of the following are problems with using expatriate employees?

- High costs to the organization sending their employees overseas as expatriates - Early turnover - Failure to effectively manage the return of expatriates ultimately reducing the company's return on investment

Corporate-level strategy does which of the following?

- Involves senior executives in planning - Focuses on the organization as a whole - Answers questions such as "what business are we in?" and "what products and services shall we offer?"

Which of the following statements are true about the classical perspective of management?

- It assumed that people were rational. - It emphasized finding ways to manage work more efficiently. - It had two branches - scientific and administrative.

Which implications are offered by House's revised path-goal theory?

- Leaders should help employees achieve their goals by clarifying the path to those goals and removing obstacles to achieving them. - Leaders should modify their style to fit the employee characteristics and situational factors in the leadership situation. - Effective leaders will possess and likely use more than one style of leadership.

Which of these assumptions are made in the rational model of decision making?

- Managers have complete, error-free information about alternative courses of action and their consequences. - Managers are able to make logical decisions without prejudice or emotional blind spots. - Managers will always select the course of action that they know will most benefit the organization.

Which of the following activities would enhance cross-cultural competency?

- Taking a course on Black history - Playing an unfamiliar sport that is popular in a different culture - Watching an international film

Which of the following are keys to managing your career readiness successfully?

- Taking responsibility over managing your career - Following a process - Personal reflection, motivation, commitment, and experimentation

Which statements are true about global poverty?

- The number of people who do not have enough to eat is growing. - 20% of children suffer extreme poverty.

Which of the following are typical reasons for which employees might be transferred?

- To retain their interest and motivation by being presented with a new challenge - To broaden their experience in being assigned to a different position - To solve organizational problems by using their skills at another location - To solve employee problems, such as personal differences with a boss

How can an individual build personal connections while creating a professional network?

By asking interesting questions to create a positive first impression By drawing people into meaningful conversations

What are three things that can help you achieve more self-compassion?

Engage in mindfulness meditation. Remember you are not alone. Practice self-kindness.

characteristics of motivating goals according to goal-setting theory

Achievable Challenging Specific

Which individuals helped pioneer administrative management theory?

= Max Weber - Henri Fayol - Charles Clinton Spaulding

Disadvantages to group decision making

A few people dominate or intimidate Groupthink Satisficing Goal displacement

What is the main factor that many experts believe prevents firms from becoming involved with the Sustainable Development Goals?

A focus on short-term profits

Functional Manager

A functional manager is responsible for just one organizational activity.

person-organization fit

A match between an individual's personality and values and those of the organization

Engaging in team reflexivity

A process whereby team members evaluate the team's objectives, strategies, and processes

Closed system

A system that has little interaction with its environment

Take ownership and accept responsibility

Absorb, learn, and understand rather than hold grudges


Abstract ideals that guide a person's thinking and behavior in all situations are called ______.

What are the three tips for recharging yourself as part of your self-motivation approach?

Accept kindness Figure out how you can best recharge Relax mentally and physically

relationship-oriented leadership behaviors

Acting as a mentor Providing career advice Empowering employees to make decisions


Additional nonmonetary forms of compensation such as health insurance, vacation and retirement plans

What is involved in creating shared value?

Advancing social conditions Increasing company competitiveness Improving the community's economy

Which racial or ethnic groups in the United States are expected to increase in terms of percentage of the population over the next few decades?

African Americans Hispanics Asians

Creating a team charter

An agreement among team members about how they will work together to make binding decisions and share accountability

multinational corporation

An organization that manufactures and markets products in many different countries and has multinational stock ownership and multinational management

Transformation processes

An organization's capabilities in management, internal processes, and technology that are applied to converting inputs into outputs

What are three characteristics of an organization with a simple structure?

Authority in a single person Low work specialization A flat hierarchy

Which are methods that firms can use to encourage a long-range approach to change?

Base compensation on long-term performance. Earmark special funds for long-term projects.

What are two suggestions for improving your adaptability in the workplace?

Be more resourceful. Be proactive in learning situations.

Which approach to management relies upon research in psychology, sociology, anthropology, and economics in order to develop theories about human behavior that can be used to provide practical tools for managers?

Behavioral science


Being placed on suspension or temporary leave as a consequence of poor performance is an example of which human resource management action?

Operating plans accomplish which of the following?

Break long-term output into short-term targets or goals

Why are the principles of CSV not better known among modern business students?

CSV is missing from many business school curricula.

