Micro Exam 2

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A pure culture in exponential growth phase has a bacterial concentration of 6.4 x 108 cells/ml. If the bacterium has a generation time of 1 h, how long ago was the cell concentration 8.0 x 107 cells/ml?

3 h

A urine sample with more than 100,000 organisms is considered indicative of infection. A urine sample containing 5,000 bacteria, with a generation time of 30 minutes, sits for 3 hours before finally being assayed. How many bacteria will then be present within the sample?


The optimal temperature for most human pathogens might be expected to range from

35-40 celcius

Which enzyme drives ATP synthesis in respiration?

ATP synthase

Please select the TRUE statement regarding metabolic processes.

Catabolic processes harvest the energy released during breakdown of compounds to synthesize ATP.

The scientist that contributed most to the development of pure culture techniques was

Robert Koch.

What structure is indicated by: 10A, 15T, 3G, 7C?

Single-stranded DNA

MacConkey agar is

a selective and differential medium.

Oxygen serves as the terminal electron acceptor in

aerobic respiration

Mercury in mercurochrome inhibits growth

by oxidizing the sulfhydryl groups in cysteine AND by changing the shape of proteins.

Generally, membrane filters are not used to remove

enzymes from liquids.

The general term used to describe the anabolic and catabolic reactions in a cell is


Alcohols are not reliably effective at destroying

non-enveloped viruses AND endospores.

Exergonic reactions

occur when there is more free energy in the reactants than the products.Correct

The DNA site to which the repressor protein binds is the


Microbial death rates may be affected by

pH. temperature. the presence of organics. growth in a biofilm.

Bacteria that can absorb light energy and convert it into ATP are commonly called


Glycolysis, the Entner-Duodoroff pathway, and the pentose phosphate pathway all produce


In the growth curve of a bacteria population, the bacteria are rapidly increasing in number in the

exponential (log) phase.

The electron transport chain is a group of membrane-embedded carriers that pass electrons from one to the next, while simultaneously pumping ______ across the membrane, generating a(n) ______.

hydrogen ions; proton motive force

Degradation of fats as an energy source involves all of the following except



a chain of nucleotides, each made of a sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogen-containing base


a nucleotide sequence on a DNA molecule to which an RNA polymerase molecule binds to start transcription


a series of three nucleotides that code for a specific amino acid

The critical site of an enzyme to which a substrate binds by weak forces is called the

active site

The light-independent reactions of photosynthesis occur _______ the light-dependent reactions, and function to _______.

after; synthesize organic compounds from CO2

The solidifying agent used most successfully in bacterial nutrient media is


Which of the following chemical classes destroy microorganisms by forming chemical bonds that cross-link and inactivate proteins and nucleic acids?


A sterile item is free of

all viable microbes, endospores, AND viruses

Cells can quickly alter the activity of certain key enzymes, using other molecules that bind reversibly and distort them. This control of enzymes is called ________ regulation.


Aldehydes typically kill microbes by ______.

altering nucleic acids altering proteins

The energy released by ______ is captured by cells to make ATP; this ATP can then be used for biosynthesis, or ______.


Enzymes are biological ______ that are typically _______.

catalysts; protein

Quaternary ammonium compounds (quats) are ______. Multiple choice question.

cationic detergents that help wash surfaces

Adding sorbic, propionic, and benzoic acid to foods affects ______ of microbes.

cell membranes

High pressure (130,000 psi) is thought to kill microbes by altering their ______.

cell membranes proteins

Some enzymes act with the assistance of a non-protein component. This component is called a ____, if that component is an organic molecule it can be called a _______

cofactor; coenzyme

sigma factor

component of rna polymerase that recognizes a promoter. A cell can have different types of sigma factors that recognize different promoters, allowing the cell to transcribe specialized sets of genes as needed.

A surgical scalpel is rated as a ______ instrument because it penetrates skin and mucous membranes and therefore must be sterile. Multiple choice question.


Medical instruments are classified into three categories according to their risk for transmitting pathogens. These are:

critical, semicritical, noncritical

Examples of electron carriers are proteins that contain heme, a molecule that holds an iron in its center. These are called


In prokaryotes, the electron transport chain is located in the ________ membrane, whereas in eukaryotic cells it is in the ______ membrane of mitochondria.

cytoplasmic; inner


denature proteins and destroy cytoplasmic membranes.

