MGMT 3123 Exam 1

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Which of the following types of reliability calls for more than one test administration?

Alternate form

What form of diversity management is an organization adopting when it assumes that all diverse people will learn to fit in or become like the dominant group?


Which of the following are among the general motives in Ajzen's theory of planned behavior that predict or influence intention and behavior?

Attitude toward the behavior, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control

When Harry has a perceived conflict with a co-worker, he will send them e-mails that are taunting or insulting. This is an example of


Which of the following is the most effective method of controlling your negative emotions?

Change your interpretation of what you see and hear

Three main weaknesses of _________ _________ are relying on hindsight, lack of rigor, and lack of objectivity.

Common sense

Which of the following personality variables is most strongly related to job performance?


Which of the following is the most accurate method of making sense of the world around us?

Critical thinking

Select the steps in the applied 3-step approach to problem solving.

Define the problem, identify potential cases, and make recommendations

_______ are the statistical measurements of populations and their qualities (such as age, race, gender, or income) over time.


Assume that the CEO of a explains declining company performance on bad media coverage and government regulations which are expensive and burdensome. You might conclude that this CEO has a ___________________ of control.


Which of the following personality variables is marked by being gregarious, outgoing, and comfortable in social situations?


A relatively stable personality characteristic that describes how much personal responsibility you take for your behavior and its consequences is:

Locus of control

Which of the following refers to the most often occurring score in a distribution?


Which of the following personality traits is marked by instability, insecurity, and depression?


______ programs help employees to integrate, assimilate, and transition to new jobs.


Big Five Dimensions of Personality

Openness to experience Conscientiousness Extraversion Agreeableness Neuroticism

Which of the following is the strongest predictor (or determinant) of self-efficacy?

Prior experience

Assume that Andre has a special ability to sense and solve problems using insight, rules, and logic. Which of the following types of ability would you use to describe Andre's talent?

Reasoning ability

Which of the following employment selection decisions best characterizes affirmative action?

Selection of equal candidates

Sierra receives a compliment on her class presentation and attributes her success to his diligent preparation. Antwan received a poor grade and blames it on his adding the class late and missing a few early classes. These are examples of:

Self-serving bias

Which of the following describes dispersion or variability in a set of scores?

Standard deviation

Joyce finds that the members of the project team to which she has been promoted are all middle-aged men. Joyce wonders if she, a young new graduate from a local university, will be taken seriously. Joyce is likely to be reacting to a


Difference between inductive and deductive reasoning

The main difference between inductive and deductive reasoning is that inductive reasoning aims at developing a theory while deductive reasoning aims at testing an existing theory

Which of the following is defined as a way to organize our thoughts around a phenomenon of interest to explain "why" that phenomenon occurs?


When does cognitive dissonance occur?

When a person holds two or more conflicting ideas, beliefs, values, or emotions

What is central tendency?

a measure that represents the typical response or the behavior of a group as a whole. mean, median, mode

Recognition that the organization's markets and constituencies are culturally diverse is called a(n)________ -and- __________ perspective on diversity.

access - and - legitimacy

Which characteristics must intelligence training have for experts to consider it effective?

adaptive, variety, generalizability

"I feel", the _______ _____ of an attitude contains our feelings and emotions about a given object or situation

affective component

Which shape on a graph best represents the relationship between increasing emotional stability and outcomes?

an inverted U

The process of becoming consciously aware of someone or something is called


reflect feelings about people, places, and objects and can be positive or negative.


The premise that people infer causes for observed behavior is the basis of ______ theory.


"I intend", the ______ ________ refers the way we intend or expect to act toward someone or something

behavior component

Personal attitudes affect _______ via ______.

behavior; intentions

Select the components that influence overall attitudes. (three)

behavioral, cognitive, affective

A ______ concept of personality allows you to more effectively predict behavior.


Schwartz's second bipolar dimension ranges from self-directed independence or openness to _______ to ________.

change, conformity

The statement "I believe" reflects which overall attitude component?


Mental groups of objects that are considered equivalent are called Multiple choice question.

cognitive categories

"I believe", the _____ _____ of an attitude reflects our beliefs or ideas about an object or situation

cognitive component

_______ _________ represents the psychological discomfort a person experiences when simultaneously holding two or more conflicting cognitions (beliefs, ideas, values, or emotions)

cognitive dissonance

A force that binds an individual to a course of action of relevance to one or more targets is:


Which personality trait has the strongest and most positive effect on performance?


