Microchem Final

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Which of the following phrases describes a contagious disease?

A AND B, a disease arising from fomites and a disease that is easily passed from host to host in aerosols

What is a prion?

A proteinaceous infective particle

What is the benefit of memory T cells that remain in the lymphoid tissues for years after an infection?

A quick response without the need for activation by APCs

Which of the following diseases is caused most commonly by protozoan infections?

African sleeping sickness

Which of the following is NOT a potential cause of herpes virus infection recurrence?


Which microorganisms are used to make microbiological growth media?


Which one of the following is NOT a difference between bacteria and archaea?

All archaea are extremophiles

Which of the following statements are FALSE?

All known prokaryotes have been successfully cultured

Where in the respiratory system does gas exchange occur?


Proteins are polymers of....

Amino Acids

Which of the following statements is true concerning the selection of an antimicrobial agent?

An ideal antimicrobial agent is stable during storage, fast acting and does not exist

How would you culture an organism that grows best in 5% CO₂?

Anaerobic jar

During which stage of mitosis do sister chromatids separate to opposite poles of the cell?


What is the term that best describes a severe allergic reaction to an antimicrobial agent?

Anaphylactic shock

A person with type A blood has what type of ABO antibodies in their plasma?


What molecules interact during a precipitation test?

Antigens and antibodies

Who is responsible for building the first simple microscope?

Antoni van Leeuwenhoek

What scientist first promulgated the theory of abiogenesis?


What area of the skin is the most common place to find large numbers of normal microbiota?

Armpits & between the legs

Which of the following adjectives best describes a surgical procedure that is free of microbial contaminants?


Both ionizing and non-ionizing radiation tend to effect what?


Which of the following molecules functions as a "proofreader" for a newly replicated strand of DNA?

DNA polymerase

Bacteria and Archaea are grouped into taxa primarily based on which of the following characteristics?

DNA, RNA, and protein sequences

Which of the following is the largest?


What type of reaction involves two small molecules being joined together by a covalent bond, with the release of a water molecule?


Which of the following is NOT a mechanism of action of any antimicrobial agent?

Dehydration of pathogenic cells

Which layer of the skin houses the sweat glands?


The preservation of beef jerky from microbial growth relies on which method of microbial control?


Which of the following is considered to be the major respiratory muscle?


Which of the following is NOT something used in differential media to help distinguish between different kinds of bacteria?

Different carbon sources

Which of the following is NOT a disease of the lower respiratory system?


A horror movie portrays victims of biological warfare with uncontrolled bleeding from the eyes, mouth, nose, ears, and anus. What actual virus causes these symptoms?


Who coined the term "vaccination?"

Edward Jenner

Which of the following is NOT a type of formed element found in plasma?


Which cellular process results in the most significant production of ATP?

Electron transport chain

Some microorganisms can carry out photosynthesis in order to make their own food, however these reactions require energy input from the sun. What type of reaction is this?


With regards to metabolic reactions, what does "endergonic" mean?

Energy input is required for reaction

Which of the following choices is NOT a function preformed by proteins?

Energy storage

What is the best drug to administer to someone suffering from anaphylaxis?


What is the virulence factor that certain strains of S. aureus possess allowing it to cause toxic shock syndrome?


Which part of the digestive tract is responsible for digesting and absorbing the majority of nutrients?


All of the following are characteristic symptoms of type I hypersensitivity reactions EXCEPT.......


What is the function of the hairs that line the nasal cavity?

Filter out large particles and microbes

What is the standard treatment for a bacterial intoxication?

Fluid and electrolyte replacement

Lyophilization can be described as


Which of the following is NOT a domain of life?


Scientists have begun to manipulate genes in microbes, plants and animals for practical applications. What is the cutting edge technology called?

Genetic Engineering

Generally, what are the two parts of the binomial name of an organism?

Genus and specific epithet

Which term associated with tuberculosis refers to calcified nodules in the lungs?

Ghon complexes

Frothy, greasy diarrhea is caused by


What disease is also known as "the clap?"


Which of the following is a differential staining process?

Gram Stain

Which are more commonly associated with septicemia?

Gram-negative bacteria

What percent salt concentrations are required by halophiles?

Greater than 9%

Select the true statement about gummas.

Gummas are rubbery, painfully swollen lesions.

Fever blisters are most often caused by


Which term best describes a cell that contains only one single copy of each chromosome?


What is one of the oldest and most common means of microbial control?


What is the causative agent of most peptic ulcers?

Helicobacter pylori

Which of the following types of microbes are not normally found in colon of a healthy individual?