Commercial canning processes

destroy Clostridium botulinum spores, are especially needed on low acid foods, AND are 12D processes (designed to kill 1012 endospores).

Low-level disinfectant

destroy fungi, vegetative bacteria except mycobacteria, and enveloped viruses. also called general purpose, used for disinfecting furniture and floors in hospital.

intermediate level disinfectants

destroy vegetative bacteria, mycobacteria, fungi, and most viruses Disinfect non-critical instruments

Gregor Mendel

determined that traits are inherited as physical units, now called genes

Upon treatment with heat or chemicals, bacteria will

die at a constant proportion.

Cationic detergents typically work by _____

disrupting the cell membrane

origin of replication

distinct region of a DNA molecule at which replication is initiated

Radio waves, X-rays, microwaves, UV light and gamma rays are all examples of ______.

electromagnetic radiation

In oxidative phosphorylation, quinones, cytochromes, and flavoproteins are all ______ carriers.


In addition to four protein complexes, the mitochondrial electron transport chain has two freely-moving ______, ubiquinone and cytochrome c, that serve to ______.

electron carriers; shuttle electrons between the complexes

The most highly resistant microbial structure is the bacterial


Hydrogen sulfide is produced as a result of certain types of anaerobic respiration. Some chemolithotrophs can then use this as a/an ______.

energy source


energy source: inorganic chemicals (H2, NH3, NO2-) carbon source: CO2


energy source: light carbon source: CO2


energy source: light carbon source: organic compounds


energy source: organic compounds (sugars, amino acids, etc) carbon source: organic compounds

Consider how cells obtain energy to make ATP. The chemical that serves as the electron donor is the _______ source, and and the one that ultimately accepts those electrons is the ______ electron acceptor

energy; terminal

The use of the suffix "ase" on a word denotes a(n)


dna ligase

enzyme that joins two DNA fragments together by forming a covalent bond between the sugar and phosphate residues of adjacent nucleotides

DNA polymerase

enzyme that synthesizes DNA, using an existing strand as a template to make a new complementary strand. nucleotides can be added only to the 3' end of an existing fragment, therefore, synthesis always occurs in the 5' to 3' direction

rna polymerase

enzyme that synthesizes RNA using one strand of DNA as a template


enzyme that synthesizes small fragments of RNA to serve as primers for DNA synthesis

Proteins that function as biological catalysts are called


All of the following accurately describe enzymes EXCEPT ______.

enzymes provide energy to help reactions proceed more rapidly

Cells constantly produce ATP during the ______ reactions of ______, and use it to power _______ reactions of _______

exergenic, catabolism, endergenic, anabolism

detecting cell products

-used to detect growth not routine for quantitation. pH indicator can be used to detect acid production. gases can be trapped in an inverted tube in the broth. more sensitive method uses a fluorescent sensor that detects slight dec in pH that accompanies carbon dioxide production

Which of the following are true statements about what happens to glucose inside a cell?

1. Glucose can be used in catabolism to yield energy, or the precursor metabolites generated from its breakdown can be used in anabolism. 2. Some glucose might enter glycolysis, only to be siphoned off as a precursor metabolite for biosynthesis. 3. Some glucose might be oxidized to CO2, generating the maximum amount of ATP.

3 key central metabolic pathways and beneficial products

1.glycolysis, 2.pentose phosphate pathway, 3.TCA cycle Benefits: ATP, precursor metabolites, reducing power

George Beadle and Edward Tatum

1941, showed precise function of genes; revealed that genes direct the production of enzymes

Proteins are composed of various combinations of usually how many different amino acids?


If the theoretical maximum ATP yield in prokaryotes from oxidative phosphorylation is 34 ATP for a single glucose molecule, what is the total ATP gain when substrate-level phosphorylation is included?

38 ATP

Chlorine-releasing compounds such as sodium hypochlorite (bleach is a 5.25% solution) are used for all of the following EXCEPT 1. swimming pool treatments 2. food equipment sanitation 3. household cleaning 4. wound treatment and skin cleansing 5. sewage and waste water disinfection

4. Wound treatment/skin cleansing

Aqueous solutions of alcohol at a concentration of ______ are more effective than 100% alcohol.


ribosome (prokaryotic)

70s: 50s and 30s subunits

High-level disinfection

Disinfectants that destroy all viruses and vegetative organisms but not endospores. Used for semi-critical instruments (endoscopes)

chocolate agar

Complex medium used to culture fastidious bacteria, particularly those found in clinical specimens. Not selective or differential.