Which of the following are common ways that employees express burnout?

Calling in sick Having accidents Displaying poor performance

According to the 2019 Jobvite survey of 1,500 Americans, which is the most important motivating criteria to job seekers?

Career growth opportunities

Which of the following are among the most-imported goods in the United States?

Cell phones Pharmaceuticals TVs

learning-related tools that can be leveraged to change an organization's culture

Coaching Training Role modeling

How does collaboration differ from teamwork?

Collaboration is more spontaneous. Collaboration is less hierarchical.

According to self-determination theory, people's behavior and well-being are influenced by what three innate needs?

Competence, autonomy and relatedness

Reinforcement theory

Consequences influence behavior

Which core influence tactic tends to work better than a legitimating tactic?


_____ approaches to management include learning organizations, high-performance work practices, and sustainable development.


Which management viewpoint asks the question, "What method is the best to use under these particular circumstances?"


Which of the following career-readiness competencies relate to evidence-based decision making?

Critical thinking and problem solving Computational thinking Information technology application

examples of conflict triggers

Cultural differences Intergroup differences Personality differences

First stage in rational decision making by managers

Customer complaints Sales shortfalls Poor product quality supplier breakdowns staff turnover competitor innovations low employee motivation

Which elements are part of the value chain?

Customer service Production Marketing

What are some of the downsides to electronic monitoring of employees?

Data can be misused. It is intrusive. Employees may leave the job.

What are advantages for a company that establishes deadlines?

Deadlines aid in making quicker decisions. Deadlines motivate employees to focus on the goal.

______ communication typically involves hostility, anger, or passivity, whereas ______ communication is assertive and direct.

Defensive; nondefensive

In which areas have business schools begun to include ideas of shared value and Sustainable Development Goals?

Degree programs Hands-on experience Coursework

Which are factors that continue to impede businesses in their progress toward adopting a shared value perspective?

Difficulty aligning business objectives with social issues Reluctance to change tactics Lack of CEO involvement

Job Design

Dividing work among employees and applying motivational theories to increase employee satisfaction are the two components of

_____ forces consist of conditions such as unemployment, inflation, interest rates, and economic growth that may affect an organization's performance.


The concept of fitting jobs to people is based on what ideas?

Employees are underutilized. Employees want more responsibility, challenges, and variety.

The model of motivation called equity theory is based on which of the following ideas?

Employees want to see fairness in how they are rewarded for task performance.

psychological empowerment

Employees' belief that they have some degree of control over their work is referred to as ______.

Which are aspects of the professionalism/work ethic core competency that are most relevant to ethics?

Ethical behavior Concern for society Demonstrated integrity

peer pressure

Even people who are not themselves directly affected by impending changes may actively resist in order to protect the interests of their friends and co-workers

____ management encourages managers to make facts and logic the foundation of their approach to decision-making.



Expresses the extent to which the organization focuses its attention and efforts inward on internal dynamics and employees versus outward toward its external environment and customers

Demographic characteristics

Factors such as the increasing number of women in the workforce and the growing number of older workers exemplify which force for change outside the organization?

Salaried executives, administrative, and professional employees are exempt from over time rules as outlined in the _____.

Fair Labor Standards Act

Equity theory is focused on explaining how people work to achieve which of the following?

Fairness Justice

True or false: Soft skills do not have a role in evidence-based decision making.



How well has the intervention worked?

Which of the following are characteristics of a Type A behavior pattern?

Hurried Competitive Deadline-focused

In which ways did Munsterberg suggest that psychologists could contribute to industry?

Identify ways managers can encourage employees to take desired actions. Recognize the psychological conditions necessary for employees to do their best work. Identify the people who are best suited for a job.

What is the first step in developing career readiness?

Identify your most important long-term goal.

What behaviors are considered to be abusive supervision?

Ignoring subordinates Shouting and insults Public humiliation

What are the characteristics of a high-performance work system approach to HRM?

Improves employee motivation and opportunities Focuses on collective levels of human and social capital Enhances the performance of all employees systematically

What does the technique called scientific management seek to do?

Increase employee efficiency Reduce the number of tasks a worker performs Raise employee productivity


Increasing segmentation of the marketplace and the need to get products to market faster in light of competitors' specialized solutions are examples of ______ currently influencing the future of business.


Inducements to attract and retain top performers or induce employees to be more productive

A problem for big businesses when responding to opportunities for creating shared value is ___ or the resistance to change.


