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Which of the following team sizes usually provides the best performance?

6 to 9

The ____ is a rule of thumb used by the courts and the EEOC to determine whether there is evidence of adverse impact. A violation of this rule occurs when the selection rate for a protected group is less than a specified level of the selection rate for a nonprotected group.

80 percent rule

Which of the following approaches to implementing Fiedler's contingency theory in the workplace has proven effective?

Accurately measuring and matching leaders to situations

____ is unintentional discrimination in which there is a substantially different rate of selection in hiring, promotion, or other employment decisions that works to the disadvantage of members of a particular race, sex, age, ethnicity, or protected group.

Adverse impact

____ undermines team effectiveness by preventing teams from engaging in the kinds of activities that are critical to team effectiveness.

Affective conflict

Which of the following is one of the steps recommended for companies to take to reduce the risks associated with unethical charismatic leaders?

All of these are recommended steps to take to reduce the risks associated with unethical charismatics.

Which of the following statements describes a circumstance under which teams ought to be used?

Ample resources are available.

Which of the following statements regarding cohesiveness is true?

Cohesive groups have lower turnover.

Which of the following is another term for initiating structure leadership behavior?

Concern for production

W. L. Gore is the company that created Gore-Tex among many other innovative products. Gore employees (known as associates) don't have titles or bosses in the traditional sense. Instead, associates make commitments to work on projects that they believe are most worthy of their time. At Gore, few leaders are appointed; leaders simply emerge as needed by the other employees or the project itself. According to Hersey and Blanchard's situational theory, what type of leadership style is used by Gore's top management?


____ is intentional discrimination that occurs when people are purposefully not given the same hiring, promotion, or membership opportunities because of their race, sex, age, ethnic group, national origin, or religious beliefs.

Disparate treatment

____ is the perceived degree to which outcomes and rewards are fairly distributed or allocated.

Distributive justice

Linda Stein is the manager of an ad agency. Recently her employees have shown an unwillingness to work as a team. Linda has decided to use reinforcement to encourage more team cohesiveness. What advice can you give her on how to motivate with reinforcement theory?

Don't reinforce the wrong behaviors.

____ is the loss of high-performing employees who voluntarily choose to leave a company.

Dysfunctional turnover

Which of the following traits refers to the tendency of leaders to remain even-tempered and consistent in their outlook and the way they treat others even when things go wrong?

Emotional stability

Which of the following is another term for considerate leadership behavior?

Employee-centered leadership

Which of the following is the only type of responsibility given to traditional work groups?

Execute the task

Traffic accidents, most of which are caused by excessive speed, cost Australia $15 billion per year. The Australian government is thinking of using cameras to catch speeders. Government officials plan to put cameras at various locations for four weeks and then the cameras will be moved. Plans are to put the cameras back to their original location every fourth month. What kind of reinforcement schedule will be used?

Fixed interval

____ is a compensation system in which companies share the financial value of performance gains such as productivity, cost savings, or quality with their workers.


Which of the following statements about goal-setting theory is true?

Goals can energize behavior.

Which of the following is a useful guideline for successful management of virtual teams?

Keep team interaction upbeat and action-oriented.

Which of the following training methods is most appropriate for imparting information or knowledge to trainees?

Lectures and planned readings

Which of the following statements about performance appraisal is true?

Most employees and managers intensely dislike the performance appraisal process.

The manager wants to encourage cognitive conflict. According to the text, should she also push for a team consensus?

No, because requiring team consensus gives everyone on the team veto power

Which of the following is a basic component of equity theory?


____ is the process of changing behavior by changing the consequences that follow behavior.


What practical steps can a manager take to motivate employees to increase their effort?

Satisfy employees' lower-order needs before attempting to satisfy higher-order needs

Which of the following statements about semi-autonomous work groups is true?

Semi-autonomous work groups have the authority to make decisions and solve problems related to the major tasks of producing a good or service.

Which of the following statements about sexual harassment is true?

Sexual harassment can occur between people of the same sex.