MacConkey Agar

Complex medium used to isolate Gram-negative rods that typically reside in the intestine. Selective because bile salts and dyes inhibit Gram-positive organisms and Gram-negative cocci. Differential because the pH indicator turns pink-red when the sugar in the medium, lactose, is fermented.

Thayer-Martin agar

Complex medium used to isolate Neisseria species, which are fastidious. Selective because it contains antibiotics that inhibit most organisms except Neisseria species. Not differential.

cell counting instruments

Coulter counters and flow cytometers count total cells in dilute solutions. Flow cytometers can also be used to count organisms to which fluorescent dyes or tags have been attached.

Which of the following correctly describe cytochromes found in an electron transport chain?

Cytochromes are proteins that contain heme, a molecule that holds an iron atom in its center. Several different cytochromes exist.

What happens to an organism if it lacks one or more enzymes in a given biosynthetic pathway?

It must have the end product provided from an external source.

In respiring bacteria, how does ATP synthase generate ATP?

It uses the energy released from allowing protons to flow back into the cell to add a phosphate group to ADP.

Why is it important to completely remove all traces of ethylene oxide from items used to grow bacteria?

Its persistent effect will not allow the microbes to grow.

True or false: The Calvin cycle is a two-step linear pathway that photosynthetic organisms use to fix carbon dioxide


True or false: There is a standard antimicrobial procedure available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that can be used for all different microorganisms under any condition. True false question.


Glucose catabolism encompasses two key processes: (1) oxidizing glucose molecules to generate ATP, reducing power, and precursor metabolites; and (2) transferring the electrons carried by NADH and FADH2 to the terminal electron acceptor. The second process, transfer of electrons, is accomplished as part of which of the following?

fermentation cellular respiration

Agar replaced gelatin as the gelling (solidifying) agent for media because

fewer bacteria can break down agar compared with gelatin.

In the case of plants, algae, and cyanobacteria, the two major products of photosynthesis are ______.

glucose and oxygen

glucose-salts broth (chemically defined medium)

glucose, dipotassium phosphate, monopotassium phosphate, magnesium sulfate, ammonium sulfate, calcium chloride, iron sulfate, water

Starch and cellulose are both polymers made up of the monosaccharide ______, which means that hydrolysis of the polymers releases subunits that can enter directly into the central metabolic pathway of ______ to be oxidized.

glucose; glycolysis

A 2% solution of ______ is used as a liquid chemical sterilant for treating heat-sensitive medical items. Multiple choice question.


Fats, the most common simple lipids, are broken down by lipases into their component ______.

glycerol and fatty acids

Lipid synthesis generally requires the components _______ and ______ acids.

glycerol; fatty

Microorganisms that can grow on polysaccharides and disaccharides first break these down to glucose or precursor metabolites that can then enter into the pathway of ______ to be oxidized.


The primary pathway used by many organisms to convert glucose to pyruvate is


Quorum sensing

involves the production and monitoring of signaling molecules AND is used by bacteria to sense the density of cells within their population

Ozone ______.

is a strong oxidizing agent


is preferentially used over lactose in E. coli as a result of catabolite repression AND glucose levels are the inverse of cAMP levels

Ethylene oxide is gaseous agent that ______.

is very useful for sterilizing heat- or moisture-sensitive items

All of the following are characteristics of bleach, a solution of sodium hypochlorite, EXCEPT

it is only effective against a limited range of microorganisms

Microorganisms that are free living are ______ to chemical disinfectants than microorganisms in a biofilm.

less resistant

The prefix photo- indicates that an organism will make use of ______ for energy purposes.


Metabolic pathways can be

linear, branched, cyclic

In addition to glucose, which of the following organic compounds can serve as energy sources for microbes?

lipids fatty acids disaccharides monosaccharides proteins polysaccharides

A solution of sodium hypochlorite is more effective against bacteria at _______ pH.


In nature, bacteria

may adhere to surfaces by means of pili and slime layers.

Anoxygenic photosynthetic bacteria

may obtain electrons from H2S.

Chemical germicides

may react irreversibly with proteins/enzymes. may react with cytoplasmic membranes or viral envelopes. may be disinfecting or even sterilizing. are sensitive to dilution factor, time of contact, and temperature of use.