Instead of trying to rely on "one best way" to manage, a manager may want to use a(n) ______ approach, which calls for using situationally appropriate tools.


In organizational behavior, knowing when to apply OB knowledge and tools to a particular circumstance is an important part of:

contingency approach

A broad personality trait comprised of four narrower and positive individual traits as components is called:

core self-evaluations

Which of the following types of validity is concerned with predicting scores on some outcome?


Characteristics that take awhile to emerge during interactions, such as attitudes, opinions and values, are called ________ - _________ characteristics.

deep leve

Which characteristic of the perceiver is the first step of the perception process?

direction of gaze

Rules that dictate which types of emotions are expected and appropriate at a given time are:

emotion display norms

The ability to monitor your own emotions and those of others, to discriminate among them, and to use this information to guide your thinking and actions is:

emotional intelligence

Individuals with high levels of ____________ tend to be relaxed, secure, unworried and less likely to experience negative emotions under pressure.

emotional stability

The _____ model suggests that managers should monitor employees' perceptions of fairness.


A situation with two choices, neither of which resolves the situation in an ethically acceptable manner is called a(n) ______ _______

ethical dilemma

Assigning someone's behavior to his or her personal characteristics instead of the circumstances is called _____.

fundamental attribution bias

Which type of bias contributes the most to managers inaccurately evaluating a job applicant's suitability for a job?

fundamental attribution bias

Intelligence training that does not replicate what users actually do in their daily life lacks which essential characteristic?


Roger, a manager, knows that one of his employees values conformity and tradition. Roger should assign the employee to a job that includes

high respect, acceptance, and commitment

Any thoughts or beliefs that are automatically activated from memory without our conscious awareness are examples of

implicit cognition

The term ______ is used to collectively describe people's traits and behaviors that are influenced by genetics and environment.

individual differences

The foundation of the Organizing Framework is a systems model wherein _________ influence outcomes through ________.

inputs, processes

Select all the feelings related to employee engagement. (four)

intensity, focus, enthusiasm, urgency

Which theory of organizational behavior suggests that people are not inherently better than others but may perform better in a given job or situation due to the combination of person and situation factors involved?

interactional perspective

An affective or emotional response toward various facets of one's job is called ______.

job satisfaction

Select the components of core self-evaluations. (four)

locus of control, self esteem, emotional stability, generalized self efficiency

_____ _______ represents the difference between what an individual expects to receive from a job, such as good pay and promotional opportunities, and what she or he actually receives

met expectations

Shalom Schwartz believed that values ______ our behavior across any context.


Which of the following are attitudinal outcomes of job satisfaction? (four)

motivation, withdrawal cognitions, perceived stress, job involvement

Sternberg applied what he called "practical intelligence" to leadership by using an aspect of intelligence referred to by Gardner as

naturalistic intelligence

In Schwartz's circular-motivation structure, individuals are least likely to hold two values that are Multiple choice question.

on opposing sides of the circle

Which factors most commonly dictate which stimuli are considered salient? Multiple select question.

one's needs and goals

A person seeking to understand and manage people at work is likely to study _____ _______ which is an interdisciplinary field.

organizational behavior

The field of ______ _________ encompasses research and practice from various disciplines like anthropology, psychology, statistics, political science, vocational counseling, and management.

organizational behavior

Individual behavior that is discretionary and not part of a formal reward system and promotes the effective performance of the firm is called _________ _________ behavior.

organizational citizenship

_______ ________ _______ is describes as "individual behavior that is discretionary, not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system, and that in the aggregate promotes the effective functioning of the organization"

organizational citizenship behavior (OCB)

________ is the extent to which an individual identifies with an organization and commits to its goals.

organizational commitment

Our values are influenced by the values of our _______ and by the ________ we have as children.

parents, experiences

Which of the following contributes least to employee engagement in North America?


The three components of perception include

perceiver, target, and situation

Object recognition is a major function of


Managers are likely to be able to influence _________ by implementing policies that positively impact self-evaluations, attitudes and emotions.

performance and job satisfaction

In the systems model of the organizing framework, what are the initial drivers of all outcomes?

person and situation factors

The various characteristics that make individuals unique are known as

person factors

Organizational commitment occurs when employees value achievement and an employer rewards people for accomplishing goals. When this occurs, the consistency is called _________-_________ fit.


