MGT 370 Chap 11

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an attractive, ideal future that is credible yet not readily attainable.


being unpretentious and modest rather than arrogant and prideful. although they accept full responsibility for mistakes, poor results, or failures

Management and Leadership

both important to organizations; effective managers must also be leaders because of distinctive qualities associated with each that provide different strengths for the organization; reflect two different sets of qualities and skills that frequently overlap within a single individual

contingency approach

describes the relationship between leadership styles and specific organizational situations. The situational model links the leader's behavioral style with the task of readiness of subordinates.

Interactive leadership - Gender Differences

has been found to be associated with female leaders; leader favors a consensual and collaborative process, and influence derives from relationships rather than position power and formal authority.


refers to a combination of confidence, commitment, and motivation, and a follower may be high or low on any of the three variables.


refers to the amount of knowledge, experience, and demonstrated skill a subordinate brings to the task.


the potential ability to influence the behavior of others. Power is the capacity to cause a change in a person, influence may be thought of as the degree of actual change. Power results from an interaction of leader and followers. Sometimes power comes from a person's position in the organization, while other sources of power are based on personal characteristics.

The focus of The Situational Model of Leadership

that subordinates vary in their readiness level, which is determined by the degree of willingness and ability a subordinate demonstrates while performing a specific task.


that the relationship among people is not passive; it is dynamic and involves the use of power to get things done


the effect of a person's actions on the attitudes, values, beliefs, or behavior of others.

The cornerstone of Fiedler's contingency theory

the extent to which the leader's style is relationship oriented or task oriented. A relationshiporiented leader is concerned with people. A taskoriented leader is primarily motivated by task accomplishment.

Highly unfavorable

when leader-member relations are poor, tasks are highly unstructured, and the leader has little formal authority.

Highly favorable

when the leadermember relations are positives, tasks are highly structured, and the leader has formal authority over followers.

A leader needs to know two things to use Fiedler's contingency theory.

A leader needs to know whether he or she has a relationship- or task-oriented style. A leader should diagnose the situation and determine whether leader-member relations, task structure, and position power are favorable or unfavorable.

Ohio State University identified two major leadership behaviors

Consideration and Initiating structure

According to the situational model, a leader can adopt one of four leadership styles, based on relationship (concern for people) and task (concern for production) behavior. The four styles include:

Directing style—a highly dictating style and involves giving explicit directions about how tasks should be accomplished. Coaching style—a leader explains decisions and gives subordinates a chance to ask questions and gain clarity and understanding about work tasks. Supporting style—a leader shares ideas with subordinates, gives them a chance to participate, and facilitates decision making. Entrusting style— a leader turns over the responsibility for decisions and their implementation to subordinates.

Level 5 Leaders

Key characteristic of this leader: almost complete lack of ego, coupled with a fierce resolve to do what is best for the organization; seem to be shy and unpretentious; give credit for successes to other people

Interpersonal Influence Tactics

Leaders often use a combination of influence strategies, and people who are perceived as having greater power and influence typically are those who use a wider variety of tactics.

Topic important to business success

Leadership; which occurs among people, involves influence, and is used to attain goals.

Followers may be at low, moderate, or high levels of readiness.

Low Readiness Level. A directing style is appropriate when followers are at a low readiness level because of poor ability and skills, little experience, insecurity, or unwillingness. The leader directs followers what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. Moderate Readiness Level. A coaching style works best with moderate levels of readiness when subordinates are unable but willing to follow. In this case, subordinates might lack some education and experience for the job. The coaching style gives direction but includes seeking input from others and clarifying tasks. Moderate Readiness Level. A supporting style is effective with moderate levels of readiness when subordinates are able but lack high willingness to follow. These subordinates are somewhat insecure about their abilities, and the leader acts as a resource for advice and assistance to them. High Readiness Level. When followers have high levels of education, experience, and readiness to accept responsibility for their own task behavior, the entrusting style is effective. For these followers, the leader provides a general goal, delegates' sufficient authority to do the task, and expects followers to complete the task as they see fit.

Low Task Readiness

People low in readiness need a different leadership style than those with high readiness. People have low task readiness due to limited skills, lack of training, or insecurity.

High Readiness

People with high readiness tend to have ability, skills, confidence, and willingness to work.

Personal power

Personal power often comes from internal sources, such as a person's special knowledge or personality. Examples of personal power include: expert and referent power

Authentic Leaders

Pursue their purpose with passion - demonstrate a high level of passion and commitment to purpose, they inspire commitment from followers Practice solid values - people come to know what the leader stands for, which inspires trust Lead with their hearts as well as with their heads - maintain compassion for others as well as the courage to make difficult decisions Establish connected relationships - they surround themselves with good people and work to help others grow and develop Demonstrate self-discipline - they avoid excessive or unethical risks that could harm others and the organization, and openly admit their mistakes

Leadership Grid

Researchers at the University of Texas developed a twodimensional model that measures concern for people and for production. Each axis on the grid is a nine-point scale, with 1 meaning low concern and 9 meaning high concern. Team management (9,9) is often considered the most effective style for all managers; organization members work together to accomplish task outcomes. Country-club management (1,9) occurs when primary emphasis is given to people rather than to work outputs. Authority-compliance management (9,1) occurs when efficiency in operations is the dominant orientation. Middle-of-the-road management (5,5) reflects a moderate concern for both people and production. Impoverished management (1,1) means the absence of a management philosophy; managers exert little effort toward interpersonal relationships or work accomplishment.

Situational Substitutes for Leadership

The final contingency approach suggests that situational variables can be so powerful that they substitute for, or neutralize, the need for leadership.

relationship oriented leader

The relationship-oriented leader performs better in the four situations of intermediate favorability because human relations skills are important in achieving high group performance.

