MGMT 5210 Exam 1

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What is the importance of the Machine Metaphor?

- it suggests that we can learn something about an organization by considering a disparate object that an organization "is like" - can also deemphasize aspects

Summary of Taylor's Theory

- jobs should be designed through time & motion studies - strict division of manager & worker

A) maintaining employee morale

11) In the management process, which of the following is an activity associated with the leading function? A) maintaining employee morale B) setting performance standards C) establishing departments D) training new employees E) developing procedures

D) Investing in human capital enables managers to achieve positive results for the firm.

13) Which of the following best explains why human resource management is important to all managers? A) Technological changes and global competition require clear organization charts. B) Sophisticated accounting controls are supported by human resource managers. C) An enthusiastic labor force is likely to provide financial support to local unions. D) Investing in human capital enables managers to achieve positive results for the firm. E) Economic challenges facing the world call for advanced cost-cutting and streamlining.

E) a manager's right to issue orders to other managers or employees

16) Which of the following best defines line authority? A) management over a small staff in a public firm B) management with flexible decision-making powers C) a manager's right to advise other managers or employees D) a manager's right to advocate on behalf of his or her department E) a manager's right to issue orders to other managers or employees

D) making strategic business planning decisions

26) All of the following are ways in which an HR manager most likely assists and advises line managers EXCEPT ________. A) ensuring compliance with occupational safety laws B) administering health and accident insurance programs C) representing employees' interests to upper management D) making strategic business planning decisions E) hiring, training, and evaluating employees

A) line authority; implied authority

27) Human resource managers generally exert ________ within the human resources department and ________ outside the human resources department. A) line authority; implied authority B) staff authority; line authority C) line authority; financial authority D) functional authority; line authority E) staff authority; implied authority

E) integrating the duties of line managers with staff managers

28) All of the following are functions of the human resource manager EXCEPT ________. A) directing personnel activities within the HR department B) ensuring that line managers are implementing HR policies C) advising line managers about how to implement EEO laws D) representing the interests of employees to senior management E) integrating the duties of line managers with staff managers

C) financial advisor

29) All of the following are examples of human resource specialties EXCEPT ________. A) recruiter B) job analyst C) financial advisor D) compensation manager E) labor relations specialist

Proving Disparate Treatment

3 steps: 1. Plaintiff (employee) must demonstrate a prima facie case (means that the evidence is sufficient to raise a presumption that discrimination occurred) of discrimination. 2. Defendant must articulate a legitimate, nondiscriminatory business reason for the action. 3. Plaintiff must show that the reason given by the defendant is a mere pretext.

Proving Disparate Impact

3 steps: 1. Plaintiff must establish statistically that the rule disproportionately restricts employment opportunities for a protected class. 2. Defendant must demonstrate that the practice is a business necessity. 3. Plaintiff can still recover by proving that the necessity was promulgated as a pretext for discrimination.

Defenses to Claims under Title VII

3 types: 1. Bona fide occupational qualification 2. Merit 3. Seniority Systems

C) 5

30) In general, how many human resource employees would be on staff for a firm with 500 total employees? A) 1 B) 2 C) 5 D) 10 E) 20

A) job analyst

31) Which of the following human resource management specialties calls for collecting data to write job descriptions? A) job analyst B) job training specialist C) compensation manager D) EEO coordinator E) labor relations specialist

B) embedded HR units

33) An HR generalist at Wilson Manufacturing has been assigned to the sales department to provide HR management assistance as needed. Which of the following best describes the structure of the HR services provided at Wilson Manufacturing? A) transactional HR groups B) embedded HR units C) functional HR units D) HR centers of expertise E) corporate HR groups

E) performance appraisals

36) Which of the following responsibilities is shared by line managers and human resource managers in most firms? A) preemployment testing B) college recruiting C) benefits administration D) initial screening interviews E) performance appraisals

The type of performance management system where a company assembles performance data on an individual from most or all of his/her contacts within and outside the company is known as:

360-degree performance appraisals

B) interviewing job applicants

37) In most firms, line managers work in conjunction with HR managers when ________. A) visiting college campuses to recruit B) interviewing job applicants C) administering preemployment tests D) filing benefits information E) testing employees for drugs

Executive Order 11478

(Richard Nixon) Requires the federal government to base all its employment practices on merit and fitness, and specifies that race, color, sex, religion, and national origin should not be considered. The order also extends to all contractos and subcontractors doing $10,000 worth of business with the federal government. -Enforcement Agency: US Office of Personell Management and the relevant government agencies)

The 6 faucets of Weber's Theory?

- Clearly defined hierarchy - Division of labor - Centralization of decision making & power - Relative closed system - Importance of rules - Functioning of authority

Summary & result of Weber's Theory:

- Closed system by rational legal authority - Clearly established rules & systems --> Impersonal organization & individuality is discouraged

Importance of Specialization (Machine Metaphor)

- Division of labor - Each person has a specific task they do - Each part must work correctly

Replaceability (Machine Metaphor)

- Employees should also be replaceable

Summary of Fayol:

- Highly structures & each person knows where they fit - Clear structure facilitate function & clear rules deal with this structure - Monetary rewards - All works goes towards organization

What are the 4 aspects of the Machine Metaphor?

- Importance of specialization - Standardization - Replaceability - Predictability

What are Fayol's Principles of Organizational Attitude? Explain.

- Subordination of individual interest to general interest (Interest of the whole over the individual) - Initiative (Should encourage a person to take initiative only if it will further the organization as a whole) - Esprit de corps (All for one, one for all)

What are the 4 major tenets of Taylor's theory?

- There is one best way to do every job - Proper selection of workers - Training workers (in a way suggested by time & motion studies) - Inherent difference b/t management & workers

Standardization (Machine Metaphor)

- Things should be easily replaceable

Predictability (Machine Metaphor)

- We need to have specific rules and standards so life is predictable within the organization

How is it that not all organizations use classical structure?

- division of labor is blurred - cross-functional teams - matrixing of tasks - freer flow of communication

Fayol's Theory of Classical Management had 2 aspects that were important:

- elements of management - principles of management - Fayol was the father of modern operational-management theory

E) HR managers need to focus on big picture issues to help firms achieve their strategic goals.

38) How have globalization and increased competition most likely affected human resource management? A) Corporate intra nets are used by HR managers to communicate important messages. B) HR managers need to focus on integrating ethics into a firm's policies and practices. C) Benefits administration is increasingly being handled internally as a way to lower costs. D) Hiring practices have been modified as a result of increasing diversity within the workforce. E) HR managers need to focus on big picture issues to help firms achieve their strategic goals.

C) Globalization

39) ________ refers to the tendency of firms to extend their sales, ownership, and/or manufacturing to new markets abroad. A) Expansion B) Market development C) Globalization D) Export growth E) Diversification

Exceptions to Unequal Pay

4 exceptions: 1. A seniority system 2. A merit system 3. A system which measures earnings by quantity or quality of production 4. Differential based on any factor other than sex

Factors of Equal Pay

4 factors: 1. Skill 2. Effort 3. Responsibility 4. Working Conditions

A) creation of integrated supply chains

42) Which of the following best explains the shift from manufacturing to service jobs in the U.S.? A) creation of integrated supply chains B) firms producing their own raw materials C) global environmental concerns and legislation D) Web-based training programs for blue-collar workers E) work-centric tendencies of "Generation Y" employees

B) human capital

43) What term refers to the knowledge, education, training, skills, and expertise of a firm's workers? A) human resources B) human capital C) intangible assets D) contingent personnel E) intellectual property

B) increased number of aging workers

44) Which of the following describes the most significant demographic trend facing the U.S. work force? A) decreased number of ethnically diverse workers B) increased number of aging workers C) decreased number of contingent workers D) increased number of blue-collar workers E) decreased number of bilingual workers

A) there are fewer people entering the workforce than there are retiring baby boomers

45) Over the next few years, employers may face a severe labor shortage because ________. A) there are fewer people entering the workforce than there are retiring baby boomers B) one-third of single mothers are not employed in the U.S. labor force C) younger workers lack the values and knowledge of their parents D) there are too many nontraditional workers holding multiple jobs E) older employees are more family-centric than younger employees

D) workers with multiple jobs

47) Which of the following best describes a nontraditional worker? A) workers near retirement age B) ethnically diverse workers C) entrepreneurial workers D) workers with multiple jobs E) service-based workers

C) HR managers assist top management with developing and implementing strategies.

48) Globalization, competition, and technology have led to which of the following trends in human resource management? A) HR managers primarily focus on providing transactional services like recruiting and hiring. B) Metrics used to measure employee potential have been replaced by standardized testing. C) HR managers assist top management with developing and implementing strategies. D) Employee contracts are frequently used by HR managers to protect the interests of the firm. E) College recruiting has increased as a result of the increasing number of retiring baby boomers.

B) offshoring and outsourcing benefits administration services

49) All of the following are ways in which employers use technology to support their human resource management activities EXCEPT ________. A) paying employees and suppliers electronically B) offshoring and outsourcing benefits administration services C) offering online employee training through streaming desktop videos D) developing data warehouses to compare employees' skills with the firm's needs E) tracking employee activities with network-monitoring software

D) planning

5) Celeste spends most of her time at work establishing goals for her staff of fifty employees and developing procedures for various tasks. In which function of the management process does Celeste spend most of her time? A) leading B) organizing C) motivating D) planning E) staffing

C) outsourcing

50) Which term refers to using external vendors to perform HR jobs that were once handled by a firm internally? A) managing B) freelancing C) outsourcing D) rightsizing E) warehousing

E) processing employment applications

51) How are application service providers used to support human resources? A) allowing full-time employees to telecommute B) enabling employees to schedule appointments C) providing employees with wireless Internet access D) monitoring employees' Internet activities E) processing employment applications

B) Web portal

52) Royall & Company streamlined its annual benefits package enrollments by digitizing and aggregating the former paper benefits reports, electronic spreadsheets, and benefit summaries and providing the materials at a single location on the company intranet. Royall is most likely using a(n) ________. A) spam filter B) Web portal C) Web crawler D) query processor E) software license

A) streaming desktop video

54) Which of the following would provide the best solution for a global firm's HR department that needs to immediately provide employees with corporate information? A) streaming desktop video B) electronic outsourcing C) productivity software D) peripheral devices E) network monitoring

D) data warehouse

55) An HR manager who wants to analyze the costs associated with each new hire will most likely use which of the following? A) podcasts B) Web portal C) file extensions D) data warehouse E) public domain software

B) explain HR activities in terms of a firm's finances and productivity

56) Unlike HR managers of the past, modern HR managers must be able to ________. A) assist with employee training in various departments within a firm B) explain HR activities in terms of a firm's finances and productivity C) determine the most appropriate compensation for employees D) develop and implement a firm's long-term business strategies E) hire workers who are well-matched to a firm's HR needs

B) Human capital is linked to increased productivity and customer satisfaction.

59) Which of the following best explains why top HR executives are being paid increasingly high salaries? A) A firm's vision is effective when HR managers play a strategic role in its development. B) Human capital is linked to increased productivity and customer satisfaction. C) Transactional activities are more cost-effective when outsourced by HR. D) Business strategies developed by HR managers are quantifiable. E) Productivity increases when HR managers implement wage curves.

C) automatic pay increases

61) High-performance work systems are most likely characterized by all of the following practices EXCEPT ________. A) employee training B) applicant screening C) automatic pay increases D) workplace safety measures E) productivity measurements

D) High-performance work system

62) ________ refers to an integrated set of human resource management policies and practices that together result in superior employee performance. A) Benchmarking B) Strategic planning C) Strategic human resource management D) High-performance work system E) Human resource scorecard approach

D) qualitative opinions

63) Evidence-based human resource management relies on all of the following types of evidence EXCEPT ________. A) scientific rigor B) existing data C) research studies D) qualitative opinions E) analytics

B) metrics

64) Which term refers to a set of quantitative performance measures that human resource managers use to assess their operations? A) case studies B) metrics C) practices D) tools E) ratios

D) FCC regulations

67) All of the following are ethical issues that must be considered by human resource managers EXCEPT ________. A) comparable work B) workplace safety C) affirmative action D) FCC regulations E) employee privacy rights

A) ethics

68) Which of the following refers to the standards someone uses to decide what his or her conduct should be? A) ethics B) strategies C) preferences D) competencies E) alternatives

C) Society for Human Resource Management

69) Which organization provides professional certification for human resource managers? A) Academy of Management B) Association of Certified HR Managers C) Society for Human Resource Management D) Academy of Human Resource Executives E) Association of Business Administration

D) controlling

7) When managers use metrics to assess performance and then develop strategies for corrective action, they are performing the ________ function of the management process. A) planning B) leading C) staffing D) controlling E) organizing

Sarbanes-Oxley Act

A congressional act passed in response to illegal and unethical behavior by managers and executives. The act sets stricter rules for business, especially accounting practices including requiring more open and consistent disclosure of financial data, CEO's assurance that data are completely accurate and provisions that affect the employee - employer relationship (development of a code of conduct for senior financial officers)


A disadvantage of using pay grades is the increased administrative burden and costs.


A disadvantage of using the pay-setting approach that groups jobs into a smaller number of pay grades is that: A. it increases administrative burden. B. it permits less flexibility in moving employees from job to job. C. it results in some jobs being underpaid and others overpaid. D. it increases costs of surveying the market.

What is an HR dashboard?

A display of how the company is performing on specific HR metrics.

When sexually offensive conduct creates a work situation in which it becomes difficult for a worker to do his or her job, this is called:

A hostile environment.

Which one of the following approaches would be most appropriate when gathering information for jobs that are repetitive and involve physical activity?

A job analyst visits the workplace and watches/videotapes an employee performing the job. OR job analyst visits the workplace and asks employees to show what the job entails.


A market pay policy line: A. is developed using nonkey jobs. B. can be generated using a statistical procedure called regression analysis. C. requires market pay rate data on all jobs in the organization. D. is always expressed as a linear relationship between job evaluation points and pay rates.

What is typically the first step in a grievance procedure initiated by an employee? A. The grievance is put in writing and submitted to a line manager. B. The union steward meets with a management representative. C. Additional local or national union officers are involved. D. Employee discusses problem with supervisor. E. Management puts response to grievance in writing.

D. Employee discusses problem with supervisor. For grievances launched by an employee, in the first step, the employee talks to his or her supervisor about the problem. If this conversation is unsatisfactory, the employee may involve the union steward in further discussion.

Which of the following decisions in labor relations involves day-to-day activities in which union members and the organization's managers may have disagreements? A. Administering contracts B. Formulating labor relations strategy C. Lobbying for labor law changes D. Negotiating contracts E. Implementing labor laws

A. Administering contracts Decisions regarding administering of contracts involve day-to-day activities in which union members and the organization's managers may have disagreements. Issues include complaints of work rules being violated or workers being treated unfairly in particular situations. A formal grievance procedure is typically used to resolve these issues.

Which of the following is a union security arrangement that requires the payment of union dues but not union membership? A. Agency shop B. Union shop C. Closed shop D. Maintenance of membership E. Checkoff provision

A. Agency shop The agency shop is a union security arrangement which requires the payment of union dues but not union membership.

Norris- LaGuardia Act

Act that guarantees workers' right to organize and restricts issuance of court injunctions against nonviolent union activity such as strikes, picketing, and boycotts. Outlawed Yellow Dog Contracts.

Railway Labor Act

Act that originally provided railroad employees the right to organize and bargain collectively;now covers both railroad and airline employees. Gave the President authority to call 90 day "cooling off' period related to a national emergencies

National Labor Relations Act (NRLA) or Wagner Act

Act that protects the rights of employees to organize unhampered by management a. Protects the right to organize b. Identified unfair labor practices c. Established the National Labor Review Board (NLRB)


Activities focused on identifying workforce morale issues or concerns pertain to the leader of the HR function.

Which of the following statements about utilitarian considerations of affirmative action is true?

Advocates argue that preferential treatment policies benefit everyone by making fuller use of talent.

A networking group formed by employees who personify an attribute associated with bias and social isolation is known as a(n):

Affinity group

Employment policies that try to give preferential treatment to groups protected by Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act are called:

Affirmative action

Which of the following is a difference between diversity management and affirmative action?

Affirmative action is compliance-oriented hiring of individuals from a narrow range of racial and ethnic categories.

Which one of the following statements is NOT true of affirmative action?

Affirmative action may be either voluntary or court-imposed. or Americans favor affirmative action, especially when programs use quotas.

What sector of the U.S. economy is represented by farming, fishing and forestry occupations?


Nations that have not yet industrialized tend to have large:

Agricultural sectors


All of the following are ways of enhancing the organization's competitive position in the product market except: A. staff expansion. B. wage and salary freezes. C. hiring freezes. D. sharing benefits costs with employees.

The Comprehensive Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act:

Allows separated workers to continue in group health plans for up to 18 months at their own expense.

Most national unions are composed of multiple local units and are affiliated with the _____.

American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO)

"Job Characteristics Model"

Amodel of how job design affects employee reaction

Which of the following is a federal law passed in 1935 that supports collective bargaining and sets out the rights of employees to form unions? A. The Landrum-Griffin Act B. The Civil Rights Act C. The Wagner Act D. The Taft-Hartley Act E. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act

C. The Wagner Act Perhaps the most dramatic example of labor laws' influence is the 1935 passage of the Wagner Act (also known as the National Labor Relations Act, or NLRA ), which actively supported collective bargaining.

Which one of the following employer-provided benefits is required by law in the U.S.? A. Floating holidays B. Paid vacation leave C. Unpaid family and medical leave D. Long-term disability insurance E. Long-term care insurance

C. Unpaid family and medical leave Employers must provide unpaid leave for certain family and medical needs. Because these benefits are required by law, employers cannot gain an advantage in the labor market.

(n) _____ is a union security arrangement under which a person must be a union member before being hired. A. agency shop B. union shop C. closed shop D. maintenance of membership provision E. checkoff provision

C. closed shop The strongest union security arrangement is a closed shop, under which a person must be a union member before being hired. Under the National Labor Relations Act, closed shops are illegal.

A labor union all of whose members have a particular skill or occupation is known as a(n) _____ union. A. common B. industrial C. craft D. regional E. employer's

C. craft Unions may be either craft or industrial unions. The members of a craft union all have a particular skill or occupation. Examples include the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers for electricians and the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America for carpenters.

The employer's _____ refers to the number of employees the company laid off in the past and the cost of providing them with unemployment benefits. A. attrition B. scalability C. experience rating D. Six Sigma score E. wage drift

C. experience rating The employer's experience rating refers to the number of employees the company laid off in the past and the cost of providing them with unemployment benefits.

The process for resolving union-management conflicts over interpretation or violation of a collective bargaining agreement is known as a _____. A. complaint protocol B. chain of command C. grievance procedure D. protest procedure E. corporate campaign

C. grievance procedure Contract administration includes carrying out the terms of the agreement and resolving conflicts over interpretation or violation of the agreement. Under a labor contract, the process for resolving these conflicts is called a grievance procedure. This procedure has a key influence on success in contract administration.

In general, Social Security provides support for _____. A. laid-off workers B. workers injured on the job C. retired workers D. self-injured workers E. sick workers

C. retired workers In general, Social Security provides support for retired workers.

The federal agency that is responsible for helping consumers to evaluate the comparative safety of products is the ____


Companies can manage their responses to social pressures by moving through a process of:

CSR implementation

The earliest initiatives of this dealt with actions taken by companies to ward off corporate raiders


_____ is a leader in governance activism among pension funds.


Which theory is based on the writings of Adam Smith?


Which of the following is human resource accounting likely to include?

Capitalization of salary

According to the text, which criteria pollutant is released the most by vehicles?

Carbon monoxide

Which of the following is a variant of strategic philanthropy in which charitable contributions are based on purchases of a product?

Cause-related marketing

. _____ is a Latin phrase which means "let the buyer beware."

Caveat emptor.

Two of the most important dimensions of organizational structure are

Centralization and Departmentalization

Legislative Branch

Consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate -These bodies develop laws that govern many HRM activities. -Most of the laws stem from a perceived societal need. (ex. labor laws) -PASSES THE LAWS

Legislative Branch

Consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate. They develop laws that govern many HRM activities.

Judicial Branch

Consists of the federal court system, which is made up of three levels. 1) US District Courts and the quasi-judicial administrative agencies 2) US Court of Appeals 3) Supreme Court

Judicial Branch

Consists of the federal court system, which is made up of three levels: 1) U.S. District Courts and quasi-judicial administrative agencies 2) U.S. Courts of Appeal, and 3) The U.S. Supreme Court

Executive Branch

Consists of the president and the many regulatory agencies the president oversees. -Although the legislative branch passes the laws, the executive branch affects these laws in many ways.

Executive Branch

Consists of the president of the United States and the many regulatory agencies the president oversees.

The _____ requires employers to permit employees to extend their health insurance coverage at group rates for up to 36 months following a qualifying event, such as a layoff.

Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)

Thorstein Veblen argued that in the new industrial society people earned their status by:

Conspicuous consumption

The _____ promotes research and investigation into the causes and prevention of product related deaths, illnesses and injuries.

Consumer product safety commission.

The movement that promotes the rights and powers of consumers in relation to the sellers of products and services is called:


When the EPA does a poll in which people are asked to put a dollar amount on nature, this is called:

Contingent valuation

Which of the following is not an element of the regulatory options spectrum?

Contingent valuation

Which of the following statements about BCRA is true?

Contribution limits for individuals are indexed for inflation.

Which of the following is an advantage for employers who implement flexible benefits plans?

Control over the size of the contribution

Job Characteristics Model

Core Job Dimensions, Psychological States, Work Outcomes

A set of four standards to protect basic worker rights on which there is broad international agreement is the:

Core labor standards.

_____ seeks to exert public, financial, or political pressure on employers during the union-organizing process.

Corporate campaign

A government document that creates a corporation and defines its authority is called a(n):

Corporate charter

A Chinese manager is given an expatriate assignment in the U.S. Day-to-day expenses in the U.S. are higher than in China. Which of the following is the firm likely to provide to offset this difference?

Cost-of-living allowances

_____ are payments that offset the differences in expenditures on day-to-day necessities between a host country and a parent country.

Cost-of-living allowances

Which one of the following is an active wellness program?

Counselors providing tailored programs

Which of the following is true of how human capital affects foreign investment in a country?

Countries that invest in education are likely to attract direct foreign investment.

Cyber Harassment

Counts as a type of harassment.

Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973

Covers executive agencies and contractors and subcontractors that receive more than$2,500 annually from the federal government. It requires them to engage in affirmative action for individuals with disabilities.

In which of the following ways do HRM practices support diversity management?

Create a work environment that is comfortable for all.

Condensibles are:

Created in the atmosphere by reactions of precursor gases like VOCs.

For most companies, the first step in the personnel selection process is

screening the applications to see who meet the basic requirements for the job

The _____ dimension refers to the skills that enable a manager to maintain psychological well-being.


Independent contractors are:

self-employed individuals with multiple clients.

Unions focus on equal pay for equal work. To ensure this, they prefer any difference in pay or promotions to be based on _____.


The legislative, executive and judicial functions of the U.S. government are in three branches of government in order to promote a __________ of powers.


The _____ consists of individuals who often leverage information technology to efficiently deliver employee services.

service center

The generic structure of HRM functions is likely to result in:

service centers focusing on efficient delivery of basic services across units.

Outplacement counseling programs are:

services in which professionals try to help dismissed employees manage the transition from one job to another.

An organization's core competency is

set of knowledge and skills that make the organization superior to competitors and create value for customers

Work Sample Tests

simulate the job in a prehiring context to observe how applicants would perform; case studies, role play, competitions

Business Games and Case Studies

simulations best for management skill development

The _____ is a form of industry-labor-government cooperation in which government strongly regulates the labor market to secure expansive rights and high benefits for workers.

social welfare model

Granting options shortly before good news causes a share price rise is called:

spring loading

A(n) _____ is a diagram showing stakeholders and their relationship to the firm.

stakeholder map

Organizations that relay on a mechanistic manner will rely on the principles _______ ______ & _______

standardization, specialization & predictability

The right to purchase a specified number of shares in a company's stock for a set price at a future date is called a(n) _____

stock option

The right to purchase a specified number of shares of a company's stock for a specified price at a future date is called a(n):

stock option

Statistical planning models almost always have to be complemented by____

subjective judgments

Ratio of promotions to number of employees is a key indicator of the _____ function of HRM.

succession planning

Organizations that pursue a _____ strategy pursue the "triple bottom line" of economic, social, and environmental benefits.

sustainable Sustainability refers to a company's ability to meet its needs without sacrificing the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Organizations pursuing a sustainable strategy pursue the "triple bottom line": economic, social, and environmental benefits.

The idea that nonpolluting economic growth that raises the standard of living of people without depleting the earth's resources is called _____.

sustainable development

Diversity trends in today's and tomorrow's workforce

the age of the labor force from 2010 to 2020 will have more people age 16-24 and less people age 25-54 and 55+

The goals that are set in the human resource planning process should come directly from:

the analysis of the labor supply and demand.

Early Retirement Programs

the average age of US workforce is increasing, baby boomers are not retiring early, many employers will try voluntary attrition among older workers though these incentive methods

Cost Per Hire

the cost of using a particular recruitment source for a particular type of vacancy; divide overall cost by the # of people hired to fill that type of vacancy

Inter-Rater Reliability

the degree of agreement/consistency among different raters


the degree to which a measure is free from random error; refers to the consistency of a measure

A selection method that is valid in other contexts beyond the context in which the selection method was developed is

the generalizable method

A disadvantage of employing temporary workers as a means of eliminating a labor shortage

the low levels of commitment to the organization and its customers that temporary workers bring with them often reduces the level of customers loyalty


the planned elimination of large numbers of personnel designed to enhance organizational effectiveness


the practices and activities carried out by the organization with the primary purpose of choosing which employees to hire

Job Design

the process of defining the way work will be performed and the tasks that will be required in a given job

HR Planning

the process of identifying the numbers and types of employees the organization will require to meet its objectives

Performance Feedback

the process of providing employees information regarding their performance effectiveness

Performance Appraisal

the process through which an organization gets information on how well an employee is doing his or her job

Performance Management

the process through which managers ensure that employee's activities are congruent with the organization's goals

An organization's pay structure consists of:

the relative pay for different jobs within the organization.

Plutus Inc. has its headquarters in the U.S. and has a facility in Germany. A virtual team operates from around the globe with most members from China. China is a _____ country for Plutus.


An individual who was born in France and is currently working in Peru for a company headquartered in Germany is called a _____.

third-country national

The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 requires employers

to offer disability plans to treat pregnancy as they would any other disability.

A group that represents companies within a specific industry is called a(n):

trade association

Self-management Skills

trainees should set their own goals, monitor the use of their new skills, and ask others for feedback

Readiness for training is a combination of all of the following except

trainer characteristics

The most likely activities to be outsourced include _____ activities.


Technology has freed HR managers from day-to-day activities to focus more on _____ activities.


Questions such as "Where did people who were in each job category go?" and "Where did people now in each category come from?" can be answered by:

transitional matrix

When an activist group claims that a company's self-report of its impact on society cannot be validated by outsiders, it is another way of saying that this report is not _____.


The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 requires employers to:

treat pregnancy as they would any other disability when they do offer disability plans.

"Disparate treatment" is a violation of the meaning of Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.


. Businesses influence governmental decisions through a lobbying process


. In the past thirty years in the U.S., women have increased their participation in the labor force faster than men.


. Many of U.S. environmental laws are specific about the amount of risk reduction that is required and how it should be achieved.


. Most corporations have compensation committees of the board that set the pay of the company's top executives


. Philanthropy assumes a giving based on a moral duty to benefit society.


. Regardless of the source of a code of conduct, the target is the corporation


. Sulfur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen contribute to formation of the small airborne particles that cause regional haze


A company's charitable giving program is a traditional dimension of its corporate social responsibility


A company's concern for the welfare of society expressed by monetary gifts intended to advance social welfare is called philanthropy.


A contract with the consumer in which the manufacturer guarantees the nature of its products is called a warranty.


A lobbyist representing a trade association attempts to influence legislators to pass laws favorable to that industry.


A political committee formed by a company to collect campaign contributions from its employees is called a PAC


A quantitative estimate of how toxic a substance is to human beings at increasing levels of exposure to the substance is called dose-response assessment.


A strategy is a basic approach, method or plan for achieving an objective


Advocates of the environmental tax reform believe that substituting revenue from green taxes for revenue from taxes on productivity pays a double dividend.


After 1974, subcommittees could hold hearings on any subject they wished


An assessment of a company's social impacts on society is called a social audit.


An employment contract is the agreement by which an employee exchanges his or her labor in return for specific pay and working conditions.


An injury to a consumer that has been caused by the defective product of a manufacturer is a type of tort.


An international effort to develop uniform standards for company reports was developed and called the GRI.


An unknown number of new products and innovations never come to market at all because their liability potential scares manufacturers


Any attempt to restrict political contributions by a PAC may be constitutionally illegal


Chlorofluorocarbons break down in the upper atmosphere in ozone consuming reactions


Civil rights are rights that government gives to its citizens


Conservative economists believe that businesses act most responsibly when they make a profit in efficient ways and that they should not be involved in "social projects


Consumerism arose in force when economic changes interacted with cultural and social changes


Corporate charters require the directors of the company to protect the financial interests of the company's stockholders


Corporate charters spell out the rights and responsibilities of the officers of the company


Cost-benefit analysis of the regulation of risks from pollutants imply that ethical duties can be balanced against the utilitarian benefits to society.


Dry cleaners and gas stations are a source of release of air toxics


During the Progressive era in U.S. history, business managers were considered to be "trustees" of their local communities


Employment-at-will was traditionally defined as an employment contract that could be ended by either party without notice and for any or no reason.


For a company to use the "business necessity defense" in its hiring practices, it must prove that an employment test is job-related and essential.


Friedman believes that the sole objective of management should be to maximize the company's profits


Giving out resources based on group membership instead of individual merit is called social discrimination


Graying of the workforce in developed nations is caused by increase in life expectancy combined with decline in fertility.


Immediately after the U.S. Civil War, "big business" dominated both the federal government and the state governments to an extent that has not been seen since that time.


In U.S. government, the division of powers between the national government and the state governments is addressed in the U.S. Constitution.


In a global labor market workers in developed countries are exposed to competition from pools of low-cost workers.


In blue-collar settings, sexism can be blatant while in managerial settings, it is usually subtle


In international law, when one country exercises jurisdiction over actions that occur within another country, it is called extraterritoriality


In terms of a company's social report, the opposite of transparency is opacity


In the U.S. Declaration of Independence, "unalienable Rights" are considered natural rights that cannot be taken away by government.


In the U.S., employer-employee relationships are governed under a body of common law based on earlier judicial decisions.


In the absence of federal legislation, states have enacted additional worker protections of the rights of employees based on the doctrine of common law.


In the realm of international law,"hard law" is found mainly in treaties and creates prohibitions and duties


Information disclosure about environmental performance harnesses market forces by affecting consumer perceptions and equity prices


Laws that prohibit retail stores from being open for business on Sundays are called blue laws.


Management standard is a model of the methods an organization can use to achieve certain goals


Milton Friedman believes that managers are "employees" of the owners of the company for which they work


Much of industrial pollution adds to naturally occurring substances that pollute the environment


Nonpolluting economic growth that raises the standard of living without depleting the planet's resources is called sustainable development


Occasionally industries have been crippled due to product liability lawsuits.


On earth, human beings are the only creatures that have the power of reason according to the theory of dualism


One of the reasons that industries like to create their own codes of conduct is that the organization that supervises the actions of member organizations is likely to be lenient to these members in terms of the strict enforcement of the code


Pollution prevention is the modification of industrial processes to eliminate contaminants before they are created.


Rule 14a - 8 stipulates that a company must include a shareholder's proposal in its proxy statement if it meets specified requirements


Soft law refers to statements of philosophy, policy and principle found in nonbonding international conventions


Structural change has been an important factor in the decline of labor unions in the U.S.


The EPA has the huge responsibility to protect the environment within the U.S.


The EPA is the agency which protects consumers by setting up drinking water standards.


The FDA has the authority to regulate the composition of food products.


The FDIC insures monies that are deposited in U.S. banks


The Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) of 1971 was passed to stiffen disclosure requirements on campaign contributions and expenditures


The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution gives businesses the right to pursue their agenda with the federal government


The NHTSA conducts research to study the safety techniques that are used by new vehicles.


The NHTSA has the power to require auto companies to recall vehicles with defective auto parts.


