Microsoft Suite Excel Review Questions
Currency is an example of a number format. a. True b. False
Which of the following will you select as X in the given series of clicks to insert a pie chart: Insert > Charts group > X >? a. Insert Column Chart b. Insert Combo Chart c. Insert Pie or Doughnut Chart d. Insert Stock, Surface or Radar Chart
Bertie wants to show data labels inside a text bubble shape. Which option can she click on after clicking on the arrow next to Data labels under Chart Elements? a. Best Fit b. Inside End c. Outside End d. Data Callout
The spell checker flags your company's name as a misspelling. Which of the following will stop the spell checker from flagging later occurrences in the document? a. Change All b. Change c. Ignore Once d. Ignore All
You have selected a cell with a formula. Which of the following can you use to copy that formula to an adjacent cell? a. mode indicator b. Page Break Preview c. scroll bar d. Fill handle
A students wants to insert a column sparkline in Excel. To do this, she can click on the cell she wants to insert a Sparkline, then click Insert tab, select the Sparkline type of choice from the Sparklines group and then select OK. a. True b. False
Arlo wants to use goal seek to answer "what if" questions in a file. To do this, he clicks the cell in the spreadsheet that he wants to change, then selects the "X" button from the Data tab and selects Goal seek... from the drop down menu. What is X in the procedure? a. What-if Analysis b. Data Validation c. Consolidate d. Relationships
How can you remove Split panes in a worksheet you are working on? a. Click the View tab in the Ribbon, then click the Split button in the Window group. b. Click the Page Layout tab in the Ribbon, then click the Bring Forward button in the Arrange group. c. Click the View tab in the Ribbon, then click the Split button and then the Hide button in the Window group. d. Click the Page layout tab in the Ribbon, then click the Insert Breaks button and choose from the drop down menu in the Page Setup group.
How can you remove data labels from a chart? a. Uncheck the box beside Data Labels in Chart Elements. b. Click on Remove on the options on the right side of Data Labels. c. Click on Delete on the options on the right side of Data Labels. d. Click to select the Data labels, then click on Edit and then Delete.
If you discover an error immediately after you have confirmed a cell entry, what of the following would you use next? a. The Undo button on the Quick Access toolbar b. The Cancel button on the Formula bar c. The Enter button on the Formula bar d. The Save button on the Quick Access toolbar
In the formula =SUM(A6:A9), which of the following best describes A6? a. argument b. function c. label d. active cell
Niki wants to insert a Line sparkline in Excel. To do this, she can click on the cell she wants to insert a Sparkline, then click Insert tab, select Line Sparkline from the Sparklines group and then OK. a. True b. False
Nisha wants to freeze all rows above row 4 in a worksheet she is working on to keep them visible while scrolling through the rest of the worksheet. Which of the following series of clicks will help her do so? a. Row 4 > View tab > Windows group > Freeze Panes > Freeze Panes b. Row 4 > View tab > Windows group > Freeze Panes > Freeze Top Row c. Row 3 > View tab > Windows group > Freeze Panes > Freeze Top Row > Arrange All d. Row 3 > View tab > Windows group > Freeze Panes > Freeze First Column > View Side by Side
The easiest way to insert the SUM function is to use the AutoSum button on the Home tab. a. True b. False
The score of students in a subject is inserted in B2 cell and the passing score for the subject is 60. Which of these functions will you insert in C2 cell to check if the student has passed or failed? a. =IF(B2>=60, "Pass", "Fail") b. =OR(B2>=60, "Pass", "Fail") c. =AND(B2>=60, "Pass", "Fail") d. =NOT(OR((B2>=60, "Pass", "Fail"))
To accept a suggested spelling for that instance only, which of the following would you click? a. Change b. Change All c. Ignore Once d. Add to Dictionary
To apply formats to data when it meets criteria you specify, you can use conditional formatting. a. True b. False
To enter data in a cell using examples already in your workbook, you can use the flash fill feature. a. True b. False
To format a range so that all values greater than $500 appear in red, which of the following can you use? a. conditional formatting b. cell formatting c. cell styles d. Quick Access toolbar
To format the cell value 44.54 as 44.540, you can use the Increase Decimal button. a. True b. False
To insert the current date in cell B1, type CURRENT DATE in cell A1 and NOW() in cell B1 and press ENTER. a. True b. False
To move a worksheet, you can drag its sheet tab to the left or right. a. True b. False
To return cell contents to its default font and style, you can use the _____ command. a. Clear Formats b. Clear Contents c. Clear All d. Clear Comments
To rotate cell contents, you use the Alignment tab in the Format Cells dialog box. a. True b. False
To select nonadjacent cells or ranges on a worksheet, you can press and hold _____ while selecting each one. a. CTRL b. ALT c. SHIFT d. ESC
To which of the following chart types can you not add axis titles? a. Pie chart b. Line chart c. Area chart d. Column chart
Ursula wants to freeze the header row so that it remains visible while she scrolls down the worksheet. To do so, she can click the View tab and then click Freeze Top Row. a. True b. False
What feature inserts a function that totals the cells above or to the left of the selected cell? a. AutoSum button b. absolute reference c. reference operator d. mode indicator
Where can you see a preview of how your worksheet will look when printed, including headers? a. Print tab in Backstage view b. Page Break preview c. Normal view d. File preview
Which of the following is true about inserting cells in a worksheet? a. Excel automatically adjusts cell references to reflect new formula locations. b. You need to adjust cell references in all formulas that have moved. c. You cannot insert cells in a worksheet. d. Cells below the inserted cells are always moved downward.
