Microbiology 2420 Chapter 3 Study Guide

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Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of all living things? A) metabolism B) motility C) growth D) reproduction E) responsiveness


Which of the following never have cell walls? A) algae B) animal cells C) archaea D) bacteria E) fungi


The flagella of archaea are similar to bacterial flagella but differ in that they A) lack a basal body. B) move like a whip. C) are anchored in the cytoplasm. D) are hollow. E) are driven by ATP hydrolysis.


Using a microscope, you observe an amoeba moving toward a food source. This is an example of A) reproduction. B) cellular structure. C) metabolism. D) growth. E) responsiveness.


Which of the following bacterial cell structures plays an important role in the creation of biofilms? A) glycocalyces B) flagella C) fimbriae D) pili E) both fimbriae and glycocalyces


Which of the following is unique to archaea? A) fimbriae B) peptidoglycan C) pili D) LPS E) hami


Endocytosis and exocytosis are means of transport used by A) bacteria. B) eukaryotes. C) archaea. D) all prokaryotes. E) nothing; no cells use both processes.


Protein synthesis occurs in the A) nucleus. B) ribosome. C) inclusion. D) cytoskeleton. E) periplasmic space.


Some ________ use group translocation as a means of transport. A) eukaryotes B) bacteria C) archaea D) protozoa E) eukaryotes and prokaryotes


The accumulation of glucose 6-phosphate inside a bacterial cell via phosphorylation of glucose is an example of A) facilitated diffusion. B) group translocation. C) osmosis. D) plasmolysis. E) diffusion.


Which of the following is paired INCORRECTLY? A) plants; cellulose cell wall B) algae; glycocalyx C) bacteria; peptidoglycan cell wall D) fungi; polysaccharide cell wall E) archaea; protein cell wall


Which of the following is part of the structure of the mitochondria of a eukaryotic cell? A) cilia B) cristae C) thylakoids D) inclusions E) nucleolus


Which of the following may have cell walls containing teichoic acids? A) Gram-negative bacteria only B) Gram-positive bacteria only C) archaea D) both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria E) all prokaryotes


Which of the following organisms is a prokaryote? A) algae B) archaea C) fungus D) protozoa E) both archaea and protozoa


Which of the following statements concerning osmosis is FALSE? A) Osmosis requires a selectively permeable membrane. B) During osmosis, water crosses to the side of the membrane with a lower solute concentration. C) Cells placed in hypotonic solutions will gain water. D) Crenation results when blood cells are placed in a hypertonic solution. E) Osmosis stops when the system reaches equilibrium.


Bacteria of the genus Mycoplasma lack cell walls. What sort of environment do they require for survival? A) low temperature B) hypotonic C) isotonic D) hypertonic E) a biofilm


Bacterial ________ are sites of metabolite storage. A) nucleoids B) vacuoles C) inclusions D) pili E) periplasm


Lipid-soluble molecules would be expected to cross the cytoplasmic membrane by which of the following processes? A) osmosis B) facilitated diffusion C) diffusion D) active transport E) group translocation


Membrane rafts are found in the cytoplasmic membranes of A) archaea only. B) bacteria only. C) eukaryotes only. D) both archaea and bacteria. E) both archaea and eukaryotes.


Some bacteria have an outer layer called a ________ which allows them to adhere to surfaces and contributes to their ability to cause disease. A) cell wall B) LPS C) capsule D) flagellum E) pilus


The cell walls of some ________ are composed of minerals such as calcium carbonate. A) archaea B) bacteria C) algae D) fungi E) bacteria and fungi


Which of the following is NOT a component of bacterial flagella? A) flagellin B) basal body C) tubulin D) filament E) hook


Which of the following is NOT a function of the eukaryotic cytoskeleton? A) anchors organelles B) gives shape to the cell C) packages cellular secretions D) performs endocytosis E) aids in contraction of the cell


Which of the following statements concerning endocytosis is TRUE? A) This process occurs in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. B) Phagocytosis is a type of endocytosis in which liquids are brought into the cell. C) Endocytosis produces a structure called a food vesicle. D) Waste products and secretions are exported from the cell during endocytosis. E) Endocytosis is a form of passive transport.


________ may have pili. A) Eukaryotes B) Archaea C) Bacteria D) Prokaryotes E) Both eukaryotes and bacteria


ATP is expended in which of the following processes? A) facilitated diffusion B) diffusion C) group translocation D) active transport E) both active transport and group translocation


Bacterial cell walls that are resistant to drying contain A) carbohydrates. B) amino acids. C) lipopolysaccharide. D) tubulin. E) waxes.


Cytoplasmic membranes of ________ are composed of unbranched phospholipids. A) bacteria B) eukaryotes C) archaea D) prokaryotes E) bacteria and eukaryotes


Short, hairlike structures used only by eukaryotic cells for movement are called A) pili. B) flagella. C) fimbriae. D) pseudopodia. E) cilia.