The series of sequential chemical reactions in a cell that converts a starting compound to an end product is called a _____ pathway


The lag phase of the bacterial growth curve is marked by

metabolically active cells.

The sum total of all chemical reactions in a cell is called


The enzymes of the tricarboxylic acid cycle are found in the ______ matrix in eukaryotes and in the _____ in prokaryotes.

mitochondrial; cytoplasm

Household bleach applied at 55C is ________ effective in killing bacteria than if it were applied at 50


Chlorhexidine solutions are commonly used for ______.

mouthwashes antisepsis of skin and skin wound care

The ribosomes

move along the mRNA in a 5'-3' direction AND provide a platform that brings the amino acids into a favorable position for joining.

Which four of the following microbial groups are the most resistant to chemical control methods?

nonenveloped viruses bacterial endospores Mycobacterium species protozoan cysts and oocysts

okazaki fragment

nucleic acid fragment produced during discontinuous synthesis of the lagging strand of DNA


nucleotide sequence at which RNA synthesis stops; the RNA polymerase falls off the DNA template and releases the newly synthesized RNA

The TCA cycle completes the ______ of glucose.


Halogens are highly reactive _______ agents that _______.

oxidizing; cause damage to proteins

Used as an alternative to chlorine for disinfecting water, ______ is a strong but unstable oxidizing agent that must be generated on-site, usually be passing air or O2 between two electrodes.


The central metabolic pathway that generates reducing power in the form of NADPH is the ____ ______ pathway.

pentose phosphate

Proteins are hydrolyzed by proteases, enzymes that break the _____ bonds between amino acid subunits.


nutrient broth (complex medium)

peptone, beef extract, water

When selecting an appropriate chemical disinfectant, it is important to realize that the death rate is significantly influenced by

ph temperature

The chemical ortho-_______ provides an alternative to glutaraldehyde because it is less irritating on the eyes. However, it does stain skin proteins gray.


A high-solute environment damages microbial cells by causing ______. Multiple choice question.


After a deamination reaction removes the amino group from amino acids, the remaining carbon skeletons are converted into the appropriate ______ metabolites for entry into central metabolic pathways.


Silver sulfadiazine, a combination of silver and a sulfa drug, is used to

prevent infection of second- and third-degree burns.

Gamma rays cause biological damage in living systems by

producing reactive molecules such as superoxide and hydroxyl-free radicals.

Some members of which of the following groups can use inorganic chemicals such as hydrogen sulfide and ammonia for energy?

prokaryotes only

When boiling or pasteurizing a sample, microorganisms are destroyed because their ______.

proteins are irreversibly denatured

Aqueous solutions of ethyl or isopropyl alcohol are commonly used as antiseptics and disinfectants because they ______.

quickly kill vegetative bacteria and fungi are relatively non-toxic do not leave a residue are relatively inexpensive

The term antiparallel

refers to the opposite orientation of the two strands in DNA.

The process of destroying or removing all microbes through physical or chemical processes is ______.


(+) strand of dna

strand of DNA complementary to the one that serves as the template for RNA synthesis; the nucleotide sequence of the RNA molecule is the same as this strand, except it has uracil rather than thymine

(-) strand of dna

strand of DNA that serves as the template for RNA synthesis; the resulting RNA molecule is complementary to this strand


structure that facilitates the joining of amino acids during translation; composed of ribosomal RNA and protein

Enzymes function as biological catalysts, accelerating the conversion of one substance, the ______, into another, the ________

substrate; product

As part of cellular respiration, a membrane-bound enzyme called ATP ________ uses energy from a proton-motive force to add a phosphate group to ADP.


All of the following are true about DNA sequence analysis EXCEPT

the (−) strand of DNA is used.


the complete set of genes or genetic material present in a cell or virus

dna replication

the duplication of a DNA molecule

Proton motive force is ______.

the form of energy that results from the electrochemical gradient established by the electron transport chain


the process by which the information carried by mRNA is used to synthesize the encoded protein


the process by which the information in a strand of DNA is copied into a new molecule of messenger RNA (mRNA)

Gene regulation may entail

turning on genes only when needed.Incorrect turning off genes when not needed. turning on or off entire groups of genes. None of the answer choices is correct.