What type of test is used to determine blood type?


Which virus is strongly associated with liver cancer?

Hepatitis B virus

What is the name of the inflammatory mediator released by mast cells?


Which pathogenic fungus is found in the droppings of bats, chickens, and blackbirds

Histoplasma capsulatum

Where are you most likely to find archaea?

Hot springs

Which of the following statements is relevant in explaining why sulfonamides are effective?

Humans and microbes use folic acid and PABA differently in their metabolism

Which of the following terms most correctly describes the bonds in a molecule of water?

Hydrogen Bond

Which of the following substances would most effectively inhibit anaerobes in a deep wound?

Hydrogen peroxide

How would you classify a microbe that requires temperatures over 80°C?


The alternative pathway

Involves chemical recognition

Which of the following is NOT a reason why agar is used in microbiology?

It dissolves at 100 °C

Which of the following statements about a carbonated cola beverage with a pH of 2.9 is true?

It has a relatively high concentration of hydrogen ions.

Which of the following statements is the best definition of a pandemic disease?

It is an epidemic that occurs on more than one continent at the same time.

What electrons are transferred from donor molecules in a redox reaction, what happens to the donor molecule?

It is oxidized

Which of the following best describes the mechanism of action of aminoglycoside abx?

It targets the 30S ribosomes

Which statement most accurately describes the prokaryotic endospore?

It's a defensive strategy for survival in harsh conditions

Which of the following statements is NOT true of the Entner-Doudoroff pathway?

Its products are sometimes used to determine the presence of pseudomonas

Which scientist first hypothesized that medical personnel can infect pts with pathogens?

Joseph Lister

Which of the following does NOT have a high G + C content?


A disease in which a pathogen remains inactive for a long period of time before becoming active is termed a(n)

Latent Dz

Microbes today are used in many ways to help improve our lives. Which of the following are NOT a contribution by microbes?

Laundry detergent

Which of the following choices is the most acidic?

Lemon juice

Which of the following is not a criterion for specific family classification of viruses?

Lipid composition

Which of the following are hydrophobic organic molecules?


Which of the following routes of administration results in the lowest drug concentration in the body?


Which of the following is NOT a route of administration used for internal infections?


Who is consider to be the "Father of Microbiology"?

Louis Pasteur

What is the best method of preservation to use if you wanted to preserve a bacterial culture for 10yrs or longer?


What must a scientist do before a specimen can be stained?

Make a smear and heat fix it

What type of cells release histamine?

Mast cells

What is the best way to measure microbial growth if the population of microbes in a sample is very small?

Membrane filtration

0.000001 m (or 10⁻⁶ m) is equivalent to which unit of measure?


Which unit of measure is used measure the size of cells?


How are bacteriophages able to find and attach to host cells?

They randomly collide with host cells, then viral tail fibers attach to receptors on the host cell surface

How do atoms interact with one another to form chemical bonds?

They share or transfer valence electrons

Which of the following is considered a primary lymphoid organ?


How does a person acquire Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Disease?

Tick bite

What of the following is the primary function of eosinophils?

To attach to and attack parasitic worms

What is the function of erythrocytes?

To carry oxygen and carbon dioxide

What is the function of neurotransmitters?

To carry signals across the synaptic cleft

What is the function of the tonsils?

To combat microbes using immune cells and various chemicals

What is the main purpose of cell-mediated immunity?

To fight intracellular pathogens and abnormal body cells

What is the function of the membrane attack complex (MAC) ?

To form a circular hole in the membrane of pathogens

What is the function of isomerase enzymes?

To rearrange atoms with a molecule

What is the main function of B lymphocytes?

To secrete soluble antibodies

Which of the following is NOT a way for a person to become infected with Treponema pallidum?

Toilet seat

What is fomite transmission of disease?

Transmission by inanimate objects

Which of the following ascomycetes infect hair?


Which of the following is NOT a direct method for measuring microbial growth?


Which of the following does NOT affect the function of enzymes?


Which of the following locations lacks normal microbiota?

Urinary bladder

What caused an epidemic of Toxic Shock Syndrome in the U.S. in the 1980s?

Use of super absorbent tampons

What causes the formation of fluid-filled blisters which are characteristic of a genital herpes infection?

Viral destruction of epithelial cells

Which of the following diseases is not a zoonosis?

Viral meningitis

Another name for a complete virus is


How are viroids different from viruses?

Viroids lack capsids

Which statement most accurately describes viral replication?

Viruses are dependent upon host cell replication machinery

What microorganism are not eukaryotic?