____ interviewing typically leads to much more accurate hiring decisions (i.e., correctly predicting which job applicants will perform better, and therefore should be hired).


Which of the following is an example of an environmental contingency in path-goal theory?

Task structure

Which of the following statements about Internet recruiting is true?

The Internet allows companies to quickly reach large numbers of people.

Which of the following is an example of a rule used within normative decision theory to increase decision quality?

The goal congruence rule

Which of the following statements about federal employment law is true?

The intent of anti-discrimination law is to make factors such as gender, race, or age irrelevant in employment decisions.

Which of the following statements about the two basic leader behaviors that are central to successful leadership is true?

These behaviors are referred to as initiating structure and consideration

____ means providing opportunities for employees to develop the job-specific skills, experience, and knowledge they need to do their jobs or improve their performance.


Which of the following statements about job validation tests is true?

Validation refers to the process of determining how well a selection test or procedure predicts future job performance.

____ is leadership that creates a positive image of the future that motivates organizational members and provides direction for future planning and goal setting.

Visionary leadership

Which of the following statements regarding downsizing is true?

When downsizing, outplacement programs can help the company maintain a positive image in the community.

W. L. Gore is the company that created Gore-Tex among many other innovative products. Gore employees (known as associates) don't have titles or bosses in the traditional sense. Instead, associates make commitments to work on projects that they believe are most worthy of their time. At Gore, few leaders are appointed; leaders simply emerge as needed by the other employees or the project itself. Since the firm has been extremely successful since its inception, you can assume that Hersey and Blanchard's situational theory would predict Gore's employees have:

a high degree of worker readiness

The founder and CEO of a medical products distributor, establishes ambitious goals for his employees and is confident that they will be able to achieve these goals. In terms of the path-goal theory, this founder and CEO is exhibiting a(n) ____ type of leadership.


According to the path-goal theory of leadership, ____ means setting challenging goals, having high expectations of employees, and displaying confidence that employees will assume responsibility and put forth extraordinary effort.

achievement-oriented leadership

The job of the concepts managers at Starbucks is to use a cross-functional team to develop four to six new beverages annually. Starbucks uses a cross-functional team because it ____.

allows the company to use employees from various departments with varying perspectives to attack the task

All job applicants for a position in an interior design company were given 10 swatches of fabrics of different colors and textures, 30 different paint chips, and 6 different floor treatments. They were then told to select the best fabric, paint, and floor treatment for an office. What type of selection test was used in this example?

aptitude testing

Successful business leaders are not like other people. Successful business leaders ____.

are accurately described by all of these

Transformational leaders ____.

are accurately described by all of these

A perennial problem of teacher education programs is to screen the highest quality candidates from those who should not work in schools. One suggested method is to ask applicants a series of questions about their experiences with siblings, how they treat stress, their attitude toward procrastination, and ways they like to have fun. This method, which can use over 100 questions, gathers ____.


How are organizations using teams to help increase customer satisfaction?

by creating problem-solving teams to study ways to improve customer satisfaction and make recommendations for improvements

How do employees try to restore equity when they perceive that they have been treated unfairly?

by rationalizing inputs or outcomes by changing the referent by simply quitting their jobs by reducing the level of energy and time they input into a project

The two types of visionary leadership are ____.

charismatic leadership and transformational leadership

According to the text, if an employer were to use only one type of selection test, ____ would be the one to use.

cognitive ability tests

Before beginning to recruit, organizations must ____.

conduct a job analysis

In many organizations, sales managers develop companywide sales forecasts by asking members of the sales force to decide how much growth they anticipate in their individual sales territories. Sales managers then take the input from the individual salespeople and create the companywide sales forecasts based on this information. In the normative decision model, this would be an example of a(n) ____ decision-making style.


France has 14 million smokers. More importantly, smokers in France are closely associated with the French culture. To reduce the number of smokers in the nation, the French government has increased the costs of cigarettes to a price twenty times greater than that charged in any other nation in the European Union. In terms of reinforcement theory, what kind of a reinforcement schedule is being used?