Choosing the correct antimicrobial procedure depends on many factors including ______.

type and number of microbes composition of item environmental conditions

transfer rna (tRNA)

type of RNA molecule involved in interpreting the genetic code; each tRNA molecule carries a specific amino acid


type of RNA molecule present in ribosomes

ribosomal rna (rRNA)

type of RNA that makes up the major part of ribosomes


type of rna molecule that contains the genetic information decoded during translation

membrane filtration

used to count microorganisms in liquid samples that contain relatively few cells

viable cell counts

used to determine the number of cells capable of growing in a given set of conditions.

direct cell counts

used to determine total number of cells; counts include living and dead cells


uses short pieces of single-stranded RNA to direct the degradation of specific RNA transcripts

Germicidal chemicals ______.

usually react irreversibly with proteins, DNA, cytoplasmic membranes, or viral envelopes are often poorly understood with regards to mechanisms of action


very rapid method; used routinely. one time correlation with plate counts is rquired for turbidity to be used in determining cell number.

As the pressure in an autoclave increases, the boiling point of ________ also increases, as does the temperature at which _________ forms.

water, steam

direct microscopic count

Rapid, but at least 10^7 cells/ml must be present to be effectively counted.

Typical conditions used for sterilization are

121°C at 15 psi for 15 minutes.

During which phase of the bacterial growth curve does a bacterial population become much more resistant to harmful conditions?

Late log phase

Which pairing is incorrect?


To reduce or eliminate disease-/spoilage-causing organisms, food is often subjected to

All of the answer choices are correct.

Please select the TRUE statement regarding preservation of perishable products

Bacterial resistance to some of the chemicals included to perishable products has been reported.

Chemolithotrophs near hydrothermal vents support a variety of life forms. Why is this analogous to photosynthetic microbes supporting life forms closer to the surface of the planet?

Because all life forms need some energy source, electron source, and carbon source. Chemolithotrophs fix inorganic carbon and, if consumed by other microbes, could serve as sources for all three requirements for life. This is very similar to the role that photosynthetic microbes play in the top levels of the oceans/lakes.

Heart muscle is damaged after a heart attack (MI) because blood flow to the heart is stopped. A researcher injected cyanobacteria into the damaged hearts of test animals that has been given MIs. The animals' conditions improved after the procedure, but not significantly. The researcher repeated the experiment, this time illuminating the cyanobacteria with high intensity light after injecting the cells into the damaged hearts. Now the animals did much better, recovering well from their heart attacks. Which of the following explains this outcome?

Cyanobacteria produce oxygen by photosynthesis. Illuminating the cells increases amount of O2 released that is then used by heart cells for aerobic respiration.

Which tasks must a bacterial cell accomplish in order to multiply?

DNA duplication, RNA synthesis, protein synthesis

Which are essentially equivalent treatments?

Dry 200°C heat for 1.5 hours; wet 121°C heat for 15 minutes

Why is it a good idea for a bacterial cell to be able to use glucose FIRST as an energy source (until it is depleted), THEN switch to lactose?

Glucose is an easier compound to break down and obtain energy from than lactose AND for conservation of energy: why use the energy to make the enzymes for breaking down lactose when glucose doesn't need any extra enzymes for breakdown?

Which of the following produces the most precursor metabolites?


The amino acid that is placed first during translation in bacteria, mitochondria, and chloroplasts is


Lister developed his ideas on prevention of infection during medical procedures after studying the work of


You are working in a clinical laboratory in a hospital setting. You're handed a throat swab from a patient. You are told specifically that the physician is only interested in the presence and type of Gram positive cells. Identification isn't the main goal here—just a first step to work towards determining what Gram positive cells might be there. What might you do first to go about working towards this goal?

Perform a Gram stain.

A common environmental organism that may even grow in certain chemical disinfectants is

Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Which would be most effective against Pseudomonas?


Which pair is INCORRECT?

Splicing—removal of introns from prokaryote mRNA following transcription.

Hexachlorophene has been particularly effective against

Staphylococcus aureus.

Which type of phosphorylation does not require a membrane?

Substrate-level phosphorylation

Which is (are) true of coenzymes?

They are organic molecules. They transfer atoms from one molecule to another. They may bind to a number of different enzymes. They are synthesized from vitamins.

If a DNA triplet is AGT, the mRNA codon would be ______ and the tRNA anticodon would be ______.


You are in charge of water quality for your city's water treatment plant. Of the methods at your disposal, which will be the most efficient and cheapest method of determining the number of viable bacteria in the water coming out of your plant?

Using membrane filtration followed by placing the membrane in a growth medium for colony counts after incubation.


codes for methionine AND determines the reading frame.

