MHR 461: Ch. 16

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Title VII of the Civil Rights Act does not apply to which of the following: a. selection of independent contractors b. employment agencies c. labor unions in the private sector d. law firms e. Title VII applies to all of the other specific choices


Cutting health care benefits for workers over age 65 because they are eligible for Medicare is an example of: a. sex discrimination b. health care discrimination c. age discrimination d. geriatric discrimination e. quantitative discrimination


Discriminating in fringe benefits, such as in the structure of health insurance benefits, to discourage women of childbearing age from working is: a. legal, as long as there is specific company policy in place b. legal in most states c. illegal because it is a form of pregnancy discrimination d. illegal because it is a form of religious discrimination e. none of the other choices are correct


To not violate Title VII's prohibition of discrimination based on religion, an employer may have to make changes in the way her business is organized to meet religious requirements of employees. Employers are required to incur: a. any expense required to avoid violating religious requirements of its employees b. up to ten percent of an employee's wage in costs to comply with the employee's beliefs c. no more than minimal expenses to accommodate an employee's religious requirements d. no expense or trouble at all e. none of the other choices


Which is not an officially recognized racial group under Title VII: a. Hispanics b. Asians c. Arabs d. Native Americans e. all of the other choices are recognized


An example of quid pro quo sexual harassment would be: a. discussing sexual activities at work b. commenting on the physical attributes of another worker c. saying demeaning things about women d. showing sexually explicit photos e. none of the other choices are specific to quid pro quo harassment


Besides regular private employers, Title VII applies to which of the following? a. labor unions b. employment agencies c. government agencies d. labor unions and employment agencies e. labor unions and employment agencies and government agencies


Sexual harassment does not appear to include: a. commenting on physical attributes b. deliberate, unsolicited touching of a sexual nature c. using crude or offensive language directed at a woman d. discussing explicit sexual activities e. all of the other choices may be included


Title VII of the Civil Rights Act applies to which of the following: a. private employers with 15 or more employees b. employment agencies c. labor unions in the private sector d. labor unions in the public sector e. Title VII applies to all of the other specific choices


Title VII sex discrimination includes discrimination with respect to: a. plans to have children in the future b. current pregnancy c. having children already d. insurance benefits and childbirth e. all of the other choices are included under the law


Under Title VII, a protected class may be composed of people who share the same: a. race b. gender c. religion d. national origin e. all of the other choices


Where there is a promise of a reward, such as promotion or pay raise, for providing sexual favors being demanded is called: a. bona fide impact b. impact favoritism c. differential favoritism d. differential standard e. none of the other choices


As seen in Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Services, a case concerning male-on-male sexual harassment, same-sex harassment is: a. prohibited by Title VII when it is motivated by the sex of the victim b. not prohibited by Title VII when it is motivated by the sex of the victim c. prohibited by Title VII when it is motivated by the age of the victim d. legal in some states, but not others e. none of the other choices are correct


In relation to the term "sex discrimination:" a. courts have played a major role in defining the term b. Congress carefully defined the term in Title VII c. the Executive branch has crafted many opinions on the subject d. courts have played a major role in defining the term and the Executive branch has crafted many opinions on the subject e. none of the other choices


Under Title VII, color refers to: a. the shade of a person's skin b. a person's race c. a person's national origin d. a person's sexual orientation e. none of the other choices are correct


Under Title VII, national origin refers to: a. the country where a person is born or the country from which his or her ancestors came b. the country where a person lives c. the color of a person's skin d. the religion of a person's ancestors e. the country a person most recently lived in


Which of the following is one of the most common claims of religious discrimination in the workplace: a. the employer will not allow the employee to take time off work to attend religious services b. the employer makes derogatory remarks about the employee's religion c. the employer refuses to acknowledge the employee's religion d. the employer requires the employee to contribute to a religious charity e. the employer does not allow the employee to convert other employees to his religion


A company with 30 employees has no personnel department. Several male employees pester several female employees, including making sexual gestures, comments, and, at times, grabbing them. Telling the men to stop does not change behavior. Several women quit and file a complaint against the employer for sexual harassment. It is likely that the women will: a. have a case because the company does not have a personnel office as required by law b. have a case because there was a persistent hostile environment that was not corrected. c. not have a case because they did not complain sufficiently to the company manager before they quit d. not have a case because they did not complain to the EEOC (or equivalent state office) before they quit e. not have a case because they may not act as a group; only individually