Which of the following is true when you delete a cell? a. When you delete cells using the Delete list arrow, you can choose which way to move adjacent cells. b. Row and column alignment will not be affected. c. You need to manually adjust cell references in surrounding formulas. d. You can use the Delete command on the Insert tab.
You can edit cell contents in the Formula bar or in the cell itself. a. True b. False
You can use the DELETE key to clear cell contents. a. True b. False
You double-click the Format Painter button when you want to _____. a. copy a cell's format to more than one cell b. copy a cell's format to only one cell c. use conditional formatting d. clear a cell's formatting
You've copied a cell containing formula to the rows below it, and the results in the copied cells are all zeros. To find the problem, what should you check for in your original formula? a. If it needs an absolute cell reference. b. If it needs a relative cell reference. c. If it needs landscape orientation. d. If it needs a function.
Your worksheet appears with a reduced view of each page and blue dividers where new pages begin. What view are you in? a. Normal view b. Page Layout view c. Page Break Preview d. Print Preview
You have cut the range A1:A5, and want to paste it to C1:C5. Which of the following statements is true? a. Before you paste it, you need to select C1:C5. b. Before you paste it, you only need to select cell C1. c. After you paste it, the information is deleted from the Clipboard. d. After you paste it, the information is deleted from the original location.
Bart needs to apply a sparkline style to a sparkline chart. To do so, he can click on the following: Sparkline chart > Design > Style (choose a style). a. True b. False
Changing a worksheet window to Normal view changes the contents of the worksheet. a. True b. False
Decreasing a cell's indent moves its contents to the right one space. a. True b. False
In formulas, calculations in square brackets are calculated first. a. True b. False
In the formula =B6*$B$2, which of the following describes $B$2? a. Relative cell reference b. Absolute cell reference c. Function d. Average
The Comma Style format adds a comma and a dollar sign to a cell value. a. True b. False
The default worksheet text is _____-point Calibri. a. 10 b. 11 c. 12 d. 14
To align currency symbols and decimal points in a column of numbers, you can apply the ____ number format. a. Currency b. Accounting c. Percentage d. General
To copy a cell's formatting to another cell, which of the following can you use? a. Format Cells dialog box b. Format Painter c. Quick Analysis Tool d. Format as Table
To preserve an exact cell address in a copied formula, you can use a relative cell reference. a. True b. False
To print worksheet contents across the length of a page, you can use portrait orientation. a. True b. False
When should you use relative cell references? a. When you want to preserve the exact cell address in a formula. b. When you want to preserve the relationship to the formula location. c. When you want to insert a function. d. When you want to enter sequential values in a range of cells.
When you change cell contents to italics, you are changing the cell's alignment. a. True b. False
When you enter a value in a worksheet cell, it is automatically left-aligned. a. True b. False
When you run the Spell Checker in a workbook, Excel automatically checks the spelling in all worksheets at once. a. True b. False
When you select a cell range, the cells must be adjacent to each other. a. True b. False
You can use the I-beam pointer to copy cell contents into adjacent cells. a. True b. False
Your worksheet appears with a reduced view of each page and blue dividers where new pages begin. What view are you in? a. Normal view b. Page Layout view c. Page Break Preview d. Print Preview
Your worksheet contains a price in cell A5, and many formulas refer to that price. How would you refer to that price in the formulas? a. A5 b. $A$5 c. $A5 d. A$5
To combine multiple cells into one combined cell, which of the following do you use? a. Column Width command b. Center button c. Merge and Center button d. Increase Indent button
To help you easily identify sheets in a workbook, you can add _____ to the sheet tab. a. Alignment b. Fonts c. Color d. Styles
Which of the following formulas totals the cells B6, B7, B8, B9, and B10 most efficiently? a. The formula =B6+B7+B8+B9+B10. b. The formula =TOTAL(B6-B10) c. The formula =SUM(B6:B10) d. The formula +SUM(B6-B10)
Your worksheet appears with a reduced view of each page and blue dividers where new pages begin. What view are you in? a. Normal view b. Page Layout view c. Page Break Preview d. Print Preview
To apply a cell style, you would use the Cell Styles command on the _____ tab. a. Layout b. Insert c. View d. Home
To change the name of a worksheet, you rename the _____. a. sheet columns b. sheet rows c. sheet header d. sheet tab
To rotate cell contents to an exact value, you change its _____. a. Font b. Width c. Indent d. Orientation
Which of the following functions inserts the total of a range? a. ROUND b. AUTOSUM c. AVERAGE d. SUM
Which of the following functions would you use to calculate the arithmetic mean of a price list? a. MAX b. COUNT c. SUM d. AVERAGE
Which of the following should you select as X in the following series of clicks to change the chart type to a clustered column chart: Chart > Chart Tools > Design tab > Type group > Change Chart Type > All Charts > X > Clustered Column > OK? a. Pie b. Bar c. Line d. Column