What term best describes an agent that kills microbes as opposed to temporarily inhibiting their growth and reproduction?


The majority of microbes composing the normal microbiota of the GI tract are in the genus


What is the causative agent of Cat Scratch Disease?

Bartonella henselae

What is the name of the skin's most actively dividing cells?

Basal cells

All of the following are ways that viruses can cause human cancer EXCEPT......

Viruses can cause abnormalities in the host cell membrane

Which of the following statements is true?

Viruses lack a cell membrane

Which of the following is NOT a organic compound?


Which of the following is NOT a special property of water?

Water converts from a liquid to a gas quickly and over a narrow range of temperatures

What happens if a cell is placed in a hypertonic solution?

Water leaves the cell, cxing it to shrink

What of the following does NOT influence the degree of magnification of an object?

Wavelength of light

Why are people with type O blood known as universal donors?

Because neither A nor B antigens are present on their RBC

What type of antimicrobial agent works by inhibiting the formation of the peptidoglycan layer in the bacterial cell walls?


What is the most common method of prokaryotic reproduction?

Binary Fusion

Malaria is spread by what type of transmission?

Biological vector

What is the process that uses living microorganisms to detoxify polluted environments?


Which of the following is NOT involved in a type I hypersensitivity reaction?

Blood group antigens

Following a backpacking trip in Vermont, a hiker experienced flulike symptoms and noticed a round, red rash on her thigh. What is the likely cause of her illness?

Borrelia burgdorferi

Which bacterial disease of the nervous system, if left untreated, results in flaccid paralysis?


What term best describes drugs that are effective against many different kinds of pathogens?


Which of the following describes the best way to collect a clinical specimen from the skin?

Brush a sterile swab across skin, being careful not to contact other areas

Which of the following is NOT a form of locomotion used by protozoa?


What do you call substrates that can be added to a microbial culture to prevent drastic changes in pH?


When performing "phage typing," how would one know if the bacterium is killed by any of the bacteriophages?

By the formation of a plaque

What must be done to a sample before performing the pour plate technique?

CFU must be separated by performing serial dilutions

When a eukaryotic cell is infected with an enveloped virus and sheds viruses slowly over time, this infection is

Called a persistent infection

Reactions involved in the light-independent reactions of photosynthesis constitute the

Calvin-Benson Cycle

Which causative agent of bacterial gastroenteritis is the most common in the U.S.?

Campylobacter jejuni

What type of stain is repulsed by the negative charge on the surface of cells and actually stains the background instead?

Capsule stain

What type of macromolecules are polysaccarides?


Who developed the taxonomic system?

Carolus Linnaeus

The glycolysis pathway is basically


What is another name for a decomposition reaction?


What is the name of the process in which larger molecules are broken down into smaller products to release energy?


What do you call an atom that has a full positive charge?


What type of cells are used in a continuous cell culture?

Cells derived from tumor cells

A leading cause of heart failure in South America is

Chagas' disease

What do you call an organism that can make its own orgainic compounds from CO₂?


What do you call drugs that act against dz?


What was Paul Ehrlich's contribution to fighting infection and dz?


All of the following are examples of zoonotic diseases EXCEPT.......


What is the name of the main substance that makes up the cell walls of fungi?


Which of the following statements concerning properly used condoms is false?

Condoms reduce the spread of genital warts.

How do people acquire Legionnaires' Disease?

Contaminated water

Which of the following is an important role of methanogens?

Conversion of organic wastes into methane gas

Which of the following is NOT a type of prokaryotic cell morphology?


Which of the following is NOT a part of the central nervous system?

Cranial nerves

Which of the following is NOT common to mitosis and meiosis?

Crossing over

What are the effects of pyrogenic toxins produced by group A Streptococci?

Cytokine release, fever, rash, shock

What type of lymphocyte is responsible for killing abnormal or virus infected cells?

Cytotoxic T (Killer T) cell

What is another term for a Kirby-Bauer test to evaluate the efficacy of antimicrobial agents against a pathogen?

Zone of inhibition test


a substance used to synthesize folic acid

Which of the following factors is important in making an image appear larger?

the thickness of the lens, the curvature of the lens, and the speed of light passing through the lens

A sample of E. coli has been subjected to heat for a specific time, and 90% of the cells have been destroyed. Which of the following terms best describes this event?

thermal death time

Which of the following is NOT a mechanism of natural genetic transfer and recombination?