The Sarbanes-Oxley Act allows the SEC to bar executives from serving as directors of a company


The Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires company executives to forfeit the profits from the sale of their company's stock when company earnings are restated because of securities fraud


The U.S. Constitution allows for judicial review of laws to determine if officials of the government exceed their authority


The U.S. Constitution is a "federal system" in which governmental powers are divided between a national government and fifty state governments


The U.S. Constitution sets up a separation of powers between the three branches of the federal government


The absorption of carbon by coral reefs is an ecological service


The basic law for preventing water pollution in the U.S. is called The Clean Water Act


The basic purpose of a company should be stated in the company's mission statement


The corporate charter is the document that authorizes formation of a corporation


The desire to help other people without any expectation of receiving something in return for this help is called altruism.


The doctrine in tort law that applies to redress to consumers for injuries that have been caused by defective products is called product liability law.


The doctrine of utilitarianism rationalized the environmental side effects of commercial activities


The doctrine of utilitarianism was used to justify economic activity that harmed the environment.


The duty of a company to create wealth in ways that do not harm society and that protect society's assets is called corporate social responsibility


The economic consequences of different approaches to the regulation of pollutants can be estimated through cost-benefit studies.


The formula for consumerism is activated by economic growth and social change in one nation after another.


The guideline that requires companies to prepare social reports that can be verified by outsiders is called transparency.


The idea that racially segregated facilities are not inherently unequal is called "separate but equal."


The idea that the sole responsibility of a corporation is to optimize profits while still obeying the law is called Friedmanism


The link between industrial pollutants and health problems in human beings can be established by epidemiological studies.


The most effective assurance that information in a corporate sustainability report is correct is provided by independent, external auditors.


The overall conclusion about the dangers of a substance is called risk characterization.


The primary focus of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act is on rules for accounting practices


The process of establishing a link between a substance and human disease is called hazard assessment.


The state of Delaware charters more corporations of the U.S. than any other state


The study of the amount of a substance human beings can absorb through inhalation, ingestion or skin absorption is called exposure assessment.


The top management of a company sets the tone for the company's social goals


The triple bottom line has become the most accepted approach to CSR reporting because it can satisfy a range of demanding stakeholders.


The two-year period between federal elections in the U.S. is called an election cycle.


The vapors from the gasoline emissions of automobiles are called VOCs.


Theoretically, risk assessment is a scientific process that leads to an objective, quantitative measure of the risks posed by any substance.


There is no single formula for social responsibility that fits all companies


United Steelworkers of America v. Weber is a classic case of "reverse discrimination."


When a company changes it philosophy of giving money to charitable organizations from pure generosity to commercial objectives, it is called strategic philanthropy


When a company transfers work from its own workers to workers at another company, this is called outsourcing.


When a company transfers work from its own workers to workers who work in a foreign country, this is called offshoring.


When a company tries to influence public opinion to support a position held by the company, this is called grassroots lobbying.


When an industry receives a lot of complaints from critics, it sometimes sets up its own industry code of conduct


The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 imposes criminal penalties for corporate governing and accounting lapses.

true The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 sets strict rules for corporate behavior and sets heavy fines and prison terms for noncompliance. It imposes criminal penalties for corporate governing and accounting lapses, including retaliation against whistle-blowers reporting violations of Security and Exchange Commission rules.

When it comes to problem solving, cultural diversity can provide companies with a competitive advantage.

true When it comes to problem solving, the benefit that cultural diversity offers is heterogeneity in decisions and problem-solving groups. This potentially produces better decisions through a wider range of perspectives and more thorough critical analysis of issues.

Analyzing data redundancy, special cases, and exceptions is part of _____ the process during reengineering.


Countries like Mexico with low human capital are likely to attract:

unionized low-skill-high-wage jobs.

Mixed-Standard Scale

uses several statements describing each trait to produce a final score for that trait; define relevant performance dimensions, develop statements representing good, average, and poor performance on each dimension; statements are presented in mixed order

In cafeteria-style plans, adverse selection can be controlled by:

using a limited set of packaged options.

Mobile Technologies

using mp3 players or tablet computers, employees can learn at their own pace, good for employees constantly traveling

When conducting a workplace search, employers can act fairly and minimize the likelihood of a lawsuit through all of the following practices EXCEPT:

using noncompany personnel to conduct the search

. "The greatest good for the greatest number of people" is a fundamental postulate in the doctrine of _____.


The degree to which the information provided by selection methods enhances the effectiveness of selecting personnel in organizations refers to the selection method's


Job Security and Policies

very appealing to applicants; promote-from-within, employment-at-will, due process

Employees who have met the enrollment and length-of-service requirements to receive a pension at retirement, regardless of whether they remained with the employer until that time, are said to be:


According to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), the rights of employees to a pension upon retirement are known as _____.

vesting rights

Using customer evaluations of employee performance is appropriate in all of the following situations EXCEPT:

when the company wants an inexpensive means of evaluation

Decisions related to training and development include:

whom the organization should invest in to prepare for future challenges.

Taylor believed that the problem of uneven work could be eliminated by instituting the scientific investigation of _______ _______ through _____ & ______ studies

work procedures; time & motion

Work-flow analysis

work-flow analysis is useful because it provides a means for the managers to understand all the tasks required to produce a high quality product as well as the skills neessary to perform those tasks

According to emerging changes in the employment relationship, which of the following benefits do employees typically not expect to be provided by employers?

Job security New or emergent business strategies have resulted in changes in the employment relationship. Employees realize that companies cannot provide job security, so they want employability—that is, they want their company to provide training and job experiences to help ensure that employees can find other employment opportunities. In exchange for top performance and working longer hours without job security, employees want companies to provide flexible work schedules, comfortable working conditions, and more autonomy in accomplishing work.

Which of the following is recognized by the Japanese worker compensation system as a syndrome marked by emotional and physical stress accumulated during six months or more of overwork?



Key, or benchmark, jobs have all of the following characteristics except: A. relatively stable content. B. are common to many organizations. C. are jobs on which it is possible to obtain market pay survey data. D. have many incumbents within the organization.


Knowledge management, management development, cultural change, and strategic redirection and renewal represent which type of HR activity? A. Transactional B. Transnational C. Transformational D. Traditional

These are symbols displayed on or with products to certify that the product or its production process, meets a set of social responsibility criteria


Resistance to diversity projects comes from all of the following EXCEPT:

Labor markets.

. Libertarians advocate


_____ changes the role of Homo sapiens from conqueror of the land-community to plain member and citizen of it

Land ethic.

Which of the following acts was an addition to the Taft-Hartley Act that further regulated unions' actions and their internal affairs like financial disclosure and conduct of elections?

Landrum-Griffin Act

These are people who believe in the maximum freedom to act or use property without interference by others, especially government


Pregnancy Discrimination Act

Makes it illegal to discriminate on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions as a form of unlawful sex discrimination.

Which of the following is true about the European Economic Community (EEC)?

Most members of the EEC share a common currency.

Which of the following is true of labor relations in the public sector?

Much of union growth in the public sector has been in the service industry.

Hostile Work Environment

Must be proved by: -He or she suffered intentional, unwanted discrimination b/c of their sex -The harassment was severe or pervasive -The harassment negatively affected the terms, conditions, or privileges of the work environment -The harassment was both subjectively and objectively unwelcome -Management knew or should have known about the harassment and did nothing to stop it

The federal agency that is responsible for setting fuel economy standards for cars and trucks is called the ____


NLRB: M.B. Sturgis, Inc.

NLRB decision that held that temporary employees may be included in bargaining units if they are in the same "community of interest". The temp agency and employer are not required to bargain jointly nor do both need to approve their inclusion in the bargaining unit.


Nonkey, or benchmark, jobs have relatively stable content and are common to many organizations.

This is a standard that arises over time and is enforced by social sanction or law


The requirement that fair criteria be used to assign benefits and burdens comes under

Norms of distributive justice

. In terms of GRI indicators, which of the following is an economic performance indicator?

Number of jobs supported in the supply chain.

Which of the following is an example of a union unfair labor practice?

Oliver, a union head, forces an employer to stop doing business with another employer who refused to recognize the union.


One disadvantage of merit pay is its inability to define and reward a broad range of performance dimensions.

Which of the following is true of union actions across industries and states?

One reason for the smaller union presence in southern states is the existence of right-to-work laws.


One significant difference between gainsharing and profit-sharing plans is that gainsharing-plan payouts are generally distributed more frequently.


One solution to profit-sharing during a downturn is to design plans that have downside risk but not upside risk.

This process works only to the degree that managers who hear complaints listen and are able to act.

Open-door policy

Big Five Factors

Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism


Organizations have a very low degree of discretion in deciding how to pay employees.

In which of the following ways may staffing practices change in response to benefit cost controls?

Organizations having their employees classified as contractors rather than employees

Enforcement Procedures Under ADA

Plaintiff must show that they: 1. Had a disability 2. Was otherwise qualified for the job 3. Was excluded from the job solely because of that disability

Proving a Claim under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act

Plantiff has to show disparate treatment or disparate impact. They must establish facts sufficient to create a reasonable inference that age was a determining factor in the termination by showing that they: 1. Belong to the statutorily protected class (40+) 2. Was qualified for the position held 3. Was terminated under circumstances giving rise to an inference of discrimination

According to the EPA regulations, industrial sites that discharge pollutants from a single location are called:

Point sources.

When a company forms a committee to funnel campaign contributions from its employees to candidates up for election, this committee is called a(n):

Political action committee

When industrial processes are modified to eliminate industrial contaminants before they are created, this is called:

Pollution prevention

Job Analysis Methods

Position Analysis Questionaire (PAQ), Task Analysis Inventory, Fleishman Analysis System (FJAS) and Occupational Information Network O*NET)

Which of the following cultural dimensions describes the degree of inequality among people that is considered normal?

Power distance


Private pension income represents the largest single component of an elderly person's overall retirement income.

. Civil regulation is also known as:

Private regulation.

The doctrine in the law of torts that applies to redress for injuries caused by defective consumer products is called:

Product liability

Which of the following is true about the reengineering process?

Product or service cost will increase if new technology is applied to an inefficient process.


Product-market comparisons that focus on labor costs deserve greater weight when labor costs represent a large share of total costs.


Product-market competition places a lower bound on labor costs and compensation.

Healthcare issues at work

Professionals and managers will have to work with legal counsel and benefits experts to understand new health care regulations and the form that health care will take, if they decide to provide it some companies are allowing employees to choose if they want higher or lower plans There will be compliance issues. Companies that have more than 50 or more full-time employees who decide not to offer health care coverage will have to pay an penalty of $2,000

The programs developed in the strategic-choice stage of the process are put into practice in the ___ stage.


The belief that history is a narrative of improvement in which humanity moves from lower to higher levels of perfection is known as the idea of:


Which one of the following is NOT representative of the hot-stove rule?


This process seeks to prevent misbehavior and to correct, rather than merely punish, misbehavior.

Progressive discipline

Equal Pay Act of 1963

Prohibits an employer from paying workers of one gender less than the wages paid to employees of the opposite gender of work that requires equal skill, effort, and responsibility.

Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)

Prohibits discrimination against employees over the age of 40. -Covers: Employers with 15 or more employees working 20 or more weeks per year; labor unions; employment agencies; federal government -Enforcement agency: EEOC (The ADEA was designed to protect older employees when a firm reduces its workforce through layoffs. By targeting older employees, who tend to have higher pay, a firm can substantially cut labor costs)

Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)

Prohibits discrimination against employees over the age of 40. It is designed to protect employees over the age of 40.

Developing a Work-Flow Analysis

Raw Inputs (material,information), Equipment (facilities, systems), People (knowledge,skills,abilities) , all go to the Activity (what is the task required) =OUTPUT (product/service and how it is measured?)

Which of the following refers to an employer's obligation to do something to enable an otherwise qualified person to perform a job?

Reasonable accommodation

The FDA is authorized to regulate drugs in all of the following ways EXCEPT

Recall hazardous products with the permission of CPSC

What is the goal of ergonomics?

Reducing the physical strain on employees.


Reengineering involves incremental, ongoing changes and redesign to make work processes more cost efficient.

The largest share of new employees hired come from which external source?


Equal Employment Opportunity

Refers to the government's attempt to ensure that all individuals have an equal chance for employment, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, or national origin. (To accomplish this, the federal government has used constitutional amendments, legislation, and executive orders, as well as the court decisions that interpret these laws. --However, employment laws are not the same in all countries)

The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 accomplished all but one of the following. Name the exception.

Required employers to offer supplemental retirement plans

What can an organization do to protect itself against discrimination and unjust dismissal lawsuits?

Requirements for job success should be clearly communicated to all the employees.

Civil Rights sActs (CRAs) of 1866 and 1871 (as amended)

Requirements: grants all citizens the right to make, perform, modify, and terminate contracts and enjoy all benefits, terms, and conditions of the contractual relationship Covers: all individuals Enforcement: Court System

The Worker Adjustment and Retraining Act:

Requires companies with more than 100 workers to give 60 days' notice prior to plant closings or large layoffs.

Vietnam Era Veteran's Readjustment Act of 1974

Requires federal contractors and subcontractors to take affirmative action toward employing Vietnam veterans. -Enforcement Agency: Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP)

Vietnam Era Veteran's Readjustment Act of 1974

Requires federal contractors and subcontractors to take affirmative action towards employing Vietnam veterans.


Research clearly shows that current employees, unlike job applicants, have a good idea of what benefits are in place and the cost or market value of these benefits.

Which of the following is not included in the goods-producing sector?


In theory, _____ is a scientific process leading to an objective, quantitative measure of the risks posed by any substance.

Risk assessment.

. A written statement about a substance summarizing the evidence from prior stages of the risk assessment process to reach an overall conclusion about its risk is known as:

Risk characterization

. _____ is a detailed, written narrative describing the scientific evidence, including areas of ambiguity.

Risk characterization

. _____ is the process of deciding which regulatory decision to take to protect the public from a risk posed by a pollutant.

Risk management

The process of deciding which regulatory action to take regarding the specific risks of pollution is called:

Risk management

Which of the following agencies is most concerned with the activities of corporations?


Which of the following acts sets strict rules for businesses especially for accounting practices that require more open and consistent disclosure of financial data and CEOs' assurance that the data is completely accurate?

Sarbanes-Oxley Act The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 is a congressional act passed in response to illegal and unethical behavior by managers and executives. The act sets stricter rules for businesses, especially accounting practices. It requires more open and consistent disclosure of financial data, CEOs' assurance that the data is completely accurate, and provisions that affect the employee-employer relationship.

The system under which each branch of the government has considerable independence and the power to check and balance each other is known as:

Separation of powers

Supreme Court

Serves as the court of final appeal. Decisions made by the Supreme Court are binding; they can be overturned only through legislation. (Must grant certiorari before hearing an appealed case. However, this is not usually granted unless two appellate courts have come to differing decisions on the same point of law or if the case deals with an important interpretation of the constitutional law.)

Growth in the _____ sector is caused by growth in goods production and trade.


Which sector of the U.S. economy includes jobs in retailing, transportation and health care?



Service centers often leverage information technology to efficiently deliver employee services.

Goals and Timetables

Set towards achieving balance in the workforce concerning utilization analysis, particularly where underutilization exists. Goals and timetables specify the percentage of women and minorities that the employer seeks to have in each job group and the date by which that percentage is to be attained.

The __________ Amendment of the U.S. constitution required the direct election of U.S. senators by voters in each state.


A 50 - year-old senior manager who tells a woman project manager that she is like his daughter and should always follow his advice can be charged with:

Sexual harassment

Annoying behavior in the workplace that asserts power over a worker based on that worker's sexual identity is called

Sexual harassment.

Which of the following represents the role of a strategic advisor played by a chief human resource officer (CHRO)?

Sharing the people expertise as part of the decision-making process

Executive Order 11246

Signed by President Lyndon Johnson which required all federal contractors and subcontractors to engage in affirmative action programs designed to hire and promote women and minorities.


Skill-based and competency-based approaches have all but one of the following potential disadvantages. Name the exception. A. Increased bureaucracy B. The challenge an organization faces in terms of using new skills effectively C. Decreased worker flexibility D. Employees "topping out"


Skill-based pay systems generally are not appropriate for organizations that: A. desire worker flexibility. B. rely on market-based rates. C. emphasize decentralization of decision making. D. desire a climate of learning.

E) integrating the duties of line managers with staff managers

Skill: Concept 22) Which of the following is most likely NOT a function of the human resource manager? A) directing personnel activities within the HR department B) ensuring that line managers are implementing HR policies C) advising line managers about how to implement EEO laws D) representing the interests of employees to senior management E) integrating the duties of line managers with staff managers

The idea that charitable giving interferes with the natural evolutionary process in which society improves itself is a fundamental tenet in

Social Darwinism


Social Security retirement benefits are no longer subject to an earnings test once retirement age is reached.

When a company assesses it social impacts on society, it has performed a(n):

Social audit

These are statements of policy found in non-binding international statements that serve as guidelines for interpreting hard law

Soft law

refers to statements of philosophy, policy and principle found in nonbonding international conventions

Soft law

Which of the following is likely to be valued most in a feminine culture?


Which is true about temporary workers?

Some full-time employees perceive the temporary help as a threat to their own job security

Which of the following sketches stakeholders in categories and depicts their relationship to the firm?

Stakeholder map

How do statistical forecasting methods differ from judgmental forecasting methods with regard to the labor market

Statistical methods are excellent for capturing historic trends.

Filing a Claim Under Title VII

Step 1. File a charge with the EEOC (within 180 days of the act) Step 2. EEOC conciliation attempts -EEOC notifies the employer of the charge within 110 days -They investigate and attempt to negotiate a settlement -EEOC may file a lawsuit in federal court on behalf of the employee -If no settlement is reached, the commission issues a "right to sue" letter to the employee Step 3. Employee may file a lawsuit

The right to buy a company's stock at a fixed price and under the conditions set by the company's board of directors is called a(n):

Stock option

According to the model developed by Katz and Kochan, at which level does the management make basic choices such as whether to work with its unions or to devote its efforts to developing nonunion operations?

Strategic level

When a corporation aligns its charitable strategy with its business strategy, it is known as:

Strategic philanthropy.

"Liability without fault" that is set for people who are engaged in a dangerous activity that makes them liable for damages to other people is called:

Strict liability

Which of the following is true of labor relations in the public sector?

Strikes are illegal at the federal level of the public sector and in most states.

What type of change is caused by the processes of job creation or job destruction that alter the mix of work in an economy?


_____ change is a critical factor in the decline of labor unions.


According to the text, industrial activity releases the maximum amount of:

Sulfur dioxide.

The law that was passed by the U.S. Congress to address the cleanup of the thousands of toxic waste sites in the U.S. is nicknamed the _____.


The program to clean up abandoned toxic waste sites set up by the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 is known as:


Labor Surplus

Supply > Demand


Surveys indicate that pension programs are the most important benefit to the average person.

This is the practice of a corporation publishing information about its economic, social and environmental performance

Sustainability reporting

Nonpolluting economic growth that improves the standard of living of people without depleting the resources of the earth is called:

Sustainable development.

This is the economic growth that meets the needs of the present without consuming social and environmental resources in way that harms future generations.

Sustainable development.

A craft union's bargaining power depends greatly on the control it can exercise over the supply of its workers.

TRUE A labor union whose members all have a particular skill or occupation are known as craft unions. Craft unions are often responsible for training their members through apprenticeships and for supplying craft workers to employers. A craft union's bargaining power depends greatly on its control over the supply of its workers.

Most studies have found that union workers are more productive than nonunion workers.

TRUE Although there is evidence that unions have both positive and negative effects on productivity, most studies have found that union workers are more productive than nonunion workers

Since benefits packages are more complex than pay structures, they are harder for employees to understand and appreciate.

TRUE Benefits packages are more complex than pay structures, so benefits are harder for employees to understand and appreciate.

According to ERISA, employees whose contributions are vested have met the requirements to receive a pension at retirement age.

TRUE Employees whose contributions are vested have met the requirements (enrolling and length of service) to receive a pension at retirement age, regardless of whether they remained with the employer until that time.

Courts generally avoid reviewing arbitrators' decisions and focus only on whether the grievance involved an issue that is subject to arbitration under the contract.

TRUE If a grievance reaches arbitration, the arbitrator makes the final ruling in the matter. Based on a series of Supreme Court decisions, courts generally avoid reviewing arbitrators' decisions and focus only on whether the grievance involved an issue that is subject to arbitration under the contract.

On average, unionized workers receive higher pay than their nonunionized counterparts.

TRUE On average, unionized workers receive higher pay than their nonunionized counterparts.

Originally, the NLRA did not list any unfair labor practices by unions.

TRUE Originally, the NLRA did not list any unfair labor practices by unions. In later amendments to the NLRA—the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 and the Landrum-Griffin Act of 1959—Congress established some restrictions on union practices deemed unfair to employers and union members.

The addition of creative benefits packages in the worker's compensation portfolio provides employers a competitive edge in acquiring and retaining talented employees in their organization.

TRUE Some employers assemble creative benefits packages that set them apart in the competition for talent.

The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 requires organizations with 50 or more employees within a 75-mile radius to provide as much as 12 weeks of unpaid leave to qualifying employees

TRUE The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993 requires organizations with 50 or more employees within a 75-mile radius to provide as much as 12 weeks of unpaid leave after childbirth or adoption; to care for a seriously ill child, spouse, or parent, for an employee's own serious illness; or to take care of urgent needs that arise when a spouse, child, or parent in the National Guard or Reserve is called to active duty.

The relative bargaining power of labor and management during contract negotiations depends on each party's ability to withstand a strike.

TRUE The outcome of a contract negotiation between labor and management depends partly on the relative bargaining power of each party. That power, in turn, depends on each party's ability to withstand a strike, which costs the workers their pay during the strike and costs the employer lost production and possibly lost customers.

Under the National Labor Relations Act, the union has a duty of fair representation, which means the union must give equal representation to all members of the bargaining unit, whether or not they actually belong to the union.

TRUE Under the National Labor Relations Act, the union has a duty of fair representation, which means the union must give equal representation to all members of the bargaining unit, whether or not they actually belong to the union.

Unlike union membership for workers in businesses, union membership among government workers has remained strong.

TRUE Unlike union membership for workers in businesses, union membership among government workers has remained strong. Union membership in the public sector grew during the 1960s and 1970s and has remained steady ever since.

Under the _____, states may pass so-called right-to-work laws.

Taft-Hartley Act

Under which of the following acts is a union shop illegal?

Taft-Hartley Act

_____ refers to a systematic planned strategic effort by a company to attract, retain, develop, and motivate highly skilled employees and managers.

Talent management Talent management refers to the systematic planned strategic effort by a company to use bundles of human resource management practices including acquiring and assessing employees, learning and development, performance management, and compensation to attract, retain, develop, and motivate highly skilled employees and managers.

This process identifies the tasks, knowledge, skills, and behaviors that training should emphasize

Task analysis

All of the following are examples of environmental performance indicators in the triple bottom line EXCEPT:

Taxes paid.

Job Dimensions and job tasks of a university Professor

Teaching (prepares and presents lecture material in class), Research (prepares research reports for publication in journals), Advising (gives career couseling), Consulting (performs work for external organizations) Service (serves on departmental committees as needed)

The introductory HR course in which you are presently enrolled is primarily increasing your knowledge base within which HR skill category?


Which of the following prohibits discrimination against disabled employees and requires employers to make reasonable accommodations for them?

The ADA Act

Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP)

The agency responsible for enforcing the execuitive orders that corver companies doing business with the federal government. -Businesses with contracts for more than $50,000 cannot discriminate in employment based on race, color, religion, national origin, or sex, and they must have a written affirmative action plan on file. -The OFCCP annually audits government contrators to ensure that they actively pursue the goals in their plans. (they examine the company's affirmative action plan and conduct on-site visits to examine how individual employees perceive the company's affirmative action policies).

Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1987

The amended Title VII of the CRA that expanded the definition of sex discrimination to include discrimination based on pregnancy.


The audit approach to evaluating HR effectiveness focuses on reviewing the various outcomes of the HR functional areas.

Which of the following is true of Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)?

The beneficiaries of employees who still have their health insurance have access to the same services.


The compa-ratio: A. measures the degree to which actual pay is consistent with pay policy. B. is defined as actual average pay for the grade divided by the minimum pay for the grade. C. can range from 0 to 100 percent. D. uses data from market pay surveys.


The cost-benefit analysis approach that estimates the financial impact on employee behavior is called A. utility analysis. B. valuation approach. C. human resource accounting. D. audit approach.


The cost-benefit approach called utility analysis is likely to include all but one of the following. A. Turnover costs B. Absenteeism C. Capitalization of salaries D. Job performance

Which of the following is a form of industry-labor-government cooperation in which government strongly regulates the labor market to secure expansive rights and high benefits for workers?

The social welfare model.

Which part of the U.S. Constitution states that federal government laws take precedence over state laws on the same topic?

The supremacy clause.

According to John Dunlop, which of the following is required for an industrial relations system to be successful?

The system should consist of participants that have a common ideology.

How does the use of physical ability tests make the organization vulnerable to the charges of discrimination?

The tests tend to exclude women and people with disabilities

The idea that nature operates with fixed laws like a machine and that human beings can understand these laws is called:

The theory of dualism.


The two types of disability insurance are short-term disability plans and long-term disability plans.

What is the election cycle?

The two year period between federal elections.


The unemployment insurance program is financed through federal and state taxes on both employees and employers.

Civil Rights Act of 1964

This act protects employees against discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, and sex. It also prohibits sexual harassment based on the same categories.

Bona Fide Occupational Qualification

This defense to a Title VII claim allows an employer to discriminate in hiring on the basis of sex, religion, or national origin (not race or color) when doing so is necessary for the performance of the job.


This defense to a Title VII claim can be raised when hiring or promotion decisions are based on test scores. Only professionally developed ability tests are allowed. Tests have to be validated by the American Psychological Association.

Seniority Systems

This defense to a Title VII claim where employees are given preferential treatment based on their length of service. Legitimate if: -The system applies EQUALLY to all persons -The seniority units follow industry practices -The seniority system did not have its genesis in discrimination -The system is maintained free of any illegal discriminatory purpose

When the benefit to society of affirmative actions is judged by _____ ethics, the costs to society are not considered.


The idea of "the greatest good for the greatest number of people" is the basic doctrine of


When a worthwhile action of a company goes above and beyond what is required by government regulations, it is called a(n):

Voluntary action.

In the face of demographic pressures dealing with aging workforce, many employers try to use ____ among their older workers through early retirement incentive programs

Voluntary attrition

When legislators want to reduce the risks to health and the environment, the least governmental control over industrial activities can be achieved through:

Voluntary regulations

The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) is also known as the _____.

Wagner Act

The duty of fair representation is mandated by the _____.

Wagner Act

Which pairs of recruiter characteristics does an applicant tend to respond to most positively

Warmth and informativeness

A contract between a buyer and a seller in which the seller guarantees the nature of the product being sold is called a(n):


An office in Washington, DC, set up by a corporation and staffed with experts in advocating the firm's point of view to lawmakers and regulators is known as:

Washington office

In terms of major environmental health risks, which of the following has the highest percentage of DALYs in less developed countries?

Water supply and sanitation

Which theory was termed the "ideal type" theory? It lays out features of an abstract organization

Weber's Theory of Bureaucracy

All of the following statements about particulates are true EXCEPT:

When created in the atmosphere they are called VOCs.


Transformational activities A. include knowledge management, cultural change, and strategic renewal. B. are low in their strategic value. C. are the nuts and bolts of HRM. D. often form the practices and systems to ensure strategy execution.

_____ reflects the multinational composition of a company's managers.

Transnational representation

This is the state in which company social policies, processes and actions are visible to external observers.


. In terms of a company's social reports, the opposite of _____ is _____.

Transparency; opacity

The purpose of this concept is to appraise the overall impact of a firm's operations, by adding non-financial measures to traditional financial results.

Triple bottom line

T/F: Image advertising is often effective because job applicants develop ideas about the general reputation of the firm and then this spills over to influence their expectations about the nature of specific jobs at the organization


T/F: Statistical planning models are useful when there is a long, stable history that can be used to reliably detect relationships among vehicles


In the U.S. Declaration of Independence, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are referred to as _____ rights.


_____ describes how cultures seek to deal with the fact that the future is not perfectly predictable.

Uncertainty avoidance

Which of the following steps in reengineering involves conducting surveys?

Understanding the process

Which of the following is a reason for an industrial relations system to adopt collective bargaining?

Unilateral control by management often sacrifices workers' rights.

The declaration adopted by the General Assembly of the UN in 1948 that recognizes equal rights for all members of the human family is the:

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The declaration passed by the UN in 1948 that recognized equal rights for all people on earth was called the _____.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights


Unlike a cash balance plan, with a 401(k), all the contributions come from the employer.


Unlike merit pay, individual incentive pay is not rolled into base pay.

Sexual Harassment

Unwelcome sexual advances Requests for sexual favors Other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that implicitly or explicitly makes submission a term or condition of employment Makes employment decisions related to the individual dependent on submission to or rejection of such conduct Has the purpose of effect creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment 2 forms: 1. Quid pro quo 2. Hostile Work Environment

Why is hiring new employees for every labor shortage not preferable?

When the shortage becomes surplus, the organization may have to lay off employees


When using pay surveys to establish pay levels, all of the following are important activities except: A. include all jobs in an organization in the survey. B. include both labor market and product market competitors. C. decide if multiple surveys will be used. D. decide how to weigh and combine pay data.

Sexual Harassment

Where employment decisions are based upon submission or rejection of sexual acts.

In Harris v. Forklift Systems, the Supreme Court held that the guideline regarding sexual harassment would depend on all of the following EXCEPT:

Whether it reasonably interferes with work

D) Using advanced recruitment and hiring practices will allow MAX to improve employee productivity.

Which of the following best supports the argument that MAX should move towards a high-performance work system? A) MAX competitors regularly use benchmarking to compare their employees to those in other firms. B) MAX customers purchase new computers every two years according to online customer surveys. C) Outsourcing clerical tasks would enable MAX to raise employee salaries and increase productivity. D) Using advanced recruitment and hiring practices will allow MAX to improve employee productivity. E) MAX will be able to reduce quality control issues by reassigning line managers to new departments

A) Employees frequently complain about the inconsistent assistance they receive from the HR department due to its large size.

Which of the following best supports the argument that Whitman should create embedded HR units and assign relationship managers to each department within the firm? A) Employees frequently complain about the inconsistent assistance they receive from the HR department due to its large size. B) Line managers need additional training to stay current on EEO and OSHA regulations. C) The global nature of the firm makes it difficult for the HR department to effectively communicate corporate messages to employees scattered around the world. D) Centralized call centers would enable the HR department to provide specialized support on daily transactional activities. E) Line managers want to implement additional screening and evaluations to improve the quality of their subordinates.


Which of the following comparisons is not important when deciding how to combine and weigh pay survey data from product market competitors? A. The ratio of labor costs to total costs B. The elasticity of product demand C. The costs of recruiting replacements D. The elasticity of the supply of labor


Which of the following fall under the traditional activities of HRM? A. Benefits administration B. Employee Services C. Cultural change D. Performance management


Which of the following is a consequence of external equity perceptions in making pay level decisions? A. Transfer B. Promotion C. Cooperation among employees D. Attraction and retention of quality employees


Which of the following is a factor to consider in keeping many types of production in one's own country which has high labor costs rather than shifting to low labor cost countries? A. Relative labor costs are stable over time. B. The quality and productivity of national labor forces generally do not vary. C. Any consideration of where to locate production can be based on labor considerations alone. D. The combination of lower labor costs and higher productivity translates into lower unit labor costs.


Which of the following is a possible disadvantage of delayering and banding? A. They do not work for a small sample of jobs. B. There is a reduced opportunity for promotion. C. They do not permit the organization to reward employees for learning. D. The lesser spread does not allow managers to recognize high performers.


Which of the following is an example of an indirect payment? A. Wages B. Health insurance C. Bonuses D. Salaries


Which of the following is not a recognized limitation of a job-based pay structure? A. It encourages a bureaucratic orientation due to its reliance on inflexible job descriptions. B. It reinforces top-down decision making and information flow. C. It may not reward desired behaviors, particularly in a rapidly changing environment. D. It is difficult to explain to employees.


Which of the following is not a true statement concerning product market competition? A. In the absence of clear evidence of on productivity differences, costs need to be closely monitored. B. Organizations compete on multiple dimensions (e.g., quality, service, and price). C. It is the degree to which an organization must pay to compete against other companies that hire similar employees. D. It places an upper bound on labor costs and compensation


Which of the following is not an HR strategy? A. Business-linked B. Technology-linked C. People-linked D. HR-focused

B) How would the implementation of self-managing work teams affect employee morale and work standards at MAX?

Which of the following questions is most relevant to MAX's decision to move toward a high-performance work system? A) What case studies are available to compare the performance of MAX employees with workers in other industries? B) How would the implementation of self-managing work teams affect employee morale and work standards at MAX? C) How will qualitative performance measures address the needs of MAX employees in regards to the firm's benefits plan? D) What roles should line managers, staff managers, and HR managers at MAX play in performance appraisals? E) What economic and demographic trends in the U.S. are related to the employee turnover rate at MAX?


