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Which of the following is the primary goal of a broad, inclusive social studies curriculum?

To equip children to become self-reliant, participating members of their communities

Three- and four-year-olds, who typically play with other children in minimally organized groups, dropping in and out of play, are engaged in:

associative play

Culture affects how a child hears musical sounds.


Functional play (infancy through early years) occurs when a child takes on a role and pretends to be someone else.


If a teacher wants to deal effectively with superhero characters that the children in her class are watching on television, she needs to watch the programs herself.


In art with young children it is more important to look at the process rather than to focus on the outcome or product.


It is best to sanitize water and wet sand toys on a daily basis.


The cooperative play stage signals a child's readiness to rely more on peers and less on adult


​Predictable books help children practice decoding words.


List four types of musical instruments and give two examples of each.

trumpet, brass instrument guitar, string instrument clarinet, wind instrument drums, percussion instrument

A clarinet is an example of a:

wind instrument

All but which of the following is true of children and fantasy play?

​Adults should discourage children from fantasy play as it may inhibit cognitive and emotional development

An appropriate field trip kit should contain a first aid kit, water, cups, and wet wash cloths in bags


Avoid baby talk when talking to children; use standard spoken language.


We should view a child with a disability as having a different skill level, the same as we view any other child with typical skills (which may fall at a variety of levels).


Musical instruments are useful for the musical education of young children and can also be used as toys.


Nesting boxes are examples of materials that have no right or wrong way to put them together.


Read stories and poems that have high literary merit to children, but avoid ordinary material such as magazines, labels, and signs.


The type of muscular coordination utilized in controlling a crayon, marker, or piece of chalk is the same as when controlling a paintbrush or a finger.


Assessment refers to the collection of information for the purpose of making educational decisions about children or groups of children or to evaluate a program's effectiveness.


Give four examples of natural materials children might collect and how they might use them in their art creations.

(Need answer)

In a well-planned indoor area of an early childhood school or center, the minimum usable space available per child should be:

35 square feet

Which of the following is true of reading aloud to young children?

Children at all ages should be read aloud to, in group and one-on-one settings.

Which of the following is not true of arts development in young children?

Children progress through a series of discrete stages in arts development

All but which of the following is an appropriate way to encourage appreciation of diversity in the arts in the early childhood classroom?

Display the best examples of student art projects where all can see them

All but which of the following is true of developmentally appropriate practice?

It follows a uniform, standardized set of activities and learning objectives

Which of the following statements best describes how a teacher should approach a child's art?

Let the child decide whether to talk about her art

All but which of the following is true of the role music plays in the development of young children?

Music helps to promote language development in young children

Which of the following statements describes an inappropriate way of caring for musical instruments?

Pile instruments on a shelf designated for that purpose

All but which of the following is true of sensory play and young children?

Sensory play is best used for recreation only to allow children downtime

All but which is true of using technology in sensory play?

Technology can serve as a substitute for messier forms of sensory play such as mud play

You are creating a language arts center for your classroom. To create the best possible space for children, all but which of the following should be true?

The space should be off to the side, away from all other learning centers.

Which of the following is true of the use of sand, water, and mud play with young children?

There is no one "correct" way to use this type of sensory play with young children. Teachers should offer both structured and unstructured play opportunities.

All but which of the following is true of the use of technology in social studies education with young children?​

Videos and films should never be used because they are too passive

When lesson planning, which of the following questions should you ask yourself first?

What do the children already know, and how can this lesson build on that?

​When teachers focus on the elements of line, color, shape, and texture or the moods and feelings portrayed in illustrations in children's books, they are really discussing the illustration's:


the term "literature" refers to:

all writings of a people, country, or period

Researchers find this effect of dramatic play quite useful:

creative thinking

Continuing research refines insight into brain development, including the understanding that there are:

developmental periods of dramatic brain growth during early childhood and adolescence

A developmentally appropriate and creative classroom for young children has music and movement experiences planned:


Teachers can foster children's understanding of democratic processes and attitudes in concrete experiential ways when they:

encourages children to participate in setting rules and explain the rules clearly to the children and tell them that disobeying the rules will bring punishment

According to Parten, symbolic thinking is observable during dramatic play when realistic objects such as pots and pans are used for "cooking soup," a block becomes a "real" telephone.


Erikson's stage of basic trust versus mistrust is characterized by children demonstrating group imagination, problem-solving, and critical thinking.


Introduce only those books to children that contain words with which they are already familiar.sl


It is not important for the children to have input into what is planned for the dramatic play center because the teacher knows what is developmentally appropriate for her group of children.