A stop codon

codes for no amino acid.

Trace elements

include zinc, copper, and manganese AND may be needed for enzyme function.

The molecules that bind to a repressor and cause it to no longer bind to the operator are called


Moist heat kills microorganisms by

irreversible denaturation of proteins.

Feedback inhibition

is a way of regulating the amount of product produced.

The P-site

is the peptidyl site on the ribosome.


is the use of heat to reduce numbers of pathogenic/spoilage bacteria in a food item to a safe level.Correct

Proton motive force

is used to synthesize ATP.

The energy yield of any energy-transforming pathway

is variable depending on the amount of precursor metabolites removed for biosynthesis.Correct


is very good for use on heat-sensitive medical items.

Hand washing with plain soap is very effective in controlling spread of microorganisms because

it is very effective at the mechanical removal of microorganisms.

An atom that has a lower affinity for electrons than another is ______ than the other.

less electronegative

The electron transport system

requires a membrane AND generates a concentration gradient of protons.

Generally the proteins of thermophiles

resist denaturation.

The transcription terminator

results in a hairpin loop structure in RNA, AND results in the polymerase falling off the DNA template.

A medium that inhibits the growth of organisms other than the one being sought is called a(n)

selective medium.

Most enzymes function best at

slightly above pH 7 and low salt concentrations.

A common application of dry heat in the microbiology laboratory is to

sterilize the inoculating loop.

Organisms may derive energy from

sunlight AND metabolizing chemical compounds.

The enzymes that deal with toxic oxygen-containing molecules is/are

superoxide dismutase AND catalase.

Which molecule carries an anticodon?


Microwaves do not kill organisms directly but kill by

the heat they generate in a product.


A double-stranded, helical nucleic acid molecule capable of replicating and determining the inherited structure of a cell's proteins.

Which of the following are reasons an organism might use fermentation?

A suitable inorganic terminal electron acceptor is not available. They lack an electron transport chain.

All of the following are essential for an electron transport chain to function EXCEPT ______.


The main energy currency of cells is the molecule called


blood agar

Complex medium used routinely in clinical labs. Differential because colonies of hemolytic organisms are surrounded by a zone of red blood cell clearing. Not selective.

measuring biomass

Biomass can be correlated to cell number

Which of the following use moist heat to destroy microbes?

Boiling Pasteurization Pressurized steam

With respect to their synthesis, how are amino acids typically grouped?

By structurally related families that share common biosynthesis pathways

Considering the general equation that describes photosynthesis, the rate of the process would be most influenced by the availability of _______ in the atmosphere.


glucose salts agar

Chemically defined medium. Used in laboratory experiments to study nutritional requirements of bacteria. Not selective or differential.

start codon

Codon at which translation is initiated; it is typically the first AUG after a ribosome-binding site.

stop codon

Codon that terminates translation, signaling the end of the protein; there are three stop codons.

nutrient agar

Complex medium used for routine laboratory work. Supports the growth of a variety of nonfastidious bacteria. Not selective or differential.

Which of the following is an example of phase variation?

E. coli producing pili for attachment to epithelial cells.

activation energy

Energy needed to get a reaction started

dna gyrase

Enzyme that temporarily breaks the strands of DNA, relieving the tension caused by unwinding the two strands of the DNA helix


Enzymes that unwind the DNA helix at the replication fork.

most probable number

Estimates the likely concentration; it does not provide a precise count.

______ oxide is an extremely useful gaseous sterilizing agent that destroys all microbes and is often used to sterilize fabric, equipment, and implantable devices.


The TCA cycle produces

FADH2, NADH, and precursor metabolites.

In order to form lipids, how are fatty acids and glycerol synthesized?

Fatty acid chains are assembled from 2-carbon acetyl groups from the transition step; the precursor to glycerol comes from glycolysis.

reading frame

Grouping of a stretch of nucleotides into sequential triplets that code for amino acids; an mRNA molecule has three potential reading frames, but only one is typically used in translation.

Autotrophs use carbon dioxide (CO2) to synthesize organic compounds. Which of the following descriptions of this process are true?

In photosynthetic organisms, the process is called the light-independent reactions. It is called carbon fixation. It often involves the Calvin cycle.

Which of the following are physical ways to remove or destroy microbes?

Incineration Ultraviolet radiation Autoclaving Filtration

What are the effects of increasing the pressure of water in an autoclave?