Redox reactions:

transfer energy, transfer electrons, involve oxidation and reduction

A foul-smelling, yellowish-green vaginal discharge characterizes


The Ames test

uses autotrophs and liver extract to reveal potential mutagens

The most common form of meningitis is

viral meningitis

What is the ball of cells called that forms after the fusion of an egg and a sperm?


When herpes simplex virus 1 goes latent, where in the body does the virus "hide?"


Which of the following structures have no electrical charge?


Which of the following microscopes produces a three dimensional image with a shadowed appearance?

Nomarski microscope

When two atoms equally share one pair of electrons, what kind of chemical bond is formed?

Nonpolar covalent bond

How is the pH of the vagina maintained at 4.5?

Normal microbiota

Which term is given to a disease that is acquired in a healthcare setting?


What type of microbes must posses the enzyme superoxide dismutase?

Obligate aerobes

Which of the following is a sign of bacterial meningitis?

Opaque cerebrospinal fluid

What is the term for the process in which pathogens are coated with antimicrobial proteins to increase the likelihood of phagocytosis?


What is the final electron acceptor of aerobic respiration?


Which of the following is most closely associated with beta-lactam ring?


All of the following are signs and symptoms of inflammation EXCEPT......


What is dysuria?

Painful urination

What is the name of a heating process used today to eliminate pathogens in milk, juice, and other beverages?


Who was the first person to envision the use of chemicals to selectively kill pathogens without harming the pt?

Paul Ehrlich

Which of the following is NOT a possible neurological manifestation of a person infected with rabies?

Perpetual muscle contraction

What type of microscopy depends on the illumination of the background of an object?

Phase contrast

What is the most common lipid involved in catabolic processes to produce ATP and various metabolites?


The meninx lying closest to the spinal cord is the

Pia Mater

Which layer of the meninges is closest to the spinal cord?

Pia Mater

A clear zone of phage infection in a bacterial lawn is a


What is a common and relatively inexpensive method for estimating viral numbers?

Plaque assay

How is diphtheria initially diagnosed and distinguished from other upper respiratory diseases?

Presence of pseudomembrane

Which of the following is NOT a factor that can influence the rate of an enzymatic reaction?


Which of the following items functions most like an autoclave?

Pressure cooker

Which stage of syphilis is characterized by chancres filled with contagious spirochetes?


Which phase of syphilis is characterized by the appearance of chancres at the site of infection?

Primary phase

What is the main difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes?

Prokaryotes do not have a defined nucleus, eukaryotes do

Toxoplasma gondii, which can have many detrimental effects on a fetus in utero, is what type of microbe?


The opportunistic pathogen often seen in burn victims is


Organisms that preferentially may thrive in icy waters are described as ?


When referring to microbial culture, what does "axenic" mean?

Pure culture

What is the physiological trigger for a fever?


What is the name of the starting molecule in the Krebs cycle?


Transcription produces

RNA molecules

Which of the following vaccines is NOT recommended by the CDC for use on the general population?


Which of the following is NOT a sign or symptom of a pseudomonas infection?

Rash on the face and neck

Which of the following is an example of a type II hypersensitivity reaction?

Reaction to a blood transfusion

Which of the following best describes passive immunization?

Receiving antibodies from a donor

What type of medium would you use to culture an obligate anaerobe?

Reducing medium

What is the best method for storing bacterial cultures for short periods of time?


What is the function of the kidneys?

Remove wastes from the blood

What do you call a microscopes ability to distinguish between two objects that are close together?


Which of the following statements best describes the level of specificity involved in an adaptive immune response?

Responses are precisely tailored against specific pathogens

DNA can be found in all of the following locations in a eukaryotic cell EXCEPT....


What is one of signs physicians look for when diagnosing a patient with Cholera?

Rice water stool

All of the following bacterial diseases can be caused by Staphylococcal species EXCEPT......

Rocky mountain spotted fever

The oily lipid secreted by glands in the dermis is called


Which type of nerves are responsible for carrying signals from the organs to the CNS?

Sensory nerves

Why is otitis media more common in children than adults?

Size and position of auditory tubes

What is a viroid?

Small circular pieces of RNA that are infectious to plants

What dz did Edward Jenner develop a vaccine for in the late 1700s?


The type of reproduction in prokaryotes that results in a palisade arrangement of cells is called

Snapping division

Which of the following is NOT a reason why scientists use stains to view microbes?

So that microbes can be observed while still alive

What specific instrument is used to measure the turbidity of a microbial population?


Which of the following terms best describes stiff, spiral-shaped prokaryotic cells?


Which of the following is NOT describe the ideal antimicrobial agent?