Which of the following chemical substances contributes to the unique characteristics of acid-fast bacteria? A) N-acetylglucosamine B) peptidoglycan C) lipoteichoic acid D) endotoxin E) mycolic acid


Which of the following may be a component of bacterial cell walls? A) carrageenan B) lipoteichoic acids C) mycolic acid D) tubulin E) both lipoteichoic and mycolic acids


Which of the following processes requires a channel (carrier) protein? A) diffusion only B) facilitated diffusion only C) active transport only D) endocytosis only E) both facilitated diffusion and active transport


Bacterial ribosomes are composed of several polypeptides and A) three RNA molecules in two subunits. B) three RNA molecules in three subunits. C) two RNA molecules in two subunits. D) two RNA molecules in a single complex. E) one large RNA molecule in a single complex.


Cholesterols are typically found in ________ cytoplasmic membranes. A) eukaryotic B) bacterial C) archaeal D) prokaryotic E) both eukaryotic and prokaryotic


Lipid A is a component of A) lipoplyssaccharides. B) plant cell walls. C) cytoplasmic membranes. D) mycolic acid. E) bacterial glycocalyces.


Some bacteria have a water-soluble outer slime layer composed of A) carbohydrate. B) lipid. C) peptidoglycan. D) protein. E) lipoteichoic acid.


Some members of ________ have hami. A) archaea B) bacteria C) eukaryotes D) archaea and bacteria E) bacteria and eukaryotes


The bacterial ________ facilitates the process of bacterial cell division. A) nucleoid B) inclusion C) pilus D) cytoskeleton E) fimbriae


The cytoplasmic membranes of ________ may contain branched hydrocarbons. A) archaeal cells B) bacterial cells C) eukaryotic cells D) both bacterial and eukaryotic cells E) archaeal, bacterial, and eukaryotic cells


The endosymbiotic theory does NOT provide an explanation for A) the two membranes of the nuclear envelope. B) the presence of ribosomes in mitochondria. C) the presence of DNA in chloroplasts. D) the cristae in mitochondria. E) the double membrane of chloroplasts.


Which of the following contribute to the ability of archaea to survive in extreme environments? A) branched hydrocarbons with ether linkages B) phospholipids with monounsaturated fatty acids C) hopanoids D) glycerols E) both hopanoids and glycerols


Which of the following have a periplasmic space? A) Gram-negative bacteria only B) Gram-positive bacteria only C) both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria D) archaea E) eukaryotes


Which of the following prokaryotic cells contain an outer membrane? A) Gram-negative bacteria only B) Gram-positive bacteria only C) both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria D) archaea E) all prokaryotes


Which of the following statements concerning conjugation pili is FALSE? A) Pili are longer than fimbriae and flagella. B) Pili facilitate the transfer of DNA among bacterial cells. C) Pili are long, hollow tubules. D) Not all bacteria have pili. E) A bacterial cell will usually have only one or two pili.


Which of the following statements concerning the characteristics of life is FALSE? A) Reproduction is defined as an increase in the size of an organism. B) Viruses have some, but not all, of the characteristics of living things. C) Organisms may not exhibit all of the characteristics of life at all times. D) Reproduction can occur asexually or sexually in living things. E) Living things store metabolic energy in the form of chemicals such as ATP.


Chloroplasts differ from mitochondria in that the former have A) DNA. B) two lipid bilayers. C) 70S ribosomes. D) thylakoids. E) cristae.


Endospores survive a variety of harsh conditions in part because of the presence of A) mycolic acid. B) lipopolysaccharide. C) hopanoids. D) dipicolinic acid. E) glycoproteins


The cytoplasmic membranes of ________ contain unbranched phospholipids and proteins. A) archaeal cells B) bacterial cells C) eukaryotic cells D) both bacterial and eukaryotic cells E) archaeal, bacterial, and eukaryotic cells


The glycocalyx of a eukaryotic cell performs all of the following functions EXCEPT A) protection against dehydration. B) anchoring cells to each other. C) cellular recognition and communication. D) transfer of genetic material between cells. E) strengthening the cell surface.


What types of molecules may NOT need transport proteins to be able to cross cytoplasmic membranes? A) large molecules B) ions C) small hydrophobic molecules D) small hydrophilic molecules E) nothing crosses cytoplasmic membranes without transport proteins


Which of the following eukaryotic processes involve pseudopodia? A) endocytosis B) exocytosis C) amoeboid action D) both amoeboid action and endocytosis E) both endocytosis and exocytosis


Which of the following is a nonmembranous organelle found only in eukaryotic cells? A) cytoskeleton B) flagellum C) ribosome D) centriole E) pilus


Which of the following statements about the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is CORRECT? A) The rough ER is the site of lipid synthesis. B) The smooth ER has ribosomes associated with it. C) The ER is a lipid storage organelle. D) The ER is a transport system within the cytoplasm. E) The smooth ER is a site of ATP synthesis.


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