MGT Chapter 12

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Racial and ethnic discrimination characteristics

-Compare the hiring rates of whites with the hiring rates for racial and ethnic applicants. -survey employees to compare white and nonwhite employees' satisfaction with jobs, bosses, and the company as well as their perceptions concerning equal treatment -If numbers indicate racial disparities - hire a firm to test hiring system -eliminate unclear selection and promotion criteria.

Which has the largest impact on organizations?

-Conscientiousness - related to job performance across five different occupations groups people "who are dependable, persistent, goal directed, and organized tend to be higher performers on virtually any job -Extraversion is related to job performance in sales and management -people who are extraverted and open to experience seem to do much better in training

diversity principles characteristics

-carefully and faithfully following and enforcing federal and state laws regarding equal opportunity employment. -Treat group differences as important but not special. -find the common ground -Tailor opportunities to individuals, not groups -Maintain high standards. -Solicit negative as well as positive feedback -Set high but realistic goals.

Access and legitimacy paradigm characteristics

-similar to the business growth advantage of diversity -Primary benefit: establishes a clear business reason for diversity -Limitations: focuses only on the surface-level diversity dimensions of sex, race, and ethnicity and employees who are assigned responsibility for customers and stakeholders on the basis of their sex, race, or ethnicity may eventually feel frustrated and exploited.

Diversity: What Works?

-the most popular programs, diversity training, diversity performance audits (assessing how well managers are addressing diversity issues), and network programs (company sponsored affinity groups for women and minorities) "have no positive effects in the average workplace," -Sometimes have negative effects

What does work?

-the two least frequently used programs, diversity mentoring and appointing diversity managers responsible for diversity programs, -focusing on deep-level diversity appears to have strong positive effects.

leads to less prejudice

Deep level diversity

cost savings, attracting and retaining talent, and driving business growth

Diversity makes good business by

Learning and effectiveness paradigm characteristics

One sign that a company hasn't yet created a learning and effectiveness paradigm is that people withhold their opinions for fear of being seen as different. Consistent with achieving organizational plurality

Shift from surface-level diversity to deep level can accomplish two things

Reduces prejudice and conflict Stronger social integration

increased diversity and females in workforce and an older workforce

The future indicates

skill based and awareness

Two basic types of diversity programs


a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities

Diversity Pairing (special kind of mentoring)

a mentoring program in which people of different ages, cultural backgrounds, sexes, or races/ethnicities are paired together to get to know each other and change stereotypical beliefs and attitudes -have top executives experience what it is like to be in the minority


a variety of demographic, cultural, and personal differences among an organization's employees and customers

organizational plurality

a work environment where (1) all members are empowered to contribute in a way that maximizes the benefits to the organization, customers, and themselves, and (2) the individuality of each member is respected by not segmenting or polarizing people on the basis of their membership in a particular group

Sexual orientation

an individual's attraction to people of the same and/or different sex

What accounts for disparities between those with and without disabilities?

as long as companies make reasonable accommodations for disabilities (for example, changing procedures or equipment), people with disabilities perform their jobs just as well as people without disabilities. 59 percent of accommodations don't cost anything at all, while those with costs are typically just $500. -companies should actively recruit qualified workers with disabilities.

Affirmative action Purpose

compensate for past discrimination, to prevent ongoing discrimination and to provide equal opportinuties to all

Surface-Level Diversity

differences such as age, sex, race/ethnicity, and physical disabilities that are observable, typically unchangeable, and easy to measure

Deep level diversity

differences such as personality and attitudes that are communicated through verbal and nonverbal behaviors and are learned only through extended interaction with others

Five Personality Dimensions

extraversion, emotional stability, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness to experience.

Learning and effectiveness paradigm

focuses on integrating deep-level diversity differences, such as personality, attitudes, beliefs, and values, into the actual work of the organization.

Access and legitimacy paradigm

focuses on the acceptance and celebration of differences (differentiation) to ensure that the diversity within the company matches the diversity found among primary stakeholders,

Diversity audits

formal assessments that measure employee and management attitudes, investigate the extent to which people are advantaged or disadvantaged with respect to hiring and promotions, and review companies' diversity-related policies and procedure

Assistive technology

gives workers with disabilities the tools they need to overcome their disabilities

What can companies do to make sure that LGBTQ individuals have the same opportunities as others?

including sexual orientation and gender identity in nondiscrimination and equal opportunity policies. giving LGBTQ employees the opportunity to confidentially self-identify their sexual orientation or gender identity as part of the normal gathering of demographic information. Transgender -changing the employee's name on all official records

gender identity discrimination policies

laws and regulations regarding sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination are new, in question, or not yet in place. Title VII doe snot cover sexual orientaitn however their sex discrimintation prohibits "discrimination against employees on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity." Some states have laws and other don't