Which one of the following HR categories is lowest in its strategic value to the firm? A. Transactional B. Transnational C. Transformational D. Traditional


Which pay-setting approach places the highest relative emphasis on external comparisons? A. Basing pay on market surveys that cover as many key jobs as possible. B. Deriving pay rates for all jobs based on the number of job evaluation points. C. Grouping jobs into a smaller number of pay grades. D. Basing pay on skills employees have acquired.

High-performance work practices

Work systems that maximize the fit between employees and technology between companies social system and its technical systems for example computer-integrated manufacturing uses robots and computers to automate the manufacturing process

Which of the following is true of transformational labor relations?

Workers have greater autonomy than in the traditional approach.

Which of the following legally required employer-provided benefits help workers injured on the job?

Workers' compensation


Workers' compensation laws operate under the principle of employee-fault liability, meaning that an employee must establish gross negligence by the employer.

Which of the following roles of a chief human resource officer (CHRO) deals with identifying the morale or motivational issues with the employees?

Workforce sensor

Which of the following is an agreement between an employer and a worker where the worker agrees not to join a union?

Yellow dog contract.


_____ systems meet the needs of both line managers and employees by ensuring that employees are constantly increasing their human capital and thus providing increased value to the company. A. Compensation B. Training and development C. Recruiting D. Screening

Appraisal Politics

a situation in which evaluators purposefully distort ratings to achieve personal or company goals; likely to occur when: raters are accountable to the employee being rated, link exists between appraisal and rewards, distortion is tolerated

Implementing ePrescribing for a practice that used paper and phone is an example of what type of change? a. breakthrough b. incremental c. knock out d. exception handling

a. breakthrough

Problems in the new process for electronic receipt of lab results. On the first day of the new process, the receptionist called the central lab to complain that they did not receive their daily results fax. Where did this problem likely originate? a. communicaiton of the new process b. planning the implementation c. process itself was flawed d. the EHR software

a. communication of the new process

Indicate which statement is true; a. multiple process aspects may be represented on some diagrams b. there is only one type of diagram for each process aspect c. there is not any overlap in the symbols used in different notations d. there is only one correct represetation for any process

a. multiple process aspects may be represented on some diagrams

A clinic that you are working with is at CMM level "Managed" . Which of the following methodologies sould be used to obtain process information? a. reading available procedures b. interviews only c. interviews and process walkthroughs d. observation of key processes

a. reading available procedures

work flow analysis includes

analyzing work outputs, analyzing work processes, analyzing work inputs

Recruiting advertisements in newspapers and periodicals:

are likely to typically generate less desirable candidates than direct applicants or referrals

Compensable factors

are the characteristics of jobs that a firm values and chooses to pay for.


are the different pay rates various employees may get for the same job. A. Wage differentials B. Key proximities C. Compensable factors D. Rate ranges

Opportunity to Perform

are the employees provided with an opportunity to use their new knowledge, skills and behavior? do the trainees actively seek experience with their new KSBs?

Line employee

are trained in multiple jobs, communication directly with suppliers and customers, and interact frequently with engineers, quality experts, and employees from other functions

Concurrent Validation

assesses the validity of a test by administering it to people already on the job and then correlating test scores with existing measures of each person's performance


attempts to determine the supply and demand for various types of human resources

Employee relations

attitude surveys, employee handbooks, labor law compliance, relocation and outplacement services

Within the Job Characteristics Model, the degree to which the job allows an individual to make decisions about the way the work is carried out is:


An analyst needs to show information content. Which of the following is appropriate? a, flowchart b. E-R diagram c. data flow diagram d. workflow diagram

b. E-R diagram

An analyst needs to show detailed process steps. Which of the following is most appropriate? a. UML diagram b. ISO data flow diagram c. context diagram d. E-R diagram

b. ISO data flow diagram

A context diagram is which of the following? a. a flowchart b. a data flow diagram c. a digital process d. a data model

b. a data flow diagram

A process inventory is developed from which of the following? a. UML diagram b. a list of clinic services c. clinic stakeholder diagram d. patient and family services

b. a list of clinic services

Which of the following is a good candidate for complete automation? a. clinical diagnoses b. checking pts into the clinic c. making referrals to specialists d. processing incoming documents

b. checking pts into the clinic

Which of the following is described by an implementation plan? a. job responsibilities b. new or changed tasks c. rationale for choosing the vendor d. all of the above

b. new or changed tasks

Which brest describes the goal of Knowledge Acquisition? a. to increase the analysts clinical knowledge b. to gather and capture process knowledge c. to creat process diagrams c. to documet clinical procedures

b. to gather and capture process knowledge

Setting the exercise price of stock options at the price on a date before the date they were granted is:


Which of the following is illegal when concealed from shareholders and is criticized for giving executives unearned rewards


Determine Labor Surplus or Shortage

based on forecasts for labor demand and supply, the planner can compare figures to check on whether there will be a shortage or surplus for each job category

Factors that Influence Motivation to Learn

basic skills, conscientiousness, self-efficacy, goal orientation, awareness of training benefits

Employers should ensure that their drug-testing programs conform to all of the following guidelines EXCEPT

be routinely administered to all technical and managerial functions across the organization

The performance management method that requires managers to rate the frequency with which the employee has exhibited a behavior during a rating period is the:

behavioral observation scale.


being anxious, irritable, temperamental, and moody


being curious, original, intellectual, creative, and open to new ideas


being organized, systematic, punctual, achievement oriented, and dependable


being outgoing, talkative, sociable, and enjoying social situations

The procedure through which an organization compares its own practices to those of successful competitors is known as:


. The statement of how a business will create value by selling a good or service in the marketplace is called a(n) _____ model.


Knowing the company's strategic plan and understanding the company's financial capabilities is part of the _____ competence required by HR professionals.


A new patient educaiton program is being implemented to increase the % of patients who fill their prescriptions in a clinc that uses ePrescribing. Which of the following is the most appropriate evaluation metric for the new program? a. average time from prescription to patient pick up b. average time per provider for prescription entry c. % of prescriptions picked up d. all of the above

c. % of prescriptions picked up

Which of the following is NOT included in the agenda for the implementation decision making meeting? a. introduction of pariticpants and roles b. redesigned workflow diagram c. brainstorming d. report dissemination

c. brainstorming

Which of the following is NOT a part of continual quality improvement methods in health care? a. services meet or exceed customer expectations b. measurement c. focused on the individual patient d. education of the health care setting staff

c. focused on the individual patient

A new process for getting pts to exam rooms failed within the first hour because providers no longer knew which rooms their pts were in. Where did the problem likely originate? a. planning the implementation b. communicaiton of the new process c. process itself was flawed d. the EHR software

c. process itself was flawed

Which of the following is NOT ibe if tge IOM characteristics of quality healthcare? a. efficient b. timely c. provider centered d. equitable

c. provider centered

A practice with an EHR that all staff already use is replacing manual blood pressure cuffs with electronic ones that are interfaced to the EHR. Which of the following should be considered in the implementation planning? a. a cheat sheet showing how to log into the EHR b. patient education about drug hypertension c. training for medical office assistants who take vital signs d. all of the above

c. training for medical office assistants who take vital signs

Structured Interviews

candidates asked the same questions in the same order; all candidates are evaluated using a common rating scale

Unstructured Interviews

candidates may be asked different questions; a standardized rating scale is not required

A _____ program begins by initially setting an overall limit on emissions of a specific pollutant.


Verbal Comprehension

capacity to understand and use written and spoken language

Allen, an HR personnel at Wood Inc., is a functional specialist dealing with compensation. He also works as a consultant in the development of systems and processes to be used at Wood. If Wood follows the recent generic structure of HRM function, Allen is likely to be part of a _____.

center of expertise

Under a(n) _____, the employer, on behalf of the union, automatically deducts union dues from employees' paychecks.

checkoff provision

At the highest level of child care provision, firms provide employees with:

child care at or near their worksites.

Ensuring the success of outsourcing

choose an established, large outsourcing vendor; jobs that are proprietary or require tight security should not be outsourced; start small and monitor constantly

Ways to Ensure Transfer of Training

climate for transfer, manager support, peer support, opportunity to perform, self-management skills

A group of people or organizations that form to influence a specific issue until that issue becomes less important to them is called a(n) __________.


Psychometric Tests

cognitive ability tests, personality inventories, emotional intelligence

Training Outcomes

cognitive: acquisition of knowledge; skill-based: skills, behaviors; affective: attitudes and motivation, reactions to the program; results: company payoff; return on investment: economic value of training

Resolving disputes between the management and labor through discussion is known as _____.

collective bargaining

In _____ cultures, people are expected to look after the interest of the larger community, which is expected to protect people when they are in trouble.


Colleges and Universities

college placement services, on-campus interviews, focus on colleges with strong reputations in critical areas, college internship program


combination of on-the-job training and formal classroom learning, long-term

Blended Learning

combining technology methods with face-to-face instruction, capitalizing on the strengths of face-to-face technological instruction

The _____ Clause of the U.S. Constitution gives Congress the power to regulate U.S. corporations


The global challenge

companies are finding that to survive they must compete in international markets as well as fend of foreign corporations attempts to gain ground in the US. we must develop global markets, use their practices to improve global competitiveness, and better prepare employees for global assignments

Approaches to Measuring Performance

comparative, behavioral, attribute, results, quality

Workforce Utilization Review

comparing proportion of workers in protected subgroups with proportion that each subgroup represents in the relevant labor market


comparisons may be more important when attracting and retaining qualified employees is difficult, and when the costs of recruiting replacements is high. A. Labor market B. International C. Product market D. Commodity market

Among the functions performed by an HR department, vacation, retirement plans, and profit sharing are categorized under the _____ function.

compensation benefits Wage and salary administration, incentive pay, insurance, vacation, retirement plans, profit sharing, health and wellness, and stock plans are performed as part of the compensation and benefits function of an HR department.

Administrative services

compensation, hiring, and staffing Emphasis: Resource efficiency and service quality

Learning Environment

conditions that influence how conducive the environment is to learning: meaningful training content, opportunities for practice, feedback, observing others

Step 1 of Training Design Process

conduct a needs assessment; is training necessary? organizational analysis, task analysis, person analysis

Joanne works as chief human resource officer (CHRO) for an IT firm. When she takes up the function of performance and behavioral counseling, she is playing the role of a _____.


Mistakes in purpose & preparation include: a. choosing a subject which is too difficult or which a collaborative is not appropriate b. participants not defining their objectives and assessing their capacity to benefit from the collaborative c. not defining roles or making clear what is expected of individuals taking part in the QI d. all of the above

d. all of the above

A dr. leader in a small practice has chosen & purchased an EMR w/o telling anyone in the practice. He has arranged for the vendor to install the system and explain it to the staff in 2 wks. Application of which of the following key change concepts could have improved this situation? a. human and organizational complexity b. maintaining creative tension c. individual choice d. engagement gap

d. engagement gap

Tabletop, functional and full scale are methods of what? a. planning the BCP b. facilitating the implementation of a BCP c. responding to a full computer system downtime when using an EHR d. testing the BCP

d. testing the BCP

Define, measure, analyze, improve, control in Six Sigma is used for what? a. to include patients in their own care b. to decide which tools to use for QI c. to assess the root cause of a problem d. to reduce variation

d. to reduce variation

Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS)

defines performance dimensions by developing behavioral anchors associated with different levels of performance; uses a quantified scale with specific narrative examples of good to poor performance

Performance Management's 3 Components

defining performance/job analysis, measuring performance/performance appraisal, providing feedback/performance feedback

Group-Building Methods

designed to improve team or group effectiveness; help trainees share ideas and experiences, build group identity, understand the dynamics of interpersonal relationships, and get to know their own strengths and weaknesses and those of their coworkers; team training, action learning, adventure learning

HR professionals can best help organizations avoid, and defend against, charges of wrongful discharge through all of the following activities EXCEPT:

designing jobs with low mental and physical skill demands to ensure low employee turnover.

Business partner services

developing effective HR systems and helping implement business plans, talent management Emphasis: knowing the business and exercising influence - problem solving, designing effective systems to ensure needed competencies

Calibration Meetings

discuss employees' performance with the goal of ensuring that similar standards are applied to evaluations

. If an employer gives less favorable treatment to employees because of their color or gender, this is called _____ treatment.


The part of the labor-management negotiation process that focuses on dividing a fixed economic "pie" is known as _____.

distributive bargaining

Person Analysis

do employees need training? identification of a performance problem: is the performance problem due to a lack of knowledge and skills? if the the problem is due to other factors, training may not be necessary

Manager Support

do managers emphasize the importance of attending the program and the application of the content to the job?

Most companies begin by operating within a(n) _____ marketplace.


to increasing diversity within the workplace, many employers are extending benefits to

domestic partners

A quantitative estimate of how toxic a chemical substance is to humans at increasing levels of exposure to this substance is called _____.

dose-response assessment

The rule for communication is the flow of information __________ from managers to employees


Which of the following are likely to benefit from a lab interface? 1. clinic that performed dipstick tests only and does not use an external lab 2. clinic that uses all interal lab analyzers 3. clinic that performs some in house tests and uses an external lab for others 4. clinic that sends all samples to an external lab a. 1 only b. 2 only c. 3 only d. 3 and 4 only e. 2, 3 and 4 f. 1, 2, 3, and 4

e. 2, 3 and 4

Which of the following features is/are a feature of control charts? a. simplicity b. graphical ease of communication c. incorporate statistical thinking d. guies continual action e. all of the above

e. all of the above

Which of the following is described by an implementation plan? a. rationale for system features that were not implemented b. changes that could impact patients c. how the new process will be evaluated d. all of the above e. b and c only

e. b and c only

Forecasting indicates your company needs to reduce its white-collar workforce in order to avoid a labor surplus in the next three to five years. Consistent with the corporate culture it wants to maintain, your company places a higher priority on minimizing human suffering than on achieving the labor reduction quickly. The options that are most consistent with these priorities are

early retirement and tetraining

The two-year period between U.S. federal elections is called a(n) __________.

election cycle

Characteristics of an ethical company

emphasize mutual benefits in customer, vendor, client, and community relationships employees take responsibility for company actions A sense of purpose or vision valued and used by employees in their work Emphasize fairness in treatment of employees, customers, vendors, and clients

Rater Accuracy Training

emphasizes multidimensional nature of performance, get raters to understand what high, medium, and low performance is

Defined contribution plans made it the responsibility of the _____ to make wise investment decisions for their retirement plans.


A(n) _____ is a referral service that employees can use to seek professional treatment for emotional problems or substance abuse.

employee assistance program

In a collective bargaining contract, factors related to profit-sharing and stock purchase are typically covered under the _____ provision.

employee benefit plans

Disadvantages of Temporary Workers

employees aren't as engaged in their job; aren't typically as skilled as full-time employees

According to the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), in early retirement incentive programs, _____.

employees should not be coerced to accept an incentive and retire

From the union perspective, free riders refer to:

employees who benefit from union activities without belonging to a union.

The workers' compensation cost to an employer is based on the:

employer's experience rating.

The unemployment insurance program is financed largely through federal and state taxes on _____.


The unemployment insurance program is financed largely through federal and state taxes on:

employers only

An agreement in which an employee exchanges her labor for specific pay and working conditions is called a(n) __________ contract.


When either an employer or an employee can terminate their employment contract at any time and for any reason, this is called _____.


Step 2 of Training Design Process

ensure employees' readiness for training, do employees have the right attitudes, skills, and motivation?

Step 4 of Training Design Process

ensure transfer of training, are employees actually using what they learned in training?

The idea that as per capita GDP rises, pollution reaches a peak and then starts to decline is known as the _____ curve.

environmental Kuznets

. A statistical survey of human mortality and morbidity in a sample population is called the _____ study


Minority turnover rate is a key indicator of the _____ function of HRM.

equal employment opportunity

Allen works as an autoworker in a production unit and is a member of an industrial union. When the workload increases and he loses his work-life balance, he simply leaves the organization to work in another that has lesser demands. As a member of a union, Allen follows the _____ mechanism.


A(n) _____ typically reports on the reasons for the labor-management dispute and the views and arguments of both sides.

fact finder

. Funds that are contributed to political parties that are unregulated under U.S. federal election laws are called hard money.


. In Harris v. Forklift Systems, the U.S. Supreme Court established a mathematical formula for defining a hostile work environment.


. In the U.S., union representation as a percentage of the private labor force is much higher than Western Europe.


. It is legal for companies to pressure their employees to donate funds to the company's PAC


A company does not need to set up a separate fund in order to accept political funds from employees when instituting a PAC.


A major drawback of the cap-and-trade program is that it cannot achieve the same net reduction in pollution at a lower cost than command-and-control rules.


A progressive business model is one in which the central strategy for creating value is based on meeting market demands.


According to Gary Cross, consumerism expresses a less powerful worldview than political ideologies.


According to corporate charters, the legal line of authority for a company runs from the state, to directors, to managers and to shareholders of the company in this sequence.


An environmental management system is a set of methods and procedures for calculating and comparing the costs and benefits of a proposed regulation.


Backdating is granting options shortly before good news causes a share price rise


Birth rates have risen in the developed world and are now above the replacement rate in many nations.


Cause-related marketing is a variant of strategic philanthropy in which charitable contributions are based on purchases of a service.


Checkbook philanthropy is an active approach to philanthropy.


Consumerism is a term that describes a society in which people acquire only the material goods that they need for subsistence.


Corporate philanthropy is a large part of overall private philanthropy in the U.S. every year.


Corporate social responsibility has a definite, universal meaning


Corporate social responsibility is primarily a management theory rather than a political theory


Cost-benefit studies of the regulation of risks from pollutants show which alternative would be best in terms of non-economic criteria such as the political consequences of each alternative.


Demographic change is caused by processes of job creation and job destruction that continuously alter the mix of productive work in every economy.


Directors who are employees of the company are called independent directors


Directors who are employees of the company are termed as outside directors.


Disease that is caused by industrial pollution is far more significant than disease caused by older, non-industrial forms of pollution


Early capitalism in the U.S. was very concerned with damage to the environment that was caused by economic activity


Economist Thorstein Veblen argued that in the new industrial society people displayed their status through "invidious comparison."


Emissions output is the amount of greenhouse gases emitted per unit of economic output, measured as tons of emissions per million dollars of GDP


Exposure of the public to toxic substances is typically well above the exposure of workers to these substances.


Federal employment laws apply to all firms in the U.S. of any size.


Funds that are contributed to political parties under strict rules in U.S. federal election law are called soft money.


Generic social issues are affected by and affect a company's business


In Adarand v. Pena, the U.S. Supreme Court set up a "strict scrutiny test" that made affirmative action programs easier to justify.


In Griggs v. Duke Power, employment tests that screened out blacks were illegal only when racial discrimination was intended by the company.


In Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against Allan Bakke's claim of discrimination in admission to Medical School.


In the U.S., few states have enacted laws that go beyond the federal requirements of employment law.


In the federal government, the actions of the legislative branch fully define U.S. policy


International law is very strong in addressing the social impacts of businesses


It is possible to rank corporations objectively in terms of their social responsibility actions


Japanese workers have more legislated rights than U.S. and European workers.


Land ethic holds that human beings have superior rights as they are a superior species


Large corporations often find stronger restraints on their operations in foreign countries


Most of the environmental laws of the U.S. are enforced by the federal government


NGOs, working through the UN, gained power by fabricating hard laws to raise expectations of corporate behavior and then attacked the reputations of noncompliant firms


One of the strengths of the "liberty of contract doctrine" is that it assumes equal bargaining power for all parties.


Ozone molecules are directly emitted from cars.


Progressive business models are the basis of most companies


Projects that compensate for all or part of a company's greenhouse gas emissions by eliminating the CO2 equivalent of those emissions from another source are known as cap-and-trade programs.


RPM is the ratio of the molecules of a certain chemical to the total number of molecules in a gas, liquid or solid


Regulators are in agreement about how high a risk should be before they must act to reduce it based on quantitative risk estimates.


Risk decisions in terms of pollutants should always be based solely on scientific findings.


Risk management decisions are based on the natural sciences.


Since the "baby boom years, " the U.S. fertility rate has increased.


Spring loading is setting the exercise price of stock options at the price on a date before the date they were granted


Statistics alone can resolve the utilitarian claim about whether or not affirmative action programs are a benefit or a cost to society.


The Civil Rights Act of 1875 was based on the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.


The Consumer Protection Agency bill was passed by Congress largely because of the support of President Jimmy Carter.


The FHA was established to protect the public from unsafe automobiles.


The FSIS has the responsibility to ensure that the advertising of products is not deceptive.


The FTC regulates financial consumer products in the U.S.


The Global Compact defines both specific data for measuring performance and procedures for compiling reports


The NHTSA was set up to set highway safety standards.


The RCRA applied directly to the thousands of abandoned toxic waste sites around the U.S.


The RCRA is an easy law to administer and with which to comply


The Sarbanes-Oxley Act prohibits the audit committee of a company's board of directors from protecting whistleblowers in the company


The Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires that accounting firm auditors of a company be rotated every three years


The Sherman Antitrust Act is a federal statute designed to prevent financial fraud


The Sherman Antitrust Act requires both the CEO and the CFO to sign and to certify the accuracy of the annual financial statements of their company


The U.S. Supreme Court in United Steelworkers of America v. Weber confirmed that affirmative action plans were illegal if they adversely affected whites.


The U.S. Supreme Court in United Steelworkers of America v. Weber permitted race-conscious preferential treatment for members of protected groups.


The annual base salary for a CEO is always set near the median salary for leaders at comparable firms


The core labor standards call on developed nations to eliminate all forced or compulsory labor, eliminate employment discrimination and guarantee the right of collective bargaining


The creation of new jobs always increases faster than the destruction of old jobs.


The economic sector that includes manufacturing, mining and construction is the service sector.


The federal government has the power granted by Congress to charter U.S. corporations


The liberty of contract doctrine defies the amoral core of employment-at-will.


The process of deciding what action to take regarding specific risks of pollutants is called risk assessment.


The scientific process of discovering and weighing the dangers posed by pollutants is called risk management.


The state in which company social policies, processes and actions are visible to external observers is called opacity.


Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act originally required employers to correct racially imbalanced workforces.


Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act originally required that minority workers be hired simply because they belonged to protected groups.


When a PAC purchases time for a TV commercial that encourages defeat of an opposition candidate, this is called a dependent expenditure.


When a company links its charitable giving efforts to a social cause, it is called event marketing.


When regulators set up specific rules for carrying out congressional requirements for control of pollutants, there is very little latitude for regulators in creating these rules.


When the U.S. Congress passes a law affecting the environment, SEC employees write the detailed, specific rules that are needed to carry out the directives of the law.


When the risks of pollutants are overstated, regulation of business becomes less expensive.


When a firm shifts to evidence-based HRM, it should stop using workforce analytics.

false Evidence-based HR requires the use of HR or workforce analytics. HR or workforce analytics refers to the practice of using quantitative methods and scientific methods to analyze data from human resource databases, corporate financial statements, employee surveys, and other data sources to make evidence-based human resource decisions and show that HR practices influence the organization's "bottom line" including profits and costs.

Projections to the demographics of the U.S. workforce predict that the average age of the workforce will decrease.

false Three important changes in the demographics and diversity of the workforce are projected. First, the average age of the workforce will increase. Second, the workforce will become more diverse in terms of gender, race, and generations, and third, immigration will continue to affect the size and diversity of the workforce.

The government established by the U.S. Constitution that forms both a national government and state governments is called a(n) __________ system of government.


Section 8(a)(3) of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) prohibits employers from:

firing employees for union organizing.

Benefit plans that permit employees to choose the types and amounts of benefits they want are called _____.


Quality Approach

focuses on improving quality and customer satisfaction; should provide employees with feedback about areas in which they can improve; combine measurements of attributes and results

Results Approach

focuses on managing the objective, measurable results of a job or work group; subjectivity can be eliminated from the measurement process; requires setting effective goals (objectives): SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, timely), management by objective; different types of measurements can be used

Attribute Approach

focuses on the extent to which individuals have certain attributes believed desirable for the company's success; define sets of traits and evaluate individuals on them

Motivational Approach

focuses on the job characteristics that affect the phychological meaning and motivational potential of job design, a focus on increasing job complexity through job enlargement, job enrichment, and the construction of jobs around sociotechnical systems,and a model of how job design affects employee reaction is the Job Characteristics Model"

Advantages of Temporary Workers

free a company from administrative tasks and financial burdens, tested by a temporary agency, temporary agencies train them before sending them to employers

When an HR professional is evaluated on how well she embraces inclusion and how effectively she works with diverse populations, she is being evaluated on her competency in _____.

global and cultural effectiveness An HR professional having competency in global and cultural effectiveness is effective at managing human resources both within and across boundaries. Some of the behaviors that a professional with this competency exhibits are embracing inclusion and working effectively with diverse cultures and populations.

Adventure Learning

group-building method using outdoor activities

Action Learning

group-building method where employees work on actual business problem

. In the realm of international law, _____ are found mainly in treaties, creating binding rights, prohibitions and duties.

hard law

Workers are eligible for unemployment benefits if they

have been working for at least four quarters

Countries that _____ are attractive sites for direct foreign investment that creates high-skill jobs.

have high human capital

Workers are eligible for unemployment benefits if they:

have worked for at least one year.

Peer Support

having a support network where trainees discuss their progress in using what they've learned on the jobs

Temporary Workers

help eliminate a labor shortage and afford flexibility needed to operate efficiently during demand swings

Leadership skills relate to:

helping the organization manage change.

Work Outcomes of job characteristics

high motivation, high work quality of work, high satifaction, low absenteeism and turnover

When compared to transformational labor relations, traditional approach is likely to be associated with _____.

higher costs

To be a qualified benefits plan, a pension plan should not discriminate in favor of _____.

highly compensated employees

When the 6 principles of management are taken together the organization is _____ _____ & ________

highly structured & hierarchical

Which of the following is true of craft unions? A. It represents many different occupations. B. Membership in the union is the result of working for a particular employer in the industry. C. Changing employers is not very common. D. It is often responsible for training members through apprenticeships. E. It consists of members who are linked by their work in a particular industry.

D. It is often responsible for training members through apprenticeships. The members of a craft union all have a particular skill or occupation. Craft unions are often responsible for training their members through apprenticeships and for supplying craft workers to employers.

A _____ country is the country in which the parent country organization seeks to locate or has already located a facility.


France is a _____ country for Grazia S.p.A.


Gaia Inc. is a company based in the U.S. It expands its operations and sets up a manufacturing facility in Brazil. In this scenario, Brazil is the _____ country of Gaia.


Misha Branson was born in England and is currently working for a French company in England. She will be considered a _____ in France.

host-country national

When sexually offensive conduct interferes with a worker's ability to perform his or her job, it is called a(n) _____.

hostile environment


During the recent financial crisis, the U.S. government, as part of the _____, decided it was appropriate to further regulate executive pay in firms receiving government "bail out" money. A. NCUA Corporate Stabilization Program B. Troubled Asset Relief Program C. Equal Pay Act D. Civil Rights Act

Which one of the following is true of workers' compensation? A. Employees are covered under the "no-fault" provision even if the injury is self-inflicted. B. Disability income is not covered under this benefit. C. It provides payments to offset lost income during involuntary unemployment. D. Funding for the program comes from the state taxes on employees. E. The benefits provided to the workers are not taxable.

E. The benefits provided to the workers are not taxable. The amount of income varies from state to state but is typically two-thirds of the worker's earnings before the disability. The benefits are tax free.

Mel heads a team within the HR department that is responsible for the traditional HRM activities. Which of the following activities is Mel likely to be overseeing?

Employee relations


Employee relations fall into the traditional category of HRM activities.


Employees are HRM customers because the rewards they receive from the employment relationship are determined by the HRM department.

How does e-HRM affect analysis and design of work?

Employees in geographically dispersed locations can work together in virtual teams using video, e-mail, and the Internet.

These methods of identifying hazards have the advantage of measuring real human illness, but have low statistical power and are riddled with uncertainties

Epidemiological studies

A statistical study of sickness rate and death rate related to hazards in a sample of humans is called a(n):

Epidemiological study


Equal Employment Opportunity Commission The government commission to ensure that all indiviauls have an equal opportuinty for employment, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, disabilitiy, or national origin.

As manager of a local grocery store, you decide to allow customers to place items on a short conveyer belt rather than requiring the cashier to bend forward and reach into the carts to retrieve the items before scanning them. This change would be in keeping with which job design approach?



Essentially, labor-market competition is the amount an organization must pay to compete against other companies that hire similar types of employees.

Quasi-Judicial Agencies

Ex. National Labor Relations Board They hear cases regarding their particular jurisdiction

Which legislative/regulatory actions are under the direct control of the President?

Executive orders

The Clayton Act

Exempted unions from the Sherman Anti-Trust Act and limited the use of injunctions to break strikes

Disparate (Adverse) Treatment

Exists when individuals in similar situations are treated differently and the different treatment is based on the individual's race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or disability status.

Disparate Treatment

Exists when individuals in similar situations are treated differently and the different treatment is based on the individual's race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or disability status. In the disparate treatment case, the plaintiff must prove that there was a discriminatory motive -- that the employer intended to discriminate.

_____ is the term generally used for employees sent by a company in one country to manage operations in a different country.


The study of the amount of a substance human beings can absorb through inhalation, ingestion or skin absorption is called:

Exposure assessment

TV ads that suggest that a certain political candidate by defeated in an upcoming election are called

Express advocacy ads.

A statement that the product will perform in a specified way, a description of the product or a picture that shows a model product would be a part of:

Express warranty

The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990:

Extends to impaired workers the protections granted to women and ethnic minorities in Title VII.

When society pays a cost that is caused by a company but this cost is not paid by the company or its customers, it is called a(n):

External cost.

When a company exercises jurisdiction over the actions of another company that occur within another country, it is called:


A union steward is a person hired by management to monitor union activity and report violations, if any.

FALSE A union steward is an employee elected by union members to represent them in ensuring that the terms of the labor contract are enforced.

Contrary to public perception, services industries such as finance, insurance, and real estate have higher union representation than manufacturing.

FALSE Services industries such as finance, insurance, and real estate have lower union representation than manufacturing.

The AFL-CIO is by far the largest labor union in the U.S.

FALSE The AFL-CIO is not a labor union but an association that seeks to advance the shared interests of its member unions at the national level.

Associate union membership is linked to an employee's workplace.

FALSE Associate union membership is not linked to an employee's workplace and does not provide representation in collective bargaining.

Benefits provided to domestic partners of employees have the same tax advantages as benefits provided to their spouses.

FALSE Benefits provided to domestic partners do not have the same tax advantages as benefits provided to spouses. The partner's benefits are taxed as wages of the employee receiving the benefits.

Disability insurance payments are usually less than 25 percent of the employee's salary.

FALSE Disability payments are a percentage of the employee's salary—typically 50 to 70 percent.

In their labor relations, managers prefer to increase wages and benefits and to give maximum control to workers over work rules and schedules.

FALSE Managers continue to prefer to keep the organization's operations flexible, so they can adjust activities to meet competitive challenges and customer demands. Therefore, in their labor relations managers prefer to limit increases in wages and benefits and to retain as much control as they can over work rules and schedules.

Social Security benefits are free from federal income taxes and state taxes in all U.S. states.

FALSE Social Security benefits are free from federal income taxes and free from state taxes in about half the states.

Tax laws generally make benefits unfavorable to employees.

FALSE Tax laws can make benefits favorable to employees.

According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), employers are required to take care not to discriminate against workers over age 40 in providing pay or benefits.

FALSE The ADEA requires employers to take care not to discriminate against workers over age 40 in providing pay or benefits. Under the ADA, employees with disabilities must have "equal access to whatever health insurance coverage the employer provides other employees."

All U.S. employees, including federal, state, and local government employees, are covered under the Old Age, Survivors, Disability, and Health Insurance program.

FALSE The Old Age, Survivors, Disability, and Health Insurance (OASDHI) program covers over 90 percent of U.S. employees. The main exceptions are railroad and federal, state, and local government employees, who often have their own plans.

For the average employee, the most common type of insurance offered as benefits is the pension program.

FALSE The most common types of insurance offered as employee benefits are medical, life, and disability insurance. The U.S. government will require medium-sized and large businesses to offer health insurance or pay a penalty beginning in 2014.

Tuition reimbursement programs offered by certain organizations cover the tuition and other education related expenses of their workers' children.

FALSE To encourage learning and attract the kinds of employees who wish to develop their knowledge and skills, many organizations offer tuition reimbursement programs, which cover tuition and related expenses for courses that are relevant to the employee's current job or future career at the organization.