Stable and active in the body for an extended period of time

What term best describes "bunches of grapes" arrangement of cocci shapes prokaryotes?


What is the most common species of Staphylococcus found on the skin?

Staphylococcus epidermidis

Which of the following are sources of abx EXCEPT.....

Staphylococcus species

Select the appropriate method microbial control for surgical instruments.


What is the removal of ALL microbes in or on an object?


Which of the following statements provides the definition of sterilization om practical terms?

Sterilization eliminates harmful microorganisms and viruses

A bacterium associated with bacteremia, meningitis, and pneumonia in newborns is

Streptococcus agalactiae

Where within the nervous system can you find cerebrospinal fluid?

Subarachnoid space

Which of the following is the first antimicrobial agent that could be used safely to tx bacterial infections?


What is the term used describe characteristics of a disease that are felt by the patient?


Which of the following is an autoimmune disease?

Systemic lupus erythematosus

In the late 1700s, a system was developed for naming plants and animals and grouping similar organisms together. What is the system called?

Taxonomic System

Which of the following statements accurately describes prophase?

The cell constructs microtubules to form a spindle. Chromatids separate and become known as chromosomes.

Which of the following is NOT a reason why a population of cells growing in culture eventually enter the death phase?

The cells are too old

Which pathway of complement activation acts in conjunction with the action of antibodies?

The classical pathway

What do you call a microscope's ability to distinguish between two objects that are close together?

The distance between two corresponding parts of a wave of radiation

Which of the following best defines "wavelength"?

The distance between two corresponding parts of a wave of radiation

What is a benefit of using a defined medium over a complex medium?

The exact chemical composition is known

What is the disease-causing form of the prion protein, "PrP"?

The form with -pleated sheets

When determining antibody concentration in a serum sample, what does "titer" mean?

The highest dilution of serum that still causes the sample to agglutinate

How is an object magnified by light passing through a lens?

The lens refracts the light rays and focuses them on a focal point. The object appears larger as the rays of light pass through the focal point.

What advantages of using dark-field microscopy instead of bright-field?

The light source does not have to be as intense

The atomic number of an element is....

The number of protons

Why are some bacteria, such as those of the genera Mycobacteria and Nocardia, not effectively stained with a Gram stain?

They have large amounts of waxy lipids in their cell walls

When antigen and antibodies combine, maximal precipitation occurs when

antigen and antibody are at equivalent concentrations

Diets high in sugars and starches increase the risk of tooth decay because they

are converted to acids by bacteria; the acid then destroys tooth enamel.


are organic cofactors

The type of poliomyelitis that accounts for about 90% of the cases is

asymptomatic polio

Choose the answer that correctly lists the choices in order of increasing complexity.

atoms, molecules, compounds

Which of the following is part of each molecule of mRNA?


Multiple nuclear divisions without cytoplasmic divisions result in cells called


Haploid nuclei

contain one set of chromosomes.

The epidermis

contains a waterproofing protein.

An axenic environment is one that

contains only one species.

Which of the following is not typically a part of a HAART cocktail for treating AIDS?


Which one of the following diseases is an indicator disease signalling that an HIV-positive individual has progressed to AIDS?


The most severe form of acne is

cystic acne

Activation energy

is lowered by the action of organic catalysts

A cardiologist examines a patient with history of drug abuse and a recent tooth extraction and notes darkening under the fingernails. What should the diagnosis be?


Which of the following pairs of diseases may be associated with S. pyogenes?

erysipelas and necrotizing fasciitis

A plasmid is

extrachromosomal DNA

Multi drug resistance microbes

frequently develop in hospitals

A collection of many neuron cell bodies outside the CNS is a


The most common sexually transmitted disease in the United States is

genital warts

One of the more common waterborne gastrointestinal diseases seen in the United States is


The major cause of bacterial pharyngitis is

group A Streptococcus

A positive tuberculin skin test indicates that a patient not immunized against tuberculosis

has been exposed to tuberculosis antigens

A reduced molecule

has gained electrons

A naked virus

has no membranous envelope.

A complement fixation test requires which of the following?

heat-inactivated serum

Which of the following lymphocytes predominates in blood?

helper T cells

Which of the following are most likely to cause disease?

highly virulent organisms

The major inflammatory mediator released by degranulating mast cells in type I hypersensitivity is


A patient contracted athlete's foot after long-term use of a medication. His physician explained that the malady was directly related to the medication. Such infections are termed

iatrogenic infections.

All of the following are possible after receiving a vaccination EXCEPT.......