In terms of simplicity and effectiveness, which of the following reinforcement schedules may be the best choice for managers?


Which of the following is one of the stages that teams pass through as they develop and grow, rather than decline?


Ford Motor Company has always attracted and nurtured capable managers, but it has failed to do the same for leaders. Ford is embarking on a sweeping attempt to mass-manufacture leaders. It wants to build an army of "warrior-entrepreneurs." Ford's "warrior-entrepreneurs" will be expected to ____.

do all of these things

The U.S. chemical industry faces a looming shortage of process operators and is hiring new ones as fast as it can. The average age of an effective process operator is 50. A wave of retirements among these highly qualified and experienced operators in coming years will create openings for as many as 10,000 operators in the chemical industry. The retirement of the current operators is an example of ____.

dysfunctional turnover

Feedback can lead to stronger motivation and effort if it _____.

encourages employees to set higher, more difficult goals after the initial goals are accomplished

According to ____, people will be motivated when they perceive they are being treated fairly.

equity theory

The two kinds of charismatic leaders are referred to as ____.

ethical charismatics and unethical charismatics

When it comes to reinforcing behavior in organizational settings, a(n) ____ reinforcement schedule tends to produce weaker results than the other types of reinforcement schedules.

fixed or variable interval

A group in Great Britain has been established to improve the employment, retention, and promotion prospects of black and other ethnic minorities as well as women in the Fire and Rescue Service, which at present has a largely white, male demographic. At its inception, this group was in the ____ stage of team development.


The city of College Station, Texas has implemented a program to reward employees for finding ways to save money for the city through improved operations and innovations.


Minority domination tends to be a particular problem in ____.

groups of ten or larger

According to a survey done on teaching evaluations, engineering students consider the improvement of teaching to be the most important outcome of the evaluation process. For engineering students who believe their efforts will lead to better teaching, the motivation to fill out a teaching evaluation would have a ____.

high valence

The city of Cairo has the world's greatest collection of Islamic buildings and statues. It would seem an ideal location for Muslim tourists, but unfortunately preservation activities have been inadequate and often more destructive than constructive. Imagine the Egyptian government is instituting a marketing campaign to motivate tourists to spend their vacation dollars in Cairo. The buildings and statues in the city would have a(n) ____ to Muslim tourists who wanted to learn more about their heritage.

high valence

Asa and Ruby both sell insurance. Asa is married, has three children, and a new house. Ruby is single and has recently purchased a new Lexus. According to some industrial psychologists ____.

how well their employer motivates them relates directly to their individual needs

Which of the following is a potential disadvantage associated with the use of work teams?

initially high employee turnover

Research at three universities has confirmed that two basic leader behaviors, ____ and ____, are central to successful leadership.

initiating structure; consideration

Which of the following is an example of an objective performance measure?

input/output measures

According to a survey done on teaching evaluations, engineering students consider the improvement of teaching to be the most important outcome of the evaluation process. In terms of the expectancy theory, the likelihood that students feel their inputs on the evaluations will lead directly to improved instruction is called ____.


In equity theory, after a(n) ____ comparison in which they compare their outcomes to their inputs, employees then make a(n) ____ comparison in which they compare their O/I ratio with the O/I ratio of a referent.

internal; external

Reinforcement theory says behavior is a function of ____.

its consequences

Two of the most important results of a job analysis are ____.

job descriptions and job specifications

According to some industrial psychologists, ____ is a function of motivation times ability times situational constraints.

job performance

The United Kingdom issued a new recruitment publication for the nation's Fire Service. The publication lists all of the qualifications needed to become a fire fighter. This recruitment pamphlet is actually a(n) ____.

job specification

In order to be considered ____, recruitment, selection, training, performance appraisals, and employee separations must be valid and be directly related to the important aspects of the job and identified by a careful job analysis.


A glass of water and shelter from a snowstorm would be examples of ____, and a gold necklace and tickets to see professional wrestling would not be.

low-order needs

According to some industrial psychologists, job performance is a(n) ____ function of motivation, ability, and situational constraints.