Miller has stated that toddlers demonstrate something called object fascination.


Unlike the indoor classroom, the playground rules do not set limits of behavior for the children.


Goals should be established for each age group in a school or center and strictly adhered to

from classroom to classroom and year to year

The daily experiences that are used as opportunities for learning are known as the classroom:


What is the difference between goals and objectives?

is that a goal is a description of a destination, and an objective is a measure of the progress that is needed to get to the destination.

Which of the following is true of children whose parents are in regular contact with their early education teachers?

such children develop more positive relationships with adults, peers, and learnin

An example of a specific-purpose field trip, as described in the text, is:

taking a small group to a grocery store to buy cooking supplies for the class

A two-word sentence, such as "throw ball," is a good example of:

telegraphic speech

Music, as a language, is communicated through tone, rhythm, volume, range, tempo, and:

movement singing

The Newbery Medal is:

named for a nineteenth-century English illustrator

If a toddler has a favorite bath towel that she uses as a doll blanket, a skirt, or a cape, she is exhibiting:

object hunger

In the literacy continuum, many children, during the primary grades, come to thoroughly enjoy reading, seek out reading activities voluntarily, and become recognized as​

real readers

One of the most effective ways to strengthen phonological awareness is to use books that contain many:


A child's growing ability to exercise control over physical and emotional needs in the face of changing circumstances is known as:


To support the play of infants and toddlers, you need to change the room arrangement and props:


Because transitions in and out of art activities are very important generally, the younger the child the more:

visual and verbal cues are needed

literacy developments begins?

when a child is born

The book Two Bobbies: A true story of Hurricane Katrina friendship and survival is most appropriate for:

​six-, seven-, and eight-year-olds

Multisensory materials are critical for supporting divergent thinking because:

there is no one right way to use them

When you design your art center and curriculum, the three most important things you must provide are space, materials, and:


Good guidelines begin with planning, so it is important:

to establish rules concerning the care and use of art materials

Since writing experiences should introduce and reinforce meaningful and authentic opportunities for the children in your classroom which of the following is not an appropriate experience to support writing?

tracing dot-to-dot letters

A whole-language program introduces literacy by building on what children already know about oral language, reading, and writing while emphasizing meaningful language instead of isolated skill development.


After a flannelboard is used by the teacher, make it and the character pieces available for children to use to tell their own stories.


Wooden beads are examples of open-ended toys


Which of the following statements is most appropriate in describing a well-planned language and literacy environment?

Every learning center has writing and reading materials available

Define emergent curriculum.

is a philosophy of teaching and way of planning curriculum that focuses on being responsive to children's interests to create meaningful learning experiences.

Because technology has increased the intensity and complexity of literate environments, the twenty-first century demands that a literate person possess a wide range of abilities and competencies, and many literacies.


Books are particularly important story tools for introducing children to the power, pleasure, rhythm, and richness of language in print and pictures.


Curriculum can include such terms as child-directed, inclusive, integrated, and emergent.


It is crucial that teachers integrate children's development of social skills with their knowledge of social studies.


Music with a waltz tempo makes an appropriate musical introduction for young children.


Reading is crucial to the learning process because it is a powerful tool in helping children associate that which is new with that which is already known.


Sensory activities are crucial for brain development because it is through exploration with the body, and the senses that children's earliest learning takes place.


Social dramatic play is the highest level of symbolic play that children exhibit.


Speaking is a natural development, reading is not. Reading is an acquired skill.


Story mapping is a great introduction of mapping skills because it focuses on strategies for increasing the comprehension of a story, understanding story elements, and using multiple modalities to demonstrate what they have learned.


Teachers who allow children to go at their own pace and be self-directed in a relaxed atmosphere are fostering creative development.


The High/Scope Perry Preschool Project was originally designed to serve at-risk children from impoverished neighborhoods and has developed into a landmark long-term study of the effects of high-quality early care and education on low-income three-and four-year olds.


The IRA and the NCTE have developed and updated their 12 standards for English Language Arts.


Today, more than ever before, children are aware of the ever-changing world because of increased exposure to television and movies, as well as through books, immigration, technology, and travel.


When a behavior occurs that is inappropriate, you need to address the behavior, not belittle the child.


That stage of development in which a child is most likely to have best friends, enjoy playing in small groups, and take responsibility very seriously would be:

5 year

The parent of a child in your classroom requests that her child be exempt from water, sand, and mud play because she is tired of the child coming home with messy hair and clothing. All but which of the following is an appropriate next step?