Under a checkoff provision, a person must be a union member before being hired.

FALSE Under a checkoff provision, the employer, on behalf of the union, automatically deducts union dues from employees' paychecks.

Under the workers' compensation laws, employees are eligible to receive compensation even if their injuries are self-inflicted.

FALSE Workers' compensation laws operate under a principle of no-fault liability, meaning that an employee does not need to show that the employer was grossly negligent in order to receive compensation, and the employer is protected from lawsuits. Employees are not eligible if their injuries are self-inflicted or if they result from intoxication or "wilful disregard of safety rules."

The federal agency that is responsible for regulating the composition of food products is called the _____.


Payment of wages to small, marginal agricultural producers in developing nations sufficient to allow sustainable farming and labor practices is known as:

Fair trade

When a company attempts to arouse public opinion in favor of a proposed legislation that would be favorable to this business, this is called:

Grassroots lobbying

Emissions intensity is the amount of _____ emitted per unit of economic output

Greenhouse gases.

Which of the following media is least used by organizations to communicate benefit plans?

Group employee benefits communications with the benefits vendor


Group incentive pay plans tend to use a broader range of performance measures than do individual-oriented plans.

Which of the following is a reason for the growth of benefits as a method of employee compensation?

Groups of employees can typically receive a cost advantage over individuals.

In which of the following ways do PPOs differ from HMOs?

HMOs provide benefits on a prepaid basis.


HR and line executives' evaluations of the effectiveness of HRM roles showed A. higher evaluations on the part of HR executives than line executives across all HRM roles. B. higher evaluations on the part of line executives than HR executives across all HRM roles. C. general agreement on the part of both parties across all HRM roles. D. general agreement on providing HR services and change consulting, but differences on the roles of business partner, developing the organization, and tailoring practices to the strategy.

_____ functions' articulation of people outcomes stems from an analysis of what their functions currently do.



HRM function effectively consists of three divisions: the centers for expertise, the field generalists, and the service center.

Money that is raised under the contribution limits of federal election law is called

Hard money

. Information disclosure about environmental performance:

Harnesses market forces by affecting consumer perceptions and equity prices.

Mechanistic Approach

Has its roots in classical industrial engineering, focuses pn designing jobs around the concepts of task specialization, skill simplification, and repetition, Scientific management, new employees can be rained to perform the job quickly and inexpensively

Which of the following is NOT a right granted to workers under the Occupational Safety and Health Act?

Have an employee wellness program

All of the following statements regarding lobbyists are true EXCEPT they:

Have power over major issues to which public is attentive.

Which on of the following is a permissible question for applications and interviews?

Have you ever worked under a different name?

Which one of the following is most likely to represent a core competency for a retail store?

Having the right product mix at the right time

Attempting to establish a link between a chemical substance and human disease is called:

Hazard assessment

Chemical emissions that pose a health risk of serious illness such as cancer with even small inhalation exposures are known as:

Hazardous air pollutants.

Which of the following is true of a mediator?

He or she has no formal authority but, rather, acts as a facilitator and go-between in negotiations.

Which of the following is a trend seen in union membership and coverage?

In the United States, union membership and coverage is declining in the private sector.


In the event severe financial difficulties force a company to terminate or reduce employee pension and health-care benefits, the PBGC provides some protection, but not necessarily full replacement.


Incentive pay refers to linking annual pay increases to performance appraisal ratings.

As a manager, you decide to design a job based on the principles of industrial engineering. Based on existing research, which of the following outcomes should you LEAST expect?

Increased meaningfulness


Increasing immigrant population is one of the functions of this stage in HR strategy process. A. Identifying people issues B. Scanning the external environment C. Developing the HR strategy D. Identifying strategic business issues

These are directors who do not have business dealings with a corporation that would impair their impartiality.

Independent directors.

Which of the following is a third country of Grazia?


Which of the following statements about background lobbying is true?

Indirect lobbying activity designed to build friendly relations with officials and staff.


Individual incentive pay plans are more commonly found in organizations than are merit pay plans.

Which of the following HR practices is least likely to be effective for organizations based in collective cultures such as Japan?

Individual-based incentives

_____ usually exhibit greater differences between the highest- and lowest-paid individuals in an organization.

Individualistic cultures

In 2003, U.S. charitable giving was about $250 billion. The largest proportion of this giving was by:


Major Responsibilities of the EEOC

It is an independent federal agency, and is responsible for enforcing most of the EEO laws. 1) Investigating and resolving discrimination complaints 2) Gathering information 3) Issuing guidelines

Which of the following observations about risk characterization is true?

It is built on scientific calculations of toxicity, potency and exposure.

Which of the following is true about social security as a benefits program?

It is entirely free from federal tax.

Which of the following statements regarding sexual harassment is not true?

It is illegal under Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act

Which of the following is true of Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)?

It is more likely to cause employers to classify workers as independent contractors rather than employees.

Which of the following statements about data collection is true?

It is needed to define issues and measure progress

Which one of the following statements is NOT true of training administration?

It is not necessary if the organization sends employees to outside training programs

Which one of the following is NOT an advantage of computer-based training?

It provides for a highly interactive process, giving the training a personal touch

Which of the following statements regarding the CPSC is false?

It regulates all consumer products like guns and boats.

Which of the following is true of the audit approach?

It typically collects key indicators and customer satisfaction measures.

All of the following statements about Enlightenment are true EXCEPT:

It was a powerful ideology in which the pursuit of material goods beyond subsistence shapes social conduct.

Which of the following is true of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)?

Its jurisdiction is limited to employers whose operations affect commerce generally.

Which of the following is the host country for Grazia S.p.A?


Laws adopted by some Southern states that created segregated schools, restrooms and water fountains were called:

Jim Crow laws.

Interpersonal Fairness

how do you feel you're treated, respectfully and courteously?; give timely and complete feedback, allow employees to challenge evaluation, provide feedback with respect and courtesy

Barriers to Effective Management

humans have processing limitations, distortion can be: intentional (politics), unintentional (heuristics); rating errors: contrast, central tendency, strictness, leniency, similar-to-me, halo, horns; appraisal politics

In a collective bargaining contract, factors related to hiring and transfer arrangements are typically covered under the _____ provision.

job or income security

Personnel Policies

job security is very appealing to applicants; promote-from-within, employment-at-will, due process


jobs leave one country and go to another

When judges are allowed to strike down acts of government officials that exceed their authority, this process is called __________.

judicial review

Assistance provided to line managers in handling grievances is a customer satisfaction measure used in the _____ function of HRM.

labor relations

The approach that pays employees higher wages than what competitors pay their employees in similar roles is called the ____

lead-the-market approach

Chris is the chief human resource officer (CHRO) of ProPel Inc. When he performs the tasks of aligning the HR activities with the needs of the business, he is performing the role of a(n) _____.

leader of the HR function

The _____ is the role of a chief human resource officer (CHRO) that focuses on working with HR team members regarding the development, design, and delivery of HR services.

leader of the HR function

Informal Learning

learner-initiated, does not occur in a formal learning setting, motivated by an intent to develop, involves action and doing

On-the-Job Training

learning by observing peers or managers on the job and trying to imitate their behavior; important for it to be structured: prepare for instruction, provide objective, demonstrate task without saying anything, explain key points or behaviors, show how to do it again

Brenda, an HR manager at Dock Inc., has been promoted as the chief human resource officer (CHRO). When she engages in discussions on the performance of members of the executive leadership team, she is playing the role of a _____.

liaison to the board

The freedom of workers and employers to negotiate the terms of an employment contract without government interference is called __________.

liberty of contract

One of the disadvantages of distance learning as a training method is its

limited interaction between instructor and students

Since the HR strategy seeks to address business issues, involving _____ can increase the quality of information from which the HR strategy is created.

line executives

Cons of Downsizing

loss of talent; disrupts social networks needed for creativity and innovation; lower long-term profit, performance, and productivity

U.S. companies tend to relocate their low-skill-high-wage manufacturing and assembly jobs to Mexico because it has a _____.

low level of human capital

A company whose employees have high engagement is likely to have _____ when compared to a company with low employee engagement.

lower turnover Employee engagement refers to the degree to which employees are fully involved in their work and the strength of their commitment to their job and the company. Employees who are engaged in their work and committed to the company they work for give companies competitive advantage including higher productivity, better customer service, and lower turnover.

Rater Error Training

make managers aware of rating errors and help develop strategies for minimizing those errors

Employee Readiness

make sure employees have the basic skills, motivate to learn: the trainee's desire to learn the content of the training program

The objective of job enlargement is to:

make the job less repetitive and more interesting

Diagnosing problems and evaluating results is a part of the _____ competence required by HR professionals.

management of change processes

Paired Comparison

managers compare every employee with every other employee in the work group; employee gets a score of 1 every time considered the higher performer

A program that is required of a company by government regulations is called a(n)

mandated action

The _____ tax rate is the percentage of additional earnings that goes to taxes.


A third country is where a company _____.

may or may not have a facility

Physical Ability Tests

measure muscular power and endurance, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, balance, coordination; is physical ability essential to perform the job? is it mentioned prominently in the job description?

The compa-ratio

measures the degree to which actual pay is consistent with the pay policy

Four approaches to job design

mechanistic, motivational, biological, percetual-motor

When two companies join forces and become one entity, it is termed a:


Presentation Methods

methods in which trainees are passive recipients of information, good for presenting new facts, information, and alternative problem-solving solutions or processes; instructor-led classroom instruction, audiovisual techniques, mobile technologies

Taylor's Theory of Scientific Management concentrated on the _____ level of organizational functioning


Should a former employer give a glowing statement about a candidate and the new employer later learn of misconduct on the part of the employee during his/her previous employment, the new employer may sue the former for


The basic purpose of a business should be set forth in a written _____.

mission statement

When The Body Shop states: "We will dedicate our business to the pursuit of social and environmental change" it is part of the company's _____.

mission statement

The critical aspect of implementing Taylor's system was determining the...

most efficient way to accomplish the task at hand

An HRIS can be used to perform primarily all of the following EXCEPT

motivate employees.

Performance Feedback

necessary so that employees can correct any deficiencies, feedback should be given frequently instead of once a year, create the right context for the discussion, ask the employees to rate his or her performance before the session, encourage the employee to participate in the session, recognize the effective performance through praise, focus on solving problems, focus feedback on behavior or results instead of the person, minimize criticism, agree to specific goals and set progress review date

An unintentional failure to act as a reasonable person would act when that person was exercising ordinary care is called _____.


Organizations provide for orientation because

no matter how realistic the information provided during employment interviews and site visits, people experience shock and surprise when they start a new job.

Which type of interview allows the interviewer discretion in choosing the questions to be asked and generally includes open-ended questions about the candidate's strengths, weaknesses, career goals, and work experience?


. A(n) _____ is a standard that arises over time and is enforced by social sanction or law.


Private Employment Agencies

not just for the unemployed, not free, primarily serves white-collar labor market, executive search firms (headhunters)

Generally speaking, the contents of employees' e-mail and voice-mail messages on companies' systems are:

not private, protected communications.

Benefits of establishing objectives for a training program include all of the following Except:

objectives help HR professionals identify the situational constraints within the organization.

When a company transfers work from its own employees to workers who work in a foreign country, this is called _____.


Training designed to prepare employees to perform their jobs effectively, learn about the organization, and establish work relationships is known as


The training and development function of an HR department includes _____.

orientation The training and development function of an HR department includes orientation, skills training, development programs, and career development.

When a company transfers work from its own employees to workers at another company, this is called _____.


Audiovisual Techniques

overheads, slides, video; often used in conjunction with lectures

A small company that manufactures special-order wood furniture has kept its employees busy on a 40-hour-a-week schedule for the past two years. The company just received the largest contract in its history from a Saudi company opening offices in the area. There is no expectation of repeat business from the Saudi company. In order to complete the contract in the required six months, additional skilled woodworking people power is needed. Under these circumstance, to avoid an expected labor shortage, the best option would be

overtime or the use of temporary employees

MarchTech Corp. is a software company that has its headquarters in Japan. The company has operations in France and India. Japan is the _____ of MarchTech.

parent country

Biographical Data

past work experience, education, gender, ethnicity


pay comparisons focus on what employees within the same organization, but in different jobs, are paid. A. External equity B. Interior incentive C. Internal equity D. Exterior incentive

When organizations adjust pay to reflect working conditions or local labor markets, such adjustments are called:

pay differentials

Since organizations want some flexibility in setting the pay for individuals in accordance with the employees' qualifications and performance, they generally add _____ to their pay structures.

pay ranges

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and NAM are examples of __________ association


Natural Attrition

people leaving due to their own choice, i.e., getting another job

Direct Applicants

people who apply for a job vacancy without prompting from the organization

Jack is a maintenance supervisor at a large petroleum refinery in Texas. His friend, Ronald, who works at another refinery in Louisiana, informs Jack about a vacancy for a maintenance manager's position at the Louisiana refinery and asks him to apply for the position. Jack is an example of a(n)___.


Job Redesign

refers to changing the tasks or way work is performed in an existing job


refers to giving employees online access to or apps which provide information about HR issues such as training, benefits, compensation, and contracts; enrolling online in programs and services, and completing online attitude surveys Giving employees online access to human resources information

Social responsibility

related to the impact of the business on the environment. Sustainability - companies ability of future generations to meet their needs Increasingly, companies are recognizing that social responsibility can help boost a company's image with customers, gain access to new markets, and help attract and retain talented employees. Companies thus try to meet shareholder and general public demands that they be more socially, ethically, and environmentally responsible

Selection Tool Standards

reliability, validity, generalizability, utility, legality

This is a grant of stock with restrictions on transaction that are removed when a specified condition is met.

restricted stock

Which shape is used to mean different things in a UML, activity diagram and basic flowchart? a. rectangle b. circle c. diamond d. line

b. circle

Process redesign includes which of the following? a. change in a process b. anticipation of a good outcome c. both d. neither

c. both

Workflow analysis includes which of the following? a. knowledge of process components and relationships between them b. identification of opportunities for improvement c. both d. neither

c. both

_____ provides a longitudinal overview of the dynamic relationships by which inputs are converted into outputs.

Work-flow design Whereas work-flow design provides a longitudinal overview of the dynamic relationships by which inputs are converted into outputs, organization structure provides a cross-sectional overview of the static relationships between individuals and units that create the outputs.

Which of the following best describes a process? a. small batch of work b. series of actions or operations that produce work c. a group of people that undertake work d. an organization that performs work

b. series of actions or operations that produce work

In which notation would the decision to transfer the patient to the emergency dept be represented? a. Yourdon b. flowchart c. Gane-Sarson d. E-R diagram


What is the correct order of steps for Process Analysis? 1. create process inventory 2. report analysis findings 3. identify variations and exceptions 4. indentify needed EHR functionality a. 1, 2, 3, 4 b. 3, 1, 2, 4 c. 1, 3, 4, 2 d. 4, 1, 3, 2

c. 1, 3, 4, 2

Process analysis includes which of the following? a. knowledge of process components and relationships between them b. identification of opportunities for improvement c. both d. neither

c. both

Which of the following should be used to diagram the following text...the new patient intake form is received, the information is confirmed with the patient, then entered into the EMR? a. terminal symbol, then two parallel process boxes b. circle, process box, then a diamond c. document symbol, then two sequential process boxes d. document box, then a diamond followed by a terminal symbol

c. document symbol, then two sequential process boxes

Which of the following is NOT a Meaningful Use requirement? a. greater than or equal to 80% of all orders directly entered by the authorizing provider b. use of data standards for lab tests and diagnoses c. greater than or equal to 90% of eligible pneumonia patients receive antibiotics within 12 hrs of an office visit d. use of Health IT by providers

c. greater than or equal to 90% of eligible pneumonia patients received antibiotics within 12 hrs of an office visit

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Meaningful Use of Health IT? a. refers to the use of Health IT to improve patient care b. includes ePrescribing and provider order entry c. has been in legislation for over 20 yrs d. includes incentives for meeting requirements for care and Health IT

c. has been in legislation for over 20 yrs.

Leadership involvement is essential for successul quality improvement. Which of the following is NOT a way leaders can support QI activities? a. including QI in the budget b. involving staff and patients in decision making c. hiring more people d. facilitating the use of performance metrics

c. hiring more people

A clinic that you are working with is at CMM level "Repeatable". Which of the following should be used to obtain process information? a. reading available procedures b. interviews only c. interviews and process walkthroughs d. observation of key processes

c. interview and process walkthroughs

According to Deming, which would be a good approach to address a medical error in a clinic? a. create and enact a new clinic policy b. inpose a stiff penalty on clinic staff for medical errors c. investigate possible process changes to prevent such errors d. provide more training to the individual who made the error

c. investigate possible process changes to prevent such errors

Which of the following CMM levels best describes the following organization. There are standard operating procedures and performance is fairly consistent. When adapted to new situations, the process performance is not predicable and sometines results are substandard. a. level 1 b. level 2 c. level 3 d. level 4

c. level 3

According to Ovretveit, failing to learn and plan for sustaining the improvement is which categore of mistake in quality improvement? a. mistake in purpose and preparation b. mistake in planning and operation c. mistake in transition and implementation d. all of the above

c. mistake in transition and implementation

Which symbol would be used in Gane-Sarson to represent the following? The nurse entered the patient's weight. a. rounded corner rectangle b. diamond and open ended rectangle c. open ended rectangle and double square d. rectangle and circle

c. open ended rectangle and double square

Which of the following is best reason to use human centered design principles in process redesign? a. software will be developed custom for each clinic b. clinic software systems impact patient care c. people interact with clinic software systems d. patient care needs to be automated

c. people interact with clinic software systems

Which symbol would be used to represent the following text? The patient called the office to schedule an appt? a. diamond b. circle c. rectangle d. telephone

c. rectangle

Which symbol would be used in Yourdon to represent the following text? The nurse calculated the patient's body mass index. a. rectangle and diamond b. diamond and circle c. rectangle and circle d. rectangle and rectangle

c. rectangle and circle

In a mtg. to discuss the new PMS, it becomes clear that the receptionist hasn't heard anything about the implementation planned for the next day. Application of which of the following key change concepts could have improved this situation? a. human and organizational complexity b. organization are biological systems c. transparency d. individual choice

c. transparency

When decision-making authority resides at the top of the organizational chart as opposed to being distributed throughout lower levels, an organization has a _____ decision making structure.

centralized Centralized authority is decision-making authority residing at the top of the organizational chart. When authority is distributed through the lower levels, an organization has a decentralized decision making structure.

Which of the following is true for knowledge acquisition (KA) in support of EMR adoption? a. acquiring software vendor is a likely mean of KA b. clinic staff cannot acquire knowledge through technology purchase c. clinics will likely replace existing staff with trained experts in EMR use d. clinics will acquire knowledge through process analysis

d. clinics will acquire knowledge through process analysis

Choose the answer that best describes a process inventory? a. counting and tracking available stock b. objectifying and measuring processes c. analyzing and improving stock processes d. identifying and recording processes

d. identifying and recording processes

Indicate which statement is true; a. information flow and workflow are the same thing b. information flow and workflow can be shown on a context diagram c. information flow and process flow can be shown on an E-R diagram d. information flow and process flow can be shown on a flowchart

d. information flow and process flow can be shown on a flowchart

Implementing a system that enables ordering lab tests and results receiving from a central lab is an example of? a. knock out and flexible assignment b. automation and integration c. task composition and task elimination d. integration and interfacing

d. intergration and interfacing

Pick the best explanation for the meaning of the following Chinese proverb" me and I may remember; involve me and I will understand." a. written procedures should be provided for each job task b. each employee should be involved in decisions c. most people lean best by performing a task d. most people comprehend best what they are engaged in

d. most people comprehend best what they are engaged in

a terminal symbol in a flowchart is used to represent which of the following? a. decision b. start c. stop d. start and stop

d. start and stop

Which of the following would be variations of a diagnostic test process? a. patient cannot tolerate the test b. patient is not compliant with preparatory instructions c. test returns a false positive d. test is conducted by referral to an external facility

d. test is conducted by referral to an external facility

Units that are a part of the _____ structure act almost like separate, self-sufficient, semi-autonomous organizations.

divisional Units in divisional structures act almost like separate, self-sufficient, semi-autonomous organizations. Divisional structures combine a divisional departmentalization scheme with relatively low levels of centralization.

Which of the following methods are based on Deming's PDSA? a. API b. FOCUS-PDCA c. Kaizen d. Six Sigma e. a and b f. a,b, and d g. all of the above

f.. a,b and d

Divisional structures are more appropriate than functional structures when:

flexible responsiveness is required. Divisional structures are most appropriate in unstable, unpredictable environments, where it is difficult to anticipate demands for resources, and coordination requirements between jobs are not consistent over time. This type of structure also helps support organizations that compete on differentiation or innovation, because flexible responsiveness is central to making this strategy work.

Experience-based Questions

"What is the hardest decision you ever had to make?"

Which of the following in effective feedback?

"You've achieved 100 percent of your target in less then six months"

Determining ROI

(return on investment) cost-benefit analysis; ROI gives an estimate of the dollar return expected from each dollar invested in training

What were Fayol's Principles of Organizational Power?

- Centralization - Authority & responsibility - Discipline

C) information technology

70) HR managers who take SHRM certification exams are tested on all of the following areas EXCEPT ________. A) strategic management B) workforce planning C) information technology D) employee and labor relations E) occupational health and safety

Which of the following is not a commercial tort against businesses?

8 Auto accident

E) staffing

8) Which function of the management process includes selecting employees, setting performance standards, and compensating employees? A) leading B) organizing C) planning D) motivating E) staffing

Which of the following is true of a shop steward of a union?

A shop steward represents employees in contract grievances.

Tasks like revising or creating policies, budgeting resources and assigning work are a part of the:

Action plan

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration does all of the following EXCEPT:

Be responsible for traveler's safety.

When American Express Co. advertised that it would donate 3 cents per transaction to nonprofit anti-hunger groups over a two-month period for all charges against its credit card, it was an example of:

Cause-related marketing

Which of the following is not an element of risk assessment?

Command-and-control regulation


Conducts zealous compliance reviews

The systematic calculation of the costs and benefits of a proposed regulatory action is called:

Cost-benefit analysis

This provides an artificial but valuable test of efficient resource allocation for regulators not subject to a market mechanism.

Cost-benefit analysis.

Same Sex Harassment

Counts as a type of harassment, protected by Title VII

Which of the following benefits is required by law in the United States? A. Sick leave B. Personal leave C. Medical care D. Social Security E. Paid leave

D. Social Security This important role of benefits is one reason that benefits are subject to government regulation. Some benefits, such as Social Security, are required by law.

The burden of disease caused by pollution is measured by _____.


Which of the following options for reducing an expected labor surplus is a relatively slow solution, but offers the benefit of being low in human suffering?

Early retirement

When a factory dumps toxic waste into a stream, it is an example of what type of cost to society?

External cost

Which of the following is an occupation in the agricultural sector?


. In international law, treaties between nations are an example of:

Hard law

US District Courts

Hear cases involving alleged violations of federal laws.

Which of the following is an example of an employer unfair labor practice?

Jake, a manager, threatens to close down a plant if organized by a union.

This is an independent director who chairs regular board meetings of other independent directors

Lead director


Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeable, Neuroticism

Which of the following is a unique aspect of benefits?

Organizations so typically offer them that they have become institutionalized.

Compensation of these directors is determined by compensation committees on boards

Outside directors

Directors who are not employees of the company are:

Outside directors.

When a company transfers work from its own employees to workers in another company, this is called:


_____ involves contracting with an outside domestic vendor to provide a product or service to a firm, as opposed to producing the product using employees within the firm.


A demand for sexual activity in order to keep one's job is called:

Quid pro quo

Which of the following is a competitiveness goal?

Reduce regulatory burden.

Which of the following is a major category of workers' compensation?

Rehabilitative services

The idea that racially segregated schools are not inherently unequal is called the doctrine of:

Separate but equal.

Risk management decisions are based on the:

Social sciences

This is an ideal of economic growth that can "meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."

Sustainability reporting

employer's workers' compensation rate is based on all of the following EXCEPT


Employees are most likely to benefit from a flexible spending account if they have predictable health care expenses, such as insurance premiums.

TRUE Employees are most likely to benefit from a flexible spending account if they have predictable health care expenses, such as insurance premiums.

Joining a union, whether recognized by the employer or not, is an activity protected under the NLRA.

TRUE Joining a union, whether recognized by the employer or not, is an activity protected under the NLRA.

Which theory focused on the idea of the time & motion studies?

Taylor's Theory

Options for avoiding an expected labor shortage is a slow solution but has low revocability

Technological Innovation

Options for avoiding an expected labor shortage has the benefit of being a fast solution with high revocability

Temporary employees


The analytic approach to evaluating HR effectiveness focuses exclusively on estimating the financial costs and benefits resulting from HR practice.

Which of the following statements about the components of executive compensation is true?

The annual base salary is usually set near the median salary for leaders at comparable firms.


The audit approach for evaluating the effectiveness of HR practices focuses on A. determining whether the HR program/practice has the intended effect. B. estimating the financial costs and benefits resulting from an HR practice. C. reviewing the various outcomes of the HR functional area. D. determining the dollar value of a program.


The basic process of building HR strategy starts with scanning the internal environment.

Which of the following is true of local unions?

The bulk of day-to-day interaction between labor and management takes place at the local union level.

Which of the following is true of the cost to the employer for workers' compensation?

The compensation mostly covers minor injuries such as sprains and strains than dramatic injuries.


The equity theory suggests that people often evaluate their situations by comparing them with those of other people (TF)

Which part of the U.S. Constitution allows businesses to attempt to influence federal laws?

The first amendment


The human resource accounting approach places a dollar value on human resources as if they were physical or financial resources.

Which of the following defies the amoral core of employment-at-will?

The implied covenant of good faith.


The job evaluation process includes all of the following except: A. compensable factors. B. a weighting scheme. C. pay ranges. D. scores (ratings).


The main purpose of imaging is to scan and print documents to be placed in applicants' files.

In reality, the sequence of the flow of authority of a corporation from the powers granted in the charter of the corporation is from:

The stockholders to the directors to the CEO

The U.S. Supreme Court struck down a California law for exhaust standards for trucks stipulating that the act passed by the Congress should be followed. This ruling was based on which part of the U.S. Constitution?

The supremacy clause

A Business Continuity Plan is a set of documents, instructions and procedures which enable a business to respond to accidents, diasters emergencies and or threats without any stoppage or hindrance in its key operations. True False


A workflow is a process? True False


It is just an important to engage leadership as it is to engage practice staff. True False


Which of the following is the largest peak association in the U.S.?

U.S. Chamber of commerce


U.S. workers are significantly more likely to be covered by defined benefit plans than Japanese or German workers.

When a corporation wants to give charitable gifts but its charter does not state that this type of action is permitted, the idea that these gifts are "beyond the law" is called:

Ultra vires.

Which of the following questions should be addressed right after the inputs required for production have been established?

What tasks are required in the production of the output? Once the inputs required for the production have been established, the next step is to focus on the process. The question to be addressed is "What tasks are required in the production of the output?"


What type of business is most likely to have a high revenue-to-labor-cost ratio? A. A capital-intensive business B. A newly formed business C. A labor-intensive business D. A diversified business

In which of the following scenarios will workers be less motivated to perform the job?

When the job has minor impact on the lives of other people.

When is training most likely to have an effect on performance?

When the performance problem is resulting from lack of skill and ability


Which HR strategy begins by identifying the major business needs and issues, considers how people fit in and what people outcomes are necessary, and builds HR systems focused on meeting those needs? A. HR-focused B. People-linked C. Business-linked D. Business-driven


Which of the following HR activities provides basic descriptive information on job attributes and the job itself? A. Market survey B. Job analysis C. Recruitment D. Strategic planning

D) Outside vendors specializing in all aspects of benefits administration would provide improved support to the firm's employees.

Which of the following best supports Whitman's idea to develop a transactional HR group to handle benefits administration? A) An embedded HR unit would assist top management with big picture issues as well as benefits administration. B) Extensive training has been provided to line managers so that they fully understand the different insurance options available to employees. C) All employees are currently required to participate in health screening and drug tests to eliminate high risk employees from the benefits plan. D) Outside vendors specializing in all aspects of benefits administration would provide improved support to the firm's employees. E) Lower insurance premiums would eliminate the need for outsourcing services and improve employee health coverage.


Which of the following is not a basic process for HR strategy? A. Scanning the external environment B. Identifying people issues C. Communicating HR strategy D. Identifying technology issues


Which of the following is not a pay-setting approach to developing pay structure? A. Market survey data B. Pay remuneration C. Pay policy line D. Pay grades


Which of the following statements pertains to the audit approach? A. Key indicators and customer satisfaction measures are important in this approach. B. This approach deals with the determination of the impact of the dollar value. C. It involves the use of statistics and finance and hence it is more demanding. D. It uses utility analysis to estimate the financial impact of the employee behavior.

Which of the following statements about the role of line supervisors in HR is true?

While an HR specialist may be on staff in smaller companies, many HR activities are carried out by line supervisors.


While the agency theory has value in the analysis and design of managerial compensation, it is not applicable to nonmanagerial compensation.


With the use of relational databases, the number of data fields that can be kept for any employee is limitless.

Which of the following is NOT a responsibility of the EEOC?

Writing new EEO laws

Risk is the probability that a harm will occur and it is typically measured on a scale that ranges between:

Zero and absolute certainty.


_____ HR functions begin with an assessment of what HR is doing, then identify the major people outcomes they should focus on. A. Business-linked B. HR-focused C. People-linked D. Business-driven


_____ is reducing the number of job levels to achieve more flexibility in job assignments and in assigning merit increases. A. Remunerating B. Reorganization C. Downsizing D. Delayering


_____ refers to the relative pay of jobs in an organization. A. Pay structure B. Equity structure C. Job structure D. Task structure

Transitional Matrix

a chart that shows the proportion (or number) of employees in different job categories at different times, used to determine labor supply

Maria works in the HR department at Cloud Zero Inc. She is responsible for helping the line executives strategically address people issues. She has a dual reporting relationship with Jose, the head of HRM, and Gigi, the head of the line business. Maria is likely to be:

a field generalist.

Job Specification

a list of knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characterisitcs (KSAO's)

Job Description

a list of tasks, duties, and responsibilites (TDR's)

A bona fide occupational qualification must be:

a necessary qualification for the job.


a planned effort to facilitate the learning of job-related knowledge, skills, and behavior of employees; important to be linked to strategic business goals and objectives, be supported by top management, be conducted systematically


a policy of paying higher-than-current-market wages

Selection is

a process that helps an organization add employees, as well as transfer existing employees to new positions.

Training Design Process

a systematic approach to developing training programs

An analyst needs to show the context in which a process operates. Which of the following is the most appropriate? a. Yourdon b. unified modeling language c. flowchart d. entity-relationship diagram

a. Yourdon

Which of the following is used to indicate that a flowchart continues on another page? a. circle connector b. process box c. dotted line d. curved arrow

a. circle connector

Which of the following types of knowledge is the easiest for organizations to share with others? a. coded knowledge b. tacit knowledge c. sticky knowledge d. experiential knowledge

a. coded knowledge

Implements a self service appointment scheduling system is an example of the following? a. control relocation b. control addition c. automatiion d. exception handling

a. control relocation

____ forecast and monitor the proportion of various protected group members, such as woman and minorities that are in various jobs categories and career tracks

affirmative action plans

In the U.S., _____ is the fastest growing discrimination charge.

age bias

Farming, fishing and forestry occupations are part of the _____ sector of the U.S. economy


The desire to help someone in need without any expectation of receiving something in return from them is called _____.


Open-door policy, peer review, mediation, and arbitration are generally steps within:

an alternative dispute resolution system.

Extrinsic Reward

an award that is tangible or physically given to you for accomplishing something as recognition of ones endeavor

Intrinsic Reward

an intangible award of recognition or a sense of achievement motivation, in any endeavor when one feels in the Maslow's hierarchy as attainment in conscious satisfaction; the knowledge that one did something right


any activity carried on by the organization with the primary purpose of identifying and attracting potential employees

Benefits of Internal Recruitment

applicants well-known, knowledgeable about company vacancies, cheaper and faster

Organizations typically use resumes

as a basis for deciding which candidates to investigate further

Negative Correlation

as one variable increases, the other variable decreases

Positive Correlation

as one variable increases, the other variable increases

Behavioral Approach

attempts to define the behaviors an employee must exhibit to be effective for the job; define critical behaviors and then managers assess the extent to which employees exhibit them

The aspect of the labor-management negotiation process that refers to the relationship and level of trust between the negotiators is known as _____.

attitudinal structuring

In the _____________ principle managements have authority by position or title & personal characteristics

authority & responsibility

Laws that prohibit retail stores from being open on Sundays are called __________

blue laws

Which of the following is NOT a part of quality improvement methods in health care? a. evaluation b. causes of variation c. focused on the individual patient d. involves multiple disciplines in the clinc

c. focused on the individual patient

Which of the following is NOT a suggested approach to leading the implementation decision making meeting? a, walk through the redesigned process workflow diagrams b. incomporate changes int he process diagrams c. use brainstorming to generate ideas for process redesign d. discuss training needs for clinic staff on the redesigned processes

c. use brainstorming to generate ideas for process redesign

Benefit plans that permit employees to choose the types and amounts of benefits they want are called:

cafeteria-style plans

Reasoning Ability

capacity to invent solutions to diverse problems

In _____ systems, there is less opportunity to develop human capital without higher costs.