Some companies use the Implicit Association Test (IAT) for awareness training

measures the extent to which people associate positive or negative thoughts (that is underlying assumptions or stereotypes) with blacks or whites, men or women, homosexuals or heterosexuals, young or old, or other groups. -Does not determine peoples discriminatory behavior, but it does help us become aware of our potential bias

What can companies do to make sure men and woman have the same opportunities for advancement?

mentoring, or pairing promising female executives with senior executives from whom they can seek advice and support. to make sure that male-dominated social activities don't unintentionally exclude women.

Cost savings

reducing turnover, decreasing absenteeism and avoiding expensive lawsuits

Deep-Level Diversity

represents differences that can be learned only through extended interaction with others differences in personality, attitudes, beliefs, and values

Trangender person

someone whose personal and gender identity differ from the person's birth sex—for example, someone born female who identifies as male

social integration

the degree to which group members are psychologically attracted to working with each other to accomplish a common objective

social integrationn

the degree to which organizational or group members are psychologically attracted to working with each other to accomplish a common objective.


the degree to which someone is active, assertive, gregarious, sociable, talkative, and energized by others -For the best results in the workplace, introverts and extraverts should be correctly matched to their jobs


the degree to which someone is cooperative, polite, flexible, forgiving, good-natured, tolerant, and trusting

Openness to experience

the degree to which someone is curious, broad-minded, and open to new ideas, things, and experiences; is spontaneous; and has a high tolerance for ambiguity

Emotional Stability

the degree to which someone is not angry, depressed, anxious, emotional, insecure, and excitable


the degree to which someone is organized, hardworking, responsible, persevering, thorough, and achievement oriented

Diversity Paradigms

the discrimination and fairness paradigm, the access and legitimacy paradigm, and the learning and effectiveness paradigm.

Glass ceiling

the invisible barrier that prevents women and minorities from advancing to the top jobs in organizations


the relatively stable set of behaviors, attitudes, and emotions displayed over time that makes people different from each other


the tendency to respond to situations and events in a predetermined manner

Diversity Purpose

to create a positive work environment where no is advantaged of disadvantaged

Awareness training

training that is designed to raise employees' awareness of diversity issues and to challenge the underlying assumptions or stereotypes they may have about others -Companies also use diversity audits, diversity pairing, and minority experiences for top executives to better manage diversity.

Skills-based diversity training

training that teaches employees the practical skills they need for managing a diverse workforce, such as flexibility and adaptability, negotiation, problem solving, and conflict resolution

Sexual orientation discrimination

treated people differently because of their sexual orientation

Disability discrimination

treating people differently because of their disabilities

diversity principles

will help managers do a better job of managing company diversity programs

Affirmative Action Characteristics

- is a policy for actively creating diversity, but diversity can exist even if organizations don't take purposeful steps to create it -is required by law for private employers with 50 or more employees, whereas diversity is not. -Can unintentionally produce persistent doubts and self doubts regarding the qualification of those who are believed to have obtained their jobs as ________

Discrimination and fairness paradigm

-Most common method -focuses on equal opportunity, fair treatment, recruitment of minorities, and strict compliance with the equal employment opportunity laws -success is usually measured by how well companies achieve recruitment, promotion, and retention goals for women, people of different racial/ethnic backgrounds, or other underrepresented groups. -Primary benefit: brings in fairer treatment of employees and increases demographic diversity -Primary limitation: focus on diversity remains on the surface-level diversity dimensions of sex, race, and ethnicity

four benefits of Learning and effectiveness paradigm

-values common ground, -makes the distinction between individual and group differences, -is less likely to encounter the conflict, backlash, and divisiveness sometimes associated with diversity programs that focus only on group differences. -focuses on bringing different talents and perspectives (that is deep-level diversity) together to make the best organizational decisions

Attract and retain talented workers

Diversity-friendly companies tend to attract better and more diverse job applicants.

Affirmative action

purposeful steps taken by an organization to create employment opportunities for minorities and women

Age discrimination

treating people differently (for example in hiring and firing, promotion, and compensation decisions) because of their age -Older workers are more likely to help others at work, and less likely to use drugs or alcohol at work, engage in workplace aggression or be involved in accidents

Gender identity discrimination

treating people differently because of their gender identity

Racial and ethnic discrimination

treating people differently because of their race or ethnicity

Sex discrimination

treating people differently because of their sex

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