Agree to let the child engage in other, cleaner forms of play while his classmates engage in water, mud, or sand play

In planning an open-ended creative arts program for your classroom, which of the following is true of the way in which you should set up arts space and materials?

In addition to a dedicated arts center, arts materials and opportunities to use them should be located throughout the classroom

An emergent curriculum has all but which of the following qualities?

It emerges in the moment with no prior planning by the teacher

the stages of social play, such as solitary play, parallel play, associative play, and cooperative play, were researched and introduced to us by:

Mildred Parten

Which of the following is the best practice when incorporating sensory play into the early childhood classroom?

Sensory play activities should sometimes be structured and adult-directed and unstructured and child-directed at other times

A child finding out that mixing blue paint and yellow paint creates green paint is an example of:

cognitive development

The point of view that places as much importance on how children think as on what they think is:


An anecdotal record involves both an incident that was observed and the observers interpretation of what was observed.


Developmentally appropriate practice recommends that teachers develop a social studies curriculum that capitalizes on the interests of the teachers and focuses on teaching facts.


Pitch refers to an accent of a sound or a continuing series of accents.


Stages in artistic development do have clear-cut beginnings and endings in developmental sequence.


Stringed instruments are the ones most widely used in early childhood programs


The children should be the only ones involved in the decision-making process regarding what pieces of artwork go into their portfolios.


The daily schedules of three-, four-, and five-year-olds can be flexible, but those of infants and toddlers should be fixed so that each child is on a strict schedule.


The most important time to share stories with young children is during the specified group or circle time.


The opinion of an adult observer is unimportant to a seven-year-old painter.


According to Smilansky, the type of learning important for the preparation of real-life situations is

following the social rules of pretend play

Pouring water through a funnel into a pitcher is used to demonstrate which type of concept or further which skill?

math, science, and language arts

A social studies theme that makes children aware of the diverse kinds of work that adults engage in can be found in what NCSS thematic strand?

production, distribution, and consumption

Which of the following is true of children whose parents are in regular contact with their early education teachers?

such children develop more positive relationships with adults, peers, and learning

Lev Vygotsky labeled the difference between what a child can do on her own with what she can do with help as:

the zone of proximal development

Safety is a priority in art with young children so a teacher must never use:

toxic materials

Around the age of five, children come to know the difference between their fantasy world and the real world.


Early childhood education experts recommend which of the following in regard to arts in the early childhood classroom?​

​Arts activities should be integrated into other areas of learning, such as math (counting crayons, exploring shapes), reading (identifying colors in books), and play (musical and rhythmic activities)

When introducing an art activity to the children in your classroom, all but which of the following is an appropriate step?​

​State clearly what you expect the children to create during the activity

For a teacher in a developmentally appropriate classroom, only one of the following four statements is acceptable:

Serve as a facilitator so that dramatic play remains a child-initiated activity

The literacy demands of the 21st century have implications for how teachers plan, support, and _______________ student learning.​


The following two strands identified by the National Council for Social Studies are best suited for older children because they are too abstract: Power, Authority, and Governance and Individual Development and Identity.


Water play should be closely supervised, but children need many experiences playing with water in order to benefit from the exploration, so it should be offered daily.


​Puppets are useful as storytellers that recount legends, folk tales, and myths of various cultures.


When planning a field trip for preschool children, be sure that you line up one adult parent volunteer for every:

two or three children

Superhero fantasy play is an example of:

​symbolic play

All but which of the following is true when designing a learning environment for young children?

Significant changes should be made to the environment on a regular basis to keep it fresh

You are reading a picture book to your class. One of your children begins to move away from the group. All but which of the following are appropriate strategies for re-engaging this child's interest?

Stop the story and tell the child she must rejoin the group or face loss of privileges

The type of book that is usually the first used with infants and toddlers is the:

board books

Developmentally appropriate social studies curriculum should:

build on what children already know, capitalize on children's interests, provide hands-on activities

You have a child with sensory processing disorder in your classroom. All but which of the following is true about including this child in sensory play?

children with SPD should not engage is sensory play because it is too overwhelming.

which of the following is NOT one of Kellogg's developmental stages of art?

concrete scribble stage

In DAP, the curriculum helps young children achieve goals that are significant both developmentally and:


The process by which young children become aware of language and literature before they are able to read or write is known as which of the following?

emergent literacy

Art is fundamental to the growth of a child, supports visual communication through the elements of art, and is developmental because its contributions can be seen in physical, social, cognitive, and emotional domains.


Families can help their children's reading skills by reading the information found on milk cartons and cereal boxes to them.


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