A _____ consists of functional specialists in the traditional areas of HRM such as recruitment and selection.

center of expertise

In the _________ principle order is most effective when central people have control over everything/ actions & decision making



computer depictions of humans used as imaginary coaches, coworkers or customers in simulations

The first step in the instructional design process is

conducting a needs assessment

A person who uses products and services in a commercial economy is called a(n) _____


Corporate charters specify the rights and responsibilities of all of the following EXCEPT


The legal authority for corporate managers and directors is derived from the

corporate charter

Essential functions of a business continuity plan include: a. functions that MUST be performed to achieve the organization's mission b. communications c. key personnel d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Which of the following identify processes as "ripe for improvement? a. processes that can increase satisfaction b. increase meaningful use of health IT c. appeal to patients d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Which of the following may indicate needed EHR functionality? a. generic processes used by a clinic b. process variations used by a clinic c. process exceptions likely encountered by a clinic d. all of the above

d. all of the above

In Gane-Sarson notation, what is the correct shape to represent the transfer of information from the private practice to the emergency dept.? a. rounded rectangle b. rectangle c. open ended rectangle d. line

d. line

In Yourdon, what is the correct shape to represent the transfer of information from the private practice to the emergency dept.? a. rounded rectangle b. rectangle c. open ended rectangle d. line

d. line

Which of the following would be an exception to a document receiving process? a. receipt of fax documents b. receipt of electroninc documents c. receipt of documents within a week of patient visit d. receipt of documents with no patient identifiers

d. receipt of documents with no patient identifiers

Motivational approach

decision making autonomy task significance interdependence

The management of an organization is less able to afford a strike when the:

demand for its product is strong.

Cost-Benefit Analysis

determining the economic benefit of a training program using accounting benefits; determine costs, determine benefits

Cognitive Ability Tests

differentiates individuals based on mental capacities; commonly assess verbal comprehension, quantitative ability, reasoning ability; high validity

Legal Issues

discrimination, unjust dismissal; performance measures to be held to the same standards as selection instruments; valid job analysis, should be based on behaviors or results, train on how to use system, be able to appeal ratings, multiple raters, document evaluations

When an employment policy is "apparently neutral" in its treatment of employees, but, in reality, is not job-related at all, this is called _____.

disparate impact

Descartes' belief that nature operates like a machine with fixed laws that humans can understand is called the theory of _____.


An example of a typical compensable factor is:


Forced Distribution

employees are ranked in groups; certain percentages of employees are put into predetermined categories; ex: top 20%, middle 70%, bottom 10%

Random Error

error in measurement that can lead to inconsistencies

The final step in the planning process is to____

evaluate results

Step 6 of Training Design Process

evaluate the training program, should a program be continued or dropped? how to improve future programs? determine the financial benefits and costs of a program; training outcomes


examine outcome before and after training (OXO)

The study of the amount of a substance that human beings can absorb through inhalation, ingestion or skin absorption is called _____.

exposure assessment

When a nation applies its laws within the borders of another nation, it is called


"Soft law" creates binding obligations for corporations


Diversity management is a narrower concept than affirmative action


In high-engagement philanthropy, givers fund the incubation of new charitable organizations with unique approaches to social problems.


In the U.S., company charters are granted by the federal government.


In the U.S., the FDA sets water quality criteria for pollutants


It is legal for U.S. lawmakers to accept money as a condition for official action


The Equal Pay Act of 1963 overrides pay differences that are due to merit systems


The U.S. civilian labor force is the largest labor force in the world.


The supremacy clause of the U.S. Constitution states that state laws take precedence over federal laws dealing with the same topic


There exist universal rules for social responsibility that apply to every company


There is a fixed, neutral definition of social responsibility that fits every company


Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act explained how companies were to correct disparate impact


A well-planned interview should

focus on the job and the organization

The FDA has appointed a _____ charged with producing a plan of defense against domestic and imported hazards to consumers.

food czar

The first step in the human resource planning process is_____


Affirmative Action Planning

forecasting and monitoring the proportion of various protected group members in certain job categories and career tracks

Functional Structural Configuration

functional departmentalization, high level of centralization, high efficiency, inflexible, insensitive to subtle, differences across products, regions and clients

Which of the following are functions of a quality council? a. establish core quality standards b. identify quality metrics c. identify and define quality requirements d. legitimize value of QI e. educate organization and train key staff f. a, b and d g. a, b, c, d and e

g. a, b, c, d and e

Balanced scorecard

gives managers an indication of the performance of a company based on the degree to which stakeholder needs are satisfied; it depicts the company from the perspective of internal and external customers, employees, and shareholders A means of performance measurement that gives managers a chance to look at their company from the perspectives of internal and external

Employee empowerment is defined as:

giving employees responsibility and authority to make decisions.

The so-called "invisible barrier" that prevents women from being promoted to top management positions is called the _____.

glass ceiling

In contrast to most other EEO laws, the Americans with Disabilities Act:

goes beyond prohibiting discrimination to require that employers take steps to accommodate individuals covered under the act.

The U.S. Army's "Be an Army of One" campaign is an example of

image advertising

Evidence-based HR refers to:

its objectives.

Under a _____ provision, the employer pledges not to oppose organizing attempts elsewhere in the company.



one's perception that you feel you're capable to do a certain job or certain task

The management of an organization is less able to afford a strike when the:

organization is labor intensive.

Altering Pay and Hours

overtime (shortage), getting employees to take pay cuts (surplus), reducing worker hours (surplus), furlough (surplus)


people who are prompted to apply for a job from someone from within the organization

Yield Ratios

percentage of applicants from a recruitment source that make it to the next stage of the selection process

Yield Ratios express the:

percentage of applicants who successfully move from one stage of the recruitment and selection process to the next.

Image Advertising

perceptions of companies influence whether applicants are attracted to the organization, organizations sometimes advertise to just promote themselves as a good place to work, also known as employer branding; important to focus on an image that is congruent with the organization, applicants will be attracted to firms with an image that fits their traits; importance of conveying diversity (if it exists)

Climate for Transfer

perceptions of work environment characteristics that can facilitate or inhibit use of trained skills or behavior; how do employees perceive the work environment?

Among the functions performed by an HR department, feedback and coaching are categorized under the _____ function.

performance management Performance measures, preparation and administration of performance appraisals, feedback and coaching, and discipline are performed as part of the performance management function of an HR department.

Administrative Performance Management

performance management used in administrative decisions

Developmental Performance Management

performance management used to develop employees

Strategic Performance management

performance management used to help meet business objectives

Performance management

performance measures, preparation and administration of performance appraisal, feedback and coaching, discipline

. Shares of company stock awarded after a fixed period of years if individual and company performance goals are met are called

performance shares

When a company gives a monetary gift to a social institution in an attempt to improve the social welfare of its community, it is called _____.


According to Taylor, workers are responsible for ________ & managers are responsible for _______ & _______

physical labor; thinking & organizing

Evaluation Designs

posttest only, pretest/posttest, posttest only with comparison group, pretest/posttest with comparison group, time series

Sam visits Mexico for a business meeting. At the meeting, Sam addresses the vice president of the firm by his first name rather than using his title. This is considered offensive. In the context of Hofstede's cultural dimensions, this difference in cultures is part of the _____ dimension.

power distance

Human capital includes all of the following EXCEPT:


According to a recent survey of HR professionals, the most common approaches to managing diversity are:

promoting knowledge and acceptance of cultural differences and dealing with employees' resistance to diversity

Virtual Reality

provides trainees with 3D learning experience, operate in a computer-simulated environment

Program Implementation and Evaluation

putting programs into practice, make sure that some individual is held accountable for achieving the state goals and has the necessary authority and resources to accomplish the goal, progress reports on the implementation, evaluate results

Three Comparative Approach Techniques

ranking; forced distribution; paired comparison

Reducing Error

rater error training, rater accuracy training, calibration meetings

The Americans with Disabilities Act requires companies to make _____ for disabled workers

reasonable accommodations

External Recruitment Sources

recruiting from outside the organization, if there are no internal recruits to draw from

Internal Recruitment Sources

recruiting from within the organization


refers to the degree to which work units are grouped based upon functional similarity or similarity of workflow

Over half of all the unfair labor practice charges are filed against employers who:

refused to bargain.

Taylor's micro level concentration focused on the _________ b/t management & employees. Not focused on ______

relationships; structure

Reference Checks

reliability and validity is low; a phone call is more valid than writing a letter; a long list is better to employers than a short one


represent a real-life situation, allowing trainees to see the outcomes of their decisions in an artificial environment; avatars, virtual reality; business games and case studies

The Americans with Disabilities Act:

requires employers to take steps to accommodate people with disability so that they can perform their duties without difficulty.

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, an undue hardship is an action

requiring significant difficulty or expense.

Public Employment Agencies

resource for those receiving unemployment, referrals are free, primarily serves blue-collar labor market

One of the criteria used to define "equal" by the Equal Pay Act of 1963 is:


These cannot be sold until certain conditions are met, most often the lapse of a time period or meeting a performance goal

restricted stock

The audit approach to evaluating the effectiveness of HR practices focuses on:

reviewing the various outcomes of the HR functional area.

The scientific process of discovering and weighing the dangers posed by a pollutant is called

risk assessment

An intervention designed to increase the communication and understanding of the various sets of role expectations that exist for specific employees is called:

role analysis technique

The idea that racially segregated schools are not inherently unequal is called the _____ doctrine.

separate but equal

Executive search firms (ESFs)

serve as an important confidentiality buffer between the employer and the recruit

Factors to Consider in Choosing Evaluation Design

size of the training program, purpose of the training, implications if a training program doesn't work, company norms regarding evaluation, costs of designing and conducting an evaluation, need for speed in obtaining effectiveness information

Mentoring relationships are an example of _____ capital.

social Corporate culture, management philosophy, management practices, informal networking systems, and coaching/mentoring relationships are examples of social capital.

Trend Analysis

statistic in nature, predicting the demand for labor based on projections of past relationship patterns over the years

In reality, the flow of authority in corporate governance is from powers granted in the charter to _____, then to _____ and then to _____.

stockholders, directors, the CEO


temporary unpaid leave

Emotional Intelligence

the ability to identify, assess, and control the emotions of oneself, of other, and of groups; performance-based and self-report; is it a personality trait or ability? does not explain much variance above cognitive ability and personality tests


the degree to which authority resides at the top of the organizational chart


the degree to which information provided by selection methods enhances the effectiveness of selecting personnel


the degree to which the validity of a selection method established in one context extends to other contexts


the most widely used selection method in organizations

The relevant aspects of employee performance are based on:

the outcomes of a job analysis.

China is a _____ country for Grazia S.p.A.


All of the following are frequently used types of stock awards EXCEPT:

time shares

CalPERS is one of the leaders in governance activism among pension funds


Industrial activity affects the biosphere.


The "liberty of contract" was used by the employers as an excuse to exploit workers.


The 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution gave women the right to vote


The 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution does not allow "corporate speech" to be silenced by the federal government.


The American job landscape is shaped by the goods-producing sector, the service sector and the agricultural sector.


The CPSC tries to help consumers to evaluate and to compare the safety of different products


The Sarbanes-Oxley Act prohibits company executives from receiving loans from their company that are unavailable to outsiders of the company


The Sarbanes-Oxley Act prohibits outside auditors of a business from accepting certain types of consulting fees when they are auditing the books of a company


The TSA is responsible for providing security for the U.S. transportation system.


Honesty Tests

used to identify individuals who are likely to engage in inappropriate, dishonest, and antisocial behavior at work; assess attitudes and experiences related to honesty, dependability, and trustworthiness


using an outside organization for a set of services

The cost-benefit analysis approach that estimates the financial impact of employee behavior such as absenteeism is called _____.

utility analysis

The extent to which expatriates receive recognition from peers and bosses following their expatriate assignment refers to _____.


The extent to which performance on a measure is related to what the measure is designed to assess is called


When an employee chooses to communicate one's concern to management without necessarily leaving the company, he is following the _____ mechanism.


An action of a company that goes above and beyond the legal or regulatory requirements of the law is called a(n)

voluntary action

Recruiter Characteristics and Behavior

warm and innovative, realistic job preview, timely feedback, recruit in teams

In the 1978 Manhart ruling, the Supreme Court declared it illegal for employers to require:

women to contribute more than men to a defined benefit plan.

Executive Order 11246

(President Johnson) Prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin. -Unlike Title VII, this order applies only to federal contractors and subcontractors. Employers receiving more than $10,000 from the federal government must take affirmative action to ensure against discrimination, and those with contrats grater than $50,000 must develop a written affirmative action plan for each of their establishments within 120 days of the beginning of the contract. -Enforcement Agency: Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs

Three branches of US government

-Legislative -Executive -Judicial

Which of the following statements regarding privity is true?

. It is a relationship giving parties a common interest under the law, as in the relationship between parties to a contract.

Three Theories of Discrimination

1) Disparate Treatment 2) Disparate Impact 3) Reasonable Accommodation

The three major governing bodies established by the Constitution

1) Legislative Branch 2) Executive Branch 3) Judicial Branch

B) Authority

15) ________ is the right to make decisions, to direct the work of others, and to give orders. A) Leadership B) Authority C) Delegation D) Management E) Responsibility

On average, out of every dollar spent on compensation, about _____ cents go to benefits.


B) assisting upper management in formulating business strategies

57) Tara Robles earned an MBA degree and is now an HR manager for a Fortune 500 company. In which of the following tasks does Tara's advanced degree benefit her the most? A) using application service providers to expedite employee services B) assisting upper management in formulating business strategies C) distributing pension payments to retiring employees D) recruiting college graduates for entry-level positions E) training interns to perform basic computer tasks

E) customer satisfaction

58) According to studies, the majority of chief financial officers believe that human capital has the greatest effect on ________. A) stock price fluctuations B) product development C) corporate growth D) service innovations E) customer satisfaction

B) organizing

6) Which function of the management process includes delegating authority to subordinates and establishing channels of communication? A) staffing B) organizing C) motivating D) leading E) planning

Job Hazard Analysis Technique

A breakdown of each job into basic elements, each of which is rated for its potential for harm or injury.


A broad band: A. is a combination of pay grades that reduces the number of levels in a pay structure. B. refers to the distance between the minimum and maximum pay rate in a pay grade. C. is the salary range attached to white-collar jobs. D. reduces flexibility in assigning merit increases.

The statement of how a business will create value by selling something in the marketplace is called:

A business model.


A company's ability to maintain and gain market share in the industry

Utilization Analysis

A comparison of the race, sex, and ethnic composition of an employer's workforce with that of the available labor supply.

What is a learning management system?

A computer application that automates the administration, development, and delivery of training programs


A craft union's bargaining power depends greatly on the control it can exercise over the supply of its workers.


A critical factor in determining the success of a strike (actual or threatened) is the size of union membership.

Bona Fide Occupational Qualification (BFOQ)

A job qualification based on sex, religion, and so on, that the employer asserts is a necessary qualification for the job.

Job specification

A list of the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics (KSAOs) that an individual must have to perform a job.

Job description

A list of the tasks, duties, and responsibilities that a job entails.

Action steps

A list that specifies the steps an employer will take toward attaining their goals to reduce underutilization.


A major criticism of merit pay programs is that the differential in pay between high performers and mediocre, or even poor, performers is not significant enough to influence employee behavior or attitudes.


A market pay survey is the major administrative tool that organizations use in choosing a pay level.

What is the minimum percent of employees in a bargaining unit who must sign authorization cards for the NLRB to hold a union representation election? A. 30 percent B. 51 percent C. 20 percent D. 10 percent E. 55 percent

A. 30 percent At the start of an organizing process, union representatives make contact with employees, present their message about the union, and invite them to sign an authorization card. For the organization process to continue, at least 30 percent of the employees must sign an authorization card.

Which of the following sources do most retirees (65 and older) receive most of their income? A. Social Security B. Private pensions C. Earnings from personal assets D. Disability insurance E. Private investments

A. Social Security Despite the image of retired people living on their Social Security check shows that those checks amount to less than half of a retired person's income.

Within a 401(k) plan, who has the responsibility for investing? A. The employee B. The PGBC C. The ERISA Fiduciary Advisor D. The financial institution handling the account E. The employer

A. The employee The defined-contribution plans, including the 401(k) plan, free employers from the risks that investments will not perform as well as expected. They put the responsibility for wise investing squarely on the shoulders of each employee.

Thirteenth Amendment

Abolished slavery in the United States.

Labor-Management Relations Act (LMRA) or Taft-Hartley Act

Act that provides balance of power between union and management by designating certain union activities as unfair labor practices a. Prohibited closed shops b. Allowed states to pass "right to work" laws c. Prohibited jurisdictional and secondary strikes d. Employers could replace economic strikers e. Established the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service f. President has authority to call 80 day "cooling off' period related to a national crisis

_____ was a powerful adversary in the late nineteenth century which advocated prohibition of alcohol.

Anti-saloon league

The ideas of "deep ecology" are based on the writings of _____.

Arne Naess


As in other areas of human resource management, _____ are typically responsible for making policies work. A. top management teams B. team leaders C. consultants D. line managers

Which of the following corresponds to identifying the process stage of the reengineering process?

Asking process owners to be part of the team

Which one of the following statements is true of employee benefits? A. Employees generally have a thorough understanding of what benefits they have and what the market value of these benefits is. B. Employees significantly underestimate the cost and value of their benefits. C. Employers do an effective job of communicating the cost and value of benefits to their employees. D. Employees, for the most part, are just not interested in their benefits. E. Employers have very limited options for communicating information about benefits.

B. Employees significantly underestimate the cost and value of their benefits. Employees and job applicants often have a poor idea of what benefits they have and what the market value of their benefits is. Research asking employees about their benefits has shown that employees significantly underestimate the cost and value of their benefits.

In the context of the three levels of decisions involved in labor relations, which of the following management decisions relates to whether the organization will work with unions or develop (or maintain) nonunion operations? A. Negotiating contracts B. Formulating labor relations strategy C. Engaging in corporate governance D. Administering contracts E. Relationship management

B. Formulating labor relations strategy For management, the decision pertaining to labor relations strategy involves whether the organization will work with unions or develop (or maintain) nonunion operations. For unions, the decision involves whether to fight changes in how unions relate to the organization or accept new kinds of labor-management relationships.


Because the HR strategy seeks to address business issues, involving _____ can increase the quality of information from which the HR strategy is created. A. competitors B. suppliers C. line executives D. shareholders

Which of the following HRM activities adds the lowest strategic value to a firm?

Benefits administration

Which of the following is true of benefits? A. They allow employees to buy their own insurance. B. They let employees to contribute to their own savings plans. C. Employees do not pay income taxes on most benefits they receive. D. They give employees greater control over what their compensation buys. E. Laws usually do not require employers to provide benefits.

C. Employees do not pay income taxes on most benefits they receive. Tax laws can make benefits favorable to employees. For example, employees do not pay income taxes on most benefits they receive, but they pay income taxes on cash compensation

_____ cultures tend to have flatter salary structures.


What is innovation-related communication?

Creating new things & ideas

The EPA has set standards intended to curb the emissions of six substances that are the primary threat to air quality because they are so prominent. These substances are called:

Criteria pollutants.

The _____ is a federal law that requires employers to permit employees or their dependents to extend their health insurance coverage at group rates for up to 36 months following a qualifying event, such as a layoff, reduction in hours, or the employee's death. A. Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) B. Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) C. Social Security Act D. Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) E. Sarbanes-Oxley Act

D. Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) of 1985 requires employers to permit employees to extend their health insurance coverage at group rates for up to 36 months following a "qualifying event." Qualifying events include termination (except for gross misconduct), a reduction in hours that leads to loss of health insurance, and the employee's death (in which case the surviving spouse or dependent child would extend the coverage).

Which of the following is true of flexible spending accounts? A. They may be used to cover only employees' and not dependents' health-care expenses. B. They do not permit pretax employee contributions. C. Contributions to the accounts may exceed $5,000 per year but must be designated in advance. D. Funds must be used by the plan's year end or they revert to the employer. E. The money in the flexible spending account is taxed and it reduces an employee's take home pay.

D. Funds must be used by the plan's year end or they revert to the employer. The money in the account may be spent on health care expenses of the employee and employee's dependents during the plan year. At the end of the year, any remaining funds in the account revert to the employer.

Which of the following legally required employer-provided benefits help workers injured on the job? A. Social Security B. Unemployment insurance C. Group insurance D. Workers' compensation E. Family and medical leave

D. Workers' compensation Workers' compensation laws help workers with the expenses resulting from job-related accidents and illnesses.

Workers are eligible for unemployment benefits if they: A. voluntarily quit a job. B. are out of work due to health reasons. C. were discharged for cause. D. are actively seeking work. E. are out of work because of a labor dispute.

D. are actively seeking work. To receive benefits, workers must meet four conditions. They must meet requirements demonstrating they had been employed. They are available for work. They are actively seeking work. They were not discharged for cause, did not quit voluntarily, and are not out of work because of a labor dispute.

The amount of disease caused by pollution is calculated in terms of:


In personnel forecasting, the HR professional tries to:

Determine the supply of and demand for various types of human resources.

The decision about whom to prepare for future challenges is part of which HR function?


___ are people who apply for a vacancy without prompting from the organization

Direct Applicants


E-HRM and B2E capabilities have allowed the focus of HRM functions to move from transactional to transformational concerns and activities.

Which of the following is covered by the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA)? A. A worker employed as a supervisor B. A person working for a parent C. An independent contractor D. An worker employed by an employer subject to the Railway Labor Act E. A worker going out on strike to secure better working conditions

E. A worker going out on strike to secure better working conditions The following activities are among those protected under the NLRA: union organizing, joining a union, whether recognized by the employer or not, going out on strike to secure better working conditions, refraining from activity on behalf of the union

Which of the following should a supervisor do to discourage unions? A. Promise employees that they will receive favorable terms or conditions of employment if they forgo union activity B. Threaten employees with harsher terms and conditions of employment or employment loss if they engage in union activity C. Limit direct contact with employees D. Interrogate employees about pro-union or anti-union sentiments that they or others may have E. Report any direct or indirect signs of union activity to a core management group

E. Report any direct or indirect signs of union activity to a core management group In order to discourage unions, supervisors should report any direct or indirect signs of union activity to a core management group.

Organizations formed for the purpose of representing their members' interests in dealing with employers are known as: A. employee guilds. B. sororities. C. lobbies. D. member clubs. E. labor unions.

E. labor unions. Labor unions are organizations formed for the purpose of representing their members' interests and resolving conflicts with employers.

Which one of the following statements is true of employee benefits?

Employees significantly underestimate the cost and value of their benefits.

This method is used to infer the value of an unknown state from the value of another state that is known.


Mediation is the most formal and least used method of conflict resolution.

FALSE Mediation is a conflict resolution procedure in which a mediator hears the views of both sides and facilitates the negotiation process but has no formal authority to dictate a resolution. It is the least formal and most widely used of these procedures. A mediator hears the views of both sides and facilitates the negotiation process. The mediator has no formal authority to dictate a resolution, so a strike remains a possibility.

Right-to-work laws grant both the employee and employer the right to terminate the employment relationship at any time with or without cause or notice.

FALSE Right-to-work laws are state laws that make union shops, maintenance of membership, and agency shops illegal. The idea behind such laws is that requiring union membership or the payment of union dues restricts the employees' right to freedom of association.

If a clinic has a practice management system, they already have all the functionality of an EHR True False


T/F: Baby boomers are fast approaching retirement, and early indicators show that this group will retire as expected.


T/F: Hiring employees from external sources is a fast option to avoid an unexpected labor shortage plus its revocability is high


T/F: Recruiters tend to be viewed by job seekers as more credible when they are personnel specialists rather than subject matter experts in the job being filled


T/F: Recruiting advertisements in newspapers and periodicals typically generate more desirable recruits than direct applicants or referrals.


T/F: Referrals are people who apply for vacancy without prompting from the organization


T/F: The last step in the human resource planning process is forecasting


T/f: Employers prefer hiring and training new employees rather than having to pay existing workers extra for overtime production


Which of the following provides 12 weeks of unpaid absence from work to care for a seriously ill child, spouse, or parent if the organization has at least 50 employees living within a 75-mile radius?

Family and Medical Leave Act

_____ advocated strict adherence to vertical communication flow but acknowledged some need for horzontal


Remuneration of personnel, equity & tenure stability are what?

Fayol's Principles of Organizational Reward

U.S. elections for the President, Vice-President and members of Congress are called

Federal elections.

Which of the following federal agency was set up to set highway safety standards?

Federal highway administration

A government in which powers are divided between a central government and subdivision governments is called a(n):

Federal system.


Federal, state, and local government employees are covered by the Old Age, Survivors, Disability, and Health Insurance (OASDHI) program.


Fewer HR activities are being outsourced today than in past years.

This is the legal duty of a representative to manage property in the interest of the owner

Fiduciary responsibility

Structural Configuration

Functional and Divisional make this up

Which of the following statements is true about flexible spending accounts?

Funds must be used by the plan's year end or they revert to the employer.

The international effort to develop uniform standards for company reports is called the:



Gainsharing plans, like the Scanlon plan, and other pay-for-performance plans include monetary awards only.


In a recent research study, more effective communication of the reasons for an organization's pay-cuts had: A. little effect on employees' attitudes and behaviors. B. a negative effect on employee retention rates. C. a large effect on reducing employee theft rates. D. no effect on employees' perceived equity of pay.


In contrast to unemployment insurance benefits, workers' compensation disability benefits are tax-free

NPDES is the permit system used to regulate:

Industrial effluents from point sources.

Which one of the following approaches to job design entails performing time-and-motion studies?

Industrial engineering


Industrial unions often are responsible for training their members through apprenticeships.

Which of the following is true of the Taft-Hartley Act?

It outlaws union operations that threaten an employee's life and job.

All of the following statements about the Weber decision are true EXCEPT:

It permitted sex-conscious preferential treatment for members of protected groups.

Which of the following statements about radon is false?

It reaches the earth through acid rain.

Which one of the following activities is so important to HR managers that it has been called the building block of everything that personnel does?

Job analysis


Job analysis provides basic descriptive information on job attributes, and the job evaluation process assigns values to these compensable factors.

Job Analysis Informaton

Job description and Job Specification


Job evaluation can be defined as the relative worth of various jobs in the organization based on internal comparisons.

_____ provide the basis for decisions about relative internal worth.

Job evaluations

Which of the following information should an organization include in the offer letter?

Job responsibilities and work schedule

Judicial review is the power of the:

Judges to strike down unconstitutional laws.

A political machine built to promote Republican domination by aligning the lobbying industry with Republican causes is known as:

K street project

Which of the following is a Japanese word denoting death from the stress of overwork?


What is maintenance-related communication?

Keeping up those personal relationships; social part

The freedom of employees to negotiate the terms of their wages, hours, duties and conditions in the workplace without government interference is called:

Liberty of contract

A great flaw in the _____ was that it assumed equal bargaining power for all parties, whereas employers unquestionably predominated.

Liberty of contract doctrin

Under which contract could employees be fired at will and had to accept virtually any working conditions?

Liberty of contract doctrine.

If exposure to a toxic substance decreases by 20 percent, then cancers will decrease by 20 percent for people exposed to this substance is a basic assumption in:

Linear dose-response rate

The EPA model for public exposure to toxic substances which assumes that there will be a proportionate decrease in cancers from large exposures to small exposures to the substance is called:

Linear dose-response rate

When a business hires an expert to attempt to influence government regulations to favor its operations, this is called:


Reasonable Accommodations

Making facilities readily accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities.

According to the text, this is a model of the methods an organization can use to achieve certain goals.

Management standard.

These are initiatives required either by government regulation or civil regulation.

Mandated actions.

Which of the following is the largest union and is not affiliated to the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO)?

National Education Association

Which of the following sought to provide an environment conducive to collective bargaining?

National Labor Relations Act

Which federal agency has the largest extensive controls over a single product?

National highway traffic safety administration

Which federal agency is responsible for establishing fuel economy standards for cars and trucks?

National highway transportation safety administration

All of the following statements about deep ecology are true EXCEPT

Nature operated like a machine, according to fixed laws that humans could study and understand.

An unintentional failure to act as a reasonable and prudent person would act who was exercising ordinary care in that situation is called:



New technologies are current applications of knowledge, procedures, and equipment that have not been used previously.


New technology, rather than downsizing, restructuring, and reengineering, has been credited for improvements in productivity.

Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution gave women the right to vote in elections?

Nineteenth amendment

A political committee formed by a company to funnel contributions from its employees to political campaigns is called a(n):


The number of children a woman must have on average to ensure that one daughter survives to reproductive age is known as:

Replacement fertility rate

Which of the following stages involves identifying an increasing immigrant population in a basic HR strategy process?

Scanning the external environment

A popular plan whereby employees contribute pretax dollars which are then matched by the employer is known as:

Section 401 (k) plans

_____ plans permit employees to defer compensation on a pretax basis.

Section 401(k)

Which federal agency is responsible for regulating financial consumer products in the U. S?

Securities and Exchange Commission.

Core Job Dimensions of Job Characteristics

Skill variety, task identity, task sigmificamce, autonomy, feedback

A list of unfair labor practices were added to the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) through the _____.

Taft-Hartley Act


Technology enables closer monitoring of employees' work.

Which of the following is true of the National Labor Relations Board's (NLRB's) process regarding unfair labor practices?

The NLRB can order reinstatement of employees, with or without back pay.

The CalPERS fund has identified each year a list of about 10 companies in its portfolio whose shares are underperforming market indexes. This is called

The focus list


The four performance measures of a balanced scorecard include financial measures, customer measures, internal measures, and learning and growth measures.


The nuts and bolts of HRM are A. transactional activities. B. transformational activities. C. traditional activities. D. training activities.

Goals and Timetables

The part of a written affirmative action plan that specifies the percentage of women and minorities that an employer seeks to have in each job group and the date by which that percentage is to be attained.


The performance motivational effects of either profit sharing or gainsharing are likely to be greater in smaller firms or units than in larger organizations or units.

The plaintiff's burden

The plaintiff has the burden or proving that the defendant has committed an illegal act. This is the idea of a "prima facie" case." The plaintiff meets the prima facie burden by showing 4 things: 1) The plaintiff belongs to a protected group 2) The plaintiff applied for and was qualified for the job 3) Despite possessing the qualifications, the plaintiff was rejected. 4) After the plaintiff was rejected, the position remained open and the employer continued to seek applicants with similar qualifications, or the position was filled by someone with similar qualifications.

Human resource management

The policies, practices, and systems that influence employees' behavior, attitudes, and performances. people practices

Human Resources Management

The policies,practices, and systems that influence employees' behavior, attitudes and performance..People practices

This idea holds that when industrial pollutants pose a risk to human health or ecosystems, even if that threat is poorly understood, prudence calls for restraint.

The precautionary principle.

Which of the following statements about greenhouse gases is false?

The predominant greenhouse gas is methane.


The problem with assessing effectiveness only from the _____ perspective is that often responses are based on individual perspectives rather than from the standpoint of what is good for the firm. A. employee B. stakeholder C. executive D. competitor


The role of a strategic advisor entails sharing the people expertise as part of the decision-making process, as well as shaping how the human capital of the firm fits into its strategy.

The idea that managers help society by making their companies profitable is called:

The service principle.

Action Steps

The written affirmative action plan that specifies what an employer plans to do to reduce underutilization of protected groups.

Sexual Orientation

There is currently NO federal legislation that prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation, there are state laws however in 21 states.

Which of the following statements about 501 (c) tax exempt groups is true?

They can engage in issue advertising.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

This major legislation regulating equal employment opportunity in the United States is a direct result of the civil rights movement of the early 1960s.