The combination of stable physical, behavioral and mental characteristics that give individuals their unique identities is called:


The ability to solve everyday problems by utilizing knowledge gained from experience in order to purposefully adapt to, shape, and select environments is called:

practical intelligence

A person with a ___ personality is someone who is relatively unconstrained by situational forces and who affects environmental change


When there is a difference between a goal and the actual outcome, this is known as a(n)


The systematic process of closing gaps between a desired outcome and actual situation is called ______ ______

problem solving

Donna works as a project manager for a major consumer products firm. She works with beliefs, perceptions, and informal obligations about what she is entitled to receive in return for what she provides to the organization. Janice's beliefs represent a(n)

psychological contract.

Jay works for ABC Corporation. He feels quite comfortable expressing his opinions about a wide variety of issues facing the company without fear of reprisal. This reflects ABC's:

psychological safety

Reliability vs. Validity

reliability (consistency) and validity (accuracy)

Which stage of social perception involves turning mental perceptions into real-world judgments and decisions?

retrieval and response

In the encoding and simplification stage, we assign pieces of information to cognitive categories that build on a representing a mental picture or summary that helps simplify our experience.


In choosing among alternatives to qualify a solution, a person is focusing on ______ if he or she considers such things as ethical implications, personal values, profits, and/or company reputation.

selection criteria

Select the three common elements in choosing among alternatives to arrive at an effective solutions

selection criteria, consequences, choice process

Which of the following refers to your belief in your ability to succeed?


General knowledge about the world is stored in ______ memory, whereas knowledge about individuals is stored in ______ memory.

semantic, person

The myriad external elements that influence what we do, how we do it, and the outcomes of our actions are called

situation factors

Organizational behavior emphasizes _______ perception rather than object perception.


The dimensions of emotional intelligence that form social competence are

social awareness and relationship management

In Ajzen's theory of planned behavior, a perceived social pressure for or against a behavior is a(n)

subjective norm

Causal attributions refer to

suspected causes of behavior

Test-retest reliability can provide a measure of consistency for test scores.


Schwartz's first bipolar dimension includes self- _________ and self-________.

transcendence, enhancement

Research has found that some aspects of an individual's disposition are significantly associated with some aspects of job satisfaction, such as having autonomy or receipt of rewards.


Values tend to vary across generations because they are influenced by events in childhood and youth. For example, some parents lived through the Depression, and this experience led them to take fewer risks in terms of their investments.


With self-serving bias, employees attribute their success to internal factors and their failures to external factors.


From a test and measurement perspective, the extent to which a researcher is actually measuring what she/he intends to measure is referred to as:


____ are abstract ideas that guide our thinking and and behavior across all situations


Which of the following would explain Elana's perception that the unemployed are lazy and do not really want to work full time?

Fundamental attribution error

Samantha assumes that someone experiencing poverty simply refuses to work hard enough to make a living. Which of the following does this describe?

Fundamental attributional error

The use of a polygraph to measure lying is:

High reliability, low validity

"Men have a more difficult time empathizing with others." This statement is:A) TrueB) False


Managers have more influence over

Flexible individual differences

Which component of CSEs is the most flexible and therefore best suited to being a focal point for employee training?

self efficacy

One's inclination to take more credit for success than for failure is called _______ - ________ bias.

self serving

Which dimensions of emotional intelligence constitute personal competence?

self-awareness, self-management

When people express themselves physically, cognitively, and emotionally during a role performance. they are demonstrating ________ _________

employee engagement

All other things equal, which of the following individual differences is the best predictor of job performance?

General mental ability

Kelley hypothesized that people make causal attributions by observing three dimensions of behavior called _______ , ________ , and ________.

consensus, distinctiveness, consistency

Norah and Katy work together. They are also friends outside of work. Norah and Katy are constantly texting each other. Their supervisor comments that, while this might be fine outside of work, it's inappropriate to constantly text each other in the office. This is an example of

context of interaction

Complex, relatively brief responses aimed at a particular target such as a person, information, experience, event, or nonevent are: Multiple choice question.


Kahn described "the harnessing of organization members' selves to their work roles" as:

employee engagement

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