Which of the following is also called avoidance learning?

negative reinforcement

In the path-goal theory of leadership, subordinate satisfaction and subordinate performance would be examples of ____.


A team has finally matured into a fully-functioning team at the ____ stage of development.


A group in Great Britain has been established to improve the employment, retention, and promotion prospects of blacks and other ethnic minorities as well as women in the Fire and Rescue Service, which at present has a largely white, male demographic. This ____ team has two years to gather information and create a plan.


Many orthopedic parts are almost identical in size and shape. Stryker Howmedica Osteonics in New Jersey used a semi-autonomous work group to develop Product Recognition Technology that makes sure parts are identified correctly and orders are filled correctly. This group would be classified as a(n) ____.

project team

Boeing's operation in Macon, Georgia was named one of the ten best manufacturing plants in North America by IndustryWeek magazine. The company maintains an employee involvement team to track the plant's goals and performance metrics. This team ____.

provides advice to management concerning areas that needed change or improvements

Excessive speed is a major cause of road crashes in Australia. The Australian government is thinking of using cameras to catch speeders. According to reinforcement theory, Australian officials are using ____ to control speeding.


Which of the following is one of the ways in which training can be evaluated?

reactions of employees on how much employees learned how much employees actually modified their on-the- job behavior how job performance improved

Currently the U.S. Olympic Committee (USOC) pays Olympic athletes $25,000 for each gold medal, $15,000 for a silver medal, and $10,000 for a bronze medal. Since 1960, the Paralympics for disabled athletes has been a part of the Olympic Games, yet the USOC pays disabled athletes only 10 percent of what the Olympic athletes are paid, and Paralympic athletes are not allowed to participate in opening ceremonies. Paralympic athletes are angry at being treated unfairly. These athletes view Olympic athletes as ____.


The two parts of reinforcement are ____.

reinforcement contingencies and schedules of reinforcement

According to the motivational model presented in the text, perceived inequity directly affects ____.


The kind of team known as a(n) ____ not only provides advice and suggestions to management but also has limited authority to make decisions and solve problems related to the major tasks required to produce a product or service.

semi-autonomous work group

The ____ interview uses only standardized, job-related interview questions that are prepared ahead of time and asked of all candidates


A group in Great Britain has been established to improve the employment, retention, and promotion prospects of black and other ethnic minorities as well as women in the Fire and Rescue Service, which at present has a largely white, male demographic. The group is trying to increase ____ within the fire fighting teams.

team diversity

E-Lab (the "E" stands for experience) has project teams perform field research for its clients. These project teams are composed of students of theology, actors, and musicians as well as the more traditional marketing experts and statisticians. E-Lab teams benefit from ____.

team diversity

When Leon was hired to manage the distribution center, his supervisor advised him to "Do things that satisfy followers today or will lead to future rewards or satisfaction" and "Offer employees something unique and valuable beyond what they're experiencing or can already do for themselves". Leon's supervisor's advice was designed to help Leon become a successful leader. Which leadership theory does Leon's supervisor apparently believe to be most effective in making a good leader?

the path-goal theory

Which of the following types of information would typically be collected as part of a job analysis?

tools and equipment used knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to do the job job context

The "great person" theory is another name for the ____ theory of leadership.


Research results consistently show ____.

transformational leadership is much more effective on average than transactional leadership

Affective conflict ____.

typically decreases team cohesiveness

People with Machiavellian personalities believe that virtually any type of behavior is acceptable if it helps satisfy needs or accomplish goals. Add that skill to someone with the ability to create strong bonds with followers and you have described a leader who is a(n) ____.

unethical charismatic leader

A study in the construction industry found that when equipment is stolen from building sites, workers are the culprits 82 percent of the time. If background checks reduced employee thievery over a period of time and throughout the industry, then this selection process would be ____.


Which of the following is a direct (rather than indirect) measure of job applicants' capability to do the job?

work sample tests

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