What are some of the main causes of poor listening in modern times?

Information overload Cell phones Mindlessness

What are the indicators that make up the balanced scorecard?

Innovation and improvement activities Customer satisfaction Financial measures Internal processes

What are the parts of a systems model of change?

Inputs Target elements of change Outputs

Which characteristics are associated with leaders rather than with managers?

Inspiring others Being charismatic Being a visionary

Which statements about openness to change are true?

It is critical for the success of organizational change. It typically leads to positive work outcomes for the employee. It is an example of an important career readiness competency.

Which of the following statements about strategic planning are true?

It requires visionary and directional thinking. It should communicate general goals and ways to achieve them.

What are reasons that the forced ranking approach to performance appraisal is falling out of favor?

It results in reduced employee performance. The system gets rid of talented as well as untalented people. It creates legal risk due to the perception of bias.

organizational development

Its purpose is to implement change to make organizations and people more effective.

Which are principal perspectives on motivation?

Job design Process Reinforcement Content

What is the best method to avoid becoming defensive when receiving feedback?

Let the speaker finish and ask questions afterward.

Special-purpose funds and reconfiguring compensation to reward performance over time are two strategies for reinforcing a ___ term perspective in implementing CSV.


Be more resourceful

Look for solutions to challenges, rather than problems

Display a proactive learning orientation

Maintain a desire to learn and improve your career readiness competencies

Which are elements of self-motivation in the career readiness model?

Maintaining focus on organizational goals Working consistently on personal development Establishing good work habits

When crafting a solution to a problem during a performance appraisal, what should employers do?

Make themselves available for further questions or feedback. Get the employee's input.

According to free-market economist Friedman, what is the only social responsibility of a business?

Making profits

physiological need - the most basic human physical need

Need for food, clothing, shelter, comfort, self-preservation. Workplace example: these are covered by wages.

Love need

Need for love, friendship, affection. Workplace examples: office parties, company softball teams, management retreats.

Safety need

Need for physical safety, emotional security, avoidance of violence. Workplace examples: health insurance, job security, work safety rules, pension plans satisfy this need.

Self-actualization need—the highest level need

Need for self-fulfillment: increasing competence, using abilities to the fullest. Workplace example: sabbatical leave to further personal growth.

Esteem need

Need for self-respect, status, reputation, recognition, self-confidence. Workplace examples: bonuses, promotions, awards.

How does McClelland view needs?

Needs are something that we learn from our culture.


Negative stress that can cause anxiety and illness

What type of communication consists of messages sent outside of the written or spoken word?



Occupational Safety and Health Act

What are the core processes of business identified by Bossidy and Charan?

Operations People Strategy

What are the types of employee behavior that managers can influence?

Organizational citizenship behavior Counterproductive work behaviors Performance and productivity Turnover and absenteeism

Which factors must work in concert to produce successful strategic execution?

Organizational culture Organizational structure HR practices

What are the stages of Victor Vroom's expectancy theory of motivation?

Performance to outcomes Effort to performance


Permanent dismissal for cause


Permanent dismissal, often related to a company-wide reorganization

Which of these are examples of business analytics?

Portfolio analysis Time-series forecast


Positive statements that help you focus on goals, program your subconscious mind, and eliminate negative beliefs are referred to as ______.


Positive stress that can stimulate better coping and adaptation


Preparing for disbandment of the group or team

When is the ideal time to assess person-organization fit?

Prior to accepting a position

data analytics

Process of studying data to detect patterns and relationships that can be used to make predictions and improve decisions.

Which of the following are forms of task-oriented leadership behaviors?

Production-centered leadership Initiating-structure leadership

Which core competency of career readiness is most closely tied to ethical concerns?

Professionalism/work ethic

In which areas have corporations improved their focus on issues of sustainability and shared value?

Progress in achieving specific SDGs Awareness of CSV

To prepare for a career in business communication, you need to become competent in which areas?

Social intelligence New media literacy Teamwork and collaboration

Which of the following are aspects of considerate leader behavior?

Promotes social interactions Encourages identification with the team Creates mutual respect

reinforcement intended to weaken a behavior

Punishment Extinction

what characteristics are being addressed in a VRIO analysis?

Rarity Imitability Organization Value

nine most common influence tactics

Rational persuasion Inspirational appeals Consultation ingratiation personal appeals exchange coalition tactics pressure legitimating tactics

Evidence-based management attempts to introduce which factor into the decision-making process?