Increases the temperature at which steam forms Increases the boiling point of water

______ provides an alternative to heat for sterilization and disinfection, but the process damages some types of plastics.


What is the effect of poisons such as mercury in antimicrobial products? Recall that mercury oxidizes the S-H groups of the amino acid cysteine in proteins, converting it to cystine.

Irreversible non-competitive inhibition—the mercury binds to an allosteric site on the enzyme and permanently changes the shape of the active site, so that the enzyme becomes nonfunctional.

Which is not true of RNA?

It contains both uracil and thymine.

Does the presence of introns/exons in eukaryotic cells provide more potential diversity in gene products (proteins) than is possible in prokaryotic cells?

It does. Exons/introns can be spliced together in different ways post-transcription to yield different mRNAs (and therefore, different proteins). Bacteria lack this system.

Why is the position of the first AUG after the ribosome binding site critical?

It establishes the reading frame.

Clostridium paradoxum grows optimally at 55°C, pH 9.3; it will not grow in the presence of O2. Please select the TRUE statement about this organism.

It is an obligate anaerobe.

Which is FALSE about the RNA transcript?

It is made in short fragments that are then stitched together.

Which is true about prokaryotic (bacterial) RNA polymerase?

It is used during transcription.

Which is true of iodine?

It is usually found as tinctures or iodophors.

What would true about an organism called Bacillus fastidiosus?

It might be expected to be very strict in its growth requirements.

Phenolic compounds are effective against ______.

Most vegetative bacterial cells

The electron transport chain is a cluster of membrane-embedded electron carriers that accept electrons from the coenzymes _______ and _________ and then pass these electrons along the chain.


Which of the following combinations of molecules is produced during the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis and used in the light-independent reactions?


When E. coli is placed in a medium containing both glucose and lactose, why does cell growth stop temporarily when the glucose is used up?

Once glucose is depleted, the cell must use the lactose; before it can do this, it must express the lac operon and synthesize the enzymes needed to use lactose, which takes time.Correct

ribosome binding site

Sequence of nucleotides in mRNA to which a ribosome binds; the first time the codon for methionine (AUG) appears after that site, translation generally begins.

total weight

Tedious and time-consuming; however, it is one of the best methods for measuring growth of filamentous microorganisms

How would cellulose-degrading bacteria in the rumen (stomachs) of a cow benefit the animal?

The bacteria would produce, secrete, and incorporate organic molecules as they obtain energy from the cellulose in grass and replicate. The cow could then digest both the secreted organic molecules AND the bacteria that synthesized them.

Consider the following linear metabolic pathway of a bacterial cell: Starting compound → Intermediate-a → Intermediate-b → End Product. The first two reactions are catalyzed by enzymes A and B, respectively. If a mutant cell arose that was unable to produce enzyme B, what would be the impact on the other components of the pathway?

The cell could still produce intermediate-a but would be unable to produce intermediate-b or the end product.


The complex of enzymes and other proteins that synthesize DNA

What is the active site of an enzyme?

The critical site to which a substrate binds by weak forces.

Oxidative phosphorylation, the mechanism by which cellular respiration uses the NADH and FADH2 generated in glycolysis, the transition step, and the TCA cycle to synthesize ATP, involves what two steps?

The electron transport chain generates a proton motive force. ATP synthase uses the energy of the proton motive force to drive the synthesis of ATP.

Which of the statements about catabolism and anabolism is TRUE?

The energy gathered during catabolism is used during anabolism.

Which of the following is an example of activation energy?

The energy of a small flame used to light the natural gas of a Bunsen burner.

In order for cells to obtain energy, they remove electrons from an energy source and ultimately donate them to the terminal electron acceptor. What does this tell us about the electron affinity of the energy source and the terminal electron acceptor? Multiple choice question.

The energy source has a lower affinity for electrons, and the terminal electron acceptor has a higher affinity for electrons.

What is one disadvantage of using heat treatment to sterilize plastic items?

The items may melt.

Fats are hydrolyzed by lipases. The glycerol component is then converted to a precursor metabolite, and the fatty acids are degraded using a series of reactions called β-oxidation that remove successive 2-carbon units. Where do these components enter the central metabolic pathways for further oxidation?

The precursor metabolites from glycerol enter glycolysis; the 2-carbon units from fatty acids are added to coenzyme A and enter the TCA cycle.