This meets the needs of both the line managers and employees by giving employees opportunities to ensure that they increase their human capital. A. Selection systems B. Training and development systems C. Performance management systems D. Reward systems

Statistical Methods and Subjective Judgments used to determine Labor Demand

Trend Analysis, Regression Analysis, Managerial Estimates

The standard that uses economic, environmental and social performance indicators that are based on GRI standards is called the:

Triple bottom line

According to Shields in 2007, 26% of health centers report electronic health record capacity and only 13% meet requirements for minimal set of functionalities. Data systems have the potential to make CQI processes more effective and less costly. True False


BRAND is a mnemonic for remembering the steps of making a decision used in the health care field? True False


In keeping with human centered design principles, clinic processes should be examined from two perspectives 1) providers/clinic staff and 2) patients True False


T/F: A comparison of the proportion of workers in protected subgroups with the proportion that each subgroup represents in the relevant labor market is called a workforce utilization review


T/F: A leading indicator is an objective measure that accurately predicts future labor demand


T/F: A reason why downsizing efforts often fall is that employees who survive the purges often become narrow-minded, self-absorbed, and risk-averse.


T/F: An advantage of employing temporary workers is that it frees a firm from many administrative tasks and financial burdens associated with being the "employer of record"


T/F: Promote from within policies make it clear to applicants that there are opportunities for advancement within the company


T/F: The purpose of setting specific quantitative goals is to focus attention on the problem and provide a benchmark for determining the relative success of any programs aimed by redressing a pending labor shortage or surplus


T/F: The second step in human resource planning is goal setting and strategic planning


The typical organization response to a labor shortage has been either hiring temporary employees or outsourcing, responses that are fast and high in revocability.



Unemployment benefits are typically about 50 percent of an eligible individual's previous earnings and last for 52 weeks.

Divisional structure

Units in these structures act almost like separate, self-sufficient, semi-autonomous organizations

What is the direction of communication in a classical organization? Channel of communication? Style of communication?

Vertical; Written; Formal

When Benetton conducted an anti-death-penalty advertising campaign in the U.S., it was an example of a(n):

Voluntary action

When a company reduces its pollution output below the level required by government regulations, it is an example of a(n):

Voluntary action.


Weighting factors based on expert judgment refers to: A. pay policy weights. B. empirical weights. C. a priori weights. D. ex post weights.

Determine Labor Demand

What are the specific job categories or skill areas relevant to the organization's current and future state? Will the need for people with those skills or in that job category increase or decrease in the future?

Which one of the following is a permissible question for applications and interviews?

What schools have you attended?


Which of the following theories describes the conditions under which the benefits of higher pay outweigh the higher costs? A. Equity theory B. Expectancy theory C. Agency theory D. Efficiency wage theory

Posttest Only with Comparison Group


Regression Analysis

a statistical method that allows you to estimate the relationship among variables; example: SAT scores indicate what your GPA is predicted to be

Criterion-Related Validity

a substantial correlation between test scores and job-performance scores; relationship between SAT scores and GPA

Content Validity

a test-validation strategy performed by demonstrating that the items, questions, or problems posed by a test are a representative sample of the kinds of situations or problems that occur on the job.

A new ePrescribing process and EHR module is being implemented. Which of the following should be considered in the implementation planning? a. a cheat sheet showing how to do common tasks b. patient education about drug interactions c. training for front desk personnel d. all of the above

a. a cheat sheet showing how to do common tasks

Which symbol would be used in flowchart notation to represent the following text? If the lab results are not within normal limits, call the patient? a. diamond b. circle c. triangle d. pentagon

a. diamond

A company that views employees as resources is most likely to use a(n) _____ pay rate


To create _____ for performance, incentives can be set up to encourage achievement of goals and targets.


Financial Accounting Statement 106 requires that any benefits provided after retirement must be paid on a(n) _____ basis.


Trend analysis is

accurately predicting labor demand for the next year using leading indicators

Transfer of Training

actually using the knowledge, skills, and behaviors learned in training on the job

According to the text, employees in today's organizations:

add economic value

Which symbol is a common flowchart symbol? a, pentagon b. arrow c. oval d. dodecahedron

b. arrow

Process control: a, can be traced back to Shewhart b. is a statistics and engineering discipline c. is useful only in organizations where products are manufactured d. a nd b e. a and c f. a, b and c

b. is a statistics and engineering discipline

In Yourdon, what is the correct shape to represent the patient? a. rounded rectangle b. rectangle c. open ended rectangle d. line

b. rectangle

The total compensation package that equalizes the purchasing power of the expatriate manager with that of employees in similar positions in the home country and provides incentives to offset the inconvenience incurred in the location is known as the _____ approach.

balance sheet


being affable, tolerant, sensitive, trusting, kind, and warm

Outcome Fairness

communicate expectations regarding standards, communicate expectations regarding rewards

A progressive discipline system

communicates unacceptable behavior and responds to a series of offenses with increasing forcefulness.

Electronic Recruiting

company websites, mobile recruiting, job sites, social media, talent search engines

Situational Interview

confronts applicants on specific issues, questions, or problems likely to arise on the job; shown to be valid for experience-based questions

Internal Consistency Reliability

consistency of items related

Which of the following is NOT considered knowledge? a. true and justified beliefs b. declarative facts c. procedural facts d. beliefs that may be true

d. beliefs that may be true

. PACs can only accept donations from the employees of the company they represent up to $200,000.


. The SEC is the largest regulatory agency in the U.S.


A company's charitable contributions are not tax-deductible.


Validity Generalization

generalizing a test's validity from one context to another

Manufacturing, mining and construction jobs are part of the _____ sector of the U.S. economy.


Team Training

grou-building method that coordinates team performance

Tacit knowledge is an example of _____ capital.

human Tacit knowledge, education, work-related expertise, and work-related competence are examples of human capital.

The _____ approach attempts to place a dollar value on human resources as if they were physical resources.

human resource accounting

The first step toward customer orientation is:

identifying the customers.

Task Analysis

identifying the tasks, knowledge, skills, and behaviors that need to be emphasized in training; 1. identify jobs, 2. develop task list, 3. identify knowledge, skills, and abilities, 4. validate tasks

Image Advertising

important to focus on an image that is congruent with the organization: applicants will be attracted to firms with an image that fits their traits; important of conveying diversity (if it exists)

Arbitrating the actual writing or setting of contract terms is called _____ arbitration.


Newspaper Advertising

large volume, low quality recruits, not much description

When a business hires a Washington law firm to attempt to influence legislation in its favor, this is called __________.


A country with a large power distance:

maintains the inequalities in wealth among different sections of the society.

The _____ rules do not require union participation by the employee, but do require that employees who choose to join must remain members for a certain period of time.

maintenance of membership

Performance Information Sources

managers, peers, subordinates, self, customers

Hands-On Methods

methods that require the trainee to be actively involved in learning

When compared to traditional labor relations, transformational labor relations are associated with _____.

more shop-floor cooperation

Graphic Rating Scale

most common form of attribute approach; list of traits is evaluated on a x-point rating scale

Group insurance rates are typically lower than individual rates because:

of economies of scale.

Scientific Management

one of the earliest mechanistic approaches, sought to identify the one best way to perform the job through the use of time-and-motion studies

Posttest Only

only examine outcome after training (XO)

Managing the behavior of employees through a formal system of feedback and reinforcement refers to:

organizational behavior modification

Personnel Policies

organizational decisions that affect the nature of the vacancies for which people are recruited

Training and development

orientation, skills training, development programs, career development

Which stage in a work-unit activity analysis focuses on the product produced or service provided?

output The output stage focuses on what product, service, or information is provided. It looks into how the output can be measured.

Which one of the following employer-provided benefits is NOT required by law?

paid vacation leave

A country that serves as the home for a corporation's headquarters is called the _____.

parent country

Pay Strategies

pay is an important job characteristic for applicants; "Lead-the-market" approach, extrinsic rewards

In a collective bargaining contract, factors related to shift operations and hazardous work are typically covered under the _____ provision.

plant operations


play the most crucial communication role because of their day-to-day interactions with employees. A. Managers B. Owners C. Subordinates D. Competitors

When an individual is promised a positive outcome for submission to sex, or threatened with a negative outcome for failure to submit to sex, this is referred to as:

quid pro quo harassment

Goal Setting/Strategic Planning

set specific quantitative goals based on labor supply and demand analyses; what should happen with the job category or skill area? provide a specific timetable for when results should be achieved; choose a strategy

Persecuting behavior in the workplace that asserts power over a person based on their sexual identity is called _____.

sexual harassment


simple ranking: managers rank employees within their departments from highest performer to lowest performer; alternation ranking: ranking employees by choosing highest, then lowest, and repeating until all are ranked

Quantitative Ability

speed and accurace with which one can solve arithmetic problems


the degree to which two sets of numbers (variables) are related

In the context of Hofstede's cultural dimensions, the masculinity-femininity dimension describes:

the division of roles between the sexes within a society.

A firm is most likely to outsource services when:

the effectiveness of services produced internally is lesser than that produced offshore.

Review of resumes is most valid when the content is evaluated in terms of

the elements of a job description

Strategic Congruence

the extent to which a performance management system elicits job performance that is congruent with the organization's strategy


the extent to which a performance measure assesses all the relevant--and only the relevant--aspects of job performance


the extent to which a performance measure assesses all the relevant--and only the relevant--aspects of performance

Creating a formal discipline process is the primary responsibility of:

the human resource department

The individualism-collectivism dimension primarily describes:

the strength of the relationships between the members of a society.

Self-managing teams are likely to be more efficient if:

the team members can perform different skills associated with various tasks.

According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA),

the terms of health insurance should not be a subterfuge to deny benefits to those with disabilities.

Instructor-led Classroom Instruction

the trainer lectures a group, could be supplemented by Q&A, discussion, case studies; can be online or in-person; distance learning: teleconferencing, individualized computer-based training

Test-Retest Reliability

the variation in measurements taken by a single person or instrument on the same item and under the same conditions; the stronger the correlation, the more reliability

Legal issues

there will be development and debate of new employment laws and regulations as well as increased emphasis on enforcing specific aspects of current laws and regulations and emphasis on elimination discrimination in recruitment and hiring will continue focus will be on pre- employment tests, criminal background screening, and online searches

Advantages of result-based measures include all of the following EXCEPT:

they are very effective in providing guidance on how to improve

All of the following are true of key jobs EXCEPT:

they have many incumbents within the organization.

The purpose of setting specific quantitative goal is:

to focus attention on a problem and provide a benchmark for determining the relative success of any programs aimed at redressing a pending labor shortage or surplus

Formal Training

training programs and courses that are developed and organized by the company

A cause of high pollution-abatement costs is the heavy reliance on command-and-control regulations.


A norm is a standard that arises over time and is enforced by law


The Clean Water Act requires a permit for any factory that discharges pollution


Cognitive Ability Test Validity

validity is high, but depends on: complexity of the job, dynamic and changing jobs, quality of qualified jobs

Behavioral Observation Scales

variation of BARS--also developed by defining critical behaviors; uses more behaviors than BARS; requires managers to rate the frequency with which the employee as exhibited each behavior during the rating period


whether the people who use the performance measure accept it (managers and employees); affected by how fair employees believe the performance management system to be


whether you can take back what you just did

An expatriate is an employee:

who is sent by a company in one country to manage operations in a different country.

Needs Assessment

who needs training? what do trainees need to learn? how will this help our bottom-line?

Divisional Configuration

workflow departmentalization, low level of centralization, semi-autonomous, flexible and innovative, sensitive to subtle differences across products, regions, and clients and low efficiency

How is classical management seen in organizations today?

- Classical management "thought" prevalent (registering for classes) - Division of labor & strict hierarchy (military organizations)

What 6 principles deal with Fayol's organizational structure? Describe each.

- Scalar chain (Strict order of hierarchy) - Unity of command (Chain of command/ info from one supervisor) - Unity of direction (Anything that deals with the same hing fall under a certain section) - Division of labor (Each employee does one or few specialized tasks) - Order (Place for each task & employee in organization) - Span of control (1st level manager: 20-30 people to supervise; 2nd level: 6 people, ect)

This control option gives polluters financial motives to control pollution while also giving them flexibility in how reductions are achieved.

. Market incentive regulation

Defenses to Claims under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act

1. Seniority system 2. Reasonable factors other than age 3. Executive exemption= an individual may be mandatorily retired after 65 if 2 conditions are met: 1. They have been employed as a bona fide executive for at least 2 years immediately before retirement. 2. On retirement, he or she is entitled to nonforfeitable annual retirement benefits of at least $44,000.

C) Human resource management

10) ________ is the process of acquiring, training, appraising, and compensating employees, and attending to their labor relations, health and safety, and fairness concerns.

E) developing customer relationships

12) Personnel activities associated with human resource management most likely includes all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) providing incentives and benefits B) orienting and training new employees C) appraising employee performance D) building employee commitment E) developing customer relationships

B) acquire and maintain human capital

14) According to experts, the primary hindrance to a firm's productivity is its inability to ________. A) establish effective manufacturing facilities B) acquire and maintain human capital C) use advanced accounting controls D) attain adequate cash and credit E) develop organizational plans

A) staff managers; line managers

17) In most organizations, human resource managers are categorized as ________, who assist and advise ________ in areas like recruiting, hiring, and compensation. A) staff managers; line managers B) line managers; middle managers C) line managers; staff managers D) compensation managers; line managers E) functional managers; staff managers

D) management process

3) Which of the following includes five basic functions--planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling? A) job analysis B) strategic management C) employee orientation D) management process E) adaptability screening

E) transactional HR groups

32) Which of the following focuses on using centralized call centers and outsourcing arrangements with vendors as a way to provide specialized support for certain HR activities? A) HR consulting firms B) embedded HR units C) corporate HR groups D) HR centers of expertise E) transactional HR groups

A) planning

4) Which function of the management process requires a manager to establish goals and standards and to develop rules and procedures? A) planning B) organizing C) staffing D) leading E) motivating

The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 protects people over what age?


C) supervising quality control methods

40) All of the following are the most common reasons that firms decide to globalize EXCEPT ________. A) expanding sales B) reducing labor costs C) supervising quality control methods D) seeking new foreign products to sell E) forming international partnerships

E) reduced job security

41) Which of the following is a potential disadvantage to consumers of the globalization trend among businesses? A) increased costs of goods B) lower minimum wage C) increased insurance costs D) higher labor union fees E) reduced job security

E) need for constant praise and recognition

46) According to employer surveys, one of the primary challenges of Generation Y employees is their ________. A) desire to work only in part-time positions B) inability to use information technology C) inadequate multi-tasking skills D) inability to balance work and family E) need for constant praise and recognition

Performance Measure Criteria

5 criteria: strategic congruence, validity, reliability, acceptability, specificity

E) Web portal

53) Which of the following is a single access point on a company's intranet that provides employees with access to their HR information? A) database B) USB port C) workstation D) firewall E) Web portal

The fastest growing segment of the labor force is between the ages of:

55 and up.

A) formulating and executing human resource policies and practices that produce the employee competencies and behaviors the company needs to achieve strategic aims

60) Strategic human resource management refers to ________. A) formulating and executing human resource policies and practices that produce the employee competencies and behaviors the company needs to achieve strategic aims B) planning the balance of internal strengths and weaknesses with external opportunities and threats to maintain competitive advantage C) emphasizing the knowledge, education, training, skills, and expertise of a firm's workers D) extending a firm's sales, ownership, and manufacturing to new markets E) managing a firm's insurance benefits administration process

C) controlling

9) Which basic function of management includes setting standards such as sales quotas and quality standards? A) planning B) organizing C) controlling D) leading E) staffing


A market pay-policy line may be developed using job-evaluation data and market pay survey data.

What is a multiple-hurdle model?

A process of arriving at a selection decision by eliminating some candidates at each stage of the selection process.


A recent trend in HR that is consistent with a total quality management philosophy emphasizes A. efficiency in delivering programs. B. cost reduction of HR functions. C. functional approaches in delivering HR programs. D. a customer-oriented approach in delivering HR programs.

Which of the following statements about the requirements of proxy statements is true?

A shareholder may submit only one proposal for a particular shareholder meeting

Which of the following is likely to be a part of an industrial union?

A steelworker

Quid Pro Quo

A type of sexual harassment where the supervisor makes a sexual demand on someone of the opposite sex and this demand is reasonably perceived as a term or condition of employment.

Which of the following is an accurate definition of agency shop?

A union security provision that does not require a membership but requires that dues be paid

Which of the following is an accurate definition of a union shop?

A union security provision that requires a person to join the union within a certain amount of time after being hired

Shared service model

A way to organize the HR function that includes centers of expertise or excellence, service centers, and business partners.

What is society's goal for unions? A. To ensure that workers have a voice in how they are treated by their employers B. To influence the way pay and promotions are determined C. To make up for the wages the workers lose during a strike D. To retain as much control as they can over work rules and schedules E. To limit individual employees' bargaining power

A. To ensure that workers have a voice in how they are treated by their employers Society's goal for unions is to ensure that workers have a voice in how they are treated by their employers.


Acronym used by many labor management attorneys and consultants that covers most of the unfair labor practice pitfalls a supervisor can run into: Don't Threaten, Interrogate, Promise, or Spy


All of the following are counterproductive ways of restoring equity except: A. decreasing one's outcomes. B. reducing one's own inputs. C. leaving the situation that generates perceived inequity. D. refusing to cooperate with employees who are perceived as over rewarded.

The environmental Kuznets curve is:

An inverted U-shaped curve.

Which of the following approaches focuses on determining whether the introduction of a program or practice has the intended effect?

Analytic approach

Which one of the following tests assesses how well a person can acquire skills and abilities?


Which stage of an alternative dispute resolution system is generally binding upon both parties?



Are effective Human Resources Management Practices

Carbon offsets

Are projects that compensate for all or part of a company's greenhouse gas emissions by eliminating the CO2 equivalent of those emissions from another source.


Attempting to estimate the financial impact of substance abuse is an example of human resource accounting.

Which legal benefit requires employers to pay payroll tax depending on state requirements? A. Long-term disability insurance B. Unemployment insurance C. Workers' compensation D. Unpaid family medical leave E. Health care benefits

B. Unemployment insurance Most of the funding for unemployment insurance comes from federal and state taxes on employers.

The NLRB has two major functions: to prevent unfair labor practices and to: A. conduct periodic onsite inspections of union and company financial records. B. conduct and certify representation elections. C. make rules and regulations for union-management relations. D. levy punitive charges on violators. E. monitor and regulate labor relations in small, local businesses.

B. conduct and certify representation elections. The NLRB has two major functions: to conduct and certify representation elections and to prevent unfair labor practices. It does not initiate either of these actions but responds to requests for action.

Emissions trading programs are also known as:

Cap and trade

This is a carbon offset program set up under the Kyoto Protocol, which allows developed countries to meet greenhouse gas reduction pledges by paying for carbon offset projects in developing nations.

Clean development mechanism.

According to the text, these are formal statements of aspirations, principles, guidelines and rules for corporate behavior.

Codes of conduct

Which of the following is most likely a collectivist country?


What is missing from Fayol's theory?


The legal checks and balances that define the rights and power of shareholders, boards of directors and managers of companies are called:

Corporate governance

The overall control of the activities in a corporation is called

Corporate governance

The duty of a corporation to avoid harm to the assets of society is called

Corporate social responsibility

The idea that corporations have duties that go beyond their economic functions is a fundamental tenet in

Corporate social responsibility

_____ increases are provided as part of social security benefits for each year that the consumer price index increases.


_____ show the types of information used within a business function and the association among the different types of information.

Data-entity relationship diagrams


Data-flow diagrams show the types of data used within a business function and the relationship among the different types of data.

Payne v. Western and Atlantic Railroad Company

Defined and created the employment at-will doctrine.


Deming argues for the use of merit pay in increasing organization performance levels.

All of the following are external forces shaping the workplace EXCEPT:

Demographic stability

Evidence-based HRM

Demonstrating that human re-source practices have a positive influence on the company's bottom line or key stakeholders (employees, customers, community, shareholders).

Options is considered a fast option for reducing an expected labor surplus but results in high human suffering?



Despite passage of the Family and Medical Leave Act, the United States still offers significantly less unpaid leave than most Western European countries.

Executive Orders

Directives issued and amended unilaterally by the president. These orders do not require congressional approval, yet they have the force of law.

Which of the following is an example of an employer unfair labor practice?

Donna, a supervisor, pretends to spy on union meetings.

This is a set of methods and procedures for aligning corporate strategies, policies and operations with principles that protect ecosystems.


Which of the following is the largest regulatory agency in the U. S?



Evaluation helps determine whether the HRM function is meeting its objectives and effectively using its budget. This refers to A. auditing. B. providing accountability. C. marketing the function. D. employee selection.

Compensatory Damages

Ex. Future pecuniary loss, emotional pain, suffering, and loss of enjoyment of life.

Comparing the high-income nations to one another, which of the following has the highest female labor force participation?


Which of the following represents a traditional structure of HRM function?

Functional directors reporting to the VP of HRM

Which sector of the U.S. economy includes manufacturing, mining and construction?


Which of the following represents the recent generic structure of HRM function?

HRM generalists with dual reporting relationships

Legally-binding agreements that are found in international law are called:

Hard law

Which of the following is a relevant categorization of stakeholders according to their orientation to the firm?

High, medium or low influence.

Which of the following was an amendment to the Social Security Act of 1935?

Hospital insurance

Based on the expectation that two people in conflict should first try to arrive at a settlement together, the organization has a policy of making managers available to hear complaints. Typically, the first "open door" is that of the employee's:


This is a standard for environmental management created by the International Organization for Standardization which allows companies to claim state-of-the-art ecological responsibility.

ISO 14001

Human resources management and competitivenes

Impact of HR on a company


In developing a job evaluation system, compensable factors: A. are generally statistically derived. B. are the characteristics of jobs that a firm values and chooses to pay for. C. usually vary significantly across job-evaluation systems. D. describe all aspects of the jobs being evaluated.

An organization introduces active employee wellness programs. Which of the following is likely to happen as a result of this?

Increased focus on awareness and opportunity as well as support and reinforcement

This is a concentric circle of clear-cut responsibility for efficient execution of the economic function resulting in products, jobs and economic growth.

Inner circle

The classical approaches discouraged which 2 styles of communication?

Innovation & maintenance related (kept task-related)

Which of the following competencies of HR professionals requires a generalist perspective, although specialist knowledge is necessary, in making decisions?


TV ads that present a political comment on an important topic in an upcoming election are called:

Issue advocacy ads

Which of the following is the parent country of Grazia S.p.A?


Which of the following HRM activities adds the highest strategic value to a firm?

Knowledge management

Which of the following roles of a chief human resource officer (CHRO) entails discussions on executive compensation and CEO performance?

Liaison to the board

Technic of Operations Review (TOR)

Method of determining safety problems via an analysis of past accidents.

Which of the following is a worker protection goal?


Time Series


Pretest/Posttest with Comparison Group


Leading Indicator

Objective measure that predicts future labor demand

Disparate (Adverse) Impact

Occurs when a facially neutral employment practice disproportionately excludes a protected group from employment opportunities.

The transfer of work from a domestic to a foreign location or to a foreign supplier is known as:


When a company transfers work from its own employees to workers in a foreign country, this is called:


According to the text, politics in Ohio and Texas was dominated by:

Oil companies

Which of the following is the largest single component of the elderly's overall retirement income?

Old age insurance

Which of the following statements about older employees is true?

Older people are willing and able to learn new technology.


One of the reasons for giving more responsibility to employees for retirement planning and other benefit decisions is to increase their awareness and understanding of such benefits.

Which of the following is NOT true of outsourcing?

Outsourcing is currently restricted to manufacturing and low-skilled jobs


Pay and benefits are examples of intrinsic rewards.


Pay plans are typically used to energize, direct, or control employee behavior.

Protected Class (Group)

Race, religion, color, or national origin; people over 40; and people with physical or mental handicaps

Which of the following is most likely to be valued in feminine cultures?



Research on the different types of wellness centers shows the cost of health education programs to be significantly more than those associated with fitness facility programs or follow-up models, but that follow-up models are the least effective of the three in reducing risk factors.


Research on the effects of two-tier wage plans has found that: A. lower-paid employees were less satisfied on average than higher-paid employees. B. those in the lower tier used lower comparison standards than those in the higher tier. C. lower-paid employees compared their pay to those in the higher tier. D. lower-paid employees expected over time to be promoted into the second tier.


Research suggests that the use of pay-for-performance plans among top- and middle-level managers result in increased levels of profitability.

The federal trade commission is:

Responsible for curtailing the deceptive advertising of consumer products.

Which of the following is NOT one of the theories of discrimination under Title VII?

Reverse discrimination

_____ systems provide employees with an equitable return for their investment of skills and effort.


The GDP _____ when goods and services are produced and _____ when pollution damage occurs

Rises; does not fall

The federal agency that is most concerned with corporate activities is the _____.


Money contributed to political candidates that is not regulated by federal election law is called:

Soft money

According to the text, this is a basic approach, method or plan for achieving an objective.


Labor Shortage

Supply < Demand

Which of the following is the strongest union security arrangement?

The closed shop

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

The government commission to ensure that all individuals have an equal opportunity for employment, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, or national origin.

All of the following are changes born out of the Great Depression EXCEPT:

The government would keep its hands off corporations and spend more on infrastructure.

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)

The government's attempt to ensure that all individuals have an equal opportunity for employment, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, or national origin.

Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)

The law that authorizes the federal government to establish and enforce occupational safety and health standards for all places of employment engaging in interstate commerce.


The major benefit of collective bargaining to society is thought to be the institutionalization of industrial conflict so that it is resolved in the least costly way possible.


The matters of the price of products sold by the firm, hours of employment, management compensation structure, wages, conditions of employment, and Human Resource strategy are referred to as mandatory subjects of bargaining and are part of a collectively bargained agreement.

Which of the following dimensions includes the skills required to evaluate the host environment?

The perception dimension

Organizational Structure

This provides a cross sectional overview of the static relationship between individuals an dunits tha create outputs

An exposure point greater than zero at which a substance begins to pose a health risk is called a:


What is the purpose of goal setting?

To provide a basis for measuring the organization's success in addressing labor shortages and surpluses

Which of the following is a major objective of the unemployment insurance program?

To provide an incentive for employees to stabilize employment

Which attribute of a transnational HR system refers to the extent to which planning and decision making include managers from different cultures?

Transnational process

Transitioning to flow thinking causes changes in how people perceive their roles in the organization. True False


Within the College of Business and Technology at Black Hills State University, there is one dean, two administrative assistants, and 20 faculty members. How many positions are there within the college?


The vapors derived from gasoline and other petroleum-based compounds are called:


In the context of benefits, which of the following is true of the demographics of a workforce?

Women of childbearing age care more about disability leave.

The importance of job analysis. Job analysis is

Work redesign, HR planning, recruitment, selection,performance appraisal, job evaluation, career planning,training and development


_____ refers to the relative pay of different jobs and how much they are paid. A. Equity structure B. Pay structure C. Task structure D. Job structure

For an HRM function to become truly strategic in its orientation, it must:

adopt a customer-oriented approach.


all selection methods must conform to existing laws and legal precedents

Benefits of External Recruitment

allows for new ideas and ways of doing business

Gane-Sarson notation uses which of the following? a. curved lines b. diagonal lines c. horizontal lines d. dotted lined

c. horizontal lines

Employee wellness programs primarily aim at:

changing health-related behaviors both on and off work time.

Yourdon uses which of the following? a. curved lines b. diagonal lines c. horizontal lines d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Recruitment Sources

direct applicants, referrals

In the ________ principle all employees should be obedient to the organization and managers


Women have more occupational diversity in the U.S. than men do.


Workers' compensation laws cover job-related _____.

injuries and death

Sam Jones was terminated from his job with no explanation of why he was let go. It is likely that Sam has NOT experienced:

interactional justice

A special case of outsourcing where the jobs that move actually leave one country and go to another is called___


Although the rate of inflation is only 2 percent, Kayla receives a 6 percent increase in salary. She is nonetheless dissatisfied with her salary increase due to Bob's 9 percent increase. Kayla is likely to contend there is a lack of:

outcome fairness

Arbitrating the enforcement or interpretation of contract terms is called _____ arbitration.


Predictive Validation

seeks to establish an empirical relationship between test scores taken prior to being hired and eventual performance on the job

Step 5 of Training Design Process

select a training method, what kind of training method(s) will you adopt? presentation methods, hands-on methods, on-the-job training, simulations, blended learning, group-building methods

In the U.S., corporate charters are issued by the _____.


Increasingly, HR professionals are being viewed as:

strategic partners.

When a company aligns its charitable giving program with its commercial objectives, it is called _____.

strategic philanthropy

"Liability without fault" is called _____ liability.


Change that is produced by either creating or destroying jobs that alters the mix of work in an economy is called _____ change.


Traditionally, _____ has been almost the sole variable used in deciding whom to be sent on overseas assignments.

technical competence

Drug Tests

tend to be reliable and valid, privacy issues, more defensible in jobs that involve safety hazards, should be administered systematically to all applicants

Personality Inventories

tests that measure applicant's personality; most common test: Big Five Factor Inventory; other factors: optimism, initiative or proactivity, service orientation; importance of making it relative to work

The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 requires employers

that offer disability plans to handle pregnancy concerns as they would any other disability.


the consistency of the performance measure


the extent to which a performance measure tells employees what is expected of them and how they can meet these expectations

Procedural Fairness

the fairness of the procedures used to make decisions; opportunity to develop the system, consistent rating standards, minimize rating errors and biases

Ethics is:

the fundamental principles of right and wrong.

Job posting is

the process of communicating information about a job vacancy on company bulletin boards and anywhere else the organization communicates with employees

Job Design is

the process of defining the way work will be performed and the tasks that a given job requires.

Comparative Approach

the rater compares an individual's performance with that of others; involves ranking individuals within a workgroup

Sexual harassment is illegal under Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.


The Commerce Clause of the U.S. constitution gives Congress the power to regulate corporations.


The EEOC tries to protect consumers against loan discrimination


Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act created the EEOC.


Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination in any aspect of employment.



wage and salary administration, incentive pay, insurance, vacation, retirement plans, profit sharing, health and wellness, stock plans

A culture characterized by easygoing and flexible people who take each day as it comes is one that is _____.

weak in uncertainty avoidance

Fayol discusses both the ____ & ____ management can best function

what & how

The elements of management deal with _____________ and the principles of management deal with _________________

what managers should do; how managers should enact these elements


The reinforcement theory to compensation management suggests that managers pay at- or below-market wages.

The substitution of revenues from taxes on pollution for revenues from taxes on productivity is known as:

Environmental tax reform


In terms of cost control, the larger the cost of a benefit category, the greater the opportunity for savings.

Which of the following statements about the Seventeenth Amendment is true?

It instituted the direct election of senators by voters in each state.

Which of the following statements about Executive Order 11246 is false

It is a legal defense a company can use to fight a disparate impact charge.

All of the following statements about EPA are true EXCEPT:

It is a legislative branch regulatory subcommittee.

All of the following statements about social Darwinism are true EXCEPT:

It is a philosophy of the late 1900s

Which of the following dimensions involves the skills required to foster associations with host-country nationals?

The relationship dimension

_____ activities of HRM have the lowest strategic value in a firm.



Transactional, rather than either traditional or transformational, activities provide the greatest strategic value to a firm.

As the per capita gross domestic product continues to rise, pollution reaches a peak and then decreases. This phenomenon is called the:

Environmental Kuznets curve

Future-oriented Questions

"Imagine that you had to decide whether to..."

Civil Rights Act of 1991

(Amends the Title VII of the CRA of 1964, Section 1981 of the CRA of 1866, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967) -One major change has been the addition of compensatory and punitive damages in cases of discrimination under Title VII and the Americans with Disabilities Act. -CRA 1991 allows compensatory and punitive damages when intentional or reckless discrimination is proven. -The addition of damages to CRA 1991 has had two immediate effects. First, by increasing the potential payoff for a successful discrimination suit, it has increased the number of suits filed against businesses. Second, organizations are now more likely to grant all employees an equal opportunity for employment, regardless of their race, sex, religion, or national origin. Many organizations have felt the need to make the composition of their workforce mirror the general population to avoid costly lawsuits.

Equal Pay Act of 1963

(An amendment to the Fair Labor Standards Act) requires that men and women in the same organization who are doing equal work must be paid equally. (The act defines equal in terms of skill, effort, responsibility, and working conditions) Covers: employers engaged in interstate commerce. Enforcement agency: EEOC

Classical job design & rewards in today's organizations?

- money USED to be the main way of motivation --> often looking for the one best way to accomplish tasks --> fitting the job of the individual --> concerned with the role of financial rewards in motivation

The Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973

-Requires affirmative action in the employment of individuals with disabilities -Covers: government agencies; federal contrators and subcontractors who receive more than $2,500 annually from the federal government. -Enforcement agency: Employment Standards Administration of the Department of Labor (OFCCP) (Congress designed this act to encourage employers to actively recruit qualified individuals with disabilities and to make reasonable accommodations to allow them to become active members of the labor market).