The fact that research shows that 25% of workers are burned out, and 44% more are burned out occasionally suggests that workers are neglecting what?

Recharging each day


Reciprocal faith in others' intentions and behaviors is known as ______.

What are appropriate ways to to self-manage?

Recognizing your physiological responses to triggers Recognizing words, sayings, and situations that trigger your emotions Pausing and taking deep breaths


Resolution of conflicts, and the emergence of unity and harmony among group members

What are characteristics of SMART goals?

Results-oriented Specific Attainable Measurable Have target dates

Some of the strongest ways to embed organizational culture include which two of the following?

Rewards Status symbols

What must a firm create in order to produce profit and give lasting benefits to a broad range of stakeholders?

Shared value

What are the contemporary approaches to management?

Shared value and sustainable development High-performance practices Learning organizations

What are the types of goals in business?

Short-term Long-term


Simple irritants, such as misplacing things or being overworked


Simple irritants, such as misplacing your keys or a phone number, are referred to as

Strong stressors

Situations that can dramatically strain a person's ability to adapt, such as frequent migraine headaches

examples of big data

Social network communications Web-browsing data trails Data in corporate databases Surveillance data sensor data

The first set of dynamic inputs in CSV assesses a firm's products and services in relation to which of the following?

Societal benefits Societal harms Societal needs

What did Mintzberg observe about work behavior in the managers he studied?

Some worked up to 90 hours a week. They almost always devoted lunchtime to meetings.

fear of failure

Sometimes changes on the job are intimidating and lead to self-doubt. In this case, employees are most likely to resist change

conflict triggers

Sources of conflict, such as differences between personalities, groups, or cultures, are called ______.

Which terms describe good performance expectations?

Specific Achievable

Which broad term identifies anyone impacted by a business, including but not limited to stockholders, employees, and customers?


According to Bryan Barry, which of the following help a manager keep a strategic plan on track?

Stay focused Keep moving Keep it simple Engage people

Why do potential employers value the skill of strategic thinking in job candidates?

Strategic thinkers make for more informed employees. Strategic thinkers are quick to recognize opportunities. Strategic thinkers are globally-minded.

Which "unwritten" skill did the Harvard Business Review consider essential to being promoted on the job?

Strategic thinking

Negative reinforcement

Strengthening a behavior by withdrawing something negative

Which statement about organizational development is true?

Successful organizational development usually involves multiple interventions.


Sudden occasions of terror, such as a tornado or fire

Which organizations are most likely to be in a business's local cluster?

Suppliers Universities Competitors

What are steps anyone can take to become a more proactive learner?

Take initiative and rely on yourself. Set realistic goals. Participate in professional conversations. Focus on solutions rather than problems.

Which are examples of devices countries use to exert trade protectionism?

Tariffs Import quotas Embargoes

According to Fiedler's contingency leadership model, which two of the following are seen as leader orientations or styles?

Task-oriented Relationship-oriented

What occurs as a result of the horizontal organizational design?

Teams are used to improve collaboration and work.

Value orientation reflects the extent to which an individual focuses on which of the following dimensions?

Technical concerns or social concerns

forces within an organization's general environment

Technological Economic Sociocultural Political-Legal International Demographic

What are India's primary economic strengths?

Technological and scientific expertise Reputation in services English-speaking population

According to Dale Carnegie, what are the three rules of an effective speech?

Tell them what you are going to say. Say it. Tell them what you said.


Temporary dismissal from an organization, likely due to economic conditions


Temporary employment separations; employees may be recalled to work, or the separation may become permanent.


The ability to control your emotions and act with honesty and integrity in reliable and adaptable ways is called what?

What are two potential rewards of being an exceptional manager?

The ability to earn more than most workers Fringe benefits, such as a large office or stock options

Which of the following are supertrends that are currently affecting the future of business?

The way we work is being impacted by offshore suppliers. Competitive advantage is coming increasingly from knowledge, not from information.

the importance of the company's mission and vision statements

These statements tell you why the company exists. These statements tell you what the company wants to achieve over time. You will be a better fit for a company if you support their mission and vision statements.

What are characteristics of the best incentive compensation plans?

They are agreed on by both employees and managers. They link rewards to performance.

Which statements about norms are true?

They are general rules of behavior. They exert a powerful influence on group behavior. They are typically unwritten.

How can time management apps such as Toggl and Hours help you increase productivity?

They have tools for sharing tasks. They offer help with task management. They help you avoid distractions.