The sequence of three nucleotides in a tRNA molecule that is complementary to a particular codon in mRNA. the anticodon allows the tRNA to recognize and bind to the appropriate codon

Which is (are) true regarding organic acids?

They are weak acids. They are often involved in metabolic reactions. They often exist in the ionized form at the near-neutral pH found in a cell.Incorrect Pyruvate and pyruvic acid refer to different forms of the same substance.

Microorganisms can grow on a variety of organic compounds other than glucose, including polysaccharides, proteins, and lipids. How do they accomplish this?

They break these macromolecules down into appropriate precursor metabolites that are then introduced into central metabolism or used in biosynthesis.

In photosynthesis, what do the light reactions, or light-dependent reactions, accomplish?

They capture radiant energy and convert it to chemical energy in the form of ATP.

Which of the following are advantages of using alcohol solutions for disinfection?

They do not leave a residue.

plate count

Time-consuming but technically simple method that does not require sophisticated equipment. Generally used only if the sample has at least 10^2 cells/ml

For each six-carbon molecule of glucose that enters glycolysis, how many molecules of pyruvate are made, and how many carbon atoms does each pyruvate have?

Two molecules of pyruvate, each with three carbon atoms.

messenger rna (mRNA)

Type of RNA molecule translated during protein synthesis

The term "precursor metabolite" refers to molecules that

are used in biosynthesis.

High concentrations of salt and sugar in foods

are useful in preserving the food AND tend to draw water out of a cell.

It is often difficult to choose which germicide to use because often the most effective options ______.

aren't safe

Nucleotide subunits of DNA and RNA are composed of three units: a 5-carbon sugar, a phosphate group, and a nucleobase. They are initially synthesized ______. Multiple choice question.

as ribonucleotides that can be converted to deoxyribonucleotides by replacing the 2' hydroxyl group with a hydrogen atom

The sugar component of RNA and DNA nucleotides is synthesized

as ribose and then changed to deoxyribose.

In the cultivation of microaerophilic and anaerobic bacteria,

atmospheric oxygen in a(n) candle/anaerobe jar is converted to water.

The process by which chemolithoautotrophs and photoautotrophs incorporate CO2 into organic compounds is called

carbon fixation

Silver is used as an antimicrobial in which of the following products?

bandage pads burn creams

Bacteria on fish caught in the Arctic Ocean would

be psychrophiles AND would continue to grow while the fish is in the refrigerator.

Although the pentose phosphate pathway is used by cells to break down glucose, it is particularly important because of its contribution to ______.


How do aqueous solutions of alcohol usually affect microbes?

by damaging lipid membranes by denaturing proteins

The three main types of electron carriers in a typical electron transport chain are

flavoproteins, quinones, cytochromes

Formalin is 37% aqueous solution of ________ that is used as a potent chemical fixative and microbicide.


_______ is used to kill bacteria and inactivate viruses in vaccines. It can also preserve biological specimens.


The electron transport chain of mitochondria has ______ different protein complexes.



fragment of nucleic acid to which DNA polymerase can add nucleotides


functional unit that controls inherited trait expression that is passed on from one generation to another generation

The simultaneous regulation of many bacterial genes is

global control.

Small organic molecules that must be provided to bacteria in order for them to grow are called

growth factors.

Chlorine and iodine are common disinfectants that belong to a class of chemicals called


Atoms that are more electronegative than others ______.

have a higher affinity for electrons

Although generally less reliable than heat, germicidal chemicals are especially useful for treating ______. Multiple select question.

heat-sensitive items large surfaces

what is used to decrease the number of microbes in food while maintaining the color and flavor.

high pressure processing (HPP)

In terms of their metabolism, prokaryotes are _______ with respect to compounds they use for energy and _______ in their biosynthetic processes.

highly diverse; remarkably similar

Salting and drying decrease the availability of water in food, resulting in an environment that is ______ relative to microbes, thereby preventing their growth.


Purines and pyrimidines are synthesized ______.

in distinctively different manners

The Calvin cycle ______.

incorporates CO2 into organic compounds

Certain intermediates of catabolic pathways, called precursor metabolites, are important because _____

they serve as carbon skeletons from which subunits of macromolecules can be made

Alcohol-based solutions of certain antimicrobial chemicals like iodine are called


True or false: With respect to the location of the electron transport chain, the inner membrane of mitochondria is analogous to the cytoplasmic membrane of bacterial cells.


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