The first microorganisms were observed under a microscope.....

in a drop of water

Which of the following is the correct sequence of events in infectious diseases?

incubation, prodromal period, illness, decline, convalescence

Before mutations can affect a population permanently, they must be


Streptococcal toxic shock-like syndrome

is a toxemia

Compared to the upper respiratory system, the lower respiratory system

is normally devoid of microorganisms

Complement fixation

is positive when the test tube is cloudy

Another name for the mitral valve is the

left atrioventricular valve.

Hansen's disease is also known as


Which of the following is not part of the gastrointestinal tract?


Which of the following is different between light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy?

magnification, resolution, and wavelengths

Antibodies function to

mark invading organisms for destruction

Which of the following methods is best for counting fecal bacteria from a stream to determine the safety of the water for drinking?

membrane filtration

The addition of -CH₃ to a cytosine nucleotide after DNA replication is called


Which of the following is the smallest?


The functional unit of a kidney is the


Bacteria that convert ammonia (NH3) into nitrate (NO3-) are

nitrifying bacteria

Blood plasma includes

nutrients and gases dissolved in liquid.

Which of the following terms best describes an organism that cannot exist in the presence of oxygen?

obligate anaerobe

The phase of whooping cough in which the characteristic "whoop" is obvious is the

paroxysmal phase

Which of the following are minute hemorrhagic skin lesions?


A virus that is specific for a bacterial host is called a


Which of the following microscopes combines the greatest magnification with the best resolution?

phase contrast microscope

Which of the following types of warts are found on the soles of the feet?

plantar warts

Which is spread from person to person?

pneumonic plague

Which of the following is important in developing dengue hemorrhagic fever?

previous infection

Which of the following sequences reflects the correct order of events in mitosis?

prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase

The atomic mass of an atom most closely approximates the sum of all masses of all its...

protons and neutrons

Which of the following is not associated with impetigo?


Tularemia is also known as

rabbit fever.

Which of the following diseases is a zoonosis?


Curved glass lenses __________ light


Most oxidation reactions in bacteria involve the

removal of hydrogen ions and electrons

Cross resistance is

resistance to one antimicrobial agent because of its similarity to another antimicrobial agent

Hemolytic disease of the newborn is caused by antibodies against which major blood group antigen?

rhesus antigen

Which of the following is not an "acellular agent" ?


Which of the following is the vector for leishmaniasis?

sand fly

Which of the following terms best describes the disinfecting of cafeteria plates?


The key to successful chemotherapy is

selective toxicity

Nerves that primarily carry impulses toward the central nervous system are

sensory nerves

The study of antibody-antigen interaction in the blood is


The complement system involves

serum proteins involved in nonspecific immune-based defense.

Human immunodeficiency viruses most likely arose from

simian immunodeficiency virus

The labaratory of Robert Koch contributed which of the following to the field of microbiology?

simple staining technique, use of petri dishes, and the first photomicrograph of bacteria

The major portion of food digestion occurs in the

small intestine

Which part of the digestive tract is responsible for digesting and absorbing the majority of nutrients?

small intestine

The first disease for which immunization was perfected was


A direct fluorescent antibody test can be used to detect the presence of

specific antigens

Flexible spiral-shaped prokaryotes are


Which of the following would not play a role in preventing infection with amoebae?

sterile drinking water

This statement, "In the laboratory, a sterile inoculating loop is moved across the agar surface with a culture dish, thinning a sample and isolating individuals," describes which of the following?

streak plate

What is a likely danger resulting from the release of vegetations of endocarditis into the blood?


The type of endocarditis that develops slowly over a period of weeks or months is described as

subacute bacterial endocarditis

In which stage of syphilis is penicillin ineffective?

tertiary syphilis

Which of the following sequences most accurately describes the passage of sperm through the reproductive tract?

testis, epididymis, ductus deferens, urethra, penis

In a kirby-Bauer susceptibility test, the presence of a zone of inhibition around disks containing antimicrobial agents indicates

that the microbe does not grow in the presence of the antigens

Resolution is best described as....

the ability to distinguish between two adjacent objects

An anti-antibody is used when

the antigen is an antibody.

With regards to microscopy, "contrast" is best described as.....

the differences in intensity between an object and its background

The microbial death rate is used to measure

the efficiency of a detergent, the efficiency of an antiseptic, the efficiency of sanitization techniques

In a defined medium,

the exact chemical composition of the medium is known

The most reactive of the four toxic forms of oxygen is

the hydroxyl radical

A major difference between anaerobic respiration and anaerobic fermentation is

the latter uses organic molecules within the cell as final electron acceptors

An antiserum is

the liquid portion of blood used for immunization

One isotope of iodine differs from another in.....

the number of neutrons

Attenuation is

the process of reducing virulence.