Which of the following statements regarding horizontal design are true?

This design is also called a team-based design Internal boundaries are broken down Workgroups are used to improve collaboration

Why do businesses establish a presence on social media platforms?

To interact with customers To increase sales To increase brand awareness

What are the goals of attending industry conferences before or while working in a certain industry?

To make industry contacts To learn about the specific industry

According to the behavioral approaches to leadership, how should companies create effective managers?

Train them on task and relationship management.

Incrimental Budgeting

allocates increased or decreased funds to a department by using the last budget period as a reference point

objective appraisal

an appraisal that is based on facts and is likely to be numerical

resistance to change

an emotional/behavioral response to real or imagined threats to an established work routine

Which level of strategic management focuses on the organization as a whole?


The _____ viewpoint places emphasis on the importance of understanding the actions of humans and the motivation and encouragement of employees toward achievement?


When an organization is able to produce goods or services more effectively than competitors and thereby outperform them, it has achieved a competitive ______.

competitive Advantage

The ability to think analytically, visualize an organization as a whole, and understand how the parts work together are examples of _______ skills.


One management responsibility is to identify when to create ______, not simply when to mitigate it.


The situational or environmental characteristics that affect a person's behavior are called _____.


According to the ____ viewpoint, a management problem should be handled according to the individual and the environmental situation.


Running a company and protecting the interests of owners and other stakeholders is known as _____.

corporate governance

A shared set of beliefs, values, knowledge, and patterns of behavior common to a group of people is known as a(n) ______.


______ help us to stay focused on the big picture, concentrate and make quicker decisions rather than putting them off, and ignore unimportant matters.


A graph of decisions and their possible consequences used to create a plan is known as a(n) ______.

decision tree

The buying and selling of goods or services over computer networks is known as _______, whereas _______ involves using the Internet to facilitate every aspect of running a business.

e-commerce; e-business

A shared value and sustainable development perspective means that businesses must view themselves as part of a larger ______.


Which of the following is a demographic characteristic that is a force for change outside the organization?


According to the competing values framework (CVF), organizational ______ varies along two dimensions.


In order for an organization to maintain a competitive advantage, it must stay ahead of its competition in customer responsiveness, innovation, quality, and _______.


Formal statements can help to change an organization's culture by ______.

embedding the culture in various organizational materials such as the mission, vision, and values statements

An organization's internal stakeholders consist of

employees, owners, and the board of directors.

Nonrational models of decision making

explain how managers make decisions; they assume that decision making is nearly always uncertain and risky, making it difficult for managers to make optimal decisions they're descriptive rather than prescriptive

Rational decision making

explains how managers should make decisions.

People who are outside an organization but are still affected by the organization are called the ______.

external stakeholders

the Big Five personality dimensions

extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability and openness to experience

Purchasing _____ items increases the chances that your money will help provide a decent wage for the people who made them.

fair trade

The ability to move goods and services among nations without any political or economic obstruction is called _____.

free trade

The macroenvironment is also known as the _______ environment.


A company's external environment consists of which two environments?

general task


general agreement among various groups on fundamental matters; not everyone agrees but the decision is made

Self-compassion is best described as ______.

gentleness with yourself

When rewarding an employee for a behavior, you should ______.

give rewards as soon as possible

Meaningfulness is associated with _____ rather than _____.

giving; taking

In business, a specific commitment to achieve a measurable result within a stated period of time is called a ______.


Advantages to groups decision making

greater pool of knowledge different perspective intellectual stimulation better understanding of decision rational deeper commitment to the decision


how can the diagnosis and intervention be further refined?

A means-end chain is used in planning to show ______.

how goals are connected across an organization

The economic or protective potential of employee experience, actions, and knowledge is referred to as ______.

human capital

Mintzberg characterized managers' interaction with people both inside and outside of their work units as their _______ roles.


A system is a set of _____ parts that operate together to achieve a common purpose.


Managerial leadership

involves both influencing followers to internalize and commit to a set of shared goals, and facilitating the group and individual work that is needed to accomplish those goals.


is the belief that one's native country, culture, language, abilities, and/or behavior are superior to those of another culture.

Employees are more likely to resist change if ______.

it is a surprise

An organization's vision and strategic plan is created by ______ and then implemented by ______.

leaders managers

task-oriented leaders

leaders who are concerned more with getting the job done than with workers' feelings and relationships

servant leadership

leadership approach focuses on providing increased service to others rather than to the leader


leadership approach suggests that leadership behaviors vary along a continuum of leadership styles, from passive through transactional to transformational

A _______ organization actively creates, acquires, and transfers knowledge within itself and is able to modify its behavior to reflect new knowledge.