Title VII Of the Civil Rights Act of 1961

-This is the major legislation regulating equal employment opportunity in the United States. It was a direct result of the civil rights movement of the early 1960s, led by such individuals as Martin Luther King Jr. -To ensure that employment opportunities would be based on character or ability rather than on race. -It is illegal for an employer to: 1) fail or refuse to hire or discharge any individual, or otherwise discriminate against any individual with respect to his compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment because of such individual's race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, or 2) to limit, segregate, or classify his employes or applicants for employment in any way that would deprive or tend to deprive any individual of employment opportunities or otherwise adversely affect his status as an employee because of such individual's race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. -The act applies to organizations with 15 or more employees working 20 or more weeks a year that are involved in interstate commerce, as well as state and local governments, employment agencies, and labor organizations.

When resources are distributed based on group membership instead of individual merit, this is called:

. Social discrimination.

How does the Constitution affect HRM?

1) Delineates a citizen's constitutional rights, on which the government cannot impinge 2) established three major governing bodies: the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. The constitution explicitly defines the roles and responsibilities of each of these branches. Each branch has its own areas of authority, but these areas have often overlapped, and the borders between the branches are often blurred.

Three types of discrimination

1) Disparate (Adverse) Treatment 2) Disparate (Adverse) Impact 3) Sexual Harassment

C) outsourcing

1) The basic functions of the management process include all of the following: A) planning B) organizing C) outsourcing D) leading E) staffing

Extra Powers of the Executive Branch

1) The president can propose bills to Congress that, if passed, would become laws. 2) The president has the power to veto any law passed by Congress, thus ensuring that few laws are passed without presidential approval -- which allows the president to influence how laws are written. 3) For the regulatory agencies, under the authority of the president, have responsibility for enforcing the laws. Thus, a president can influence what types of violations are pursued. 4) The president can issue executive orders, which sometimes regulate the activities of organizations that have contracts with the federal government. 5) The president can influence the Supreme Court to interpret laws in certain ways. (The attorney general -- which represents the executive branch -- argues for certain preferred outcomes) 6) The president appoints all the judges in the federal judicial system, subject to approval from the legislative branch. This affects the interpretation of many laws.

OFCCP's Affirmative Action Plan's Components

1) Utilization analysis 2) Goals and timetables 3) Action steps

2 Ways to Prove Discrimination under Title VII of the CRA

1. Disparate Treatment= aka INTENTIONAL discrimination, occurs when an employee is treated differently on the basis of being a member of a protected class (race, religion, sex, national origin, color, etc.) 2. Disparate Impact= aka UNINTENTIONAL discrimination, occurs when an employer sets a requirement for employment that inadvertently precludes large #s of a protected class from employment in a particular job.

Elements of Management: 5

1. Planning -look to the future to determine best ways to arraign goals 2. Organizing - arrangement of human resources & evaluation of them 3. Command - managers set tasks to meet organizational goals 4. Coordination - activities harmonized into single whole 5. Control - comparison b/t goals & activities to ensure function of organization in manner planned

Defenses to Claims under Equal Pay Act

1. Seniority System 2. Merit system 3. Pay systems based on quality or quantity of output 4. Factors other than sex

Authority is based on one of three grounds according to Weber: (ex's)

1. Traditional - Queen of England 2. Charismatic - Ability to authority by attract & interact 3. Rational-legal authority - Built on reliance of expertise & rational created by the system

Taylor looked at organizational functioning & saw 2 impediments:

1. Uneven work (that resulted from job training through custom & tradition) 2. Systematic soldiering (resulted from rate busting & the system of piecework pay)

C) line manager

18) A ________ is authorized to direct the work of subordinates and is responsible for accomplishing the organization's tasks. A) training specialist B) staff manager C) line manager D) recruiter E) job analyst

Reconstruction Civil Rights Acts

1866 and 1871 The Civil Rights act passed in 1866 was broken into two statues: 1) Section 1982 granted all persons the same property rights as white citizens 2) Sections 1981 granted other rights, including the right to enter into and enforce contracts. The Civil Rights Act of 1871 granted all citizens the right to sue in federal court if they felt they had been deprived of some civil right. -Although these laws might seem outdated, they are still used because they allow the plaintiff to recover both compensatory and punitive damages.

C) handling personnel issues

19) Which of the following has historically been an integral part of every line manager's duties? A) responding to customer complaints B) developing budgetary guidelines C) handling personnel issues D) creating personnel policies E) establishing dress codes

E. I Dupont & Company

1993 NLRB ruling that held certain employee committees to be illegal because Dupont management circumvented the legally chosen employee representatives and usurped the union's right to represent its members

A) manager

2) Which of the following is the person responsible for accomplishing an organization's goals by planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling personnel? A) manager B) entrepreneur C) representative D) generalist E) marketer

Which of the following is an example of a Pareto group?

20% of the employees, who account for 75% of the health care costs

E) marketing new products and services

20) A line manager's human resource responsibilities most likely include all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) maintaining department morale B) training employees in new positions C) controlling labor costs D) protecting employees' health E) marketing new products and services

C) functional authority

21) Which of the following refers to the authority exerted by an HR manager as coordinator of personnel activities? A) staff authority B) line authority C) functional authority D) corporate authority E) embedded authority

D) line

23) One of the ________ functions of a human resource manager includes directing the activities of his or her subordinates in the HR department. A) coordinative B) corporate C) staff D) line E) implied

B) ensuring that line managers are adhering to a firm's sexual harassment policies

24) Which of the following is an example of a coordinative function performed by HR managers? A) directing the activities of employees within the human resources department B) ensuring that line managers are adhering to a firm's sexual harassment policies C) voicing employee concerns about health benefits and wages to upper management D) providing upper management with relevant data on national employment trends E) assisting line managers with hiring, evaluating, and firing employees

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act sets a maximum penalty for securities fraud of _____ years in jail


Under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, the maximum penalty for securities fraud is _____ years in jail


A) Staff

25) ________ functions involve assisting and advising line managers, and they are the central aspect of a human resource manager's job. A) Staff B) Advocacy C) Line D) Recruiting E) Coordinative

The standards for drinking water are set by the

Environmental protection agency

Which of the following statements is true of trends in union membership in the U.S. in relation to trends in other countries? A. In Western Europe, it is common to have union coverage rates of 80 to 90 percent. B. Coverage rates within the United States are much higher than in most other countries. C. U.S. employees tend to have a larger, more formal role in organizational decision making than in Western European countries. D. Worker representatives on boards of directors are much more common in the United States than in Western European countries. E. The union membership rate in the U.S. is second only to that of Denmark.

A. In Western Europe, it is common to have union coverage rates of 80 to 90 percent. The percentage of U.S. workers who belong to unions is lower than in many other countries. More dramatic is the difference in coverage—the percentage of employees whose terms and conditions of employment are governed by a union contract, whether or not the employees are technically union members. In Western Europe, it is common to have coverage rates of 80 to 90 percent, so the influence of labor unions far outstrips what membership levels would imply

To take unpaid family leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act, employees must meet which of the following criteria? A. Should be working for an employer with 50 or more employees within a 75-mile radius B. Should have worked at least 15 hours per week C. Should have worked for the employer for more than 5 years D. Should belong to the top 10 percent of highest paid executives E. Should be working for an employer with at least 100 employees

A. Should be working for an employer with 50 or more employees within a 75-mile radius Specifically, the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993 requires organizations with 50 or more employees within a 75-mile radius to provide as much as 12 weeks of unpaid leave after childbirth or adoption, to care for a seriously ill child, spouse, or parent, for an employee's own serious illness, or to take care of urgent needs that arise when a spouse, child, or parent in the National Guard or Reserve is called to active duty.

Which of the following organizations strictly limits the definition of "independent contractors," so that employers cannot avoid legal obligations by classifying workers as self-employed when the organization receives the benefits of a permanent employee? A. The Internal Revenue Service B. The FBGC C. The ERISA D. Employee Benefit Research Institute E. The Bureau of Labor Statistics

A. The Internal Revenue Service The Internal Revenue Service strictly limits the definition of "independent contractors," so that employers cannot avoid legal obligations by classifying workers as self-employed when the organization receives the benefits of a permanent employee.

Which of the following laws allows the states to pass so-called right-to-work laws? A. The Taft-Hartley Act B. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act C. The Landrum-Griffin D. The Hatch Act E. The Maguire Act

A. The Taft-Hartley Act The Taft-Hartley Act allows the states to pass so-called right-to-work laws, which make union shops, maintenance of membership, and agency shops illegal. The idea behind such laws is that requiring union membership or the payment of union dues restricts the employees' right to freedom of association.

Which of the following is true of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974? A. The act established certain rights related to vesting. B. The act required employers to offer supplemental retirement plans. C. The act barred portability of retirement savings. D. The act reduced the responsibility of pension plan trustees. E. The act guaranteed retirees a pension equivalent to their last drawn salary.

A. The act established certain rights related to vesting. The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) of 1974 increased the responsibility of pension plan trustees to protect retirees, established certain rights related to vesting (earning a right to receive the pension) and portability (being able to move retirement savings when changing employers).

A contract provision under which the employer, on behalf of the union, automatically deducts union dues from employees' paychecks is known as a(n): A. checkoff provision. B. deductible-at-source provision. C. maintenance of membership provision. D. agency shop provision. E. union shop provision.

A. checkoff provision. Under a checkoff provision, the employer, on behalf of the union, automatically deducts union dues from employees' paychecks.

In _____ arbitration, the arbitrator must choose either management's or the union's last offer for each issue or for the contract as a whole. A. final-offer B. interest C. rights D. conventional E. vested

A. final-offer In "final-offer arbitration," the arbitrator must choose either management's or the union's final offer for each issue or for the contract as a whole.

From the point of view of employees, the grievance procedure is an important means of: A. getting fair treatment in the workplace. B. settling negotiations between unions and government agencies. C. interpreting contract terms. D. facilitating the negotiation process. E. preventing major delays in production.

A. getting fair treatment in the workplace. From the point of view of employees, the grievance procedure is an important means of getting fair treatment in the workplace. Its success depends on whether it provides for all the kinds of problems that are likely to arise, whether employees feel they can file a grievance without being punished for it, and whether employees believe their union representatives will follow through.

Labor flexibility is the

Ability to make quick and smooth shifts of workers into and out of jobs as business conditions change.

13th Amendment

Abolished slavery in the United States.


According to agency theory, risk aversion among agents makes outcome-oriented contracts less likely.


According to the efficiency wage theory, being a higher-pay employer is more beneficial when organizations: A. can easily monitor employee performance. B. are centralized. C. require highly skilled employees. D. have specialized work structures.

In terms of unemployment insurance, which one of the following actions is most likely to keep a company's experience rating favorable?

Accurate human resource planning

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990

Act prohibiting individuals with disabilities from being discriminated against in the workplace.

Civil Service Reform Act

Act that extended collective bargaining rights to federal employees.

National Industrial Recovery Act

Act that extended the policies of the Railway Labor Act to all interstate commerce organizations.

Pregnancy Discrimination Act

An amendment to Title VII of the CRA. It makes illegal the discrimination on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions on the form of unlawful sex discrimination. -Covers: Employers with more than 15 employees -Enforcement Agency: EEOC -An employer cannot refuse to hire a pregnant woman because of her pregnancy, a pregnancy-related condition, or the prejudices of co-workers, clients, or customers. -In addition, regarding pregnancy and maternity leave, employers may not single out pregnancy-related conditions for special procedures to determine an employee's ability to work, and if an employee is temporarily unable to perform during her pregnancy, the employer must treat her the same as any temporarily disabled employees. -The act also requires that any health insurance must cover expenses for pregnancy-related conditions on the same basis as costs for other medical conditions. -Finally, the pregnancy-related benefits cannot be limited to married employees, and if an employer provides any benefits to workers on leave, they must also provide the same benefits for those on leave for pregnancy-related conditions.

Equal Pay Act

An amendment to the Fair Labor Standards Act, requires that men and women in the same organization who are doing equal work must be paid equally.

Which of the following is true about Social Security retirement benefits?

An earnings test increases a person's incentive to retire.

Which of the following is likely to be part of a craft union?

An electrical worker


An employee's assessment of the fairness of his or her compensation based on the amount received is referred to as distributive fairness.


An example of a transformational activity is A. benefits administration. B. training. C. compensation. D. management development.


An example of a typical compensable factor is: A. social status. B. working conditions. C. longevity. D. gender.


An example of cost-benefit analysis is A. customer satisfaction. B. a key indicator like turnover rate. C. human resource accounting. D. an HRM functional area like recruiting

_____ is a computer system incorporating the decision rules of people deemed to have specialized knowledge in a certain area.

An expert system


An organization's use of an outside organization for a broad set of services. a vendor, third party or consultant The most commonly outsourced activities include those related to benefits administration (e.g., flexible spending accounts, health plan eligibility status), relocation, and payroll

An implied warranty is:

An unwritten warranty that a product is adequate to meet a buyer's reasonable expectations.

Responsibilities of HR departments

Analysis and design of work Recruitment and selection Training and development Performance management Compensation and benefits Employee relations/labor relations Personnel polices Employee data and information systems Legal compliance Support for business strategy

Strategic Human Resources Management Practices

Analysis and design of work,HR Planning, Recruiting, selection, Training and development, Compensation, performance management, and employee relations

Which of the following is a reason for the decline in union membership in the U.S.? A. Much recent job growth has occurred among men and younger workers, who are less likely than women and middle-aged workers to join unions B. Human resource practices that result in lower pay for unionized than for nonunionized workers C. Management efforts to control costs in response to international competition D. Much recent business growth has been in the North, where workers are less likely to join unions E. Government regulation banning unionization

C. Management efforts to control costs in response to international competition On average, unionized workers receive higher pay than their nonunionized counterparts, and the pressure to control costs is greater because of international competition, resulting in a steady decline in union membership.

Which of the following options for reducing an expected labor surplus has the benefit of being a relatively fast solution, but the disadvantage of being high in human suffering?


ESSAY What are the different types of family-friendly benefits?

As employers have recognized the significance of employees' need to manage conflicts between their work and family roles many have added "family-friendly" benefits to their employee benefits. These benefits include family leave policies and child care. The following types of benefits are typical: 1) Family leave—Family or parental leave grants employees time off to care for children and other dependents. The federal law requires 12 weeks of unpaid leave. 2) Child care—Child care benefits may take several forms, requiring different levels of organizational involvement. The lowest level of involvement is for the organization to supply and help employees collect information about the cost and quality of available child care. At the next level, organizations provide vouchers or discounts for employees to use at existing child care facilities. At the highest level of involvement, the employer provides child care at or near the work site. Staffing a child care facility is costly and involves important liability concerns. At the same time, the results of this type of benefit, in terms of reducing absenteeism and enhancing productivity, have been mixed. 3) College savings—As workers' children grow up, their needs shift from maternity leave and child care to college tuition. Some organizations have supported this concern by sponsoring tax-favored 529 savings plans. These plans let parents and other family members defer taxes on the earnings of their deposits into the 529 account. Some states also provide a (limited) tax deduction for these contributions. 4) Elder care—As the population of the nation's elderly grows, so do the demands on adult children to care for elderly parents, aunts, and uncles. When these people become ill or disabled, they rely on family or professional caregivers. The elder care benefits typically emphasize information and support, rather than direct financial assistance.

. As a first step in implementing corporate social responsibility a corporation should:

Assess its current situation and activities

Which of the following allows a union to receive dues in exchange for services but does not provide any representation in collective bargaining?

Associate union membership

Verification by audit that information in a corporate sustainability report is correct is known as:


_____ causes significant job loss in less-skilled manufacturing and service occupations.


A popular defined-contribution plan whereby employees contribute pretax dollars which are then matched by the employer is known as: A. money purchase plans. B. Section 401(k) plans. C. profit-sharing plans. D. ERISA benefit plans. E. employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs).

B. Section 401(k) plans. Under the section 401(k) plans, employees contribute a percentage of their earnings, and employers may make matching contributions. The amount employees contribute is not taxed as part of their income until they receive it from the plan.

Which of the following is a union security arrangement that requires employees to join the union within a certain amount of time (30 days) after beginning employment? A. Agency shop B. Union shop C. Closed shop D. Maintenance of membership E. Checkoff provision

B. Union shop A legal membership arrangement that supports the goals of labor unions is the union shop, an arrangement that requires an employee to join the union within a certain time (30 days) after beginning employment.

The unemployment insurance program is financed largely through federal and state taxes on: A. both employees and employers. B. employers only. C. employees only. D. retirees. E. only high income group of citizens.

B. employers only. Most of the funding for unemployment insurance comes from federal and state taxes on employers.

The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 requires employers: A. to offer disability plans with pregnancy-related coverage. B. offer disability plans to treat pregnancy as they would any other disability. C. to provide up to six weeks of paid leave to either parent upon the birth of a child. D. to provide up to six weeks of unpaid leave to either parent upon the birth of a child. E. to offer disability leave up to one month to either parent before the birth of a child.

B. offer disability plans to treat pregnancy as they would any other disability. The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 requires employers to offer disability plans to treat pregnancy as they would any other disability.

Right-to-work laws are: A. federal laws that protect employees' right to lifetime employment. B. state laws that make union shops, maintenance of membership, and agency shops illegal. C. laws that protect the right of unions to insist that the employer hire only union members. D. laws that allow terminating an existing contract and striking for a new one without notifying the employer. E. federal laws that ensure that all union members get pension benefits.

B. state laws that make union shops, maintenance of membership, and agency shops illegal. The Taft-Hartley Act allows the states to pass so-called right-to-work laws, which make union shops, maintenance of membership, and agency shops illegal. The idea behind such laws is that requiring union membership or the payment of union dues restricts the employees' right to freedom of association.

Social Security is formally known as the _____. A. paid leave program B. New Deal program C. Old Age, Survivors, Disability, and Health Insurance program D. employee wellness program E. noncontributory plan

C. Old Age, Survivors, Disability, and Health Insurance program If employees elect to begin receiving benefits at full retirement age (which rises with birth year), they can receive full benefits, or if they elect to begin receiving benefits at age 62, they receive benefits at a permanently reduced level.


Employee involvement in the design and implementation of pay policies has been linked to higher pay satisfaction and job satisfaction.

Trends in generations of employees

Because employees are working longer the work force now has five generations, each one with unique characteristics Ages 68-88 Traditionalists 49-67 Baby Boomers 33-48 Generation X 18-32 Millennials <18 Generation Z Millennials are characterized as being optimistic, willing to work and learn, eager to please, technology literate, globally aware and as valuing diversity. They are also believed to have high levels of self-esteem and narcissism. Generation Xers grew up during a time when the divorce rate doubled, the number of women working outside the home increased, and the personal computer was invented. They were often left to their own after school (latchkey kids). They value skepticism, informality, practicality, seek work/life balance, and dislike close supervision. They tend to be impatient and cynical. They have experienced change all of their lives (in terms of parents, homes, and cities). Baby Boomers, the "Me" generation, marched against the "establishment" for equal rights and an end to the Vietnam War. They value social conscientiousness and independence. They are competitive, hard working, and concerned with the fair treatment of all employees. They are often considered to be workaholics and rigid in conforming to rules. Traditionalists grew up during the Great Depression and lived during World War II. They tend to value frugality, are patriotic and loyal, adhere to rules, are loyal to employers, and take responsibility and sacrifice for the good of the company.


Benchmarking is a procedure in which a company compares its own practices against those of the competition.

The thin layer that sits above the earth's surface that allows the earth to support life is called the _____.


The thin space that is at the top of the earth's surface that allows the earth to support life is called the


. Laws that prohibit retail stores from being open for business on Sundays are called:

Blue laws

The following forces work to weaken affirmative action:

Blurring of racial categories.


Both pay level and job structure are characteristics of organizations and reflect decisions about: A. human resource development. B. individual employees. C. organizational goals. D. jobs.

Which of the following statements about product liability is false?

Breach of warranty can not result in a product liability case.

Civil Rights Act of 1866

Broken into two sections: Section 1982 grants all persons the same property rights as white citizens, and Section 1981 granted other rights including the right to enter into and enforce contracts.

When an individual collects campaign contribution checks from other individuals and then mails them to a political party headquarters, this process is called:


Survey information on competitors' benefits packages and information on benefits costs are available from the _____.

Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)

Which HR strategy begins by identifying the major business needs and issues, considers how people fit in and what people outcomes are necessary, and builds HR systems focused on meeting those needs?


_____ functions begin with an assessment of what HR is doing and then identifying the major people outcomes they should focus on.


Which one of the following is NOT a way that the executive branch of the U.S. government can affect the laws that govern our country?

By passing laws that determine what is legal and illegal.

A quantitative estimate of how toxic a substance is to human beings at increasing levels of exposure is called:

Dose-response assessment.

Which of the following are also called articles of incorporation?


Which of the following is a traditional, passive form of corporate philanthropy characterized by donations to multiple worthy causes without any relationship to business strategy?

Checkbook philanthropy.

. Rights that are given to citizens by government are called:

Civil rights


Clerical employees are more likely than managers to believe that better employees should get better pay increases.

A combination of business interests - including corporations, trade associations and peak associations - united to pursue a political goal is known as:


Utilization Analysis

Comes the race, sex, and ethnic composition of an employer's workforce with that of the available labor supply. For each job group, the employer must identify the percentage of its workforce with that characteristic and identify the percentage of workers int he relevant labor market with that characteristic. If the percentage in the employer's workforce is much less than the percentage in the comparison group, then that minority group is considered to be "underutilized"

When legislators want to reduce the risks to health and the environment, the most governmental control over industrial activities can be achieved through:

Command-and-control regulations

Which clause of the U.S. Constitution gives Congress the power to regulate corporations?


_____ refers to the extent to which an expatriate receives information and recognizes changes while abroad.


What is task-related communication?

Communication related to the task at hand

Why do complaints of age discrimination grow when the economy is slow?

Companies try to save labor costs by laying off older workers.

Which of the following is a challenge for HRM during mergers?

Compatibility of the compensation, performance appraisal, and other HR systems.


Compensable factors are job characteristics that an organization values and chooses to pay for.


Compensation management could be improved in most organizations by: A. improving the technical merit of compensation decisions. B. developing better theoretical bases for pay decisions. C. increasing employee participation in compensation decision making. D. offering better justification for the selection of compensation programs.


Compensation systems differ mainly in their impact on the valence of pay outcomes to employees.


Competency-based pay is generally directed toward: A. nonexempt employees. B. international employees. C. exempt employees. D. unionized employees.


Conceptually, a job structure can be defined as the relative pay of various jobs in the organization. (TF)

Which of the following is true about private group insurance?

Concern for employee security explains the prevalence of employer-sponsored insurance plans.


Consider the same two jobs in two different organizations. In Organization 1, jobs A and B are paid an annual average compensation of $30,000 and $50,000, respectively. In Organization 2, the pay rates are $25,000 and $55,000, respectively. Which of the following is true? A. Organizations 1 and 2 have the same pay level B. Organizations 1 and 2 have the same job structures C. Organizations 1 and 2 have the same individual pay rates D. Organizations 1 and 2 use incentive pay systems

Which of the following corresponds to the stage of understanding the process during reengineering?

Considering whether jobs can be combined

Which of the following defines labor relations? A. It is an association that seeks to advance the shared interests of its member unions at the national level. B. It is the election of an employee by union members to represent them in ensuring that the terms of the labor contract are enforced. C. It is a contract provision under which the employer, on behalf of the union, automatically deducts union dues from employees' paychecks. D. It is the field that emphasizes skills that managers and union leaders can use to minimize costly forms of conflict and seek win-win solutions to disagreements. E. It is an alternative form of union membership in which members receive discounts on insurance and credit cards rather than representation in collective bargaining.

D. It is the field that emphasizes skills that managers and union leaders can use to minimize costly forms of conflict and seek win-win solutions to disagreements.

_____ rules do not require union membership but do require that employees who join the union remain members for a certain period of time, such as the length of the contract. A. Agency shop B. Union shop C. Closed shop D. Maintenance of membership E. Checkoff provision

D. Maintenance of membership Maintenance of membership rules do not require union membership but do require that employees who join the union remain members for a certain period of time, such as the length of the contract.

John works at a factory of a large manufacturing company and is a member of the local chapter of a national industrial union. He believes his supervisor is not living up to the terms of the recently negotiated contract. In order to seek resolution to his grievance, John should first contact: A. the regional office of his labor union. B. law enforcement officials. C. the AFL-CIO. D. his union steward. E. the local Chamber of Commerce.

D. his union steward. Most of workers' contact in a local union is with the union steward, an employee elected by union members to represent them in ensuring that the terms of the contract are enforced. The union steward helps to investigate complaints and represents employees to supervisors and other managers when employees file grievances alleging contract violations.

_____ are problem-solving systems, which usually include a "what-if" feature that allow users to see how outcomes change when assumptions or data change.

Decision support systems

_____ plans do not promise a specific benefit level for employees upon retirement.

Defined contribution


Defined contribution retirement plans insulate employees from investment risks, which are instead borne by the company.

A progressive business model:

Defines a strategy that meets market needs by mitigating social problems


Degree to which decision-making authority resides at the top of the organizational chart.


Degree to which work units are grouped based on functional similarity or similarity of workflow.

Which state charters the largest number of corporations in the U. S?


Which one of the following is true about workers' compensation?

Disability benefits that are part of workers' compensation are tax free.

In which type of case does most of the debate focus on the discriminatory consequences rather than the intent to discriminate?

Disparate impact

When an employment policy is "apparently neutral" in its impact on employees, but really prevents individuals in protected categories from promotion within the company, this is called:

Disparate impact.

If an employer gives less favorable treatment to employees because of their race or religion, this is called:

Disparate treatment.

Programs to increase worker heterogeneity and make corporate cultures more friendly to employees of any race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation or disability is known as:

Diversity management.

Which of the following is true of the goals of labor unions? A. Labor unions try to consider employees as individuals so that pay and promotion decisions relate to performance differences. B. Labor unions have the goals of obtaining pay and working conditions that satisfy the management. C. They try to not have any pay differences based on seniority. D. Where workers are represented by a union, it is common for all employees in a particular job classification to be paid according to their appraisals. E. Unions focus on equal pay for equal work.

E. Unions focus on equal pay for equal work. Unlike management, which tries to consider employees as individuals so that pay and promotion decisions relate to performance differences, unions try to build group solidarity and avoid possible arbitrary treatment of employees. To do so, unions focus on equal pay for equal work. They try to have any pay differences based on seniority, on the grounds that this measure is more objective than performance evaluations.

A union steward: A. influences the way pay and promotions are determined. B. deducts union dues from employees' paychecks. C. is the strongest union security arrangement. D. is employed as an independent contractor. E. represents employees when they file grievances alleging contract violations.

E. represents employees when they file grievances alleging contract violations. Most of workers' contact in a local union is with the union steward, an employee elected by union members to represent them in ensuring that the terms of the contract are enforced. The union steward helps to investigate complaints and represents employees to supervisors and other managers. When the union deals with several employers, as in the case of a craft union, a business representative performs some of the same functions as a union steward.

The _____ is a report that describes a pension plan's funding, eligibility requirements, risks, and other details. A. mission statement B. balanced scorecard C. labor law posting D. "top-heavy" plan E. summary plan description

E. summary plan description The summary plan description is a report that describes the plan's funding, eligibility requirements, risks, and other details.

The cost of a worker's compensation insurance depends on: A. the profit earned by the organization during the concerned fiscal. B. the number of years the concerned worker has been working in the organization. C. the total strength of the organization's workforce. D. the number of years for which the organization has been in business. E. the state where the company is located.

E. the state where the company is located. The cost of the workers' compensation insurance depends on the kinds of occupations involved, the state where the company is located, and the employer's experience rating.


ERISA requires covered organizations to establish employee pension plans and to describe the plan's funding, eligibility requirements, and risks.

The following is true of the several options available to reduce expected labor surplus

Early retirement causes relatively less human suffering

A provision in a bill allocating a specific sum for a specific project is known as


The stabilization of seabeds and absorption of carbon by coral reefs are examples of:

Ecosystem service.

Which of the following is true of the different methods used for benefits communication?

Effective use of traditional approaches, like booklets, can have a large effect on employee awareness.

Maximum achievable control technology is a performance standard used by the EPA to control:

Emissions of hazardous air pollutants.

When an overall limit on emissions of a pollutant is set and then the sources of this pollution are given permits allowing a certain amount of pollution to be emitted by each source, this is called a(n):

Emissions trading

Which of the following increased the fiduciary responsibilities of pension plan trustees and established vesting rights and portability provisions?

Employee Retirement Income Security Act

Lucas, an HR executive, is responsible for the transactional HRM activities at Coldstore Inc. If he is the sole HR person handling transactional HR activities, which of the following is most likely going to be his responsibility?

Employee Services


Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) can carry significant investment risks for employees.

Which of the following arguments states that companies with the best reputations for managing diversity will win the competition for talent?

Employee attraction and retention argument The employee attraction and retention argument states that companies develop reputations on favorability as prospective employers for women and ethnic minorities. Those with the best reputations for managing diversity will win the competition for talent.

Which of the following is the first step in a typical employee-initiated grievance procedure?

Employee discusses grievance verbally with the supervisor.

Safety Awareness Programs

Employer programs that attempt to instill symbolic and substantive changes in the organization's emphasis on safety.

Which of the following is true of unionization?

Employers actively resist unionization in an attempt to control costs and maintain their flexibility.

Which of the following is true about vesting rights?

Employers may choose to vest employees after five years.

Which of the following is a characteristic of Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs)?

Employers may give incentives for employees to choose a participating physician.

Which one of the following is NOT true of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985?

Employers must continue to pay the cost of premiums for qualified employee

An agreement between an employee in which the employee agrees to exchange his or her labor for specific pay and working conditions is called a(n):

Employment contract

Under the _____ doctrine, an employee must act "solely and entirely" for the employer's benefit in all work-related matters or be liable for termination and damages while employed under him or her.


When an employment contract can be ended by either the employer or the employee without notice and for any reason, it is called what type of contract?


Policies that state that either party in an employment relationship can terminate that relationship at any time, regardless of cause, are called____.

Employment-at-will policies

Sherman Anti-trust Act

Enacted to control business monopolies and issue injunctions against the restraint of free trade. These injunctions were later used against unionization efforts, especially strikes.

All of the following statements are examples of economic performance indicators in the triple bottom line EXCEPT:

Energy use.

Which of the following media is most widely used by organizations to communicate benefit plans?

Enrollment materials (online or paper)

Which of the following is a challenge with podcasts?

Ensuring that employees know when and how to use the technology


Ensuring that the HRM systems enable the business to execute its strategy is one of the responsibilities of field generalists.


Flexible benefit plans (also known as cafeteria-style plans) permit employees to choose the types and amounts of benefits they want for themselves.

If company XYZ requires its employees to be at work between the hours of 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., but allows employees to decide whether they will work their additional three hours before or after this time period, it is using which one of the following?


Which of the following is true about improving HRM effectiveness?

Focusing more on transformational work is likely to result in higher strategic value to the firm.

A _____ has been appointed by the FDA charged with producing a plan of defense against domestic and imported hazards to consumers.

Food czar

Which of the following is true of nonunion employers?

For nonunion employers, union avoidance is an important employee relations objective.

Title VII of CRA

Forbids discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin -Covers: Employers with 15 or more employees working 20 or more weeks per year; labor unions; and employment agencies -Enforcement agency: EEOC

Fourteenth Amendment

Forbids the states from taking life, liberty, or property without due process of law and prevents the states from denying equal protection of the laws.

14th Amendment

Forbids the states from taking life, liberty, or property without due process of law and prevents the states from denying equal protection of the laws. (Passed immediately after the Civil War, this amendment originally applied only to discrimination against blacks. It was soon broadened to protect other groups such as Asian-Americans and white in allegations of reverse discrimination). One importnat point regarding the 14th amendment is that it is applicable only to "state actions" (thus you could only apply it if you were fired from a state institution and not a private one)

The idea that the sole responsibility of a company is to maximize its profits within the law is called


The idea that the sole responsibility of a business is to maximize profits while acting within the law is a fundamental tenet in:



From a reinforcement theory standpoint, the performance motivation of stock option plans is particularly high.

Tim works at Ante Inc. He is responsible for conducting cost-benefit analyses of different functions performed at Ante. If Tim's current task is to conduct a utility analysis, which of the following factors is he likely to asses through it?

Gains from selection programs

Which historian defined consumerism as "the belief that goods give meaning to individuals and their roles in society?"

Gary Cross

The _____ established the World Trade Organization (WTO) to resolve disputes among its members.

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)

The _____ involves an international framework of rules and principles for reducing trade barriers across countries around the world.

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)

How does a manufacturing organization enrich jobs for its employees?

Give employees authority to stop production when quality standards are not met.