The most frequent portal of entry for pathogens is

the respiratory tract

Under ideal conditions, the complete aerobic oxidation of one molecule of glucose by a bacterium allows a net gain of how many ATP molecules?


The element carbon has 6 protons and 6 neutrons in its nucleus. Which of the following represents the carbon-14 isotope?

6 protons, 8 neutrons

Which statement regarding a chlamydial infection is most accurate?

85% of women are asymptomatic

How can physicians prevent hemolytic disease in newborns?

Administration of anti-Rh serum

What is the name of the protein molecules released by host cells to inhibit the spread of viral infections?


DNA replication occurs during which stage of the eukaryotic life cycle?


Which microbe is not considered normal microbiota of the upper respiratory system?

Neisseria gonorrheae

In what year were viruses first seen?


Under ideal conditions, the fermentation of one glucose molecule by a bacterium allows a net gain of how many ATP molecules?


Nucleotides used in the replication of DNA

1. are energy storage molecules 2. are found in four forms, each with deoxyribose sugar, a phosphate, and a base 3. are present in the cytosol of all cells as triphosphate nucleotides

A millimeter is ..........

1/1000 of one meter

What is the size range of virus particles?

10 nm to 400 nm

A nanometer is _________ than a micrometer

1000 times smaller

When did scientists first start studying genetics?


Which of the following viruses can be latent?

ALL HIV, Herpes and chickenpox

What can cause normal microbiota to become opportunistic pathogens?

ALL Hormonal changes, stress and immune supression

Cerebrospinal fluid is

ALL formed deep within the brain, found in the subarachnoid space, and withdrawn in a spinal tap.

Mucus-secreting membranes are found in the

ALL urinary system, digestive cavity, respiratory passages.

Which of the following is an example of a portal of exit?

ALL. Blood, Urine, Bodily secretions

What does the G + C Classification system indicate?

ALL. G + C ratio means the percentage of base pairs in the bacterial genome that are guanine-cytosine, A low G + C ratio is under 50% Clostridia and mycoplasma species are low G + C Gram Positive bacteria

How prevalent are sexually transmitted diseases in the world today?

ALL. Millions of cases each year, 50%-90% go unreported, and 1/3 of all STD cases are in those under age 25

What do medical personnel administer to counteract various type I hypersensitivities?

ALL. antihistamine, bronchodilator, corticosteroid and epinephrine

Monoclonal antibodies

ALL. are produced by hybridomas, are secreted by clone cells, and can be used for passive immunization


ALL. can remain alive for decades, can remain alive in boiling water, live in a state of suspended animation


ALL. do not protect the cell that secretes them, stimulate the activity of neutrophils, and cause muscle aches, chills, and fever

Treatment of chlamydial infections involves

ALL. erythromycin cream, tetracycline, and surgical correction of eyelid deformities

What is a concern for tissue that does not receive its needed blood supply?

ALL. ischemia, necrosis and gas gangrene

Which of the following binds iron?

ALL. lactoferrin, siderophores, and transferrin

In which of the following sites in the body can B cells be found?

ALL. lymph nodes, spleen, red bone marrow and intestinal wall

An eschar is

ALL. painless, black and a crusty ulcer.

Archaea prefer which type of environment?

Acidic hot springs, swamp mud and great salt lake

The trp operon is respressible. This means it is usually _______ and is directly controlled by _______.


What is the name of a substance added to a vaccine to increase the antigenicity?


What is one way to prevent the occurrence of a type I hypersensitivity reaction?

Identification and avoidance

What class of antibody aids in clearing pneumonia causing bacteria from the airways?


Which class of antibody is most commonly associated with mucous membranes and secretions?


The immunoglobulin class that mediates type I hypersensitivity is


What are the maternal antibodies that cross the placenta and lead to the development of hemolytic disease in a newborn?


Which type of test can be used to detect multiple different antibodies against different antigens of the same pathogen?


All of the following are ways that humans acquire normal flora EXCEPT.....

In the womb

What is the function of B-lactamase which is produced by more virulent strains of Staphylococcus aureus?

Inactivates certain antibiotics

Common methods of using moist heat to control microbial growth include all but which of the following?


How do people become infected with Listeria monocytogenes?