Situation: Favorable or Unfavorable?

The suitability of a person's leadership style is determined by whether the situation is favorable or unfavorable. Since leadership styles are considered to be difficult to change, the basic idea is to match the leader's style with the situation most favorable for his or her effectiveness. The favorability of a leadership situation can be analyzed in terms of three elements: the quality of relationships between leader and followers, the degree of task structure, and the extent to which the leader has formal authority over followers.

task oriented leader

The task-oriented leader excels in most favorable situations because everyone gets along, the task is clear, and the leader has power. The task-oriented leader also excels in most unfavorable situations because a great deal of structure and task direction is needed.

Position Power

The traditional manager's power comes from the organization. The manager's position gives him or her power to reward or punish subordinates to influence behavior. Examples of this power include: legitimate, reward, and coercive.

Two types of leadership that can have a substantial impact are charismatic leadership and transformational leadership.

These are best understood in comparison to transactional leadership.

charismatic leader

These are best understood in comparison to transactional leadership. Charismatic leaders are often skilled in the art of visionary leadership. Charismatic leaders have a strong vision for the future, almost an obsession, and they can motivate others to help realize it.

seven principles for asserting influence

Use rational persuasion. Use facts, data, and logical argument to persuade others. Make people like you. People would rather say yes to someone they like than to someone they don't like. Rely on the rule of reciprocity. Take advantage of the exchange of benefits and favors. Develop allies. Develop networks of allies—people who can help you accomplish your goals. Ask for what you want. Make a direct and personal request. Make use of higher authority. Gain the support of people at higher levels to back you up.


a primary business resource, and people who have access to information and control over how and to whom it is distributed are typically powerful.


a situational variable that makes a leadership style redundant or unnecessary. Highly professional subordinates do not need a leader to tell them what to do.


a situational variable that prevents a leader from displaying certain behaviors. Situational variables include characteristics of the subordinate, task, and the organization.

Transactional leaders

clarify subordinates' role and task requirements, initiate structure, provide appropriate rewards, and try to be considerate and meet the social needs of subordinates. Transactional leaders excel at management functions, are hardworking, tolerant, and fair-minded. They stress the impersonal aspects of performance, such as plans, schedules, and budgets.

Legitimate Power

comes from a formal management position in an organization and the authority granted to it. Subordinates accept this source of power as legitimate, which is why they comply.

referent power

comes from leader personality characteristics that command subordinates' identification, respect, and admiration so they wish to emulate the leader. Subordinate response will be commitment, which means subordinates will enthusiastically carry out instructions. Leaders can increase their referent power when they share power and authority with employees. A significant trend is to empower lower employees.

Transformational leaders

distinguished by their special ability to bring about innovation and change. They recognize followers' needs and concerns, help them look at old problems in new ways, and encourage them to question the status quo. create significant change in both followers and the organization. They have the ability to lead changes in the organization's mission, structure, and human resource management. They focus on intangibles, such as vision, shared values, and ideas to build relationships, give larger meaning to activities, and enlist followers in change. Studies show that transformational leadership has a positive impact on follower development and follower performance. Transformational leadership skills can be learned and are not ingrained personality characteristics.


distinguishing personal characteristics of a leader, such as intelligence, honesty, self-confidence, and appearance

University of Michigan compared the behavior of

effective and ineffective supervisors.

Employeecentered leaders

effective leaders who established high performance goals and displayed supportive behavior toward subordinates.

Initiating structure

extent to which a leader is task oriented and directs subordinate activities towards goal attainment. give instructions, spend tine planning, emphasize deadlines, and provide schedules of work activities


extent to which the leader is sensitive to subordinates, respects their ideas and feelings, and establishes mutual trust. Friendly, provide open communication, develop teamwork, and are oriented toward their subordinates' welfare

Authentic Leadership

individuals who know and understand themselves, who espouse and act consistently with higher-order ethical values, and who empower and inspire others with their openness and authenticity.

Jobcentered leaders

ineffective and less concerned with goal achievement and human needs in favor of meeting schedules, keeping costs low, and achieving efficiency.

coercive power

is the opposite of reward power. Here, the manager has the authority to punish or recommend punishment, which often generates resistance. Resistance means workers tend to try to avoid carrying out instructions or will attempt to disobey them.

five sources of power:

legitimate, reward, coercive, expert, and referent.

Primary distinction between management and leadership

management promotes stability, order, and problem solving within the existing organizational structures and systems. leadership promotes vision, creativity, and change. it means questioning the status quo so that outdated, unproductive, or socially irresponsible norms can be replaced


natural talents and abilities that have been supported and reinforced with learned knowledge and skills and provide each individual with his or her best tools for accomplishment and satisfaction

Servant Leaders

operate on two levels: for the fulfillment of the subordinates' goals and needs and for the realization of the larger purpose or mission of their organization. Give things away - power, ideas, information, recognition, and credit for accomplishment. bring the follower's higher motives to the work and connect them to the organizational mission and goals. often work in the nonprofit world because it offers a natural way to apply their leadership drive and skills to serve others.

The Situational Model of Leadership

originated with Hersey and Blanchard, is a contingency approach to leadership.

expert power

results from a leader's special knowledge or skill regarding the tasks performed by followers.

Personal effort

results in gaining power when people show initiative, work beyond what is expected of them, take on undesirable but important projects, and show interest in learning about the organization and industry.

The impact of charismatic leaders normally come from:

stating a lofty vision of an imagined future that employees identify with displaying an ability to understand and emphasize with followers empowering and trusting subordinates to accomplish results.

reward power

stems from the manager's authority to bestow rewards on other people. Legitimate power and reward power are most likely to generate compliance.

Two basic leadership behaviors

task-oriented behavior and people-oriented behavior

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