In venture philanthropy:

Givers fund the incubation of new charitable organizations with unique approaches to social problems.

An invisible barrier of sex discrimination thwarting the advance of women to top corporate positions is known as:

Glass ceiling

An international attempt to develop uniform standards for company reports was called the _____.

Global Reporting Initiative

Which of the following laws guarantees that preexisting medical problems will continue to be covered by health insurance when workers switch jobs?

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.

Which of the following is true of passive employee wellness programs (EWPs)?

Health education programs are an example of passive EWPs.

Who was a leading advocate of the doctrine of social Darwinism?

Herbert Spencer

Which of the following is true about the Old Age, Survivors, Disability, and Health Insurance (OASDHI) program?

High earners help subsidize benefit payments to low earners.

What is Fayol's Bridge?

Horizontal communication of employees at some hierarchical level to accomplish organizational goals

If a student evaluating his/her professor at the end of term rates the professor low on all performance criteria due to dissatisfaction with the professor's grading scale, the student has likely committed which rater error?


_____ are those employees who were born and raised in the country where a parent country organization seeks to locate a facility.

Host-country nationals

Coarse language and lewd pinups used by a manager of a company would come under:

Hostile environment

Which one of the following interview questions is NOT permitted under the Americans with Disabilities Act?

How many days of work did you miss in your last job because you were sick?

Determine Labor Supply

How many people are currently in various job categories or have specific skills in the company? How many are expected to be in these job categories or to have specific skills?

_____ refers to the policies, practices, and systems that influence employees' behavior, attitudes, and performance.

Human resource management Human resource management (HRM) refers to the policies, practices, and systems that influence employees' behavior, attitudes, and performance. Many companies refer to HRM as involving "people practices."

Which of the following responsibilities is associated with the HR function of support for strategy?

Human resource planning and forecasting

____ is the practice or activity carried on by an organization with the primary purpose of identifying and attracting potential employees.

Human resource recruitment

The concept of "deep ecology" states that:

Humans have only equal rights with other species.


Identify the example of utility analysis from the following. A. Capitalization of salary B. Gains from selection programs C. Returns on human assets and human investments D. Net present value of expected wage payments

The analysis and design of work

Identify the tasks performed and skills required in a given job, Understand the different approaches to jo design, comprehend trade-offs among the various approaches to designing jobs

Which of the following is the initial step in the reengineering process?

Identifying the process

US Court of Appales

If neither party to a suit is satisfied with the decision of the court at the first level (district and quasi-judicial agencies), the parties can appeal the decision to the Court of Appeals. These courts were originally set up to ease the Supreme Court's caseload, so appeals generally go from the federal trail level to one of the 13 appellate courts before being heard at the Supreme Court

Which of the following statements about 527 groups is true?

If they engage only in issue advocacy they can take in unlimited amounts of soft money from any source to run issue ads.

Which of the following is true about employee benefits?

Impact of legal regulations on benefits is greater than they are on direct compensation.

Which of the following steps in reengineering involves trying out the process by testing it in a limited, controlled setting?

Implementing the process


Implications of the equity theory for managing employee compensation include all but one of the following. Name the exception. A. Employees evaluate their pay by comparing it with what others get paid. B. Employees look at the intrinsic aspect of their work when making pay evaluations. C. Employees work attitudes and behaviors are influenced by their pay comparisons. D. Employee perceptions are what determine their pay evaluations.

Which of the following best explains why older people approaching retirement age have no intention of retiring

Improved health of older people in general, combination with the decreased physical labor in many jobs has made working longer a viable option


In 1929, benefits added up to an average of only three percent to every dollar of payroll.

Which of the following is true of cultures that are highly individualist?

In highly individualist cultures, individuals are expected to stand on their own two feet and protect themselves.


In keeping with the total quality management philosophy, HR executives have moved to customer orientation in implementing the function's activities.

Which one of the following statements about the composition of the U.S. labor force during the next decade is true?

In spite of the growing number of young workers, the overall workforce will be aging.


In strategically designed HR structures, centers for expertise ensure that transactional activities are delivered throughout the organization.

EEOC Investigation and Resolution

Individuals who feel they have been discriminated against must file a complaint with the EEOC or a similar state agency within 180 days of the incident. Once the complaint is filed, the EEOC takes responsibility for investigating the claim of discrimination. The complainant must give the EEOC 60 days to investigate the complaint. If the EEOC determines that discrimination has taken place, its representatives will attempt to provide a reconciliation between the two parties without burdening the court system with a lawsuit. (If the EEOC cannot come to an agreement with the organization, it can either issue a "right to sue" letter to the alleged victim or aid the alleged victim in brining suit in federal court)

. Directors who are employees of the company are termed as:

Inside directors

Which of the following is a union unfair labor practice?

Insisting on the inclusion of illegal provisions in a contract

Which of the following are organizational investors that buy shares in publicly-traded corporations?

Institutional investors

Which is not one of the forces that draw out an older worker's career?

Insufficient younger workers to replace the older workforce

Identify the concentric circle of responsibility that encompasses responsibility to exercise economic function with a sensitive awareness of changing social values and priorities.

Intermediate circle


Internal equity pay comparisons focus on what employees in other organizations are paid for doing thee same general job.

Types of Selection Methods

Interviews, Work Samples, Physical Ability Tests, Honesty and Drug Tests, Personality Tests, Cognitive Ability Tests, References and Biographical Data

Which of the following is NOT a purpose of performance management systems?


Thorstein Veblen said that individuals acquire property to create _____ between themselves and their successful neighbors.

Invidious comparison

All of the following are reasons for persistence of gender wage gap EXCEPT:

Involvement of women in manufacturing sector.


Is a bias by humans toward members of their own species.

Contingent valuation

Is a method of measuring the monetary value of ecosystem goods

. A traditional business model:

Is one in which the central strategy for creating value is based on meeting market demands

The "toothpick rule":

Is one of the exceptions to the House of Representative's meal bans.

The Transportation Security Administration:

Is responsible for the safety of travelers.

Which of the following is true of the Wagner Act?

It actively supports collective bargaining.

What is one benefit of the learning management system?

It can be linked to the organization's performance management system to plan for training outcomes and associated rewards

Which of the following is true of cost-benefit analysis?

It compares the expense of completing a task with and without an automated system.

Which of the following is true of a balanced scorecard?

It depicts a company from the perspective of internal and external customers. A balanced scorecard gives managers an indication of the performance of a company based on the degree to which stakeholder needs are satisfied; it depicts the company from the perspective of internal and external customers, employees, and shareholders. The balanced scorecard differs from traditional measures of company performance by emphasizing that the critical indicators chosen are based on the company's business strategy and competitive demands.

All of the following statements about NHTSA are true EXCEPT:

It develops uniform safety standards for all products.

All of the following are advantages of cost-benefit analysis EXCEPT:

It disciplines thinking as it always results in clear choices.

Which of the following statements is true about the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC)?

It does not guarantee healthcare benefits.

Which of the following is true of the functions performed by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)?

It enforces the National Labor Relations Act that is based on the commerce clause of the U.S. Constitution.

Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act, (LMRDA) or Landrum- Griffith Act

It established an employee bill of rights and reporting requirements for union activities. a. Regulated internal union activities b. Majority vote is needed to increase dues c. Allows members to sue their union d. Set term limits for union leaders

Which of the following statements about a CSR review is false?

It explores regulatory requirements, but cannot examine competitors' initiatives.

An advantages of relying on internal recruitment sources

It generates a sample of applicants who are well known to the firm

Which of the following statements about the Food and Drug Administration is false?

It helps consumers evaluate the safety of products

All of the following statements about strict liability are true EXCEPT:

It imposed on buyers the responsibility to inspect carefully items they purchased.

Which of the following is true of active wellness programs?

It includes the outreach and follow-up model.


Management's adoption of union avoidance strategies has increased significantly during the last 20 or 30 years.

All of the following statements were the interrelated themes of broader responsibility that emerged during the Progressive era EXCEPT:

Managers concentrated more on promoting their self-interests.

Which of the following is NOT a standard that human resource managers must satisfy for practices to be ethical?

Managers must treat employees as family.

One of the reasons organizations engaged in downsizing is:

Many firms changed the location of where they did for business for economic reasons

Which of the following are responses to competitive forces in markets?

Market actions


Market rates are used in the pay policy line approach, but not in the market survey data approach.

An emphasis on material objects or money that displaces spiritual, aesthetic or philosophical values is known as:


In terms of GRI indicators, which of the following is an environmental performance indicator?

Materials used by weight and volume.

Psychological States of Job Characteristics

Meaningful work, responsibility for outcome, knowledge of results

Punitive damages

Meant to discourage employers from discriminating by providing for payments to the plaintiff beyond the actual damages suffered. -Congress has put limits on the amount of punitive damage based on the size of the company, recognizing that one or a few discrimination cases could put an organization out of business.

The Food and Drug Administration regulates the quality, composition and safety of all of the following EXCEPT:

Meat and poultry

Which of the following benefits involve the highest of costs?

Medical and other insurance

The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 requires employers to provide all but one of the following. Name the exception.

Medical leave to any employee who has one or more years of full-time service.

Which of the following individuals is eligible for unemployment benefits?

Mel lost her job due to outsourcing.

Which of the following is a characteristic of an industrial union?

Membership is a result of working for a particular employer in the industry.


Merit increase grids display an organization's policies for linking the size and frequency of pay increases to an individual's performance rating and position within the pay range.

Which of the following countries is a member of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)?


NAFTA increased U.S. investment in Mexico because:

Mexico has substantially lower labor costs for low-skilled employees.

Businesses are most responsible when they make a profit efficiently and do not spend their energies on "social projects". The best-known advocate of this view is:

Milton Friedman

When Hershey Foods states that its purpose is "to consistently create shareholder value by achieving excellence in every aspect of our business," this is called its:

Mission statement

Which of the following defines the business, differentiates it from competitors, explains relationships with stakeholders and focuses energy on critical activities and goals?

Mission statement

The basic purpose of a company that defines the type of business in which the company is engaged in and explains how it differs from its competitors is called a(n):

Mission statement.

Which one of the following statements regarding workforce skills is NOT true?

More and more employers are looking for employees with solid technical skills rather than knowledge-based or interpersonal skills.

Remedies Under Title VII

Plaintiff may seek equal and legal remedies. Plaintiff may also recover back pay (Amt. they would have earned if the act never happened-the amt. of $ the plaintiff earned since the act) for up to 2 years from the time of the discriminatory act.


Organizations must communicate benefits information to employees so that they will appreciate the value of their benefits. This is essential so that benefits can achieve their objective of attracting, motivating, and retaining employees. Employees are interested in their benefits, and they need a great deal of detailed information to take advantage of benefits such as health insurance and 401(k) plans. It follows that electronic technology such as the Internet and supporting databases can play a significant role in modern benefit systems. Many companies are putting benefits information on their intranets. In actuality, employees and job applicants often have a poor idea of what benefits they have and what the market value of their benefits is. Research asking employees about their benefits has shown that employees significantly underestimate the cost and value of their benefits. Probably a major reason for their lack of knowledge is a lack of communications from employers. Employees don't know what employers are spending for benefits, so many of them doubt employers' complaints about soaring costs and their impact on the company's future. Research suggests to employers that better communication, coupled with well-designed benefits plans, will pay off in practical terms.

_____ involves the ends of a discipline process, while _____ and _____ focus on the means to those ends.

Outcome fairness; procedural justice; interactional justice

This concentric circle of responsibility outlines newly emerging and still amorphous responsibilities that business should assume to improve the social environment, even if they are not directly related to specific business processes.

Outer circle

Which is true about outsourcing?

Outsourcing is logical choice when a firm simply does not have a certain expertise and is not willing to invest time and effort into developing it.


Outsourcing is usually done for one of two reasons: To provide the service more cheaply than it would cost to do it internally, or to limit competition.

_____ are employees who were born and live in the country where the headquarters of a company is located.

Parent-country nationals


Part-time employees receive about the same benefits as full-time employees when adjusted for hours worked.

Which of the following is most likely to occur during the communication process of an organization in a collectivist culture?

Participative management practices


Passage of the Americans with Disability Act, along with workplace redesign and training, has resulted in a dramatic lowering of workers' compensation costs to U.S. employers.


Pay grades are desirable pay structures when: A. there are only a few jobs in the organization. B. there are broad distinctions between jobs within a pay grade. C. there is concern about overpaying some jobs. D. an organization desires greater flexibility in moving employees.


Pay rate range spreads: A. are usually larger at higher grade levels. B. represent the distance between the midpoint and the maximum pay rates in each grade. C. represent a measure of the range of pay rates paid across an entire organization. D. are usually largest for blue-collar jobs in unionized settings.

Which of the following is a characteristic of a health maintenance organization (HMO)?

Payment of physicians on a flat salary basis

A group that represents the political interests of many companies from different industries is called a(n):

Peak association

_____ guarantees to pay employees a basic retirement benefit in the event that financial difficulties force a company to terminate or reduce employee pension benefits.

Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation

The _____ requires defined contribution plans holding publicly traded securities to provide employees with at least three investment options other than employer securities.

Pension Protection Act of 2006

Which type of retiree benefits plan is excluded from the rule of Financial Accounting Statement 106 that states that benefits should not be provided on pay-as-you-go basis?


_____ functions have been clearly identified and articulated, and they have aligned their HR activities around people issues and outcomes, but not business issues and outcomes.


Which of the following is likely to be valued most in a masculine culture?


One of the most common grievances that employees at Craines Tech have is that they do not get feedback on their performance. They do not get proper information as to how they have performed and where they need to improve. The performance goals are vague and not measurable. Which HR function does Craines Tech need to improve?

Performance management

Which of the following is likely to be valued in a culture with a long-term orientation?


___ is a generic term used to refers to organizational decisions that affect the nature of the vacancies for which people are recruited

Personnel policies

Which of the following is an example of a union unfair labor practice?

Pete, a union representative, makes a contract that requires his employer to hire employees satisfactory to the union.

The idea of "speciesism" is based on the writings of _____.

Peter Singer

When a company gives monetary gifts to society in order to advance social welfare, it is called:


The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission:

Protects consumers from housing and loan discrimination.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990

Protects individuals with disabilities from being discriminated against in the workplace. It prohibits discrimination based on disability in all employment practices such as job application procedures, hiring, firing, promotions, compensation, and training -- in addition to other employment activities such as advertising, recruitment, tenure, layoff, leave, and fringe benefits. -Covers: Employers with more than 15 employees -Enforcement Agency: EEOC -The ADA defines a disability as a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, a record of having such an impairment, or being regarded as having such an impairment. -The Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA) effective Jan 1, 2009, broadened the scope of who is considered to be an individual with a disability. (It doesn't necessarily have to impair the functioning of a major life activity)

The Immigrant Reform and Control Act:

Protects work rights of legal aliens and prohibits hiring illegal aliens.

Most likely to enable organizations to increase the impact that recruiters have on those they recruit

Providing timely feedback

Name the document sent to shareholders before the annual meeting that sets forth matters requiring their vote.

Proxy statement.

Civil Rights Act of 1871

Punitive in nature: granted all citizens the right to sue in federal court if the felt they had been deprived of some civil right.

Which government regulation gave the EPA the authority to manage hazardous waste "from cradle to grave?"


The belief that each race has distinctive cultural characteristics and that one's own race is superior to other races is called:


Which of the following is an example of image advertising?

Rain Inc. releases television advertisements that give an idea about the pleasant working conditions in the organization

Which authority system dominates in the bureaucratic system?

Rational-legal authority

EEOC Issuance of Guidelines

The EEOC issues guidelines that help employers determine when their decisions are violations of the laws enforced by the EEOC. These guidelines are not laws themselves, but the courts give great deference to them when hearing employment discrimination cases.

EEOC Information Gathering

The EEOC plays a role in monitoring the hiring practices of organizations. Each year organizations with 100 or more employees must file a report (EEO-1) with the EEOC that provides the number of women and minorities employed in nine different job categories. The EEOC computer analyzes these reports to identify patterns of discrimination that can then be attacked through class-action suits.

Which of the following is true of the National Labor Relations Board's (NLRB's) process regarding unfair labor practices?

The NLRB has the authority to issue cease-and-desist orders to halt unfair labor practices.

Which of the following enacted new regulations on auditing, financial reporting and legal compliance?

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act.


The U.S. is more unionized (as a percent of its workforce) than any other industrialized country.


The _____ approach focuses on either: (1) determining whether the introduction of a program or practice has the intended effect, or (2) estimating the financial costs and benefits resulting from an HRM practice. A. wellness B. audit C. cost-benefit D. analytic

Several forces are drawing out older workers' careers. Which of the following is NOT one of them?

The acute shortage of qualified younger workers has resulted in employers offering increased incentives to older workers to remain on the job

Which of the following affects the amount of income that will be available to an employee upon retirement in defined contribution plans?

The age at which investments are made

High-engagement philanthropy is one in which:

The donor may set goals for the recipient charity and become involved in achieving them.

Within a 401(k) plan, who has the responsibility for investing wisely?

The employee

Enforcement of Equal Employment Opportunity

The executive branch of the federal government bears most of the responsibility for enforcing all EEO laws passed by the legislative branch. -Agency responsible: EEOC In addition the executive branch must enforce the executive orders issued by the president. -Agency responsible: Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs.


The federal tax code requires flexible spending account funds to be earmarked in advance and spent during the plan year, with any remaining funds reverting to the employee.


The first step to a customer orientation is A. identifying customers. B. identifying the needs of customers. C. developing technologies that serve customers. D. creating strategies that serve customers.

Which of the following statements is true about the composition of the U.S. labor force in the next decade?

The median age of the labor force will increase to the highest number ever. The median age of the labor force will increase to 42.8 years old, the highest ever. The labor force is expected to increase by 10.5 million in the next decade reaching 164.4 million in 2020.


The most widely used job evaluation technique is the point-factor system.

All of the following statements are true of the requirements of proxy statements EXCEPT

The proposal cannot exceed 1,000 words.

General Duty Clause

The provision of the Occupational Safety and Health Act that states that an employer has an overall obligation to furnish employees with a place of employment free from recognized hazards.

ESSAY What are the objectives of the unemployment insurance program established by the Social Security Act of 1935. How is this program funded?

The unemployment insurance program was established under the Social Security Act of 1935. This program has four objectives related to minimizing the hardships of unemployment. 1) It provides payments to offset lost income during involuntary unemployment. 2) It helps unemployed workers find new jobs. 3) The payment of unemployment insurance taxes gives employers an incentive to stabilize employment. 4) It provides workers with income during short-term layoffs to preserve investments in worker skills because workers can afford to wait to return to their employer, rather than start over with another organization. Most of the funding for unemployment insurance comes from federal and state taxes on employers. Some states charge new employers whatever rate is the average for their industry, so the amount of tax paid in those states also depends on the type of business. No state imposes the same tax rate on every employer in the state. The size of the unemployment insurance tax imposed on each employer depends on the employer's experience rating—the number of employees the company laid off in the past and the cost of providing them with unemployment benefits. Employers with a history of laying off a large share of their workforces pay higher taxes than those with few layoffs. In some states, an employer with very few layoffs may pay no state tax.


The vesting of employer-funded pension benefits must take place under one of two schedules: five-year, 100%, or three- to seven-year period, with at least 20% vesting in the third year and each year thereafter.

Which of the following is a trend seen in union membership and coverage?

The weak history of deep class-based divisions in the U.S. has contributed to its low unionization rate.


There is no legal obligation for employers to offer private retirement plans, but most do.


There is strong research evidence that profit-sharing plans contribute to organizational performance.

Which of the following is true of cultures that are strong in uncertainty avoidance?

These cultures condition people to seek security through technology and law.

Which of the following statements about affinity groups is false?

They are designed to overcome stereotypes

Which of the following is true about defined contribution plans?

They are preferred more in smaller companies than larger ones.

Which of the following is true of field generalists within the recent generic HR structure?

They are responsible for helping line executives strategically address people issues.

All of the following statements about ecosystems are true EXCEPT:

They are the slender margin atop the earth's surface that provide services that support human well-being.

Which of the following statements about compensation of outside board members is trueWhich of the following statements about compensation of outside board members is true?

They are usually paid an annual retainer supplemented with additional payments for serving on board committees.

Which one of the following is NOT true of knowledge workers?

They are younger, generally under 30 years of age, and specialize in specific skills such as how to operate particular machinery.

All of the following statements are true of codes of conduct EXCEPT:

They arise from a single source

Which of the following is true about the service center within the recent generic HR structure?

They consist of individuals who ensure that the transactional activities are delivered throughout the organization.

Which of the following statements about CFCs is false?

They emit beta and gamma radiations that penetrate human tissue and cause death.

Which of the following statements about women's occupation is true?

They flow most freely into growing occupations where demand for labor reduces barriers to entry, including sex discrimination

Which of the following statements about mentors is false?

They teach employees about differences based on gender, ethnicity and cultural background

All of the following statements about subcommittees are true EXCEPT

They were controlled by a few party leaders and held hearings on few reserved subjects.

_____ are employees born in a country where neither a company's headquarters nor a facility is located but work in the host country.

Third-country nationals

Americans with Disabilities Act

This act prohibits discrimination against employees and job applicants with disabilities.

Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967

This act prohibits employers from refusing to hire, discharging, or discriminating in terms and conditions of employment on the basis of an employee's or applicant's being age 40 or older.


To control health-care costs, employers have been increasingly shifting costs to employees through the use of deductibles, coinsurance, exclusions and limitations, and maximum benefits.


Top executive pay in the United States: A. is not questioned by American citizens. B. is justified because of the high pay of many athletes/entertainers. C. is the highest in the world. D. is lesser when compared to other more developed countries.

A private wrong committed by one person against another person or that other person's property is called a(n):


All of the following are examples of social performance indicators in the triple bottom line EXCEPT:

Total amount of employee wages and benefit

Which of the following is likely to be valued in a culture with a short-term orientation?


Which of the following strategies includes activities such as selection and compensation?


Which of the following meets the needs of both the line managers and employees by giving employees opportunities to ensure that they increase their human capital and, thus, providing increased value to the company?

Training and development systems

What kind of a training plan are managers most likely to support?

Training that will solve a significant problem or result in a significant improvement compared to its cost

Interrater Reliability

consistency among individuals who evaluate employee's performance

Test-retest Reliability

consistency of the measure over time

Assessment Centers

consists of simulation exercises that reflect job content and types of problems faced on the job; typically uses multiple raters trained to observe, classify, and evaluate behaviors

The movement that promotes the rights and powers of consumers in relation to the sellers of products and services is called _____


When the EPA conducts a poll of people and asks them to put a dollar value on some aspect of nature, this is called _____.

contingent valuation

Strategic services

contributing to business strategy based on consideration of human capital, business capabilities, readiness, and developing HR practices as strategic differentiators Emphasis: knowledge of HR and of the business, competition, the market, and business strategies

The legal authority for corporate managers and directors to function is granted in the _____

corporate charter

The legal checks and balances that define the rights and powers of shareholders, boards and managers are called _____.

corporate governance

The overall control of the activities of a corporation is called _____.

corporate governance

The duty of a company to protect the assets of the society in which it operates is part of its

corporate social responsibility

The systematic calculation of the costs and benefits of a proposed regulatory action is called _____.

cost-benefit analysis

A role of the chief human resource officer (CHRO) that focuses on resolving interpersonal or political conflicts among team members is that of a _____.


Step 3 of Training Design Process

create a learning environment, what are the conditions under which employees learn best?

Background Checks

credit scores

The emissions of six natural substances that are the primary threat to air quality in the U.S. are called _____.

criteria pollutants

The performance management approach that requires managers to keep a record of specific examples of effective and ineffective performance is the:

critical incident technique

How to Choose a Training Method

identify the learning outcome you want training to influence: verbal skills, intellectual skills, attitudes, motor skills, etc. will the method facilitate learning or change in that outcome? also realize costs related to development and implementation

Examining the need to develop new technologies is part of:

identifying strategic business issues.

360-Degree Appraisal

includes elevation from a wide range of persons who interact with the employee (manager, coworkers, subordinates, customers, self)

Correlation Coefficient

indicates the strength of the correlation in numerical form; can range from -1 to +1; the closer to 1(+/-), the stronger the correlation; correlation coefficient of 0 means no correlation

In _____ cultures, people are expected to look after their own interest rather than being protected by the group.


According to Hofstede, a country's economic health is positively correlated with _____.

individualist cultures

Self-report Emotional Intelligence Tests

individuals are asked to report their own level of EI by indicating how much they agree/disagree with descriptive statements

A firm that enters foreign markets by exporting goods to another country is at the _____ level of global participation.


RapidFlow Systems is a Mexican company with operations across different states. After a few years, the company extends its operations to Canada and opens a facility there. As a result of this expansion, RapidFlow Systems has become a(n) _____ company.


When a company expands from having one facility in another country to having a number of facilities in different countries, it is transforming from a(n) _____.

international company to a multinational company

This type of on-the-job training program is generally sponsored by an educational institution as a component of its academic program and generally prepares students for professional careers


Top executive pay in the United States

is among the highest in the world.

Organizational Analysis

is the training business-appropriate? factors to consider: training should help company achieve business strategy, does the company have the resources (budget, time, expertise) for training? manager and peer support

A TV ad that presents a view of the Democratic party on a topic before a federal election is called __________ advocacy


The technology challenge

it has reshaped the way we play, communicate, plan our lives and where we work many companies have e-commerce which allows consumers to purchase products and services online using social media to reach out and recruit is necessary these advances in technology along with reduced costs are changing many aspects of human resource management this allows for decentralized decision making, and collaboration

The major advantage of a flexible spending account is that:

it increases the employees' take-home pay.

Analysis and design of work

job analysis, work analysis, job descriptions

The process of getting detailed information about jobs is known as:

job analysis.

The administrative procedure for measuring the relative worth of an organization's jobs is:

job evaluation

A review of critical work processes and redesign to make them more efficient and able to deliver higher quality is called _____.


In human resource management, any practice or activity carried out by the organization with the primary purpose of identifying and attracting potential employees is known as


Pros of Downsizing

reduce labor costs, technological changes reduce need for labor, companies changing where they do business

Under OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard, organizations must do all of the following EXCEPT

provide medical and life insurance coverage to all employees exposed to hazardous chemicals within the workplace.

The belief that each race has distinctive cultural characteristics and that one's own race is superior to other races is called _____.


Recruitment and Selection

recruiting, posting job descriptions, interviewing, testing, coordination use of temporary employees

Which of the following downsizing objectives would help an organization increase its future competitiveness?

reducing bureaucratic overhead during mergers

Taylor believed the problem of systematic soldiering would be solved by a _____ _____ based on ____ _____ ___ AND selecting specific workers for _____ ____ to dilute the social pressures to pretend to work hard

piece rate; minimum standards set; specific jobs

Due Process Policies

policies by which a company formally lays out the steps an employee can take to appeal a termination decision

Employment-at-Will Policies

policies which state that either an employer or an employee can terminate the employment relationship at any time, regardless of cause

The idea that prudence should be exercised when ruling on the risk to human health from a pollutant, even if that risk is not well understood, is called the _____.

precautionary princi

Fayol's theory is _________ not _________

prescriptive; descriptive

Performance-based Emotional Intelligence Tests

presented with emotion-based problem-solving items and the quality of answers is evaluated using predetermined criteria

A(n) _____ is a rule, natural law or truth used as a standard to guide conduct.


Which approach to performance feedback is generally most effective?


People's perception of _____ is their judgment that fair methods were used to determine the consequences an employee receives.

procedural justice

The doctrine that applies to redress for injuries caused by defective consumer products is called _____.

product liability

Up-to-date knowledge on new selection techniques, performance appraisal methods, training programs, and incentive plans is part of the _____ competence required by HR professionals.

professional-technical knowledge

Dictionary of Occupational Titles

(DOT) was born during the 1930s and served as a vehicle for helping the new public employment system link the demand for skills and the supply of skills in the U.S. workforce Although this system served the country well for more than 60 years, it became clear to officials at the U.S. Department of Labor that jobs in the new economy were so qualitatively different from jobs in the old economy,

Occupational Information Network

Department of Labor abandoned the DOT in 1998 and developed an entirely new system for classifying jobs referred to as the Occupational Information Network, or O*NET. Instead of relying on fixed job titles and narrow task descriptions, the O*NET uses a common language that generalizes across jobs to describe the abilities, work styles, work activities, and work context required for various occupations that are more broadly defined

Functional structure

High levels of centralization tend to go naturally with functional departmentalization because individual units in the structures are so specialized that members of the unit may have a weak conceptualization of the overall organization mission. Thus, they tend to identify with their department and cannot always be relied on to make decisions that are in the best interests of the organization as a whole. I

Which of the following is required for teams to be effective?

Individual accountability of behavior should be a critical indicator of performance. For teams to be effective, it is essential that the level of task interdependence matches the level of outcome interdependence. It is critical to establish individual accountability of behavior within a group.

Position Analysis Questionnaire

The PAQ is a standardized job analysis questionnaire containing 194 items. These items represent work behaviors, work conditions, and job characteristics that can be generalized across a wide variety of jobs. They are organized into six sections: information input mental processes work output relationships with other persons job context other characteristics

Work analysis (also known as job analysis)

The process of getting detailed information about jobs. Building block of everything that human resource managers do. Almost every human resource management program requires some type of information that is gleaned from job analysis: selection, performance appraisal, training and development, job evaluation, career planning, work redesign, and human resource planning.

A context diagram is important for what reasons? a. facilitates checking information with practice providers and staff b. only takes one page and saves analyst time c. depicts major functions and processes d. a and c

d. a and c

Identifying processes that are ripe for improvement can be facilitated by which of the following? a. reviewing "best practices" in other health care facilities b. some health care providers can show how much a change can improve services in specific areas and integration c. focusing on processes that can increase satisfaction, compliance, and meaningful use of health IT d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Which of the following categories of processes will likely be deemed important enough to analyze? a. processes impacting patient care b. processes that can be improved through Health IT c. Hight volume processes d. all of the above

d. all of the above

An analyst needs to show information movement and the order of the steps. Which of the following diagram notations should be used? a. use case scenario b. stakeholder diagram c. context diagram d. data flow diagram

d. data flow diagram

Work-flow design

is the process of analyzing the tasks necessary for the production of a product or service, prior to allocating and assigning these tasks to a particular job category or person. Only after we thoroughly understand work-flow design can we make informed decisions regarding how to initially bundle various tasks into discrete jobs that can be executed by a single person.

Mechanistic approach

specialization skill variety work methods autonomy

Functional structures are more appropriate than divisional structures when:

the organization competes on costs. Functional structures are most appropriate in stable, predictable environments, where demand for resources can be well anticipated and coordination requirements between jobs can be refined and standardized over consistent repetitions of activity. This type of structure helps support organizations that compete on cost, because efficiency is central to making this strategy work.

Job design

the process of defining the way work will be performed and the tasks that will be required in a given job.

_____ provides a cross-sectional overview of the static relationships between individuals and units that create the outputs.

Organization structure Whereas work-flow design provides a longitudinal overview of the dynamic relationships by which inputs are converted into outputs, organization structure provides a cross-sectional overview of the static relationships between individuals and units that create the outputs. Organization structure is typically displayed via organizational charts that convey both vertical reporting relationships and horizontal functional responsibilities.

A context diagram created from the data flow diagram wound have which of the following? a. less detail b. more processes c. fewer roles d. smaller data stores

a. less detail

In Gane-Sarson notation, which is an appropriate name for a process? a. receive patient b. request and reply c. claims data d. emergency dept.

a. receive patient

In Yourdon, which of the following is an appropriate name for a process? a. receive patient b. request and reply c. claims data d. emergency dept.

a. receive patient

Work-flow design is the process of:

analyzing the tasks necessary for the production of a product. Work-flow design is the process of analyzing the tasks necessary for the production of a product or service, prior to allocating and assigning these tasks to a particular job category or person.

Which of the following are NOT steps in process analysis as described in unit? a. create process inventory b. conduct process redesign c. report analysis findings d. identify EHR functionality

b. conduct process redesign

What symbol should be used to diagram the following: If the patient is a new patient....? a. pentagon b. diamond c. oval d. rectangle

b. diamond

Which of the following would be variations of an appointment scheduling process? a. miscommunication of the date or time of appt. b. online appt scheduling c. appt scheduiling session timed out d. appt not found within necessary time window

b. online appt scheduling

In Gane-Sarson notation, what is the correct shape to represent the patient? a. rounded rectangle b. rectangle c. open ended rectangle d. line

b. rectangle

Which of the following NOT a primary goal of the implementation decision-making meeting? a. building consensus on the final redesign plan b. selecting an EHR system for implementation c. establishing more efficient information flow in the clinic setting d. creating "buy in" to the proposed workflow clinic changes

b. selecting an EHR system for implementation

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