Forcing retirement because of age is an example of: a. sex discrimination b. age discrimination c. elderly discrimination d. geriatric discrimination e. quantitative discrimination


Individual states: a. may not have civil rights acts that apply to employers exempt from Title VII b. may have civil rights acts that apply to employers exempt from Title VII c. may not have civil rights acts that protect additional classes of employees not covered by Title VII d. may exempt employers from any Title VII regulation e. none of the other choices are correct


The Age Discrimination in Employment Act holds it illegal to discriminate in employment against: a. persons under age 21 or over age 65 b. persons aged 40 and over c. women or minorities aged 40-65 d. women or minorities aged 40-70 e. women or minorities under age 21


The agency given the power to file suits against employers and unions believed to be violating Title VII of the Civil Rights Act is the: a. National Labor Relations Board b. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission c. Department of Labor d. Equal Pay Commission e. U.S. Civil Rights Commission


The most common claim of discrimination, which makes up about 36% of charges filed, is: a. sex b. race c. experience d. age e. religion


The most important antidiscrimination employment law is: a. Title V of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 b. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 c. Title I of the Civil Rights Act of 1963 d. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1963 e. the Equal Pay Act of 1963


For Title VII of the Civil Rights Act to apply, an employer must have: a. at least 5 employees b. no more than 50 employees c. at least 15 employees d. at least 10 employees e. at least 100 employees


Indicating an age preference in advertisements for employees is an example of: a. sex discrimination b. elderly discrimination c. age discrimination d. geriatric discrimination e. quantitative discrimination


Requiring a pregnant woman to go on leave when she is able to do her job is: a. legal, as long as there is specific company policy in place b. legal in most states c. illegal because it is a form of pregnancy discrimination d. illegal because it is a form of religious discrimination e. none of the other choices are correct


The Supreme Court's ruling in McDonald v. Santa Fe Trail Transportation, where an African-American employee and a white employee had stolen property from their employer and the African-American employee was reprimanded but allowed to keep his job while the white employee was fired, showed that: a. whites are not protected under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act b. while Title VII recognizes whites as a protected class, in practice whites are not protected c. whites are protected under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act d. whites are only protected in cases involving Hispanics e. none of the other choices are correct


Title VII restricts discrimination based on: a. appearance b. experience c. national origin d. attitude e. education


In Harris v. Forklift Systems, a woman claimed that the behavior of her boss was illegal sexual harassment. The Supreme Court applied which standard to the case? a. the merely offensive standard b. the psychological trauma standard c. the offensive utterance standard d. the hostile work environment standard e. the physical harm standard


In Harris v. Forklift Systems, a woman sued her employer based on the conduct of her male boss. The Supreme Court described the hostile work environment standard as: a. taking an extreme position where the employee must be physically prevented from working for Title VII to apply b. taking an extreme position where the offender need only make a c. causal comment that could possibly be taken as sexual harassment for Title VII to apply c. useless in this case d. taking a middle path between making actionable any conduct that is merely offensive and requiring the conduct to cause a tangible psychological injury e. requiring at least a year of abuse before Title VII applied


The hostile environment form of sexual harassment occurs in which of the following circumstances: a. an employer uses crude or offensive language b. an employer discusses sexual activities c. an employer displays sexually suggestive pictures in the workplace d. all of the other specific choices are correct e. none of the other specific choices are correct


When employers have been sued for monitoring the content of their employees' e-mails at work, the court have generally held that the monitoring: a. s an invasion of privacy b. is an invasion of privacy if personal e-mails are reviewed, not work-related e-mails c. is sexual harassment if directed at women employees d. is legal, employers have the right to do so, in part to prevent sexual harassment e. none of the other choices


Which of the following are examples of illegal discrimination under the Pregnancy Discrimination Act? a. not giving more time off to an employee suffering a difficult pregnancy b. suspending a pregnant waitress because she might not be appealing to the diners at a café c. denying a pregnant reporter an assignment to a dangerous country because of her condition d. suspending a pregnant waitress because she might not be appealing to the diners at a café and denying a pregnant reporter an assignment to a dangerous country because of her condition e. suspending a pregnant waitress because she might not be appealing to the diners at a café and denying a pregnant reporter an assignment to a dangerous country because of her condition and not giving more time off to an employee suffering a difficult pregnancy


Which of the following is an amendment to the Civil Rights Act of 1964: a. the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972 b. the Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 c. the Civil Rights Act of 1991 d. all of the other specific choices are amendments e. none of the other specific choices are amendments


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