To be successful, strategic planning requires a company to have a ______ orientation.


A distributor is sometimes referred to as a(n)


A company's _____ is the purpose of the organization.


ethical climate

represents employees' perceptions about the extent to which work environments support ethical behavior

Empowering leadership

represents the extent to which a leader creates perceptions of psychological empowerment in others.

innovation strategy

requires a company to integrate its innovation activities and business strategies

A firm's business _______ should include a description of the need the firm will fill, the operations of the business, its components and functions, and the expected revenues and expenses.


The nonrational model

model of decision making acknowledges that uncertainty and risk make it difficult for managers to make optimal decisions

Morals, in contrast to ethics, generally refer to an individual's internal standards of right and wrong.


A(n) ______ is a system of consciously coordinated activities or forces of two or more people.


Functional manager.

responsible for only one activity in his organization

The "feedback loop" in the strategic-management process involves

revising actions if necessary.

You can use the continuous feedback loop known as the ______ cycle to ensure you're headed in the right direction once you've made plans.

planning/ control

Personalized power

power directed at helping oneself as a way of enhancing their own selfish ends may give the word power a bad name.

Organizational behavior is a field of study that explains and ______ behavior.


monochronic time

preference for doing one thing at a time

The rational model of decision making is considered ______ in that it describes how managers should make decisions rather than how they actually make them.


Strategic positioning attempts to achieve sustainable competitive advantage by ______.

preserving what is distinctive about a company

A _____ learning orientation is the desire to learn and improve your knowledge, soft skills, and other characteristics in pursuit of personal development.


By researching a company's level of engagement with CSV before an interview, you will demonstrate a ___rather than reactive orientation to learning.


To be an effective planner, you should be a(n) _____ learner in areas beyond the technicalities of your profession


Which of the following can leaders pay attention to, measure, and control in order to change the organization's culture?

processes outcomes activities

Outputs divided by inputs over a specific period of time equals ______.


The first set of dynamic inputs in CSV is focused on how a company's ___ and ___ harm or benefit society.

products services

A company's triple bottom line represents which aspects?

profit people planet

The field of industrial ______ (the study of human behavior in the workplace) is based on Hugo Munsterberg's theories.


The "measurable" aspect of a SMART goal refers to its ability to be ______.


The application of quantitative techniques, such as statistics and computer simulations, to management is called _____ management.


Adaptive change

reintroduction of a familiar practice

Corporate involvement with shared value and sustainability issues is ______.

relatively new

Conceptual Decision Making Style

rely on intuition and have long term perspective Find creative solutions Take risks Rely on intuition

the four steps in perceptual process

selective attention interpretation and evaluation storing in memory retrieving from memory to make judgments and decisions

Organizations wishing to change their culture may alter their physical layout and design in order to

send a strong message about the culture encourage employee productivity

Although commitment from all members of an organization is important, if ______ in particular are not committed to achieving the organization's innovation goals, the goals are unlikely to be achieved.

senior leaders

A company's triple bottom line measures which aspects of its performance?

social financial environmental

Cell-phone and Internet-based technologies that generate interactive dialog among members of a network are known as ______.

social media


someone who chooses to live outside of, or renounce, his or her native country

The number of people reporting directly to a given manager refers to ______.

span of control

The letter S in the acronym SMART goal stands for what aspect of a good goal?


A company's decision to move its operations out of the country will affect its employees, owners, suppliers, distributors, and everyone else who has an interest in the business. All of these groups together make up the company's _____.


Top managers use _______ planning to determine what the organization's long-term goals should be for the next one to five years with the resources they expect to have available.


A company's ______ is the large-scale action plan that encompasses the company's vision and is used to create the direction for the business.


A visual representation of the four perspectives of the balanced scorecard that enables managers to communicate their goals so that everyone in the company can understand how their jobs are linked to the overall objectives of the organization is called a ______.

strategy map

In terms of organizational culture, a ______ is an artifact, act, quality, or event that conveys an organization's most important values to others.


A set of interrelated parts that operate together to achieve a common purpose is called a(n) _____.


An organization comprised of many levels with narrow spans of managerial control is described as



the buying and selling of goods over the internet


three elements to compensation include wages and salaries, incentives, and benefits

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