Ingesting contaminated food or drink

Why is vasodilation a beneficial response to if the body is invaded by pathogens?

More blood, oxygen, and nutrients are delivered to the site of infection

Which of the following is NOT a benefit to microbes living in a biofilm?

More choices for reproductive mates, thus more genetic diversity

Consider the following case. An animal was infected with a virus. A mosquito bit the animal, was contaminated with the virus, and proceeded to bite and infect a person. Which was the vector?


Which of the following is false concerning microbial contaminants?

Most microbial contaminants will eventually cause harm.

Where does starch digestion begin?


What viral disease is characterized by swelling of the lymph nodes on each side of the face?


In which type of symbiosis do both members benefit from their interaction?


Bacteria in each of the following genera can cause pneumonia EXCEPT......


Which of the following groups does not have DNA with a low G + C content?


The presence of mycolic acid in the cell wall characterizes


The spores of which organism are used as a biological indicator of sterilization?

Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Choose the compound that is held together with ionic bonds.

NaCl (salt)

What unit of measure is used to measure the size of viruses and cellular and cellular organelles?


Which of the following is NOT a viral disease?

Necrotizing fasciitis

Which of the following favored the spontaneous generation?


Which statement best describes the environment of the skin and its affect on microbial growth?

The skin is inhospitable for most microbes, but there are still some normal microbiota present

What type of microorganisms would you find living near hot springs?


Halophiles are distinctive because

They are dependent on high salt concentrations to maintain a cell wall.

Which of the following is a true statement concerning prokaryotic chromosomes?

They are located in the cytosol

All of the following are characteristics of protozoa EXCEPT which one......

They have a thick cell wall

Rejection of a foreign skin graft is an example of

a cell-mediated immune response

Which of the following vaccine types is commonly given with an adjuvant?

a chemically killed vaccine

The movement of mucus from lungs to pharynx is due to

a ciliary escalator

Which of the following can grow in a Petri plate on a laboratory table?

a colony on an agar surface

A coulter counter is

a device that directly counts microbes as they pass through a tube in in front of the electronic detector

A nucleotide is composed of

a five carbon sugar, phosphate and a nitrogenous base

An autoantigen is

a normal body component

A deficiency of both B cells and T cells is most likely

a primary immunodeficiency

Infection with HIV causes

acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

The process by which microorganisms attach themselves to cells is


Drugs that act against protein synthesis include?


A sequence of nucleotides formed during replication of the lagging DNA strand is

an Okazaki fragment

The aorta is

an artery.

When a surgeon conducts a cardiac bypass operation by transplanting a piece of vein from a patient's leg to the same patient's heart, this is

an autograft

An ELISA uses which of the following reagents?

an enzyme-labeled anti-antibody

Leeuwenhoek described microorganisms as


Which microbial group contributes the greater number of causative agents to overall digestive tract diseases in the United States?


Bacterial infection of the vagina that does not involve inflammation is called

bacterial vaginosis

When pathogenic bacterial cells lose the ability to make adhesins, they

become avirulent.

Toll-like receptors (TLRs) act to

bind microbial proteins and polysaccharides

Toxemia refers to

blood poisoning due to toxins.

Toxin released from dying Gram-negative bacteria is

called endotoxin.


cannot cx dz in humans

Microaerophiles that grow best with a high concentration of carbon dioxide in addition to a low level of oxygen is called?


Negative stains such as eosin are also called.....

capsule stains

The definitive host for Toxoplasma gondii is


Which of the following is NOT a growth factor for various microbes?


A patient has large wartlike growths, some with surrounding inflammation. What fungal disease is indicated?


Protease is an enzyme required by HIV to:

cleave a polypeptide so as to form reverse transcriptase.

Fixed phagocytes of the epidermis are called

dendritic cells

Most of the symptoms associated with hepatitis are due to

destruction of liver cells by virus

Diffusion and dilution tests that expose pathogens to antimicrobials are designed to

determine which drug is most effective and determine the amount of a drug to use against a particular pathogen

Superoxide dismutase

detoxifies superoxide radicals

Why are antimicrobial agents selectively toxic towards pathogens without harming the pt?

differences in cellular structure/metabolism

How is septicemia introduced into the body?

direct inoculation into the blood

Which of the following substances or processes kills microorganisms on laboratory surfaces?


Which of the following statements is false?

dsRNA is found in bacteria more often than in viruses.

In water, cations and anions of salts disassociate from one another and became surrounded by water molecules. In this state, the ions are also called.....


Which of the following types of radiation is more widely used as an antimicrobial technique?

electron beams

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